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The effect of heated serum at a concentration of 10% in culture on the in vitro growth of confluent Balb/c 3T3 cells was studied in nine patients with Idiopathic Myelofibrosis and ten normal subjects. Patients showed significant increase in the mitogenic activity in comparison with normals. The growth factors conceivably implied for the observed effect are discussed. Particular attention is paid to Platelet-Derived Growth Factor from which serum mitogenic activity is primarily derived and is thought to take part in the genesis of bone marrow fibrosis.  相似文献   

The activation mechanism of dopamine receptors is unknown. The amino acids S5.42, S5.43, and S5.46 located in helix 5 appear to be crucial, but their specific roles in receptor activation have not been studied. We modeled the D1 dopamine receptor using the crystal structures of the D3 dopamine and β2 adrenergic receptors. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the interaction of dopamine with the D1 receptor leads to the formation of a hydrogen-bond network with its catechol group and helices 3, 5, and 6, including water molecules. The para hydroxyl group of dopamine binds directly to S5.42 and N6.55, the latter also interacting with S5.43. Unexpectedly, S5.46 does not interact directly with the catechol; instead, it interacts through a water molecule with S5.42 and directly with T3.37. The formation of this hydrogen-bond network, part of which was previously observed in docking studies with dopamine agonists, triggers the opening of the E6.30–R3.60 ionic lock associated with the activation of GPCRs. These changes do not occur in the unbonded (apo) receptor or when it is in a complex with the antagonist 3-methoxy-5,6,7,8,9,14-hexahydrodibenz[d,g]azecine. Our results provide valuable insight into the T3.37–S5.46–water–S5.43–ligand interaction, which may be crucial to the activation of the D1 dopamine receptor and should be considered during the design of novel agonists.
Graphical Abstract General representation of the relationship between the formation of the HBN and the opening of the R3.50–E6.30 ionic lock

In order to investigate how growth factors stimulate DNA synthesis, we studied the relationship between early increases in the intracellular concentration of free calcium (Cai) and early mitogenic events (competence) in quiescent BALB/c 3T3 cells. Cai was measured by aequorin luminescence, and DNA synthesis was quantitated by autoradiography. While both serum (2%) and platelet-derived growth factor (2 U/ml) stimulated large increases in Cai without inducing competence, fibroblast growth factor (100-400 ng/ml) produced a large number of competent cells without causing a detectable increase in Cai. Thus, there was no correlation between the magnitude of Cai increase and subsequent competence for DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Central tolerance to tumor-associated Ags is an immune-escape mechanism that significantly limits the TCR repertoires available for tumor eradication. The repertoires expanded in wild-type BALB/c and rat-HER-2/neu (rHER-2) transgenic BALB-neuT mice following DNA immunization against rHER-2 were compared by spectratyping the variable (V)beta and the joining (J)beta CDR 3. Following immunization, BALB/c mice raised a strong response. Every mouse used one or more CD8+ T cell rearrangements of the Vbeta9-Jbeta1.2 segments characterized by distinct length of the CDR3 and specific for 63-71 or 1206-1214 rHER-2 peptides. In addition, two CD4+ T cell rearrangements recurred in >50% of mice. Instead, BALB-neuT mice displayed a limited response to rHER-2. Their repertoire is smaller and uses different rearrangements confined to CD4+ T cells. Thus, central tolerance in BALB-neuT mice acts by silencing the BALB/c mice self-reactive repertoire and reducing the size of the CD8+ T cell component. CD8+ and CD4+ T cells from both wild-type and transgenic mice home to tumors. This definition of the T cell repertoires available is critical to the designing of immunological maneuvers able to elicit an effective immune reaction against HER-2-driven carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

