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Understanding in vivo regulation of photoautotrophic metabolism is important for identifying strategies to improve photosynthetic efficiency or re-route carbon fluxes to desirable end products. We have developed an approach to reconstruct comprehensive flux maps of photoautotrophic metabolism by computational analysis of dynamic isotope labeling measurements and have applied it to determine metabolic pathway fluxes in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Comparison to a theoretically predicted flux map revealed inefficiencies in photosynthesis due to oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and malic enzyme activity, despite negligible photorespiration. This approach has potential to fill important gaps in our understanding of how carbon and energy flows are systemically regulated in cyanobacteria, plants, and algae.  相似文献   

A novel method to accomplish efficient numerical simulation of metabolic networks for flux analysis was developed. The only inputs required are the set of stoichiometric balances and the atom mapping matrices of all components of the reaction network. The latter are used to automatically calculate isotopomer mapping matrices. Using the symbolic toolbox of MATLAB the analytical solution of the stoichiometric balance equation system, isotopomer balances and the analytical Jacobian matrix of the total set of stoichiometric and isotopomer balances are created automatically. The number of variables in the isotopomer distribution equation system is significantly reduced applying modified isotopomer mapping matrices. These allow lumping of several consecutive isotopomer reactions into a single one. The solution of the complete system of equations is improved by implementing an iterative logical loop algorithm and using the analytical Jacobian matrix. This new method provided quick and robust convergence to the root of such equation systems in all cases tested. The method was applied to a network of lysine producing Corynebacterium glutamicum. The resulting equation system with the dimension of 546 x 546 was directly derived from 12 isotopomer balance equations. The results obtained yielded identical labeling patterns for metabolites as compared to the relaxation method.  相似文献   

Phospholipids are complex and varied biomolecules that are susceptible to lipid peroxidation after attack by free radicals or electrophilic oxidants and can yield a large number of different oxidation products. There are many available methods for detecting phospholipid oxidation products, but also various limitations and problems. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry allows the simultaneous but specific analysis of multiple species with good sensitivity and has a further advantage that it can be coupled to liquid chromatography for separation of oxidation products. Here, we explain the principles of oxidized phospholipid analysis by electrospray mass spectrometry and describe fragmentation routines for surveying the structural properties of the analytes, in particular precursor ion and neutral loss scanning. These allow targeted detection of phospholipid headgroups and identification of phospholipids containing hydroperoxides and chlorine, as well as the detection of some individual oxidation products by their specific fragmentation patterns. We describe instrument protocols for carrying out these survey routines on a QTrap5500 mass spectrometer and also for interfacing with reverse-phase liquid chromatography. The article highlights critical aspects of the analysis as well as some limitations of the methodology.  相似文献   

Veena Prabhakar 《FEBS letters》2009,583(6):983-991
The Arabidopsis thaliana gene At1g74030 codes for a putative plastid phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) enolase (ENO1). The recombinant ENO1 protein exhibited enolase activity and its kinetic properties were determined. ENO1 is localized to plastids and expressed in most heterotrophic tissues including trichomes and non-root-hair cells, but not in the mesophyll of leaves. Two T-DNA insertion eno1 mutants exhibited distorted trichomes and reduced numbers of root hairs as the only visible phenotype. The essential role of ENO1 in PEP provision for anabolic processes within plastids, such as the shikimate pathway, is discussed with respect to plastid transporters, such as the PEP/phosphate translocator.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Chen T  Ma X  Shen Z  Zhao X 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(4):3934-3940
Zwf (code for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and gnd (code for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) genes from Corynebacterium glutamicum were firstly cloned, and then site-directed mutagenesis was successfully introduced to remove allosteric inhibition by intracellular metabolites. Expression of the mutant zwf and gnd in Bacillus subtilis RH33 resulted in significant enhancement of riboflavin productivity, while the specific growth rate decreased slightly and the specific glucose uptake rate was unchanged. Introduction of the mutant zwf and gnd led to approximately 18% and 22% increased riboflavin production, respectively. An improvement by 31% and 39% of the riboflavin production was obtained by co-expression of the mutated dehydrogenases in shaker flask and fed-batch cultivation. Intracellular metabolites analysis indicated that metabolites detected in pentose phosphate pathway or riboflavin synthesis pathway of engineered strains showed higher concentration, while TCA cycle and glycolysis metabolites detected were lower abundance than that of parent strain.  相似文献   

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