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Euphorbia characias is a Mediterranean spurge with a diplochorous dispersal system: after a ballistic dispersal that scatters the seeds, some ant species find and retrieve the seeds to their nest (myrmecochorous dispersal). The seed dispersal curve generated by ants in an abandoned field was described and partitioned according to ant size and to the distance to nest entrance from where seeds fell after ballistic dispersal. Both variables (ant size, distance to nest) affected dispersal distance. The seed dispersal curve showed a peak at short distance (median=1m) and a tail extending to 9.4m. The peak and the tail are explained differently. Short distances are usually generated by small ants (Pheidole pallidula and Tapinoma nigerrimum; 0.56±0.41m [n=48]) both from the nearest or farther nest entrances. The tail of the curve is generated disproportionately by big ants (Aphaenogaster senilis and Messor barbarus; 2.09±1.71m [n=61]) from farther nests. Seeds have a much greater probability (P=0.734) of being transported to nests which are not the nearest. This effect is largely due to transportation by big ants.  相似文献   

Male Telmatochromis vittatus, a substrate-brooding Tanganyikan cichlid, exhibit two parasitic reproductive tactics: takeover of spawning by larger males (pirates) and sneaking by smaller males (sneakers). Medium-sized males are territorial and pair-spawn within nests of clumped shells that harbor several resident females that are potential mates of the territory owner. To study nest use by territorial males, we analyzed the relationship between the body size of territorial males and nest quality, the number of females per nest, the distance between nests, and the frequency and intensity of reproductive parasitism. The size of males was not correlated with nest quality, the number of females, or the number of sneakers, but was negatively correlated with the frequency of intrusion by pirates and was positively correlated with the distance between nests. Territorial males effectively defended nests against sneakers but failed to defend against pirates. These results suggest that larger territorial males selected nests that have a lower risk of usurpation of spawning. We hypothesize that the risk of intrusion by pirate males affects the selection of nests by territorial males in this species.  相似文献   

Summary The incidence of allotypes of the genes of the fourth component (C4) and factor B of the complement system was compared in 252 persons under 45 years of fage (young group) with 482 people between 61 and 90 years of age (old group). One hundred people older than 90 years of age (nonagenarians) were also investigated. A striking difference was found between the young and old groups in the incidence (16.1% and 5.4%, respectively) of a silent gene of the C4B allele (C4BQ0). This difference was even more marked among young and old men (17.6% vs 3.4%). The incidence of the C4BQ0 allele in women dropped to the level of the men only in the nonagenarian group. The most probable explanation for this finding is that people carrying the C4BQO allele die from as yet unidentified disease(s) in their middle-age. Therefore, male (and to a lesser extent female) carriers of this allele may have a considerably shorter life expectancy than individuals without a silent gene in the C4B locus.  相似文献   

