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In preimplantation mouse embryos, the Hippo signaling pathway plays a central role in regulating the fates of the trophectoderm (TE) and the inner cell mass (ICM). In early blastocysts with more than 32 cells, the Par‐aPKC system controls polarization of the outer cells along the apicobasal axis, and cell polarity suppresses Hippo signaling. Inactivation of Hippo signaling promotes nuclear accumulation of a coactivator protein, Yap, leading to induction of TE‐specific genes. However, whether similar mechanisms operate at earlier stages is not known. Here, we show that slightly different mechanisms operate in 16‐cell stage embryos. Similar to 32‐cell stage embryos, disruption of the Par‐aPKC system activated Hippo signaling and suppressed nuclear Yap and Cdx2 expression in the outer cells. However, unlike 32‐cell stage embryos, 16‐cell stage embryos with a disrupted Par‐aPKC system maintained apical localization of phosphorylated Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (p‐ERM), and the effects on Yap and Cdx2 were weak. Furthermore, normal 16‐cell stage embryos often contained apolar cells in the outer position. In these cells, the Hippo pathway was strongly activated and Yap was excluded from the nuclei, thus resembling inner cells. Dissociated blastomeres of 8‐cell stage embryos form polar–apolar couplets, which exhibit different levels of nuclear Yap, and the polar cell engulfed the apolar cell. These results suggest that cell polarization at the 16‐cell stage is regulated by both Par‐aPKC‐dependent and ‐independent mechanisms. Asymmetric cell division is involved in cell polarity control, and cell polarity regulates cell positioning and most likely controls Hippo signaling.  相似文献   

Upregulation of Cdx2 expression in outer cells is a key event responsible for cell lineage segregation between the inner cell mass and the trophoderm (TE) in mouse morula‐stage embryos. In TE cells, polarization can regulate Hippo and Rho‐associated kinase (Rho‐ROCK) signaling to induce the nuclear location of YAP, which has been demonstrated to further induce the expression of Cdx2. However, we found that CDX2 expression could not be detected in the outer cells of porcine morula‐stage embryos but only in some TE cells at the early blastocyst stage. The biological significance and the regulation mechanism of this species‐specific CDX2 expression pattern have still not been determined. We show here that an asynchronous CDX2 expression pattern exists in porcine TE cells during the development of the blastocyst. We demonstrate that CDX2 expression in porcine TE cells depends on the nuclear localization of YAP and polarization of the embryo through Y27632 treatment. We found that the polarization process in the morula to the late blastocyst stage porcine embryos was asynchronous, which was revealed by the apical localization of phosphorylated EZRIN staining. Artificially enhancing the number of polarized blastomeres by culturing the separated blastomeres of four‐cell stage porcine embryos resulted in increased CDX2‐positive cell numbers. These results indicate that the mechanism of CDX2 expression regulation is conserved, but the polarization progress is not conserved between the pig and the mouse, and results in a species‐specific trophoblast determination progress model.  相似文献   

