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An efficient and quantitative method to analyze the transposition of various insertion sequence (IS) elements in Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 was devised. pGEN500, a plasmid carrying a Bacillus subtilis-derived sacB gene, was introduced into ATCC 17616 cells, and 25% of their sucrose-resistant derivatives were found to carry various IS elements on pGEN500. A PCR-based experimental protocol, in which a mixture of several specific primer pairs was used, revealed that pGEN500 captured, in addition to five previously reported IS elements (IS401, IS402, IS406, IS407, and IS408), three novel IS elements, ISBmu1, ISBmu2, and ISBmu3. The global transposition frequency of these IS elements was enhanced more than sevenfold under a high-temperature condition (42°C) but not under oxidative stress or starvation conditions. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating the elevated transposition activities of several IS elements at a high temperature. The efficient experimental protocol developed in this study will be useful in quantitatively and simultaneously investigating various IS elements, as well as in capturing novel functional mobile elements from a wide variety of bacteria.  相似文献   

Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 was originally isolated from a soil sample, and it carries three chromosomes. To identify traits of likely adaptive significance for colonization of soil, an in vivo expression technology system for ATCC 17616 was constructed using the promoterless and tandemly arranged dapB and lacZ genes as the reporters, and this system was applied to identify the genomic loci of ATCC 17616 that were induced in sterilized soil. Our screening of a library consisting of dapBlacZ‐inserted clones resulted in the isolation of 713 clones in which the insertion sites of genome were putatively transcribed in the soil but not in laboratory media. All insertion sites in the genome were determined by high‐throughput sequencing using genomic DNA as the templates, and subsequent analysis led to a reliable list of a total of 116 genomic loci as the B. m ultivorans ATCC 17616 l oci induced in a s oil environment (mls). These 116 mls carried the genes for energy acquisition from various substances, as well as genes for cell‐envelope integrity and the niche adaptation. The distribution of these loci was biased to the second chromosome, suggesting the importance of this replicon as a source of adaptive traits enhancing survival of this organism in natural environments.  相似文献   

An efficient and quantitative method to analyze the transposition of various insertion sequence (IS) elements in Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 was devised. pGEN500, a plasmid carrying a Bacillus subtilis-derived sacB gene, was introduced into ATCC 17616 cells, and 25% of their sucrose-resistant derivatives were found to carry various IS elements on pGEN500. A PCR-based experimental protocol, in which a mixture of several specific primer pairs was used, revealed that pGEN500 captured, in addition to five previously reported IS elements (IS401, IS402, IS406, IS407, and IS408), three novel IS elements, ISBmu1, ISBmu2, and ISBmu3. The global transposition frequency of these IS elements was enhanced more than sevenfold under a high-temperature condition (42 degrees C) but not under oxidative stress or starvation conditions. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating the elevated transposition activities of several IS elements at a high temperature. The efficient experimental protocol developed in this study will be useful in quantitatively and simultaneously investigating various IS elements, as well as in capturing novel functional mobile elements from a wide variety of bacteria.  相似文献   

The ophD gene, encoding a permease for phthalate transport, was cloned from Burkholderia cepacia ATCC 17616. Expression of the gene in Escherichia coli results in the ability to transport phthalate rapidly into the cell. Uptake inhibition experiments show that 4-hydroxyphthalate, 4-chlorophthalate, 4-methylphthalate, and cinchomeronate compete for the phthalate permease. An ophD knockout mutant of 17616 grows slightly more slowly on phthalate but is still able to take up phthalate at rates equivalent to that of the wild-type strain. This means that 17616 must have a second phthalate-inducible phthalate uptake system.  相似文献   