A protocol was developed for rapid in vitro propagation of Dioscorea zingiberensis Wright using stems as explants. MS medium with the macroelements at half strength and supplemented with 20.0 g l–1 sucrose and 8.0 g l–1 agar was used as basal medium. Lateral buds on nodal cuttings grew into shoots within 20 days after culture on basal medium supplemented with 4.4 M 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1.1 M -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). The shoots were cut into segments and cultured on medium with 8.9 M BA and 5.4 M NAA for 30 days for callus formation. The callus was cut into pieces and cultured on medium containing 22.2 M BAP and 1.1 M NAA, on which 87.5% of the callus pieces regenerated multiple shoots within 50 days. The shoots were rooted on medium containing 4.9 M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 20 days. Adventitious buds and shoots could be repeatedly formed after the calli were cut into pieces and cultured on the medium containing 8.9 M BAP plus 1.1 M NAA. More than 85% of the regenerated plantlets survived and grew vigorously 1 month after they were transplanted in vermiculite and each plant formed 2–4 microtubers 3 months of transplanting.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, deposit their eggs in excavated depressions called nests. These nests are built from downstream to upstream within one or more redds, and each redd corresponds to a continuous area of the streambed disturbed by the female digging activities. Redd topographic measurements and egg excavation were performed to determine number of nests per redd and per female, nest depth, distances between successive nests, number of eggs deposited per nest, and egg survival in nests created by six grilse Atlantic salmon, five spawning in an experimental stream (Lapitxuri channel) and one in a natural stream (Lurgorrieta Creek, a tributary of the Nivelle River in southwest France). All females constructed a single redd, except one which built two redds in the channel. Redd surface area ranged between 2.3 and 5.7m2. Each redd had a raised mound of gravel or dome under which most of the eggs were located, and an upstream depression or pot. Based on expected egg-to-juvenile survival rates previously obtained in the Lapitxuri channel and on juvenile recoveries, between 96 and 97% of the eggs deposited in the channel sections were retrieved. Each female constructed 7 to 11 nests over a period of 3 to 5 days. The first three nests had an average burial depth of 12.9cm (±1.6SD) which was greater than the last three nests (mean 9.5cm±2.6SD). Eggs removed from the first three nests had higher fertility rates (95.5% vs. 87.2%), greater survival (83.5% vs. 63.1%) and lower occurrences of abnormalities (1.9% vs. 5.5%) than those deposited in the last three nests. Typically, the percentage of eggs deposited per female decreased from the first to the last nest, such that the last two to three nests possessed only a small number of scattered eggs. Similar results were observed in the redd located in Lurgorrieta Creek. The adaptive consequences of the topographic features of redds and the egg allocation patterns we found are discussed.  相似文献   

Three structural classes of (13)--d-glucans are encountered in some important soil-dwelling, plant-associated or human pathogenic bacteria. Linear (13)--glucans and side-chain-branched (13,12)--glucans are major constituents of capsular materials, with roles in bacterial aggregation, virulence and carbohydrate storage. Cyclic (13,16)--glucans are predominantly periplasmic, serving in osmotic adaptation. Curdlan, the linear (13)--glucan from Agrobacterium, has unique rheological and thermal gelling properties, with applications in the food industry and other sectors. This review includes information on the structure, properties and molecular genetics of the bacterial (13)--glucans, together with an overview of the physiology and biotechnology of curdlan production and applications of this biopolymer and its derivatives.  相似文献   

Summary Demographic attributes of southern bog lemmings colonizing two removal grids were compared with those of residents on neighboring control grids over a two year period in eastern Kansas. There was a positive association between the number of lemmings colonizing the removal grids and density of the control grids. Overall, 41% of the losses from the two control grids was accounted for by dispersal. The following differences were observed comparing residents with dispersers: 1) a greater proportion of males colonized the removal grids, 2) a lower percentage of adult females colonizing the removal grids were in breeding condition, whereas the reverse was true for subadult females, and 3) a greater proportion of subadults colonized the removal grids. These results are consistent with those obtained for other microtine species.I don't understand, said the scientist, why you lemmings all rush down to the sea and drown yourselves. How curious, said the lemming. The one thing I don't understand is why you human beings don't — from Intervie with a Lemming by James Thurber.  相似文献   

In a study carried out on Microstigmus thripoctenus on Barro Colorado Island (Republic of Panama) between March and May 1998, 29 active nests were located. The nests contained between one and seven cells, with one (female) to six (three females and three males) adults. Using simple manipulations in which wasps were offered a choice between experimentally emptied foreign nests and their own nest when the adults were away, it was observed that returning adults were able to recognize their own nest. Foreign nests were always rejected by females coming from nests with a single adult, whereas individuals from nests with several adults in five of seven cases did accept the foreign nests, continuing their normal activities in them, without destroying their contents. Adopted foreign nests were inspected at a higher rate following adoption. Nests containing several adults tended to remain longer on leaves supporting them, and their external surfaces were inspected more frequently and longer than those of nests containing only one occupant. Nests are not associated with any particular plant and were found attached to leaves of 19 species of understory plants.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of horned rainbow scarab beetles,Phanaeus difformis, was studied to determine the influence of morphological traits on intersexual and intrasexual interactions.Phanaeus difformis is a sexually dimorphic dung beetle in which males possess much larger horns than females, and males can be grouped into major and minor male morph categories based on horn size. Male-female pairs cooperated in nest construction and provisioning. In the laboratory, males of both morphs assisted females and were equally successful at copulating. However, in the field larger individuals had a pairing advantage due to greater success in intrasexual competition. Some males used an alternative mating tactic which involved sneaking copulations with paired females. In most cases the sneak male was smaller than the paired male.  相似文献   

