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Court, N. 1992 04 15: Cochlea anatomy of Numidotherium koholense: auditory acuity in the oldest known proboscidean. Lethaia , Vol. 25, pp. 211–215. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
A natural cast of the spiral cochlea space from the inner ear of the oldest known proboscidean, Numidotherium koholense , is described. The cast was sectioned to reveal internal structures. Cochlea structure in numiodtheres, and by inference auditory acuity, is shown to have been very different from that of living proboscideans. The cochlea of Numidotherium is deemed to reflect tuning to relatively high frequencies and contrasts with the low-frequency specializations seen in the inner ear of living proboscideans. It is suggested that evolution of the elephant otic region might be explained by a shift in developmental timing such that features occurring earlier in ontogeny are characteristic of the adult stage. * Proboscidea, Numidotherium, cochlea, natural cast, auditory acuity .  相似文献   

Mechanics of posture and gait of some large dinosaurs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dimensions of dinosaur bones and of models of dinosaurs have been used as the basis for calculations designed to throw light on the posture and gaits of dinosaurs.
Estimates of the masses of some dinosaurs, obtained from the volumes of models, are compared with previous estimates. The positions of dinosaurs' centres of mass, derived from models, show that some large quadrupedal dinosaurs supported most of their weight on their hind legs and were probably capable of rearing up on their hind legs.
Distributions of bending moments along the backs of large dinosaurs are derived from measurements on models. The tensions required in epaxial muscles to enable Diplodocus to stand are calculated. It is likely that the long neck of this dinosaur was supported by some structure running through the notches in the neural spines of its cervical and dorsal vertebrae. The nature of this hypothetical structure is discussed.
An attempt is made to reconstruct the walking gait of sauropod dinosaurs, from the pattern of footprints in fossil tracks.
The dimensions of dinosaur leg bones are compared to predictions for mammals of equal body mass, obtained by extrapolation of allometric equations. Their dimensions are also used to calculate a quantity which is used as an indicator of strength in bending. Comparisons with values for modern animals lead to speculations about the athletic performance of dinosaurs.
Estimates of pressures exerted on the ground by the feet of dinosaurs are used in a discussion of the ability of dinosaurs to walk over soft ground.  相似文献   

The stance of pterosaurs on land is traditionally a controversial question. Here, we show that pterosaurs like Anhanguera piscator were quadrupeds. An osteological model of A. piscator was three-dimensionally built in digital space. The reconstructed muscles of its pelvic girdle were then placed on their points of origin and insertion to allow the biomechanical calculations to find the most efficient stance on land to be performed. The hindlimb readjustment (i.e. the repositioning of the hindlimb according to the achieved results) led to a pelvic counterclockwise displacement at 10°, which means that the ilium previously placed at 0° regarding an axis parallel to the ground was moved (and so the whole pelvis) 10° up from the preacetabular process. This new position prevents A. piscator from having a fully upright stance. A 10° displacement of the pelvic girdle would compel the forelimbs to be highly sprawled. Therefore, this study affords A. piscator having a quadrupedal gait and demonstrates that a bipedal stance is not viable once the lever arm values decrease abruptly both for extensor and flexor muscles during the femoral extension. This is the first time this approach is used to shed light on this question.  相似文献   

Temporo-spatial observation of the leg could provide important information about the general condition of an animal, especially for those such as sheep and other free-ranging farm animals that can be difficult to access. Tri-axial accelerometers are capable of collecting vast amounts of data for locomotion and posture observations; however, interpretation and optimization of these data records remain a challenge. The aim of the present study was to introduce an optimized method for gait (walking, trotting and galloping) and posture (standing and lying) discrimination, using the acceleration values recorded by a tri-axial accelerometer mounted on the hind leg of sheep. The acceleration values recorded on the vertical and horizontal axes, as well as the total acceleration values were categorized. The relative frequencies of the acceleration categories (RFACs) were calculated in 3-s epochs. Reliable RFACs for gait and posture discrimination were identified with discriminant function and canonical analyses. Post hoc predictions for the two axes and total acceleration were conducted, using classification functions and classification scores for each epoch. Mahalanobis distances were used to determine the level of accuracy of the method. The highest discriminatory power for gait discrimination yielded four RFACs on the vertical axis, and five RFACs each on the horizontal axis and total acceleration vector. Classification functions showed the highest accuracy for walking and galloping. The highest total accuracy on the vertical and horizontal axes were 90% and 91%, respectively. Regarding posture discrimination, the vertical axis exhibited the highest discriminatory power, with values of RFAC (0, 1]=99.95% for standing; and RFAC (−1, 0]=99.50% for lying. The horizontal axis showed strong discrimination for the lying side of the animal, as values were in the acceleration category of (0, 1] for lying on the left side and (−1, 0] on the right side. The algorithm developed by the method employed in the present study facilitates differentiation of the various types of gait and posture in animals from fewer data records, and produces the most reliable acceleration values from only one axis within a short time frame. The present study introduces an optimized method by which the tri-axial accelerometer can be used in gait and posture discrimination in sheep as an animal model.  相似文献   

