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The assumptions on the host specificity of beetles that led Terry Erwin to suggest that there may be over 30 million arthropod species were tested for 10 species of trees and their insect associates at a rainforest site in Papua New Guinea. The data included 391 species and 4696 individuals of herbivorous beetles collected during a one year period using hand collecting, beating, branch clipping, intercept flight traps and pyrethrum knockdown. Insect host specificity was assessed by feeding trials in captivity. The data suggest that between 23 and 37 monophagous leaf-feeding species are most likely to be present in this system, whereas Erwin's method yields an estimate of 138 monophagous species. The major factors responsible for the discrepancy between our observations and Erwin's assumptions appears to be (a) the importance of transient species; (b) the insect fauna that is shared among tree species; (c) some generalist wood-eating species may inflate the apparent species richness of leaf-feeding beetles; and (d) the proportion of specialist species varies significantly among tree species. We conclude that studies reporting the proportion of specialist insect herbivores associated with particular tropical tree species will yield only a portion of the information needed to estimate global arthropod species richness, but may be useful for elucidating certain aspects of food-web ecology in tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

Novel or emergent ecosystems arising from human action present both threats and opportunities for biodiversity. It has been suggested that exotic species can “facilitate” or “inhibit” native biodiversity through habitat modification. In Britain, there is a discussion over the contribution to biodiversity of plantations of exotic conifer species as these are commonly thought to have little relevancy as a habitat for native biodiversity. To address this we compared the species richness of a range of different taxonomic groups (lichens, bryophytes, fungi, vascular plants, invertebrates and songbirds) in exotic and native forest stands of differing structural stages in northern and southern Britain. In terms of overall native species-richness there was no significant difference between the exotic and the native stands. In the north, six species groups showed higher values in the exotic Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) stands with the remaining six showing higher values in the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands. Most notably, lichen species richness was much lower in the exotic stands compared to the native stands, whereas bryophyte and fungal species richness was proportionately higher in the exotic stands. In the south, five species groups (all invertebrate taxa) showed higher species richness in exotic Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands compared to native oak (Quercus robur) stands. Five species groups had higher species-richness in the oak stands, in particular lichens and fungi. It is concluded that emergent ecosystems of exotic conifer species are not irrelevant to biodiversity. Where already well-established they can provide habitat for native species particularly if native woodland is scarce and biodiversity restoration is an immediate priority.  相似文献   

Biological invasions have significantly affected New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems. Most prominent are the effects of exotic mammals and plants, whereas few invertebrate invasions are known to have major effects on native ecosystems. Exceptions are the well-known cases of Vespula wasps in Nothofagus forest ecosystems and Eriococcus scale insects in Leptospermum shrublands. This limited impact is surprising because over 2000 exotic invertebrates have become established in New Zealand, among them many pests of exotic crop plants. The low impact of exotic invertebrates that invaded forests and other native ecosystems in New Zealand is in contrast to the situation in other parts of the world where many invertebrates have become important pests. We provide an overview of known invasions by exotic invertebrates in New Zealand, and explore in more detail several examples of invasive species, including herbivores, predators, parasitoids, decomposers and other groups in forests, grasslands, and other terrestrial ecosystems. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the comparative scarcity of such invasions that affect New Zealand?s indigenous ecosystems. There is a common view that New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems are inherently resistant to exotic invertebrate invaders, and there is some evidence to support this view. As a result of the high level of endemism in New Zealand?s flora, many native plants are phylogenetically distant from the host plants of many plant-feeding invaders. This provides some protection. Less host-specific plant-feeding insects, generalist predators, parasitoids and decomposers are less affected by such constraints, and these groups are perhaps more represented among the successful invaders of natural ecosystems. However, the shortage of studies on invader impacts on native species and ecosystems, compared with studies on economically important crops and production ecosystems, means that an unbiased comparison is not possible at this time. Furthermore, many invaders go through extended lag phases where their impacts are not easily noticed until they become more abundant and create more damage. Likewise, indirect effects of invaders, through more complex interactions in food webs, as well as impacts on ecosystem functions such as decomposition and pollination, are more subtle and difficult to detect without careful study. There is clearly a need for more research to determine more accurately which exotic invertebrates are already present, what their direct and indirect impacts are, and what generalisations and predictions about threats to native species and ecosystems are possible.  相似文献   

