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The accessory glands ofAllacma fusca(L.) (Insecta, Collembola, Sminthuridae) consist of a series of secretory units that are arranged in parallel and open into the ejaculatory duct. Each unit is composed of microvillate cells stacked around a common cavity. Basal cells are involved in ion-control of fluids from the hemocoel to the cavity. The intermediate and apical cells, which have a laminar appearance and contain many microtubules, are involved in the structural integrity of the unit. Supporting cells ensheath the most apical cells. Large openings in the cuticle allow the gland secretion to flow into the ejaculatory duct lumen. These openings are protected by a porous cuticle different from that lining the epithelium of the ejaculatory duct. Conspicuous muscle fibers run along the lateroventral side of the ejaculatory duct beneath the insertion of the accessory glands. The fine structure of the accessory glands indicates that they are type I ectodermic glands as defined by Noirot & Quennedey (1974). Their function could be to control the fluidity of the material for spermatophore formation and to ensure the proper physiological conditions for spermatozoa stored in the ejaculatory duct lumen.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of male reproductive accessory glands and ejaculatory duct in the Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly), Bactrocera tryoni, were investigated and compared with those of other tephritid flies. Male accessory glands were found to comprise one pair of mesodermic glands and three pairs of ectodermic glands. The mesodermic accessory glands consist of muscle-lined, binucleate epithelial cells, which are highly microvillated and extrude electron-dense secretions by means of macroapocrine transport into a central lumen. The ectodermic accessory glands consist of muscle-lined epithelial cells which have wide subcuticular cavities, lined with microvilli. The electron-transparent secretions from these glands are first extruded into the cavities and then forced out through small pores of the cuticle into the gland lumen. Secretions from the two types of accessory glands then flow into the ejaculatory duct, which is highly muscular, with epithelial cells rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and lined with a thick, deeply invaginated cuticle. While there are some notable differences, reproductive accessory glands of male Q-flies generally resemble those of the olive fruitfly, Bactrocera oleae, and to a lesser extent the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of wax glands (integumentary, stigmatic, and peristigmatic glands) was investigated in larvae, cysts, and adult females and males of species belonging to the genera Porphyrophora, Sphaeraspis, and Eurhizococcus. The general organization and cytological characteristics are similar for all glands studied. Each gland is composed of a single layer of 8 to 40 cells. The glandular cells are characterized by a very large quantity of smooth endoplasmic reticulum which forms dense zones throughout the cytoplasm, but is always placed near the collecting canals in the presence of mitochondria. Each cell has a central canal reservoir which penetrates it deeply and gives rise to a large number of lateral collecting canals, formed by the invagination of the apical plasma membrane. The canals open into a subcuticular cavity forming a common reservoir in which the secretion is accumulated. This reservoir is covered by a modified cuticle formed from the endocuticle and the epicuticle. The endocuticle is composed of a network of fine tubular structures and has many filaments on its surface. The epicuticle is perforated by numerous pores. There is no cuticular duct. The secretion crosses the cuticle in three successive steps. First, it passes through the filaments, then through fine tubular structures of the endocuticle, and finally through the epicuticular pores.  相似文献   

The morphology and the ultrastructure of the male accessory glands and ejaculatory duct of Ceratitis capitata were investigated. There are two types of glands in the reproductive apparatus. The first is a pair of long, mesoderm-derived tubules with binucleate, microvillate secretory cells, which contain smooth endoplasmic reticulum and, in the sexually mature males, enlarged polymorphic mitochondria. The narrow lumen of the gland is filled with dense or sometimes granulated secretion, containing lipids. The second type consists of short ectoderm-derived glands, finger-like or claviform shaped. Despite the different shape of these glands, after a cycle of maturation, their epithelial cells share a large subcuticular cavity filled with electron-transparent secretion. The ejaculatory duct, lined by cuticle, has epithelial cells with a limited involvement in secretory activity. Electrophoretic analysis of accessory gland secretion reveals different protein profiles for long tubular and short glands with bands of 16 and 10 kDa in both types of glands. We demonstrate that a large amount of accessory gland secretion is depleted from the glands after 30 min of copulation.  相似文献   

