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姜红  程凯  肖慈琼  张艳慧  赵以军  赵进 《生态学报》2007,27(7):2911-2915
研究在日光光照条件下,以自然水体中存在的丝状蓝藻作为噬藻体PP的野生宿主,用离心法测定了噬藻体PP对野生宿主藻的吸附率,用一步生长曲线法获得了噬藻体PP对野生宿主藻的裂解周期及释放量。结果表明:噬藻体PP对野生宿主藻在60min时能够达到的吸附率为1.79‰,吸附系数为8.09%,噬藻体PP感染野生宿主藻的潜伏期介于45~75min之间,平均释放量为34.32PFU·Cell-1。上述结果一方面说明,噬藻体PP感染野生宿主藻的吸附系数、潜伏期及释放量均远小于以实验室培养的鲍氏织线藻作为宿主所得到的数据;另一方面也说明,噬藻体PP具有较强的吸附和裂解野生宿主的能力,这将有助于解释噬藻体PP在淡水富营养化水体中具有广泛分布的现象。  相似文献   

噬藻斑扩大及噬藻体吸附率与宿主生长期的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蓝藻是地球上最重要的初级生产者之一,它们在北极水域等极端环境下均可生存,固氮贡献巨大1,而噬藻体是重要的具物种特异性的蓝藻致死者,在控制蓝藻种群的结构中无疑起着重要作用:噬藻体不但在海水中大量存在2,而且在控制水体初级生产力方面起关键作用.    相似文献   

尚时雨  马慧  赵以军  程凯 《生态学杂志》2016,27(4):1271-1276
本试验设计了从正常的AA培养基(CK组)到N和P含量只有正常AA培养基1/600的6种培养基.在25 ℃、2000 lx条件下将宿主席藻在6种培养基中培养8个月后,用显微直接计数法测定了席藻的生长曲线以及噬藻体PP感染宿主席藻的裂解周期与致死率,用离心法测定了噬藻体PP对宿主席藻的吸附率,用一步生长曲线法测定了噬藻体PP的释放量和裂解周期.结果表明: 提高N和P含量会促进宿主席藻的生长,统计分析也显示,在对数中期(第6天),高营养盐浓度中细胞密度显著高于低营养盐浓度中的密度;提高营养盐浓度噬藻体PP的吸附率会显著增高,主要表现为在AA中噬藻体PP的吸附率极显著高于其他组;同时6种培养基条件下噬藻体PP对席藻的致死率变化不大;随着营养水平的升高,噬藻体PP的潜伏期和裂解周期明显缩短,平均释放量显著增加,但裂解宿主的效率却没有显著变化.上述结果说明噬藻体PP对宿主藻的感染力会随着营养水平的提高而明显增强,并可能在水体富营养化进程中发挥着调控藻类种群更替的作用.  相似文献   

分别研究了实验室条件下紫外灯照射及不同季节中日光照射对噬藻体PP活性的影响.结果表明紫外光(UV-A和UV-B)对噬藻体PP有较强的致失活作用,并且其致失活作用强弱与波长有关.日光的作用下,夏季时噬藻体PP的日失活率为88.60%,冬季时为58.86%.同时发现不同季节中,尽管在某些时段的日光强度相似,但噬藻体PP失活率的差别却较大,这一现象可能是由于光质不同引起的.上述结果有助于解释淡水环境中噬藻体种群大小的季节性波动.  相似文献   

分别研究了实验室条件卜紫外灯照射及不同季节中目光照射对噬藻体PP活性的影响。结果表明紫外光(UV-A和UV-B)对噬藻体PP有较强的致失活作用,并且其致失活作用强弱与波长有关。日光的作用下,夏季时噬藻体PP的日失活率为88.60%,冬季时为58.86%。同时发现不同季节中,尽管在某些时段的目光强度相似,但噬藻体PP失活率的差别却较大,这一现象可能是由于光质不同引起的。上述结果有助于解释淡水环境中噬藻体种群大小的季节性波动。  相似文献   

