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I tested three assumptions of the Hamilton and Zuk hypothesis (1982), which suggests that the extravagant male plumage of many bird species allows females to choose mates that are resistant to the parasites exploiting the host population at a given time. By choosing such males as mates, females will rear offspring carrying the genes for resistance. I tested three necessary conditions for the Hamilton and Zuk model: (1) whether parasites affect the fitness of their hosts; (2) whether there is heritable variation in parasite resistance, and (3) whether the expression of the sexual ornament varies with parasite burden. The haematophagous mite Ornithonyssus bursa (Macronyssidae, Gamasida) sucks blood from their Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) hosts. Experimental manipulation of mite loads and partial cross-fostering experiments on Barn Swallows, where half of the nestlings in the brood were exchanged with nestlings from another nest, shows that parasite burdens and origin, but not rearing conditions, of Bam Swallow nestlings, affected their adult tarsus length and maximum body weight shortly before fledging. Mite loads of adult Barn Swallows at spring arrival were more similar to mite loads of their own offspring, whether reared in their own or in foster nests inoculated with mites, than to loads of foster offspring. Parent Barn Swallows with long tail ornaments had offspring with smaller mite loads in the partial cross-fostering experiments. The amount of increase in male tail ornaments from one year to another was negatively related to experimentally manipulated mite loads of Barn Swallow nests during the preceding breeding season. In conclusion, the three assumptions of the hypothesis were supported by the experimental tests.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the breeding season, the outermost tail feathers of 31 male Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica were either shortened by 20 mm, elongated by 20 mm or left unmanipulated. In first broods, the number of feeding bouts (per nestling per hour) by males and females did not differ significantly among experimental groups. However, in second broods, males with elongated tails fed their nestlings less often than males with shortened or unmanipulated tails. Male tail elongation may have been detrimental to flight, making capture of insects more difficult. Females paired to long-tailed males did not compensate for this reduction in feeding by males and their nestlings received less food. Neither feeding rates nor brood size differed significantly between first and second broods. Variation in abundance of large insects at different times of the day (high around noon and low in the morning and afternoon) matched variation in feeding rates, supporting the importance of large insects in the Barn Swallow diet. Different feeding rate patterns in first and second broods by males with elongated tails could have at least three explanations: (1) such males were able to adjust their parental effort to some extent, temporarily compensating for an imposed handicap; (2) they were more sensitive than males in the other experimental groups to late season food shortage (a decrease in numbers of large insects, the main Barn Swallow prey, was observed as the season progressed); and (3) they were more sensitive than males in the other experimental groups to the deterioration in their physical condition after first broods.  相似文献   

The relationship between feather quality, estimated through the prevalence and intensity of feather holes, and the breeding performance and survival of the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica was studied over a 5-year period. In addition, we present some indirect data on the role of chewing lice in producing the feather holes. The balanced distribution of feather holes (high prevalence, low aggregation) corresponds with the pattern of distribution of lice on colonial birds, and in the Barn Swallow. Feather holes were significantly and positively associated with the arrival dates of the birds, as both males and females with an increased number of feather holes started laying later. Females that survived the winter had significantly fewer holes than non-surviving females, whereas there was no difference in feather hole number between surviving and non-surviving males. Given that there was no association between the number of feather holes and body condition indices, except for the tail length of male Barn Swallows, we suggest that the negative effect of feather holes on the fitness of the birds is mainly apparent during periods of intensive locomotor activity, such as migration. Alternatively, if feather holes are an indicator of quality, those birds with a high intensity of feather holes may have been of poor quality. These birds may have been less able to cope with the environmental conditions, resulting in the lower survival and later arrival of the birds to the breeding grounds. The negative relationship between the length of the outermost tail feathers of males and the incidence of feather holes suggests that the tail is a condition-dependent secondary sexual characteristic.  相似文献   