Inside the labrum of Leptestheria dahalacensis are situated three types of large epidermal gland cells, whose ducts open onto the outer dorsal surface of the labrum. SEM revealed that the thin ducts of the A-type gland cells open out behind the epipharynx at the end of small, conically shaped protuberances, the two paired ducts of the B-type gland cells lead into the distal portion of the labrum, and the external opening of the single duct of the C-type gland cells lies on the dorsal lobe of the labrum. The ducts of the three different gland cell types have the same fundamental constitution, but vary in diameter. Each secretory unit consists of a pair of gland cells (A, B, or C) and a secretory duct. The duct is formed by ring-shaped folding of one anteroposteriorly elongated epidermal cell (duct cell), whose ends adhere closely to one another. A further ring-folded epidermal cell (accessory cell), but flattened in shape, is interposed, like a sleeve-connection, between the gland cells and the duct cell. The reservoirs of gland cells open into the lumen of the duct. Discontinuous deposits of highly electron-dense matter are present on the plasma membrane of the accessory cell delimiting the initial part of the duct lumen, while the plasma membrane of the duct cell facing the lumen is cuticularized. The cytoplasm of the accessory cell, on examination by TEM, appears quite similar to that of the duct cell, except for the different distribution and greater abundance of microtubules. Similarly organized tricellular tegumental glands also commonly occur in other Crustacea, both Malacostraca and non-Malacostraca. Possible functions of secretions from the three different types of gland cells present in the labrum of L. dahalacensis are discussed.  相似文献   

The functional anatomy of antennal glands located either on the 3rd or on the 3rd and 4th antennomeres in males of several species of cynipoids was investigated. SEM observations revealed variously modified antennomeres with elevated plates, tyloids and excavated areas. In all the cases, the antennomeres are equipped with cuticular pores, corresponding internally to cuticular ducts. TEM studies showed the presence of type III integumentary glands, as classified by Noirot & Quennedey. Each glandular unit is made up of an innermost secretory cell, producing the secretion, and an outermost canal cell, producing the evacuating duct. The secretion passes through the duct and reaches the cuticular pores, concentrated in a ventro-lateral portion of the antennomere called the 'release and spread structure'. Both in Cynipidae and in Eucoilinae (Figitidae), the courtship behaviour includes a pre-copulatory phase characterized by intense antennal stroking. Bioassays in the eucoilins Leptopilina boulardi and L. heterotoma showed that these glands are the production site of a contact sex recognition pheromone, necessary for the female to accept the male.  相似文献   

Caecilians are exceptional among the vertebrates in that males retain the Mullerian duct as a functional glandular structure. The Mullerian gland on each side is formed from a large number of tubular glands connecting to a central duct, which either connects to the urogenital duct or opens directly into the cloaca. The Mullerian gland is believed to secrete a substance to be added to the sperm during ejaculation. Thus, the Mullerian gland could function as a male accessory reproductive gland. Recently, we described the male Mullerian gland of Uraeotyphlus narayani using light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and histochemistry. The present TEM study reports that the secretory cells of both the tubular and basal portions of the tubular glands of the male Mullerian gland of this caecilian produce secretion granules in the same manner as do other glandular epithelial cells. The secretion granules are released in the form of structured granules into the lumen of the tubular glands, and such granules are traceable to the lumen of the central duct of the Mullerian gland. This is comparable to the situation prevailing in the epididymal epithelium of several reptiles. In the secretory cells of the basal portion of the tubular glands, mitochondria are intimately associated with fabrication of the secretion granules. The structural and functional organization of the epithelium of the basal portion of the tubular glands is complicated by the presence of basal cells. This study suggests the origin of the basal cells from peritubular tissue leukocytes. The study also indicates a role for the basal cells in acquiring secretion granules from the neighboring secretory cells and processing them into lipofuscin material in the context of regression of the Mullerian gland during the period of reproductive quiescence. In these respects the basal cells match those in the epithelial lining of the epididymis of amniotes.  相似文献   

