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The hemocyanins of the scorpions Leiurus quinquestriatus and Androctonus australis, the tarantula Eurypelma californicum (all 24-mers), and the lycosid spider Cupiennius salei (dodecamer) were dissociated into subunits, the subunits isolated and studied by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis for interspecific cross-reactivities. Androctonus hemocyanin yielded a pattern of 8 subunit types in agreement with data from Lamy et al. (1979, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 193, 140-149). Leiurus hemocyanin is also composed of 8 immunologically distinct subunits which could be assigned to the pattern of Androctonus in a subunit-to-subunit correlation. The subunit designations 1 to 6 of Lamy et al. could be adopted for both scorpion hemocyanins; however, in the present communication, Lamy's subunits 3A/3B are designated as 3'/3", because we could not unequivocally decide if 3' = 3A and 3" = 3B or vice versa. The 7 subunit types a to g of Eurypelma hemocyanin could be correlated with the scorpion hemocyanin subunits as follows: a = 3', b = 5B, c = 3C, d = 5A, e = 6, f = 2, g = 4. Additional cross-reactivities were detected between e/4, and f/5A, respectively. No subunit of Eurypelma hemocyanin is homologous to scorpion 3", which could not be precipitated by anti-Eurypelma antiserum. Antiserum against Cupiennius hemocyanin precipitated subunit f of Eurypelma and subunits 2 and 5A of scorpion hemocyanin. The published models of quaternary structure and a possible subunit phylogeny of arachnidan hemocyanins are discussed in view of the present results.  相似文献   

The isolated subunites of Eurypelma californicum hemocyanin were studied by aid of antibodies raised against whole, dissociated hemocyanin. The proportion of impurities was found to be low in almost all subunits. There was no cross reaction between the individual chains, and the total number of antigenically different subunits was found to be seven, confirming results obtained by different methods. If an artificial mixture prepared from purified subunits is compared to whole, dissociated hemocyanin, an overall very similar pattern is obtained but differences appear which are due to specific interaction.--The dimeric subunit 4D was shown to be a heterodimer (asymmetric dimer) composed of chains b and c4.  相似文献   

Crystals of Limulus hemocyanin subunits IIIa, IIIb and IV are suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. The three-dimensional structure of subunit IV is determined by molecular replacement and non-crystallographic symmetry averaging methods. A tentative model of subunit IIIa is obtained from a partial data set. Both structures, similar to subunit II, could provide primary structure segments suitable for oligonucleotide probe synthesis.  相似文献   

Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin is a 3.3 x 10(6)-Mr protein containing 48 subunits in an assemblage of eight hexamers. The molecule can be dissociated into monomers and dimers at pH 8.9 in the presence of 0.01 M EDTA. These subunits are heterogeneous and can be separated into five zones (I--V) by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. Reassembly experiments were carried out with varied subunit mixtures, based on different combinations of the five chromatographic zones, in order to study the structural role of the diverse subunits in the eight-hexamer molecule. The reassembly products were analysed by electron microscopy and ultracentrifugation. No structural role for zone I could be found. Zone V and possibly zone II are needed to form structures larger than hexamers. Absence of zone III causes irregular aggregation of hexamers. Zone IV and perhaps zone II are needed to make eight-hexamer molecules from four-hexamer molecules. From these results we conclude that there is a high degree of subunit specificity in the inter-subunit contacts in the native Limulus hemocyanin molecule.  相似文献   

Hemocyanins are large oligomeric respiratory proteins found in many arthropods and molluscs. The hemocyanin of the tarantula Eurypelma californicum is a 24-mer protein complex with molecular mass of 1, 726,459 Da that consists of seven different polypeptides (a-g), each occupying a distinct position within the native molecule. Here we report the complete molecular structure of the E. californicum hemocyanin as deduced from the corresponding cDNAs. This represents the first complex arthropod hemocyanin to be completely sequenced. The different subunits display 52-66% amino acid sequence identity. Within the subunits, the central domain, which bears the active center with the copper-binding sites A and B, displays the highest degree of identity. Using a homology modeling approach, the putative three-dimensional structure of individual subunits was deduced and compared. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that differentiation of the individual subunits occurred 400-550 million years ago. The hemocyanin of the stemline Chelicerata was probably a hexamer built up of six distinct subunit types a, b/c, d, e, f, and g, whereas that of the early Arachnida was originally a 24-mer that emerged after the differentiation of subunits b and c.  相似文献   

