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Summary Colonies and nests ofApoica pallens in the llanos region of Venezuela range from small foundress nests to large mature colonies. Nests are sited on small diameter, near-horizontal branches in a variety of shrub and tree species. During the day, adult wasps cluster on the face of the nest in an array that seems to be determined by orientation to gravity; defense of the colony against parasitoids and ants by the resting wasps may be more a passive than an active behavior. Wasps fan their wings to cool the colony during the day, but no foraging for water accompanies the fanning behavior. Nightly foraging activity begins with the explosive departure from the nest of hundreds of wasps, most of which rapidly return. Moderate foraging levels early at night give way to very low foraging levels in pre-dawn hours. The period of moderate foraging may be extended for longer hours during increased moonlight. Foraging wasps collect arthropod provisions for larvae. Larvae produce a trophallactic saliva; adults engage in inter-adult trophallaxis; brood are cannibalized. During cluster formation prior to swarm emigration, adult wasps do not appear to scent-mark substrates such as leaves. Instead,A. pallens exhibits a calling behavior, unique among polistine wasps studied to date, in which the gaster is held rigidly away from the thorax and metasomal sternal glands are exposed. Swarms can emigrate during the day.A. pallens may incorporate absconding and colony relocation as features of its colony cycle in the highly seasonal llanos.  相似文献   

Summary InRopalidia plebeiana, combs made in the previous year are often reused by foundresses in the following spring and structurally divided into subnests by them. Close observations of the comb dividing process revealed that: 1) combs that had multiple brood areas (areas where cells had eggs) were frequently divided into subnests, while those with single brood areas were never divided; 2) groups of foundresses each occupied a particular brood area even before comb division started; and 3) frequency with which a foundress practiced comb cutting was independent of her social status or oviposition frequency. These observations suggest that the initial grouping of foundresses that colonize an old nest leads to subsequent comb division, rather than the major egg layers cutting combs to safeguard their oviposition territories from their rivals.  相似文献   

Summary Polybia sericea (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) prey foraging was studied by following individual foragers as they hunted in the field, by observing how wasps handled prey once they had captured it, and by observing wasps as they returned to the nest with prey. Wasps were most likely to forage for prey between 0700 and 1300 hours and between 1600 and 1700 hours. The prey foraging sequence consisted of the behaviours high flight, search, touch, land, groom, walk, bite and malaxate. Captured small prey were malaxated and carried to the nest. Wasps removed the gut from large prey and dragged the meat up a twig or grass stem. A load of the meat was then bitten off and malaxated; the remainder was cached while the wasp made an orientation flight and returned to the nest. The forager returned within minutes for the remainder of the prey. Experiments demonstrated that caching the prey remains above the ground rather than close to the ground, where the prey are generally captured, reduces the chance that the prey will be found and expropriated by ants.  相似文献   

Although tapping the nest in simulated vertebrate attack caused all but 1-day-old workers of Polybia occidentalis to rush from inside and cover the envelope, defense itself—attack of a target—was shown to be carried out only by workers older than about 10 days. While foraging was also performed by older workers, the frequency-age distribution of defensive behavior was skewed to a significantly younger age than was that of foraging. The plot of mean individual probability of defending as a function of age was logistic, leveling off at 0.11 by the age of about 13 days. The distribution of the probability of defending among workers 13 days of age was random, indicating that there is no specialized defender class among older workers. Workers that defended were recruited from among both nest workers and foragers. Although foragers were more likely to defend than were nonforagers, nonforagers contributed more individuals to the pool of defenders because they were more numerous.  相似文献   

Colonies ofParachartergus colobopterus do not defend against vertebrates by attacking and stinging. Instead, defending workers bend the gaster forward and spray a fine mist of venom in the direction of nearby moving objects. Although venom spraying has been reported forP. fraternus, a species that does sting, we found that this occurred only during sting attempts. We conclude that defensive behavior inP. colobopterus is unique among wasps in that (1) venom is sprayed at intruders by workers standing on the nest and (2) the spray is an atomized mist rather than a stream. We suggest that nest crypticity restricts vertebrate predators on this wasp to small, insect gleaning birds, against which a spray of venom in the eyes, mouth, and nasal passages is more effective than is a stinging defense.  相似文献   