T helper 2 (Th2) cells play a central role in the progression of many diseases such as allergic airway inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and infections caused by intracellular pathogens. Consequently, animals such as BALB/c mice, which exhibit a propensity for generating Th2 responses, are susceptible to allergic airway inflammation, type-II autoimmune diseases, and various infections induced by intracellular pathogens, namely, Leishmania. In contrast, C3H/OuJ mice have a tendency for generating T helper 1 (Th1) responses and show resistance to these diseases. Here, we show that prostaglandin endoperoxide E(2) selectively inhibits activation-induced cell death of Th2 cells by signaling through its receptor E-prostanoid receptor 2 (EP2). Consequently, Th2 cells derived from BALB/c mice expressed very high levels of EP2. On the other hand, Th2 cells derived from C3H/OuJ mice expressed very low levels of EP2, which failed to support the survival of Th2 cells. Furthermore, we found that this effect of EP2 on Th2 cells from BALB/c mice was executed by a granzyme B-mediated mechanism. EP2 belongs to a group of G-protein-coupled receptors that are amenable to therapeutic targeting. Our findings therefore identify EP2 as a promising target for small molecule-directed immunomodulation.  相似文献   

AGS3-LONG and AGS3-SHORT contain G-protein regulatory motifs that interact with and stabilize the GDP-bound conformation of Galpha(i) > Galpha(o). AGS3 and related proteins may influence signal strength or duration as well as the adaptation of the signaling system associated with sustained stimulation. To address these issues, we determined the effect of AGS3 on the integration of stimulatory (Galpha(s)-mediated vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor) and inhibitory (Galpha(i)-mediated alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2)-AR)) signals to adenylyl cyclase in Chinese hamster ovary cells. AGS3-SHORT and AGS3-LONG did not alter the VIP-induced increase in cAMP or the inhibitory effect of alpha(2)-AR activation. System adaptation was addressed by determining the influence of AGS3 on the sensitization of adenylyl cyclase that occurs following prolonged activation of a Galpha(i)-coupled receptor. Incubation of cells with the alpha(2)-AR agonist UK14304 (1 microm) for 18 h resulted in a approximately 1.8-fold increase in the vasoactive intestinal peptide-induced activation of adenylyl cyclase, and this was associated with a decrease in membrane-associated Galpha(i3). Both effects were blocked by AGS3-SHORT. AGS3-SHORT also decreased the rate of Galpha(i3) decay. A mutant AGS3-SHORT incapable of binding G-protein was inactive. These data suggest that AGS3 and perhaps other G-protein regulatory motif-containing proteins increase the stability of Galpha(i) in the membrane, which influences the adaptation of the cell to prolonged activation of Galpha(i)-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the GLP-1 receptor is primarily coupled to the adenylate cyclase pathway via activation of Galpha(s) proteins. Recent studies have shown that the third intracellular loop of the receptor is important in the stimulation of cAMP production. We have studied the effect of three synthetic peptide sequences derived from the third intracellular loop of the GLP-1 receptor on signal transduction in Rin m5F cell membranes. The whole third intracellular loop strongly stimulates both pertussis toxin and cholera toxin-sensitive G proteins, while the N-terminal half exclusively stimulates cholera toxin-sensitive G proteins and the C-terminal half only stimulates pertussis toxin-sensitive G-proteins as demonstrated by measurements of GTPase activity. These data confirm that the principal stimulatory G-protein interaction site resides in the third intracellular loop, but also suggest that the GLP-1 receptor is not only coupled to the Galpha(s) but also to the Galpha(i)/Galpha(o) type of G proteins and that distinct domains within the third intracellular loop are responsible for the activation of the different G-protein subfamilies.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G-proteins, including Galpha(i2), have been implicated in modulating glucose disposal and insulin signaling. This cross-talk between G-protein-coupled and tyrosine kinase-coupled signaling pathways is a focal point for the study of integration of cell signaling. Herein we study the role of Galpha(i2) in modulating glucose transport, focusing upon linkages to insulin signaling. Utilizing mice harboring a transgene that directs the expression of a constitutively activated, GTPase-deficient mutant of Galpha(i2) (Q205L) in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and liver, we demonstrate that Galpha(i2) regulates the translocation of the insulin-sensitive GLUT4 glucose transporter in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. The expression of Q205L Galpha(i2) increased glucose transport and translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane in vivo in the absence of insulin stimulation. Adipocytes from the Q205L Galpha(i2) mice displayed enhanced insulin-stimulated glucose transport and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane to levels nearly twice that of those from littermate controls. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Akt activities were constitutively activated in tissues expressing the Q205L Galpha(i2). Studies of adipocytes from wild-type mice displayed short term activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Akt, and GLUT4 translocation in response to activation of Galpha(i2) by lysophosphatidic acid, a response sensitive to pertussis toxin. These data provide an explanation for the marked glucose tolerance of the Q205L Galpha(i2) mice and demonstrate a linkage between Galpha(i2) and GLUT4 translocation.  相似文献   

