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The development of a hook-like structure at the apical part of the soil-emerging organs has fascinated botanists for centuries, but how it is initiated remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate with highthroughput infrared imaging and 2-D clinostat treatment that, when gravity-induced root bending is absent, apical hook formation still takes place.In such scenarios, hook formation begins with a de novo growth asymmetry at the apical part of a straightly elongating hypocotyl. Remarkably, suchde novo ...  相似文献   

Dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings develop an apical hook by differential elongation and division of hypocotyl cells. This allows the curved hypocotyl to gently drag the apex, which is protected by the cotyledons, upwards through the soil. Several plant hormones are known to be involved in hook development, including ethylene, which causes exaggeration of the hook. We show that gibberellins (GAs) are also involved in this process. Inhibition of GA biosynthesis with paclobutrazol (PAC) prevented hook formation in wild-type (WT) seedlings and in constitutive ethylene response (ctr)1-1, a mutant that exhibits a constitutive ethylene response. In addition, a GA-deficient mutant (ga1-3) did not form an apical hook in the presence of the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC). Analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-repressor of ga1-3 (RGA) fusion protein suggested that ACC inhibits cell elongation in the apical hook by inhibition of GA signaling. A decreased feedback of GA possibly causes an induction of GA biosynthesis based upon the expression of genes encoding copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS; GA1) and GA 2-oxidase (AtGA2ox1). Furthermore, expression of GASA1, a GA-response gene, suggests that differential cell elongation in the apical hook might be a result of differential GA-sensitivity.  相似文献   

Photographic observations on germinating seedlings of Lepidium sativum L., Cucumis sativus L., and Helianthus annuus L. showed that the hypocotyl hook is not present in the seed but forms during the early stages of growth. Evidence that gravity plays a major role in inducing curvature of the hypocotyl, and in maintaining the hook once it has been formed, was obtained from clinostat experiments, from the use of morphactin to remove geotropic sensitivity and from inversion of seedlings to change the direction of the geostimulus. In L. sativum and H. annuus gravity perception seemed to be the only mechanism responsible for hook formation. In C. sativus hook formation was additionally aided by the mode of emergence of the cotyledons from the seed coat but gravity played an indirect role in regulating such emergence. Further evidence that hook formation is linked to a georesponse was derived from a comparison of hypocotyl development in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with that of an ageotropic mutant, hook formation being found to occur only in the wild type. Hook formation and maintenance is discussed in terms of contrasting geosensitivity between the apical and basal ends of the hypocotyl and it is suggested that light-induced hook opening is a reversal to a condition of uniformly negative georesponse throughout the hypocotyl.  相似文献   

Cellular parameters of the shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
P Laufs  O Grandjean  C Jonak  K Kiêu    J Traas 《The Plant cell》1998,10(8):1375-1390
The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a small group of dividing cells that generate all of the aerial parts of the plant. With the goal of providing a framework for the analysis of Arabidopsis meristems at the cellular level, we performed a detailed morphometric study of actively growing inflorescence apices of the Landsberg erecta and Wassilewskija ecotypes. For this purpose, cell size, spatial distribution of mitotic cells, and the mitotic index were determined in a series of optical sections made with a confocal laser scanning microscope. The results allowed us to identify zones within the inflorescence SAM with different cell proliferation rates. In particular, we were able to define a central area that was four to six cells wide and had a low mitotic index. We used this technique to compare the meristem of the wild type with the enlarged meristems of two mutants, clavata3-1 (clv3-1) and mgoun2 (mgo2). One of the proposed functions of the CLV genes is to limit cell division rates in the center of the meristem. Our data allowed us to reject this hypothesis, because the mitotic index was reduced in the inflorescence meristem of the clv3-1 mutant. We also observed a large zone of slowly dividing cells in meristems of clv3-1 seedlings. This zone was not detectable in the wild type. These results suggest that the central area is increased in size in the mutant meristem, which is in line with the hypothesis that the CLV3 gene is necessary for the transition of cells from the central to the peripheral zone. Genetic and microscopic analyses suggest that mgo2 is impaired in the production of primordia, and we previously proposed that the increased size of the mgo2 meristem could be due to an accumulation of cells at the periphery. Our morphometric analysis showed that mgo2 meristems, in contrast to those of clv3-1, have an enlarged periphery with high cell proliferation rates. This confirms that clv3-1 and mgo2 lead to meristem overgrowth by affecting different aspects of meristem function.  相似文献   