During preimplantation mouse embryo development expression of Cdx2 is induced in outer cells, which are the trophectoderm (TE) precursors. The mechanism of Cdx2 upregulation in these cells remains unclear. However, it has been suggested that the cell position and polarization may play a crucial role in this process. In order to elucidate the role of these two parameters in the formation of TE we analyzed the expression pattern of Cdx2 in the embryos in which either the position of cells and the time of polarization or only the position of cells was experimentally disrupted. Such embryos developed from the blastomeres that were isolated from 8-cell embryos either before or after the compaction, i.e. before or after the cell polarization took place. We found that in the embryos developed from polar blastomeres originated from the 8-cell compacted embryo, the experimentally imposed outer position was not sufficient to induce the Cdx2 in these blastomeres which in the intact embryo would form the inner cells. However, when the polarization at the 8-cell stage was disrupted, the embryos developed from such an unpolarized blastomeres showed the increased number of cells expressing Cdx2. We found that in such experimentally obtained embryos the polarization was delayed until the 16-cell stage. These results suggest that the main factor responsible for upregulation of Cdx2 expression in outer blastomeres, i.e. TE precursors, is their polarity.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice with a defined cell‐ or tissues‐specific expression of Cre‐recombinase are essential tools to study gene function. Here we report the generation and analysis of a transgenic mouse line (Cdx1::Cre) with restricted Cre‐expression from Cdx1 regulatory elements. The expression of Cre‐recombinase mimicked the endogenous expression pattern of Cdx1 at midgastrulation (from E7.5 to early headfold stage) inducing recombination in the three germlayers of the primitive streak region throughout the posterior embryo and caudal to the heart. This enables gene modifications to investigate patterning of the caudal embryo during and after gastrulation. Interestingly, we identified Cdx1 expression in the trophectoderm (TE) of blastocyst stage embryos. Concordantly, we detected extensive Cre‐mediated recombination in the polar TE and, although to lesser extent, in the mural TE. In E7.5 postimplantation embryos, almost all cells of the extraembryonic ectoderm (ExE), which are derived from the polar TE, are recombined although the ExE itself is negative for Cdx1 and Cre at this stage. These results indicate that Cdx1::Cre mice are also a valuable tool to study gene function in tissues essential for placental development. genesis 47:204–209, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Knock out of intestinal Cdx2 produces different effects depending upon the developmental stage at which this occurs. Early in development it produces histologically ordered stomach mucosa in the midgut. Conditional inactivation of Cdx2 in adult intestinal epithelium, as well as specifically in the Lgr5-positive stem cells, of adult mice allows long-term survival of the animals but fails to produce this phenotype. Instead, the endodermal cells exhibit cell-autonomous expression of gastric genes in an intestinal setting that is not accompanied by mesodermal expression of Barx1, which is necessary for gastric morphogenesis. Cdx2-negative endodermal cells also fail to express Sox2, a marker of gastric morphogenesis. Maturation of the stem cell niche thus appears to be associated with loss of ability to express positional information cues that are required for normal stomach development. Cdx2-negative intestinal crypts produce subsurface cystic vesicles, whereas untargeted crypts hypertrophy to later replace the surface epithelium. These observations are supported by studies involving inactivation of Cdx2 in intestinal crypts cultured in vitro. This abolishes their ability to form long-term growing intestinal organoids that differentiate into intestinal phenotypes. We conclude that expression of Cdx2 is essential for differentiation of gut stem cells into any of the intestinal cell types, but they maintain a degree of cell-autonomous plasticity that allows them to switch on a variety of gastric genes.  相似文献   

Several genetically modified mouse models have been generated in order to drive expression of the Cre recombinase in the neuroectoderm. However, none of them specifically targets the posterior neural plate during neurulation. To fill this gap, we have generated a new transgenic mouse line in which Cre expression is controlled by a neural specific enhancer (NSE) from the Caudal‐related homeobox 2 (Cdx2) locus. Analyses of Cre activity via breeding with R26R‐YFP reporter mice have indicated that the Cdx2NSE‐Cre mouse line allows for recombination of LoxP sites in most cells of the posterior neural plate as soon as from the head fold stage. Detailed examination of double‐transgenic embryos has revealed that this novel Cre‐driver line allows targeting the entire posterior neural tube with an anterior limit in the caudal hindbrain. Of note, the Cdx2NSE regulatory sequences direct Cre expression along the whole dorso‐ventral axis (including pre‐migratory neural crest cells) and, accordingly, YFP fluorescence has been also observed in multiple non‐cranial neural crest derivatives of double‐transgenic embryos. Therefore, we believe that the Cdx2NSE‐Cre mouse line represents an important novel genetic tool for the study of early events occurring in the caudal neuroectoderm during the formation of both the central and the peripheral nervous systems. genesis 51:777–784. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The products of the Cdx genes, Cdx1, Cdx2 and Cdx4, play multiple roles in early vertebrate development, and have been proposed to serve to relay signaling information from Wnt, RA and FGF pathways to orchestrate events related to anterior-posterior vertebral patterning and axial elongation. In addition, Cdx1 and Cdx2 have been reported to both autoregulate and to be subject to cross regulation by other family members. We have now found that Cdx4 expression is significantly down regulated in Cdx2(-/-) mutants suggesting previously unrecognized cross-regulatory interactions. Moreover, we have previously shown that Cdx4 is a direct target of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway, and that Cdx1 physically interacts with LEF/TCF members in an autoregulatory loop. We therefore investigated the means by which Cdx2 impacted on Cdx4 expression and assessed potential interaction between Cdx2 and canonical Wnt signaling on the Cdx4 promoter. We found that the Cdx4 promoter was regulated by Cdx2 in transient transfection assays. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that Cdx2 bound to predicted Cdx response elements in the Cdx4 promoter which, when mutated, significantly reduced activity. Consistent with these data, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays from embryos demonstrated occupancy of the Cdx4 promoter by Cdx2 in vivo. However, we failed to observe an interaction between Cdx2 and components of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. These findings suggest that, while both canonical Wnt and Cdx2 can regulate the activity of the Cdx4 promoter, they appear to operate through distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

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