Hemocyanins are copper-containing proteins that transport oxygen in a variety of invertebrates. Considerable evidence has accumulated that arthropodan hemocyanins are multimers of a fundamental hexameric unit. X-Ray crystallographic structure determination has revealed that the hemocyanin molecule from the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus is a single hexamer having 32 point group symmetry. Using crystals of subunit II, one of 8 polypeptide types comprising the octahexameric hemocyanin of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus, and the molecular replacement method for crystallographic phase determination we show that subunit II forms assemblies with the same hexameric quaternary structure as the whole Panulirus hemocyanin molecule. Observation of the same hexameric motif in two widely separated species provides strong additional evidence that this quaternary structural unit is a universal building block of arthropodan hemocyanins.  相似文献   

The hemocyanin of the North American tarantula Eurypelma californicum (Dugesiella californica) is dissociated at pH 9.6 into monomers (Mr about 70 000) and dimers (Mr about 140 000), which were separated by gel filtration. The monomer peak was resolved by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and yielded 4 protein bands, three of which (1, 3 and 4M) are apparently homogeneous. Band 2 contains two sub-fractions (2I and 2II). The dimer peak contains two dimers (bands 4D and 5). Upon treatment with 5mM cysteine the dimer band 5 is dissociated, yielding only one type of monomer identical with band 3. The other dimer, which was only partially dissociated by 10mM EDTA, is most probably a heterodimer, one component being electrophoretically indistinguishable from band 2II. After treatment of the native hemocyanin with sodium dodecylsulfate and analysis in gradient gel slabs, 6 polypeptide chains were observed (labeled a - f). They correspond to the products of alkaline dissociation as follows: band 1 = e, band 2I = a, band 2II = c, band 3 = f, band 4M = d, band 4D = b plus c, band 5 = f. The molecular weights were determined by dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis in gradient gels, and by sedimentation equilibrium analysis and found to range between 67 000 and 76 000. The sedimentation coefficients are between 4.4 and 4.7 S for the monomers and 6.6 and 6.7 for the dimers. The isoelectric points range from pH 4.5 to pH 5.4. The findings are discussed with respect to the limitations of molecular weight determination by conventional dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis, to the structure of the hemocyanin oligomers and to possible biological significance.  相似文献   

Central projections of lyriform organs and tactile hairs on the chelicerae of the wandering spider Cupiennius salei were traced using anterograde cobalt fills. Different fibers arising from both mechanoreceptor types arborize in the cheliceral ganglia, which are part of the tritocerebrum, and in sensory longitudinal tracts in the center of the suboesophageal nerve mass together with afferent fibers arising from mechanoreceptors on the walking legs and the pedipalps. This convergence of sensory projections in the sensory longitudinal tracts might provide the anatomical basis for the coordination of the movements of different extremities during prey capture and feeding. The findings also support the hypothesis that the tritocerebrum originally was a preoral ganglion in spiders. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunological cross-reactivities between isolated subunits of the scorpion Androctonus australis (Aa) and of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus (Lp) hemocyanins were studied using subunit-specific antibodies prepared through immunoadsorption to pure immobilized subunits. Rocket immunoelectrophoreses of the various subunits of both hemocyanins were carried out at constant antigen concentration against the various subunit-specific antibody preparations. Then the data were analyzed through factorial correspondence analysis and compared to the respective intramolecular locations of the subunits in both hemocyanins. The results show that the dimeric subunits located in the central part of each (4 X 6)meric structure (Aa whole molecule and Lp half molecule) were strongly preserved. In addition, the (8 X 6)mer-forming subunit of Lp hemocyanin (LpIV) and the subunit occupying the same intramolecular position in Aa hemocyanin (Aa5A) were also strongly preserved. Besides the strong antigenic relatedness, less pronounced crossed immunoprecipitations or no precipitation at all were observed between subunits with homologous positions suggesting a minor structural and/or functional roles for these subunits. All the antigen-antibody combinations leading to an absence of immunoprecipitation were screened for the presence of soluble immunocomplexes by radioimmunological tests. In all cases, soluble immunocomplexes were observed. These results suggest the following evolution scenario. First, the central dimeric subunits, responsible of the dodecamer aggregation (Aa3C and 5B and LpV and VI) were already differentiated when Merostomata diverged from Arachnida. Second, the differentiation of the (8 X 6)mer-forming subunit occurred in the Merostomata ramification in a preserved subunit already possessing a functional advantage. Third, the differentiation of subunits Aa3A and Aa3B recently occurred in the scorpion ramification.  相似文献   

