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M L Bailey 《Biopolymers》1972,11(5):1091-1102
Circular dichriosm (CD) spectra have been calculated for serveral dinucleoside phosphates using a variant of the Pariser-Parr-Pople π-electron molecular orbital method. This method does not require the prior knowledge of the experimental absorption spectra of transition moments of the bases forming the dinucleoside phosphates. Calculated spectra were obtained in good agreement with experimental spectra for four dinucleoside phosphates, ApA, UpU, GpA, and UpA, and reasonable agreement was obtained for ApG and ApU. The effect of changing conformation on the CD spectrum was studied for ApA, UpU, UpA, and ApU; the spectra of UpU, UpA, and ApU were sensitive to small change in conformation, whereas ApA was insensitive over the range of conformation studied. Further studies await detailed knowledge of the structure of dinucleoside phosphates in solution.  相似文献   

Using the theory of optical activity by Kirkwood and Tinoco, the CD spectra of the heme peptides in mono- and dimeric forms have been calculated according to the simple spectral model of heme of Simpson.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism spectra of proteins are extremely sensitive to secondary structure. Nevertheless, circular dichroism spectra should not be analyzed for protein secondary structure unless they are measured to at least 184 nm. Even if all the various types ofβ-turns are lumped together, there are at least 5 different types of secondary structure in a protein (α-helix, antiparallelβ-sheet, parallelβ-sheet,β-turn, and other structures not included in the first 4 categories). It is not possible to solve for these 5 parameters unless there are 5 equations. Singular value decomposition can be used to show that circular dichroism spectra of proteins measured to 200 nm contain only 2 pieces of information, while spectra measured to 190 nm contain about 4. Adding the constraint that the sum of secondary structures must equal 1 provides another piece of information, but even with this constraint, spectra measured to 190 nm simply do not analyze well for the 5 unknowns in secondary structure. Spectra measured to 184 nm do contain 5 pieces of information and we have used such spectra successfully to analyze a variety of proteins for their component secondary structures.  相似文献   

Absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra are reported for chlorophyll (Chl) a and Chl b dissolved in nematic liquid crystal solvents. The spectra were measured with the dye molecules oriented uniaxially along the direction of. the magnetic field and measuring light beam. It is significant that under such conditions the MCD spectra recorded in the wavelength region of the Q and Soret bands of the chlorophyll are essentially unchanged with respect to rotation of the sample cell around this axis, even though there is almost complete orientation of the chlorophyll molecules by the liquid crystals. The MCD spectra of Chl a and b in the nematic liquid crystal solvents used in this study are surprisingly similar to the spectra obtained under isotropic conditions. These results illustrate an important technique with which to examine the optical spectra of dyes oriented in liquid crystal matrices in which the anisotropic effects can be reduced the negligible proportions by the application of a strong magnetic field parallel to the direction of the measuring light beam. The first deconvolution calculations are reported that describe the deconvolution of pairs of absorption and MCD spectra, in the Q and B band regions, for both Chl a and b. The spectral analysis to obtain quantitative estimates of transition energies was accomplished by carrying out detailed deconvolution calculations in which the both the absorption and MCD spectral envelopes were fitted with the same number of components; each pair of components had the same hand centres and bandwidth values. This procedure resulted in an assignment of each of the main transitions in the absorption spectra of both Chl a and b. Chl a is clearly monomeric, with Qy, Qx, By and Bx located at 671, 582, 439 and 431 nm, respectively. Analysis of the spectral data for Chl b located Qy, By and Bx, at 662, 476 and 464 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a valuable technique for the determination of protein secondary structures. Many linear and nonlinear algorithms have been developed for the empirical analysis of CD data, using reference databases derived from proteins of known structures. To date, the reference databases used by the various algorithms have all been derived from the spectra of soluble proteins. When applied to the analysis of soluble protein spectra, these methods generally produce calculated secondary structures that correspond well with crystallographic structures. In this study, however, it was shown that when applied to membrane protein spectra, the resulting calculations produce considerably poorer results. One source of this discrepancy may be the altered spectral peak positions (wavelength shifts) of membrane proteins due to the different dielectric of the membrane environment relative to that of water. These results have important consequences for studies that seek to use the existing soluble protein reference databases for the analyses of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A Perczel  K Park  G D Fasman 《Proteins》1992,13(1):57-69
A recently developed algorithm, called Convex Constraint Analysis (CCA), was successfully applied to determine the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the pure beta-pleated sheet in globular proteins. On the basis of X-ray diffraction determined secondary structures, the original data set used (Perczel, A., Hollosi, M., Tusnady, G. Fasman, G.D. Convex constraint analysis: A natural deconvolution of circular dichroism curves of proteins, Prot. Eng., 4:669-679, 1991), was improved by the addition of proteins with high beta-pleated sheet content. The analysis yielded CD curves of the pure components of the main secondary structural elements (alpha-helix, antiparallel beta-pleated sheet, beta-turns, and unordered conformation), as well as a curve attributed to the "aromatic contribution" in the wavelength range of 195-240 nm. Upon deconvolution the curves obtained were assigned to various secondary structures. The calculated weights (percentages determining the contributions of each pure component curve in the measured CD spectra of a given protein) were correlated with the X-ray diffraction determined percentages in an assignment procedure and were evaluated. The Pearson product correlation coefficients (R) are significant for all five components. The new pure component curves, which were obtained through deconvolution of the protein CD spectra alone, are promising candidates for determining the percentages of the secondary structural components in globular proteins without the necessity of adopting an X-ray database. The CD spectrum of the CheY protein was interesting because it has the characteristic shape associated with the alpha-helical structure, but upon analysis yielded a considerable amount of beta-sheet in agreement with the X-ray structure.  相似文献   

