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Cytochrome P450 46A1 (CYP46A1) is the cholesterol 24-hydroxylase initiating the major pathways of cholesterol removal from the brain, and bicalutamide (BIC) is a drug of choice for the treatment of progressive androgen-dependent prostate cancer. We evaluated the interactions of BIC with CYP46A1 by x-ray crystallography and by conducting solution and mutagenesis studies. Because BIC is administered to patients as a racemic mixture of the S and R isomers, we studied all three, racemic BIC as well as the S and R isomers. Co-crystallization of CYP46A1 with racemic BIC led to structure determinations at 2.1 Å resolution with the drug complexes exhibiting novel properties. Both BIC isomers bind to the CYP46A1 active site in very similar single orientation and adopt an energetically unfavorable folded conformation. This folded BIC conformation is correlated with drug-induced localized shifts of amino acid side chains in CYP46A1 and unusual interactions in the CYP46A1-BIC complex. One of these interactions involves a water molecule that is coordinated to the P450 heme iron and also hydrogen-bonded to the BIC nitrile. Due to polarization of the water in this environment, the heme elicits previously unreported types of P450 spectral responses. We also observed that access to the P450 active site was affected by differential recognition of S versus R isomers at the CYP46A1 surface arising from BIC conformational polymorphism.  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) is a broad spectrum inhibitor of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which function in extracellular matrix catabolism. Here, phage display was used to identify variants of human TIMP-2 that are selective inhibitors of human MMP-1, a collagenase whose unregulated action is linked to cancer, arthritis, and fibrosis. Using hard randomization of residues 2, 4, 5, and 6 (L1) and soft randomization of residues 34-40 (L2) and 67-70 (L3), a library was generated containing 2 × 10(10) variants of TIMP-2. Five clones were isolated after five rounds of selection with MMP-1, using MMP-3 as a competitor. The enriched phages selectively bound MMP-1 relative to MMP-3 and contained mutations only in L1. The most selective variant (TM8) was used to generate a second library in which residues Cys(1)-Gln(9) were soft-randomized. Four additional clones, selected from this library, showed a similar affinity for MMP-1 as wild-type TIMP-2 but reduced affinity for MMP-3. Variants of the N-terminal domain of TIMP-2 (N-TIMP-2) with the sequences of the most selective clones were expressed and characterized for inhibitory activity against eight MMPs. All were effective inhibitors of MMP-1 with nanomolar K(i) values, but TM8, containing Ser(2) to Asp and Ser(4) to Ala substitutions, was the most selective having a nanomolar K(i) value for MMP-1 but no detectable inhibitory activity toward MMP-3 and MMP-14 up to 10 μM. This study suggests that phage display and selection with other MMPs may be an effective method for discovering tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase variants that discriminate between specified MMPs as targets.  相似文献   

Synthetic inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), designed previously, as well as tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) lack enzyme selectivity, which has been a major obstacle for developing inhibitors into safe and effective MMP-targeted drugs. Here we designed a fusion protein named APP-IP-TIMP-2, in which the ten amino acid residue sequence of APP-derived MMP-2 selective inhibitory peptide (APP-IP) is added to the N terminus of TIMP-2. The APP-IP and TIMP-2 regions of the fusion protein are designed to interact with the active site and the hemopexin-like domain of MMP-2, respectively. The reactive site of the TIMP-2 region, which has broad specificity against MMPs, is blocked by the APP-IP adduct. The recombinant APP-IP-TIMP-2 showed strong inhibitory activity toward MMP-2 (Kiapp = 0.68 pm), whereas its inhibitory activity toward MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-7, MMP-8, MMP-9, or MT1-MMP was six orders of magnitude or more weaker (IC50 > 1 μm). The fusion protein inhibited the activation of pro-MMP-2 in the concanavalin A-stimulated HT1080 cells, degradation of type IV collagen by the cells, and the migration of stimulated cells. Compared with the decapeptide APP-IP (t½ = 30 min), APP-IP-TIMP-2 (t½ ≫ 96 h) showed a much longer half-life in cultured tumor cells. Therefore, the fusion protein may be a useful tool to evaluate contributions of proteolytic activity of MMP-2 in various pathophysiological processes. It may also be developed as an effective anti-tumor drug with restricted side effects.  相似文献   

