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Smith  Robin J.  Martens  Koen 《Hydrobiologia》2000,419(1):31-63
The chaetotaxy (shape, structure and distribution of setae) of appendages and valve allometry during the post embryonic ontogeny of the cyprididine ostracod Eucypris virens are described. It is shown that the basic ontogenetic development of E. virens is very similar to that of other species of the family Cyprididae. During ontogeny, the chaetotaxy shows continual development on all podomeres of the limbs with the exception of the last podomere on the antennulae. The long setae on the exopodite and protopodite of the antennae have a natatory function until the actual natatory setae develop in later instars. Aesthetascs (presumed chemoreceptors) ya and y3 are the first to develop and may have an important function in the first instars. Cyprididae require a pediform limb in the posterior of the body presumably to help them to attach to substrates and this is reflected by the pediform nature of one limb at all times throughout all instars. This study has also shown that the fifth limb is most probably of thoracic origin and hence ostracods have only one pair of maxillae.  相似文献   

The discovery of some exceptional non-marine fossil Ostracoda, showing larval stages within the carapaces of females, demonstrates that incubation was an ontogenetical adaptation which appeared at least as early as the Permian. Thus, it seems, the superfamilies Danvinulacea and Cytheracea diversified in Permian lakes where the Carbonitacea had flourished in the Carboniferous. The Cypridacea accomplished an evolutionary radiation in continental environments after a permanent invasion from the sea in the Middle Jurassic, thanks to the resistance of their eggs to dessication and heezing and the evolution of parthenogenetic reproduction.  相似文献   

The Entocytheridae is a cytheroidean family that is known for its commensal mode of life on other crustaceans. However, due to their small size and large sexual dimorphism in the sizes of the carapace, the ontogeny of the entocytherids is poorly understood. This paper documents the basic body plans and pore systems of the entocytherid Uncinocythere occidentalis (Kozloff & Whitman, 1954) Hart, 1962 through ontogeny and compares them with other podocope groups. U. occidentalis has seven juvenile stages, one less than other cytheroidean groups. The general appearance of the limbs during the ontogeny of U. occidentalis is similar to that of other podocope ostracods, such as Limnocythere inopinata (Cytheroidea) Loxoconcha japonica (Cytheroidea),Eucypris virens (Cypridoidea), and Neonesidea oligodentata (Bairdioidea) with the exception of the maxillula. The adult maxillula of U. occidentalis is reduced to just a palp and third masticatory lobe (endite), and the third masticatory lobe and branchial plate of this appendage form later in the ontogeny compared with other podocope species (i.e., these features show post displacemental ontogenetic development). The number of the pore systems of the earliest juvenile (A-7) of U. occidentalis is 10, and is different from that of the corresponding stage of other cytheroidean groups which have 9. This fact, together with the different mode of development of the maxillula, indicates that the entocytherids are not only highly specialized to their commensal mode of life but that they are also phylogenetically distant from most other cytheroidean families, possibly differentiating from the others during the early evolution of the cytherids.  相似文献   

1. The adaptive significance of the observed variations in sex ratios in non‐marine ostracods is unclear. This study quantified the fecundity of females taken from a presumed fully sexual Eucypris virens population that were experimentally combined with different proportions of males (male : female sex ratios: 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 4, 1 : 8 and 0 : 1). 2. The results yielded no indications that female fecundity is altered by short‐term variations in the proportion of males, at least not within the range of sex ratios that are common in natural ostracod populations. Complete removal of males, however, did strongly reduce hatching success of dried eggs. This suggests the need for multiple mating events during the reproductive lifetime of the female. It also emphasizes the need for a minimum number of males, although this minimum number evidently may be rather low, as we found a high number of spermatozoa in the seminal receptacles after a single mating event. 3. The sex ratio in the source population was strongly female biased (1 : 3.4; n = 514), whereas in the hatchling assemblages reared in the laboratory, males and females were found in equal proportions (1 : 1.0; n = 1516), irrespective of the prevailing sex ratio. This clear discrepancy is intriguing, and points to the importance of epigenetic factors for the determination of field sex ratios.  相似文献   

