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线粒体12S rRNA A1555G突变是引起氨基糖甙类药物诱导的非综合征型耳聋的重要原因之一。文章对收集的25个携带A1555G突变的中国汉族非综合征型耳聋家系进行了临床和分子遗传学评估。结果表明,这25个家系的母系成员在耳聋外显率、听力损失严重程度和发病年龄上存在较大差异。当包括和不包括氨基糖甙类药物使用史时,耳聋的平均外显率分别为28.1%和21.5%,排除氨基糖甙类药物时,耳聋的平均发病年龄从1~15岁不等。线粒体全序列分析发现了16个新变异,不同的线粒体DNA多态性位点显示这25个家系分别属于东亚人群A、B、D、F、G、M、N和R单倍型,其中线粒体单倍型B的家系耳聋外显率和表现度较其他单倍型高。此外,7个继发突变位点和21个高保守性位点突变可能增加了这些家系的耳聋外显率。GJB2基因上未检测到与耳聋相关的突变,表明在本研究的耳聋家系中,GJB2基因可能没有参与A1555G突变的表型表达。以上各方面提示,线粒体单倍型和其他因素可能参与了这25个家系耳聋患者的表型修饰。  相似文献   

近亲结婚所致一遗传性非综合征型耳聋家系的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
舒安利  聂玉正 《遗传》2005,27(4):553-556
耳聋是一种最常见的人类感觉系统缺陷, 在已发现的遗传性耳聋中,有70%的属于非综合征型听力缺损。据估计非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因总数在100个以上,目前已经确定了近80个非综合征型遗传性耳聋的遗传位点,其中23个基因已经被成功克隆。文章报道一遗传性非综合征型耳聋家系。该家系中存在2代近亲结婚,共2代13人出现聋哑症状。经遗传分析,该家系的遗传方式与常染色体显性或隐性遗传均不符合,提示此家系中的非综合征型遗传性耳聋可能为线粒体突变所致。  相似文献   

人类线粒体DNA 12S rRNA A1555G突变可引起母系遗传性非综合征耳聋,并提高氨基糖甙类药物对该类耳聋的诱导作用。我们在江苏淮阴发现了一个非综合征耳聋大家系,家系个体发病呈典型的母系遗传特征,临床可表现为先天性耳聋、中年进行性耳聋乃至完全正常的表型。对家系个体进行研究后发现A1555G突变是引起该家系耳聋的主要原因。我们用EB病毒转化的方法对该家系部分个体行建系工作后,对家系中17个个体的类淋巴母细胞进行分析,其中包括具有耳聋症状的个体7人(患者组),具有同质性A1555G突变但表型正常的个体6人(携带组),正常婚配对照 5人,与正常婚配对照相比,患者组与携带组在线粒体蛋白合成速率及在葡萄糖或半乳糖培养基中的生长速度出现了不同程度的下降,且突变细胞系中线粒体功能缺陷的严重程度与个体的临床表型相关.这些发现强有力地支持了核基因参与了该疾病临床表型的形成。  相似文献   

非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因的研究进展及相关网络资源   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
徐悦凡  任鲁风  杨宇 《遗传》2002,24(1):65-71
耳聋是一种最常见的人类感觉系统缺陷,70%的遗传性耳聋属于非综合征型听力缺损。据估计非综合征型遗传性耳聋基因总数在100个以上,迄今已经有大约80个基因座被绘制于人类染色体上,至少23个基因得鉴定。本文系统地介绍了已鉴定的23个非综合征型耳聋基因,并列举了与遗传性耳聋相关的部分网络资源以供参考。 Abstract:Deafness is the most prevalent sensory system impairment of human,and 70% of genetic deafness belongs to nonsyndromic hearing impairment.The total number of genes involved in nonsyndromic hereditary deafness has been estimated to above 100.So far,approximate 80 loci have been mapped to human chromosome,and 23 genes have been identified.In this article,these 23 genes were summarized systematically and some databases about hereditary deafness were provided for reference.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA突变是引起听力损伤的重要原因之一. 其中,线粒体12S rRNA基因突变与综合征型耳聋和非综合征型耳聋相关. 导致综合征型耳聋的线粒体DNA突变多为异质性,然 而对于非综合征型耳聋突变则多以同质性或高度异质性存在,说明这种分子致病性需要较高的阈值. 位于12S rRNA解码区的A1555G和C1494T突变是造成氨基糖甙类抗生素耳毒性和 非综合征型耳聋常见的分子机制. 这些突变可能造成12S rRNA二级结构的改变,影响线粒体蛋白质的合成,降低细胞内ATP的产生,由此引起的线粒体功能障碍导致耳聋. 但是多数 基因突变的致病机制还仅处于推测阶段. 其它修饰因子如氨基糖甙类抗生素、线粒体单体型、核修饰基因参与了线粒体12S rRNA基因A1555G和C1494T突变相关的耳聋表型表达.  相似文献   