The spermatheca and the accessory glands of the collembolan Orchesella villosa are described for the first time. Both organs exhibit ultrastructural differences, according to the time of the intermolt in which the specimens were observed. A thick cuticular layer lines the epithelial cells of the accessory glands. In the reproductive phase, they are involved in secretory activity; a moderately dense secretion found in the apical cell region opens into the gland lumen. Cells with an extracellular cistern are intermingled with the secretory cells. These cells could be involved in fluid secretion, with the secretory product opening into the cistern which is filled with an electron-transparent material. After the reproductive phase, the gland lumen becomes filled with a dense secretion. The accessory gland secretion may play a protective role towards the eggs. The spermatheca is located between the accessory glands; its epithelium is lined by a thin cuticle forming spine-like projections into the lumen and consists of cells provided with an extracellular cistern. Secretory cells, similar to those seen in the accessory glands, are missing. Cells with a cistern could be involved in the production of a fluid secretion determining sperm unrolling and sperm motility.  相似文献   

The paired accessory glands of the male mosquito, Aedes triseriatus, consisted of a single layer of columnar epithelial cells enclosed by a richly-nucleated circular muscle layer. Each accessory gland is divided into an anterior gland (AG) with one type of secretory cell, and a posterior gland (PG) with two types. The cells of the AG and those of the anterior region of the PG showed macroapocrine secretion. The mucus secreting cells located at the posterior region of the PG, however, released their contents into the lumen of the gland by rupturing the apical membrane of the cell. The secretion from all cells was in the form of membrane-bound granules which had distinct electron-dense and electron-lucent areas.  相似文献   

The maxilla I-gland of Scutigera coleoptrata was investigated using light and electron microscopy methods. This is the first ultrastructural investigation of a salivary gland in Chilopoda. The paired gland opens via the hypopharynx into the foregut and extends up to the third trunk segment. The gland is of irregular shape and consists of numerous acini consisting of several gland units. The secretion is released into an arborescent duct system. Each acinus consists of multiple of glandular units. The units are composed of three cell types: secretory cells, a single intermediary cell, and canal cells. The pear-shaped secretory cell is invaginated distally, forming an extracellular reservoir lined with microvilli, into which the secretion is released. The intermediary cell forms a conducting canal and connects the secretory cell with the canal cell. Proximally, the intermediary cell bears microvilli, whereas the distal part is covered with a distinct cuticle. The cuticle is a continuation of the cuticle of the canal cells. This investigation shows that the structure of the glandular units of the salivary maxilla I-gland is comparable to that of the glandular units of epidermal glands. Thus, it is likely that in Chilopoda salivary glands and epidermal glands share the same ground pattern. It is likely that in compound acinar glands a multiplication of secretory and duct cells has taken place, whereas the number of intermediary cells remains constant. The increase in the number of salivary acini leads to a shifting of the secretory elements away from the epidermis, deep into the head. Comparative investigations of the different head glands provide important characters for the reconstruction of myriapod phylogeny and the relationships of Myriapoda and Hexapoda.  相似文献   

The eversible vesicles of the sex pheromone glands consist of three cell types, secreting the cuticle, the duct and the pheromone, respectively. Each pheromone-secreting cell has an end apparatus, bounded by microvilli and lined by a granular mass, that is penetrated by remarkable elongate filaments extending far up into the secretory duct. Vesicles containing secretion or secretion precursors abound. The possible role is discussed of the various organelles in the elaboration and transport of the pheromone.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the interommatidial exocrine glands, found in the compound eyes of the water strider Aquarius remigis, is described using light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The glandular pores of the glands are specialized into minute “nail-headed” structures (NS), which are described for the first time in arthropod compound eyes. Each NS is composed of two components: a rod-like stalk and a cup-like depression. The TEM study shows that the glands are class 3 epidermal glands as defined by Noirot and Quennedey (1974, 1991). Each gland consists of 3 cells: a gland cell, an intermediary cell, and a duct (canal) cell. The gland cell contains abundant electron-lucent vesicles, while the intermediary cell contains a large number of osmiophilic secretory granules. These two cells might secrete different substances which mix together in the dilated sac-like portion of the conducting canal before final release. The possible functions of the secretions released from these glands are discussed.  相似文献   