Aberrant pyroglutamate formation at the N terminus of certain peptides and proteins, catalyzed by glutaminyl cyclases (QCs), is linked to some pathological conditions, such as Alzheimer disease. Recently, a glutaminyl cyclase (QC) inhibitor, PBD150, was shown to be able to reduce the deposition of pyroglutamate-modified amyloid-β peptides in brain of transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer disease, leading to a significant improvement of learning and memory in those transgenic animals. Here, we report the 1.05–1.40 Å resolution structures, solved by the sulfur single-wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing method, of the Golgi-luminal catalytic domain of the recently identified Golgi-resident QC (gQC) and its complex with PBD150. We also describe the high-resolution structures of secretory QC (sQC)-PBD150 complex and two other gQC-inhibitor complexes. gQC structure has a scaffold similar to that of sQC but with a relatively wider and negatively charged active site, suggesting a distinct substrate specificity from sQC. Upon binding to PBD150, a large loop movement in gQC allows the inhibitor to be tightly held in its active site primarily by hydrophobic interactions. Further comparisons of the inhibitor-bound structures revealed distinct interactions of the inhibitors with gQC and sQC, which are consistent with the results from our inhibitor assays reported here. Because gQC and sQC may play different biological roles in vivo, the different inhibitor binding modes allow the design of specific inhibitors toward gQC and sQC.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloprotease 11 (MMP-11), a protease associated with invasion and aggressiveness of cancerous tissue, was postulated as a prognostic marker for pancreatic, breast, and colon cancer patients. Expression analysis, however, did not reveal localization and regulation of this protease. Thus, cellular tools for the visualization of MMP-11 are highly desirable to monitor presence and activity and to elucidate the functional role of MMP-11. Therefore, fluorescein-Dabcyl-labeled Foerster resonance energy transfer (FRET) substrates were developed. The design focused on enhanced peptide binding to human MMP-11, employing an unusual amino acid for the specificity pocket P1′. The addition of several arginines resulted in a cell-permeable FRET substrate SM-P124 (Ac-GRRRK(Dabcyl)-GGAANC(MeOBn)RMGG-fluorescein). In vitro evaluation of SM-P124 with human MMP-11 showed a 25-fold increase of affinity (kcat/Km = 9.16 × 103 m−1 s−1, Km = 8 μm) compared with previously published substrates. Incubation of pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line MIA PaCa-2 and mamma adenocarcinoma cell line MCF-7 with the substrate SM-P124 (5 μm) indicated intra- and extracellular MMP-11 activity. A negative control cell line (Jurkat) showed no fluorescent signal either intra- or extracellularly. Negative control FRET substrate SM-P123 produced only insignificant extracellular fluorescence without any intracellular fluorescence. SM-P124 therefore enabled intra- and extracellular tracking of MMP-11-overexpressing cancers such as pancreatic and breast adenocarcinoma and might contribute to the understanding of the activation pathways leading to MMP-11-mediated invasive processes.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P4503A4 (CYP3A4), a major human drug-metabolizing enzyme, is responsible for the oxidation and clearance of the majority of administered drugs. One of the CYP3A4 substrates is bromoergocryptine (BEC), a dopamine receptor agonist prescribed for the inhibition of prolactin secretion and treatment of Parkinson disease, type 2 diabetes, and several other pathological conditions. Here we present a 2.15 Å crystal structure of the CYP3A4-BEC complex in which the drug, a type I heme ligand, is bound in a productive mode. The manner of BEC binding is consistent with the in vivo metabolite analysis and identifies the 8′ and 9′ carbons of the proline ring as the primary sites of oxidation. The crystal structure predicts the importance of Arg212 and Thr224 for binding of the tripeptide and lysergic moieties of BEC, respectively, which we confirmed experimentally. Our data support a three-step BEC binding model according to which the drug binds first at a peripheral site without perturbing the heme spectrum and then translocates into the active site cavity, where formation of a hydrogen bond between Thr224 and the N1 atom of the lysergic moiety is followed by a slower conformational readjustment of the tripeptide group modulated by Arg212.  相似文献   