More than 50 000 social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) were collected between March and August 1987 from throughout New Zealand. The most widespread species is the German wasp (Vespula germanica). The common wasp (V. vulgaris) has colonised about half the country and appears to be still spreading. It tends to appear in urban areas first, presumably because it is transported there with people and/or their belongings. The Asian paper wasp (Polistes chinensis) and Australian paper wasp (P. humilis), are confined to the northern half of the North Island, but the former species is spreading south.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-five colonies of a population of the montane, haplometrotic, paper waspPolistes biglumis bimaculatus were marked for identification and then periodically surveyed during an entire summer period. This made it possible to record intraspecific nest usurpations (both single and multiple) and to observe associations between two females, defined here as late associations. Both usurpation and late association occurred primarily in the latter half of the preemergence period. Some evidence suggests that a foundress usurps a conspecific nest as a consequence of her own nest failure. After nest failure, usurpation and late association are the only available options for achieving reproductive success because, in the mountain habitat, the short summer does not allow for successful renesting. Late associations generally occurred earlier than usurpation. However, our evidence suggests that nest usurpation and late association may be the same phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary Alarm pheromones, chemical substances produced by social insects to alert the colony to threat, are the principal means by which colony defence is co-ordinated. We present the results of a study on alarm behaviour in 5 swarming species of wasps belonging to the genus Ropalidia. These species show a remarkably efficient strategy of alarm communication, including visual display and attack synchronization. We show that pheromones released from the venom gland play an important role in alarm recruitment in species belonging to the Ropalidia flavopicta group, but not in Ropalidia sumatrae. We analysed the contents of the venom reservoirs content of four of the studied species by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Glands were found to contain a complex mixture of volatile compounds as well as spiroacetals of higher molecular weight. Interestingly, despite all species producing similar chemical compounds from the venom gland, these were found to elicit alarm behaviour in only those species that build nest envelopes, suggesting a link between chemical release of alarm behaviour and the evolution of nest architecture in Ropalidia wasps.Received 19 August 2003; revised 29 February 2004; accepted 10 March 2004  相似文献   

The cognitive challenges that social animals face depend on species differences in social organization and may affect mosaic brain evolution. We asked whether the relative size of functionally distinct brain regions corresponds to species differences in social behaviour among paper wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). We measured the volumes of targeted brain regions in eight species of paper wasps. We found species variation in functionally distinct brain regions, which was especially strong in queens. Queens from species with open-comb nests had larger central processing regions dedicated to vision (mushroom body (MB) calyx collars) than those with enclosed nests. Queens from advanced eusocial species (swarm founders), who rely on pheromones in several contexts, had larger antennal lobes than primitively eusocial independent founders. Queens from species with morphologically distinct castes had augmented central processing regions dedicated to antennal input (MB lips) relative to caste monomorphic species. Intraspecific caste differences also varied with mode of colony founding. Independent-founding queens had larger MB collars than their workers. Conversely, workers in swarm-founding species with decentralized colony regulation had larger MB calyx collars and optic lobes than their queens. Our results suggest that brain organization is affected by evolutionary transitions in social interactions and is related to the environmental stimuli group members face.  相似文献   

The tropical social waspMischocyttarus immarginatus is a nesting associate ofPolybia occidentalis in northwestern Costa Rica. We show that an activeP. occidentalis colony is a necessary component of aM. immarginatus nesting site in this part of the latter’s range.M. immarginatus foundresses actively seekP. occidentalis colonies to initiate nests at a modal distance of 8 cm from them. There is an 18-mm lower limit to how closeM. immarginatus can nest in relation toP. occidentalis. At distances of less than this,P. occidentalis workers can reach theM. immarginatus nest while standing on their own nest and robM. immarginatus of its brood when the adults are absent.  相似文献   

Summary Female wasps of the tropical primitively eusocial speciesRopalidia marginata are known to discriminate unfamiliar nestmates from unfamiliar non-nestmates outside the context of their nests. Here, we show that when foreign conspecifics are introduced in the context of a nest in laboratory cages, genetic relatives among them are treated by nest inhabitants more tolerantly than non-relatives, but that no foreign conspecifics are accepted into the nests. However, some wasps may leave their nest and join the foreign relatives and non-relatives to found new colonies cooperatively. Very few of the introduced animals are severely attacked or killed; most are allowed to remain in parts of the cage away from the nest. These results suggest that factors other than genetic relatedness may be involved in regulating tolerance and acceptance of foreign conspecifics on a nest and its vicinity. Our results are different from those of similar experiments with ants, which have demonstrated that former nestmates that are removed as pupae and later introduced as adults are either accepted into the nest or attacked and killed. We attribute this difference to the fact that in a primitively eusocial species such asR. marginata, the rules governing tolerance and acceptance of foreign conspecifics must be quite different from those in highly eusocial species. We also attempt to test some predictions of the conspecific acceptance threshold models of Reeve (Am. Nat. 133:407–435, 1989). Our results uphold the predictions of his fitness consequence submodel but do not support those of his interaction frequency sub-model.  相似文献   


German wasps (Vespula germanica F.) and common wasps (V. vulgaris L.) both show variations in colour markings in New Zealand. Overlap in the ranges of markings of the head and thorax is limited enough for ready distinction of queens and workers of the two species. Abdominal markings overlap considerably between the species. Colour markings of males were too similar to identify the species, which were completely separated by the shape of their genitalia. The frequency of occurrence of “intermediate” markings in V. germanica populations did not increase in areas where the two species overlap. This suggests there is little or no genetic exchange between the two species.  相似文献   