一个母系遗传非综合征耳聋大家系mtDNA序列分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
通过分析本家mtDNA序列,探讨淮阴一非综合耳聋大家患病的分子遗传学机制。采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增mtDNA与非综合征耳聋相关位点nt1555,nt7445的区域和人类种群研究的D-loop区,PCR-异源双链分析,PCR-RFLP、PCR产物克隆序列测定等技术对该家系进行了系统的研究。发现该家系中全部母系亲属有mtDNAA1555G突变,而家系中非母 个体,对照组(100例正常个体)的mtDNA1555位点均为A。该家系mtDNA7445位点无突变;该系属于Ⅱ型线性体;发现家系D-loop区存在未见报道的碱基插入。提示mtDNAA1555G位点突变可能是导致该家系患致聋的主要因素之一。遗传背景可能对家系疾病的表现存在一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

应用基因芯片技术检测非综合征型耳聋基因突变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:应用遗传性耳聋基因芯片对散发性聋患者进行分子病因学检测,评估其在遗传性耳聋快速基因诊断中的可靠性。方法:门诊收集散发性聋患者10例,取外周血,提取基因组DNA,用遗传性耳聋基因芯片检测4个中国人中常见的耳聋相关基因中的9个热点突变,包括GJB2(35delG、176del16bp、235delC及299delAT)、GJB3(C538T)、SLC26A4(IVS7-2AG、A2168G)和线粒体DNA 12S rRNA(A1555G、C1494T)。同时,PCR扩增GJB2、线粒体12S rRNA基因全序列,DNA测序,以验证基因芯片检测结果的准确性。结果:在10名耳聋患者中,基因芯片方法检出1例携带线粒体DNA 12S rRNA C1494T突变;2例GJB2基因235delC纯合突变;2例235delC杂合突变;SLC26A4基因和GJB3基因未检出突变。基因芯片的结果与测序结果完全一致。结论:遗传性耳聋基因芯片技术对中国人常见耳聋相关基因热点突变的检出率高,结果准确、可靠,具有快速、高通量、高准确性、低成本等特点,能够满足临床耳聋基因检测的要求,同时结合产前诊断技术能有效预防耳聋患儿的出生,因而具有广阔的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

通过分析本家系mtDNA序列,探讨淮阴一非综合征耳聋大家系患病的分子遗传学机制.采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增mtDNA与非综合征耳聋相关位点nt1555、nt7445的区域和人类种群研究的D-loop区、PCR-异源双链分析、PCR-RFLP、PCR产物克隆序列测定等技术对该家系进行了系统的研究.发现该家系中全部母系亲属有mtDNAA1555G突变,而家系中非母系个体、对照组(100例正常个体)的mtDNA1555位点均为A.该家系mtDNA7445位点无突变;该家系属于II型线粒体;发现家系D-loop区存在未见报道的碱基插入.提示mtDNAA1555G位点突变可能是导致该家系患者致聋的主要因素之一.遗传背景可能对家系疾病的表型存在一定程度的影响。 Abstract:We find an extensive nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness family in Huaiyin,and investigate the possible molecular genetic mechanism of matrilineal nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness.We use PCR,combined with PCR-heteroduplex analysis,PCR-RFLP and sequencing techniques to examine part of 12S rRNA,tRNAser(UCN),and D-loop region of this pedigree.1)We found an A to G transition at position 1555(A1555G) of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA from all the patients and four matrilineal.2)An new nucleotide insertion was indentified in D-Loop region.3)According to the polymorphism of D-loop,this pedigree belong to mitochondrial type II.The study showed that the A1555G mutation may be one of major factors in progressive inherited deafness of this family and genetic background should be investigated in the future.  相似文献   

