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The gene gor encoding Escherichia coli glutathione reductase was mutated to create a positively charged N-terminal extension consisting of five arginine residues followed by a factor Xa cleavage site to the enzyme polypeptide chain. The modified protein assembled in vivo to yield a dimeric enzyme with kinetic parameters indistinguishable from those of wild-type glutathione reductase. The N-terminal extension could not be released by treatment with factor Xa but could be removed by exposure to trypsin, again without effect on the enzyme activity. The modified enzyme was readily separated from the wild-type enzyme by means of ion-exchange chromatography or nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Incubation of the modified and wild-type enzymes, separately or as a mixture, with NADH led to their partial inactivation, and activity was restored by exposure to 1 mM reduced glutathione. No hybrid dimer was formed in the mixture of modified and wild-type enzymes, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, strongly suggesting that the inactivation induced by NADH was not due to dissociation of the parental dimers. The addition of otherwise benign positively or negatively charged extensions to the N- or C-terminal regions of the constituent polypeptide chains of oligomeric enzymes offers a simple route to detecting hybrid formation and the causative subunit dissociation and exchange.  相似文献   

By directed mutagenesis of the cloned Escherichia coli gor gene encoding the dimeric flavoprotein glutathione reductase, Cys-47 (a cysteine residue forming an essential charge-transfer complex with enzyme-bound FAD) was converted to serine (C47S) and His-439 (required to facilitate protonation of the reduced glutathione) was converted to glutamine (H439Q). Both mutant genes were placed in the same plasmid, pHD, where each of them came under the control of a strong tac promoter. This was designed to achieve equal over-expression of both genes in the same E. coli cell. The parental homo-dimers show no (C47S) or very little (H439Q) activity as glutathione reductases. The formation in vivo of heterodimers, carrying one crippled and one fully functional active site, was detected by absorbance spectroscopy and fluorescence emission spectrometry of enzyme-bound FAD and by active site complementation. The fractional distribution of homo- and hetero-dimers was in accord with that expected for a random association of enzyme subunits. In a homo-dimer, the H439Q mutation leads to a big fall in the value of Km for NADPH which binds some 1.8 nm from the point of mutation (Berry, A., Scrutton, N.S. & Perham, R. N. Biochemistry 28, 1264-1269 (1989)). However, the one active site in the H439Q/C47S hetero-dimer exhibited kinetic parameters similar to those of the wild-type enzyme. Thus, the effect of the H439Q mutation must be retained within the active site that accommodates it and is not transmitted through the protein to the second active site across the subunit interface.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

By site-directed mutagenesis, Thr-75 was converted to Cys-75 in the glutathione reductase (EC of Escherichia coli. This led to the spontaneous formation of an intersubunit disulphide bridge across the 2-fold axis of the dimeric enzyme. The disulphide bridge had no deleterious effect on the catalytic activity, but nor did it increase the thermal stability of the enzyme, possibly because of local conformational flexibility on the dimer interface. The T75C mutant, like the wild-type enzyme, was inactivated by NADPH, proving that this inactivation cannot be due to simple dissociation of the dimer.  相似文献   

Summary The redox interconversion of Escherichia coli glutathione reductase has been studied both in situ, with permeabilized cells treated with different reductants, and in vivo, with intact cells incubated with compounds known to alter their intracellular redox state.The enzyme from toulene-permeabilized cells was inactivated in situ by NADPH, NADH, dithionite, dithiothreitol, or GSH. The enzyme remained, however, fully active upon incubation with the oxidized forms of such compounds. The inactivation was time-, temperature-, and concentration-dependent; a 50% inactivation was promoted by just 2 M NADPH, while 700 M NADH was required for a similar effect. The enzyme from permeabilized cells was completely protected against redox inactivation by GSSG, and to a lesser extent by dithiothreitol, GSH, and NAD(P)+. The inactive enzyme was efficiently reactivated in situ by physiological GSSG concentrations. A significant reactivation was promoted also by GSH, although at concentrations two orders of magnitude below its physiological concentrations. The glutathione reductase from intact E. coli cells was inactivated in vivo by incubation with DL-malate, DL-isocitrate, or higher L-lactate concentrations. The enzyme was protected against redox inactivation and fully reactivated by diamide in a concentration-dependent fashion. Diamide reactivation was not dependent on the synthesis of new protein, thus suggesting that the effect was really a true reactivation and not due to de novo synthesis of active enzyme. The glutathione reductase activity increased significantly after incubation of intact cells with tert-butyl or cumene hydroperoxides, suggesting that the enzyme was partially inactive within such cells. In conclusion, the above results show that both in situ and in vivo the glutathione reductase of Escherichia coli is subjected to a redox interconversion mechanism probably controlled by the intracellular NADPH and GSSG concentrations.  相似文献   