Accessory gland secretions of male insects have many important functions including the formation of spermatophores. We used light and electron microscopy to investigate the structure of the accessory glands and posterior vasa deferentia of the carabid beetle Pterostichus nigrita to try to determine where spermatophore material is produced. Each accessory gland and posterior vas deferens had an outer layer of longitudinal muscle, beneath which was a layer of connective tissue and a thin band of circular muscle, all of which surrounded a layer of epithelial cells lining the lumen of the ducts. Based on the ultrastructure of the epithelial cells, and their secretory products, we identified two epithelial cell types in each region (distal and proximal) of the accessory glands and four types in the posterior vas deferens. Most secretory products, which stained positively for proteins and some mucins, were released into the lumen of the ducts by apocrine secretion. The accessory glands produced one type of secretory product whereas in posterior vasa deferentia, four types of secretory products were found layered in the lumen. Our results suggest that most of the structural material used to construct a spermatophore is produced by the cells of the posterior vasa deferentia.  相似文献   

Abstract The ultrastructure of unicellular accessory glands (= prostate glands) and external male ducts of the cestode Cylindrotaenia hickmaniare described. Accessory glands open into the lumen of the external common sperm duct (= external vas deferens). The gland cells contain abundant endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies and secretory bodies, and have elongate necks that pierce the apical cytoplasm of the duct. Cell contact with the apical cytoplasm of the sperm duct is mediated by septate desmosomes. Accessory glands secrete spherical particles, with a diameter of approximately 70 nm, that adhere to spermatozoa. The roles of these accessory glands may relate to activity of the sperm or development of the female system after insemination. Paired sperm ducts arise from testes, and unite to form a common sperm duct. Each duct consists of a tubular anucleate cytoplasmic region which is supported by nucleated cytons that lie sunken in the parenchyma. The apical cytoplasm of the paired sperm ducts (= vasa efferentia) possesses apical microvilli and abundant mitochondria, but few other cytoplasmic features. The apical cytoplasm of the common sperm duct possesses sparse apical microvilli and numerous electronlucent vesicles. The male gonoducts form an elongate syncytium which is markedly polarized along the length of the ducts. The ducts also display apical–basal polarity in that sunken nucleated cytons support the apical cytoplasm which in turn has distinct basal and apical domains.  相似文献   

【目的】蟋螽是直翅目中唯一具有吐丝筑巢行为的类群。本研究旨在探讨蟋螽丝腺的结构特点。【方法】应用解剖学观察、免疫荧光、苏木精-伊红染色、PAS苏木精染色、扫描电镜和透射电镜等方法从细胞水平对黑缘烟蟋螽Capnogryllacris nigromarginata丝腺的显微与超微结构进行了观察。【结果】黑缘烟蟋螽丝腺由导管和腺泡构成。腺泡由鞘细胞延伸形成的结缔组织鞘包围。腺泡的主体有4种细胞,分别为Ⅰ型分泌细胞、Ⅱ型分泌细胞、围细胞和腔细胞。Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型分泌细胞为大的腺细胞,形状不规则。分泌细胞细胞核很大,胞质内有大量的内质网和分泌颗粒。Ⅰ型分泌细胞靠近腺泡中心,PAS-苏木精染色表明Ⅰ型分泌细胞内含糖蛋白,Ⅱ型分泌细胞在腺泡外周,位于Ⅰ型分泌细胞与围细胞或结缔组织鞘之间。腔细胞分散在分泌细胞之间,包围形成胞外运输分泌物的通道。围细胞与鞘细胞接触,具有由细胞膜内陷形成的微绒毛腔,胞质内有大量的线粒体。围细胞微绒毛腔与腔细胞包围的细胞外运输通道相连,分泌细胞分泌的颗粒聚集在分泌细胞和胞外运输通道之间的连接处,并将分泌物排出至胞外运输通道。多个腺泡的胞外运输通道汇集到由单层细胞组成的丝腺导管。单层导管细胞靠近管腔外围具有规则排列的质膜内陷和大量伸长的线粒体;靠近管腔的一侧具连续的细胞膜突起,在导管壁的表皮下紧密排列。【结论】黑缘烟蟋螽丝腺分泌细胞分为Ⅰ型分泌细胞和Ⅱ型分泌细胞。分泌物质产生及分泌过程依次经过分泌细胞、腔细胞包围的胞外通道、分支导管、总导管和唾窦。其中在腺泡细胞之间,分泌物向外运输过程中,围细胞微绒毛腔的微丝束可能对分泌物的外排提供推动力。  相似文献   

