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Tubers, leaves and mericarps are underrepresented plant remains in most archaeological sites either due to their tissue softness or small size and fragility. The more resilient and hard cereal remains, drupes, seeds and grains are frequent at most archaeological sites. The remarkable preservation status of organic material retrieved from archaeological sites in arid regions across the world, such as Egypt, increases the possibility of observing such missing botanical material. The present study discusses results of analysing the contents of a basket recovered within an intact grave (Burial 333) of the Predynastic period (3600 B.C.) in cemetery HK 43 at Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt. The basket was found beside the elbows of the flexed burial of a woman, 40–50 years of age. The cemetery at HK 43 served the non-elite segment of society, as indicated by the overall paucity of grave goods. Children and older women appear to have been most favoured with gifts and among these better endowed graves, Burial 333 stands out for the variety of materials, suggesting that she was a woman of some standing within her community. Botanical contents of the basket include remains of Cyperus (sedge tubers), Anethum graveoloens L. (dill mericarps) and drupes of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile (balanites) as well as narrow slivers of coniferous wood and other types of plant remains. In addition, objects found in and around the basket include a cosmetic palette, five awls of polished bone, an ivory comb, pendants and amulets, which may be part of a cosmetic kit. In terms of palaeoethnobotanical investigations, this basket is another source of plant macro remains to be added to previous sources recovered from the same cemetery, such as the contents of pottery vessels, matting and viscera contents. This evidence shows that the Predynastic inhabitants adopted a subsistence strategy based on the cultivation of cereals, emmer wheat as the likely staple, and the gathering of wild fruits and tubers as well as herding of livestock. The botanical assemblage identified from the basket suggests the exploitation of wet swamp habitats to collect wild tubers of Cyperus esculentus L., C. rotundus/laevigatus and culms of Juncus sp. On the other hand, the nearby desert habitat was a source of edible fruits like Balanites aegyptiaca, Cordia sinensis Lam. and Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. The outcome of this study is evidence for the existence of a mixed strategy of subsistence involving herding, gathering and farming in Predynastic Egypt. This revised version was published online February 2005 with corrections to the author’s name which was incorrect in the original version.  相似文献   

In 2008, during a rescue excavation in the Sa Osa area, near the town of Cabras (Sardinia, Italy), a Nuragic settlement was discovered. The excavation revealed numerous pits, wells and structures dug by the local communities between the Early Copper Age and the Iron Age. These structures were interpreted as elements of a settlement mainly involved in primary production. The most remarkable structure is Well-N, radiocarbon and archaeologically dated to the Late Bronze Age, which has yielded large amounts of waterlogged plant remains, animal and fish bones and pottery. Despite the limited set of samples, the combination of macro-remain and pollen analyses in this unique context provides important information useful for exploring not only local subsistence systems but also human impact on the surrounding environment. Grapes and figs are the most abundant remains together with other fruits and edible vascular plants. Remains of melon and mulberry were identified being the earliest remains of these two species for Western Europe. Their presence may confirm early trade between Nuragic people and the eastern Mediterranean and/or African coasts. Intentional selection of wood suggests practices associated to the collection of raw material for specific technological demands. The presence of intestinal parasites in the pollen record points to the possible use of the well as a cesspit, at least in its later use, and this is one of the earliest evidence of this type of structures in prehistoric contexts.  相似文献   

从上海外来杂草区系剖析植物入侵的一般特征   总被引:125,自引:6,他引:125  
全球化不仅改变了世界的政治和经济格局,而且也改变了生物分布的格局,导致生物种群的重新分布,由此而产生的生物入侵已成了各国政府,国际社会和学术界所共同关心的问题,本文从上海市杂草植物区系的构成入手,揭示了该区植物入侵的特点,产生的原因以及将来的发展趋势,同时还从一般意义上探讨了入侵杂草和入侵生境的特征,植物入侵的环境和经济后果以及入侵生态学领域中重要的研究方向。  相似文献   

The floristic composition and geographical elements of the study area were analysed resulted in 328 species representing 206 genera in 55 families. This study confirmed the record of fourteen species, mostly weeds, which can be considered as new additions to the flora of the study area. Therophytes were the dominant life form, while mono‐ and bi‐regional Saharo‐Sindian geoelements were the most represented. Ten species showed dominancy with their Q‐values ranged between 0.802 and 0.2, where Zilla spinosa and Zygophyllum coccineum were of common occurrence. Application of cluster analysis and DCA ordination techniques produced four major floristic groups (A–D) comprising seven subgroups. The correlation coefficients (r) between the different subgroups revealed high significant correlations (= 0.01) between floristic group (B) and subgroup (C2) and between subgroups (D1) and (D2). Significant correlations (= 0.05) occurred between subgroup (D1) and both of (A1) and (C2). Comparing the floristic similarities between this investigation and other relevant studies were presented and discussed. On the other hand, the low similarity index between the study area and Sinai may be attributed to the geographical position of both deserts where Sinai desert is part of the Irano‐Turanian region, while the Eastern Desert is a part of the Saharo‐Sindian region.  相似文献   