胚胎心率是衡量胚胎新陈代谢速率的重要指标。鸟类的胚胎心率随新陈代谢的增加而呈上升趋势。对早成性鸟类的种间比较发现,胚胎心率平均值随卵重量的增大而减小,卵体积小的种类具有相对较高的胚胎心率。国内有关野生鸟类胚胎心率的研究较少。2014年5~8月,在黑龙江扎龙国家级自然保护区,利用红外胚胎心率测量仪对两种近缘鸟类家燕(Hirundo rustica,n=14)和金腰燕(Cecropis daurica,n=14)的卵胚胎心率及其变化进行了测量与比较。两种燕均在孵卵的第2天开始出现胚胎心率,并随胚龄增加心率呈上升趋势,但在第8天及第11~14天家燕的胚胎心率显著低于金腰燕(第8天:z=﹣2.602,P=0.009;第11天:z=﹣2.497,P=0.013;第12天:z=﹣2.354,P=0.019;第13天:z=3.424,P=0.001;第14天:z=﹣3.380,P=0.001)。家燕卵胚胎日均增长心率(19.0±3.1)次/min,金腰燕卵胚胎日均增长心率(16.1±3.4)次/min,二者差异不显著(z=﹣1.792,P=0.073)。两种燕的胚胎心率与卵容量和卵重均不存在显著相关性[家燕:卵容量(1.73±0.09)cm3,r=0.192,P=0.511;卵重(1.74±0.09)g,r=0.128,P=0.663。金腰燕:卵容量(1.74±0.08)cm3,r=0.040,P=0.891;卵重(1.51±0.09)g,r=0.054,P=0.855]。这可能表明,卵大小和卵重量对家燕与金腰燕的胚胎心率均影响不明显。  相似文献   

Rijke, A.M., Jesser, W.A., Evans, S.W & Bouwman, H. 2000. Water repellency and feather structure of the Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 143–145.

The Blue Swallow is an endangered species in southern Africa and is probably the most endangered passerine. It is restricted to escarpments with grasslands above 1 000 m where mists are frequent. It appears to forage on the wing even in thick mist raising the question of feather wettability in relation to its adaptation. Extensive physical and behaviourial adaptations are known to occur in a wide variety of birds to deal with the problem of shedding water continuously. To study the water repellency and resistance to water penetration of Blue Swallow feathers, we have examined the microscopic structure of head, back, throat, breast and abdominal feathers as well as remiges and tail feathers by transmission light microscopy. The width (2R) and separation (2D) of rami and barbules have been measured and were used to calculate the parameter (R + D)/R that serves as an indicator ofwater shedding potential. For the remiges and tail feathers the values of the (R+D)/R range from 5 to 10 which is comparable to values for other terrestrial birds. However, for body feathers the range is from 10 (head) and 35 (abdomen)-higher than previously observed for any other bird including Swifts, Apodidae. Blue Swallow feathers are thus the most effective feather yet discovered at repelling water drops. The water repellency is highest in those feathers that are relatively shielded From the direct impact of small water drops (throat, breast, abdomen, back). By contrast, the flight feathers must possess a relatively large resistance to water penetration to avoid becoming waterlogged and this is coupled to low (R+D)/R values. Values for the barbules lay between 2 and 6—the same as found for other bird families—supporting an earlier conclusion that they have little direct effect in repelling water.  相似文献   

了解杜鹃(Cuculus spp.)对不同宿主鸟类的巢寄生,是研究杜鹃与其宿主之间协同进化的重要基础资料。大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)分布遍及全国,且为同域分布,但两者之间的寄生现象尚未有过系统调查。2012年和2014年4~8月,对繁殖于吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇(34°58′44.18″N,126°13′26.83″E,海拔184 m)和海南岛的家燕种群进行调查,结果表明,吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇家燕种群的寄生率为2.4%(1/42),而在海南岛所调查的1 719个家燕巢未发现杜鹃寄生现象。同时在网络上搜集家燕巢寄生的报道案例,共记录到13巢家燕被大杜鹃寄生繁殖,均发生在北方的家燕种群。  相似文献   

Capsule: For declining migratory birds, including many aerial insectivores, such as swallows, there is evidence that adult survival is a demographic process with strong effects on population trends.

Aims: The aim was to identify and quantify the effect of threats affecting adult survival and potentially driving population declines for five well-studied swallow species: Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica, Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor, Sand Martin Riparia riparia, and Purple Martin Progne subis.