A cell surface macromolecular component from quiescent BALB/c 3T3 mouse cells (designated fibroblast growth regulatory factor, FGRF) inhibits DNA synthesis and cell division in growing 3T3 cells. Addition of FGRF to synchronized populations of growing 3T3 cells in the late G1 or early S phase did not inhibit DNA synthesis in the immediate S phase. However, a significant inhibition was observed in the S phase of the next round of cell cycle. Cells exposed to the regulatory factor in late S/early G2 or early G1 showed reduced DNA synthesis in the upcoming S phase; the late S/early G2 cells were more sensitive to inhibition than the cells in the G1. Further, the regulatory factor delayed the progression of G0/G1-arrested cells into the next S phase. These results suggest that the physiological effect of FGRF is to arrest cells in early G1, thus preventing their entry into a new round of cell cycle. In contrast to untransformed 3T3 cells, mouse cells transformed by SV40 were not subjected to growth-arrest by the regulatory factor, although the transformed cells contain active FGRF that inhibits DNA synthesis in growing 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

The contribution of the GTP-binding protein, Gi, to EGF, phorbol dibutyrate (PdBu)-, and insulin-stimulated DNA synthesis was examined in BALB/c3T3 cells. Pertussis toxin inhibited DNA synthesis by each agonist, particularly at suboptimal agonist concentrations, but the inhibition could be partially overcome with higher agonist concentrations and combinations of these agonists. This suggested that (1) some, but not all, of the mitogenic signals for all three agonists were transduced by Gi (2) Gi may be activated by post-receptor mechanisms involving protein kinase C. Gi alpha-specific antibodies and ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin using 32P-NAD each labelled a single protein band, representing one or more species of Gi alpha. Pertussis toxin treatment increased the synthesis of Gi alpha. These results are discussed in relation to possible direct effects of Gi alpha on nuclear control during division.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)), a mitogen for Swiss 3T3 cells, triggers cyclin D1 mRNA/protein expression prior to cellular entry into the S phase, but fails to raise cdk4 or cyclin D3 levels, while 1-oleoyl-2-diacylglycerol (OAG), a protein kinase C (PKC) and tyrosine kinase (TK) activator, induces only cyclin D1 expression with no mitogenic response. In contrast, in PKC-depleted or -inhibited cells, PGF(2alpha), but not OAG, increases cyclin D1 expression with no mitogenic response. Finally, OAG, in the presence of orthovanadate (Na(3)VO(4)) or TGF(beta1), induces DNA synthesis. Thus, it appears that PGF(2alpha) triggers cyclin D1 expression via two independent signaling events that complement with TGF(beta1)-triggered events to induce DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

All basal ganglia subnuclei have recently been identified in lampreys, the phylogenetically oldest group of vertebrates. Furthermore, the interconnectivity of these nuclei is similar to mammals and tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (dopaminergic) fibers have been detected within the input layer, the striatum. Striatal processing is critically dependent on the interplay with the dopamine system, and we explore here whether D2 receptors are expressed in the lamprey striatum and their potential role. We have identified a cDNA encoding the dopamine D2 receptor from the lamprey brain and the deduced protein sequence showed close phylogenetic relationship with other vertebrate D2 receptors, and an almost 100% identity within the transmembrane domains containing the amino acids essential for dopamine binding. There was a strong and distinct expression of D2 receptor mRNA in a subpopulation of striatal neurons, and in the same region tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive synaptic terminals were identified at the ultrastructural level. The synaptic incidence of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive boutons was highest in a region ventrolateral to the compact layer of striatal neurons, a region where most striatal dendrites arborise. Application of a D2 receptor agonist modulates striatal neurons by causing a reduced spike discharge and a diminished post-inhibitory rebound. We conclude that the D2 receptor gene had already evolved in the earliest group of vertebrates, cyclostomes, when they diverged from the main vertebrate line of evolution (560 mya), and that it is expressed in striatum where it exerts similar cellular effects to that in other vertebrates. These results together with our previous published data (Stephenson-Jones et al. 2011, 2012) further emphasize the high degree of conservation of the basal ganglia, also with regard to the indirect loop, and its role as a basic mechanism for action selection in all vertebrates.  相似文献   