Thanks to a colour reproduction faithfully completed by French explorer Frédéric Cailliaud in the early XIXth century, we are able to view a missing Theban painting dating from the reign of Amenophis II (under the New Empire). It depicts a hunting scene in the desert and an oryx whose morphology and, above all, whose coat colouration obviously match those of the Arabian Oryx. Consequently, we put forward the hypothesis of the possible presence of the Arabian Oryx in the Eastern Desert in Egypt during pharaonic times.  相似文献   


Privernum was a rich Roman colony located 70 km southwest of Rome (southern Latium, central Italy). The archaeobotanical investigations focused on the garden and related structures of the luxury domus della Soglia nilotica. They are archaeologically and radiocarbon dated to the second half of the 1st century AD. The remains of a charred basket were found in the filling of the euripus, an ornamental water basin of the garden. The weaving was made with twisted strands of the leaves of Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Poir.) T. Durand and Schinz; for the bottom and the handle/s of the basket, wood of evergreen oaks and ash and/or elm, respectively were probably used. The basket contained Pinus pinea seeds and cone scales, and Prunus persica endocarps, which were probably burnt in summer. The sediment in the drainage system and in the kitchen was processed for macro- and microremains. The results indicate the presence of spontaneous ruderal and weed flora elements, typical of human settlement areas, and crops.  相似文献   


The present paper deals with the external morphology of the freshwater prawn Caridina africana collected from al-Fayum oasis, Egypt. The study includes some morphometric and meristic characters.  相似文献   

Wood charcoal analysis from Kovacevo in southwest Bulgaria, one of the earliest Neolithic sites in southeastern Europe, provided information about the first stages of anthropogenic impact on vegetation during the Early Neolithic (6159–5630 cal b.c.). Deciduous oak was the most abundant and frequently used taxon in the wood charcoal assemblages. Cornus charcoal was also abundant, probably connected with the use of its twigs as building material in wattle and daub structures. The dominant deciduous oak forest was opened during the Kovacevo I period, as shown by evidence from the Kovacevo Ia and Kovacevo Ib occupation phases. Other types of vegetation, like Black pine (Pinus nigra) woodland, riverine forests and some sub-Mediterranean elements, were used only sporadically, indicating high and sustained availability of wood resources in the oak forests. Anthropogenic impacts were gradual, a pattern that matches contemporary studies elsewhere in the region.  相似文献   

Six actinomycetes, CAI-13, CAI-85, CAI-93, CAI-140, CAI-155 and KAI-180, isolated from six different herbal vermi-composts were characterized for in vitro plant growth-promoting (PGP) properties and further evaluated in the field for PGP activity in rice. Of the six actinomycetes, CAI-13, CAI-85, CAI-93, CAI-140 and CAI-155 produced siderophores; CAI-13, CAI-93, CAI-155 and KAI-180 produced chitinase; CAI-13, CAI-140, CAI-155 and KAI-180 produced lipase; CAI-13, CAI-93, CAI-155 and KAI-180 produced protease; and CAI-13, CAI-85, CAI-140 and CAI-155 produced ß-1-3-glucanase whereas all the six actinomycetes produced cellulase, hydrocyanic acid and indole acetic acid (IAA). The actinomycetes were able to grow in NaCl concentrations of up to 8%, at pH values between 7 and 11, temperatures between 20 and 40 °C and compatible with fungicide bavistin at field application levels. In the rice field, the actinomycetes significantly enhanced tiller numbers, panicle numbers, filled grain numbers and weight, stover yield, grain yield, total dry matter, root length, volume and dry weight over the un-inoculated control. In the rhizosphere, the actinomycetes also significantly enhanced total nitrogen, available phosphorous, % organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and dehydrogenase activity over the un-inoculated control. Sequences of 16S rDNA gene of the actinomycetes matched with different Streptomyces species in BLAST analysis. Of the six actinomycetes, CAI-85 and CAI-93 were found superior over other actinomycetes in terms of PGP properties, root development and crop productivity. qRT-PCR analysis on selected plant growth promoting genes of actinomycetes revealed the up-regulation of IAA genes only in CAI-85 and CAI-93.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of crop sowing time and cultivation intensity, based on arable weed ecology, can resolve archaeological questions surrounding land use and cycles of routine activity, but crop processing may introduce systematic ecological biases in the arable weeds represented in products and by-products. Based on previous ethnoarchaeological work, there is a predicted bias against indicators of spring sowing and intensive cultivation in fine sieve products (and a corresponding over-representation of such species in by-products). Recent work on modern weed floras using functional weed ecology has identified distinctive functional attributes associated with different sowing regimes and cultivation intensity levels. Evaluation of the predicted biases using functional attribute data for modern weed survey studies of different sowing regimes (in Germany) and cultivation intensity levels (in Greece) suggests that there is a likely bias against spring sowing indicators in fine sieve products but not (apparently) against intensive cultivation indicators. An archaeological case study is presented in order to illustrate how bias relating to crop sowing time may be identified and interpreted.  相似文献   

