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The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the causative agent of hepatitis E, an acute form of viral hepatitis. The biology and pathogenesis of HEV remain poorly understood. We have used in vitro binding assays to show that the HEV ORF3 protein (pORF3) binds to a number of cellular signal transduction pathway proteins. This includes the protein tyrosine kinases Src, Hck, and Fyn, the p85alpha regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, phospholipase Cgamma, and the adaptor protein Grb2. A yeast two-hybrid assay was used to further confirm the pORF3-Grb2 interaction. The binding involves a proline-rich region in pORF3 and the src homology 3 (SH3) domains in the cellular proteins. Competition assays and computer-assisted modeling was used to evaluate the binding surfaces and interaction energies of the pORF3.SH3 complex. In pORF3-expressing cells, pp60(src) was found to associate with an 80-kDa protein, but no activation of the Src kinase was observed in these cells. However, there was increased activity and nuclear localization of ERK in the pORF3-expressing cells. These studies suggest that pORF3 is a viral regulatory protein involved in the modulation of cell signaling. The ORF3 protein of HEV appears to be the first example of a SH3 domain-binding protein encoded by a virus that causes an acute and primarily self-limited infection.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus is a human RNA virus containing three open reading frames. Of these ORF2 encodes, the major capsid protein (pORF2), may possess regulatory functions, in addition to a structural one. In this study, we have shown using the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro immobilization experiments that full-length pORF2 is capable of self-association, thus forming a homodimer. Using mutational analysis we have studied dimerization of various truncated versions of the ORF2 capsid protein using the yeast two-hybrid system and supported our findings with in vitro immobilization experiments. Deletions of pORF2 reveal a loss of the dimerization potential for all deletions except an N-terminal 127-amino-acid deletion. Our studies suggest that the dimerization property of pORF2 may not be amino-acid sequence-dependent but instead a complex formation of a specific tertiary structure that imparts pORF2 its property to self-associate.  相似文献   

Purdy MA  Lara J  Khudyakov YE 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35974
Genomes of hepatitis E virus (HEV), rubivirus and cutthroat virus (CTV) contain a region of high proline density and low amino acid (aa) complexity, named the polyproline region (PPR). In HEV genotypes 1, 3 and 4, it is the only region within the non-structural open reading frame (ORF1) with positive selection (4-10 codons with dN/dS>1). This region has the highest density of sites with homoplasy values >0.5. Genotypes 3 and 4 show ~3-fold increase in homoplastic density (HD) in the PPR compared to any other region in ORF1, genotype 1 does not exhibit significant HD (p<0.0001). PPR sequence divergence was found to be 2-fold greater for HEV genotypes 3 and 4 than for genotype 1. The data suggest the PPR plays an important role in host-range adaptation. Although the PPR appears to be hypervariable and homoplastic, it retains as much phylogenetic signal as any other similar sized region in the ORF1, indicating that convergent evolution operates within the major HEV phylogenetic lineages. Analyses of sequence-based secondary structure and the tertiary structure identify PPR as an intrinsically disordered region (IDR), implicating its role in regulation of replication. The identified propensity for the disorder-to-order state transitions indicates the PPR is involved in protein-protein interactions. Furthermore, the PPR of all four HEV genotypes contains seven putative linear binding motifs for ligands involved in the regulation of a wide number of cellular signaling processes. Structure-based analysis of possible molecular functions of these motifs showed the PPR is prone to bind a wide variety of ligands. Collectively, these data suggest a role for the PPR in HEV adaptation. Particularly as an IDR, the PPR likely contributes to fine tuning of viral replication through protein-protein interactions and should be considered as a target for development of novel anti-viral drugs.  相似文献   

