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Heat shock proteins (HSPs) ranging in molecular masses from 14 to 110 kDa were induced in embryonic axes of germinating Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh seeds after exposure to 40 °C for 1 or 2 h. At 45 °C, there was a marked decline in synthesis of HSPs. A close relationship was observed between HSPs induced and the growth of the germinating seeds. Pretreatment of germinating seeds at 40 °C for 1 h or 45 °C for 10 min followed by incubation at 28 °C for 3 h led to considerable thermotolerance (45 °C, 2 h) and the recovery of protein synthesis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tereshina  V. M. 《Microbiology》2005,74(3):247-257
The parallel synthesis of heat shock proteins and trehalose in response to heat shock did not allow the role of these compounds in the acquisition of thermotolerance by fungal cells to be established for a long time. This review analyses experimental data obtained with the use of mutant fungal strains and shows differences in the thermoprotective functions of trehalose and heat shock proteins in relation to cell membranes and macromolecules. The main emphasis has been placed on data demonstrating the thermoprotective role of trehalose in fungi, the present-day understanding of its biological functions, and mechanisms of trehalose interaction with subcellular structures and cell macromolecules.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2005, pp. 293–304. p ]Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Tereshina.  相似文献   

The 70-100% ammonium sulfate fraction of postribosomal supernatantof heat shocked soybean seedlings contained a high percentageof all of the heat shock proteins. The proteins in this fractionwere resistant to heat denaturation, as judged by their unpelletabilityafter heat treatment. Moreover, this fraction, when added tothe postribosomal supernatant from control (non-heat shocked)seedlings, showed a significant ability to protect the controlproteins from heat denaturation. Heated at 55°C, some 50%of the control proteins, which were normally denatured afterheat treatment, were protected for at least 1 h when heat shockproteins-enriched fraction was added. The degree of protectionwas proportional to the amount of heat shock proteins-enrichedfraction added. However, when the ammonium sulfate fractionprepared from the seedlings with a heat treatment at 40°Cfor 3 h followed with a brief heat shock at 45°C which depletedmost of the 15–18 kDa and partial 68–70 kDa, 24kDa and 22 kDa heat shock proteins was added the effectivenessin preventing heat denaturation was lost. This suggests thatthe heat shock proteins of 15–18 kDa with those of 68–70kDa and perhaps 24 kDa and 22 kDa are important for providingthe protection from heat denaturation. (Received July 28, 1988; Accepted March 2, 1989)  相似文献   

Here we studied the response to heat shock in a desert D. melanogasterstrain TT capable of living and propagating at 32°C and the standard Oregon R strain. The TT strain proved to be more resistant to extreme temperatures. On the other hand, the observed high thermotolerance of the strain was not accompanied by a higher level of HSP70 synthesis. Conversely, reliably smaller amounts of HSP70 were synthesized in the TT strain as compared to Oregon R under all shock temperatures except the critical one (39.5°C). Differences in both the structure of HSP70genes and the pattern of all heat shock proteins have been observed between the studied strains. The role of the heat shock system in the adaptation to hyperthermia is discussed.  相似文献   

Solute Leakage in Soybean Seedlings under Various Heat Shock Regimes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The leakage of solute from intact seedlings during incubationunder various heat shock (HS) regimes was studied. ContinuousHS at 40?C did not induce leakage of amino acids, soluble sugarsand electrolytes into the incubation medium, when compared withcontrol incubation at 28?C. Continuous HS at 45?C (lethal treatment)caused leakage to increase continuously and linearly duringa 5-h treatment period. However, brief HS at 47.5?C, (lethaltreatment), unlike continuous HS at 45?C, induced leakage ata slower rate which reached a plateau within 2 to 3 h at 28?C.Preincubation for 2 h at 40?C completely prevented the leakagecaused by the brief HS at 47.5?C, but not that caused by continuous45?C HS. The amount of leakage during 2 h of incubation at 45?Cwas reduced to half by 30 min preincubation at 40?C and wasreduced to a minimal level by 1-h preincubation. Greater reductionof leakage at 45?C HS was observed when an additional 4 h ofincubation at 28?C immediately followed the 40?C preincubation.These results and previous findings (Lin et al. 1984) indicatethat the synthesis and accumulation of HS proteins (HSPs) areimportant for preventing HS-induced leakage from the cells.One of the HSPs, 15 kD in size appeared to be associated withthe plasma membrane. (Received February 12, 1985; Accepted August 30, 1985)  相似文献   