非综合征性耳聋(nonsyndromic hearing impairment, NSHI)是一种十分常见的人类神经系统疾病, 约有1/1000的新生儿患有语前聋。GJB2基因编码间隙连接蛋白Cx26, 是最常见的NSHI致病基因, 大约50%的常染色体隐性遗传NSHI是由GJB2基因突变引起的。在本研究中, 收集了江苏省一个复杂的非综合征性耳聋家系, 并对其进行了分子遗传学研究。对所有已知常染色体隐性遗传的NSHI致病基因, 选用其侧翼的微卫星标记进行连锁分析, 发现该家系的致病基因与D13S175连锁。对GJB2基因进行整个编码区域的测序, 发现235碱基处发生了碱基C的纯合缺失, 这一突变可能是该家系中绝大多数患者致病的遗传基础。  相似文献   

刘亚兰  张华  冯永 《遗传》2014,36(11):1131-1144
综合征型耳聋(Syndromic hearing loss, SHL)现已报道400多种,大多数发病率低,临床常见的有Waardenburg综合征(WS)、先天性小耳畸形综合征、前庭导水管扩大综合征等。因SHL具有极强的临床和遗传异质性,所以对其遗传基础及发病机制的研究变得十分困难。以SOX10和PAX3为中心的基因作用网络引起的神经嵴细胞功能异常与WS、小耳畸形及前庭导水管扩大等表型相关。本课题组前期研究也证实该基因网络参与WS的发病机制。文章针对神经嵴发育异常导致相关综合征型耳聋的发病机制的研究进展进行了系统的阐述,分析并归纳了与综合征型耳聋发病相关的神经嵴发育异常基因互作网络,以期为系统地研究常见综合征型耳聋致病基因的定位克隆以及发病机制提供研究思路和理论基础。  相似文献   

The A1555G mutation in the mitochondrial small ribosomal RNA gene (12S rRNA) has been associated with aminoglycoside-induced, nonsyndromic hearing loss. However, the clinical phenotype of A1555G carriers is extremely variable. In the present study, we have performed an audiological evaluation of a group of deaf patients and hearing carriers of mutation A1555G with the aim to assess the prevalence of the mutation and determine the associated cochlear alterations. Fifty-four patients affected of nonsyndromic hearing loss were screened for the presence of the A1555G mitochondrial mutation. Nine of the familial cases (21%) carried the A1555G mutation, whereas the mutation was not found in any of the sporadic cases. The positive cases and some of their family members underwent a clinical study consisting in a clinical evaluation and audiological testing. The phenotype of A1555G patients varied in age of onset and severity of hearing loss, ranging from profound deafness to completely normal hearing. The audiometric alterations showed bilateral hearing loss, being more severe at high frequencies. Otoacoustic emissions were absent in deaf A1555G carriers, and auditory brainstem response indicated a prolonged Wave I, suggesting a cochlear dysfunction without any effect of the auditory nerve. Moreover, all hearing carriers of A1555G also presented alterations in cochlear physiology. In conclusion, the A1555G mitochondrial mutation causes a cochlear form of deafness, characterized by a more severe loss of hearing at high frequencies. Although the expression of the mutation is variable, cochlear alterations are present in all carriers of mutation A1555G.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been found to be associated with sensorineural hearing loss. We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of four Chinese pedigrees with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing impairment. Clinical evaluation revealed the variable phenotype of hearing impairment including audiometric configuration in these subjects, although these subjects share some common features: bilateral and sensorineural hearing impairment. Strikingly, these Chinese pedigrees exhibited extremely low penetrance of hearing loss (5.2%, 4.8%, 4.2%, and 13.3%, respectively, and with an average 8% penetrance). In particular, four of all five affected matrilineal relatives of these pedigrees had aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes in these pedigrees showed the distinct sets of mtDNA polymorphism, in addition to the identical homoplasmic A1555G mutation, associated with hearing impairment in many families from different genetic backgrounds. The fact that mtDNA of those pedigrees belonged to different haplogroups R9a, N9a, D4a, and D4 suggested that the A1555G mutation occurred sporadically and multiplied through evolution of the mtDNA in China. However, there was the absence of functionally significant mutations in tRNA and rRNAs or secondary LHON mutations in these Chinese families. These data imply that the nuclear background or/and mitochondrial haplotype may not play a significant role in the phenotypic expression of the A1555G mutation in these Chinese pedigrees. However, aminoglycoside appears to be a major modifier factor for the phenotypic manifestation of the A1555G mutation in these Chinese families.  相似文献   

