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A procedure is described for the purification of the archaebacterial peptide-elongation factor 2 (aEF-2) from an extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium. The enrichment was about 530-fold, the obtained preparation practically homogeneous as judged by SDS-PAGE. The poly(U)-dependent poly(Phe) synthesis was completely dependent on aEF-2 in the presence of partially purified aEF-1, and the activity was equivalent to a poly(Phe)-synthesizing system containing unfractionated S-100 enzymes. aEF-2 consists of a single peptide with a relative molecular mass of 125,000 +/- 3000 and 100,000 +/- 3000 as determined by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 respectively. The isoelectric point was 5.7. The amino acid composition analysis indicated the predominance of acidic amino acids (aspartic acid and glutamic acid) and the low content of hydrophobic amino acid (phenylalanine) as compared with those of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The factor was stable in a pH range from 6 to 8. 2-Mercaptoethanol and GTP but not GDP markedly protected aEF-2 from heat denaturation at 52 degrees C. aEF-2 became inactivated and insensitive to ADP-ribosylation by diphtheria toxin at low ionic strength but could be renatured by increasing ionic strength. Obviously higher concentrations of salts contribute to the conformational stability of aEF-2.  相似文献   

The extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaeon strain B1001 was isolated from a hot-spring environment in Japan. The cells were irregular cocci, 0.5 to 1.0 micrometers in diameter. The new isolate grew at temperatures between 60 and 95 degrees C (optimum, 85 degrees C), from pH 5.0 to 9.0 (optimum, pH 7.0), and from 1.0 to 6.0% NaCl (optimum, 2.0%). The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 43.0 mol%. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of strain B1001 indicated that it belongs to the genus Thermococcus. During growth on starch, the strain produced a thermostable cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase). The enzyme was purified 1,750-fold, and the molecular mass was determined to be 83 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Incubation at 120 degrees C with SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol was required for complete unfolding. The optimum temperatures for starch-degrading activity and cyclodextrin synthesis activity were 110 and 90 to 100 degrees C, respectively. The optimum pH for enzyme activity was pH 5.0 to 5.5. At pH 5.0, the half-life of the enzyme was 40 min at 110 degrees C. The enzyme formed mainly alpha-cyclodextrin with small amounts of beta- and gamma-cyclodextrins from starch. This is the first report on the presence of the extremely thermostable CGTase from hyperthermophilic archaea.  相似文献   

When subjected to the stress of growth in a relatively low-salt environment (1.25 M NaCl), the halophilic bacterium Halobacterium halobium induces a catalase. The protein has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and has an M(r) of 240,000 and a subunit size of approximately 62,000. The enzyme is active over a broad pH range of 6.5 to 10.0, with a peak in activity at pH 7.0. It has an isoelectric point of 4.0. This catalse, which is not readily reduced by dithionite, shows a Soret peak at 406 nm. Cyanide and azide inhibit the enzyme at micromolar concentrations, whereas maleimide is without effect. The addition of 20 mM 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole results in a 33% inhibition in enzymatic activity. The tetrameric protein binds NADP in a 1:1 ratio but does not peroxidize NADPH, NADH, or ascorbate. Although the enzymatic activity is maximal when assayed in a 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer with no NaCl, prolonged incubation in a buffer lacking NaCl results in inactive enzyme. Moreover, purification must be performed in the presence of 2 M NaCl. Equally as effective in retaining enzymatic function are NaCl, LiCl, KCl, CsCl, and NH4Cl, whereas divalent salts such as MgCl2 and CaCl2 result in the immediate loss of activity. The catalase is stained by pararosaniline, which is indicative of a glycosidic linkage. The Km for H2O2 is 60 mM, with inhibition observed at concentrations in excess of 90 mM. Thus, the mesohalic catalase purified from H. halobium seems to be similar to other catalases, except for the salt requirements, but differs markedly from the constitutive halobacterial hydroperoxidase.  相似文献   

Acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (Thiolase I) and 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (Thiolase III) found in peroxisomes of an n-alkane-utilizing yeast, Candida tropicalis pK 233, were each purified to homogeneity by successive column chromatographies. Thiolase I was composed of six identical subunits whose molecular masses were 41,000 Da, and Thiolase III was a homodimer composed of 43,000 Da subunits. The results of limited proteolysis of the respective thiolases indicated that they were quite different in peptide components. Furthermore, these enzymes were immunochemically distinguishable. The kinetic studies showed that the substrates with long chains were degraded exclusively by Thiolase III, while acetoacetyl-CoA was degraded preferentially by Thiolase I. Thus, in the yeast, the complete degradation of fatty acids is suggested to be carried out efficiently in peroxisomes.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to isolate and identify an extremely halophilic lipase-producing bacterial strain, purify and characterize the related enzyme and evaluate its application for ethyl and methyl valerate synthesis. Among four halophilic isolates, the lipolytic ability of one isolate (identified as Bacillus atrophaeus FSHM2) was confirmed. The enzyme (designated as BaL) was purified using three sequential steps of ethanol precipitation and dialysis, Q-Sepharose XL anion-exchange chromatography and SP Sepharose cation-exchange chromatography with a final yield of 9.9% and a purification factor of 31.8. The purified BaL (Mw~85?kDa) was most active at 70?°C and pH 9 in the presence of 4 M NaCl and retained 58.7% of its initial activity after 150?min of incubation at 80?°C. The enzyme was inhibited by Cd2+ (35.6?±?1.7%) but activated by Ca2+ (132.4?±?2.2%). Evaluation of BaL's stability in the presence of organic solvents showed that xylene (25%) enhanced the relative activity of the enzyme to 334.2?±?0.6% after 1?h of incubation. The results of esterification studies using the purified BaL revealed that maximum ethyl valerate (88.5%) and methyl valerate (67.5%) synthesis occurred in the organic solvent medium (xylene) after 48?h of incubation at 50?°C.  相似文献   

Acetoacetyl-CoA specific thiolases catalyse the cleavage of acetoacetyl-CoA into two molecules of acetyl-CoA and the synthesis (reverse reaction) of acetoacetyl-CoA. The formation of acetoacetyl-CoA is the first step in cholesterol and ketone body synthesis. In this report we describe the identification of a novel acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase and its purification from isolated rat liver peroxisomes by column chromatography. The enzyme, which is a homotetramer with a subunit molecular mass of 42 kDa, could be distinguished from the cytosolic and mitochondrial acetoacetyl-CoA thiolases by its chromatographic behaviour, kinetic characteristics and partial internal amino-acid sequences. The enzyme did not catalyse the cleavage of medium or long chain 3-oxoacyl-CoAs. The enzyme cross-reacted with polyclonal antibodies raised against cytosolic acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. The latter property was exploited to confirm the peroxisomal localization of the novel thiolase in subcellular fractionation experiments. The peroxisomal acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase most probably catalyses the first reaction in peroxisomal cholesterol and dolichol synthesis. In addition, its presence in peroxisomes along with the other enzymes of the ketogenic pathway indicates that the ketogenic potential of peroxisomes needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

An intracellular glucose oxidase (GOD) was isolated from the mycelium extract of a locally isolated strain of Aspergillus niger NFCCP. The enzyme was partially purified to a yield of 28.43% and specific activity of 135 U mg(-1) through ammonium sulfate precipitation, anion-exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. The enzyme showed high specificity for D-glucose, with a K(m) value of 25 mmol L(-1). The enzyme exhibited optimum catalytic activity at pH 5.5. Optimum temperature for GOD-catalyzed D-glucose oxidation was 40 degrees C. The enzyme displayed a high thermostability having a half-life (t(1/2)) of 30 min, enthalpy of denaturation (H*) of 99.66 kJ mol(-1), and free energy of denaturation (G*) of 103.63 kJ mol(-1). These characteristics suggest that GOD from A. niger NFCCP can be used as an analytical reagent and in the design of biosensors for clinical, biochemical, and diagnostic assays.  相似文献   

Summary Haloarculajaponica has a glycoprotein on its cell surface. The cell surface glycoprotein of H. japonica was purified and characterized. It had an apparent molecular mass of 180 kDa in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The carbohydrate content was about 12% (wt/wt). The polypeptide portion contained a large proportion of acidic amino acids, and the sequence of 18 N-terminal amino acids was determined.  相似文献   

Mannitol biosynthesis in Candida magnoliae HH-01 (KCCM-10252), a yeast strain that is currently used for the industrial production of mannitol, is catalyzed by mannitol dehydrogenase (MDH) (EC In this study, NAD(P)H-dependent MDH was purified to homogeneity from C. magnoliae HH-01 by ion-exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and affinity chromatography. The relative molecular masses of C. magnoliae MDH, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and size-exclusion chromatography, were 35 and 142 kDa, respectively, indicating that the enzyme is a tetramer. This enzyme catalyzed both fructose reduction and mannitol oxidation. The pH and temperature optima for fructose reduction and mannitol oxidation were 7.5 and 37 degrees C and 10.0 and 40 degrees C, respectively. C. magnoliae MDH showed high substrate specificity and high catalytic efficiency (k(cat) = 823 s(-1), K(m) = 28.0 mM, and k(cat)/K(m) = 29.4 mM(-1) s(-1)) for fructose, which may explain the high mannitol production observed in this strain. Initial velocity and product inhibition studies suggest that the reaction proceeds via a sequential ordered Bi Bi mechanism, and C. magnoliae MDH is specific for transferring the 4-pro-S hydrogen of NADPH, which is typical of a short-chain dehydrogenase reductase (SDR). The internal amino acid sequences of C. magnoliae MDH showed a significant homology with SDRs from various sources, indicating that the C. magnoliae MDH is an NAD(P)H-dependent tetrameric SDR. Although MDHs have been purified and characterized from several other sources, C. magnoliae MDH is distinguished from other MDHs by its high substrate specificity and catalytic efficiency for fructose only, which makes C. magnoliae MDH the ideal choice for industrial applications, including enzymatic synthesis of mannitol and salt-tolerant plants.  相似文献   