This study reports the anatomy, histology, and ultrastructure of the male Mullerian gland of the caecilian Uraeotyphlus narayani, based on dissections, light microscopic histological and histochemical preparations, and transmission electron microscopic observations. The posterior end of the Mullerian duct and the urinogenital duct of this caecilian join to form a common duct before opening into the cloaca. The boundary of the entire gland has a pleuroperitoneum, followed by smooth muscle fibers and connective tissue. The Mullerian gland is composed of numerous individual tubular glands separated from each other by connective tissue. Each gland has a duct, which joins the central Mullerian duct. The ducts of the tubular glands are also surrounded by abundant connective tissue. The tubular glands differ between the column and the base in regard to the outer boundary and the epithelial organization. The basement membrane of the column is so thick that amoeboid cells may not penetrate it, whereas that around the base of the gland is thin and appears to allow migration of amoeboid cells into and out of the basal aspect of the gland. The epithelium of the column has nonciliated secretory cells with basal nuclei and ciliated nonsecretory cells with apical nuclei. In the epithelium of the base there are secretory cells, ciliated cells, and amoeboid cells. The epithelium of ducts of the tubular glands is formed of ciliated dark cells and microvillated light cells. The epithelium of the central duct is formed of ciliated dark cells also possessing microvilli, ciliated light cells also possessing microvilli, and microvillated light cells that lack cilia. It is regressed during March to June when the testis lobes are in a state of quiescence. The Mullerian gland is active in secretion during July to February when the testis is active in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The male accessory reproductive glands of Acrida turrita includes fifteen pairs of tubules opening into the ejaculatory duct. Four of them are white and eleven hyaline glands. Histochemically the hyaline glands are further differentiated into seven types (HG1-HG7). The secretion of all the glands taken together includes polysaccharide (neutral mucopolysaccharide, chondroitin sulphate and sialomucin), protein (-NH2 and -SH groups, and tyrosine, histidine, tryptophan and arginine amino acids) and neutral lipid. The possible role of the accessory glands based on their histochemical analysis, has been speculated.  相似文献   

P Pesson  I Foldi 《Tissue & cell》1978,10(2):389-399
The tegumentary pygidial glands of Aonidiella aurantii (Homoptera, Diaspididae) produce a secretion forming the shield of these fixed parasites of plants. They are formed of seven cells: a principal unpaired secretory cell which produces an abundant glycoproteinaceous secretion; a small associated cell with a secondary reservoir for this secretion; two accessory secretory cells which have very abundant tubular extensions coming from the plasma membrane, and a flocculent secretion gathered in a large sub-cuticular space; two cells forming an enlarged part of the excretory canal, functioning like a spinneret; and finally a single cell forming the tubular duct of this complex gland. The cuticle of the secretory cells has a very special porous structure, through which the secretion passes. The final product is a ribbon formed by two hollow strands stuck together. The exact nature of this secretion is not clear. It is comparable to a silk secretion though it has its own particular characteristics.  相似文献   

Production of secretion in the accessory reproductive glands of male Melanoplus sanguinipes has been examined by electrophoresis and radiolabelling. The secretion of each group of tubules (long hyaline glands, white glands, short hyaline glands, and seminal vesicles) can be resolved into more than 20 protein bands and includes several glycoproteins and, in the long hyaline and white glands only, lipoproteins. Each group of tubules has a characteristic pattern of synthesis and accumulation of proteins; that is, specific proteins appear in the secretion at particular times during sexual maturation. In allatectomized insects, the long hyaline glands accumulate very little secretion; the white glands and short hyaline glands accumulate about one-third the normal amount; and accumulation in the seminal vesicles is not affected by the operation. Allatectomy exerts its effect by inhibiting the synthesis of particular proteins. The observations are discussed in terms of juvenile hormone-specific protein synthesis in the accessory reproductive glands.  相似文献   

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