Heterochrony of the ostracod hingement and its significance for taxonomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hingement of cytheracean ostracods is a very significant character for taxonomy. In some taxa, adult hinge characters develop abruptly at the last moult, whilst in others no significant change of hingement is observed throughout ontogeny. These two types of hinge development are regarded to as 'leap type' and 'gradual type', respectively. In the five major cytheracean families examined, heterochronic relationships were detected in 11 pairs, i.e. in each family, the adult hinge character of the gradual-type taxon corresponds to the A-1 hingement of the leap-type taxon. Furthermore, these 11 heterochronic pairs can be classified into two categories. The first are 'complete pairs', in which the adult hinge character of gradual-type taxa can be almost completely identified in the A-1 of the counterpart leap-type taxa. The second group are 'incomplete pairs', in which the relationship is not so complete. Palaeontological evidence indicates that in most cases the heterochronic evolution is characterized by paedomorphosis, because the leap type always has the older fossil record than the gradual type in each pair. Most of the gradual-type species of complete pairs originated in the Miocene, while all the gradual-type species of incomplete pairs appeared in and after the Pleistocene. Heterochronic changes must occur universally in the cytheracean ostracods, but the degree of completeness of the heterochronic pair seems to be related to the age of speciation.  相似文献   

Amphisbaenians are fossorial, predominantly limbless squamate reptiles with distinct cranial shapes corresponding to specific burrowing behaviors. Due to their cryptic lifestyles and the scarcity of museum specimens, little is known of their intraspecific variation, particularly regarding cranial osteology. This represents a critical lack of information, because the majority of morphological investigations of squamate relationships are based on cranial characters. We investigated cranial variation in the West African Coast Worm Lizard Cynisca leucura, a round‐headed member of the Amphisbaenidae. Using geometric morphometric analyses of three‐dimensional computed tomographic scans, we found that cranial osteology of C. leucura is highly conserved, with the majority of shape changes occurring during growth as the cranium becomes more slender and elongate, accompanied by increasing interdigitation among the dermal roofing bones. Elements of the ventral portion of the cranium remain loosely connected in adults, possibly as a protective mechanism against repeated compression and torsion during burrow excavation. Intraspecific variation was strongly correlated with size change from juveniles to adults, indicating a dominant role of ontogenetic allometry in determining cranial shape. We found no evidence of sexual dimorphism, either during growth or among adults. Given the fossorial habits of C. leucura, we hypothesize that cranial allometry is under strong stabilizing selection to maintain adequate proportions for head‐first digging, thereby constraining the ability of individuals to respond to differing selection pressures, including sexual selection and variation in diet or microhabitat. For species in which digging imposes less mechanical stress (e.g., in softer sand), allometric associations during growth may be weakened, allowing changes to the ontogenetic trajectory and subsequent morphological traits. Such developmental dissociation between size and shape, known as heterochrony, may also be implicit in the evolution of the other amphisbaenian cranial shapes (shovel, spade, and keel), which may themselves be functionally adapted for their respective burrowing techniques. J. Morphol. 277:1159–1167, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Membracids (family: Membracidae), commonly known as treehoppers, are recognizable by their enlarged and often elaborated pronota. Much of the research investigating the development and evolution of this structure has focused on the fifth instar to adult transition, in which the pronotum undergoes the largest transformation as it takes on adult identity. However, little is known about the earlier nymphal stages, the degree to which the pronotum develops at these timepoints, and how development has changed relative to the ancestral state. Here, we studied the nymphal stages and adults of five morphologically distinct membracid species and of Aetalion reticulatum (family: Aetalionidae), the outgroup which was used as an ancestral state proxy. We found that shape differentiation in the pronotum of membracids can start as early as the second instar stage. Most shape differentiation occurs within the nymphal stages and not in the embryo since the shape of the first-instar pronotum did not differ from the outgroup species in all but one species we investigated. We found the anterior–posterior axis of the pronotum elongated at a faster relative rate in membracid species than in A. reticulatum, which contributed to the development of exaggerated pronotal size. Finally, we found differences in the morphogenesis of shape across species. We suggest this is due to the developmental and evolutionary divergence of differential growth patterning of the dorsal surface of the pronotum, not only across species, but also between stages within the same species. This lability may contribute to the evolvability and diversification of the membracid pronotum.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic changes in stomatal size, frequency and conductance (gs) on abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces of sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. Russian Mammoth) were examined under controlled environmental conditions. The stomatal frequency on the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces decreased with leaf ontogeny and insertion level. The ratio of adaxial to abaxial stomatal frequency did not change with leaf ontogeny and insertion level, and 42–44% of total stomata was apportioned to the adaxial surface. Ontogenetic changes in stomatal pore length were detected and increased with ontogenesis. The stomatal length of both leaf surfaces had linear relationships with leaf area. Ontogenetic changes in gs were similar between the two surfaces. However the adaxial gs was lower than abaxial gs in leaves of higher insertion levels. Conductance had a linear relationship with width x frequency but not with pore area.  相似文献   