Summary Retrograde CoS-impregnation was used to trace and map the course of sensory nerves and the distribution and innervation of the various proprioceptor types in all leg segments of Cupiennius salei, a Ctenid spider.1. Sensory nerve branches. In both the tibia and femur, axons of all proprioceptor types ascend in just two lateral nerves which do not merge with the main leg nerve until they reach the next proximal joint region. In the short segments — coxa, trochanter, patella, and tarsus — axons of the internal joint receptors often run separately from those of the other sensilla. Axons of the large lyriform slit sense organ at the dorsal metatarsus and of the trichobothria join with only a few hair axons and form their own nerve branches (Figs. 1, 2, 3).2. Proprioceptors. Each of the seven leg joints is supplied with at least one set of the well-known internal joint receptors, slit sensilla (single slits and lyriform organs), and long cuticular hairs. In addition, we found previously unnoticed hair plates on both sides of the coxa, near the prosoma/coxa joint; they are deflected by the articular membrane during joint movements (Fig. 4).3. Sensory cells and innervation. CoS-impregnation shows that each slit of the slit sense organs — be it a single slit or several slits in a lyriform organ — is innervated by two bipolar sensory cells (Fig. 6). We also confirm previous reports of multiple innervation in the internal joint receptors and in the long joint hairs and cuticular spines.Most of the ascending nerve branches run just beneath the cuticle for at least a short distance (Fig. 5); hence they are convenient sites for electrophysiological recordings of sensory activity even in freely walking spiders.  相似文献   

Summary In Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae), as in other spiders, the central nervous system is divided into the supraoesophageal ganglion or brain and the suboesophageal ganglia (Fig. 1). The two masses are interconnected by oesophageal connectives. The brain gives off four pairs of optic and one pair of cheliceral nerves. From the suboesophageal ganglia arise a pair of pedipalpal, four pairs of leg, and several pairs of opisthosomal nerves (Fig. 2). 1. Cell types. In the brain a total of 50900 cells were counted, in the suboesophageal ganglia 49000. They are all monopolar cells, found in the ganglion periphery and may be classified into four types: (a) Small globuli cells (nuclear diameter 6–7 m) forming a pair of compact masses in the protocerebrum (Fig. 10b); (b) Small and numerous cells (cell diameter 12–20 m) with processes forming the bulk of the neuropil in the brain and suboesophageal ganglia; (c) Neurosecretory cells (cell diameter ca. 45 m) in the brain and suboesophageal ganglia; (d) Large motor and interneurons (cell daimeter 40–112 m), mostly in the suboesophageal ganglia (Figs. 10a and c). 2. Suboesophageal mass. The cell bodies form a sheet of one to several cell layers on the ventral side of each ganglion and are arranged in groups. Three such groups were identified as motor neurons, four as interneurons. At the dorsal, dorso-lateral, and mid-central parts of the ganglion there are no cell somata. The fibre bundles arising from them form identifiable transverse commissural pathways (Fig. 9b). They form the fibrous mass in the central part of the suboesophageal mass.Neuropil is well-formed in association with the sensory terminations of all major nerves (Fig. 9a). As these proceed centrally they break up into five major sensory tracts forming five layers one above the other. There are six pairs of additional major longitudinal tracts arranged at different levels dorsoventrally (Fig. 8). They ascend into the brain through the oesophageal connectives and terminate mostly in the mushroom bodies and partly in the central body. 3. Protocerebrum. Fine processes of the globuli cells form the most important neuropil mass in the fibrous core, called the mushroom bodies. These consist of well developed glomeruli, hafts, and bridge which are interconnected with the optic masses of the lateral eyes and most fibre tracts from the brain and suboesophageal mass (Fig. 7). The median eye nerves form a small optic lamella and optic ganglia, connected to the central body through an optic tract. Each posterior median and posterior lateral eye nerve ends in large optic lamellae (Fig. 13a). These are connected through chiasmata to a large optic mass where fibres from globuli cells form conspicuous glomeruli. There are 10–12 large fibres (diameter 9 m) of unknown origin on each side, terminating in the optic lambella of the posterior lateral eye.The central body, another neuropil mass (Fig. 13b) in the protocerebrum, is well developed in Cupiennius and located transversely in its postero-dorsal region (Fig. 10d). It consists of two layers and is interconnected with optic masses of the median and lateral eyes through optic tracts. Fibre tracts from the brain and suboesophageal mass join the central body.  相似文献   