A central paradigm in invasion biology is that more releases of higher numbers of individuals increase the likelihood that an exotic population successfully establishes and persists. Recently, however, it has been suggested that, in cases where the data are sourced from historical records of purposefully released species, the direction of causality is reversed, and that initial success leads to higher numbers being released. Here, we explore the implications of this alternative hypothesis, and derive six a priori predictions from it. We test these predictions using data on Acclimatization Society introductions of passerine bird species to New Zealand, which have previously been used to support both hypotheses for the direction of causality. All our predictions are falsified. This study reaffirms that the conventional paradigm in invasion biology is indeed the correct one for New Zealand passerine bird introductions, for which numbers released determine establishment success. Our predictions are not restricted to this fauna, however, and we keenly anticipate their application to other suitable datasets.  相似文献   

Aim We assess the importance of three relevant and readily obtainable life‐history traits (dispersal syndrome, stem height and growth form) and biogeographical origin (European vs. non‐European) on the local and regional abundance of over 400 exotic plant species across eight Mediterranean islands. Location The Mediterranean islands of Lesbos, Rhodes, Crete, Malta, Corsica, Sardinia, Majorca and Minorca. Methods We adopt two abundance criteria for each exotic species: the proportion of islands in which the species occurs (regional abundance), and a qualitative estimate of species abundance within each of five islands (local abundance). Subsequently, we assess the relationship between local and regional abundance, as well as the role of key life‐history traits on both regional and local abundance. These analyses were undertaken separately for the European exotics and the non‐European exotics. Results Only 10.9% of the species occur on more than four islands, and only four species are present on all eight islands. Both local and regional abundances were higher for the non‐European than the European species. Local and regional abundances were positively correlated, particularly for exotics with non‐European origins. Wind‐dispersed species tended to have higher regional abundance than species dispersed by other means but this trend only occurred for local abundance on two islands — Corsica and Majorca. Neither a species’ growth form nor its stem height explained trends in regional or local abundance. Conclusions Although wind‐dispersed exotics are more widespread in the Mediterranean, plant life‐history traits appear to play a lesser role in invasion success than area of biogeographical origin. In general, exotic species of non‐European origin were more abundant at both local and regional scales. Invasion patterns should be interpreted at both local and regional scales, but the stochastic nature of biological invasions may limit deterministic interpretations of invasion patterns, especially if islands are studied in isolation.  相似文献   

The relationship between seed germination and ecological niche is determined by matching germination characteristics with environmental features. In this study, we selected tree species occurring in the largest savanna wetland in South America – the Pantanal. Very few species are endemic or exclusively found in savanna wetlands, and the majority of tree species occurring in the Pantanal are also found in the neighbouring Brazilian Cerrado, a drier vegetation type that does not flood. We investigated the relationship between germination characteristics and occurrence of savanna trees in wetlands testing the hypothesis that such seeds are tolerant to flooding. We also addressed the question of whether seed tolerance to flood, assessed by survival analysis, explains tree distribution along a gradient of flooding intensity. In this flooding gradient, widely distributed species are those that occur in areas subjected to low as well as to high flooding intensity whereas restricted distributed species are those that occur only in areas subjected to a low level of flood. Seeds from tree species occurring in areas subjected to different flooding intensities were collected. Seed tolerance and germination during and after both one and two months of simulated flood were evaluated. Our results show that seeds of most of the studied savanna species tolerated submergence, which helps to explain their occurrence and wide distribution in wetlands. Nevertheless, germination behaviour checked by survival functions (i.e. how germination is distributed over time) partially explained tree species distribution along a flooding gradient. We conclude that seed tolerance to flooding is one of the components of the regeneration niche that determines tree occurrence and distribution at the regional scale, from savanna to wetland, but not at a local scale along a flooding gradient.  相似文献   

