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Rosette and single-element strain gauges were implanted on the tibia in 2 dogs and recordings were made during locomotion on a treadmill. At foot contact and during the swing phase of locomotion, bone strains were low and directions of the principal strains were variable. There was a large shift in the directions of the principal strains at the beginning of the stance phase and bone strains were considerably higher. Peak strain occurred midway through the stance phase. At that time, the maximum principal strain (tension) was directed upwards and anteriorly between 30 and 60 degrees with respect to the long axis of the tibia. These bone strain patterns in the dog are similar to those found in sheep while both differ markedly from those found in humans.  相似文献   

Accumulation of fatigue microdamage in cortical bone specimens is commonly measured by a modulus or stiffness degradation after normalizing tissue heterogeneity by the initial modulus or stiffness of each specimen measured during a preloading step. In the first experiment, the initial specimen modulus defined using linear elastic beam theory (LEBT) was shown to be nonlinearly dependent on the preload level, which subsequently caused systematic error in the amount and rate of damage accumulation measured by the LEBT modulus degradation. Therefore, the secant modulus is recommended for measurements of the initial specimen modulus during preloading. In the second experiment, different measures of mechanical degradation were directly compared and shown to result in widely varying estimates of damage accumulation during fatigue. After loading to 400,000 cycles, the normalized LEBT modulus decreased by 26% and the creep strain ratio decreased by 58%, but the normalized secant modulus experienced no degradation and histology revealed no significant differences in microcrack density. The LEBT modulus was shown to include the combined effect of both elastic (recovered) and creep (accumulated) strain. Therefore, at minimum, both the secant modulus and creep should be measured throughout a test to most accurately indicate damage accumulation and account for different damage mechanisms. Histology revealed indentation of tissue adjacent to roller supports, with significant sub-surface damage beneath large indentations, accounting for 22% of the creep strain on average. The indentation of roller supports resulted in inflated measures of the LEBT modulus degradation and creep. The results of this study suggest that investigations of fatigue microdamage in cortical bone should avoid the use of four-point bending unless no other option is possible.  相似文献   

A field isolate of Eimeria tenella (FS139) was propagated several times in chickens medicated with 200 ppm of dietary monensin. In a laboratory test with 2-wk-old-chickens, the strain was resistant to monensin, salinomycin, and lasalocid given at double use level and was resistant to narasin and maduramicin at the normal use level. In comparison, a laboratory strain (WIS) was controlled by the normal use level of each product. When free WIS sporozoites were treated in vitro with 1.0 microgram/ml of monensin for 0.5 or 4.0 hr at 41 C and inoculated into primary cultures of chicken kidney cells the invasion was reduced by 35.6% or 96.3%, but invasion of FS139 sporozoites was increased by 18.5% by 0.5 hr treatment and was about the same as controls after 2 hr of treatment. Few sporozoites from the WIS strain developed into schizonts, but numerous sporozoites from the FS139 strain developed into normal first and second generation schizonts. The structure of free WIS sporozoites was distorted after 3 hr of treatment with 2.5 micrograms/ml of monensin at 41 C, as observed by light and scanning electron microscopy, whereas there was no change in structure of most treated FS139 sporozoites.  相似文献   

Load bearing bone allografts are used to replace the mechanical function of bone that has been removed or to augment bone that has been damaged in trauma. In order to minimize the risk of infection and immune response, the bone is delipidated and terminally sterilized prior to implantation. The optimal method for bone graft sterilization has been the topic of considerable research. Recently, supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) treatments have been shown to terminally sterilize bone against a range of bacteria and viruses. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of SCCO2 treatment compared with two doses of gamma irradiation, on the mechanical properties of whole bone. Paired rabbit humeri were dissected and randomly assigned into either SCCO2 control, SCCO2 additive or gamma irradiation at 10 or 25 kGy treatment groups. The bones were mechanically tested in three-point and four-point bending and torsion, with the lefts acting as controls for the treated rights. Maximum load, energy to failure and stiffness were evaluated. This study found that SCCO2 treatment with or without additive did not alter maximum load, energy to failure or stiffness significantly under any loading modality. Gamma irradiation had a deleterious dose dependant effect, with statistically significant decreases in all mechanical tests at 25 kGy; while at 10 kGy there were reductions in all loading profiles, though only reaching statistical significance in torsion. This study highlights the expediency of SCCO2 treatment for bone allograft processing as terminal sterilization can be achieved while maintaining the intrinsic mechanical properties of the graft.  相似文献   