Analysis of circular dichroism spectra of proteins provides information about protein secondary structure. Analytical methods developed for such an analysis use structures and spectra of a set of reference proteins. The reference protein sets currently in use include soluble proteins with a wide range of secondary structures, and perform quite well in analyzing CD spectra of soluble proteins. The utility of soluble protein reference sets in analyzing membrane protein CD spectra, however, has been questioned in a recent study that found current reference protein sets to be inadequate for analyzing membrane proteins. We have examined the performance of reference protein sets available in the CDPro software package for analyzing CD spectra of 13 membrane proteins with available crystal structures. Our results indicate that the reference protein sets currently available for CD analysis perform reasonably well in analyzing membrane protein CD spectra, with performance indices comparable to those for soluble proteins. Soluble + membrane protein reference sets, which were constructed by combining membrane proteins with soluble protein reference sets, gave improved performance in both soluble and membrane protein CD analysis.  相似文献   

Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) spectra of unblocked L-proline oligopeptides, (Pro)n n = 3 to 7, dissolved in D2O are reported. For these oligomers, the VCD spectra can be attributed to a conformational dominance of the trans amide conformation with subunits interrelated by a left-handed twist, particularly for the longer oligomers. As a function of oligomer length, formation of this conformation starts at n = 3; and by n = 5 a spectrum closely resembling that of the poly-L-proline II helix in shape and magnitude is seen. The VCD data are compared with previous (Pro)n results using IR, CD, Raman and NMR spectroscopies, and reasons for the variations in interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that chirality of molecules composed of 1,2,4, 5-benzenetetracarboxydiimide (pyromellitic diimide) or 1,4,5, 8-naphthalenetetracarboxydiimide units is reflected by their exciton Cotton effects. The analysis is based on the calculated (ZINDO/S) excited states of the model diimide chromophores 1a and 2a. Rotation of the diimide chromophores around the C-N bond in diimides 3-5 is evaluated from the dynamic (1)H NMR data. A comparison of chiroptical properties of bis-diimides 3-5 with the CD spectra of bis-imides 6-8 is also presented. Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) is an excellent tool for rapid determination of the secondary structure and folding properties of proteins that have been obtained using recombinant techniques or purified from tissues. The most widely used applications of protein CD are to determine whether an expressed, purified protein is folded, or if a mutation affects its conformation or stability. In addition, it can be used to study protein interactions. This protocol details the basic steps of obtaining and interpreting CD data, and methods for analyzing spectra to estimate the secondary structural composition of proteins. CD has the advantage that measurements may be made on multiple samples containing < or =20 microg of proteins in physiological buffers in a few hours. However, it does not give the residue-specific information that can be obtained by x-ray crystallography or NMR.  相似文献   

Protein-derived basic CD spectra for alpha-helix, antiparallel and parallel beta-structures, beta-bends and irregular form of proteins have been determined from the experimental CD spectra of six (myoglobin, lysozyme, ribonuclease A, papain, lactate dehydrogenase, subtilisin BPN') or seven (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase added) reference proteins and the analysis of the X-ray data. The secondary structures of thirteen proteins (seven reference and six additional ones) have been analysed using the basic CD spectra thus obtained. The data obtained have been compared with the results of the X-ray data analysis. It is shown that the accuracy of determination of the beta-structure and beta-bends contents using our basic CD spectra is about 2-3 times better than using the basic spectra reported by Chang et al. (Analyt. Biochem. 91, 13-31, 1978).  相似文献   