Summary In a population of Great Reed Warbler (42–53 stationary males) the sex ratio was balanced and occurence of polygynous males (on average 15 % of the males) was more or less compensated by respective number of unmated males. Prospective polygynists arrived earlier in spring on average than monogamists, and got the first female quicker. Their territories were larger (statistically insignificant) and more often situated close to good foraging grounds. The reeds around primary female nests were on average thicker (and taller) and not so dense as in the case of monogamous, secondary and tertiary females. The intensity of nestling feeding (no. of visits per nestling per hour) was higher in the nests of monogamous females, than in primary females, and lowest in secondary and tertiary females nests. Nestlings in secondary and tertiary female broods were on average lighter than in monogamous and primary female broods. The male helped feed nestlings in secondary female nest only exceptionally. In monogamous situation their share in feeding was ca. 50%, and less so in primary female nests. Production of fledglings per female was highest in primary females and lowest in secondary and tertiary females, mainly due to the high starvation rate in the nests of secondary and tertiary females. Generally, collected data strongly suggest that female choice is determined by territory quality, and polygyny threshold hypothesis cannot be rejected. The deception hypothesis cannot be rejected as well in some observed special situations (disruptive territories or polyterritoriality; four cases).
Voraussetzungen für fakultative Polygynie beim Drosselrohrsänger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Zusammenfassung Das Geschlechterverhältnis in der untersuchten Drosselrohrsänger-Population von 42 bis 53 war ausgeglichen. Das Auftreten polygyner (durchschnittlich 15 % der ) wurde mehr oder weniger durch eine entsprechende Anzahl unverpaarter kompensiert. Prospektiv polygyne kamen durchschnittlich früher an als monogame und waren schneller verpaart. Ihre Reviere waren (statistisch nicht signifikant) größer und lagen näher zu günstigen Nahrungsgebieten. Das Schilf in der Nähe der Nester von Erst- war durchschnittlich dicker (und höher) als und nicht so dicht wie bei Einzel- oder Zweit- und Dritt- . Die Fütterungsfrequenz der Nestlinge (Anzahl der Besuche beider Altvögel mit Futter pro Nestling pro Stunde) war bei Nestern von Einzel- höher als bei Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Nestern von Zweit- und Dritt-. Nestlinge von Zweit- und Dritt- waren durchschnittlich leichter als solche von Einzel-und Erst- . halfen nur ausnahmsweise bei der Fütterung von Nestlingen von Zweit- . Bei monogamen Paaren beteiligten sich die ungefähr zur Hälfte an der Fütterung der Nestlinge, bei Nestern von Erst- in geringerem Umfang. Der Ausfliegeerfolg war am höchsten beim Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Zweit- und Dritt- , hauptsächlich bedingt durch Verhungern der Nestlinge. Allgemein legen die Daten nahe, da\ die die nach der Revierqualität auswählen und daß das Polygynieschwellenmodell vonOrians undVerner nicht abgelehnt werden kann. Einige Beobachtungen stützen die Hypothese, daß in bestimmten Situationen (unübersichtliche Reviere, Polyterritorialität) durch Täuschung polygyn werden.