The terminal half of the 5' untranslated region (UTR) in the (+)-strand RNA genome of tomato bushy stunt virus was analyzed for possible roles in viral RNA replication. Computer-aided thermodynamic analysis of secondary structure, phylogenetic comparisons for base-pair covariation, and chemical and enzymatic solution structure probing were used to analyze the 78 nucleotide long 5'-terminal sequence. The results indicate that this sequence adopts a branched secondary structure containing a three-helix junction core. The T-shaped domain (TSD) formed by this terminal sequence is closed by a prominent ten base-pair long helix, termed stem 1 (S1). Deletion of either the 5' or 3' segment forming S1 (coordinates 1-10 or 69-78, respectively) in a model subviral RNA replicon, i.e. a prototypical defective interfering (DI) RNA, reduced in vivo accumulation levels of this molecule approximately 20-fold. Compensatory-type mutational analysis of S1 within this replicon revealed a strong correlation between formation of the predicted S1 structure and efficient DI RNA accumulation. RNA decay studies in vivo did not reveal any notable changes in the physical stabilities of DI RNAs containing disrupted S1s, thus implicating RNA replication as the affected process. Further investigation revealed that destabilization of S1 in the (+)-strand was significantly more detrimental to DI RNA accumulation than (-)-strand destabilization, therefore S1-mediated activity likely functions primarily via the (+)-strand. The essential role of S1 in DI RNA accumulation prompted us to examine the 5'-proximal secondary structure of a previously identified mutant DI RNA, RNA B, that lacks the 5' UTR but is still capable of low levels of replication. Mutational analysis of a predicted S1-like element present within a cryptic 5'-terminal TSD confirmed the importance of the former in RNA B accumulation. Collectively, these data support a fundamental role for the TSD, and in particular its S1 subelement, in tombusvirus RNA replication.  相似文献   

K H Chang  E A Brown    S M Lemon 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6716-6725
The 5' nontranslated region (5'NTR) of hepatitis A virus (HAV) RNA contains structural elements which facilitate 5' cap-independent initiation of virus translation and are likely to interact with cellular proteins functioning as translation initiation factors. To define these interactions, we characterized the binding of ribosome-associated proteins from several cell types to synthetic RNAs representing segments of the 5'NTR by using a UV cross-linking/label transfer assay. Four major proteins (p30, p39, p57, and p110) were identified. p30 and p39 were present in ribosomal salt washes prepared only from HAV-permissive BS-C-1 and FRhK-4 cells, while p57 was found only in HeLa cells and rabbit reticulocyte lysates. p110 was present in all cell types. Both p30 and p39 bound to multiple sites within the 5'NTR. Efficient transfer of label to p30 occurred with minimal RNA probes representing nucleotides (nt) 96 to 155, 151 to 354, and, to a much lesser extent, 634 to 744, while label transfer to p39 occurred with probes representing nt 96 to 155 and 634 to 744. All of these probes represent regions of the 5'NTR which are rich in pyrimidines. Competitive inhibition studies indicated that both p30 and p39 bound with greater affinity to sites in the 5' half of the NTR (a probe representing nt 1 to 354) than to the more 3' site (nt 634 to 744). Binding of p39 to the probe representing nt 96 to 155 was inhibited in the presence of an equal amount of proteins derived from HeLa cells, suggesting that p39 shares binding site specificity with one or more HeLa cell proteins. A 57-kDa protein in HeLa cell protein extracts reacted with antibody to polypyrimidine tract-binding protein in immunoblots, but no immunoreactive protein was identified in a similar BS-C-1 protein fraction. These results demonstrate that ribosome-associated proteins which bind to the 5'NTR of HAV vary substantially among different mammalian cell types, possibly accounting for differences in the extent to which individual cell types support growth of the virus. Mutations in the 5'NTR which enhance the growth of HAV in certain cell types may reflect specific adaptive responses to these or other proteins.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important cause of liver disease worldwide. Current therapies are inadequate for most patients. Using a two-hybrid screen, we isolated a novel cellular binding partner interacting with the N terminus of HCV nonstructural protein NS5A. This partner contains a TBC Rab-GAP (GTPase-activating protein) homology domain found in all known Rab-activating proteins. As the first described interaction between such a Rab-GAP and a viral protein, this finding suggests a new mechanism whereby viruses may subvert host cell machinery for mediating the endocytosis, trafficking, and sorting of their own proteins. Moreover, depleting the expression of this partner severely impairs HCV RNA replication with no obvious effect on cell viability. These results suggest that pharmacologic disruption of this NS5A-interacting partner can be contemplated as a potential new antiviral strategy against a pathogen affecting nearly 3% of the world's population.  相似文献   