Aims: Darwin's naturalization conundrum describes the paradox that the relationship of exotic species to native residents could either promote or hinder invasion success through opposing mechanisms: niche pre-adaptation or competitive interactions. Previous Darwin's naturalization studies have showed invasion success could vary at stages, sites, and spatial and phylogenetic scales. Our objective was to assess the effects of exotic-native species relationship on invasion process of exotic plant species in China, where related research is still lacking. Methods: Generalized linear mixed models were used to examine relationship between exotic-native species relationship and performance of exotic species at different spatial scale (provincial, municipal and community) and invasion stages (naturalization, dispersal and invasion). At community scale, we measured environmental factors of communities we investigated to control the effect of habitat heterogeneity among them. Important findings: At the provincial and municipal scales, exotic species closely related to native flora were more likely to be naturalized and distributed, which is more consistent with the expectation of the pre-adaptation hypothesis. On the community scale, the exotic-native species relationship was not related to establishment and abundance of exotic species in the community. The results suggested that exotic species did not strongly compete with their close native relatives in communities, but were better adapted to areas where their close relatives had lived. Considering their high potential of naturalization and invasion, special attention should be paid to those exotic species that closely related to the native flora in the management of invasive species. © Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the composition of tree species have been observed in various forests worldwide. We hypothesised that these changes might result from variable sensitivities of species to global change, and species sensitivities might be quantified, using functional traits. Employing long‐term (1978–2010) species abundance data of 48 tree species from a permanent subtropical forest plot, where multiple global change factors have been observed, including soil drying, we examined the relationships between temporal trends in abundance and suits of functional traits. We found that species with high photosynthesis rates, leaf phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, specific leaf area, hydraulic conductivity, turgor loss point and predawn leaf water potential had increased in abundance, while species with opposite trait patterns had decreased. Our results demonstrate that functional traits underlie tree species abundance dynamics in response to drought stress, thus linking traits to compositional shifts in this subtropical forest under global changes.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of varying degrees of host preference in vascular epiphytes; certain tree species can be positively, neutrally, or negatively associated with epiphytes. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether tree species of the cloud forest differ in their suitability as a substrate for epiphytic bromeliads. To evaluate the association between epiphytic bromeliad cover and host tree species, we sampled 62 plots (each of 200 m2) in four cloud forest fragments in Veracruz, Mexico. For all trees ≥10 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH), we recorded species name, DBH, and percentage cover of bromeliads in categories of tree coverage. In total, 587 trees belonging to 52 species were recorded. All of the 10 tree species used to assess differences in epiphyte cover (each with a minimum of nine individuals) supported bromeliads, but mean bromeliad cover differed significantly among the tree species. The tree species that concentrated the highest bromeliad cover were Quercus sartorii (29.86%) and Liquidambar styraciflua (21.72%). Our results indicate that, while none of the tree species analyzed was a limiting host for epiphytic bromeliads in general, varying levels of bromeliad cover occur depending on the host species in tropical montane cloud forest fragments suggesting that certain tree species are better hosts than others. The implications for conservation efforts of differential tree species suitability as epiphyte hosts are discussed.  相似文献   

Cooperation requires that individuals are able to identify, and preferentially associate with, others who have compatible preferences and the shared background knowledge needed to solve interpersonal coordination problems. The present study investigates the nature of such similarity within social networks, asking: What do friends have in common? And what is the relationship between similarity and altruism? The results show that similarity declines with frequency of contact; similarity in general is a significant predictor of altruism and emotional closeness; and, specifically, sharing a sense of humor, hobbies and interests, moral beliefs, and being from the same area are the best predictors. These results shed light on the structure of relationships within networks and provide a possible checklist for predicting attitudes toward strangers, and in-group identification.  相似文献   

