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Why did punishment and the use of reputation evolve in humans? According to one family of theories, they evolved to support the maintenance of cooperative group norms; according to another, they evolved to enhance personal gains from cooperation. Current behavioral data are consistent with both hypotheses (and both selection pressures could have shaped human cooperative psychology). However, these hypotheses lead to sharply divergent behavioral predictions in circumstances that have not yet been tested. Here we report results testing these rival predictions. In every test where social exchange theory and group norm maintenance theory made different predictions, subject behavior violated the predictions of group norm maintenance theory and matched those of social exchange theory. Subjects do not direct punishment toward those with reputations for norm violation per se; instead, they use reputation self-beneficially, as a cue to lower the risk that they personally will experience losses from defection. More tellingly, subjects direct their cooperative efforts preferentially towards defectors they have punished and away from those they haven’t punished; they avoid expending punitive effort on reforming defectors who only pose a risk to others. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that the psychology of punishment evolved to uphold group norms. The circumstances in which punishment is deployed and withheld–its circuit logic–support the hypothesis that it is generated by psychological mechanisms that evolved to benefit the punisher, by allowing him to bargain for better treatment.  相似文献   

Vocal learning is a critical behavioral substrate for spoken human language. It is a rare trait found in three distantly related groups of birds-songbirds, hummingbirds, and parrots. These avian groups have remarkably similar systems of cerebral vocal nuclei for the control of learned vocalizations that are not found in their more closely related vocal non-learning relatives. These findings led to the hypothesis that brain pathways for vocal learning in different groups evolved independently from a common ancestor but under pre-existing constraints. Here, we suggest one constraint, a pre-existing system for movement control. Using behavioral molecular mapping, we discovered that in songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds, all cerebral vocal learning nuclei are adjacent to discrete brain areas active during limb and body movements. Similar to the relationships between vocal nuclei activation and singing, activation in the adjacent areas correlated with the amount of movement performed and was independent of auditory and visual input. These same movement-associated brain areas were also present in female songbirds that do not learn vocalizations and have atrophied cerebral vocal nuclei, and in ring doves that are vocal non-learners and do not have cerebral vocal nuclei. A compilation of previous neural tracing experiments in songbirds suggests that the movement-associated areas are connected in a network that is in parallel with the adjacent vocal learning system. This study is the first global mapping that we are aware for movement-associated areas of the avian cerebrum and it indicates that brain systems that control vocal learning in distantly related birds are directly adjacent to brain systems involved in movement control. Based upon these findings, we propose a motor theory for the origin of vocal learning, this being that the brain areas specialized for vocal learning in vocal learners evolved as a specialization of a pre-existing motor pathway that controls movement.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(3):178-192
Communication between auditory and vocal motor nuclei is essential for vocal learning. In songbirds, the nucleus interfacialis of the nidopallium (NIf) is part of a sensorimotor loop, along with auditory nucleus avalanche (Av) and song system nucleus HVC, that links the auditory and song systems. Most of the auditory information comes through this sensorimotor loop, with the projection from NIf to HVC representing the largest single source of auditory information to the song system. In addition to providing the majority of HVC’s auditory input, NIf is also the primary driver of spontaneous activity and premotor-like bursting during sleep in HVC. Like HVC and RA, two nuclei critical for song learning and production, NIf exhibits behavioral-state dependent auditory responses and strong motor bursts that precede song output. NIf also exhibits extended periods of fast gamma oscillations following vocal production. Based on the converging evidence from studies of physiology and functional connectivity it would be reasonable to expect NIf to play an important role in the learning, maintenance, and production of song. Surprisingly, however, lesions of NIf in adult zebra finches have no effect on song production or maintenance. Only the plastic song produced by juvenile zebra finches during the sensorimotor phase of song learning is affected by NIf lesions. In this review, we carefully examine what is known about NIf at the anatomical, physiological, and behavioral levels. We reexamine conclusions drawn from previous studies in the light of our current understanding of the song system, and establish what can be said with certainty about NIf’s involvement in song learning, maintenance, and production. Finally, we review recent theories of song learning integrating possible roles for NIf within these frameworks and suggest possible parallels between NIf and sensorimotor areas that form part of the neural circuitry for speech processing in humans.  相似文献   