A newly isolated Rhizopus oryzae was found to exhibit some unusual phenomenon of secreting alkaline protease which was purified and characterized. The molecular weight was determined to be 28,600 dalton in gel electrophoresis. The enzyme is stable in the pH range from 3 to 11 and most active at pH 8. The temperature optimum of this thermostable biocatalyst is at 60 °C. The enzyme is sensitive to metal chelators, most of the metal ions (excepting a few monovalent cations) and inhibitor like PMSF. This indicates that the protease of isolated Rhizopus oryzae falls under alkaline serine group.  相似文献   

A new method was developed for a simple, rapid, and effective preparation of ribosomal subunits from the extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium using hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B. One milliliter of swollen gel matrix (total bed volume) bound up to 15 A260 units of 70 S ribosomes. By a stepwise reduction of the ionic strength first 50 S and then 30 S subunits were solubilized and differentially eluted. The pooled fractions containing 50 S and 30 S subunits, respectively, were adjusted to higher ionic strength and concentrated by ultrafiltration. The yield of purified (30 S + 50 S) subunits was up to 60% of the input of 70 S ribosomes. Poly(U)-dependent polyphenylalanine synthesis assay demonstrated that the subunits were as active as native 70 S ribosomes. 30 S and 50 S subunits of nonhalophilic Escherichia coli, however, were not isolated separately by the application of this method.  相似文献   

A novel alkaline lipase showing a broad range of specificity towards long chain triacylglycerols or p-nitrophenyl esters was purified to homogeneity from Acinetobacter radioresistens CMC-1. Its molecular mass was 45 kDa (by SDS-PAGE), pI of approx. 5.2, and optimally activity at 10.5 and 40°C. Using triolein as substrate, the lipase showed 1,3-positional specificity for hydrolyzing ester bonds. The enzyme was activated in 40% (v/v) dimethylsulfoxide and 20% (v/v) dimethylformamide. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Eight distinct halophilic bacteria isolated from extreme saline soil samples of Khewra Salt Mines, Pakistan, were investigated for biosurfactant production. Isolates were identified by physiological, phenotypic and genetic characterization. Using 16S rDNA sequence analysis, the strains MB590, MB591, MB593, MB594, MB595 and MB596 were identified as Halomonas elongata, MB588 as Halobacillus karajiensis, and MB589 as Alkalibacillus almallahensis. Preliminary screening of biosurfactant production in halophilic bacteria was done by multiple screening assays. All biosurfactants showed significant emulsification properties and remarkably low surface tension values (up to 16.5 dynes/cm). Structural characterization of partially purified biosurfactants using Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques indicated different fatty acids, glycolipid derivatives and a novel antimicrobial peptide furanomycin. These biosurfactants exhibited strong bioactivities against bacterial/fungal pathogens i.e. Klebsiella pneumoniae (86.5 %), Staphylococcus aureus (97.75 %), Bacillus subtilis (97 %), Enterococcus faecalis (97.6 %), E. coli (54.5 %), Aspergillus niger (87.75 %), Aspergillus fumigatus (93.1 %), Aspergillus flavus (80.4 %), and Fusarium solani (89.05 %). Additionally, biosurfactants also showed 85 % free radical scavenging activity indicating their antioxidant potential. The present study revealed the potential of halophilic bacterial biosurfactants as effective antimicrobial agents against various pathogens, and their possible applications in the biomedical field.  相似文献   

A hydroperoxidase purified from the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium halobium exhibited both catalase and peroxidase activities, which were greatly diminished in a low-salt environment. Therefore, the purification was carried out in 2 M NaCl. Purified protein exhibited catalase activity over the narrow pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 and exhibited peroxidase activity between pH 6.5 and 8.0. Peroxidase activity was maximal at NaCl concentrations above 1 M, although catalase activity required 2 M NaCl for optimal function. Catalase activity was greatest at 50 degrees C; at 90 degrees C, the enzymatic activity was 20% greater than at 25 degrees C. Peroxidase activity decreased rapidly above its maximum at 40 degrees C. An activation energy of 2.5 kcal (ca. 10 kJ)/mol was calculated for catalase, and an activation energy of 4.0 kcal (ca. 17 kJ)/mol was calculated for peroxidase. Catalase activity was not inhibited by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole but was inhibited by KCN and NaN3 (apparent Ki [KiApp] of 50 and 67.5 microM, respectively). Peroxidative activity was inhibited equally by KCN and NaN3 (KiApp for both, approximately 30 microM). The absorption spectrum showed a Soret peak at 404 nm, and there was no apparent reduction by dithionite. A heme content of 1.43 per tetramer was determined. The protein has a pI of 3.8 and an M(r) of 240,000 and consists of four subunits of 60,300 each.  相似文献   