U Ermler  G E Schulz 《Proteins》1991,9(3):174-179
The structure of glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli has been solved at 3 A resolution using multiple isomorphous replacement, solvent flattening, and molecular replacement on the basis of the homologous (53% identical residues) and structurally well-established human enzyme. The structures of both enzyme species agree with each other in a global way; there is no domain rearrangement. In detail, clear structural differences can be observed. The structure analysis of the E. coli enzyme was tackled in order to understand site-directed mutants, the most spectacular of which changed the cofactor specificity of this enzyme from NADP to NAD (Scrutton et al., 1990, Nature 343:38-43).  相似文献   

Time-resolved polarized flavin fluorescence was used to study the active site dynamics of Escherichia coli glutathione reductase (GR). Special consideration was given to the role of Tyr177, which blocks the access to the NADPH binding-site in the crystal structure of the enzyme. By comparing wild-type GR with the mutant enzymes Y177F and Y177G, a fluorescence lifetime of 7 ps that accounts for approximately 90% of the fluorescence decay could be attributed to quenching by Y177. Based on the temperature invariance for this lifetime, and the very high quenching rate, electron transfer from Y177 to the light-excited isoalloxazine part of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is proposed as the mechanism of flavin fluorescence quenching. Contrary to the mutant enzymes, wild-type GR shows a rapid fluorescence depolarization. This depolarization process is likely to originate from a transient charge transfer interaction between Y177 and the light-excited FAD, and not from internal mobility of the flavin, as has previously been proposed. Based on the fluorescence lifetime distributions, the mutants Y177F and Y177G have a more flexible protein structure than wild-type GR: in the range of 223 K to 277 K in 80% glycerol, both tyrosine mutants mimic the closely related enzyme dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase. The fluorescence intensity decays of the GR enzymes can only be explained by the existence of multiple quenching sites in the protein. Although structural fluctuations are likely to contribute to the nonexponential decay and the probability of quenching by a specific site, the concept of conformational substates need not be invoked to explain the heterogeneous fluorescence dynamics.  相似文献   

Seven independently isolated glutathione reductase-deficient (gor) Escherichia coli mutants were found to have an in vivo glutathione redox state that did not significantly differ from that of the parental strain, 98 to 99% reduced. Strains containing both a gor mutation and either a trxA mutation (thioredoxin deficient) or a trxB mutation (thioredoxin reductase deficient) were able to maintain a 94 to 96% reduced glutathione pool, suggesting that glutathione can be reduced independently of glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase.  相似文献   

Summary The glutathione reductase from E. coli was rapidly inactivated following aerobic incubation of the pure and cell-free extract enzymes with NADPH, NADH and other reductants. The inactivation of the pure enzyme depended on the time and temperature of incubation (t1/2 = 2 min at 37°C), and was proportional to the |INADPH|/|enzyme| ratio, reaching 50% in the presence of 0.3 M NADPH and 45 M NADH respectively, at a subunit concentration of 20 nM. Higher pyridine nucleotide concentrations were required to inactivate the enzyme from cell-free extracts. Two apparent pKa, corresponding to pH 5.8 and 7.3, were determined for the redox inactivation. The enzyme remained inactive even after eliminating the excess NADPH by gel chromatography. E. coli glutathione reductase was protected by oxidized and reduced glutathione against redox inactivation with both pure and cell-free extract enzymes. Ferricyanide and dithiothreitol protected only the pure enzyme, while NADP+ exclusively protected the cell-free extract enzyme. The inactive glutathione reductase was reactivated by treatment with oxidized and reduced glutathione, ferricyanide, and dithiothreitol in a time-and temperature-dependent process. The oxidized form of glutathione was more efficient and specific than the reduced form in the protection and reactivation of the pure enzyme.The molecular weight of the redox-inactivated E. coli glutathione reductase was similar to that of the dimeric native enzyme, ruling out aggregation as a possible cause of inactivation. A tentative model is discussed for the redox inactivation, involving the formation of an erroneous disulfide bridge at the glutathione-binding site.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli is inactivated when incubated with either NADPH or NADH. The process is inversely dependent on the enzyme concentration. Inactivation is rapid and monophasic with 1 microM NADPH and 1 nM enzyme FAD giving a t1/2 of 1 min. Complex formation between NADPH and the two-electron reduced enzyme (EH2) at higher levels of NADPH protects against rapid inactivation. NADP+, produced in a side reaction with oxygen, also protects by forming a complex with EH2. These complexes make analysis of the concentration dependence of the inactivation process difficult. Inactivation with NADH, where complexes do not interfere, is slower but can be analyzed more readily. With 152 microM NADH and 5.4 nM enzyme FAD, the time required for 50% inactivation is 17 min. The process is markedly biphasic, reaching the final inactivation level after 5-7 h. Analysis of the relationship between the final level of inactivation with NADH and the enzyme concentration indicates that inactivation is due to dissociation of the normally dimeric enzyme. Thus, the position of the dimer-monomer equilibrium between an active dimeric two-electron reduced species and an inactive monomeric two-electron reduced form determines the enzyme activity. An apparent equilibrium constant (Kd) for dissociation of dimer obtained from the anaerobic concentration dependent inactivation curves is 220 nM. Enzyme inactivated with NADH can be reactivated with glutathione, and the reactivation kinetics are second order, monomer-monomer over 75% of the reaction with an average apparent association rate constant (ka) of 13.1 (+/- 5.5) X 10(6) M-1 min-1.  相似文献   