Tamburro and coworkers have demonstrated that some elastin-derived polypeptide sequences are able to give rise, in vitro, to amyloid-like fibers. The biological relevance of this finding could be explained by the recent detection of some amyloidogenic material found in arteries of old patients affected by atherosclerosis and demonstrated to be elastin derived. In this context, the comprehension of the mechanism responsible for the amyloid-like fibrillogenesis of elastin-derived sequences is of crucial importance for the design of drugs that could inhibit the amyloidogenic process. To gain further insights into the elastin amyloidogenic process, we studied the polypeptide sequences encoded by Exon 7 and Exon 32 of the human tropoelastin gene, and we demonstrated that only Exon 32 is able to aggregate in amyloid-like fibers. Vis-UV Thioflavin T circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy rapidly and unambiguously detected the amyloidogenic propensity of the polypeptides. To gain additional insights into the aggregation mechanism of elastin-derived amyloidogenic peptides, we carried out the kinetics of EX32 amyloid-like aggregates by using ThT dye. CD spectroscopy was also used for investigating the secondary structure of the polypeptides, thus giving useful insights into the conformations involved in amyloid-like fiber formation. Furthermore, complementary techniques such as fluorescence spectroscopy, spectral shift, and binding Congo red UV assays as well as atomic force microscopy were also used to confirm the amyloidogenic behavior of the studied polypeptides.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism spectra of many natural DNAs and double-stranded synthetic polynucleotides were obtained. The eight first-neighbor contributions to the CD spectra of a DNA have been extracted from these data. Therefore, the CD spectrum for any DNA with known first-neighbor frequencies may be easily calculated. For a natural DNA the CD spectrum may be approximated by assuming the first-neighbor frequencies have the most probable values consistent with the base composition. Under favorable conditions, the measured CD spectrum can be used to determine thirteen of the sixteen first-neighbor frequencies of a DNA to ± 0.02 mole percent. The TG, CA, and TA first-neighbor cannot be unambiguously resolved by our method. The accuracy of the first-neighbor frequency analysis depends on the number of different first-neighbors present in the DNA and the extent to which they differ from the most probable value. The extinction coefficient at 260 nm and the base composition can also be calculated from the CD spectrum.  相似文献   

Marquardt and Powell optimization methods without constraintson the optimized spectral parameters were employed for decompositionof complex i.r., c.d. and absorption spectra into componentbands. The procedure resolved experimental spectra into eightcomponent bands and it can be easily adjusted for a larger setof component bands. The CPU time required for achievement ofsatisfactory convergence of parameters for eight component bandsis rather large even when using mainframe computers and thereforedivision of spectra into a few non-overlapped parts is advisable.The program also can be used for calculation of absorption,c.d. and difference spectra from formatted raw spectral data. Received on January 13, 1986; accepted on April 7, 1986  相似文献   

The analysis of the far-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra of proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D G Dalgleish 《FEBS letters》1972,24(1):134-136

Computed circular dichroism spectra for the evaluation of protein conformation   总被引:120,自引:0,他引:120  
N Greenfield  G D Fasman 《Biochemistry》1969,8(10):4108-4116

W C Johnson 《Proteins》1999,35(3):307-312
We have developed an algorithm to analyze the circular dichroism of proteins for secondary structure. Its hallmark is tremendous flexibility in creating the basis set, and it also combines the ideas of many previous workers. We also present a new basis set containing the CD spectra of 22 proteins with secondary structures from high quality X-ray diffraction data. High flexibility is obtained by doing the analysis with a variable selection basis set of only eight proteins. Many variable selection basis sets fail to give a good analysis, but good analyses can be selected without any a priori knowledge by using the following criteria: (1) the sum of secondary structures should be close to 1.0, (2) no fraction of secondary structure should be less than -0.03, (3) the reconstructed CD spectrum should fit the original CD spectrum with only a small error, and (4) the fraction of alpha-helix should be similar to that obtained using all the proteins in the basis set. This algorithm gives a root mean square error for the predicted secondary structure for the proteins in the basis set of 3.3% for alpha-helix, 2.6% for 3(10)-helix, 4.2% for beta-strand, 4.2% for beta-turn, 2.7% for poly(L-proline) II type 3(1)-helix, and 5.1% for other structures when compared with the X-ray structure.  相似文献   

The three satellite DNAs of Drosophila virilis, that approximate to poly d(CAAACTA)-poly d(TAGTTTG), poly d(TAAACTA)-poly d(TAGTTTA), poly d(CAAATTA)-poly d(TAATTTG), the satellite DNA of Drosophila melanogaster that approximates to poly d(AATAT)-poly d(ATATT), the synthetic DNA duplexes, poly dG-poly dC, poly d(AT)-poly d(AT), poly d(AAT)-poly d(ATT), poly d(AAC)-poly d(GTT), poly d(TAC)-poly d(GTA) and the block copolymer d(C15A15)-d(T15G15) all have circular dichroism spectra consistent with the propositions that they have the same molecular geometry in solution and that it is the kind and frequency of nucleotide triplet sequences that determines their spectral characteristics. Poly dA-poly dT is apparently an exception.  相似文献   

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