A solution X-ray scattering study has been performed on Limulus polyphemus (horseshoe crab) hemocyanin and its dissociated fragments at various pH values in the presence and absence of Ca2+. The scattering patterns of native hemocyanin (48-mer), the half molecule (24-mer), quarter molecule (12-mer) and monomer fraction were measured. The radii of gyration for the four molecular species were calculated from the Guinier plots to be 110.7, 91.3, 77.3, and 36.5 A, respectively. Models which yield good fits to the experimental data are presented. The models were constructed using eight, four and two spheres with a radius of 58 A, assuming the sphere to be the submultiple composed of six subunits. The radii of gyration were calculated on the basis of the model and the values found to be 106, 94 and 73 A, respectively, in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Subunit d of Eurypelma californicum hemocyanin contains after reduction 7 cysteine residues. Using 3,3'-dithiobis(6-nitrobenzoic acid) 3 mol cysteine/mol subunit were determined. The cysteine- and cystine-containing peptides of subunit d were obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage and subsequent treatment with trypsin. The free cysteines were established at positions 102, 261, and 454 respectively. Cys205-Cys210 and Cys529-Cys579 are connected by disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

The two structural subunits RvH1 and RvH2 were separated after overnight dialysis of Rapana venosa Hc against 130 mM Gly/NaOH buffer, pH 9.6, on an ion exchange column Hiload 26/10 Sepharose Q using a fast performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) system. The reassociation characteristics of these two RvH isoforms and the native molecule were studied in buffers with different pH values and concentrations of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). Reassociation of mixed RvH subunits was performed over a period of several days using a stabilizing buffer (SB) of pH 7.0 containing different concentrations of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) ions. After 2 days of dialysis, an RvH subunit mixture of didecamers and multidecamers was observed in the presence of 100 mM CaCl(2) and MgCl(2), though RvH1 and RvH2 are biochemically and immunologically different and have also different dissociation properties. The reassociation, performed at pH 9.6 with 2 mM CaCl(2) and MgCl(2) at 4 degrees C over a period of one to several weeks, led to the formation of decameric oligomers, while didecamers formed predominantly in the SB at pH 7.0. Higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions led to a more rapid reassociation of RvH1 resulting in long stable multidecamers and helical tubules, which were stable and slowly dissociated into shorter multidecamers and decamers at higher pH values. The reassociation of the RvH2 structural subunit in the same buffers processed slowly and yielded didecamers, shorter tubule polymers and long multidecamers which are less stable at higher pH values. The stability of RvH isoforms under varying ionic conditions is compared with the stability of keyhole limpet (KLH, Megathura crenulata) hemocyanin (KLH) and Haliotis tuberculata hemocyanin (HtH) isoforms.The process of dissociation and reassociation is connected with changes of the fluorescence intensity at 600 nm, which can be explained by differences in opalescence of the solutions of these two isoforms. The solutions of longer tubule polymers and multidecamers of RvH1 show a higher opalescence compared to the solutions of shorter helical tubules and multidecamers of RvH2.  相似文献   

Females of the wandering spider Cupiennius salei attach a sex pheromone to their dragline. Males encountering the female dragline examine the silk thread with their pedipalps and then typically initiate reciprocal vibratory courtship with the sexual partner. The female pheromone was identified as (S)-1,1'-dimethyl citrate. The male pheromone receptive sensory cells are located in tip pore sensilla and respond to touching the sensillum tip with female silk or pieces of filter paper containing the synthetic pheromone.  相似文献   