Seedling apical hook development involves a complex interplay of hormones and light in the regulation of differential cell growth. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that integrate these diverse signals to control bending of the embryonic stem are poorly understood. The Arabidopsis ethylene-regulated HOOKLESS1 (HLS1) gene is essential for apical hook formation. Herein, we identify two auxin response regulators that act downstream of HLS1 to control cell elongation in the hypocotyl. Extragenic suppressors of hls1 were identified as mutations in AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2). The level of ARF2 protein was decreased by ethylene, and this response required HLS1. Exposure to light decreased HLS1 protein levels and evoked a concomitant increase in ARF2 accumulation. These studies demonstrate that both ethylene and light signals affect differential cell growth by acting through HLS1 to modulate the auxin response factors, pinpointing HLS1 as a key integrator of the signaling pathways that control hypocotyl bending.  相似文献   

Regulation of Arabidopsis flower development.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Contrary to the established notion that the apical hook of dark-grown dicotyledonous seedlings opens in response to light, we found in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) that the apical hook curvature is exaggerated by light. Experiments with several tomato cultivars and phytochrome mutants, irradiated with red and far-red light either as a brief pulse (Rp, FRp) or continuously (Rc, FRc), revealed: the hook-exaggeration response is maximal at the emergence of the hypocotyl from the seed; the effect of Rp is FRp-reversible; fluence–response curves to a single Rp or FRp show an involvement of low and very low fluence responses (LFR, VLFR); the effect of Rc is fluence-rate dependent, but that of FRc is not; the phyA mutant (phyA hp-1) failed to respond to an Rp of less than 10−2 μmol m−2 and to an FRp of all fluences tested as well as to FRc, thus indicating that the hook-exaggeration response involves phyA-mediated VLFR. The Rp fluence–response curve with the same mutant also confirmed the presence of an LFR mediated by phytochrome(s) other than phyA, although the phyB1 mutant (phyB1 hp-1) still showed full response probably due to other redundant phytochrome species (e.g., phyB2). Simulation experiments led to the possible significance of hook exaggeration in the field that the photoresponse may facilitate the release of seed coat when seeds germinate at some range of depth in soil. It was also observed that seed coat and/or endosperm are essential to the hook exaggeration.  相似文献   

At the developmental stage at which the apical hook passed the 3rd and 4th nodes, dark-grown seedlings of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Progress No.9) opened the hook upright and then formed a new hook above the node nearly in the opposite direction to the previous one. In cv. Alaska, in contrast, many (about 84%) seedlings closed the hook in the original direction after they partially (up to about 110°) opened it at the 3rd node, thus doing a wagging movement, while a small percentage (about 16%) of the seedlings reversed the hook direction. Exposure to red light of cv. Alaska seedlings for 10 min increased the percentage of the hook reversion up to 71% or more. The hook reversion was never observed except when the hook part passed the nodes, suggesting the involvement of the nodes in the phenomenon.  相似文献   