Wang L  Jeng KS  Lai MM 《Journal of virology》2011,85(16):7954-7964
Sequences in the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA is important for modulating both translation and RNA replication. The translation of the HCV genome depends on an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located within the 341-nucleotide 5'UTR, while RNA replication requires a smaller region. A question arises whether the replication and translation functions require different regions of the 5'UTR and different sets of RNA-binding proteins. Here, we showed that the 5'-most 157 nucleotides of HCV RNA is the minimum 5'UTR for RNA replication, and it partially overlaps with the IRES. Stem-loops 1 and 2 of the 5'UTR are essential for RNA replication, whereas stem-loop 1 is not required for translation. We also found that poly(C)-binding protein 2 (PCBP2) bound to the replication region of the 5'UTR and associated with detergent-resistant membrane fractions, which are the sites of the HCV replication complex. The knockdown of PCBP2 by short hairpin RNA decreased the amounts of HCV RNA and nonstructural proteins. Antibody-mediated blocking of PCBP2 reduced HCV RNA replication in vitro, indicating that PCBP2 is directly involved in HCV RNA replication. Furthermore, PCBP2 knockdown reduced IRES-dependent translation preferentially from a dual reporter plasmid, suggesting that PCBP2 also regulated IRES activity. These findings indicate that PCBP2 participates in both HCV RNA replication and translation. Moreover, PCBP2 interacts with HCV 5'- and 3'UTR RNA fragments to form an RNA-protein complex and induces the circularization of HCV RNA, as revealed by electron microscopy. This study thus demonstrates the mechanism of the participation of PCBP2 in HCV translation and replication and provides physical evidence for HCV RNA circularization through 5'- and 3'UTR interaction.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Interferon alone or together with ribavirin is the only therapy for HCV infection; however, a significant number of HCV-infected individuals do not respond to this treatment. Therefore, the development of new therapeutic options against HCV is a matter of urgency. In the present study, we have examined vectors carrying short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting the 5' nontranslated conserved region of the HCV genome for inhibition of virus replication. Initially, three sequences were selected, and all three shRNAs (psh-53, psh-274, and psh-375) suppressed HCV internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediated translation to different degrees in Huh-7 cells. Next, we introduced siRNA into Huh-7.5 cells persistently infected with HCV genotype 2a (JFH1). The most efficient inhibition of JFH1 replication was observed with psh-274, targeted to the portion from subdomain IIId to IIIe of the IRES. Subsequently, Huh-7.5 cells stably expressing psh-274 further displayed a significant reduction in HCV JFH1 replication. The effect of psh-274 on cell-culture-grown HCV genotype 1a (H77) was also evaluated, and inhibition of virus replication and infectivity titers was observed. In the absence of a cell-culture-grown HCV genotype 1b, the effects of psh-274 on subgenomic and full-length replicons were examined, and efficient inhibition of genome replication was observed. Therefore, we have identified a conserved sequence targeted to the HCV genome that can inhibit replication of different genotypes, suggesting the potential of siRNA as an additional therapeutic modality against HCV infection.  相似文献   

Tyagi S  Jameel S  Lal SK 《Journal of virology》2001,75(5):2493-2498
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a major human pathogen in the developing world. In the absence of an in vitro culture system, very little information on the basic biology of the virus exists. A small protein (approximately 13.5 kDa) of unknown function, pORF3, is encoded by the third open reading frame of HEV. The N-terminal region of pORF3 is associated with the cytoskeleton using one of its hydrophobic domains. The C-terminal half of pORF3 is rich in proline residues and contains a putative src homology 3 (SH3) binding domain and a mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation site. In this study, we demonstrate that pORF3 can homodimerize in vivo, using the yeast two-hybrid system. We have isolated a 43-amino-acid interaction domain of pORF3 which is capable of self-association in vivo and in vitro. The overlap of the dimerization domain with the SH3 binding and phosphorylation domains suggests that pORF3 may have a dimerization-dependent regulatory role to play in the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Tyagi S  Surjit M  Lal SK 《Journal of virology》2005,79(18):12081-12087
Hepatitis E virus (HEV), a human plus-stranded RNA virus, contains three open reading frames (ORF). Of these, ORF1 encodes the viral nonstructural polyprotein, ORF2 encodes the major capsid protein, and ORF3 codes for a phosphoprotein of undefined function. Recently, using the yeast two-hybrid system to screen a human cDNA liver library, we have isolated and characterized AMBP (alpha1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor), which specifically interacts with the ORF3 protein of HEV. The ORF3 protein expedites the processing and secretion of alpha1-microglobulin. When checked individually for interaction, the second processed protein from AMBP, bikunin, strongly interacted with the full-length ORF3 protein. This protein-protein interaction has been validated by immunoprecipitation in both COS-1 and Huh7 cells and by His6 pull-down assays. In dual-labeling immunofluorescent staining, followed by fluorescence microscopy of transfected human liver cells, ORF3 colocalized with endogenously expressed bikunin. Finally, a 41-amino-acid C-terminal region of ORF3 has been found to be responsible for interacting with bikunin. The importance of this virus-host protein-protein interaction, with reference to the viral life cycle, has been discussed.  相似文献   

Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus in the alphavirus-like superfamily, encodes two RNA replication factors. Membrane-associated 1a protein contains a helicase-like domain and RNA capping functions. 2a, which is targeted to membranes by 1a, contains a central polymerase-like domain. In the absence of 2a and RNA replication, 1a acts through an intergenic replication signal in BMV genomic RNA3 to stabilize RNA3 and induce RNA3 to associate with cellular membrane. Multiple results imply that 1a-induced RNA3 stabilization reflects interactions involved in recruiting RNA3 templates into replication. To determine if 1a had similar effects on another BMV RNA replication template, we constructed a plasmid expressing BMV genomic RNA2 in vivo. In vivo-expressed RNA2 templates were replicated upon expression of 1a and 2a. In the absence of 2a, 1a stabilized RNA2 and induced RNA2 to associate with membrane. Deletion analysis demonstrated that 1a-induced membrane association of RNA2 was mediated by sequences in the 5'-proximal third of RNA2. The RNA2 5' untranslated region was sufficient to confer 1a-induced membrane association on a nonviral RNA. However, sequences in the N-terminal region of the 2a open reading frame enhanced 1a responsiveness of RNA2 and a chimeric RNA. A 5'-terminal RNA2 stem-loop important for RNA2 replication was essential for 1a-induced membrane association of RNA2 and, like the 1a-responsive RNA3 intergenic region, contained a required box B motif corresponding to the TPsiC stem-loop of host tRNAs. The level of 1a-induced membrane association of various RNA2 mutants correlated well with their abilities to serve as replication templates. These results support and expand the conclusion that 1a-induced BMV RNA stabilization and membrane association reflect early, 1a-mediated steps in viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

Pestiviruses, including bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), are important animal pathogens and close relatives of hepatitis C virus. Pestivirus particles are composed of an RNA genome, a host-derived lipid envelope, and four virion-encoded structural proteins, core (C), Erns, E1, and E2. Core is a small, highly basic polypeptide that is processed by three enzymatic cleavages before its incorporation into virions. Little is known about its biological properties or its role in virion assembly and structure. We have purified BVDV core protein and characterized it biochemically. We have determined that the processed form of core lacks significant secondary structure and is instead intrinsically disordered. Consistent with its highly basic sequence, we observed that core binds to RNA, although with low affinity and little discernible specificity. We found that BVDV core protein was able to functionally replace the nonspecific RNA binding and condensing region of an unrelated viral capsid protein. Together these results suggest that the in vitro properties of core may reflect its mechanism of action in RNA packaging and virion morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus replicons containing the neomycin resistance gene expressed from open reading frames (ORFs) 2 and 3 were transfected into Huh-7 cells, and stable cell lines containing functional replicons were selected by constant exposure to G418 sulfate. Northern blot analyses detected full-length replicon RNA and a single subgenomic RNA. This subgenomic RNA, which was capped, initiated at nucleotide 5122 downstream of the first two methionine codons in ORF3 and was bicistronic; two closely spaced methionine codons in different reading frames were used for the initiation of ORF3 and ORF2 translation.  相似文献   

