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We previously isolated a plasmid-borne, recombination-deficient mutant derivative of the bacteriophage T4 DNA helicase gene 41. We have now transferred this 41rrh1 mutation into the phage genome in order to characterize its mutational effects further. The mutation impairs a recombination pathway that is distinct from the pathway involving uvsX, which is essential for strand transfer, and it also eliminates most homologous recombination between a plasmid and the T4 genome. Although 41rrh1 does not affect T4 DNA replication from some origins, it does inactivate plasmid replication that is dependent on ori(uvsY) and ori(34), as well as recombination-dependent DNA replication. Combination of 41rrh1 with some uvsX alleles is lethal. Based on these results, we propose that gene 41 contributes to DNA recombination through its role in DNA replication. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested a role for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in DNA mismatch repair (MMR). However, the majority of mutations in the POL30 gene encoding PCNA that cause MMR defects also cause replication and other repair defects that contribute to the increased mutation rate caused by these mutations. Here, 20 new pol30 mutants were identified and screened for MMR and other defects, resulting in the identification of two mutations, pol30-201 and pol30-204, that appear to cause MMR defects but little if any other defects. The pol30-204 mutation altered an amino acid (C81R) in the monomer-monomer interface region and resulted in a partial general MMR defect and a defect in MSH2-MSH6 binding in vitro. The pol30-201 mutation altered an amino acid (C22Y) located on the surface of the PCNA trimer that slides over the DNA but did not cause a defect in MSH2-MSH6 binding in vitro. The pol30-201 mutation caused an intermediate mutator phenotype. However, the pol30-201 mutation caused almost a complete defect in the repair of AC and GT mispairs and only a small defect in the repair of a "+T" insertion, an effect similar to that caused by an msh6Delta mutation, indicating that pol30-201 primarily effects MSH6-dependent MMR. The chromosomal double mutant msh3-FF>AA msh6-FF>AA eliminating the conserved FF residues of the PCNA interacting motif of these proteins caused a small (<10%) defect in MMR but showed synergistic interactions with mutations in POL30, indicating that the FF>AA substitution may not eliminate PCNA interactions in vivo. These results indicate that the interaction between PCNA and MMR proteins is more complex than was previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Several transformation-deficient mutants of Streptococcus pneumoniae were isolated after insertion-duplication mutagenesis. Mutagenesis was accomplished by transformation of competent cells with chimeric DNA formed by the ligation of TaqI fragments of pneumococcal DNA to the erythromycin resistance determinant of the streptococcal plasmid pAM beta 1. The two mutants described were characterized as defective in the control of competence induction, possibly due to a block in the production of the intercellular competence-inducing protein.  相似文献   

Cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells possess an insulin-sensitive facilitated diffusion system for glucose transport. Mutant clones of CHO cells defective in glucose transport were obtained by repeating the selection procedure, which involved mutagenesis with ethyl methanesulfonate, radiation suicide with tritiated 2-deoxy-D-glucose, the polyester replica technique and in situ autoradiographic assaying for glucose accumulation. On the first selection, we obtained mutants exhibiting about half the glucose uptake activity of parental CHO-K1 cells and half the amount of a glucose transporter, the amount of which was determined by immunoblotting with an antibody to the human erythrocyte glucose transporter. The second selection, starting from one of the mutants obtained in the first-step selection, yielded a strain, GTS-31, in which both glucose uptake activity and the quantity of the glucose transporter were 10-20% of the levels in CHO-K1 cells, whereas the responsiveness of glucose transport to insulin, and the activities of leucine uptake and several glycolytic enzymes remained unchanged. GTS-31 cells grew slower than CHO-K1 cells at both 33 and 40 degrees C, and in a medium containing a low concentration of glucose (0.1 mM), the mutant cells lost the ability to form colonies. All the three spontaneous GTS-31 cell revertants, which were isolated by growing the mutant cells in medium containing 0.1 mM glucose, exhibited about half the glucose uptake activity and about half the amount of glucose transporter, as compared to in CHO-K1 cells, these characteristics being similar to those of the first-step mutant. These results indicate that the decrease in glucose uptake activity in strain GTS-31 is due to a mutation which induces a reduction in the amount of the glucose transporter, providing genetic evidence that the glucose transporter functions as a major route for glucose entry into CHO-K1 cells.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mutants defective in propionate metabolism (Prp-) were isolated after mutagenesis with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Prp- mutants demonstrate a phenotypic inability to grow on odd-chain-length fatty acids. The new genetic locus for the Prp- phenotype maps at approximately 98 min on the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