在从武汉东湖水样中培养分离水华蓝藻噬藻体(Planktothrix agardhii Virus from Lake Donghu,PaV-LD)的基础上,对在不同条件培养的宿主蓝藻细胞中,PaV-LD增殖效率及裂解作用进行了测定分析。分别将PaV-LD接种到生长期、半连续培养更新率或光照不同的宿主蓝藻液中,并采用稀释培养计数(Mostprobable number,MPN)方法与电镜观察,测定子代PaV-LD释放量及宿主细胞的裂解作用。结果显示:对数生长期宿主蓝藻单个细胞中子代PaV-LD的平均释放量为350感染单位(Infectious Units,IU/cell),显著高于稳定生长期的平均释放量110 IU/cell。在用新鲜培养基更新率为0%、35%、50%和65%的半连续培养宿主蓝藻中,接种PaV-LD 5d之后,噬藻体的释放量分别约为50 IU/cell、70 IU/cell、220 IU/cell或310 IU/cell,表明子代PaV-LD释放率随培养基更新率的增加而显著提高。在光照条件下感染3—4d后,宿主蓝藻细胞充分裂解,并释放大量子代PaV-LD,滴度可由初始7.00×103IU/mL快速增加到8.56×107IU/mL;但在遮光条件下,同样感染的蓝藻细胞未见裂解,也检测不到释放的子代噬藻体。电镜观察显示,在光照条件下感染的蓝藻细胞类囊体膜结构消失,而大量子代PaV-LD颗粒主要分布在原有类囊体的部位。显然,宿主蓝藻细胞的培养条件和状态可能对获得噬藻体纯培养有决定性影响。  相似文献   

模拟生态系统中噬藻体裂解蓝藻宿主的生态学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验采用模拟生态系统,研究了噬藻体裂解蓝藻宿主后营养物质循环变化的过程,以及细菌和漂浮植物对这个过程的影响。结果表明噬藻体裂解宿主所释放的营养元素在细菌的作用下迅速进入新的循环并形成新的水华,而加入浮萍则可以有效吸收水体营养,防止新的水华发生。因此推测单纯地利用包括噬藻体在内的微生物裂解藻类的方法,并非治理水华的有效方法,但如果能够结合漂浮植物等其它治理手段,则有可能同时实现水华的控制和水质的改善。  相似文献   

张奇亚 《微生物学通报》2020,47(10):3277-3286
噬藻体是感染蓝细菌(蓝藻)的病毒,能调控蓝细菌种群的丰度和多样性,在许多水生生态系统的食物网动态变化和生物地球化学循环中起关键作用。噬藻体与宿主细胞发生各种相互作用,包括吸附、入侵和复制,参与感染过程,从而完成噬藻体的生命周期。本文在综述噬藻体生命周期与基因组结构相互关联的基础上,重点介绍噬藻体与宿主蓝细菌相互作用的蛋白,如噬藻体吸附蛋白、内肽酶、穿孔素、DNA聚合酶、藻胆体降解蛋白A(NblA)、毒力因子、抗CRISPR蛋白(Acr)和小分子热休克蛋白等,分析它们的分子特性,阐述它们在噬藻体感染蓝细菌以及噬藻体-蓝细菌相互作用的分子机制。为了更好地认识驱动不同噬藻体与宿主及水生环境相互作用的策略、感染效率及生态学影响,本文不仅对这些与噬藻体感染相关的重要基因研究动态进行综述与讨论,还在了解噬藻体丰富的多样性和复杂性的基础上,提出应用新技术对噬藻体感染相关基因的功能进行广泛研究,以期扩展全球水生病毒数据库,进一步认识噬藻体与宿主的相互作用机理。  相似文献   

牛晓莹  程凯  荣茜茜  许敏  赵以军  赵进 《生态学报》2012,32(22):6917-6924
在4个条件下培养了鲍氏织线藻:(1)25℃+400μmol/mol(CK组),(2)29℃+400μmol/mol(温度升高组),(3)25℃+800μmol/mol(CO2升高组),(4)29℃+800μmol/mol(温室效应组),测定了藻的生物量及细胞大小,同时用离心法测定了噬藻体PP对相应条件下宿主藻的吸附率,用一步生长曲线法测定噬藻体PP的裂解周期和释放量。结果表明,不同培养条件对藻细胞的大小均没有影响;CO2升高提高了宿主藻的生物量;温度和CO2浓度的升高不仅使噬藻体PP的裂解周期提前,而且对吸附率和释放量存在交互作用,使其发生了明显改变:其中,温度和CO2升高对噬藻体PP吸附率的影响属于协同作用,而对其释放量的影响则能够互相抵消。上述结果说明温室效应将能够导致噬藻体PP增殖能力大幅度增加。  相似文献   