The 12S rRNA gene was shown to be a hot spot for aminoglycoside-induced and non-syndromic hearing loss since several deafness-associated mtDNA mutations were identified in this gene. Among them, we distinguished the A1555G, the C1494T and the T1095C mutations and C-insertion or deletion at position 961. One hundred Tunisian patients with non-syndromic hearing loss and 100 hearing individuals were analysed in this study. A PCR-RFLP analysis with HaeIII restriction enzyme showed the presence of the A1555G mutation in the 12S rRNA gene in only one out of the 100 patients. In addition, PCR-RFLP and radioactive PCR revealed the presence of a new HaeIII polymorphic restriction site in the same gene of 12S rRNA site in 4 patients with non-syndromic hearing loss. UVIDOC-008-XD analyses showed the presence of this new polymorphic restriction site with a variable heteroplasmic rates at position +1517 of the human mitochondrial genome. On the other hand, direct sequencing of the entire mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene in the 100 patients and in 100 hearing individuals revealed the presence of the A750G and A1438G polymorphisms and the absence of the C1494T, T1095C and 961insC mutations in all the tested individuals. Sequencing of the whole mitochondrial genome in the 4 patients showing the new HaeIII polymorphic restriction site revealed only the presence of the A8860G transition in the MT-ATP6 gene and the A4769G polymorphism in the ND2 gene.  相似文献   

We explored the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and the tRNASer(UCN) genes in 100 Tunisian families affected with NSHL and in 100 control individuals. We identified the mitochondrial A1555G mutation in one out of these 100 families and not in the 100 control individuals. Members of this family harbouring the A1555G mutation showed phenotypic heterogeneity which could be explained by an eventual nuclear-mitochondrial interaction. So, we have screened three nuclear genes: GJB2, GJB3, and GJB6 but we have not found correlation between the phenotypic heterogeneity and variants detected in these genes. We explored also the entire mitochondrial 12S rRNA and the tRNASer(UCN) genes. We detected five novel polymorphisms: T742C, T794A, A813G, C868T, and C954T, and 12 known polymorphisms in the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. None of the 100 families or the 100 controls were found to carry mutations in the tRNASer(UCN) gene. We report here the first mutational screening of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and the tRNASer(UCN) genes in the Tunisian population which describes the second family harbouring the A1555G mutation in Africa and reveals novel polymorphisms in the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene are one of the most important causes of aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. Here we report the characterization of one Han Chinese pedigree with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss.This Chinese family carrying the 12S rRNA A1555G mutation exhibited high penetrance and expressivity of hearing impairment. In particular, penetrances of hearing loss in this family pedigree were 43.8% and 25%, respectively, when aminoglycoside-induced heating loss was included or excluded. Mutational analysis of entire mitochondrial genomes in this family showed the homoplasmic A1555G mutation and a set of variants belonging to haplogroup Y2. Of these, the A14693G variant occurred at the extremely conserved nucleotide (conventional position 54) of the TψC-loop of tRNAGlu and was absent in 156 Chinese controls. Nucleotides at position 54 of tRNAs are often modified, thereby contributing to the structural formation and stabilization of functional tRNAs. Thus, the structural alteration of tRNA by the A14693G variant may lead to a failure in tRNA metabolism and impair mitochondrial protein synthesis, thereby worsening mitochondrial dysfunctions altered by the A1555G mutation. Therefore, the tRNAalu A14693G variant may have a potential modifier role in increasing the penetrance and expressivity of the deafness-associated AI555G mutation in this Chinese pedigree.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial rRNA and tRNA and hearing function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xing G  Chen Z  Cao X 《Cell research》2007,17(3):227-239

