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Small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) is an important economic species of marine fishery. We developed and evaluated simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of Pseudosciaena crocea, Paralichthys olivaceus and Psetta maxima. Characteristics of nine EST–SSR loci were investigated using 46 L. polyactis individuals. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 6. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.0652 to 0.7391, while the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0638 to 0.7754. Seven loci departed from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P < 0.01) significantly. These loci and markers will be useful for population genetics and systemic evolution among species of small yellow croaker.  相似文献   

We developed 11 new microsatellite markers in Pseudosciaena crocea by screening an enriched genomic library using nonradioactive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. All loci were found to be polymorphic with an average of 14.9 alleles per locus (range four to 30). The mean observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.86 (range 0.57–1.00) and 0.90 (range 0.62–0.98), respectively. Four loci showed significant Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium. The high variabilities revealed in this study suggest that these microsatellite loci should provide useful markers for population genetic studies of P. crocea.  相似文献   

黄海和东海小黄鱼遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)是我国近海重要经济鱼类之一。本文分析了采自黄海和东海5个海区共计48个个体小黄鱼的随机扩增DNA多态性(RAPD)。从40个10 bp引物中选取20个用于群体遗传多样性分析,共检测出145个位点,其中132个(91.03%) 显多态性。用Shannon多样性指数量化的平均遗传多态度为1.93(1.50~2.44),群体内和群体间的遗传变异比例分别为69%和31%;群体间的平均遗传相似度和遗传距离分别为0.9139和0.0861。用非加权配对算数平均法(UPGMA)聚类分析的结果表明,所分析的5个群体可分为3个地理群系,从分子水平上支持了过去有关学者把黄海和东海的小黄鱼划分为北、中、南3个地理群系的观点。  相似文献   

Six polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized using an enriched library technique in the large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson, 1864), a commercially important marine fish in China. They showed PIC (polymorphism information content) ranging from 0.064 to 0.885 (average of 0.580) and allele numbers ranging from two to 13 (average of 7.5), which were useful for the studies on population genetics and selective breeding of the large yellow croaker.  相似文献   

A new set of 11 microsatellite markers was isolated and characterized in the large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson) from a CA-enriched genomic library. Of 35 microsatellite markers screened, 11 microsatellite markers are highly polymorphic in one hatchery stock which contained 58 individuals. The high genetic variability was represented mainly by the number of alleles, which ranged from 7 to 16, and the observed heterozygosity, which ranged from 0.43 to 0.79. These newly isolated markers increase the available molecular resources that can be used to analyze genetic diversity and population structure of large yellow croaker.  相似文献   

We report here the characteristics of 10 microsatellite markers isolated from a microsatellite‐enriched DNA library from Antirhea borbonica, Gmel (Rubiaceae). Antirhea borbonica is an endemic tree on the islands of La Réunion and Mauritius (Indian Ocean) where it occurs on young lava flows (fragmented and perturbed habitat) and in old primary forest. Ten polymorphic loci were characterized, with two to 15 alleles per locus, based on samples from six populations. These loci will be useful for analysing population structure in a metapopulation context where populations frequently go extinct.  相似文献   

We identified 11 informative microsatellite loci in Tetratheca ericifolia from an (AG)n‐enriched library. Using these loci on 32 individuals from two populations (16 individuals from each), we detected an average of 11.3 alleles per locus (range of five to 21, average expected heterozygosity of 0.728), of which 56% were unique to one population or the other. All loci were amplifiable in seven to 12 of a further 12 species of Tetratheca under the same reaction conditions. The markers will be useful tools for evolutionary studies of this Australian endemic group.  相似文献   

Wilsonia backhousei is a clonal saltmarsh plant restricted to the southern latitudes of Australasia and threatened in New South Wales. We have identified eight informative microsatellite loci in the species from (AG)n‐ and (AC)n‐enriched libraries. In 48 samples from two populations we detected an average of five alleles per locus (range 2–8, average HE = 0.45), of which 72% were unique to one population or the other. Six of the eight loci were also amplifiable in Wilsonia rotundifolia under the same reaction conditions. The markers will be excellent tools for use in the management and conservation of both species.  相似文献   

Nine yellowcheek (Elopichthys bambusa) microsatellite loci were isolated using the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Three to eight alleles per locus were detected in 29 samples collected from five populations of E. bambusa. The mean number of alleles was 5.6 ± 1.9 and the level of observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.415 to 0.843. These are the first microsatellite loci characterized from E. bambusa that can be used for estimating genetic diversity, population structure and parentage analysis.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci from Lasiopodomys brandtii have been isolated and characterized. Two to 11 alleles per locus were detected from 52 Brandt's voles samples collected from a single population. Expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.406 to 0.840. For the majority of loci observed heterozygosities were similar to or greater than the expected heterozygosity. One locus pair appeared to be in linkage disequilibrium. The microsatellite markers will enable the studies of genetic diversity, population structure and relatedness in this species, and perhaps in closely related species of vole.  相似文献   