Summary Sex ratios from 62 single-pair matings of normal broodstock O. aureus were highly heterogeneous with an overall deficit of males (41.4%). Peaks in the sex ratio frequency distribution occurred at 11, 35 and 13 (malefemale). Hybridisation of O. aureus with O. mossambicus, O. spilums and O. niloticus produced highly variable sex ratios, suggesting a complexity of hybrid sex determination. Few valid inferences could be made regarding intraspecific sex determination from these hybrid data. Sex ratios from progeny testing of sex-reversed males (13) and most sex-reversed females (10) provide evidence for female heterogamety in O. aureus. Several aberrant ratios observed suggest Mendelian inheritance of an autosomal recessive gene (F,f), epistatic to the major sex-determining gene (W,Z). Sex ratios of triploids and gynogens support the hypothesis of recombination between the centromere and the major sex-determining locus. Progeny testing of a female mitogyne demonstrated the viability of a novel WW superfemale, which gave only female offspring. Not all data could be explained by a two-factor model of sex determination. Further exceptional sex ratios may be accounted for by rare autosomal or environmental sex-modifying factors. It is concluded that O. aureus has a multifactorial mechanism of sex determination with the underlying primary mechanism of female heterogamety.  相似文献   

Summary The three forms of Fc receptor carried by monocytes (FcRI, II) and natural killer (NK) cells (FcRIII) are all capable of mediating cell lysis. Here we compare the use of F(ab)2 bispecific antibodies, specifically targetting individual FcR, and chimeric IgG mouse/human antibodies which are capable of targetting all FcR, for their ability to mediate target cell destruction. The derivatives are prepared by linking hinge sulphydryl residues via tandem thioether bonds, using a bismaleimide crosslinker: Fab from an anti-FcR mAb linked to Fab from a common anti-target mAb (BsAb), or Fab from the common anti-target mouse antibody linked to human Fc (FabFc or bisFabFc). All the derivatives targetting chick red blood cells gave efficient lysis, although different effector cell donors yielded differences in both the lytic levels achieved and the comparative efficiencies of derivatives. In contrast, significant lysis of the guinea pig lymphoblastic leukaemia, L2C, regularly resulted only via the anti-FcRIII BsAb and the chimeric derivatives. These results suggest that the chimeric, Fc-containing derivatives mediate tumour cell lysis principally through FcRIII on NK cells. This is in contrast to the situation with the chick red blood cells where the chimeric derivatives appear capable of lysing erythrocytes by utilizing either monocytes or NK cells, because significant (50%) lysis occurred with effector cell populations magnetically depleted through either FcRII or FcRIII. A major difference between these two types of antibody derivative was their ability to function in the presence of high concentrations of normal human Fc. The lysis mediated by BsAb reactive with FcRI or II was unaffected by the presence of human Fc at 2.5 mg/ml (a concentration comparable with that yielded by IgG in plasma) whereas the BsAb recognizing FcRIII and all the Fc-containing derivatives were completely inhibited.This work has been supported by Tenovus, the Cancer Research Campaign, the Leukaemia Research Fund, Italfarmaco, Milano, Italy and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund  相似文献   

Most starch hydrolases and related enzymes belong to the -amylase family which contains a characteristic catalytic (/)8-barrel domain. Currently known primary structures that have sequence similarities represent 18 different specificities, including starch branching enzyme. Crystal structures have been reported in three of these enzyme classes: the -amylases, the cyclodextrin glucanotransferases, and the oligo-1,6-glucosidases. Throughout the -amylase family, only eight amino acid residues are invariant, seven at the active site and a glycine in a short turn. However, comparison of three-dimensional models with a multiple sequence alignment suggests that the diversity in specificity arises by variation in substrate binding at the loops. Designed mutations thus have enhanced transferase activity and altered the oligosaccharide product patterns of -amylases, changed the distribution of -, - and -cyclodextrin production by cyclodextrin glucanotransferases, and shifted the relative -1,4:-1,6 dual-bond specificity of neopullulanase. Barley -amylase isozyme hybrids and Bacillus -amylases demonstrate the impact of a small domain B protruding from the (/)8-scaffold on the function and stability. Prospects for rational engineering in this family include important members of plant origin, such as -amylase, starch branching and debranching enzymes, and amylomaltase.Abbreviations CGTase cyclodextrin glucanotransferase - SBD starch binding domain - TAA taka-amylase A - TIM triose-phosphate isomerase. The mutations are described with the one-letter code, i.e. D164A is a mutant in which A in the mutant is substituted for D in the wild-type.  相似文献   