A plant's compensatory performance refers to its ability to maintain or increase its reproductive output following damage. The ability of a plant to compensate depends on numerous factors including the type, severity, frequency and timing of damage, the environmental conditions and the plant's genotype. Upon apical damage, a cascade of hormonal and genetic responses often produces dramatic changes in a plant's growth, development, architecture and physiology. All else being equal, this response is largely dependent on a plant's genotype, with different regrowth patterns displayed by different genotypes of a given species. In this study, we compare the architectural and growth patterns of two Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes following apical damage. Specifically, we characterise regrowth patterns of the genotypes Columbia‐4 and Landsberg erecta, which typically differ in their compensation to apical meristem removal. We report that Landsberg erecta suffered reductions in the number of stems produced, maximum elongation rate, a delay in reaching this rate, lower average rosette quality throughout the growing period, and ultimately, less aboveground dry biomass and seed production when damaged compared to undamaged control plants. Columbia‐4 had no reductions in any of these measures and maintained larger rosette area when clipped relative to when unclipped. Based on the apparent influence of the rosette on these genotypes' compensatory performances, we performed a rosette removal experiment, which confirmed that the rosette contributes to compensatory performance. This study provides a novel characterisation of regrowth patterns following apical damage, with insights into those measures having the largest effect on plant performance.  相似文献   

Mutations at the TOUSLED (TSL) protein kinase locus in Arabidopsis cause reduced differentiation of apical gynoecial tissues and eliminate the fusion of the style and septum. TSL expression becomes confined to the developing style by stage 13, where it may promote expansion of tissues. Double mutant analysis suggests that ETTIN interacts with TSL, possibly by restricting TSL expression to apical regions. TSL, LEUNIG, and PERIANTHIA appear to participate in pathways of redundant function during the development of specific gynoecial tissues. TSL and LEUNIG most likely function in similar pathways during ovule development. TSL acts independently of the function of the organ identity genes AGAMOUS and APETALA2, and it is required for the formation of specific tissues in ectopic carpels. Mutations in TSL, ETTIN, PERIANTHIA, and LEUNIG all affect floral organ number as well as gynoecium morphology. Their respective wild-type loci must therefore play important roles in early floral meristem development during initiation of organ primordia in addition to their functions during regional differentiation within developing gynoecial primordia.  相似文献   

Plants can reorient their organs in response to changes in environmental conditions. In some species, ethylene can induce resource-directed growth by stimulating a more vertical orientation of the petioles (hyponasty) and enhanced elongation. In this study on Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), we show significant natural variation in ethylene-induced petiole elongation and hyponastic growth. This hyponastic growth was rapidly induced and also reversible because the petioles returned to normal after ethylene withdrawal. To unravel the mechanisms behind the natural variation, two contrasting accessions in ethylene-induced hyponasty were studied in detail. Columbia-0 showed a strong hyponastic response to ethylene, whereas this response was almost absent in Landsberg erecta (Ler). To test whether Ler is capable of showing hyponastic growth at all, several signals were applied. From all the signals applied, only spectrally neutral shade (20 micromol m(-2) s(-1)) could induce a strong hyponastic response in Ler. Therefore, Ler has the capacity for hyponastic growth. Furthermore, the lack of ethylene-induced hyponastic growth in Ler is not the result of already-saturating ethylene production rates or insensitivity to ethylene, as an ethylene-responsive gene was up-regulated upon ethylene treatment in the petioles. Therefore, we conclude that Ler is missing an essential component between the primary ethylene signal transduction chain and a downstream part of the hyponastic growth signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of the plant are generated by groups of rapidly dividing cells called shoot apical meristems. To analyze cell behavior in these structures, we developed a technique to visualize living shoot apical meristems using the confocal microscope. This method, combined with green fluorescent protein marker lines and vital stains, allows us to follow the dynamics of cell proliferation, cell expansion, and cell differentiation at the shoot apex. Using this approach, the effects of several mitotic drugs on meristem development were studied. Oryzalin (depolymerizing microtubules) very rapidly caused cell division arrest. Nevertheless, both cell expansion and cell differentiation proceeded in the treated meristems. Interestingly, DNA synthesis was not blocked, and the meristematic cells went through several rounds of endoreduplication in the presence of the drug. We next treated the meristems with two inhibitors of DNA synthesis, aphidicolin and hydroxyurea. In this case, cell growth and, later, cell differentiation were inhibited, suggesting an important role for DNA synthesis in growth and patterning.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Arabidopsis defense transcriptome   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

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