热激对水稻幼苗耐冷性及热激蛋白合成的诱导   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
萌发的水稻种子经42℃热激处理后其幼苗的耐冷性明显增强,膜伤害程度降低,脯氨酸含量增加,超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和抗氧化物质抗坏血酸含量增加,而膜脂过氧化的关键酶脂氧合酶(LOX)活性及其产物丙二醛(MDA)含量下降.并且热激诱导萌发的水稻胚合成78、70、64、60、46、38、24、17、16kD的热激蛋白(HSP),其中属于HSP70的内质网结合蛋白(BiP)的合成与水稻幼苗耐寒性的提高有关.  相似文献   

35S-Met标记玉米胚蛋白合成结果表明,热激处理(42℃)与对照(25℃)的蛋白合成趋势相近,热激抑制16 DAP的蛋白合成,增加22和34 DAP蛋白合成.SDS-PAGE自显影图谱表明,热激诱导16DAP的胚合成86.4、80.0、73.2 kD等3种分子量较高的热激蛋白,22DAP后热激诱导合成86.4、80.0、73.2、24.4、18.2、16.8和13.6 kD等7种分子量的热激蛋白.2D-PAGE自显影图谱进一步显示,热激诱导22和28 DAP的胚合成近20种热激蛋白,其中超过10种为小分子热激蛋白.特异热激蛋白BiP(HsP70)、PDI(HsP60)Western blot表明,这2种热激蛋白在玉米胚发育过程均有高水平的表达,热激对其合成影响不明显.  相似文献   

Northern blot hybridization analyzes revealed that poly(A+) RNAs homologous to eight heat shock (HS)-specific cDNA clones were induced by arsenite (As) or Cd treatments. The mRNAs accumulated slower, and maximum accumulations were consistently lower than HS-induced levels. Prolonged treatment with low concentrations (50-100 micromolar) of As for 6 hours, or Cd for 12 hours, resulted in decreased accumulations of HS-specific mRNAs. This response resembled the `autoregulation' observed during continuous 40°C HS. However, no autoregulation was evident when soybean seedlings were exposed to high concentrations of As (250 micromolar) or Cd (1 millimolar) for 12 hours. The cDNA probe pCE54 detected a second higher molecular weight poly(A+) RNA following As or Cd treatments which accumulated concomitantly with the lower molecular weight HS-specific poly(A+) RNA. The patterns of low molecular weight HS polypeptides from in vitro translations induced by HS, As, and Cd, and analyzed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE, were similar but temporal differences were apparent. In addition to HS proteins, many control proteins were also detected in both in vitro and in vivo labeling patterns from As and, to a lesser extent, Cd treatments. The chemical agents used in this study apparently induced the accumulation and translation of HS messages in vivo but not in the selective manner as observed during HS treatment.  相似文献   

An accumulation in cells of unfolded proteins is believed to be the common signal triggering the induction of heat shock proteins (hsps). Accordingly, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, inhibition of protein breakdown at 30°C with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 caused a coordinate induction of many heat shock proteins within 1 to 2 h. Concomitantly, MG132, at concentrations that had little or no effect on growth rate, caused a dramatic increase in the cells’ resistance to very high temperature. The magnitude of this effect depended on the extent and duration of the inhibition of proteolysis. A similar induction of hsps and thermotolerance was seen with another proteasome inhibitor, clasto-lactacystin β-lactone, but not with an inhibitor of vacuolar proteases. Surprisingly, when the reversible inhibitor MG132 was removed, thermotolerance decreased rapidly, while synthesis of hsps continued to increase. In addition, exposure to MG132 and 37°C together had synergistic effects in promoting thermotolerance but did not increase hsp expression beyond that seen with either stimulus alone. Although thermotolerance did not correlate with hsp content, another thermoprotectant trehalose accumulated upon exposure of cells to MG132, and the cellular content of this disaccharide, unlike that of hsps, quickly decreased upon removal of MG132. Also, MG132 and 37°C had additive effects in causing trehalose accumulation. Thus, the resistance to heat induced by proteasome inhibitors is not just due to induction of hsps but also requires a short-lived metabolite, probably trehalose, which accumulates when proteolysis is reduced.  相似文献   