Studies of avian vocal dialects commonly find evidence of geographic and acoustic stability in the face of substantial gene flow between dialects. The vocal imitation and reduced dispersal hypotheses are alternatives to explain this mismatch between vocal and genetic variation. We experimentally simulated dispersal in the yellow-naped amazon (Amazona auropalliata) by moving individuals within and across dialect boundaries in Costa Rica. One juvenile translocated across dialect boundaries altered its contact call to imitate the acoustic form of the local call six weeks post-release. In contrast, four adults translocated across dialect boundaries returned to their original capture site within 120 days, while five cross-dialect translocated adults who remained at the release site did not alter their contact calls. Translocated individuals were observed to show some segregation from resident flocks. The observation of vocal imitation by the juvenile bird supports the vocal imitation, whereas the behavior of adults is more consistent with the reduced dispersal hypotheses. Taken together, our results suggest that both post-dispersal learning by juveniles and high philopatry in adults could explain the stability of vocal dialects in the face of immigration and gene flow.  相似文献   

Vocal learning has evolved in several groups of animals, yet the reasons for its origins and maintenance are controversial, with none of the theories put forward appearing to apply over a broad range of species. The theory of gene-culture coevolution is applied to this problem taking the specific case of the maintenance of song learning in birds. The interaction between genes underlying the filter for recognizing and learning conspecific song and the culturally transmitted songs themselves sets up an evolutionary force that may maintain vocal learning. We evaluate this hypothesis using a spatial simulation model. Our results suggest that selection that would maintain song learning exists over a wide range of conditions. Song learning may persist due to an evolutionary trap even though the average fitness in a population of learners may be lower than in a population of non-learners.  相似文献   

The papers that follow in this special issue reflect the state of knowledge and theory in the fields of animal welfare and conservation behavior. A particular focus is placed on how enrichment can be used judiciously to improve welfare and to prepare captive animals for release back to the wild. However, my purpose here is not simply to reiterate what the contributors of this special issue have said, but to provide an overview of the major themes, problems, and opportunities in applied animal behavior related to conservation and welfare. I review major issues in three interrelated areas: captive welfare, captive breeding, and conservation behavior research for wild populations. Despite many advancements in welfare science, one of the most significant impediments to a predictive science of welfare is the need to further refine theories advanced to explain environment–welfare relationships. I provide a brief overview of ten theories that have been proposed to explain good or poor welfare and suggest that they need to be made more conceptually distinct so that clear hypotheses can be articulated, and predictions made and tested. Captive breeding programs for ex situ conservation have borrowed and applied many of the concepts involved in welfare science to great advantage. Other keys to successful breeding programs include applying knowledge of social organization and processes to enhance reproduction; for example, finding the right combination of individuals to get animals breeding. However, behaviorists are only recently learning how to manipulate behavioral mechanisms, such as signaling behavior and mate choice, to optimize captive breeding for conservation. The emerging field of conservation behavior has played a role in captive breeding, but also is poised to play a major role in in situ conservation. Applied behavioral research can illuminate a number of issues important to conservation, including behavioral responses to habitat fragmentation and human disturbance (e.g., pollutants, noise, and light), and human–animal conflict (e.g., crop-raiding). Behavioral decisions made when animals are dispersing and selecting habitat for settlement determine the distribution of animals on the landscape and are important to understand for improving reserve and habitat corridor design. Captive–release and translocation programs require detailed behavioral knowledge to predict responses to novel environments and ensure that animals are adequately prepared for environmental change. This review underscores that many of the behavioral processes of interest to welfare science are also important for conservation behavior: perception, stress, assessment and decision-making rules, and other behavioral and physiological mechanisms. If properly understood, these mechanisms can be manipulated in the service of conservation goals, moving the field of conservation behavior from implication to application. A better integration of the disciplines of animal welfare and conservation behavior – together tackling problems at multiple levels of analysis – will further these goals.  相似文献   