Log phase cells of Escherichia coli growing in minimal medium contain a basal level of glutathione (5 pmol/mL per Klett unit) which can increase more than sixfold when the cells reach stationary phase. Since the addition of cysteine alone to log phase cells illicits the same response, the increase in the intracellular pool of glutathione appears to be influenced by the amount of cysteine available for glutathione synthesis. Glucose depletion at low cell densities resulted in a decrease in the glutathione pool while the addition of amino acids other than cysteine did not affect the glutathione pool. Depletion of ammonia or proline as the nitrogen source also resulted in a decrease in the glutathione pool to one-third of the original basal levels as did a shift to anaerobic growth. The large glutathione pool in stationary phase cells dropped from 31.5 to 4.5 pmol/mL per Klett unit within 30 min of transfer to fresh medium. There was no apparent correlation between changes in the glutathione and coenzyme A--glutathione disulfide (CoASSG) pools after a variety of metabolic disruptions.  相似文献   

Knapp KG  Swartz JR 《FEBS letters》2004,559(1-3):66-70
Escherichia coli thioredoxin reductase (TR) and glutathione reductase (GR) are dimeric proteins that require a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor for activity. A cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) reaction supplemented with FAD was used to produce TR at 760 microg/ml with 89% of the protein being soluble. GR accumulated to 521 microg/ml in a cell-free reaction with 71% solubility. The TR produced was fully active with a specific activity of 1390 min(-1). The GR had a specific activity of 139 U/mg, which is significantly more active than reported for GR purified from cells. The specific activity for both TR and GR decreased without FAD supplementation. This research demonstrates that CFPS can be used to produce enzymes that are multimeric and require a cofactor.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli flavorubredoxin is a member of the family of the A-type flavoproteins, which are built by two core domains: a metallo-beta-lactamase-like domain, at the N-terminal region, harboring a non-heme di-iron site, and a flavodoxin-like domain, containing one FMN moiety. The enzyme from E. coli has an extra module at the C terminus, containing a rubredoxin-like center. The A-type flavoproteins are widespread among strict and facultative anaerobes, as deduced from the analysis of the complete prokaryotic genomes. In this report we showed that the recombinant enzyme purified from E. coli has nitric-oxide reductase activity with a turnover number of approximately 15 mol of NO.mol enzyme(-1).s(-1), which was well within the range of those determined for the canonical heme b(3)-Fe(B) containing nitric-oxide reductases (e.g. approximately 10-50 mol NO.mol enzyme(-1).s(-1) for the Paracoccus denitrificans NOR). Furthermore, it was shown that the activity was due to the A-type flavoprotein core, as the rubredoxin domain alone exhibited no activity. Thus, a novel family of prokaryotic NO reductases, with a non-heme di-iron site as the catalytic center, was established.  相似文献   

Inorganic sulfate (SO42-, S+VI) is reduced in vivo to sulfite (SO32-, S+IV) via phosphoadenylylsulfate (PAPS) reductase. Escherichia coli lacking glutathione reductase and glutaredoxins (gor-grxA-grxB-grxC-) barely grows on sulfate. We found that incubation of PAPS reductase with oxidized glutathione leads to enzyme inactivation with simultaneous formation of a mixed disulfide between glutathione and the active site Cys-239. A newly developed method based on thiol-specific fluorescent alkylation and gel electrophoresis showed that glutathionylated PAPS reductase is reduced by glutaredoxins via a monothiol mechanism. This glutathionylated species was also observed in poorly growing gor-grxA-grxB-grxC- cells expressing inactive glutaredoxin 2 (Grx2) C9S/C12S. However, it was absent in better growing cells expressing monothiol Grx2 C12S or wild type Grx2. Reversible glutathionylation may thus regulate the activity of PAPS reductase in vivo.  相似文献   