Chitinases hydrolyze chitin, an insoluble linear polymer of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (NAG)n, into nutrient sources. Bacillus cereus NCTU2 chitinase (ChiNCTU2) predominantly produces chitobioses and belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 18. The crystal structure of wild-type ChiNCTU2 comprises only a catalytic domain, unlike other chitinases that are equipped with additional chitin binding and insertion domains to bind substrates into the active site. Lacking chitin binding and chitin insertion domains, ChiNCTU2 utilizes two dynamic loops (Gly-67—Thr-69 and Ile-106–Val-112) to interact with (NAG)n, generating novel substrate binding and distortion for catalysis. Gln-109 is crucial for direct binding with substrates, leading to conformational changes of two loops with a maximum shift of ∼4.6 Å along the binding cleft. The structures of E145Q, E145Q/Y227F, and E145G/Y227F mutants complexed with (NAG)n reveal (NAG)2, (NAG)2, and (NAG)4 in the active site, respectively, implying various stages of reaction: before hydrolysis, E145G/Y227F with (NAG)4; in an intermediate state, E145Q/Y227F with a boat-form NAG at the −1 subsite, −1-(NAG); after hydrolysis, E145Q with a chair form −1-(NAG). Several residues were confirmed to play catalytic roles: Glu-145 in cleavage of the glycosidic bond between −1-(NAG) and +1-(NAG); Tyr-227 in the conformational change of −1-(NAG); Asp-143 and Gln-225 in stabilizing the conformation of −1-(NAG). Additionally, Glu-190 acts in the process of product release, and Tyr-193 coordinates with water for catalysis. Residues Asp-143, E145Q, Glu-190, and Tyr-193 exhibit multiple conformations for functions. The inhibitors zinc ions and cyclo-(l-His-l-Pro) are located at various positions and confirm the catalytic-site topology. Together with kinetics analyses of related mutants, the structures of ChiNCTU2 and its mutant complexes with (NAG)n provide new insights into its substrate binding and the mechanistic action.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (P450) 2A6 activates nitrosamines, including N,N-dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) and N,N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN), to alkyl diazohydroxides (which are DNA-alkylating agents) and also aldehydes (HCHO from DMN and CH3CHO from DEN). The N-dealkylation of DMN had a high intrinsic kinetic deuterium isotope effect (Dkapp ∼ 10), which was highly expressed in a variety of competitive and non-competitive experiments. The Dkapp for DEN was ∼3 and not expressed in non-competitive experiments. DMN and DEN were also oxidized to HCO2H and CH3CO2H, respectively. In neither case was a lag observed, which was unexpected considering the kcat and Km parameters measured for oxidation of DMN and DEN to the aldehydes and for oxidation of the aldehydes to the carboxylic acids. Spectral analysis did not indicate strong affinity of the aldehydes for P450 2A6, but pulse-chase experiments showed only limited exchange with added (unlabeled) aldehydes in the oxidations of DMN and DEN to carboxylic acids. Substoichiometric kinetic bursts were observed in the pre-steady-state oxidations of DMN and DEN to aldehydes. A minimal kinetic model was developed that was consistent with all of the observed phenomena and involves a conformational change of P450 2A6 following substrate binding, equilibrium of the P450-substrate complex with a non-productive form, and oxidation of the aldehydes to carboxylic acids in a process that avoids relaxation of the conformation following the first oxidation (i.e. of DMN or DEN to an aldehyde).  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) plays a critical role in blood coagulation by forming the tenase complex with factor IXa and calcium ions on a membrane surface containing negatively charged phospholipids. The tenase complex activates factor X during blood coagulation. The carboxyl-terminal C2 domain of FVIII is the main membrane-binding and von Willebrand factor-binding region of the protein. Mutations of FVIII cause hemophilia A, whereas elevation of FVIII activity is a risk factor for thromboembolic diseases. The C2 domain-membrane interaction has been proposed as a target of intervention for regulation of blood coagulation. A number of molecules that interrupt FVIII or factor V (FV) binding to cell membranes have been identified through high throughput screening or structure-based design. We report crystal structures of the FVIII C2 domain under three new crystallization conditions, and a high resolution (1.15 Å) crystal structure of the FVIII C2 domain bound to a small molecular inhibitor. The latter structure shows that the inhibitor binds to the surface of an exposed β-strand of the C2 domain, Trp2313-His2315. This result indicates that the Trp2313-His2315 segment is an important constituent of the membrane-binding motif and provides a model to understand the molecular mechanism of the C2 domain membrane interaction.  相似文献   