The existence of an external hexammineruthenium-stimulated NADH oxidase in rat liver mitochondria is postulated. This enzyme is localized on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane, is specific for NADH and requires oxygen. The apparent affinity of the enzyme for NADH amounts to about 4 microM. Furthermore, the enzyme is characterized by an alkaline pH optimum and a linear Arrhenius plot (14 kJ/mol). The electron transfer from NADH to oxygen is not linked with the respiratory chain but is connected with the formation of superoxide radicals.  相似文献   

Muscles subjected to lengthening contractions exhibit evidence of subcellular disruption, arguably a result of fiber strain magnitude. Due to the difficulty associated with measuring fiber strains during lengthening contractions, fiber length estimates have been used to formulate relationships between the magnitude of injury and mechanical measures such as fiber strain. In such protocols, the series compliance is typically minimized by removing the distal tendon and/or preactivating the muscle. These in vitro and in situ experiments do not represent physiological contractions well where fiber strain and muscle strain may be disassociated; thus the mechanisms of in vivo muscle injury remain elusive. The purpose of this paper was to quantify fiber strains during lengthening contractions in vivo and assess the potential role of fiber strain in muscle injury following repetitive stretch-shortening cycles. Using intact New Zealand White rabbit dorsiflexors, fiber strain and joint torque were measured during 50 stretch-shortening cycles. We were able to show that fiber length changes are disassociated from muscle tendon unit length changes and that complex fiber dynamics during these cycles prevent easy estimates of fiber strains. In addition, fiber strains vary, depending on how they are defined, and vary from repetition to repetition, thereby further complicating the potential relationship between muscle injury and fiber strain. We conclude from this study that, during in vivo stretch-shortening cycles, the relationship between fiber strain and muscle injury is complex. This is due, in part, to temporal effects of repeated loading on fiber strain magnitude that may be explained by an increasing compliance of the contractile element as exercise progresses.  相似文献   

Previously we reported a homologous radioimmunoassy for rat thyrocalcitonin (TCT) which was sensitive enough (2--3 ng/ml serum) to measure TCT in thyroid venous blood or thyroid gland extracts but could not detect TCT in peripheral blood even after provocative challenge with iv calcium. In the present study chicken antisera to rat TCT were developed which were sufficiently sensitive (120--240 pg/ml serum) to permit initial evaluation of changes in TCT in rat peripheral blood. The following results were observed: (1) Basal serum TCT in young male Holtzman rats was undetectable, being less than 120--240 pg/ml; (2) induction of marked hypercalcemia by iv calcium increased TCT to approximately 1000--3000 pg/ml within 5 min; (3) thyroid cautery increased TCT to approximately 1000 pg/ml in 5--15 min; (4) calcium gavage (12.2 mg Ca/100 g) produced modest hypercalcemia in 30--60 min and increased serum TCT to approximately 500 pg/ml; (5) injection of isoproterenol raised serum TCT detectably; (6) injection of large doses of gastrin or pentagastrin did not produce detectable increases in TCT 5 or 30 min later. The results show that suitable antisera to rat TCT can be developed in chickens and applied to the measurement, by radioimmunoassay, of elevated circulating levels of TCT in the rat.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor (IR) signaling cascades have been studied in many tissues, but retinal insulin action has received little attention. Retinal IR signaling and activity were investigated in vivo in rats that were freely fed, fasted, or injected with insulin by phosphotyrosine immunoblotting and by measuring kinase activity. A retina explant system was utilized to investigate the IR signaling cascade, and immunohistochemistry was used to determine which retinal cell layers respond to insulin. Basal IR activity in the retina was equivalent to that in brain and significantly greater than that of liver, and it remained constant between freely fed and fasted rats. Furthermore, IR signaling increased in the retina after portal vein administration of supraphysiological doses of insulin. Ex vivo retinas responded to 10 nM insulin with IR beta-subunit (IRbeta) and IR substrate-2 (IRS-2) tyrosine phosphorylation and AktSer473 phosphorylation. The retina expresses mRNA for all three Akt isoforms as determined by in situ hybridization, and insulin specifically increases Akt-1 kinase activity. Phospho-AktSer473 immunoreactivity increases in retinal nuclear cell layers with insulin treatment. These results demonstrate that the retinal IR signaling cascade to Akt-1 possesses constitutive activity, and that exogenous insulin further stimulates this prosurvival pathway. These findings may have implications in understanding normal and dysfunctional retinal physiology.  相似文献   