Hymenopterans are an important model for studying the evolution of cooperation in animal societies. Here, we characterize 19 microsatellite loci, isolated from the common wasp Vespula vulgaris, that can be used to study genetic variation in three genera (seven species) within the Vespidae. The number of alleles in V. vulgaris was moderate, varying from 2 to 14, with expected heterozygosity ranging between 0.04 and 0.93. Eleven loci amplified DNA in V. austriaca and Dolichovespula sylvestris, nine in V. germanica, eight in Vespa crabro and V. rufa, seven in D. media and only five loci could be used for D. norwegica.  相似文献   

The social brain hypothesis assumes the evolution of social behaviour changes animals'' ecological environments, and predicts evolutionary shifts in social structure will be associated with changes in brain investment. Most social brain models to date assume social behaviour imposes additional cognitive challenges to animals, favouring the evolution of increased brain investment. Here, we present a modification of social brain models, which we term the distributed cognition hypothesis. Distributed cognition models assume group members can rely on social communication instead of individual cognition; these models predict reduced brain investment in social species. To test this hypothesis, we compared brain investment among 29 species of wasps (Vespidae family), including solitary species and social species with a wide range of social attributes (i.e. differences in colony size, mode of colony founding and degree of queen/worker caste differentiation). We compared species means of relative size of mushroom body (MB) calyces and the antennal to optic lobe ratio, as measures of brain investment in central processing and peripheral sensory processing, respectively. In support of distributed cognition predictions, and in contrast to patterns seen among vertebrates, MB investment decreased from solitary to social species. Among social species, differences in colony founding, colony size and caste differentiation were not associated with brain investment differences. Peripheral lobe investment did not covary with social structure. These patterns suggest the strongest changes in brain investment—a reduction in central processing brain regions—accompanied the evolutionary origins of eusociality in Vespidae.  相似文献   


The way in which foraging wasps use cues for prey location and choice appears to depend on both the context and on the type of prey. Vespula germanica is an opportunistic, generalist prey forager, and individual wasp foragers often return to hunt at sites of previous hunting success. In this paper, we studied which cues are used by this wasp when relocating a food source. Particularly we analysed the response to a displaced visual cue versus a foraging location at which either honey or cat food had been previously presented. We conclude that location is used over a displaced visual cue for directing wasp hovering, although the landing response is directed differently according to bait type. When wasps are exploiting cat food, location also elicits landing, but if they are exploiting honey, a displaced visual cue elicits landing more frequently than location.  相似文献   

In the primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia marginata,individual females are known to drift from one newly founded nest to another. In the laboratory, young (<6- to 8-day-old) alien wasps are accepted onto unrelated colonies, while older (>6- to 8-day-old) wasps are not. Here we have investigated the factors that could influence the acceptance of foreign conspecifics onto unrelated nests. Individually marked wasps of different ages, isolated immediately after eclosion from the natal nest and from each other, were introduced onto unrelated recipient nests. Considered separately, both age and ovarian condition seemed to influence the probability of acceptance as well as the levels of aggression and tolerance received by the introduced wasps. However, partial correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis indicated that only age had a direct influence and that the ovarian condition acts only through age, a variable with which it is highly correlated. The observed acceptance of young aliens and rejection of old aliens are less likely to be due to the perception of older wasps as a reproductive threat rather than some age-related factor, other than ovarian condition, for example, the relative ease with which younger wasps can be molded into desired roles.  相似文献   

Abstract. Lipid cuticular profiles of females of four species belonging to three different genera of stenogastrine wasps are examined in connection with reproductive potential (relative ovarian development). Cuticular lipids may not only represent the cues for nestmate discrimination (already behaviourally ascertained in three of the same species), but also allow discrimination of fertile and non fertile individuals. Comparisons with more socially evolved insects are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. Males of Polistes dominulus perform antennal vibrations and grasping of female antennae during pre-copulatory and copulatory phases. Male antennation plays a relevant role in mating success. In several antennomeres of males of P. dominulus and Vespa crabro, a further species in which we observed male antennation, we found secretory cells of class 1 and 3 associated to the same release site. In P. dominulus, class 3 cells with ampulla-like reservoirs and class 1 cells release their secretion through hairless multiporous areas. In V. crabro, tyloid-like structures are associated with large apodemes. The as yet unidentified secretion of these glands may act as a contact or low-volatile sex pheromone during courtship behaviour.Received 4 December 2003; revised 16 August 2004; accepted 7 September 2004.  相似文献   

T. Suzuki 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(3):341-343
Summary The present study investigated the age at which insemination takes place in Polistes snelleni, a species in which mating begins while new reproductives are still emerging from the nest. Insemination of new reproductive females began as early as 5 days of age, and most females were inseminated by 10 days of age.  相似文献   

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