Experimental tests of clearly articulated hypotheses are an increasingly widespread feature of modern marine ecology. Increased use of experiments has not, however, been accompanied by increased understanding of the logical structure of falsificationist tests. Most observations can be explained by several different models or theories. To distinguish among these requires demonstration of the falsity of the consequences or predictions of incorrect models. This is best achieved by deriving from each model one or more hypotheses (predictions) about the type, form or nature of observations that should occur in some not-yet-examined set of circumstances. Because of logical constraints on the possibility of proving the correctness of such hypotheses, they must be inverted to form logical null hypotheses which comprise all alternative possibilities to those predicted in the hypotheses. Correctness or not of null hypotheses can then be ascertained by an appropriately designed experiment (or test), leading to unambiguous rejection or retention of the null hypotheses. The former corroborates the hypotheses and provides support for the correctness of the explanatory model for the original observations. In contrast, retention of a null hypothesis identifies an incorrect model. The growth of knowledge is thus the elimination of false models, theories and explanations. Ecological experiments usually require statistical procedures for determining whether or not null hypotheses should be retained. Construction of statistical null hypotheses (i.e. definitions of parameters of frequency distributions of test statistics) sometimes requires that these be identical to logical hypotheses (and not to the logical nulls). This leads to irrational acceptance of hypotheses and the models or theories from which they were derived. It also poses immense problems for determinations of statistical power of experiments. Ecological experiments are analysed to reveal the nature of, and linkages between, their components in relation to falsificationism, statistical procedures and the logical properties and interpretations of ecological theories.  相似文献   

Across vertebrates, androgens are rapidly elevated within minutes in response to aggressive or reproductive stimuli, yet it is unclear what the causal relationship is between fast androgen elevation and the ongoing (minute-by-minute) expression of behavior. This study tested the hypothesis that rapid increases in plasma steroid levels induce similarly rapid increases in both vocal behavior and the neurophysiological output of a central pattern generator that governs vocal behavior. In Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta), males call to attract females to their nesting sites, and both males and females vocalize in aggressive interactions. Previous field experiments with males showed that simulated territorial challenges produce rapid and concurrent elevations in ongoing calling behavior and circulating levels of the teleost-specific androgen 11-ketotestosterone (11kT), but not the glucocorticoid cortisol. The current field experiments showed that non-invasive (food) delivery of 11kT, but not cortisol, induced an elevation within 10 min in the ongoing calling behavior of males. Electrophysiological experiments revealed that intramuscular injections of either 11kT or cortisol, but neither testosterone nor 17-beta-estradiol, induced increases within 5 min in the output of the vocal pattern generator in males, whereas only cortisol had similarly fast effects in females. The field behavioral results support predictions generated by the challenge hypothesis and also parallel the 11kT-dependent modulation of the vocal pattern generator in males. The cortisol effect on the vocal pattern generator in both sexes predicts that glucocorticoids regulate vocalizations in non-advertisement contexts. Together, these experiments provide strong support for the hypothesis that surges in circulating steroid levels play a causal role in shaping rapid changes in social behavior (vocalizations) through non-genomic-like actions on neural (vocal motor) circuits that directly encode behavioral patterning.  相似文献   

Songbirds are one of the few groups of animals that learn the sounds used for vocal communication during development. Like humans, songbirds memorize vocal sounds based on auditory experience with vocalizations of adult “tutors”, and then use auditory feedback of self-produced vocalizations to gradually match their motor output to the memory of tutor sounds. In humans, investigations of early vocal learning have focused mainly on perceptual skills of infants, whereas studies of songbirds have focused on measures of vocal production. In order to fully exploit songbirds as a model for human speech, understand the neural basis of learned vocal behavior, and investigate links between vocal perception and production, studies of songbirds must examine both behavioral measures of perception and neural measures of discrimination during development. Here we used behavioral and electrophysiological assays of the ability of songbirds to distinguish vocal calls of varying frequencies at different stages of vocal learning. The results show that neural tuning in auditory cortex mirrors behavioral improvements in the ability to make perceptual distinctions of vocal calls as birds are engaged in vocal learning. Thus, separate measures of neural discrimination and behavioral perception yielded highly similar trends during the course of vocal development. The timing of this improvement in the ability to distinguish vocal sounds correlates with our previous work showing substantial refinement of axonal connectivity in cortico-basal ganglia pathways necessary for vocal learning.  相似文献   