A marine Vibrio strain, Vibrio sp. strain 60, produces several extracellular proteins, including protease, amylase, DNase, and hemagglutinin. Mutants of Vibrio sp. strain 60 (epr mutants) pleiotropically defective in production of these extracellular proteins were isolated. They fell into two classes, A and B. In class A, no protease activity was detected in the cells either, whereas in class B, considerable protease activity was detected in the cells. Gel electrophoretic analysis revealed that the protease detected in class B mutant cells was similar to the protease excreted by the parent strain. In addition, the protease in class B mutant cells was found to be localized in the periplasmic space. These results suggest that the passage of the protease through the outer membrane is blocked in class B mutants. Comparison of membrane protein profiles by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that all the epr mutants contained an increased amount of a 94,000-Mr protein that may be an outer membrane protein. Four epr mutations were mapped in two different regions of the Vibrio chromosome by transduction; two class A mutations and one class B mutation were located close to each other, whereas another class B mutation was located in a different region of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary Each wild-typeChlamydomonas reinhardtii cell has one large chloroplast containing several nuclei (nucleoids). We used DNA insertional mutagenesis to isolate Chlamydomonas mutants which contain a single, large chloroplast (cp) nucleus and which we namedmoc (monokaryotic chloroplast). DAPI-fluorescence microscopy and microphotometry observations revealed thatmoc mutant cells only contain one cp-nucleus throughout the cell division cycle, and that unequal segregation of cpDNA occurred during cell division in themoc mutant. One cell with a large amount of cpDNA and another with a small amount of cpDNA were produced after the first cell division. Unequal segregation also occurred in the second cell division, producing one cell with a large amount (about 70 copies) of cpDNA and three other cells with a small amount (only 2–8 copies) of cpDNA. However, most individualmoc cells contained several dozen cpDNA copies 12 h after the completion of cell division, suggesting that cpDNA synthesis was activated immediately after chloroplast division. In contrast to the cpDNA, the mitochondrial (mt) DNA of themoc mutants was observed as tiny granules scattered throughout the entire cell. These segregated to each daughter cell equally during cell division. Electron-microscopic observation of the ultrastructure ofmoc mutants showed that a low-electron-density area, which was identified as the cp-nucleus by immunoelectron microscopy with anti-DNA antibody, existed near the pyrenoid. However, there were no other structural differences between the chloroplasts of wild-type cells andmoc mutants. The thylakoid membranes and pyrenoid were identical. Therefore, we propose that the novelmoc mutants are only defective in the dispersion and segregation of cpDNA. This strain should be useful to elucidate the mechanism for the segregation of cpDNA.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - VIMPCS video-intensified microscope photon-counting system  相似文献   

Several mutants of Streptococcus pneumoniae were isolated that appeared tolerant, to varying extents, to the lytic and bactericidal effects of some antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis, but were not deficient in autolytic activity. The method used to select the mutants was based on the survival of tolerant mutants during treatment with either bacitracin, benzylpenicillin, D-cycloserine plus beta-chloro-D-alanine, or vancomycin. Most (60 to 80%) of the surviving isolates were found to be deficient in autolytic activity, and these were rejected. The smaller proportion that had wild-type sensitivity to deoxycholate-induced lysis was studied further with respect to tolerance to the other antibiotics used in the selection procedures. Two of these mutants (selected by treatment with benzylpenicillin) were tolerant to either benzylpenicillin or D-cycloserine plus beta-chloro-D-alanine, but were supersusceptible, in terms of initiation of lysis, to either bacitracin or vancomycin. The minimal inhibitory concentration values of several antibiotics for these two mutants were identical to those for the wild-type strain. Moreover, the interaction of radioactive benzylpenicillin with the penicillin-binding proteins, examined in whole organisms, also appeared the same as previously found for either wild-type or autolytic-deficient strains of S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Sialic acid is a sugar typically found at the N-glycan termini of glycoproteins in mammalian cells. Lec3 CHO cell mutants are deficient in epimerase activity, due to a defect in the gene that encodes a bifunctional UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase/ManNAc kinase (GNE). Sialic acid modification on the cell surface is partially affected in these cells. We have mutagenized Lec3 CHO cells and isolated six mutants (termed C2m) deficient in the cell surface expression of polysialic acid (PSA). Mutant C2m9 was partially defective in expression of cell-surface PSA and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding, while in the other five mutants, both cell-surface PSA and WGA binding were undetectable. PSA expression was restored by complementation with the gene encoding the CMP-sialic acid transporter (CST), indicating that CST mutations were responsible for the phenotypes of the C2m cells. We characterized the CST mutations in these cells by Northern blotting and RT-PCR. C2m9 and C2m45 carried missense mutations resulting in glycine to glutamate substitutions at amino acids 217 (G217E) and 256 (G256E), respectively. C2m13, C2m39 and C2m31 had nonsense mutations that resulted in decreased CST mRNA stability, and C2m34 carried a putative splice site mutation. PSA and CD15s expression in CST-deficient Lec2 cells were partially rescued by G217E CST, but not by G256E CST, although both proteins were expressed at similar levels, and localized to the Golgi. These results indicate that the novel missense mutations isolated in this study affect CST activity.  相似文献   