In this study, it was demonstrated, by using agar diffusion tests and a Transwell system, that Burkholderia multivorans NKI379 has an antagonistic effect against the growth of B. pseudomallei. Bacterial representatives were isolated from agricultural crop soil and mixed to construct a partial bacterial community structure that was based on the results of reproducible patterns following PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of total soil chromosomes. The antagonistic effect of B. multivorans on B. pseudomallei was observed in this imitate community. In a field study of agricultural crop soil, the presence of B. pseudomallei was inversely related to the presence of the antagonistic strains B. multivorans or B. cenocepacia. B. multivorans NKI379 can survive in a broader range of pH, temperatures and salt concentrations than B. pseudomallei, suggesting that B. multivorans can adapt to extreme environmental changes and therefore predominates over B. pseudomallei in natural environments.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified specific Burkholderia cepacia complex strains that are common to multiple persons with cystic fibrosis (CF). Such so-called epidemic strains have an apparent enhanced capacity for inter-patient spread and reside primarily in Burkholderia cenocepacia (formerly B. cepacia complex genomovar III). We sought to identify strains from B. cepacia complex species other than B. cenocepacia that are similarly shared by multiple CF patients. We performed genotype analysis of 360 recent sputum culture isolates from 360 persons residing in 29 cities by using repetitive extragenic palendromic polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) and pulsed field gel electrophoresis. The results indicate that sharing of a common Burkholderia multivorans strain occurs relatively infrequently; however, several small clusters of patients infected with the same strain were identified. A cluster of seven patients infected with the same B. cepacia (genomovar I) strain was found. We also identified a large group of 28 patients receiving care in the same treatment center and infected with the same Burkholderia dolosa strain. These observations suggest that B. cepacia complex strains in species other than B. cenocepacia may be spread among CF patients.  相似文献   

Members of the flowering plant family Cucurbitaceae harbor the largest known mitochondrial genomes. Here, we report the 1685-kb mitochondrial genome of cucumber (Cucumis sativus). We help solve a 30-year mystery about the origins of its large size by showing that it mainly reflects the proliferation of dispersed repeats, expansions of existing introns, and the acquisition of sequences from diverse sources, including the cucumber nuclear and chloroplast genomes, viruses, and bacteria. The cucumber genome has a novel structure for plant mitochondria, mapping as three entirely or largely autonomous circular chromosomes (lengths 1556, 84, and 45 kb) that vary in relative abundance over a twofold range. These properties suggest that the three chromosomes replicate independently of one another. The two smaller chromosomes are devoid of known functional genes but nonetheless contain diagnostic mitochondrial features. Paired-end sequencing conflicts reveal differences in recombination dynamics among chromosomes, for which an explanatory model is developed, as well as a large pool of low-frequency genome conformations, many of which may result from asymmetric recombination across intermediate-sized and sometimes highly divergent repeats. These findings highlight the promise of genome sequencing for elucidating the recombinational dynamics of plant mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   



Burkholderia cenocepacia is recognized as opportunistic pathogen that can cause lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. A hallmark of B. cenocepacia infections is the inability to eradicate the organism because of multiple intrinsic antibiotic resistance. As Resistance-Nodulation-Division (RND) efflux systems are responsible for much of the intrinsic multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria, this study aims to identify RND genes in the B. cenocepacia genome and start to investigate their involvement into antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

Macrorestriction fragment analysis of DNA from Pseudomonas cepacia 17616, in conjunction with Southern hybridization experiments using junction fragments containing rare restriction enzyme sites as probes, indicated that this bacterium contains three large circular replicons of 3.4, 2.5, and 0.9 megabases (Mb). Inclusion of the 170-kb cryptic plasmid present in this strain gave an overall estimate of genome size of 7 Mb. Other Southern hybridization experiments indicated that the three large replicons contained rRNA genes as well as insertion sequence elements identified previously in this strain. The distribution of SwaI, PacI, and PmeI sites on the three replicons was determined. A derivative of Tn5-751 carrying a SwaI site was used to inactivate and map genes on the 2.5- and 3.4-Mb replicons. Mutants were isolated in which the 2.5- and 0.9-Mb replicons had been reduced in size to 1.8 and 0.65 Mb, respectively. The loss of DNA from the 2.5-Mb replicon was associated with lysine auxotrophy, beta-lactamase deficiency, and failure to utilize ribitol and trehalose as carbon and energy sources. DNA fragments corresponding in size to randomly linearized forms of the different replicons were detected in unrestricted DNA by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The results provide a framework for further genetic analysis of strain 17616 and for evaluation of the genomic complexities of other P. cepacia isolates.  相似文献   

Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is a group of bacteria with conflicting biological characteristics, which make them simultaneously beneficial and harmful to humans. They have been exploited for biocontrol, bioremediation, and plant growth promotion. However, their capacity as opportunistic bacteria that infect humans restricts their biotechnological applications. Therefore, the risks of using these bacteria should be assessed. In this study, Burkholderia multivorans WS-FJ9 originally isolated from pine rhizosphere, which was shown to be efficient in solubilizing phosphate, was evaluated with respect to its biosafety, colonization in poplar rhizosphere, and growth-promoting effects on poplar seedlings. Pathogenicity of B. multivorans WS-FJ9 on plants was determined experimentally using onion and tobacco as model plants. Onion bulb inoculated with B. multivorans WS-FJ9 showed slight hypersensitive responses around the inoculation points, but effects were not detectable based on the inner color and odor of the onion. Tobacco leaves inoculated with B. multivorans WS-FJ9 exhibited slightly water-soaked spots around the inoculation points, which did not expand or develop into lesions even with repeated incubation. Pathogenicity of the strain in alfalfa, which has been suggested as an alternative Bcc model for mice, was not detectable. Results from gene-specific polymerase chain reactions showed that the tested B. multivorans WS-FJ9 strain did not possess the BCESM and cblA virulence genes. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the colonization of the WS-FJ9 strain reached 1.4?×?104 colony forming units (cfu)?g?1 rhizosphere soil on day 77 post-inoculation. The B. multivorans WS-FJ9 strain could colonize the rhizosphere as well as the root tissues and cells of poplars. Greenhouse evaluations in both sterilized and non-sterilized soils indicated that B. multivorans WS-FJ9 significantly promoted growth in height, root collar diameter, and plant biomass of inoculated poplar seedlings compared with controls. Phosphorus contents of roots and stems of treated seedlings were 0.57 and 0.55 mg g?1 higher than those of the controls, respectively. Phosphorus content was lower in the rhizosphere soils by an average of 1.03 mg g?1 compared with controls. The results demonstrated that B. multivorans WS-FJ9 is a nonpathogenic strain that could colonize the roots and significantly promote the growth of poplar seedlings.  相似文献   



Recent completion of swine genome may simplify the production of swine as a large biomedical model. Here we studied sequence and location of known swine miRNA genes, key regulators of protein-coding genes at the level of RNA, and compared them to human and mouse data to prioritize future molecular studies.


Distribution of miRNA genes in pig genome shows no particular relation to different genomic features including protein coding genes - proportions of miRNA genes in intergenic regions, introns and exons roughly agree with the size of these regions in the pig genome. Our analyses indicate that host genes harbouring intragenic miRNAs are longer from other protein-coding genes, however, no important GO enrichment was found. Swine mature miRNAs show high sequence similarity to their human and mouse orthologues. Location of miRNA genes relative to protein-coding genes is also similar among studied species, however, there are differences in the precise position in particular intergenic regions and within particular hosts. The most prominent difference between pig and human miRNAs is a large group of pig-specific sequences (53% of swine miRNAs). We found no evidence that this group of evolutionary new pig miRNAs is different from old miRNAs genes with respect to genomic location except that they are less likely to be clustered.


There are differences in precise location of orthologues miRNA genes in particular intergenic regions and within particular hosts, and their meaning for coexpression with protein-coding genes deserves experimental studies. Functional studies of a large group of pig-specific sequences in future may reveal limits of the pig as a model organism to study human gene expression.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12863-015-0166-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Modern data, related with the identification and typing of the complex B. cepacia bacteria, are analyzed in the article by using the poly-phase taxonomic approach. An optimal scheme for identifying and typing the complex B. cepacia bacteria, involving the microbiological and molecular-biological methods of laboratory diagnostics, is presented. The key and assumed factors of pathogenicity of the discussed bacteria are described. The possible phylogenetic relations of the complex B. cepacia bacteria with phytopathgens as well as with pathogenic bacteria of species Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, Escherichia, B. mallei, B. pdeudomallei, P. seruginosa and E. coli are described. A possible role of genome alterations and mutations in the genome of the complex B. cepacia bacteria (with the latter genome having unusual properties, i.e. a big size, and a considerable quantity of insertion sequences) in creating the conditions for the "pulsing" evolution "jerks", i.e. for a rapid change-over from saprophytism in the soil to a pathogenic causative agent of a viral-and-bacteriological infection. Such mechanism can be regarded as a rapid and radical adaptation of a microorganism under the conditions of changing ecological niches.  相似文献   