Neuroethological research combines approaches derived from animal behavior and neurobiology to examine the neuronal mechanisms of behavior, often in the context of laboratory experiments on species chosen for particular adaptations. Typically, these species are not traditional laboratory animals yet they contribute greatly to a broad, evolutionarily diverse view of nervous system function. The surprising role of sleep in the vocal learning process of songbirds is one such example, described here. Juvenile zebra finches show sleep-dependent daytime fluctuations in their patterns of singing starting after their first exposure to tutor songs. Nighttime bursting activity in the vocal control song system also changes after the onset of tutoring, with the neuronal changes preceding the changes in objective behavior (daytime singing). After tutoring, the nighttime bursting increases and exhibits structure that depends on the particular tutor song, and the nighttime expression of these changes requires normal auditory feedback during daytime singing. These observations shed light on the information carried in neuronal activity during sleep and on the adaptive plastic mechanisms engaged during sleep. They suggest a new hypothesis of sensorimotor learning, whereby sensory memories act indirectly on sensorimotor feedback by modifying networks through plastic changes at night. Sleep may also contribute to adult song maintenance, with nighttime neuronal replay conveying information about songs produced during the day and possibly mediating daily changes in the structure of premotor bursts. Collectively, these insights contribute a comparative perspective to theories of sleep and memory, which also help to inform a developing understanding of how humans acquire and retain memories.  相似文献   

As in human infant speech development, vocal imitation in songbirds involves sensory acquisition and memorization of adult-produced vocal signals, followed by a protracted phase of vocal motor practice. The internal model of adult tutor song in the juvenile male brain, termed ‘the template’, is central to the vocal imitation process. However, even the most fundamental aspects of the template, such as when, where and how it is encoded in the brain, remain poorly understood. A major impediment to progress is that current studies of songbird vocal learning use protracted tutoring over days, weeks or months, complicating dissection of the template encoding process. Here, we take the key step of tightly constraining the timing of template acquisition. We show that, in the zebra finch, template encoding can be time locked to, on average, a 2 h period of juvenile life and based on just 75 s of cumulative tutor song exposure. Crucially, we find that vocal changes occurring on the day of training correlate with eventual imitative success. This paradigm will lead to insights on how the template is instantiated in the songbird brain, with general implications for deciphering how internal models are formed to guide learning of complex social behaviours.  相似文献   

The aerobic capacity model, as well as other models for the evolution of aerobic metabolism and the origin of endothermy, requires a mechanistic link between rates of resting and activity oxygen consumption (VO2rest and VO2act). The existence of such link is still controversial, but studies with anuran amphibians support a correlation between VO2rest and VO2act at both the intraspecific and interspecific levels. Because results at the intraspecific level are based only on a few species, we test for the generality of a link between these two metabolic variables in anurans by studying the intraspecific correlational patterns between mass-independent VO2rest and VO2act in anurans. We focus on 21 Neotropical species from different geographical areas that include remarkable diversity in behavior and thermal ecology. Although uncorrelated, VO2rest and VO2act seem to be consistent among individuals. Diverse intraspecific phenotypic correlational trends were detected, indicating that the intraspecific relationships between VO2rest and VO2act might be very diverse in anurans. The three possible trends (positive, negative, and absent correlations) were observed and appeared to be predictable from ecological and behavioral variables that relate to evolutionary physiological shifts in anurans. Positive correlations between VO2rest and VO2act were more common in species with active lifestyles (e.g., intense vocal activity) and in species that call at low temperatures (e.g., winter or high-elevation specialists).  相似文献   

A behavioral profile of the ferret is presented for those who would like to use this animal in behavioral teratology and toxicology, or other disciplines involving behavior. We have reviewed neurobehavioral teratology of lisencephalic ferrets and neuropsychology of ferrets sustaining frontal lesions, as well as most of the studies of "normal" ferret behavior that have appeared in the research literature. Emphasis is placed on discussion of the tests used and how ferrets behaved on them. The behaviors discussed include spatial (maze) learning, delayed response, visual discrimination learning, discrimination learning sets, schedule maintained behavior, shock avoidance learning and spontaneously occurring behaviors, such as ambulation in open field, spontaneous alternation and species specific behaviors. Although the use of the ferret in behavioral experiments is not yet extensive and large gaps exist in our knowledge about the basic functional capacities of this animal, the ferret is unquestionably well suited for behavioral studies.  相似文献   

Reinforcement learning algorithms have provided some of the most influential computational theories for behavioral learning that depends on reward and penalty. After briefly reviewing supporting experimental data, this paper tackles three difficult theoretical issues that remain to be explored. First, plain reinforcement learning is much too slow to be considered a plausible brain model. Second, although the temporal-difference error has an important role both in theory and in experiments, how to compute it remains an enigma. Third, function of all brain areas, including the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brainstem and basal ganglia, seems to necessitate a new computational framework. Computational studies that emphasize meta-parameters, hierarchy, modularity and supervised learning to resolve these issues are reviewed here, together with the related experimental data.  相似文献   

