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Light activation of an innate olfactory avoidance response in Drosophila   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
How specific sensory stimuli evoke specific behaviors is a fundamental problem in neurobiology. In Drosophila, most odorants elicit attraction or avoidance depending on their concentration, as well as their identity [1]. Such odorants, moreover, typically activate combinations of glomeruli in the antennal lobe of the brain [2-4], complicating the dissection of the circuits translating odor recognition into behavior. Carbon dioxide (CO2), in contrast, elicits avoidance over a wide range of concentrations [5, 6] and activates only a single glomerulus, V [5]. The V glomerulus receives projections from olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) that coexpress two GPCRs, Gr21a and Gr63a, that together comprise a CO2 receptor [7-9]. These CO2-sensitive ORNs, located in the ab1 sensilla of the antenna, are called ab1c neurons [10]. Genetic silencing of ab1c neurons indicates that they are necessary for CO2-avoidance behavior [5]. Whether activation of these neurons alone is sufficient to elicit this behavior, or whether CO2 avoidance requires additional inputs (e.g., from the respiratory system), remains unclear. Here, we show that artificial stimulation of ab1c neurons with light (normally attractive to flies) elicits the avoidance behavior typical of CO2. Thus, avoidance behavior appears hardwired into the olfactory circuitry that detects CO2 in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Lyophilized cells ofPhotobacterium phosphoreum, rehydrated in 2% (w/v) NaCl in 0.022M KH2PO4 at pH 7.0, were used for developing an assay to test the acute toxicity of organic and inorganic compounds. The standardized assay gave good reproducibility of results with 11 organic and four inorganic compounds. Results were compared with reported data obtained with other test organisms and are within their sensitivity ranges. Environmental screening of wastes from oil and petrochemical industries is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding predator avoidance behavior by prey remains an important topic in community and invasion ecology. Recently, the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus (Stebbing 1898) was accidentally introduced into the Great Lakes. Since its introduction, it has displaced the native amphipod, Gammarus fasciatus (Say 1818), from several locations in the lower lakes. To assess whether behavioral differences in predator avoidance might be a causal mechanism increasing the success of the invasive amphipods, two experiments were conducted examining (1) native and invasive amphipod behavioral responses to five fish species with different foraging behaviors, and (2) amphipod responses to different densities of round gobies, a hyper-abundant benthic invertivore. Echinogammarus reduced its distance moved in the presence of all fish species tested, whereas Gammarus reduced its distance moved only after exposure to round gobies, black crappies, and rainbow darters. Both amphipod species increased the time spent motionless following exposure to round gobies, but not after encountering the scent of most of the remaining fish predators. The exception was that Echinogammarus also responded to black crappie scent whereas Gammarus did not. Although both amphipod species exhibited behavioral responses to many of the fish predators, the magnitude of their responses differed only after exposure to the brown bullhead. In the bullhead trials, Echinogammarus reduced its distance traveled significantly more than Gammarus. Both amphipod species increased their avoidance response to increasing goby density, however, the pattern of avoidance behavior was different. Invasive E. ischnus exhibited a consistently strong avoidance response to round gobies over the test duration. Native G. fasciatus initially avoided goby scent, but then either ceased their avoidance response or showed a hyper-avoidance response, depending on goby density. These results suggested (1) both species of amphipods were able to differentiate and react to a variety of fish predators, (2) invasive Echinogammarus amphipods avoided a larger range of fish predators than the native Gammarus, (3) increased avoidance behavior was associated with an increased density of fish, and (4) the avoidance response patterns of invasive Echinogammarus when faced with round goby predators might lead to increased predation on native Gammarus in habitats where they co-occur.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit impulses from one nerve to another or from nerves to effector organs. Numerous neurotransmitters have been described in mammals, amongst them acetylcholine, amino acids, amines, peptides and gases. Toxicants may interact with various parts of neurotransmission systems, including synthetic and degradative enzymes, presynaptic vesicles and the specialized receptors that characterize neurotransmission systems. Important toxicants acting on the cholinergic system include the anticholinesterases (organophosphates and carbamates) and substances that act on receptors such as nicotine and the neonicotinoid insecticides, including imidacloprid. An important substance acting on the glutamatergic system is domoic acid, responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning. 4-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitters and their antagonists, fipronil (an insecticide) and strychnine respectively, are excitatory. Abnormalities of dopamine neurotransmission occur in Parkinson’s disease, and a number of substances that interfere with this system produce Parkinsonian symptoms and clinical signs, including notably 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, which is the precursor of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium. Fewer substances are known that interfere with adrenergic, histaminergic or seroninergic neurotransmission, but there are some examples. Among peptide neurotransmission systems, agonists of opioids are the only well-known toxic compounds.  相似文献   