Lesioning of the rat striatum with kainic acid may provide a useful animal model with which to study Huntington's Disease since, in both situations, changes in several neurochemical parameters appear similar. In this study, we examined the time course of dopaminergic (DA) and muscarinic cholinergic (MCHOL) receptor alterations after kainic acid injection into the rat striatum. As early as two days after unilateral, intrastriatal injection of kainic acid, most striatal perikaya in the injected area had been destroyed as seen by histological examination. A progressive decrease in the DA and MCHOL receptors continued which was not due to changes in their affinity for their respective receptors. By 48 days after injection, there was about 75% decrease in DA receptors and about a 65% decrease in MCHOL receptors. The DA receptor loss is similar in extent to the reported loss in activity of striatal, dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase after kainic acid lesion. The DA and MCHOLreceptor loss is similar to the reported loss of neostriatal DA and MCHOL receptors in Huntington's Disease.  相似文献   

The water-accessible volumes, the amounts of all significant osmolytes, and the protein concentration in the cytoplasm of aerobically grown Escherichia coli K-12 have been determined as a function of the osmolarity of the minimal growth medium. The volume of cytoplasmic water (Vcyto) decreases linearly with increasing osmolarity from 2.23(+/- 0.12) microliters/mg dry weight in cells grown at 0.10 OSM to 1.18(+/- 0.06) microliters/mg dry weight at 1.02 OSM. Above 0.28 OSM, growth rate decreases linearly with increasing osmolarity. The growth rate extrapolates to zero at an osmolarity of approximately 1.8, corresponding to an estimated Vcyto of 0.5(+/- 0.2) microliters/mg dry weight. Measurements of Vcyto in titrations of non-growing cells with the plasmolyzing agent NaCl were used to obtain volumes of "bound" water (presumably water of macromolecular hydration) and cytoplasmic osmotic coefficients for cells grown in medium of low (0.10 OSM) and moderate (0.28 OSM) osmolarity. The volume of bound water Vb is similar in the two osmotic conditions (Vb = 0.40(+/- 0.04) microliters/mg dry wt), and corresponds to approximately 0.5 g H2O/g cytoplasmic macromolecule. Since Vcyto decreases with increasing osmolarity, whereas Vb appears to be independent of osmolarity, water of hydration becomes a larger fraction of Vcyto as the osmolarity of the growth medium increases. Growth appears to cease at the osmolarity where Vcyto is approximately equal to Vb. K+ and glutamate (Glu-) are the only significant cytoplasmic osmolytes in cells grown in medium of low osmolarity. The amount of K+ greatly exceeds that of Glu-. Analysis of cytoplasmic electroneutrality indicates that the cytoplasm behaves like a concentrated solution of the K+ salt of cytoplasmic polyanions, in which the amount of additional electrolyte (K+ Glu-) increases with increasing osmolarity. As the osmolarity of the growth medium becomes very low, the cytoplasm approaches an electrolyte-free K+-polyanion solution. In vivo osmotic coefficients were determined from the variation of Vcyto with external osmolarity in plasmolysis titrations of non-growing cells. The values obtained (phi = 0.54(+/- 0.06) for cells grown at 0.10 OSM and phi = 0.71(+/- 0.11) at 0.28 OSM) indicate a high degree of non-ideality of intracellular ions arising from coulombic interactions between K+ and cytoplasmic polyanions. Analysis of these osmotic coefficients using polyelectrolyte theory indicates that the thermodynamic activity of cytoplasmic K+ increases from approximately 0.14 M in cells grown at an external osmolarity of 0.10 OSM to approximately 0.76 M at 1.02 OSM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ovulation has been noted for some time to bear a remarkable similarity to an inflammatory response. One of the principal components that is activated and helps mediate the events during an inflammatory response is the kinin system. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine whether this system could be similarly activated and involved in the cascade of events that leads to ovulation. To answer this question, immature 23-day-old female rats were primed with eCG (10 IU) and ovulation was induced by administration of hCG (10 IU) 48 h later. Groups of rats were killed at 0 h, 10 h, 20 h, and 30 h after hCG for determination of ovulation, ovarian steroid levels, and changes in the levels of kinin system components. Plasma total kininogen levels did not change during the entire period studied. In contrast, ovarian total kininogen levels rose from 0 h to reach a peak at 10 h--a time immediately preceding the beginning of ovulation--after which the levels fell at 20 h, only to rise again at 30 h. Three species of kininogens, high molecular weight (HMW), low molecular weight (LMW), and T-kininogen, were shown to be present in the ovary. T-kininogen was the major kininogen present in the ovary, accounting for 60-92% of the total kininogen at any given time point during the ovulatory process. HMW kininogen levels accounted for only 1.2% of the total ovarian kininogen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cochlear outer hair cell bending in an external electric field.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have used a high-resolution motion analysis system to reinvestigate shape changes in isolated guinea pig cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) evoked by low-frequency (2-3 Hz) external electric stimulation. This phenomenon of electromotility is presumed to result from voltage-dependent structural changes in the lateral plasma membrane of the OHC. In addition to well-known longitudinal movements, OHCs were found to display bending movements when the alternating external electric field gradients were oriented perpendicular to the cylindrical cell body. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the bending movement was found to be as large as 0.7 microm. The specific sulfhydryl reagents, p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid and p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonic acid, that suppress electrically evoked longitudinal OHCs movements, also inhibit the bending movements, indicating that these two movements share the same underlying mechanism. The OHC bending is likely to result from an electrical charge separation that produces depolarization of the lateral plasma membrane on one side of the cell and hyperpolarization on the other side. In the cochlea, OHC bending could produce radial distortions in the sensory epithelium and influence the micromechanics of the organ of Corti.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of muscle activation on the relative motion between tibia and femur. Impacts were initiated under the heels of four volunteers in three different activation levels of muscles crossing the extended knee joint: 0%, 30% and 60% of previously performed maximal voluntary isometric contractions. Impact forces were measured and tibial and femoral accelerations and displacements were determined by means of accelerometry. The accelerometers were mounted on the protruding ends of intracortical pins, inserted into the distal aspect of the femur and proximal aspect of the tibia. Under the 0%-condition the impact force (475±64N) led to 2.3±1.2mm knee compression and to 2.4±1.9mm medio-lateral and 4.4±1.1mm antero-posterior shear. The impact forces increased significantly with higher activation levels (619±33N (30%), 643±147N (60%)), while the knee compression (1.5±1.2, 1.4±1.3mm) and both medio-lateral shear (1.8±1.4, 1.5±1.1mm) and antero-posterior shear (2.6±1.3, 1.5±1.1mm) were significantly reduced. This study indicated that muscles are effective in controlling the relative motion between tibia and femur when the knee is subjected to external forces.  相似文献   