J. Kojima 《Insectes Sociaux》1996,43(4):411-420
Summary Colonies of an Australian swarm founding polistine wasp,Ropalidia romandi, on the Atherton Tableland, Queensland, manage perennial nests by practicing seasonal colony activity. In summer nests, most cells were occupied by immatures of all developmental stages. The proportion of cells that did not contain immatures increased towards winter, when most nest cells did not contain immatures and half of these winter nests had rather large amounts of nectar deposited in empty cells. While the visits to tree flowers byR. romandi were not frequent in summer, nearly 60 % of insects collected on tree flowers in winter wereR. romandi. With such seasonal switching in the modes of colony reproductive activity and of nectar foraging behavior,R. romandi responds to its physical and biotic environment. In this way,R. romandi may be able to continue colonies throughout the year, with much reduced level of colony activity in winter, in areas with seasons that are unfavorable for reproductive activity of a colony.  相似文献   

Summary From 1986 onwards increasing numbers of Great Tits (Parus major) and Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus) were registered breeding on empty nests. In 1987 and 1988 up to 4% of all found sitting on nests did not lay any egg. The rate of breeding failures might be considerably higher because many individuals breeding on empty nests could have been overlooked by weekly checks of the nest boxes.  相似文献   

Summary InRopalidia plebeiana, combs made in the previous year are often reused by foundresses in the following spring and structurally divided into subnests by them. Close observations of the comb dividing process revealed that: 1) combs that had multiple brood areas (areas where cells had eggs) were frequently divided into subnests, while those with single brood areas were never divided; 2) groups of foundresses each occupied a particular brood area even before comb division started; and 3) frequency with which a foundress practiced comb cutting was independent of her social status or oviposition frequency. These observations suggest that the initial grouping of foundresses that colonize an old nest leads to subsequent comb division, rather than the major egg layers cutting combs to safeguard their oviposition territories from their rivals.  相似文献   

An overview of Acipenseriformes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Acipenseriformes occupy a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, but in many respects, phylogenetic studies of the group remain in their infancy. Even such basic questions as the monophyly of Acipenser (the largest genus) are unanswered. We define relationships based on comparative osteology, which allows us to incorporate well-preserved fossils into analyses. Acipenseriformes has existed at least since the Lower Jurassic (approximately 200 MYBP), and all fossil and recent taxa are from the Holarctic. Phylogenetic relationships among Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic actinopterygians are problematic, but most workers agree that Acipenseriformes is monophyletic and derived from some component of paleonisciform fishes. (Paleonisciformes is a grade of primitive non-neopterygian actinopterygians, sensu Gardiner 1993.) Taxa discussed in comparison here are: Cheirolepis, Polypterus, Mimia, Moythomasia, Birgeria, Saurichthys, Lepisosteus and Amia. We review generic diversity within the four nominal families of fossil and recent Acipenseriformes (Chondrosteidae, Peipiaosteidae, Polyodontidae, and Acipenseridae), and provide a cladogram summarizing osteological characters for those four groups. Monophyly of the two extant families is well-supported, but there are no comprehensive studies of all of the known species and specimens of Chondrosteidae and Peipiaosteidae. As a result, sister-group relationships among Chondrosteidae, Peipiaosteidae, and Acipenseroidei (= Polyodontidae + Acipenseridae) are unresolved. We discuss five features fundamental to the biology of acipenseriforms that benefit from the availability of our new phylogenetic hypothesis: (1) specializations of jaws and operculum relevant to jaw protrusion, feeding, and ram ventilation; (2) anadromy or potamodromy and demersal spawning; (3) paedomorphosis and evolution of the group; (4) the bioégeography of Asian and North American polyodontids and scaphirhynchines; and (5) the great abundance of electroreceptive organs in the rostral and opercular regions. Finally, we summarize our nomenclatural recommendations.  相似文献   