蓝藻(Bulegreenalgae)是一类原核生物,具有细菌的一些特征,因此又常称为蓝细菌(Cyanobacterium),相应地,把感染蓝细菌的病毒称为噬藻体(Cyanophage)[1~2],这是由于噬藻体与噬菌体非常相似的缘故。除蓝藻外,所有...  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the effects of fluorescent light intensity, sunlight intensity and temperature on photoreactivation of Escherichia coli after low-pressure (LP) and medium-pressure (MP) ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.
Methods and Results:  Two E. coli strains were irradiated with LP and MP UV lamps, and exposed to various fluorescent light (0–23 kLux) and sunlight intensities (1–80 kLux), and temperatures (4–50°C). Escherichia coli concentrations were enumerated at hourly intervals to determine photoreactivation rates and final photoreactivation levels. Higher photoreactivation rates and levels were observed with increasing fluorescent light intensities, while high sunlight intensity (>12 kLux) caused a one-log decrease in E. coli concentrations. When exposed to near-optimum growth temperatures (23–37°C), photoreactivation levels were higher than those with too high (50°C) or too low (4°C) temperatures. Overall, photoreactivation following MP UV disinfection was lower than that following LP UV disinfection.
Conclusions:  Photoreactivation of bacteria following UV disinfection can be a problem in tropical countries where sunlight is abundant and temperatures are high, unless high sunlight intensity is present or if MP UV disinfection is employed.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  With the increased use of UV disinfection, it is imperative that photoreactivation be taken into account in the design of reactors based on site-specific conditions of temperature and light intensity exposure.  相似文献   

Aims:  To assess the survival capacity in vitro of arcobacters in water at temperatures applied in the food industry.
Methods and Results:  Four strains of each Arcobacter species were inoculated in potable water and water with 1% organic material and stored at 4, 7, 20, 52, 56 and 60°C. Samples were taken at known time points and the numbers of bacteria were determined on Arcobacter -selective medium. All Arcobacter species remained viable for a temperature-dependent period of time, although Arcobacter butzleri displayed a significant longer survival and heat resistance . No significant intraspecies differences were detected, resulting in no definite identification of origin or strain dependency. The survival period for all species was prolonged in the presence of the organic material only for the low temperatures.
Conclusions:  The present study demonstrates that water can act as a reservoir and as a potential source of Arcobacter contamination to humans and animals.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study assessed for the first time the survival of all human-related Arcobacter species in water. Particularly A. butzleri showed to be the most robust species with regard to temperature which is interesting as that species is often found in human clinical specimens.  相似文献   

为掌握草地贪夜蛾的主要生物学特性,本文在5个恒温条件下:20℃、25℃、28℃、32℃和35℃,采用玉米苗作为饲料,测定了不同虫态的发育历期、繁殖力、发育起点温度和有效积温。结果表明:在20~35℃温度条件下,草地贪夜蛾的发育历期随着温度的升高逐渐下降,完成一个世代发育历期在23.0~48.3 d;其中,卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫和世代发育起点温度分别为:12.70℃、11.11℃、11.01℃、5.65℃和9.21℃,有效积温分别为:39.40日·度、201.25日·度、134.12日·度、171.06日·度和636.53日·度;20~32℃是卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫产卵的适宜温度,15℃、35℃恒温条件下不适宜草地贪夜蛾的生长发育。根据本试验测定的发育起点温度与有效积温,推测草地贪夜蛾在滇中、滇西、滇南、滇东南、滇西南、滇东北、滇西北年发生世代分别为2.18~8.59代、2.28~10.15代、3.43~12.13代、3.15~8.46代、2.75~9.39代、1.38~6.87代、1.11~6.72代。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Several parasitic wasps of the Pimplinae (Ichneumonidae) use self-produced vibrations transmitted through plant substrate to locate their concealed immobile hosts (lepidopteran pupae) by reflected signals. This mechanosensory mechanism of host location, called vibrational sounding, depends on the physical characteristics of the plant substrate and the wasp's body and is postulated to depend on ambient temperature. Adaptations of two parasitoid species to thermal conditions of their habitats and the influence of temperature on the trophic interaction during host location are investigated in the tropical Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg) and compared with the temperate Pimpla turionellae (L.). Plant-stem models with hidden host mimics are offered to individual wasps under defined temperature treatments and scored for the number and location of ovipositor insertions. Significant effects of temperature are found on host-location activity and its success. The tropical species possesses an optimum temperature range for vibrational sounding between 26 and 32 °C, whereas the performance decreases both at low and high temperatures. The temperate species reveals substantial differences with respect to performance at the same thermal conditions. With increasing temperature, P. turionellae shows a reduced response to the host mimic, reduced numbers of ovipositor insertions, and decreased precision of mechanosensory host location. In the tropical X. stemmator , the female wasps are able to locate their host with high precision over a broad range of ambient temperatures, which suggests endothermic thermoregulation during vibrational sounding. Environmental physiology may therefore play a key role in adaptation of the host location mechanism to climatic conditions of the species' origin.  相似文献   