1. Flight activity of Trichoptera, Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera was studied by sticky trapping for 12 months at five sites along a New Zealand mountain stream. Over 19 000 insects were captured by the traps, which were located in forest and grassland reaches, including a reach with intermittent flow.
2. Most species occurred predominantly in forest or grassland, although some were trapped throughout the stream. Longitudinal distributions of adults and their larvae were strongly correlated.
3. Flight periods of 24 caddisflies, three mayflies and four stoneflies ranged from 2 to 12 months. Six species were trapped in all months and 17 (55%) in more than 5 months.
4. The most abundant forest-dwelling caddisfly species were over-represented on the downstream sides of sticky traps located in, and immediately below, forest indicating a majority was flying upstream. Upstream flight compensates for downstream drift of larvae and should maximize the likelihood that forest-dwelling species will locate preferred habitat for egg, larval and/or adult development. Unlike the caddisflies, the stonefly Spaniocerca zelandica was over-represented on the upstream sides of traps, suggesting that some adults may float or fly downstream following emergence.
5. In contrast to forest-dwelling species, only one common caddisfly ( Oxyethira albiceps ) was over-represented on the downstream sides of traps at grassland sites. Unlike the forest-dwelling species, most species taken at the downstream sites probably came from a variety of sources, including a nearby stream.  相似文献   

Aldosterone-producing adenoma (aldosteronoma)--the most frequent form of primary hyperaldosteronism (PH)--is considered a specific form of diabetes mellitus (DM). In a previous study we demonstrated insulin resistance in patients with PH. We have therefore undertaken a study to evaluate the incidence of abnormalities of glucose metabolism in patients with PH (36 subjects) compared to control subjects with essential hypertension (EH) (21 patients). The following parameters were measured in all studied subjects: office blood pressure (by mercury sphygmomanometer in the sitting position), body mass index (BMI), plasma potassium, plasma glucose and insulin levels during oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) (0, 60, 120 min), plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone. Although patients with PH tended to have higher stimulated plasma glucose levels after 60 and 120 min compared to EH, these differences did not attain statistical significance. Patients with EH tended to have higher insulin levels at each measured interval, but due to a high variability these differences were again not significant. There were no significant differences between PH and EH in the proportion of diabetics (20% vs. 14%) or patients with impaired glucose tolerance (18% vs. 10%). In conclusion, we have found the absence of significant differences in the frequency of diabetes mellitus, impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in patients with EH and PH. Our data thus do not support the idea of primary hyperaldosteronism as a specific type of diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, our results indicate that glucose metabolic characteristics in essential hypertension and primary hyperaldosteronism tend to be similar. The definitive conclusion with respect to the possible causal relationship between DM and PH, however, can be obtained only on larger groups of subjects, in particular after the evaluation of the effect of surgical/pharmacological treatment of primary hyperaldosteronism.  相似文献   

Intertidal populations of black abalone Haliotis cracherodii Leach at Santa Cruz Island, California, vary in density among surge channels from < 1 to 126 abalone/m2. Dense populations are characterized by high levels of intraspecific secondary substratum use (“stacking”) for attachment surfaces, though it is rare in low density areas. Use of shell surfaces by black abalone appears not to be an evolved adaptive strategy. Individuals in stacks fed significantly more than expected, yet solitary abalone next to stacks shared food trapped by stacks. In the laboratory, starvation did not increase the propensity of an abalone to stack. Stacks were equally common in the breeding and non-breeding seasons, suggesting that stacking behavior was not a mechanism to enhance reproductive success. Stacking did not enhance avoidance of predators or competitors. Laboratory experiments showed that stacking is density dependent and probably the result of limitation of primary attachment space. Removals of significant predators (sea otters and Chumash Indians) of adult abalone during the past two centuries probably led to increased densities of black abalone, which in turn has had an indirect effect on the prevalence of stacking.  相似文献   