Cell-based sensors using such as Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus subtilis were applied to examine the toxicity of chemicals. Both toxicant and substrate solutions were introduced into the sensor system according to M-series and anti-symmetric M-series pseudo-random binary signals, Xn (n=15, minimal pulse width 4 min, period 60 min) and Yn (n=30, minimal pulse width 4 min, period 120 min). Toxicants such as Ag+, formaldehyde, azide, and hypo-chlorite were used to demonstrate the proposed method. The individual responses of substrate and toxicant were obtained at a time by calculating the cross-correlation function between the input and the output signals. Effects of toxicant on the response of substrate and the response of toxicant itself can be observed at a time, so that the method appears to be useful in studying the behavior of microorganisms in the presence of toxicants.  相似文献   

Within the same population, individuals often differ in how they respond to changes in their environment. A recent series of models predicts that competition in a heterogeneous environment might promote between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity. We tested groups of sticklebacks in patchy foraging environments that differed in the level of competition. We also tested the same individuals across two different social groups and while alone to determine the social environment's influence on behavioural plasticity. In support of model predictions, individuals consistently differed in behavioural plasticity when the presence of conspecifics influenced the potential payoffs of a foraging opportunity. Whether individuals maintained their level of behavioural plasticity when placed in a new social group depended on the environmental heterogeneity. By explicitly testing predictions of recent theoretical models, we provide evidence for the types of ecological conditions under which we would expect, and not expect, variation in behavioural plasticity to be favoured.  相似文献   

A method has been elaborated of training the human subjects to avoid electric shocks by overcoming the "fear" caused by a warning signal. A previously elaborated differentiated conditioned skin-galvanic response (SGR) to a sound stimulus served as a criterion of the emotional reaction. The SGR was projected on an oscilloscope screen. The electric shock was automatically delivered at the moment when the amplitude of the conditioned SGR exceeded the level marked on the screen. The subject was instructed, by overcoming the "fear", to retain the SGR amplitude below the level. If the subject succeeded in overcoming the conditioned SGR to the signal, the shock was not delivered. Since, the suppression of the conditioned SGR served as a "instrument" of avoidance and became consolidated as a habit based on a positive reinforcement. The subjects developed a stable attraction to repetition of training sessions in which they learned to suppress the "anxiety" caused by a signal of "threat".  相似文献   

With climate change set to increase the frequency and severity of drought in many parts of the world, there is a need to better understand the effects of drying on stream ecosystems. We investigated the long-term effects of drought on two amphipod taxa Paramoera fontana (Pontogeneiidae) and Austrogammarus australis (Paramelitidae) and macroinvertebrate assemblage structure through an analysis of 13 years of data collected from four forested stream reaches (Victoria, Australia). Abundances of A. australis and P. fontana in the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek declined to zero following surficial streambed drying. Similar declines in abundances were not observed in Sassafras Creek or the two headwater springs, which continued to flow throughout the drought. P. fontana was detected again in the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek 12 months after the final cease-to-flow, however A. australis remained undetected 5 years later, despite an upstream source population within 2 km. Both the entire and shredder macroinvertebrate assemblage structure in Sassafras Creek and the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek shifted significantly pre- and post-surficial streambed drying in the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek. Despite signs of recovery following a return to more average flows, assemblage composition remained considerably different. The substantial differences in the recovery of the two species indicates varying resistance and resilience traits. The failure of A. australis to recolonize after 5 years indicates an absence of any significant resistance or resilience traits. In contrast, the rapid re-colonization of P. fontana may indicate poor resistance traits, but strong resilience traits. The sensitivity of A. australis to cease-to-flow events points to the need to carefully manage water extraction to protect this threatened species. The effective management of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the face of drought requires a clear understanding of their response to drying, the conservation of refugia and the minimization of additional stressors which reduce ecosystem resilience.  相似文献   