Divergence in song between allopatric populations can contribute to premating reproductive isolation in territorial birds. Song divergence is typically measured by quantifying divergence in vocal traits using audio recordings, but field playback experiments provide a more direct way to behaviorally measure song divergence between allopatric populations. The White-breasted Wood-Wren (Henicorhina leucosticta; hereafter “WBWW”) is an abundant Neotropical species with four mitochondrial clades (in Central America, the Darién, the Chocó and the Amazon) that are deeply divergent (~5–16% sequence divergence). We assessed the possibility that the WBWW as currently defined may represent multiple biological species by conducting both statistical analysis of vocal characters and field playback experiments within three clades (Central America, Chocó and Amazon). Our analysis of vocal traits revealed that Central American songs overlapped in acoustic space with Chocó songs, indicating vocal similarity between these two populations, but that Central American songs were largely divergent from Amazonian songs. Playback experiments in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica revealed that Central American WBWWs typically responded aggressively to songs from the Chocó population but did not respond to playback of songs from the Amazonian population, echoing the results of the vocal trait analysis. This marked difference in behavioral response demonstrates that the songs of Central American and Amazonian WBWWs (but not Central American and Chocó WBWWs) have diverged sufficiently that Central American WBWWs no longer recognize song from Amazonian WBWWs as a signal to elicit territorial defense. This suggests that significant premating reproductive isolation has evolved between these two populations, at least from the perspective of the Central American population, and is consistent with the possibility that Central American and Amazonian populations represent distinct biological species. We conclude by advocating for the further use of field playback experiments to assess premating reproductive isolation (and species limits) between allopatric songbird populations, a situation where behavioral systematics can answer questions that phylogenetic systematics cannot.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for the evolution of convergent behavioral traits are largely unknown. Vocal learning is one such trait that evolved multiple times and is necessary in humans for the acquisition of spoken language. Among birds, vocal learning is evolved in songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds. Each time similar forebrain song nuclei specialized for vocal learning and production have evolved. This finding led to the hypothesis that the behavioral and neuroanatomical convergences for vocal learning could be associated with molecular convergence. We previously found that the neural activity-induced gene dual specificity phosphatase 1 (dusp1) was up-regulated in non-vocal circuits, specifically in sensory-input neurons of the thalamus and telencephalon; however, dusp1 was not up-regulated in higher order sensory neurons or motor circuits. Here we show that song motor nuclei are an exception to this pattern. The song nuclei of species from all known vocal learning avian lineages showed motor-driven up-regulation of dusp1 expression induced by singing. There was no detectable motor-driven dusp1 expression throughout the rest of the forebrain after non-vocal motor performance. This pattern contrasts with expression of the commonly studied activity-induced gene egr1, which shows motor-driven expression in song nuclei induced by singing, but also motor-driven expression in adjacent brain regions after non-vocal motor behaviors. In the vocal non-learning avian species, we found no detectable vocalizing-driven dusp1 expression in the forebrain. These findings suggest that independent evolutions of neural systems for vocal learning were accompanied by selection for specialized motor-driven expression of the dusp1 gene in those circuits. This specialized expression of dusp1 could potentially lead to differential regulation of dusp1-modulated molecular cascades in vocal learning circuits.  相似文献   

J L Anderson 《Life sciences》1983,32(16):1791-1801
Early biochemical research on antidepressant treatments provided evidence that the treatments alter catecholaminergic and serotonergic activity. The mechanisms of action proposed by the resulting biogenic amine hypotheses of affective disorders, however, are not consistent with the delayed onset of therapeutic effects of antidepressant treatments nor with the acute effects of more recently developed antidepressant drugs. Recent investigation of chronic antidepressant treatments using ligand binding, electrophysiological, and behavioral techniques have attempted to identify subgroups of receptors that might be affected uniquely and specifically by chronic antidepressant treatments. Such receptor changes have been suggested to form a basis for the mechanism of action of antidepressants. At the present time, however, the data produced by ligand binding experiments and electrophysiological experiments investigating serotonergic functioning do not fit together. In addition, interpretational problems and internal contradictions exist within each of the three bodies of data when straightforward hypotheses regarding a serotonergic role in antidepressant treatment are formulated. In order to clarify the serotonergic role in antidepressant drug and ECS effects the functional significance of observed changes in putative serotonergic receptors must be discovered. Unfortunately, putative receptors identified by ligand binding cannot be directly compared to those identified by electrophysiological techniques, because these two methods require the disassembly of the organism in mutually incompatible ways. In order to prove that either or both techniques do in fact identify functional serotonin receptors, investigators need to proceed both more microscopically and also more globally. Further anatomical and physiological studies are necessary to locate putative receptors and to demonstrate their place in existing serotonergic networks. Further behavioral studies must be done to relate alterations in receptor characteristics to the functioning of the intact organism.  相似文献   