The archaebacterium Halobacterium cutirubrum contains a single detectable, Mn-containing superoxide dismutase, which is encoded by the sod gene (B. P. May and P. P. Dennis, J. Biol. Chem. 264:12253-12258, 1989). The genome of H. cutirubrum also contains a closely related sod-like gene (slg) of unknown function that has a pattern of expression different from that of sod. The four amino acid residues that bind the Mn atom are conserved, but the flanking regions of the two genes are unrelated. Although the genes have 87% nucleotide sequence identity, the proteins they encode have only 83% amino acid sequence identity. Mutations occur randomly at the first, second, and third codon positions, and transversions outnumber transitions. Most of the mutational differences between the two genes are confined to two limited regions; other regions totally lack differences. These two gene sequences are apparently in the initial stage of divergent evolution. Presumably, this divergence is being driven by strong selection at the molecular level for either acquisition of new functions or partition and refinement of ancestral functions in one or both of the respective gene products.  相似文献   

Abstract A pap + Escherichia coli isolate from a turkey with colisepticemia expressed P fimbriae with a major subunit of an apparent molecular mass of 18 kDa which reacted with anti-F11 serum. This fimbriae was purified and polyclonal antiserum was produced in rabbits. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the major fimbrial subunit of the avian P fimbriae was identical to that of F11. On immunoblotting, the antiserum against the avian P fimbriae strongly reacted with the major subunit of the homologous fimbriae, with F11, and with F1651 fimbriae. Some antigenic determinants on the major subunits of F13, F71, and F72 fimbriae, with a stronger reaction against F13 fimbriae, were also recognized. The F11 antiserum reacted similarly to the antiserum against avian P fimbriae although cross-reactions against F13, F71, and F72 fimbriae were equivalent. In a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, serological differences were observed between the purified avian P fimbriae and F11. Thus, the avian P fimbriae is closely related but not identical to F11 fimbriae which are associated with E. coli isolated from human urinary tract infection.  相似文献   

The levels of synthesis of six proteins were increased at elevated growth temperature of the extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halobacterium cutirubrum. One of these proteins, with an apparent molecular mass of 97 kDa on sodium dodecylsulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE), bound to an ATP-agarose column in the presence of 4 M NaCl, but not in the absence of salt, indicating that this protein retained its ATP-binding activity only at high salt concentration. The NH2-terminal sequence of this protein and the internal sequences of the tryptic peptides covering 1/3 of the total number of residues coincided with that deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the dnaK gene isolated from H. cutirubrum. The results strongly suggest that this apparent 97-kDa protein is the gene product of dnaK, although the molecular mass calculated from the nucleotide sequence is only 68,495, much smaller than the value of this protein determined by SDS–PAGE. Ferguson plot analysis indicated that this protein showed anomalous mobility on SDS–PAGE. We have purified DnaK homologue to greater than 90% homogeneity with stepwise elution from an ATP-agarose column.  相似文献   

The present work reports for the first time the purification and characterisation of two extremely halotolerant endo-xylanases from a novel halophilic bacterium, strain CL8. Purification of the two xylanases, Xyl 1 and 2, was achieved by anion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The enzymes had relative molecular masses of 43 kDa and 62 kDa and pI of 5.0 and 3.4 respectively. Stimulation of activity by Ca2+, Mn2+, Mg2+, Ba2+, Li2+, NaN3 and isopropanol was observed. The Km and Vmax values determined for Xyl 1 with 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronoxylan are 5 mg/ml and 125,000 nkat/mg respectively. The corresponding values for Xyl 2 were 1 mg/ml and 143,000 nkat/mg protein. Xylobiose and xylotriose were the major end products for both endoxylanases. The xylanases were stable at pH 4–11 showing pH optima around pH 6. Xyl 1 shows maximal activity at 60°C, Xyl 2 at 65°C (at 4 M NaCl). The xylanases showed high temperature stability with half-lives at 60°C of 97 min and 192 min respectively. Both xylanases showed optimal activity at 1 M NaCl, but substantial activity remained for both enzymes at 5 M NaCl.Communicated by W.D. Grant  相似文献   

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