Directed mutagenesis of the gor gene from Escherichia coli encoding the flavoprotein glutathione reductase was used to convert the two cysteine residues that comprise its redox-active disulphide bridge to alanine (C42A) and serine (C47S) residues. A double mutant (C42AH439A) was also created in which His-439, the proton donor/acceptor in the glutathione-binding site, was additionally converted into an alanine residue. The C42A and C47S mutants were both unable to catalyse the reduction of glutathione by NADPH. The C42A mutant retained the transhydrogenase activity of the wild-type enzyme, whereas the C47S mutant was also inhibited in this reaction. These results support the view that in the catalytic mechanism of E. coli glutathione reductase, the thiolate form of Cys-42 acts as a nucleophile to initiate disulphide exchange with enzyme-bound glutathione and that the thiolate form of Cys-47 generates an essential charge-transfer complex with enzyme-bound FAD. Titration of the C42A and C42AH439A mutants indicated that the imidazole side-chain of His-439 lowered the pKa of the charge-transfer thiol (Cys-47) from 7.7 to 5.7, enhancing its ability to act as an anion at neutral pH. Several important differences between these mutants of E. coli glutathione reductase and similar mutants (or chemically modified forms) of other members of the flavoprotein disulphide oxidoreductase family were noted, but these could be explained in terms of the different redox chemistries of the enzymes concerned.  相似文献   

Changes in surface charge density of liposomes induced by E. coli endotoxin were studied by microelectrophoresis. Endotoxin altered the surface charge of phosphatidylcholine liposomes from neutral to negative. The negative charge of the endotoxin-phosphatidylcholine complex was neutralized electrostatically by binding with Ca2+ (2 mM). Phosphatidylcholine liposomes were made positive by addition of the positively charged detergent, hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride. Endotoxin made the positively charged liposomes less charged. On the other hand, phosphatidylserine liposomes which were negatively charged became less charged in the presence of high concentration of endotoxin (8 mg/ml). The endotoxin effect on phosphatidylserine liposomes was abolished by EDTA (1 mM) but potentiated by CaCl2 (0.1--2 mM). These results indicate that endotoxin interacts with liposomes both hydrophobically and electrostatically.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the dimeric flavoenzyme glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli was determined and refined to an R-factor of 16.8% at 1.86 A resolution. The molecular 2-fold axis of the dimer is local but very close to a possible crystallographic 2-fold axis; the slight asymmetry could be rationalized from the packing contacts. The 2 crystallographically independent subunits of the dimer are virtually identical, yielding no structural clue on possible cooperativity. The structure was compared with the well-known structure of the homologous enzyme from human erythrocytes with 52% sequence identity. Significant differences were found at the dimer interface, where the human enzyme has a disulfide bridge, whereas the E. coli enzyme has an antiparallel beta-sheet connecting the subunits. The differences at the glutathione binding site and in particular a deformation caused by a Leu-Ile exchange indicate why the E. coli enzyme accepts trypanothione much better than the human enzyme. The reported structure provides a frame for explaining numerous published engineering results in detail and for guiding further ones.  相似文献   

An expression vector, pKGR, for the gor gene from Escherichia coli encoding glutathione reductase was constructed by subcloning of an AvaII fragment of the Clarke & Carbon bank plasmid pGR [Greer & Perham (1986) Biochemistry 25, 2736-2742] into the plasmid pKK223-3. The expression of glutathione reductase from the plasmid pKGR was found to have been successfully placed under the control of the tac promoter. Transformation of E. coli cells with this plasmid resulted in 100-200-fold increase in glutathione reductase activity in cell-free extracts. A rapid purification procedure for the enzyme, based on affinity chromatography on Procion Red HE-7B-CL-Sepharose 4B, was developed. The purified enzyme was homogeneous as judged by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, and all its properties were consistent with the DNA sequence of the gene [Greer & Perham (1986) Biochemistry 25, 2736-2742] and with those previously reported for E. coli glutathione reductase [Mata, Pinto & Lopez-Barea (1984) Z. Naturforsch. C. Biosci. 39, 908-915]. These experiments have enabled an investigation of the protein chemical and mechanistic properties of the enzyme by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

响应面分析法优化重组大肠杆菌生物合成谷胱甘肽的条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过响应面分析法和典型性分析得出重组大肠杆菌酶法合成谷胱甘肽的最优条件:菌体量249 mg/mL,磷酸钾缓冲液145 mmol/L,MgCl243 mmol/L和ATP 34 mmol/L,预测谷胱甘肽最大量为16.50 mmol/L。验证性实验证明在优化条件下,重组大肠杆菌酶法合成谷胱甘肽达16.42 mmol/L。响应面分析还表明,在重组大肠杆菌酶法合成谷胱甘肽各因素中,MgCl2和ATP,以及菌体量与磷酸钾缓冲液之间的交互作用较显著。  相似文献   

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