 This study evaluates the effect of different levels of insulation on esophageal (T es) and rectal (T re) temperature responses during and following moderate exercise. Seven subjects completed three 18-min bouts of treadmill exercise (75% VO2max, 22°C ambient temperature) followed by 30 min of recovery wearing either: (1) jogging shoes, T-shirt and shorts (athletic clothing); (2) single-knit commercial coveralls worn over the athletic clothing (coveralls); or (3) a Canadian Armed Forces nuclear, bacteriological and chemical warfare protective overgarment with hood, worn over the athletic clothing (NBCW overgarment). T es was similar at the start of exercise for each condition and baseline T re was ∼0.4°C higher than T es. The hourly equivalent rate of increase in T es during the final 5 min of exercise was 1.8°C, 3.0°C and 4.2°C for athletic clothing, coveralls and NBCW overgarment respectively (P<0.05). End-exercise T es was significantly different between conditions [37.7°C (SEM 0.1°C), 38.2°C (SEM 0.2°C and 38.5°C (SEM 0.2°C) for athletic clothing, coveralls and NBCW overgarment respectively)] (P<0.05). No comparable difference in the rate of temperature increase for T re was demonstrated, except that end-exercise T re for the NBCW overgarment condition was significantly greater (0.5°C) than that for the athletic clothing condition. There was a drop in T es during the initial minutes of recovery to sustained plateaus which were significantly (P<0.05) elevated above pre-exercise resting values by 0.6°C, 0.8°C and 1.0°C, for athletic clothing, coveralls, and NBCW overgarment, respectively. Post-exercise T re decreased very gradually from end-exercise values during the 30-min recovery. Only the NBCW overgarment condition T re was significantly elevated (0.3°C) above the athletic clothing condition (P<0.05). In conclusion, T es is far more sensitive in reflecting the heat stress of different levels of insulation during exercise and post-exercise than T re. Physiological mechanisms are discussed as possible explanations for the differences in response. Received: 30 June 1998 / Accepted: 19 February 1999  相似文献   

The accumulation of DNA damage (thymine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts) induced by ultraviolet-B radiation was studied in Palmaria palmata (L.) O. Kuntze under different light and temperature conditions, using specific monoclonal antibodies and subsequent chemiluminescent detection. Both types of damage were repaired much faster under ultraviolet-A radiation (UVAR) plus photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) than in darkness, which indicates photoreactivating activity. At 12° C, all thymine dimers were repaired after 2 h irradiation with UVAR plus PAR, whereas 6-4 photoproducts were almost completely repaired after 4 h. After 19 h of darkness, almost complete repair of 6-4 photoproducts was found, and 67% of the thymine dimers were repaired. In a second set of experiments, repair of DNA damage under UVAR plus PAR was compared at three different temperatures (0, 12, and 25° C). Again, thymine dimers were repaired faster than 6-4 photoproducts at all three temperatures. At 0° C, significant repair of thymine dimers was found but not of 6-4 photoproducts. Significant repair of both thymine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts occurred at 12 and 25° C. Optimal repair efficiency was found at 25° C for thymine dimers but at 12° C for 6-4 photoproducts, which suggests that the two photorepair processes have different temperature characteristics.  相似文献   

Four Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes were grown at 14 degrees C and 22 degrees C under two light conditions (300 microE m-2 s-1 or 150 microE m-2 s-1) and the effect of temperature on their growth and flowering time was studied. Flowering occurred within 31 days (experimental period) at 22 degrees C, whereas a decrease in growth temperature resulted in a delay in flowering (63 days) under both light conditions. At 14 degrees C, membrane-bound APX (tAPX) activity decreased and total chlorophyll (Chl) content increased with growth under both light conditions. However, at 22 degrees C, the tAPX activity increased and total Chl content decreased with growth under both light conditions. These results suggest that at 22 degrees C oxidative stress was high under both light conditions and consequently Chl content decreased under stressful conditions or vice versa for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Under both the temperature and light conditions, soluble APX activity showed an irregular pattern of growth. The increase in tAPX activity, with growth only at 22 degrees C but not at 14 degrees C, suggests increased H2O2 formation in flowering plants at 22 degrees C for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Before flowering, the tAPX activity showed a significantly negative correlation with flowering time. Higher oxidative stress in the lower-latitude ecotypes might induce earlier flowering than the higher-latitude ecotypes. From these results, we propose a hypothesis that H2O2 is one of the possible factors in flower induction.  相似文献   

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