The HGL-50 locality, situated on the Glib Zegdou outlier in the Gour Lazib of Algeria (Hammada du Dra), is famous for having yielded several dental remains of primates dating from the late Early to the early Middle Eocene. These primates include Algeripithecus minutus, Azibius trerki and a new species of cf. Azibius (not described yet). Algeripithecus was widely acknowledged to be one of the oldest known anthropoids from Africa. However, very recent discoveries strongly suggest that Algeripithecus is closely related to Azibius and that both taxa are phylogenetically remote from the clade Anthropoidea. Algeripithecus and Azibius make up the family Azibiidae and appear as stem strepsirhines. Here we describe and analyse two ankle bones (tali) found in HGL-50. UM/HGL50-466 is a small left talus, which is appropriate in size to belong to A. trerki, while UM/HGL50-467 is a right talus, which is significantly larger and appropriate in size to belong to the new large species of cf. Azibius. Both tali exhibit a suite of features that resemble conditions primarily found in extinct and extant strepsirhine and adapiform primates; conditions that are consistent with the strepsirhine-like dentition characterizing azibiids. Functionally, these two tali indicate that Azibius species were engaged in a form of active arboreal quadrupedalism with some ability to climb and leap. Azibiids were rather small-bodied primates, approximating the size of some modern dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleidae) and sportive lemurs (Lepilemuridae) from Madagascar. Given their small body-size and their talar morphology, living cheirogaleid lemurs, which are agile arboreal quadrupeds (with climbing, springing and branch running activities), might appear as good analogues for azibiids in terms of locomotor behaviour.  相似文献   

How viable is the argument that increased locomotor efficiency was an important agent in the origin of hominid bipedalism? This study reviews data from the literature on the cost of human bipedal walking and running and compares it to data on quadrupedal mammals including several non-human primate species. Literature data comparing the cost of bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion in trained capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees are also considered. It is concluded that increased energetic efficiency would not have accrued to early bipeds. Presumably, however, selection for improved efficiency in the bipedal stance would have occurred once the transition was made. Would such a process have included selection for increased limb length? Data on the cost of locomotion vs. limb length reveal no significant relationship between these variables in 21 species of mammals or in human walking or running. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An approach using a physical sensor difference-based algorithm and a virtual sensor difference-based algorithm to visually and quantitatively confirm lower limb posture was proposed. Three accelerometers and two MAG3s (inertial sensor module) were used to measure the accelerations and magnetic field data for the calculation of flexion/extension (FE) and abduction/adduction (AA) angles of hip joint and FE, AA and internal/external rotation (IE) angles of knee joint; then, the trajectories of knee and ankle joints were obtained with the joint angles and segment lengths. There was no integration of acceleration or angular velocity for the joint rotations and positions, which is an improvement on the previous method in recent literature. Compared with the camera motion capture system, the correlation coefficients in five trials were above 0.91 and 0.92 for the hip FE and AA, respectively, and higher than 0.94, 0.93 and 0.93 for the knee joint FE, AA and IE, respectively.  相似文献   