本文试图通过对若尔盖盆地晚新生代非海相介形类化石Ilyocypris bradyi(Sars)的轮廓分析来介绍几何形态测量法在介形类化石的形态分析中的应用。分析对比后发现,虽然Ilyocypris bradyi(Sars)居群内的个体在形态上存在或多或少的差异,但这些差异之间存在连续过渡的关系,并未出现明显的分异,说明此种的种内变异是连续的。  相似文献   

Considerable variation exists in mandibular ramus form among primates, particularly great apes and humans. Recent analyses of adult ramal morphology have suggested that features on the ramus, especially the coronoid process and sigmoid notch, can be treated as phylogenetic characters that can be used to reconstruct relationships among great ape and fossil hominin taxa. Others have contended that ramal morphology is more influenced by function than phylogeny. In addition, it remains unclear how ontogeny of the ramus contributes to adult variation in great apes and humans. Specifically, it is unclear whether differences among adults appear early and are maintained throughout ontogeny, or if these differences appear, or are enhanced, during later development. To address these questions, the present study examined a broad ontogenetic sample of great apes and humans using two‐dimensional geometric morphometric analysis. Variation within and among species was summarized using principal component and thin plate spline analyses, and Procrustes distances and discriminant function analyses were used to statistically compare species and age classes. Results suggest that morphological differences among species in ramal morphology appear early in ontogeny and persist into adulthood. Morphological differences among adults are particularly pronounced in the height and angulation of the coronoid process, the depth and anteroposterior length of the sigmoid notch, and the inclination of the ramus. In all taxa, the ascending ramus of the youngest specimens is more posteriorly inclined in relation to the occlusal plane, shifting to become more upright in adults. These results suggest that, although there are likely functional influences over the form of the coronoid process and ramus, the morphology of this region can be profitably used to differentiate among great apes, modern humans, and fossil hominid taxa. J. Morphol. 275:661–677, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study explores the shape changes of cranial structures directly involved in food capturing during growth after reef settlement in two species of Pomacentridae (Dascyllus aruanus and Pomacentrus pavo). Landmark‐based geometric morphometrics were used to study allometric patterns and related shape changes in four skeletal units: neurocranium, suspensorium and opercle, mandible and premaxilla. At settlement, the larvae of both species have a relatively similar morphology, especially with respect to the mandible. Their shapes suggest a feeding mode defined as ram/suction‐feeding. Ontogenetic shape changes show a shift to a suction feeding mode of prey capture. The main transformations involved are an increase in height of the suspensorium and the opercle, an elevation of the supraoccipital crest, a relative shortening of the mandible, and a lengthening of the ascending process of the premaxilla. Shape changes of the mandible in the two studied species also reflect an increase of biting capacities. The high disparity between adult shape results from differences in the rate and in the length of ontogenetic trajectories, from divergence of the ontogenetic trajectories (neurocranium, mandible, and premaxilla) and parallel shifts of the trajectories in the size‐shape space (suspensorium and opercle). In an evolutionary context, allometric heterochronies during ontogeny of different skeletal unit of the head may be considered as a basis for the explanation of the diversity of damselfishes. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 92–105.  相似文献   

We report the results of quantitative and qualitative investigations of the ostracod fauna of the profundal benthos of Loch Ness, an oligotrophic lake in Scotland, UK. Six ostracod species were recorded from profundal samples: Candona angulata, C. candida, Cryptocandona reducta, Cypria ophthalmica, Cyclocypris ovum and Potamocypris smaragdina. In addition, Psychrodromus robertsoni was found in fish gut contents. The mean density of profundal ostracods was 262 individuals m2, with an average Brillouin's Diversity of 0.7. A weak inverse relationship between fish body weight and the number of ostracods eaten is reported for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus.  相似文献   