The communication with substrate vibrations produced by vibrations of the body or its appendages is widespread among arthropods, especially among spiders. Its biomechanics, however, is poorly understood. Males of the wandering spider Cupiennius getazi produce such substrate vibrations during courtship by means of dorsoventral movements of their opisthosoma without hitting their dwelling plant.Simultaneous recordings of the plant vibrations (accelerometry), of the opisthosoma movements (laser Doppler vibrometry) and of the electromyograms of the opisthosomal depressor muscle, revealed that the main frequency of the vibratory signal of about 80 Hz originates from the activity of the opisthosomal depressor muscle. The transfer functions of the spider's body show resonances which could amplify the main frequency before it is transmitted into the plant.A low frequency component of the opisthosomal movement (duration c. 0.3 s, displacement c. 6 mm (peak-peak) 30° deflection angle, frequency 10–20 Hz) can be distinguished from a main frequency component (duration c. 0.1 s, displacement c. 0.5 mm 2.5° deflection angle, frequency c. 80 Hz). The main frequency component is superimposed on an upward movement of the low frequency component.  相似文献   

Summary In the tarantulaEurypelma californicum, the relationships between heart activity, circulation and the generation of hydraulic pressure for locomotion were studied. Several new techniques were employed.Mean resting heart rate was 21 beats min–1 rising to 90 beats min–1 after burst activity. Decay time to resting rates was related to the increase of heart rate. Post-recovery resting rates were usually elevated in comparison with rates after very long resting periods.A relative measure of heart amplitude was obtained. Four distinct patterns could be distinguished: (i) regular beats; (ii) short-term fluctuations of amplitude within a few heart beats; (iii) a slow rhythmic change of heart/pericardium filling, and (iv) non-periodic, stronger amplitude changes during periods of activity.During locomotion, heart rate rises with maximum rates often reached only minutes after the onset of activity. The rising phase is often characterized by irregularities and a reduction of heart amplitude.Prosomal hemolymph pressure in resting, restrained animals was 41±19 Torr, rising to ca. 90, and 217±48 Torr during walking and fast sprints, respectively. Values in unrestrained spiders were similar. Opisthosomal hemolymph pressures were ca. 20 Torr in resting animals, rising to 40–60 Torr during locomotion.Opisthosomal volume changes were measured. A small volume of hemolymph moved from the prosoma to the opisthosoma at the onset of locomotion, but following activity this volume quickly returned to the prosoma.The simultaneous measurement of carapace depression, opisthosomal volume changes and hemolymph pressures, and heart activity revealed the relationship between circulation and hydraulic force generation. The direction of hemolymph flow was also studied. In non-active animals, the heart occasionally changes its main pumping direction. During locomotion, hemolymph flow from the heart to the prosoma is often reduced or stopped. With a slight delay, hemolymph flow to the opisthosoma is increased. The critical pressure at which prosomal perfusion from the heart is halted is 50–70 Torr.It is concluded that anterior and posterior circulations are separate: hemolymph returning from the prosoma passes only through the anterior lungs, while hemolymph returning from the opisthosoma passes through the posterior lungs.Dedicated to Dr. Rosemarie John, in recognition of her unflagging enthusiasm and support for zoological researchProf. B. Linzen unexpectedly died on August 5, 1988  相似文献   

Squilla mantis hemocyanin is composed of two hexameric subunits but has electron microscopic profiles different from other bis-hexameric hemocyanins, e.g. Astacus and Homarus. We distinguished three different electron microscopic profiles of S. mantis hemocyanin: two sideviews and a topview. These profiles were studied using computer image alignment and correspondence analysis [Van Heel, M. and Frank, J. (1981) Ultramicroscopy 6, 187 - 194]. With the results of this analysis we were able to build a three-dimensional model for the quaternary structure of this hemocyanin. In this model the two hexamers are stacked in such a way that their hexagonal surfaces overlap to about 60% of their width. In the overlap area four subunits are arranged in two different interhexameric pairs, each forming a bridging area between the two hexamers.  相似文献   

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