The variability in dairy cow gait characteristics, determined by measurements of footprints (trackway measurements), was analysed. Seven gait parameters were determined from 32 non-lame dairy cows during free-speed walking on a slatted concrete walkway. The footprints were revealed by application of a thin lime powder-slurry layer to the walkway surface. The cows were observed on two test occasions with a 3-week interval, with measurements from four consecutive strides used within each test session. The variance components for cow, test and cow-test interaction were estimated by a residual (restricted) maximum likelihood method. The percentage of each variance component was calculated to assess the relative impact of each factor on total variance. Between-test variation was generally low, suggesting that cows maintain the same average gait pattern, at least over a 3-week period. The proportion of within-test variation was considerable for most trackway measurements. Stride length, step angle, step width and tracking (overlap) showed low to moderate within-test variation (12% to 27%), whereas for mediolateral displacement of rear feet and step length it was rather high (54% and 62%, respectively). Within-test variation in step asymmetry was very high (77%), suggesting the occurrence of natural, non-systematic changes in inter-limb coordination in non-lame cows. For better understanding the gait pattern in non-lame cows, linear associations between the trackway measurements and with body size were assessed. It was concluded that trackway measurements were able to describe the gait pattern in walking cows under dairy farm conditions. However, considering the relatively high within-test variation in gait, several strides should be used to obtain a representative gait pattern.  相似文献   

The capability for conditioning of leg position, using loud sound as an aversive natural reinforcement, was examined in a primitive New Zealand insect, the weta (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae). Electromyographic recordings were made during the conditioning. A majority of wetas tested came to occupy stably a metathoracic tibial position window, coupled to turning off the sound, set in either flexion or extension away from the preferred rest position. Steady tensions of up to 7 g in extension and 5 g in flexion were produced. However, no electromyographic activity accompanied the tension. It is concluded that the insects are using a peripheral catchlike mechanism to adjust posture.  相似文献   

Larger terrestrial animals tend to support their weight with more upright limbs. This makes structural sense, reducing the loading on muscles and bones, which is disproportionately challenging in larger animals. However, it does not account for why smaller animals are more crouched; instead, they could enjoy relatively more slender supporting structures or higher safety factors. Here, an alternative account for the scaling of posture is proposed, with close parallels to the scaling of jump performance. If the costs of locomotion are related to the volume of active muscle, and the active muscle volume required depends on both the work and the power demanded during the push-off phase of each step (not just the net positive work), then the disproportional scaling of requirements for work and push-off power are revealing. Larger animals require relatively greater active muscle volumes for dynamically similar gaits (e.g. top walking speed)—which may present an ultimate constraint to the size of running animals. Further, just as for jumping, animals with shorter legs and briefer push-off periods are challenged to provide the power (not the work) required for push-off. This can be ameliorated by having relatively long push-off periods, potentially accounting for the crouched stance of small animals.  相似文献   

Here is described the corpus of proboscidean ivory artifacts – the fruit of 30 years excavating – within the Palaeo-American component at the Hiscock site, western New York State. Several types and varieties are newly recognized and unique for the North American archaeological record. They allow us to forge linkages between the Old and New Worlds.  相似文献   

Accelerometry-based gait analysis is widely recognised as a promising tool in healthcare and clinical settings since it is unobtrusive, inexpensive and capable of providing insightful information on human gait characteristics. In order to expand the application of this technology in daily environments, it is desirable to develop reliable gait measures and their extraction methods from the acceleration signal that can differentiate between normal and atypical gait. Important examples of such measures are gait cycle and gait-induced acceleration magnitude, which are known to be closely related to each other depending on each individual's physical condition. In this study, we derive a model equation with two parameters which captures the essential relationships between gait cycle and gait acceleration based on experiments and physical modelling. We also introduce as a new gait parameter a set of indexes to evaluate the synchronisation behaviour of gait timing. The function and utility of the proposed parameters are examined in 11 healthy subjects during walking under various selected conditions.  相似文献   

Clinical gait analysis provides great contributions to the understanding of gait patterns. However, a complete distribution of muscle forces throughout the gait cycle is a current challenge for many researchers. Two techniques are often used to estimate muscle forces: inverse dynamics with static optimization and computer muscle control that uses forward dynamics to minimize tracking. The first method often involves limitations due to changing muscle dynamics and possible signal artefacts that depend on day-to-day variation in the position of electromyographic (EMG) electrodes. Nevertheless, in clinical gait analysis, the method of inverse dynamics is a fundamental and commonly used computational procedure to calculate the force and torque reactions at various body joints. Our aim was to develop a generic musculoskeletal model that could be able to be applied in the clinical setting. The musculoskeletal model of the lower limb presents a simulation for the EMG data to address the common limitations of these techniques. This model presents a new point of view from the inverse dynamics used on clinical gait analysis, including the EMG information, and shows a similar performance to another model available in the OpenSim software. The main problem of these methods to achieve a correct muscle coordination is the lack of complete EMG data for all muscles modelled. We present a technique that simulates the EMG activity and presents a good correlation with the muscle forces throughout the gait cycle. Also, this method showed great similarities whit the real EMG data recorded from the subjects doing the same movement.  相似文献   