Methods: We reviewed the literature to identify the threats to adult survival, quantified the magnitude of the effect and identified whether threats had a direct or indirect effect on survival.

Results: We identified habitat change, weather, competition, incidental loss, contaminants, insect availability, disease, and predation as threats to adult survival in swallows, although for many of these threats there was limited information to quantify their impact. However, weather, particularly cold snaps and precipitation, had negative effects on survival for many populations of four species, either directly or indirectly through effects on insect availability. When there was a relationship, weather was associated with a 13–53% decrease in survival.

Conclusion: Based on the available research, weather conditions throughout the annual cycle is a key threat to adult survival for several swallow species. However, future research on the threats to these species should consider examining the effect of insect availability and the effect of threats during the non-breeding period on survival. Finally, we suggest that new research should be devoted to understanding the importance of adult survival for declining bird populations.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry may impair locomotion but may also reflect intrinsic phenotypic quality. I tested whether fluctuating asymmetry of adult Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica negatively influenced offspring quality, by estimating the relationship between parental asymmetry and offspring size, condition and immunocompetence during three breeding seasons. Controlling for timing of breeding, brood size and the size of a secondary sexual character (tail length), wing and outermost tail feather asymmetry of male and female parents was not significantly correlated with offspring size, condition and immunocompetence. This was the case in spite of clear differences in nestling quality among years. In addition, parents with extreme asymmetries due to tail feather damage (not representing fluctuating asymmetry) did not have nestlings of lower quality than parents with undamaged tail feathers. These results indicate that there is only a weak relation between parental asymmetry and offspring quality.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters are assumed to be costly to produce and maintain, and this will select for morphological modifications that reduce the magnitude of such costs. Here we test whether a feather ornament, the sexually exaggerated outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject to a directional female mate preference, and other aspects of the morphology used for flight have been modified to increase aerodynamic performance. This was done by making comparisons among sexes within populations, among individuals varying in tail length within populations, and among populations from different parts of Europe. Male barn swallows experienced reduced drag from their elongated tail feathers by morphological modifications of the ornamental feathers as compared to females. Morphological features of the outermost tail feathers were unrelated to tail length in both males and females within populations. Wing and tail morphology (length of central tail feathers and wings, wing span, wing area, wing loading, and aspect ratio) was modified in males compared to females. Barn swallows with long tails had morphological tail and wing modifications that reduced the cost of a large ornament, and similar modifications were seen among populations. The costs of the exaggerated secondary sexual character were therefore reduced by the presence of cost-reducing morphological modifications. The assumptions of reliable signalling theory, that signals should be costly, but more so to low than to high quality individuals, were not violated because long-tailed male barn swallows had the largest cost-reducing morphological characters.  相似文献   

Capsule: Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica were more likely to forage along arable field margins that were enhanced with wildflowers or legumes than control grass margins.

Aims: To determine if foraging Barn Swallows displayed preferences for specific arable field boundary habitats (grass margins versus floristically enhanced margins) that were managed as part of an agri-environment scheme. We also aim to determine how Barn Swallow food abundance related to these habitats.

Methods: Two foraging activity surveys took place on all grass and floristically enhanced margins (n?=?56) present within the 600 m foraging range of seven Barn Swallow colonies during June and July 2016. Margin habitat use was measured by recording the presence/absence of foraging individuals during surveys, the total number of individuals and by calculating an index of foraging activity. Habitat information relating to adjacent boundary type, transect crop type and neighbouring crop type were also recorded.

Results: Foraging Barn Swallows were significantly more likely to be recorded when survey transects included a floristically enhanced margin, but there was no significant impact of floristically enhanced margins on the total number of individuals recorded or on the index of foraging activity. Foraging activity was higher along grass verges and hedgerows when compared to treelines and was positively related to length weighted Diptera abundance (a measure of food biomass).

