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K I Wolska  J Paciorek  K Kardy? 《Microbios》1999,97(386):55-67
Mutations in the heat shock genes, dnaK and dnaJ, cause severe defects of several cellular functions. Null dnaJ and dnaKdnaJ mutations can be transduced in a restricted range of temperature. The efficiency of transformation with three unrelated plasmids, viz pACYC184, pBR322 and pSC101, is two times lower in dnaK mutants while the dnaJ mutant is characterized by slightly impaired transformation with pSC101 only. The lack of DnaJ function negatively influences the stability of pSC101 at 42 degrees C, and this plasmid cannot be stably maintained at 30 degrees C in the delta dnaKdnaJ mutant. The double deletion mutant, delta dbaKdnaJ, is characterized by impaired osmoadaptation. The galactokinase content is lower in both mutants tested compared with wild-type strains even at 30 degrees C. The efficient complementation of some of these defects by the wild-type alleles present on low-copy number plasmid was achieved.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli null dnaJ and dnaKdnaJ mutants, when introduced to Hfr donor, impair its ability to DNA transfer during conjugation. The additive effect of both mutations was shown. Lack of DnaK and DnaJ chaperones also decrease the extent of proteolysis in mutant strains. This effect is seen only at 42 degrees C. The influence of double dnaKdnaJ deletion but not single dnaJ deletion on novobiocin susceptibility was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli null dnaJ and dnaKdnaJ mutants were defective in the biosynthesis and secretion of several enzymes. The synthesis of beta-galactosidase induced in delta dnaJ and delta dnaKdnaJ mutants was abolished at 42 degrees C and significantly decreased at 30 and 37 degrees C. The activity of alkaline phosphatase in the periplasm in both mutant strains at high temperature was lower than in the wild-type strain. The synthesis of b-type cytochromes was defective in two deletion mutants while the synthesis of nitrate reductase-A at 42 degrees C was influenced by dnaK mutation only. The lack of DnaK and DnaJ does not impair the activity of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase irrespective of growth temperature.  相似文献   

L-cysteine is an important amino acid in terms of its industrial applications. We previously found a marked production of L-cysteine from glucose in recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing an altered cysE gene encoding feedback inhibition-insensitive serine acetyltransferase. Also, a lower level of cysteine desulfhydrase (CD) activity, which is involved in L-cysteine degradation, increased L-cysteine productivity in E. coli. The use of an L-cysteine efflux system could be promising for breeding L-cysteine overproducers. In addition to YdeD and YfiK, which have been reported previously as L-cysteine exporter proteins in E. coli, we analyzed the effects of 33 putative drug transporter genes in E. coli on L-cysteine export and overproduction. Overexpression of the acrD, acrEF, bcr, cusA, emrAB, emrKY, ybjYZ, and yojIH genes reversed the growth inhibition of tnaA (the major CD gene)-disrupted E. coli cells by L-cysteine. We also found that overexpression of these eight genes reduces intracellular L-cysteine levels after cultivation in the presence of L-cysteine. Amino acid transport assays showed that Bcr overexpression conferring bicyclomycin and tetracycline resistance specifically promotes L-cysteine export driven by energy derived from the proton gradient. When a tnaA-disrupted E. coli strain expressing the altered cysE gene was transformed with a plasmid carrying the bcr gene, the transformant exhibited more L-cysteine production than cells carrying the vector only. A reporter gene assay suggested that the bcr gene is constitutively expressed at a substantial level. These results indicate that the multidrug transporter Bcr in the major facilitator family is involved in L-cysteine export and overproduction in genetically engineered E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli were selected in which a single mutational event had both relieved the polar effect of an early trpE mutation on trpB and simultaneously released the expression of trpB from tryptophan repression. The frequency at which these mutations appeared was roughly equal to the frequency of point mutations. In each of these mutants, the mutation increased the function of trpB and also increased the activity of some, but not all, of the other four tryptophan operon genes. Genetic analysis showed that the mutations were not located within the trp operon since in each case the parental trp operon could be recovered from the mutants. Each mutant was shown to carry a duplication of a trp operon segment translocated to a new position near the trp operon. Polarity is relieved since the trpB duplication-translocation is not in the same operon as the trpE polar mutation. The duplicated and translocated segments are fused to operons not regulated by tryptophan, so trpB function is no longer subject to tryptophan repression. The properties of the mutants indicate that the length of the duplicated segment and the position to which it is translocated differ in each of the seven mutants studied. The duplications are unstable, but the segregation pattern observed is not consistent with a single crossover model for segregation. That such duplication-translocation events generate a variety of new genetic arrangements at a frequency comparable with point mutations suggests they may play an important role in evolution.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of the dnaK gene of Escherichia coli was analyzed. The nucleotide sequence of the wild-type dnaK gene of E. coli B differed from that of E. coli K-12 in 15 bp, none of which altered the amino acid sequence. Two temperature-sensitive dnaK mutations were examined by cloning and sequence analyses. Results showed that one dnaK mutation, dnaK7(Ts), was a one-base substitution of T for C at nucleotide position 448 in the open reading frame yielding an amber nonsense codon. The other mutation, dnaK756(Ts), consisted of base substitutions (A for G) at three nucleotide positions, 95, 1364, and 1403, in the open reading frame resulting in an aspartic acid codon in place of a glycine codon.  相似文献   