Success of counter-attack by the spider mite,Schizotetranychus celarius (Banks), against its specific phytoseiid predator,Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara, was examined under experimental conditions. The success of counter-attack by prey females (mothers) against a predaceous larva depended upon the former's density per nest. About 30% of the predaceous larvae were killed when they intruded into a nest containing eight females and their offspring. On the other hand, the prey males (fathers) effectively killed the predators, i.e. one male in the nest killed ca. 40% of the predators while two or three males destroyed up to 80%.The presence of prey parents in a nest considerably enhanced the success of the counter-attack. One male and two young females could kill 70% of the predator's larvae, while two males and two females killed 90% of such larvae. This suggests a kind of cooperative brood defence amongstS. celarius parents.Although more robust, protonymphs of the predator also suffered damage by the prey's counter-attack. However, prey male and female could not destroy the predator's eggs and adult females, whilst the latter often killed spider mite adults.From these as well as previous experiments, it is concluded thatS. celarius has evolved some kind of biparental care for its offspring. It is further proposed that the predator—prey interactions observed in this study provide a unique contribution towards understanding predator—prey coevolution.  相似文献   

Somatic embryo formation was induced from cotyledon explants of Styrian pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. styriaca Greb.) by using a solid MS medium supplemented with 16.11M NAA and 4.44M BA or 26.85M NAA and 13.32M BA. The callus proliferation was more efficient on medium supplemented with 26.85M NAA and 13.32M BA. In contrast, the embryogenic response was higher on medium with lower concentrations of growth regulators (16.11M NAA and 4.44M BA). The time needed for embryo induction did not depend on medium composition. Embryos in globular stage were transferred to three different maturation media, containing 2.89M GA3 in combination with 0.54M NAA, 11.42M IAA and growth regulator-free medium. The germination rate was the highest when embryos were cultured on medium with 11.42M IAA. Plantlets grown on this medium achieved maturity suitable for transplantation into soil within 9 to 10weeks. The regenerated plants were successfully transferred into field and developed fertile flowers and set fruits. Biochemical analysis showed significant lower total glutathione levels among in vitro grown plantlets compared to seedlings grown in soil. When the plantlets were transferred into soil, they reached a normal size within a month and the glutathione concentration was comparable to seed-derived plants at the same developmental stage. Transmission electron microscopy was used to investigate possible differences in the ultrastructure of cells from callus cultures, and leaf cells of regenerated and seed-derived plants. Differences in the ultrastructure were found within chloroplasts which contained only single thylakoids, large starch grains and small plastoglobuli in callus cells in comparison to leaf cells, which possessed a well developed thylakoid system, small starch grains and large plastoglobuli.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure is described for the separation of CMP-sialic acid:lactosylceramide sialyltransferase reaction components using Sep Pak C18 cartridges. The quantitative separation of the more polar nucleotide sugar, CMP-sialic acid, and its free acid from the less polar GM3-ganglioside is simple and rapid relative to previously described methods. Recovery of GM3 is optimized by the addition of phosphatidylcholine to the reaction mixture prior to the chromatographic step. Using rat liver Golgi membranes as a source of CMP-sialic acid: lactosylceramide sialyltransferase activity (GM3 synthase; ST-1), the transfer of [14C] sialic acid from CMP-[14C] sialic acid to lactosylceramide can be quantified by this assay. The procedure is reliable and may be applicable to the isolation of ganglioside products in otherin vitro glycosyltransferase assays.Abbreviations GM3 GM3-ganglioside - II3NeuAc-LacCer NeuAc2-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer - GD1a GD1a-ganglioside, IV3NeuAc, II3NeuAc-GgOse4Cer, NeuAc2-3Gal1-3GalNac1-4(NeuAc2-3)Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer - GD3 GD3-ganglioside, II3(NeuAc)2LacCer, NeuAc2-8NeuAc2-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer - GgOse4Cer asialo-GM1 Gal1-3GalNAc1-4Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer - FucGMI fucosyl-GMI-ganglioside, Fuc1-2Gal1-3GalNAc1-4Gal1-4 Glc1-1Cer - ST-1 GM3 synthase, CMP-sialic acid:lactosylceramide sialyltransferase - LacCer lactosylceramide, Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer - CMP-NeuAc cytidine 5-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   

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