This study examined the response in terms of heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), haematocrit (Htc), rectal temperature (RT), and some plasma variables in Icelandic horses of different sexes and ages performing the riding assessment in a breed evaluation field test (BEFT). The study was conducted in Iceland on 266 horses (180 mares and 86 stallions, divided into four age groups; 4, 5, 6 and ⩾7 years old). RT and RR were recorded and blood samples were taken before the warm-up and after the riding assessment. Horse HR, velocity and distance were recorded during the warm-up, the riding assessment and a 5-min recovery period. The distance covered in the BEFT was 2.9±0.4 km (range: 1.8 to 3.8 km, n=248), the duration was 9:37±1:22 min:s (range: 5:07 to 15:32 min:s, n=260) and the average speed was 17.8±1.4 km/h (range: 13.2 to 21.3 km/h, n=248). Average HR was 184±13 b.p.m. (range: 138 to 210 b.p.m., n=102) and peak HR 224±9 b.p.m. (range: 195 to 238 b.p.m., n=102), and 36% of the BEFT was performed at HR ⩾200 b.p.m. Post-exercise plasma lactate concentration (Lac) was 18.0±6.5 mmol/l (range: 2.1 to 34.4 mmol/l, n=266), and there was an increase in total plasma protein, plasma creatine kinase and aspartate amino transferase concentration, as well as RR, RT and Htc. Stallions covered a longer total distance (in the warm-up and BEFT) (P<0.05), at a faster speed during BEFT (P<0.001) than mares and had higher Htc and lower HR and post-exercise Lac values. There were few effects of age, but the 4- and 5-year-old horses had lower Htc than older horses and 4-year-old horses had higher post-exercise RR than older horses, although they were ridden for a shorter distance, shorter duration and at lower peak velocity (P<0.1). The results showed that the riding assessment in the BEFT is a high-intensity exercise. The results also showed that aerobic fitness was higher in stallions and that age had a limited effect on the physiological response. It is suggested that these results should be used as a guide for the development of training programmes and fitness tests in Icelandic horses that would improve both performance and welfare of the horse.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) is currently used to investigate migration and proliferation of hemopoietic cells. In principle, CFSE is retained by the cells and is shared by the daughter cells at each division, resulting in multimodal flow cytometric CFSE histograms, with each cell generation clustering around half the fluorescence intensity of the previous one. However, intercell variability of CFSE loading results in overlapping peaks, thereby limiting its use with cancer cell lines. METHODS: We used IGROV1 ovarian cancer cells loaded with CFSE at the time of seeding; 24 h later cells were treated with an anticancer drug (topotecan). Potential pitfalls of the analysis were examined, and a procedure of evaluation of CFSE efflux was applied to fix the peak positions with good approximation in advance. Histograms were fitted by a series of gaussians, with each representing cells in a given generation. RESULTS: Effects of topotecan on IGROV1 cells were analyzed in terms of the time course of the percentage of cells that remained undivided or entered the second, third, and subsequent division cycles. A simple algorithm, which combined flow cytometric data with the absolute cell number independently measured by Coulter counter, provided an estimate of the 96-h outcome of the starting cell population by quantifying cells that remained undivided, those able to divide at least once, or those that had died. CONCLUSIONS: We assessed experimental and data analytic procedures for a CFSE-based measurement of antiproliferative activity of drugs in cancer cell lines. A quantitative level was achievable but required a strict procedure for control of the experimental data, which was not straightforward.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that photic behavior of amphipods is subject to parasitic manipulation. However, all these investigations have focused on but one property of light (i.e., intensity). This study investigated the possibility that variable wavelength sensitivity, as a potentially important component of amphipod ecology, is subject to parasitic manipulation. The photic behavior of freshwater amphipods Hyalella azteca, infected with the duck acanthocephalan Corynosoma constrictum, was tested. The phototactic responses of infected and uninfected amphipods to various wavelengths in the visible spectrum were compared, and to delineate the effects of intensity and wavelength on behavior, the preferences of amphipods for environments characterized by various combinations of light intensity and wavelength were determined. Response to blue light (400-450 nm) was little affected by infection. Amphipod response to higher red region wavelengths (600-700 nm) was altered by infection. Infected amphipods were significantly less responsive to green region light (500-550 nm), which could lead to increased wandering throughout the water column, thereby facilitating increased parasite transmission through increased predation risk. This study reinforces the subtlety with which parasites can alter their host's behavior, presumably resulting in an increased probability of being transmitted from the intermediate host to a definitive host.  相似文献   