Conclusion: Our results suggest that there may be a role for floristically enhanced margins in the conservation of Barn Swallows on arable farmland. More research, however, is needed to determine whether invertebrate-rich agri-environment scheme habitats can influence colony size or improve the breeding success of this species.  相似文献   

Molt is energetically demanding and various molt strategies (i.e., molt series, duration, intensity, timing, and location) have evolved to reduce the negative fitness consequences of this process. As such, molt varies considerably among species. Identifying where and when specific feathers are molted is also crucial to inform species‐specific studies using stable isotope markers to assign individuals to geographical regions where they molt. Using museum specimens, we examined the molt of three species of migratory swallows in the Americas: Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia), Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica), and Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota). All three species have one primary and two secondary molt series. Bank and Cliff swallows had one rectrix molt series, and Barn Swallows molted the outer rectrix (R6) separately from the inner five rectrices (R1‐5). All three species have a relatively long flight feather molt duration (i.e., 140–183 days) and low molt intensity. Barn Swallows initiated flight feather molt in the fall, about 2 months later than Bank and Cliff swallows. Barn Swallows likely delay molt because of constraints associated with double brooding. For all three species, molt started with the primaries and inner secondaries and was closely followed by the rectrices and, finally, the outer secondaries. For those that began and then interrupted molt either in breeding areas or during fall migration, the first feathers molted were predominantly S8 and P1. All three species underwent body molt throughout the year, but most individuals molted their body plumage in wintering areas. We recommend that the most appropriate feathers for stable isotope research examining migratory connectivity and habitat use are either R2‐R4 or S2‐S4.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1969, in eastern Scotland, a study was carried out on Crataerina hirundinis (L.), a flightless ectopasasite of the House martin. The environment of the hosts's nest was described. The fly was found to move actively between the nests of its host. The populations in the main study colonies (in farm cart-sheds) were higher than in colonies on the eaves of buildings or on a cliff. Juvenile House martins were more heavily infested than the adults. Female flies predominated in the nest populations and were also found to be proportionately more common on the birds than in the nests. Feeding studies showed that female flies imbibed 4.8 mg of blood per day whereas males took 3.5 mg. Although C. hirundinis is specific to the House martin, it can also breed successfully on the Sand martin and Swallow. Ecological factors are believed to prevent these birds from being regular hosts. House sparrows cannot act as hosts.  相似文献   

Recent studies of several species have reported a latitudinal cline in the circadian clock gene, Clock, which influences rhythms in both physiology and behavior. Latitudinal variation in this gene may hence reflect local adaptation to seasonal variation. In some bird populations, there is also an among-individual association between Clock poly-Q genotype and clutch initiation date and incubation period. We examined Clock poly-Q allele variation in the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica), a species with a cosmopolitan geographic distribution and considerable variation in life-history traits that may be influenced by the circadian clock. We genotyped Barn Swallows from five populations (from three subspecies) and compared variation at the Clock locus to that at microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We found very low variation in the Clock poly-Q region, as >96% of individuals were homozygous, and the two other alleles at this locus were globally rare. Genetic differentiation based on the Clock poly-Q locus was not correlated with genetic differentiation based on either microsatellite loci or mtDNA sequences. Our results show that high diversity in Clock poly-Q is not general across avian species. The low Clock variation in the background of heterogeneity in microsatellite and mtDNA loci in Barn Swallows may be an outcome of stabilizing selection on the Clock locus.  相似文献   