In the present study, withaferin A (WA), a steroidal lactone with anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties, inhibited proteasome activity and induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and cytoplasmic HSP accumulation in Xenopus laevis A6 kidney epithelial cells. Proteasomal inhibition by WA was indicated by an accumulation of ubiquitinated protein and a decrease in chymotrypsin-like activity. Additionally, immunoblot analysis revealed that treatment of cells with WA induced the accumulation of HSPs including ER chaperones, BiP and GRP94, as well as cytoplasmic/nuclear HSPs, HSP70 and HSP30. Furthermore, WA-induced an increase in the relative levels of the protein kinase, Akt, while the levels of actin were unchanged compared to control. Northern blot experiments determined that WA induced an accumulation in bip, hsp70 and hsp30 mRNA but not eIF-1α mRNA. Interestingly, WA acted synergistically with mild heat shock to enhance HSP70 and HSP30 accumulation to a greater extent than the sum of both stressors individually. This latter phenomenon was not observed with BiP or GRP94. Immunocytochemical analysis indicated that WA-induced BiP accumulation occurred mainly in the perinuclear region in a punctate pattern, while HSP30 accumulation occurred primarily in a granular pattern in the cytoplasm with some staining in the nucleus. Prolonged exposure to WA resulted in disorganization of the F-actin cytoskeleton as well as the production of relatively large HSP30 staining structures that co-localized with F-actin. Finally, prior exposure of cells to WA treatment, which induced the accumulation of HSPs conferred a state of thermal protection since it protected the F-actin cytoskeleton against a subsequent cytotoxic thermal challenge.  相似文献   

Significant circadian rhythms in heat shock gene expression were observed in a prokaryotic species (Synechocystis). In eukaryotes, in contrast, several heat shock genes (constitutive and inducible) were shown to be constantly expressed. A few cases of circadian expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs), however, have been reported. Significant circadian changes of thermotolerance were observed in yeast and several plant species. Higher thermo-tolerance can be attributed to a higher abundance of HSPs, but also to other adaptive mechanisms. Zeitgeber effects of temperature changes can be explained on the basis of their direct effects on the state variables of the clock gene (per, frq) expression and its negative feedback loop. Effects of increased HSP concentrations, as observed after heat shock, but also after light and serotonin (5HT), appear possible, in particular with respect to nuclear localization of the clock (PER) protein, but these effects have not been documented yet. Thus, the role of HSPs in the circadian clock system is little understood and, from our point of view, deserves more attention. (Chronobiology International, 13(4), 239-250, 1996)  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSP) HSP27 and HSP70 are expressed in response to a wide variety of physiological and environmental insults including anticancer chemotherapy, thus allowing the cell to survive to lethal conditions. Several mechanisms account for the cytoprotective effect of HSP27 and HSP70. 1) Both proteins are powerful chaperones. 2) They both inhibit key effectors of the apoptotic machinery at the pre- and post-mitochondrial level. 3) They participate in the proteasome-mediated degradation of proteins under stress conditions, thereby contributing to the so called “protein triage”. In cancer cells, the expression of HSP27 and/or HSP70 is abnormally high, and both HSP27 and HSP70 may participate in oncogenesis and in resistance to chemotherapy. In rodent models, HSP27 or HSP70 over-expression increases tumor growth and metastatic potential. The depletion or inhibition of HSP27 and HS70 frequently reduces the size of the tumors and even can cause their complete involution (for HSP70). Therefore, the inhibition of HSP70 and HSP27 has become a novel strategy of cancer therapy.  相似文献   

植物小分子热休克蛋白   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在热刺激下,真核和原核细胞都能产生一类小分子热休克蛋白(smallheatshockproteins,sHSPs),植物sHSPs数量、种类众多而且十分重要。目前已经发现植物中至少存在6种细胞内sHSPs。植物在特定的发育阶段或受到逆境条件的刺激产生sHSPs。大量研究表明sHSPs通过分子伴侣机制保护逆境中的细胞,在植物逆境忍耐中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Heat Shock Proteins in Sea Urchin Embryos   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

The results are generalized of many-year studies into the adaptive role of heat shock proteins in different animals, including the representatives of cold- and warm-blooded species that inhabit regions with different thermal conditions. Adaptive evolution of the response to hyperthermia can lead to different results depending on the species. The thermal threshold of induction of the heat shock proteins in desert thermophylic species is, as a rule, higher than in the moderate climate species. In addition, thermoresistant species are often characterized by a certain level of heat shock proteins in cells even at a physiologically normal temperature. Although adaptation to hyperthermia is achieved in most cases without changes in the number of heat shock genes, they can be amplified in some cases in termophylic species. The role of mobile elements in evolution of the heat shock genes was shown and approach was developed for directional introduction of mutations in the promoter regions of these genes.__________Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2005, pp. 265–273.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Evgen’ev, Garbuz, Zatsepina.  相似文献   

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