Stigmatization is characterized by chronic social and physical avoidance of a person(s) by other people. Infectious disease may produce an apparently similar form of isolation-disease avoidance-but on symptom remission this often abates. We propose that many forms of stigmatization reflect the activation of this disease-avoidance system, which is prone to respond to visible signs and labels that connote disease, irrespective of their accuracy. A model of this system is presented, which includes an emotional component, whereby visible disease cues directly activate disgust and contamination, motivating avoidance, and a cognitive component, whereby disease labels bring to mind disease cues, indirectly activating disgust and contamination. The unique predictions of this model are then examined, notably that people who are stigmatized evoke disgust and are contaminating. That animals too show avoidance of diseased conspecifics, and that disease-related stigma targets are avoided in most cultures, also supports this evolutionary account. The more general implications of this approach are then examined, notably how it can be used to good (e.g. improving hygiene) or bad (e.g. racial vilification) ends, by yoking particular labels with cues that connote disease and disgust. This broadening of the model allows for stigmatization of groups with little apparent connection to disease.  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde, a primary metabolite of alcohol, forms DNA adducts and disrupts the DNA replication process, causing genomic instability, a hallmark of cancer. Indeed, chronic alcohol consumption accounts for approximately 3.6% of all cancers worldwide. However, how the adducts are prevented and repaired after acetaldehyde exposure is not well understood. In this report, we used the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a model organism to comprehensively understand the genetic controls of DNA damage avoidance in response to acetaldehyde. We demonstrate that Atd1 functions as a major acetaldehyde detoxification enzyme that prevents accumulation of Rad52-DNA repair foci, while Atd2 and Atd3 have minor roles in acetaldehyde detoxification. We found that acetaldehyde causes DNA damage at the replication fork and activates the cell cycle checkpoint to coordinate cell cycle arrest with DNA repair. Our investigation suggests that acetaldehyde-mediated DNA adducts include interstrand-crosslinks and DNA-protein crosslinks. We also demonstrate that acetaldehyde activates multiple DNA repair pathways. Nucleotide excision repair and homologous recombination, which are both epistatically linked to the Fanconi anemia pathway, have major roles in acetaldehyde tolerance, while base excision repair and translesion synthesis also contribute to the prevention of acetaldehyde-dependent genomic instability. We also show the involvement of Wss1-related metalloproteases, Wss1 and Wss2, in acetaldehyde tolerance. These results indicate that acetaldehyde causes cellular stresses that require cells to coordinate multiple cellular processes in order to prevent genomic instability. Considering that acetaldehyde is a human carcinogen, our genetic studies serve as a guiding investigation into the mechanisms of acetaldehyde-dependent genomic instability and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The analysis of a behaviour and memory of mice with depressive state is conducted. The mice with "behavioral despair" obtained by forced swimming and mice with submissive stereotype generated by 20 confrontations were used. They were characterized by increased anxiety and reduced exploratory activity in tests of the elevated plus-maze and light/dark apparatus. It is shown that for want of behavioral differences in manifestation of a depressive state the process of extinction was opposite. Mice with "behavioral despair" revealed retention of a high level of memory trace retrieval down to the 21st day of testing reflecting essential delay of extinction. Submissive mice displayed fast extinction begining with the 5th day of testing.  相似文献   

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