Remote sensing data have been used in previous studies to assess the effects of winter ecological conditions in Africa on biological parameters recorded in bird populations during the following breeding season in Europe. Based on the results of these studies, we hypothesized that a high productivity of vegetation during the winter and, thus, high resource availability, should advance the arrival of long-distance migrants to the European breeding areas due to enhanced ecological conditions. To test this hypothesis, between 1982 and 2000 we examined the first arrival date to the Iberian Peninsula of five species (White Stork, Cuckoo, Common Swift, Barn Swallow and Nightingale) in relation to several explanatory variables: ecological conditions in their African wintering grounds and passage areas, as reflected by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), temperature and precipitation in their passage areas and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Ecological conditions in the wintering areas were important for White Stork, Cuckoo and Barn Swallow phenology, while both NDVI in passage areas and NAO did not have an effect on any species. Migratory birds arrived earlier after winters with high vegetation productivity in Africa. Temperature in passage areas was important for the later species (i.e. Cuckoo, Common Swift and Nightingale), although in all cases the true relevance of this factor was scarce due to the poor explanatory capacity of the models. These species were recorded in the Iberian Peninsula earlier in the spring of those years with warmer temperatures in passage areas. The nexus between African NDVI and arrival phenology is hypothesized through increases in wintering survival rates and/or the faster acquisition of pre-migratory body condition and progression through sub-Saharan areas. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Analyses of stable isotopes and trace elements in feathers may provide important information about location and habitat use during molt, thereby enabling the investigation of migratory connectivity and its ecological consequences in bird species that breed and winter in different areas. We have compared the conclusions arrived at based on the use of these two methods on the same samples of feathers from two migratory birds, the Sand Martin Riparia riparia and the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica. We investigated the effects of location, age and sex on stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δD) and trace element profiles (As, Cd, Mg, Mn, Mo, Se, Sr, Co, Fe, Zn, Li, P, Ti, V, Ag, Cr, Ba, Hg, Pb, S, Ni and Cu). The feathers of adults at the breeding grounds were removed, forcing in birds to grow new feathers at the breeding grounds; this enabled a comparison of composition of feathers grown in Europe and Africa by the same individual. Stable isotope and trace element profiles varied geographically, even at micro-geographic scales, and also among age classes. The results of both methods suggest that food composition and/or source differs between adults and nestlings in the breeding area and that food and/or molting location changes with the age of individuals in Africa. In an attempt to determine the usefulness of data obtained from composition of feathers, we performed discriminant function analyses on information obtained on stable isotopes and trace elements in order to assess the correctness of the classification of group membership. When feathers molted in Africa were compared to those molted in Europe, trace element profiles of the 22 elements generally had a much greater resolution than the stable isotope profiles based on three stable isotopes. The proportion of correctly classified samples was also greater for analyses based on trace elements than for those based on stable isotopes.  相似文献   

Analysis of faecal sacs of nestling Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica from 52 breeding colonies located within fifteen spatially-separated villages in Poland has revealed that the basic component of the diet was Coleoptera (56.1% of all identified prey items), followed by Hymenoptera (24.1%), Diptera (16.1%) and Hemiptera (3.3%). The average mass of all prey items with known weight amounted to 3.40 mg (95% CL, 3.16–3.63 mg; median=0.49 mg) dry weight. Coleopterans associated with dung and manure jointly made up 23.5% of the number and 24.3% of the total biomass of all representatives of the order. Statistically significant negative relationships between the average weight of prey and number of prey found in 52 analyzed breeding sites suggest a particular need for Barn Swallows to find larger-bodied prey rather than to exploit the local abundance of smaller prey. The high percentage of Coleoptera in the diet of nestling Barn Swallows probably results from extensive or traditional farm management based on rules of organic farming in agricultural areas of central Europe, mainly commonly used organic fertilizers, and suggests the importance of these insects as a more easily accessible and larger-bodied prey in comparison to some small Diptera or Hymenoptera. We believe that a large number of randomly collected faecal samples from tens of breeding sites allow us to precisely describe variation in the diet of the Barn Swallow. Our work has great importance for documenting of the food composition of the Barn Swallow in traditional European countrysides, i.e. under environmental and agricultural conditions which, as a result of transformations of the system of farming, ceased to exist in the western and northern part of this continent.  相似文献   

Earlier arrival of some farmland migrants in western Poland   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A dataset consisting of observations on the first arrival dates (FAD) of 16 species of birds from a locality in western Poland during the period 19131996 is presented and analysed. For 14 of the 16 species, there is evidence of a trend towards earliness in recent years. In the 19701996 period this trend was significant for Pied Wagtail, Wood Pigeon, Black Redstart and Barn Swallow, and marginally significant for a further four species: European Serin, Blackcap, Common Nightingale and Red-backed Shrike. Only two species showed the opposite trend in the 19701996 period: Lesser Whitethroat and Whinchat, of which only the former is (marginally) significant. The trend towards earliness was more pronounced for short-distance (European) migrants than for long-distance (African) migrants. Short-distance migrants generally displayed a correlation with spring temperatures in the breeding locality, a feature less obvious in the long-distance migrants.  相似文献   

Capsule The presence of farm animals increases the amount of larger insect prey (mainly large Diptera and Coleoptera) and decreases the proportion of smaller prey (Hymenoptera).