Defining the forces that sculpt genome organization is fundamental for understanding the origin, persistence, and diversification of species. The genomic sequences of the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae provide an excellent opportunity to explore the dynamics of chromosome evolution. Extensive chromosomal rearrangement has accompanied divergence from their common ancestor, an event occurring roughly 100 million years ago (Mya); yet, morphologically, these species are nearly indistinguishable and both reproduce primarily by self-fertilization. Here, we show that genes expressed during spermatogenesis (sperm genes) are nonrandomly distributed across the C. elegans genome into three large clusters located on two autosomes. In addition to sperm genes, these chromosomal regions are enriched for genes involved in the hermaphrodite sperm/oocyte switch and in the reception of sperm signals that control fertilization. Most loci are present in single copy, suggesting that cluster formation is largely due to gene aggregation and not to tandem duplication. Comparative mapping indicates that the C. briggsae genome differs dramatically from the C. elegans genome in clustering. Because clustered genes have a direct role in reproduction and thus fitness, their aggregated pattern might have been shaped by natural selection, perhaps as hermaphroditism evolved.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomes are made of two components, four ribosomal RNAs, and approximately 80 ribosomal proteins (r-proteins). The exact number of r-proteins and r-protein genes in higher plants is not known. The strong conservation in eukaryotic r-protein primary sequence allowed us to use the well-characterized rat (Rattus norvegicus) r-protein set to identify orthologues on the five haploid chromosomes of Arabidopsis. By use of the numerous expressed sequence tag (EST) accessions and the complete genomic sequence of this species, we identified 249 genes (including some pseudogenes) corresponding to 80 (32 small subunit and 48 large subunit) cytoplasmic r-protein types. None of the r-protein genes are single copy and most are encoded by three or four expressed genes, indicative of the internal duplication of the Arabidopsis genome. The r-proteins are distributed throughout the genome. Inspection of genes in the vicinity of r-protein gene family members confirms extensive duplications of large chromosome fragments and sheds light on the evolutionary history of the Arabidopsis genome. Examination of large duplicated regions indicated that a significant fraction of the r-protein genes have been either lost from one of the duplicated fragments or inserted after the initial duplication event. Only 52 r-protein genes lack a matching EST accession, and 19 of these contain incomplete open reading frames, confirming that most genes are expressed. Assessment of cognate EST numbers suggests that r-protein gene family members are differentially expressed.  相似文献   



The polytene nuclei of the dipteran Chironomus tentans (Ch. tentans) with their Balbiani ring (BR) genes constitute an exceptional model system for studies of the expression of endogenous eukaryotic genes. Here, we report the first draft genome of Ch. tentans and characterize its gene expression machineries and genomic architecture of the BR genes.


The genome of Ch. tentans is approximately 200 Mb in size, and has a low GC content (31%) and a low repeat fraction (15%) compared to other Dipteran species. Phylogenetic inference revealed that Ch. tentans is a sister clade to mosquitoes, with a split 150–250 million years ago. To characterize the Ch. tentans gene expression machineries, we identified potential orthologus sequences to more than 600 Drosophila melanogaster (D. melanogaster) proteins involved in the expression of protein-coding genes. We report novel data on the organization of the BR gene loci, including a novel putative BR gene, and we present a model for the organization of chromatin bundles in the BR2 puff based on genic and intergenic in situ hybridizations.


We show that the molecular machineries operating in gene expression are largely conserved between Ch. tentans and D. melanogaster, and we provide enhanced insight into the organization and expression of the BR genes. Our data strengthen the generality of the BR genes as a unique model system and provide essential background for in-depth studies of the biogenesis of messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-819) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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