A comparison of carbon isotope discrimination characteristics, crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) activity and gas exchange together with concurrent analysis of photosystem II (PSII) chlorophyll fluorescence was conducted on leaves of sympatric species of Clusia from the restinga of Barra de Maricá, Brazil. The carbon isotope discrimination () and leaf-sap titratable acidity for leaves collected in the field indicated that the carbon metabolism of one species, C. lanceolata, was predominantly C3-like, and a second, C. fluminensis, constitutive CAM. When well-watered under glasshouse conditions C. lanceolata displayed a gas exchange pattern expected of a C3 plant, where values of instantaneous discrimination () rose from 13.5% shortly after dawn to 21.9 at midday, suggesting that all CO2 uptake was mediated solely by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBISCO). C. fluminensis showed a gas exchange pattern which clearly exhibited all four phases of CAM. values during phase II ranged from –0.4 at dawn to 5.9 some 3 h later, indicating that C4 carboxylation dominated CO2 uptake during the morning with an increasing contribution by RUBISCO, suggested by the 5 shift in at this time. The dominance of phosphoenol-pyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) activity was also found during phase IV, and extended throughout the dark period (phase I) in C. fluminensis, such that values of measured were negative (–5.0 to –0.4). This is the first time that negative values have been reported, close to those predicted theoretically for PEPc activity. The day-time uptake of CO2 mediated by PEPc could lead to futile cycling through RUBISCO. In C. fluminensis organic acids were subjected to carbon turnover between PEPc and RUBISCO during phase II of CAM, serving perhaps to dissipate ATP and reductant at a time when excess photons are absorbed. Under low levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) the two species displayed similar chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, although for the CAM C. fluminensis a lower rate of decarboxylation of acids in the afternoon was reflected in changed quenching capacity. Under high PAR both species responded directly to changes in incident radiation, reflected by decreases in photon use efficiency (PSII) and the intrinsic photochemical efficiency (F V/F M), together with high and reversible quenching of excess light by the means of radiationless or thermal dissipation (q N). Both species, with such markedly different carboxylation characteristics achieve similar rates of electron transport and maintain photosynthetic integrity. Under field conditions, however the severity of a prolonged dry season caused the CAM species to become deciduous, whereas the C3-like species remained healthy. This suggests that the widely expected advantages of CAM do not extend to tolerance of extreme environmental conditions, in contrast to the more C3-like of these sympatric species.  相似文献   

Is gene therapy a form of eugenics?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Harris J 《Bioethics》1993,7(2-3):178-187
If, as I believe, gene therapy is in principle ethically sound except for its possible connection with eugenics then there are two obvious ways of giving a simple and straightforward answer to a question such as this. The first is to say "yes it is, and so what?" The second is to say "no it isn't so we shouldn't worry". If we accept the first of the above definitions we might well be inclined to give the first of our two answers. If on the other hand, we accept the sort of gloss that Ruth Chadwick gives on Galton's account, "those who are genetically weak should simply be discouraged from reproducing", either by incentives or compulsory measures, we get a somewhat different flavour, and one which might incline a decent person who favours gene therapy towards the second answer.  相似文献   

The high spatial variability of soil respiration in tropical rainforests is well evaluated, but influences of biotic factors are not clearly understood. This study underlines the influence of tree species characteristics on soil respiration across a 16-monospecific plot design in a tropical plantation of French Guiana. A large variability of soil CO2 fluxes was observed among plots (i.e. 2.8 to 6.8 μmol m?2 s?1) with the ranking being constant across seasons. There were no significant relationships between soil respiration and soil moisture or soil temperature, neither spatially, nor seasonally. The variability of soil respiration was mainly explained by quantitative factors such as leaf litterfall and basal area. Surprisingly, no significant relationship was observed between soil respiration and root biomass. However, the influence of substrate quality was revealed by a strong relationship between soil respiration and litterfall P (and litterfall N, to a lesser extent).  相似文献   

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