Luo G  Xin S  Cai Z 《Journal of virology》2003,77(5):3312-3318
Sequences of the untranslated regions at the 5' and 3' ends (5'UTR and 3'UTR) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA genome are highly conserved and contain cis-acting RNA elements for HCV RNA replication. The HCV 5'UTR consists of two distinct RNA elements, a short 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element (nucleotides 1 to 43) and a longer element of internal ribosome entry site. To determine the sequence and structural requirements of the 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element in HCV RNA replication and translation, a mutagenesis analysis was preformed by nucleotide deletions and substitutions. Effects of mutations in the 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element on HCV RNA replication were determined by using a cell-based HCV replicon replication system. Deletion of the first 20 nucleotides from the 5' end resulted in elimination of cell colony formation. Likewise, disruption of the 5'-proximal stem-loop by nucleotide substitutions abolished the ability of HCV RNA to induce cell colony formation. However, restoration of the 5'-proximal stem-loop by compensatory mutations with different nucleotides rescued the ability of the subgenomic HCV RNA to replicate in Huh7 cells. In addition, deletion and nucleotide substitutions of the 5'-proximal stem-loop structure, including the restored stem-loop by compensatory mutations, all resulted in reduction of translation by two- to fivefold, suggesting that the 5'-proximal stem-loop RNA element also modulates HCV RNA translation. These findings demonstrate that the 5'-proximal stem-loop of the HCV RNA is a cis-acting RNA element that regulates HCV RNA replication and translation.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a major human pathogen in the developing world. In the absence of an in vitro culture system, very little information exists on the basic biology of the virus. A small protein (approximately 13.5 kDa) of unknown function, pORF3, is encoded by the third open reading frame of HEV. We expressed pORF3 in transiently transfected COS-1 and Huh-7 cells and showed that it is a phosphoprotein which is modified at a serine residue(s). Deletion and site-directed mutants were created to establish Ser-80 as the phosphorylation site. This residue is present within a conserved primary sequence that showed consensus sites for phosphorylation by p34cdc2 kinase (cdc2K) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). In vitro experiments with hexahistidine-tagged pORF3 expressed either in Escherichia coli or in COS-1 cells showed efficient phosphorylation with exogenously added MAPK. The pORF3 mutants also exhibited an in vitro phosphorylation profile with MAPK which was identical to that observed in vivo. In its primary sequence, pORF3 possesses two highly hydrophobic N-terminal domains. On subcellular fractionation, pORF3 was found to partition with the cytoskeletal fraction, and this association with the cytoskeleton was lost on deletion of hydrophobic domain I (amino acid residues 1 to 32). These results suggest that HEV pORF3 is a cytoskeleton-associated phosphoprotein and are discussed in terms of a possible function for pORF3 within the HEV replicative cycle.  相似文献   

Vlot AC  Bol JF 《Journal of virology》2003,77(20):11284-11289
The three genomic RNAs of alfalfa mosaic virus each contain a unique 5' untranslated region (5' UTR). Replacement of the 5' UTR of RNA 1 by that of RNA 2 or 3 yielded infectious replicons. The sequence of a putative 5' stem-loop structure in RNA 1 was found to be required for negative-strand RNA synthesis. A similar putative 5' stem-loop structure is present in RNA 2 but not in RNA 3.  相似文献   

Pestiviruses, such as bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), share many similarities with hepatitis C virus (HCV) yet are more amenable to virologic and genetic analysis. For both BVDV and HCV, translation is initiated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). Besides IRES function, the viral 5' nontranslated regions (NTRs) may also contain cis-acting RNA elements important for viral replication. A series of chimeric RNAs were used to examine the function of the BVDV 5' NTR. Our results show that: (1) the HCV and the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) IRES element can functionally replace that of BVDV; (2) two 5' terminal hairpins in BVDV genomic RNA are important for efficient replication; (3) replacement of the entire BVDV 5' NTR with those of HCV or EMCV leads to severely impaired replication; (4) such replacement chimeras are unstable and efficiently replicating pseudorevertants arise; (5) pseudorevertant mutations involve deletion of 5' sequences and/or acquisition of novel 5' sequences such that the 5' terminal 3-4 bases of BVDV genome RNA are restored. Besides providing new insight into functional elements in the BVDV 5' NTR, these chimeras may prove useful as pestivirus vaccines and for screening and evaluation of anti-HCV IRES antivirals.  相似文献   

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