A novel synthesis of a new class of bipyridyl and biheterocyclic-nitrogen thioglycosides utilizing the reactions of heterocyclic substituted pyridine-2(1H)-thiones and α-bromoglucose or α-bromogalactose tetraacetate as starting components is described.  相似文献   

A set of aporphine analogs related to nantenine was evaluated for antagonist activity at 5-HT2A and α1A adrenergic receptors.With regards to 5-HT2A receptor antagonism, a C2 allyl group is detrimental to activity. The chiral center of nantenine is not important for 5-HT2A antagonist activity, however the N6 nitrogen atom is a critical feature for 5-HT2A antagonism.Compound 12b was the most potent 5-HT2A aporphine antagonist identified in this study and has similar potency to previously identified aporphine antagonists 2 and 3. The ring A and N6 modifications examined were detrimental to α1A antagonism. A slight eutomeric preference for the R enantiomer of nantenine was observed in relation to α1A antagonism.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in proteasome inhibitors as a novel class of anticancer drugs. We report that fenbendazole (FZ) (methyl N-(6-phenylsulfanyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)carbamate) exhibits a potent growth-inhibitory activity against cancer cell lines but not normal cells. We show here, using fluorogenic substrates, that FZ treatment leads to the inhibition of proteasomal activity in the cells. Succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-methylcoumarinamide (MCA), benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu-Leu-Glu-7-amido-4-MCA, and t-butoxycarbonyl-Gln-Ala-Arg-7-amido-4-MCA fluorescent derivatives were used to assess chymotrypsin-like, post-glutamyl peptidyl-hydrolyzing, and trypsin-like protease activities, respectively. Non-small cell lung cancer cells transiently transfected with an expression plasmid encoding pd1EGFP and treated with FZ showed an accumulation of the green fluorescent protein in the cells due to an increase in its half-life. A number of apoptosis regulatory proteins that are normally degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway like cyclins, p53, and IκBα were found to be accumulated in FZ-treated cells. In addition, FZ induced distinct ER stress-associated genes like GRP78, GADD153, ATF3, IRE1α, and NOXA in these cells. Thus, treatment of human NSCLC cells with fenbendazole induced endoplasmic reticulum stress, reactive oxygen species production, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, and cytochrome c release that eventually led to cancer cell death. This is the first report to demonstrate the inhibition of proteasome function and induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress/reactive oxygen species-dependent apoptosis in human lung cancer cell lines by fenbendazole, which may represent a new class of anticancer agents showing selective toxicity against cancer cells.  相似文献   

Factor (F) VIIIa forms a number of contacts with FIXa in assembling the FXase enzyme complex. Surface plasmon resonance was used to examine the interaction between immobilized biotinylated active site-modified FIXa, and FVIII and FVIIIa subunits. The FVIIIa A2 subunit bound FIXa with high affinity (Kd = 3.9 ± 1.6 nm) that was similar to the A3C1C2 subunit (Kd = 3.6 ± 0.6 nm). This approach was used to evaluate a series of baculovirus-expressed, isolated A2 domain (bA2) variants where alanine substitutions were made for individual residues within the sequence 707-714, the C-terminal region of A2 thought to be FIXa interactive. Three of six bA2 variants examined displayed 2- to 4-fold decreased affinity for FIXa as compared with WT bA2. The variant bA2 proteins were also tested in two reconstitution systems to determine activity and affinity parameters in forming FXase and FVIIIa. Vmax values for all variants were similar to the WT values, indicating that these residues do not affect cofactor function. All variants showed substantially greater increases in apparent Kd relative to WT in reconstituting the FXase complex (8- to 26-fold) compared with reconstituting FVIIIa (1.3- to 6-fold) suggesting that the mutations altered interaction with FIXa. bA2 domain variants with Ala replacing Lys707, Asp712, and Lys713 demonstrated the greatest increases in apparent Kd (17- to 26-fold). These results indicate a high affinity interaction between the FVIIIa A2 subunit and FIXa and show a contribution of several residues within the 707-714 sequence to this binding.  相似文献   

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