Song learning: the interface between behaviour and neuroethology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The high degree of developmental plasticity displayed by the songs of oscine birds makes them appropriate subjects for research on the etiology and neurobiology of vocal learning. Strong individual differences and learned local dialects are common. The readiness to acquire new songs appears to persist throughout life in some species and is restricted to relatively short sensitive periods in others. Learning can occur with remarkably few exposures to song. Mimicry of other species occurs but, given a choice, there is a tendency to favour conspecific songs. Evidence is presented for two kinds of vocal learning, one 'memory-based', the other 'action-based.' Subsong and 'plastic song' phases of motor development appear to be obligatory steps in the ontogeny of learned songs. A case is made that acquisition and production should be viewed as distinct phenomena with different physiological correlates. Research on behavioural development is closely associated with studies of the physiology of development. The two are mutually synergistic, and the synergism is well displayed in research on song learning in birds. This review of some of the characteristics of avian vocal learning as derived from behavioural studies, indicates lacunae in our knowledge about the ethology of song learning, and suggests how the comparative study of vocal development can pave the way for new insights into the underlying neurobiology.  相似文献   

The primary function of the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) is to maintain the stability of retinal images during head movements. This function is expressed through a complex array of dynamic and adaptive characteristics whose essential physiological basis is a disynaptic arc. We present a model of normal VOR function using a simple neural network architecture constrained by the physiological and anatomical characteristics of this disynaptic reflex arc. When tuned using a method of global optimization, this network is capable of exhibiting the broadband response characteristics observed in behavioral tests of VOR function. Examination of the internal units in the network show that this performance is achieved by rediscovering the solution to VOR processing first proposed by Skavenski and Robinson (1973). Type I units at the intermediate level of the network possess activation characteristics associated with either pure position or pure velocity. When the network is made more complex either through adding more pairs of internal units or an additional level of units, the characteristic division of unit activation properties into position and velocity types remains unchanged. Although simple in nature, the results of our simulations reinforce the validity of bottom-up approaches to modeling of neutral function. In addition, the architecture of the network is consistent with current ideas on the characteristics and site of adaptation of the reflex and should be compatible with current theories regarding learning rules for synaptic modification during VOR adaptation.  相似文献   

Thermal comfort is a subjective psychological perception of people based also on physiological thermoregulation mechanisms when the human body is exposed to a combination of various environmental factors including air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and radiation conditions. Due to the importance of gender in the issue of outdoor thermal comfort, this study compared and examined the thermal comfort-related differences between male and female subjects using previous data from Taiwanese questionnaire survey. Compared with males, the results indicated that females in Taiwan are less tolerant to hot conditions and intensely protect themselves from sun exposure. Our analytical results are inconsistent with the findings of previous physiological studies concerning thermal comfort indicating that females have superior thermal physiological tolerance than males. On the contrary, our findings can be interpreted on psychological level. Environmental behavioral learning theory was adopted in this study to elucidate this observed contradiction between the autonomic thermal physiological and psychological–behavioral aspects. Women might desire for a light skin tone through social learning processes, such as observation and education, which is subsequently reflected in their psychological perceptions (fears of heat and sun exposure) and behavioral adjustments (carrying umbrellas or searching for shade). Hence, these unique psychological and behavioral phenomena cannot be directly explained by autonomic physiological thermoregulation mechanisms. The findings of this study serve as a reference for designing spaces that accommodates gender-specific thermal comfort characteristics. Recommendations include providing additional suitable sheltered areas in open areas, such as city squares and parks, to satisfy the thermal comfort needs of females.  相似文献   

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