1 High intraspecific competition is known to occur during Ips typographus outbreaks, and is thought to be the main factor regulating epidemic populations by affecting beetle population productivity. However, little is known about the consequences of intraspecific competition on population quality during outbreaks, although it could have consequences on beetle population dynamics. 2 Ips typographus morphological variations among localities, years and beetle population levels were investigated in 10 Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands having various beetle damage intensities. Beetle size and shape estimators based on wing length, and using isometric size and log‐shape ratios, were employed. Field‐caught beetles were compared with beetles emerging from controlled breeding at different densities, performed in the laboratory. Beetles from this colony were also used to check the influence of breeding densities on the size estimator. 3 Size variations occurred among localities and years and were consistent with the epidemic or latent status of the beetle populations. Controlled breeding confirmed the negative effect of beetle densities encountered in the field on offspring size. Two hypotheses are formulated to explain this increase of intraspecific competition during an outbreak, but our data support the effect of host quality change between latent and epidemic populations. 4 Shape variations also occurred among localities but were unrelated to beetle population levels. No groups consistent with a geographical structure were found, suggesting low genetic variation for I. typographus populations in France.  相似文献   

The Guadix-Baza Basin in Spain covers an area of approximately 3000 km2 and yields a sedimentary sequence ranging from Lower Miocene to Pleistocene. Twenty five meters of Lower Pleistocene lacustrine sediments have been located in the NE part of the Basin at about 1000 meters in altitude. This sequence which overlies dolomitic mud flat deposits consists of limestones, calcareous and dolomitic mudstones, dolostones, silty clays, sands and gravels. Salinity fluctuations and short dry episodes, related to lake level oscillations, have been recorded by textural, mineralogical and faunal changes throughout the sequence. Ostracods, which are the most commonly encountered fossils, permit to detect recurrent changes in water salinity and regime, and solute composition. The faunal changes indicate an alternation of slightly saline and bicarbonate-rich water (when ostracods and gastropods occur) with a saline NaCl-dominant water (in which ostracods, Cerastoderma bivalves and non-marine foraminifers are found).The frequent and recurrent hydrochemical changes in the Baza Basin in the Early Pleistocene point to a climate of high contrast like in the Mediterranean region today but with a greater availability of water within the system compared to the present situation in the area.  相似文献   

The non-marine trigonioidid bivalves show five phases of radiation in the Cretaceous of Pal-Asia: pre-Aptian (?Valanginian/Hauterivian–Barremian), Aptian, Albian, Cenomanian and Turonian–Maastrichtian. Their distribution patterns show two distinct palaeo-river systems feeding trigonioidids. Before the Cenomanian, the river system occupied the southwestern–southern–southeastern Pal-Asian continental margin areas. During the Turonian–Maastrichtian, it extended along the line of southcentral China−eastern China−northeastern China−northern China and Mongolia−northwestern China–eastern Fergana Basin of Kyrgyzstan−western Tajikistan Basin of Tajikistan–Tashkent area of Kazakhstan−central Kyzylkum of northern Uzbekistan–Aral Sea area of Kazakhstan. Furthermore, the general trigonioidid distribution pattern demonstrates that Japan was probably attached to part of eastern China and/or Korea during the ?Valanginian/Hauterivian–Cenomanian stages.  相似文献   

The critical swimming speed (Ucrit) of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, Linnaeus 1875) was studied in two ontogenetic phases, early (13.7-18.7 mm total length, TL) and late metamorphosis (20.4-34.3 mm TL, after the full development of fin meristics and during squamation ontogeny), under four exercise temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 28 °C). Both the exercise temperature and the ontogenetic stage had a significant effect on the relative Ucrit (RUcrit) of S. aurata, with the fish of early metamorphosis phase (E group) presenting significantly higher RUcrit than those of the late metamorphosis stage (L group). This ontogenetic shift in swimming performance was accompanied by significant ontogenetic shifts of body shape and of muscle anatomy. Compared to the L group, S. aurata of the E group were characterized by a streamline body shape and significantly higher relative contribution of the slow-red muscle to the cross-sectional area of the body (31.0 ± 1.3% vs 12.0 ± 1.2% in the L group).  相似文献   

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