Aims To determine the relationships between presence of farm animals and diversity of diet of nestling Barn Swallows from 52 colonies located at sites with and without livestock.

Methods Diet was determined on the basis of faecal analysis. We used two approaches to quantify livestock based on their spatial distribution – a breeding site-focused approach and a village-focused approach.

Results Our results show a relationship between the presence of livestock and the size, number and composition of insect prey detected in the diet of nestling Barn Swallows. The results from the two approaches we used in our study were broadly consistent, although effects varied according to the number and types of animal being raised. The presence of domestic animals increases the amount of larger prey (mainly larger Diptera and Coleoptera) and decreases the proportion of smaller prey (Hymenoptera species). The effect of individual livestock species, mainly pigs and poultry alone, was considerably higher than the effects of pooling livestock species from Principal Component Analysis.

Conclusion Our results imply that Barn Swallows were foraging beyond the immediate area of the farm buildings in which they nest, suggest considerable adaptability in the species' diet and further emphasize the ecological role that livestock play in providing a source of prey of a required size rather specific identity. Furthermore, a statistically significant positive effect of average mass of prey (which is a direct consequence of the presence of cattle at a breeding site) on colony size suggests that livestock farming provides a more profitable prey community, which may ultimately increase local populations of Barn Swallow.  相似文献   

We investigated whether trace elements in tail feathers of an insectivorous and long-distance migratory bird species could be used to identify moulting areas and hence migratory pathways. We analysed tail feathers from birds of different age and sex collected from a range of different breeding sites across Europe. The site of moult had a large effect on elemental composition of feathers of birds, both at the European and African moulting sites. Analysis of feathers of nestlings with known origin suggested that the elemental composition of feathers depended largely upon the micro-geographical location of the colony. The distance between moulting areas could not explain the level of differences in trace elements. Analysis of feathers grown by the same individuals on the African wintering grounds and in the following breeding season in Europe showed a large difference in composition indicating that moulting site affects elemental composition. Tail feathers moulted in winter in Africa by adults breeding in different European regions differed markedly in elemental composition, indicating that they used different moulting areas. Analysis of tail feathers of the same adult individuals in two consecutive years showed that sand martins in their first and second wintering season grew feathers with largely similar elemental composition, although the amounts of several elements in tail feathers of the older birds was lower. There was no difference between the sexes in the elemental composition of their feathers grown in Africa. Investigation of the trace element composition of feathers could be a useful method for studying similarity among groups of individuals in their use of moulting areas.  相似文献   

1. Handicap models of sexual selection propose that male ornaments are indicators of male quality and that honesty is enforced by the costs imposed by the exaggerated ornamental traits. In long-distance migratory birds that feed on the wing, the aerodynamic cost of exaggerated ornamental characters should be particularly high because the size of the ornaments deviates from the natural selection optimum. During migration, birds are expected to raise their oxygen consumption in relation to the energetic demands imposed by their morphology. An increase of haematocrit is an adaptive response to enhance oxygen uptake and efficiency of transfer to the muscular tissues during spells of intense muscular activity.
2. The change of haematocrit of Barn Swallows ( Hirundo rustica ) after their arrival to the breeding sites, and the relationships between haematocrit values recorded after migration and the size of ordinary and sexually selected morphological characters in three Barn Swallow populations were analysed.
3. Males had higher haematocrit values than females. Individual haematocrit values declined after arrival to the breeding sites. Haematocrit values of males were significantly and positively correlated with the size of their ornamental tail but not correlated with other characters, thus suggesting that well-ornamented males, in order to arrive early, have to raise their haematocrit above the level of short-tailed males.
4. Males and females of similar tail length did not differ in their haematocrit, thus suggesting that sexual dimorphism in haematocrit might be functionally related to dimorphism in tail length.
5. Our results are consistent with the handicap principle because long-tailed males experience lower mortality and larger seasonal reproductive success compared with short-tailed males.  相似文献   

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