Summary Fifty temperature-sensitive mutants defective in DNA synthesis at high temperature have been identified among 655 temperature-sensitive mutants isolated at random from a mutagenised population of B. subtilis. They are distributed in a non-random fashion in 9 genetic linkage groups, located in different regions of the B. subtilis genome. It is suggested that at least 14 genes are involved in B. subtilis DNA replication.  相似文献   

The Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHO-tsH1 is a temperature-sensitive leucyl-tRNA synthetase mutant that shows temperature-dependent regulation of the amino acid transport responsible for accumulating leucine, System L. At nonpermissive temperatures, CHO-tsH1 cells are unable to grow because they are unable to incorporate leucine into protein. As a result, System L activity is increased. We have isolated mutants from CHO-tsH1 that have constitutively de-repressed System L activity. These mutants are temperature-resistant as a result of increased intracellular steady-state accumulations of System L-related amino acids, which compensates for the defective synthetase activity. In this study, we have subjected one of these regulatory mutant cell lines (C11B6) to a tritium-suicide selection, in which L-[3H]leucine was used as a toxic substrate. Three mutant cell lines, C4B4, C5D9, and C9D9 that showed reduced System L transport activity were isolated. The decreases in the initial rates of System L transport activity lead to reduced steady-state accumulations of System L-related amino acids. In contrast to the parental cell line, C11B6, the transport-defective mutants are temperature-sensitive because the reduced intracellular pool of leucine can no longer compensate for the defective synthetase activity.  相似文献   

Mutants deficient in the biosynthesis of prodigiosin have been obtained by treatingSerratia marcescens with high doses of ultraviolet radiation. Mutants were selected on the basis of the color characteristics of their colonies when grown on peptone glycerol medium. New types of mutants, with unusual blocks in the biosynthetic pathway of prodigiosin, were obtained. All the mutants were classified under a new scheme on the basis of the syntrophic pigmentation characteristic and infrared spectroscopic analysis of their pigment. By these criteria mutants could be distinguished into eight distinct classes. Classes I to III include mutants of the three classes (M1, B3, and B1) reported previously [Morrison, DA (1966) J Bacteriol 91:1599–1604] and several new ones. Mutants blocked in the methylamylpyrrole (MAP) arm of the bifurcated pathway were assigned to class I. A class II mutant was distinguished by its inability to synthesize methoxybipyrrolecarboxyaldehyde (MBC), but was able to produce norprodigiosin. Class III mutants were deficient in the synthesis of hydroxybipyrrolecarboxaldehyde (HBC). Double mutants were obtained with defects in the expression of both MBC and MAP and were assigned to class IV. Mutants of class V were unable to synthesize HBC and MAP, but could form MBC when furnished with exogenous HBC. Class VI and VII mutants were defective in the synthesis of all three precursors, but differed in their ability to perform the coupling step. Finally, a mutant of class VIII was found to produce the three intermediates, but was deficient in prodigiosin or norprodigiosin biosynthesis, indicative of a defect in the enzymatic condensation of MAP with the bipyrroles MBC and HBC. The anomalous pattern of syntrophism among certain interclass mutants suggests that the physiology of pigment formation inS. marcescens is quite complex.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a gram-negative gliding bacterium that exhibits a complex life cycle. Exposure of M. xanthus to chemicals like dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at nondeleterious concentrations or the depletion of nutrients caused several negative responses by the cells. DMSO (> 0.1 M) or nutrient depletion triggered a repellent response: cell swarming was inhibited and FrzCD (a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein) was demethylated; higher concentrations of DMSO (> 0.3 M) or prolonged starvation induced an additional response which involved cellular morphogenesis: DMSO caused cells to convert from rod-shaped vegetative cells to spherical, environmentally resistant "DMSO spores," and starvation induced myxospore formation in the fruiting bodies. In order to investigate the nature of these responses, we isolated a number of mutants defective in negative chemotaxis and/or sporulation. Characterization of these mutants indicated that negative chemotaxis plays an important role in colony swarming and in developmental aggregation. In addition, the results revealed some of the major interrelationships between the signal transduction pathways which respond to negative stimuli: (i) DMSO exposure and starvation were initially sensed by different systems, the neg system for DMSO and the stv system for starvation; (ii) the repellent response signals triggered by DMSO or starvation were then relayed by the frz signal transduction system; mutants defective in these responses showed altered FrzCD methylation patterns; and (iii) the morphogenesis signals in response to DMSO or starvation utilize a group of genes involved in sporulation (spo).  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae IFO3320 is attracted to Pi when cells are starved for Pi. Two Tn1737KH-induced mutants, which were constitutive for alkaline phosphatase, failed to exhibit Pi taxis even under conditions of Pi limitation. Both of the mutant strains exhibited normal chemotactic responses to peptone, suggesting that they are specifically defective in Pi taxis. Cloning and sequence analysis showed that the TN1737KH insertions were located in either the pstA or pstB genes which encode the channel-forming proteins of the Pi-specific transport (Pst) system in E. cloacae. These results suggest that the E. cloacae Pst system is required for Pi chemoreception.  相似文献   