The biochemical characteristics of rat testicular guanylate cyclase were investigated and the activity and subcellular distribution of the enzyme was determined during testicular development. Examination of the effects of metal ions, nucleotides, detergents and other in vitro activators on the activity of guanylate cyclase revealed that the testicular enzyme is similar in most respects to guanylate cyclase isolated from other mammalian tissues. Changes in the total activity of guanylate cyclase during testicular development paralleled changes in the tissue concentration of cyclic GMP; i.e. guanylate cyclase activity and tissue cyclic GMP were highest during the early stages of development. Subcellular fractionation revealed that the activity of the soluble form of guanylate cyclase was best correlated with tissue cyclic GMP. Biochemical analysis of the soluble enzyme prepared from testes of neonatal and adult rats did not reveal any significant differences in the characteristics of the enzyme during ontogeny with the exception of a 2.5 fold increase in V noted in the neonatal testis. The results of this study are consistent with a molecular mechanism that allows independent regulation of the different forms of guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

A multiply drug-resistant strain of Escherichia coli isolated from a patient in Bangladesh was shown to carry four types of plasmids based on size differences. One type carries a gene or genes for sucrose fermentation.  相似文献   

Cartilage canal growth: experimental approach in the rat tibia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the influence of an antimitotic factor (puromycin) and a hormonal factor (thyroid hormone, TH) on canal growth. The tibiae of 15 six-day-old rats were cultured in a serum-free chemically defined medium. The cultures were carried out for as long as 6 days. Our results show: (1) canal growth is not dependent on perichondrium or chondro-epiphysis growth; (2) the canal is greater and has a complex pattern in a triiodothyronine (T3)-treated assay group; (3) round and multinucleated cells are more numerous in the T3-treated assay group than in the other groups. We hypothesize that the canal grows by a physiological phenomenon of programmed cell death and that it is stimulated by TH.  相似文献   

The present study analyses complement resistance, cell surface carbohydrates expression, lipidic composition and morphology in vivo and in vitro, of Leishmania (Viannia) shawi, a parasite identified in the Amazon region, Pará state, in 1989. We demonstrated that promastigotes in the stationary (STAT) growth phase are more resistant to complement lysis than in the logarithimic (LOG) growth phase. Ultrastructural analyses and imidazol technique showed accumulation of lipids in STAT growth phase promastigotes, which was confirmed by biochemical approach. Light and electron microscopy of skin lesion in hamster footpads caused by promastigotes in STAT growth phase, 90 days post inoculation, showed amastigotes inside of macrophage and free in the tissue surrounded by collagen fibers as well as extensive inflammatory reaction with tissue destruction. We also demonstrated, using lectins by agglutination assays and flow cytometry, the presence of fucose, mannose and/or glucose carbohydrate residues on the surface of LOG and STAT promastigotes. The results constitute the first characterization essay combining biochemical and morphological approaches dedicated to LOG and STAT growth phase promastigotes of L. (V) shawi contributing for a better knowledge of this poorly studied species of the New World.  相似文献   

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