Fat greenling (Hexagrammos otakii) is an economocally important marine fish species. Thirtyfive microsatellite loci were isolated from two enriched genomic library of Hexagrammos otakii. Ten of these loci were polymorphic in a test population with alleles per locus ranging from two to six, and observed and expected heterozygosities per locus from 0.2581 to 1.0000 and from 0.2892 to 0.7726, respectively. Four loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction and no significant linkage disequilibrium was found between pairs of loci. These polymorphic microsatellite loci would be useful for investigating genetic diversity of Hexagrammos otakii.  相似文献   

The small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) is a highly valued fish for human consumption found in the Western Pacific that was considered endangered until recently because of overfishing. We selected microsatellite markers for this species from markers developed for Miichthys miiuy, also of the family Sciaenidae. Among 43 markers polymorphic for M. miiuy, 11 were found to be polymorphic for L. polyactis. Characterization of these 11 loci was made based on 30 L. polyactis individuals collected by trawling in the Zhoushan Fishing Ground, Zhejiang Province, China. Total genomic DNA was isolated from fin clips. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 10, with a mean of 5.82, while the effective number of alleles ranged from 1.64 to 10.00, with a mean of 3.22. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.17 to 0.72 and from 0.39 to 0.81, respectively. Significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found at four loci, after applying Bonferroni's correction. There was no significant association between any of the pairs of microsatellite loci, hence allelic variation at these loci was considered independent. These 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci will be useful for genetic diversity analysis and molecular-assisted breeding for L. polyactis.  相似文献   

Quantifying genetic kinship and parentage is critical to understanding the adaptive consequences of sociality. To measure fitness in a species with variable group structure, we isolated 14 microsatellite loci from Octodon degus, a semi-fossorial rodent endemic to Chile. The number of alleles per locus ranged from four to 14. Thirteen loci were in Hardy-Weinberg proportions, with values of observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.550 to 0.950. These markers provide the basis for future studies of the direct fitness consequences of sociality in O. degus.  相似文献   

Black snapper Sebastodes fuscescens (Houttuyn) is an economocally important species. Fourty-five microsatellite loci were isolated from an enriched genomic library of S. fuscescens. Ten of these loci were polymorphic in a test population with alleles per locus ranging from 2 to 5, and observed and expected heterozygosities per locus from 0.21 to 1.00 and from 0.19 to 0.86, respectively. Three loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction and no significant linkage disequilibrium was found between pairs of loci. These polymorphic microsatellite loci would be useful for investigating genetic diversity of S. fuscescens and other related species.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite loci isolated from Iris hexagona are described. All these loci are polymorphic, with three to 13 alleles across 24 individuals from a single natural population. Heterozygosity ranged from 0.125 to 0.870. Three loci depart significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in our test population. The test population shows significant heterozygote deficiency in these and two other loci. Three loci exhibit significant linkage disequilibrium. These loci will be utilized to investigate patterns of genetic variation in the species throughout the Florida peninsula.  相似文献   

Solidago canadensis, a clonal herb originally from North America (common name: Canada goldenrod), is an invasive species in many countries. We developed microsatellite primers for this species. Eleven polymorphic loci were generated and primers were designed. Polymorphism of these 11 loci was assessed in 35 plants from two populations (Wuhan and Shanghai) in China. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 14. The observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.0732 to 0.7391 and from 0.1177 to 0.8687, respectively. These microsatellite markers will be useful tools for studies of population genetics in the native and invasive range of this species.  相似文献   

Betel nut (Areca nut, Areca catechu L.) is a conspicuous and important cultivated plant of tropical and subtropical habitats throughout Southeast Asia and Oceania. As a significant cultural and social offering, the migration of betel nut associated with human dispersal is an important issue in ethnobotany and anthropology. In this study, we described the development of nine microsatellite loci from A. catechu. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 15. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.71to 0.94 and from 0 to 0.88, respectively. All microsatellite loci, except for AC30, significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium possibly due to artificially selected cultivation or the existence of excessive null alleles. No linkage disequilibrium was observed from pairwise comparisons of loci, except for AC06 and AC08.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the North American raccoon (Procyon lotor). These loci exhibit high levels of allelic diversity, with between four and 13 alleles per locus, and heterozygosity, with observed values of 0.500-1.000 in a sample of 20 individuals. All genotypes conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations and there were no instances of linkage disequilibrium detected.  相似文献   

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