Mutations in mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene are one of the most important causes of aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. Here we report the characterization of one Han Chinese pedigree with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. This Chinese family carrying the 12S rRNA A1555G mutation exhibited high penetrance and expressivity of heating impairment. In particular, penetrances of hearing loss in this family pedigree were 43.8% and 25%, respectively, when aminoglycoside-induced heating loss was included or excluded. Mutational analysis of entire mitochondrial genomes in this family showed the homoplasmic A1555G mutation and a set of variants belonging to haplogroup Y2. Of these, the A14693G variant occurred at the extremely conserved nucleotide (conventional position 54) of the TψC-loop of tRNA^Clu and was absent in 156 Chinese controls. Nucleotides at position 54 of tRNAs are often modified, thereby contributing to the structural formation and stabilization of functional tRNAs. Thus, the structural alteration of tRNA by the A14693G variant may lead to a failure in tRNA metabolism and impair mitochondrial protein synthesis, thereby worsening mitochondrial dysfunctions altered by the A1555G mutation. Therefore, the tRNA^Glu A14693G variant may have a potential modifier role in increasing the penetrance and expressivity of the deafness-associated A1555G mutation in this Chinese pedigree.  相似文献   

Mutations in the mitochondrial DNA are one of the most important causes of sensorineural hearing loss, especially in the 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene. We have analyzed the mtDNA 12S rRNA gene in a cohort of 443 families with hearing impairment, and have identified the A1555G mutation in 69 unrelated cases. A1555G is not a fully penetrant change, since only 63% of subjects with this change have developed hearing impairment. In addition, only 22% of the 183 A1555G deaf subjects were treated with aminoglycosides. Two novel nucleotide changes (T1291C and T1243C) were identified. T1243C was found in five deafness cases and one control sample. Mutation T1291C was detected in all maternally related individuals of a pedigree and in none of 95 control samples. Conservation analysis and comparison of the 12S rRNA structure with the 16S rRNA of Escherichia coli showed that the T at nucleotide 1243 and A at nucleotide 1555 are conserved positions. Prediction of RNA secondary structure showed changes in all 12S rRNA variants, the most severe being for T1291C. The reported data confirm the high prevalence of mutation A1555G in deafness cases and the major role of the 12S rRNA gene in hearing. The two novel changes reported here might have different contributions as deafness-related variants. T1291C fulfills the criteria of a disease-causing change. As in the case of mutation A1555G, the underlying phenotype of T1291C is not homogeneous for all family members, providing evidence for the implication of environmental and/or additional genetic factors.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA have been reported as associated with non-syndromic and aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. In the present study, we have performed mutational screening of entire 12S rRNA gene in 250 unrelated patients with non-syndromic and aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. Twenty-one different homoplasmic sequence variants were identified, including eight common polymorphisms, one deafness-associated mutation m.1555 A>G and three putatively pathogenic variants: m.669 T>C, m.827 A>G, m.961 delT+C(n)ins. The incidence of m.1555 A>G was estimated for 3.6% (9/250); however, where aminoglycoside exposure was taken as a risk factor, the frequency was 5.5% (7/128). Substitution m.669 T>C was identified only in patients with hearing impairment and episode of aminoglycoside exposure, which may suggest that such additional risk factors must appear to induce clinical phenotype. Moreover, two 12S rRNA sequence variants: m.988 G>A and m.1453 A>G, localized at conserved sites and affected RNA secondary structure, may be new candidates for non-syndromic and aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss associated mutations.  相似文献   

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