The DnaD protein in Gram-positive bacteria is thought to be essential for the initiation step in DNA replication. In the present study, we characterized two Staphylococcus aureus mutants whose temperature-sensitive growth phenotype could be complemented by a plasmid carrying the dnaD gene. These mutants each had a single amino acid substitution in the DnaD protein and showed decreased DNA synthesis at restrictive temperature. Analyses of the origin to terminus ratio by Southern blotting, and of origin numbers per cell by flow cytometry, revealed that, at the restrictive temperature, one mutant continued ongoing DNA replication but failed to initiate DNA replication. The other mutant, in contrast, could not complete ongoing DNA replication and proceeded to degrade the chromosome. However, if protein synthesis was inhibited, the second mutant could complete DNA replication. These results suggest that DnaD protein is necessary not only for the initiation step, but also to avoid replication fork blockage. Moreover, both mutants were sensitive to mitomycin C, a drug that induces DNA damage, suggesting that the DnaD protein is also involved in DNA repair.Communicated by H. Ikeda  相似文献   

In order to identify genes involved in LPS biosynthesis we isolated random mutants generated by transposon insertion in Francisella novicida. The resulting mutant bank yielded mutants with three distinct LPS phenotypes, and three representative mutants were chosen for further study. One mutant that had short O-antigen chains was sensitive to serum; this mutant and one other were more sensitive to killing by deoxycholate than control strains. The third mutant was resistant to deoxycholate killing but slightly sensitive to serum. The three mutants varied in their ability to grow in macrophages. The DNA sequences interrupted by the transposon in two of the three mutants showed similarity to known LPS biosynthetic genes at the deduced amino acid level.  相似文献   

Genetic properties of markers may discriminate between deletions and point mutations. We have designed a physical method for a direct characterization of deletions which also gives an estimate of their size.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized 48 Bacillus subtilis competence-deficient mutants. The mutants, obtained by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis or by insertional mutagenesis with transposon Tn917, had a reduced transformation frequency and a wild-type transduction frequency. The com mutations were mapped by PBS1 transduction and at least four new com genes have been identified. The mutants were also characterized for their capacity to bind and take up the transforming DNA.  相似文献   

Nitrosoguanidine-induced mutants ofAcinetobacter sp. defective in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis did not differ from the parent strain in distinguishing physiological and biochemical properties, such as requirements for growth factors, utilization of mono- and disaccharides, and resistance to antibiotics. The genetic relation of parent and mutant strains was shown by 16S rRNA PCR analysis. The comparative study of parent and mutant strains with respect to resistance to unfavorable environmental factors confirmed our hypothesis thatAcinetobacter sp. exopolysaccharides perform protective functions. Hybridization experiments revealed the conjugal transfer of plasmid R68.45 fromPseudomonas putida BS228 (R68.45) to mutant but not to the parentAcinetobacter sp. strains. The role of theAcinetobacter sp. exopolysaccharides in providing the genetic stability of this bacterium is discussed.  相似文献   

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