A suite of 74 surface sediment samples, collected from two areas along the Egyptian Mediterranean coast (the Western Harbor of Alexandria and its environs, and the area comprising the Gulf of Kanayis and the Abu Hashafa Bay), have been examined for their benthic foraminiferal faunas. A total of 82 species were identified. Census data were obtained for different species in each sample and the statistically significant fractional abundances values (≥5%) were analyzed using a Q-mode cluster analysis. Samples were segregated into four clusters, each having its peculiar benthic faunal assemblage (biotope), reflecting particular environmental conditions. These clusters are: (1) the Ammonia beccarii forma tepida Biotope, found in samples located in areas with waters of low energy, characterizing semi-closed basin conditions, with muddy or sandy mud bottom sediments (Harbor Proper); (2) the Quinqueloculina spp. Biotope, found in samples collected from depths bathed by turbid inner shelf conditions with some fresh water inflow and sandy bottom sediments (Harbor’s environs); (3) the Peneroplis-Amphistegina Biotope, found in samples collected from depths characterizing marine shelf environments with calcareous algae, and medium to very coarse calcareous sands (the Gulf of Kanayis and the Abu Hashafa Bay); (4) the Triloculina trigonula-Adelosina laevigata Biotope was represented by only one sample (at the far eastern part of the Gulf of Kanayis), collected from a site exhibiting very restricted environmental conditions. The study suggests that nutrients, turbidity, light intensity, type of substrate, and salinity are the main ecological factors controllingthe distribution of benthic foraminifera.  相似文献   

30 genera and 77 species, in addition to 4 varieties were isolated from 25 samples of each of barley, wheat, maize and sorghum grains collected from different places in Egypt. The broadest spectrum of genera and species was recorded in wheat (25 genera and 59 species + 4 varieties) followed by barley (21 genera and 52 species + 2 varieties), sorghum (14 genera and 33 species + 2 varieties) and maize grains (11 genera and 29 species + 2 varieties). Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Rhizopus were the most common genera in the four grains, except maize where Penicillium emerged in low frequency. Aspergillus was the main component of the fungal flora of the four grains and contributed 79–94.4% of the gross total count of fungi. From the preceding genera A. niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, F. oxysporum, P. chrysogenum, P. corylophilum, P. notatum and R. stolonifer were the most frequent.  相似文献   

Pollen grains characteristic of the local pre-tricolpate, pre-Aptian phase of angiosperm evolution have been recovered from the upper part of the Six Hills Formation in the Dakhla Oasis area, Egypt. Highest abundance (up to 16.5 per cent) and diversity of angiosperm pollen is attained in samples from the Tineida 2 borehole, which also display a remarkable variety of different aperture types for a palynoflora of late Barremian age. Monosulcate, columellate tectates such as Retimonocolpites are most important, but a single trichotomosulcate grain as well as monoporate and inaperturate types that have not been reported from many coeval palynofloras, are also present. The following new taxa are described using same-grain SEM/LM techniques: Tucanopollis annulatus Schrank, sp. nov., Retimonocolpites pennyi Schrank and Mahmoud, sp. nov. and Retiacolpites columellatus Schrank, gen. et sp. nov. Phytogeographic links are closest with palynofloras previously described from the late Barremian of West Africa (Gabon, Congo), that is within the Northern Gondwana or Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis Province.  相似文献   