H Itikawa  M Wada  K Sekine  H Fujita 《Biochimie》1989,71(9-10):1079-1087
In Escherichia coli K-12, the heat shock protein DnaK and DnaJ participate in phosphorylation of both glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and threonyl-tRNA synthetase since when cellular proteins extracted from the dnaK7(Ts), dnaK756(Ts) and dnaJ259(Ts) mutant cells labeled with 32Pi at 42 degrees C were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, no phosphorylation of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and threonyl-tRNA synthetase was observed while phosphorylation of both aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases was detected in the samples extracted from wild-type cells.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the cell division block observed during the SOS response requires the product of the sfiA gene, whose expression is regulated negatively by the LexA repressor and positively by the RecA protease. We have studied the effect on sfiA expression of sfiA, sfiB, infA, and infB mutations, which are known to affect SOS-associated filamentation. To measure sfiA expression in the different strains, we first constructed a lambda transducing phage carrying an sfiA::lac operon fusion. Mutations at the sfiA locus (dominant and recessive) and the sfiB locus (recessive) had no effect on sfiA expression. The mutations tif (at the recA locus) and tsl (at the lexA locus) are known to induce filamentation and a high level of sfiA expression at 42 degrees C. The infB1 mutation, which suppresses filamentation in a tif tsl strain at 42 degrees C, reduced sfiA expression at 42 degrees C in tif tsl infB1 and tsl infB1 strains but not in a tif infB1 strain. The infA3 mutation, which suppresses tif-mediated filamentation, reduced induction of sfiA expression in a tif infA3 strain at 42 degrees C or after UV irradiation. The isolation and characterization of sfiA constitutive strains revealed only lexA-linked mutations in a sfiA-background, suggesting that LexA is the only readily eliminated repressor of the sfiA gene. Nevertheless, the infA and infB mutations could define elements involved in the regulation of sfiA expression.  相似文献   

The heat shock proteins DnaK and DnaJ of Escherichia coli participate in phosphorylation of both glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and threonyl-tRNA synthetase. When cellular proteins extracted from the dnaK7(Ts) and dnaJ259(Ts) mutant cells labeled with 32Pi at 42 degrees C were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, no phosphorylation of these proteins was observed when they were compared with those from wild-type cells.  相似文献   

The cellular concentrations of ppGpp in the dnaK(Ts) and dnaJ(Ts) mutants of Escherichia coli were examined, since the thermosensitive RNA synthesis of these mutants is relaxed by an additional mutation in the relA gene. The results showed that ppGpp accumulated extensively in the dnaK(Ts) and dnaJ(Ts) mutants after a temperature shift up, reaching levels of 5 mM and 0.5 mM, respectively. This unusual accumulation of ppGpp was suppressed by the relA1 mutation, implying that it results from induction of a stringent response in these mutants at a nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

The dam-containing operon in Escherichia coli is located at 74 min on the chromosomal map and contains the genes aroK, aroB, a gene called urf74.3, dam and trpS. We have determined the nucleotide sequence between the dam and trpS genes and show that it encodes two proteins with molecular weights of 24 and 27 kDa. Furthermore, we characterize the three genes urf74.3, 24kDa, 27kDa and the proteins they encode. The predicted amino acid sequences of the 24 and 27 kDa proteins are similar to those of the CbbE and CbbZ proteins, respectively, of the Alcaligenes eutrophus cbb operon, which encodes enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle. In separate experiments, we have shown that the 24 kDa protein has d-ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase activity (similar to CbbE), and we call the gene rpe. Similarly, the 27 kDa protein has 2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity (similar to CbbZ), and we name the gene gph. The Urf74.3 protein, with a predicted molecular weight of 46 kDa, migrated as a 70 kDa product under denaturing conditions. Overexpression of Urf74.3 induced cell filamentation, indicating that Urf74.3 directly or indirectly interferes with cell division. We present evidence for translational coupling between aroB and urf74.3 and also between rpe and gph. Proteins encoded in the dam superoperon appear to be largely unrelated: Dam, and perhaps Urf74.3, are involved in cell cycle regulation, AroK, AroB, and TrpS function in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, whereas Rpe and Gph are involved in carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract To determine the degree of heterogeneity among Shiga-like toxin-II (SLT-II)-related toxins present in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 strains, slt-IIB -related genes of 15 strains were amplified and sequenced. Of these 15 isolates, six contained only the slt-II -related genes, seven strains harbored slt-II -related genes together with slt-II , and two strains had slt-II -related genes plus slt-I . In strains carruing slt-II -related genes alone or in combination with slt-I , the PCR fragments were directly subjected to Taq cycle sequence analysis. Direct sequencing was not possible with the seven strains possessing both slt-II and slt-II -related genes, since the PCR products contained both genes. In order to allow sequence analysis of these slt-II -related genes, the PCR products were first subjected to restriction enzyme digestion with Fok I, which selectively digested slt-IIB . This resulted in an undigested 270-bp fragment consisting of pure slt-II -related genes. Interestingly, comparison of the nucleotide sequences revealed 100% homology of all analyzed 15 slt-IIB -related toxin genes. In addition, the nucleotide sequence of slt-IIB -related toxin genes were identical to slt-IIcB . Our findings indicate that SLT-IIc is a major variant form of SLT-II present in E. coli O517 strains.  相似文献   

The DnaK protein of Zymomonas mobilis (DnaKz) was identified and found to be 80% identical to the DnaK protein of Escherichia coli on the basis of the sequence of the N-terminal 21 amino acids. The dnaKz gene was cloned and found to be expressed in a thermosensitive dnaK mutant of Escherichia coli. Expression of the foreign gene restored a thermoresistant phenotype but failed to modulate the heat shock response in E. coli.  相似文献   

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