Normal and limited vision gait was investigated in individuals with Parkinson disease (PD), healthy older and healthy young individuals. Participants walked a GAITRite mat with normal vision or vision of lower limbs occluded. Results indicate individuals with PD walked more slowly, with shorter and wider steps, and spent more time in double support with limited vision as compared to full vision. Healthy young and old individuals took shorter steps but were otherwise unchanged between conditions.  相似文献   

报道了甘肃天水地区武山县四门镇南峪村地点发现的一件残破的未成年维曼嵌齿象(Gomphotherium wimani)下颌,标本保存有完整的p3,dp4,m1齿列。颊齿齿冠显示出嵌齿象属(Gomphotherium)的一些进步特征,例如齿脊前后压缩,齿谷宽阔,副齿柱后中心小尖凸显,中附锥和中心小尖趋于分裂,有弱的白垩质发育,符合维曼嵌齿象的鉴定特征。维曼嵌齿象此前发现于甘肃的中中新统,而南峪村地点的含化石地层可与周围其他地点的中中新统对比,因此,南峪村地点维曼嵌齿象层位的地质时代为中中新世。同时,结合孢粉学研究的结果,可能说明中中新世时期,天水地区气候温暖湿润,适宜低齿冠的哺乳类如嵌齿象等动物生存。  相似文献   


Purpose: Rhythmic auditory stimulation such as listening to music can alleviate gait bradykinesia in people with Parkinson disease (PD) by increasing spatiotemporal gait features. However, evidence about what specific kinematic alterations lead to these improvements is limited, and differences in responsiveness to cueing likely affect individual motor strategies. Self-generated cueing techniques, such as singing or mental singing, provide similar benefits but no evidence exists about how these techniques affect lower limb joint movement. In this study, we assessed immediate effects of external and self-generated cueing on lower limb movement trajectories during gait.

Methods: Using 3D motion capture, we assessed sagittal plane joint angles at the hip, knee, and ankle across 35 participants with PD, divided into responders (n?=?23) and non-responders (n?=?12) based on a clinically meaningful change in gait speed. Joint motion was assessed as overall range of motion as well as at two key time points during the gait cycle: initial contact and toe-off.

Results: Responders used both cue types to increase gait speed and induce increases in overall joint ROM at the hip while only self-generated cues also increased ROM at the ankle. Increased joint excursions for responders were also evident at initial contact and toe-off.

Conclusions: Our results indicate that self-generated rhythmic cues can induce similar increases in joint excursions as externally-generated cues and that some people may respond more positively than others. These results provide important insight into how self-generated cueing techniques may be tailored to meet the varied individual needs of people with PD.  相似文献   

Locomotor behaviour varies between two subspecies of the Spanish wall lizard Podarcis hispanica. One subspecies inhabits the Columbretes islands, the other lives on the Spanish mainland. Size standardized voluntary speeds (as measured in unrestrained laboratory conditions) are lower in the island population (P. h. atrata) than in the mainland population (P. h. hispanica). Maximal running performance (when chased) is much higher in the mainland population than in the island population. High speed video recordings show that subspecies differ in gait characteristics: individuals from the mainland modulate running velocity primarily by modifying stride length, individuals from the island primarily by altering stride frequency. P. h. hispanica's strategy for modulating speed probably allows this mainland subspecies to attain higher maximal speeds than the island subspecies P. h. atrata. Theoretical considerations suggest that at high speeds, P. h. hispanica's running style is energetically more favourable, but this hypothesis awaits experimental verification. We suggest that the differences in locomotion efficiency between the subspecies result from differences in predation pressure between the mainland and the island. The mainland study site has a higher predator diversity and offers less hiding opportunities to the lizards.  相似文献   

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