The free-living amoeboflagellate Naegleria fowleri is the only species infects humans world widely distributed. N. fowleri is the causative agent of very rare but severe brain infection called primary amoebic meningo-encephalitis (PAM), a rapidly fatal disease of the central nervous system mainly in immuno-compromised individuals. N. fowleri infects human through the entry of the nose, and it happens when human swimming or diving in warm freshwater, such as lakes, rivers and swimming pools. The disease is acute, and patients often die within 5–10 days and before the infectious agent can be diagnosed. Limited information is available about the existence of pathogenic N. fowleri, in Egypt, so the present of N. fowleri is an important public health. In the present study, we examined hundred water, dust and swap samples collected from 5 swimming pools in Cairo, Egypt. Based on morphological characteristics of trophozoite and cyst, flagellation test 56% of thermo-tolerant Naegleria like amoeba was detected. The incidence of thermo-tolerant free-living amoebae reached 84, 80and 70% from water, cotton swap and dust samples, respectively at cultivation temperature of 45 °C. The highest occurrence of thermo-tolerant amoebae were recorded in summer (100 & 87.5%) while the lowest one were recorded in winter (58 & 37.5%) in both water and dust samples, respectively. In swap samples, the highest occurrence of thermo-tolerant free-living amoeba was recorded in both summer and spring (100%), while the lowest one was recorded in winter (40%). N. fowleri was performed on 24 samples from a total of 56 (42.2%) samples which are positive by culture. Nested PCR using Mp2Cl5 gene primers that is unique to N. fowleri was carried out. The N. fowleri specific primer showed band at 166 bp against 24 of 56 (42.2%) samples. The majority of positive samples unique to N. fowleri was detected in water samples followed by swap samples and finally dust samples 14 of 24 (58%), 7 of 24 (29%), 3 of 24 (13%), respectively. In conclusion, swimming pools water may be the source of Naegleria invasion. The use of molecular methods to identify free-living amoebae N. fowleri could provide a more rapid means to diagnose infections caused by those amoebae.  相似文献   


Paleontological field work in the Fayum Depression of Egypt has produced a remarkable diversity of fossil anthropoids, and this, combined with advances in genetic analyses of living anthropoids, has led to establishment of a temporal and phylogenetic framework for anthropoids that is achieving some degree of consensus. Less well understood are the evolutionary mechanisms and selective factors behind the origin and early diversification of anthropoids. One area that has remained under explored is investigation into the life history patterns of early anthropoids, a major omission given that understanding patterns of growth and development is essential for interpreting the paleobiology of fossil species. Here we detail dental emergence sequences for five species in four families of early anthropoid primates from the Fayum, and use these data to test Schultz’s Rule concerning the timing of emergence of molars versus premolars in mammals. Two important results are generated: (1) only one species had a dental eruption sequence identical to that observed among crown catarrhine primates; and (2) in all cases, the permanent canine was the last post-incisor dental element to fully erupt, a finding that may be significant for interpreting early anthropoid behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

Five studies of present-day weed floras are brought together in this paper to address the issue of ancient crop husbandry and how different agricultural practices may be identified from the archaeobotanical record. These studies have provided valuable insights into the complexity of the relationship between the functional attributes of species and their ecological significance in relation to habitat conditions and husbandry regimes. Using a suite of characteristics, practices such as irrigation, fallowing, crop rotation, time of sowing and intensity of cultivation (hoeing, weeding, manuring etc.) can be recognised on the basis of the functional ecology of the weed species accompanying the crops. The geographic variation in functional attributes is limited and permits the identification of husbandry practices in different climatic zones. Recommendations are made for the application of weed ecological methods to archaeobotanical assemblages.  相似文献   

Abstract  The risk of non-target effects from biological control agents can be reduced if we can better identify effective agents prior to release. Introducing only those agents with high potential for effective control will reduce the number of agents released and reduce the probability of both direct and indirect non-target impacts. Identifying effective agents requires understanding the roles that resources, disturbances and herbivory play in regulating plant populations under natural field conditions. Here we propose a series of experiments that will contrast the mechanisms of population regulation of two invasive wetland plants, alligator weed ( Alternanthera philoxeroides ) and lippia ( Phyla canescens ), with native congener species, Alternanthera denticulata and Phyla nodiflora . We hypothesise that the native plants will have greater growth rates when nutrients are low and herbivores are present, whereas the introduced plants will exhibit greater growth rates when nutrients are high and herbivores are absent.  相似文献   

Fadl  Ezzat M. 《Mycopathologia》1997,140(2):99-103
Using the seed-plate technique, 18 different isolates of Fusarium moniliforme were isolated on pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) agar medium from 18 samples of a local variety of corn collected from locations in Minia Governorate. The isolates of F moniliforme were screened for their ability to produce fumonisins on polished rice grains using the solid state fermentation technique. Based on thin layer chromatographic (TLC) analyses using silica gel plates, 14 of the 18 isolates tested produced FB1 and FB2 with R f (0.17) and (0.24), respectively. Concentration of FB1 was estimated using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Production of FB1 by the 14 isolates of F. moniliforme tested ranged from 69 to 4495 ppm indicating that mouldy corn may represent a health hazard to consumers. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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