Three subtypes of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R1, IP(3)R2, and IP(3)R3) Ca(2+) release channel share basic properties but differ in terms of regulation. To what extent they contribute to complex Ca(2+) signaling, such as Ca(2+) oscillations, remains largely unknown. Here we show that HeLa cells express comparable amounts of IP(3)R1 and IP(3)R3, but knockdown by RNA interference of each subtype results in dramatically distinct Ca(2+) signaling patterns. Knockdown of IP(3)R1 significantly decreases total Ca(2+) signals and terminates Ca(2+) oscillations. Conversely, knockdown of IP(3)R3 leads to more robust and long lasting Ca(2+) oscillations than in controls. Effects of IP(3)R3 knockdown are surprisingly similar in COS-7 cells that predominantly (>90% of total IP(3)R) express IP(3)R3, suggesting that IP(3)R3 functions as an anti-Ca(2+)-oscillatory unit without contributing to peak amplitude of Ca(2+) signals, irrespective of its relative expression level. Therefore, differential expression of the IP(3)R subtype is critical for various forms of Ca(2+) signaling, and, particularly, IP(3)R1 and IP(3)R3 have opposite roles in generating Ca(2+) oscillations.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid is a bioactive phospholipid that is produced by and stimulates ovarian cancer cells, promoting proliferation, migration, invasion, and survival. Effects of LPA are mediated by cell surface G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) that activate multiple heterotrimeric G-proteins. G-proteins are deactivated by Regulator of G-protein Signaling (RGS) proteins. This led us to hypothesize that RGS proteins may regulate G-protein signaling pathways initiated by LPA in ovarian cancer cells. To determine the effect of endogenous RGS proteins on LPA signaling in ovarian cancer cells, we compared LPA activity in SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells expressing G(i) subunit constructs that are either insensitive to RGS protein regulation (RGSi) or their RGS wild-type (RGSwt) counterparts. Both forms of the G-protein contained a point mutation rendering them insensitive to inhibition with pertussis toxin, and cells were treated with pertussis toxin prior to experiments to eliminate endogenous G(i/o) signaling. The potency and efficacy of LPA-mediated inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was enhanced in cells expressing RGSi G(i) proteins as compared to RGSwt G(i). We further showed that LPA signaling that is subject to RGS regulation terminates much faster than signaling thru RGS insensitive G-proteins. Finally, LPA-stimulated SKOV-3 cell migration, as measured in a wound-induced migration assay, was enhanced in cells expressing Galpha(i2) RGSi as compared to cells expressing Galpha(i2) RGSwt, suggesting that endogenous RGS proteins in ovarian cancer cells normally attenuate this LPA effect. These data establish RGS proteins as novel regulators of LPA signaling in ovarian cancer cells.  相似文献   

The roles of the large T and small t antigens of simian virus 40 in cellular DNA synthesis and cell division were analyzed in BALB/c 3T3 mouse cells transformed by wild-type, temperature-sensitive A (tsA), or tsA-deletion (tsA/dl) double mutants. Assessment of DNA replication and cell cycle distribution by radioautography of [3H]thymidine-labeled nuclei and by flow microfluorimetry indicate that tsA transformants do not synthesize DNA or divide at the restrictive temperature to the same extent as they do at the permissive temperature or as wild-type transformants do at the restrictive temperature. This confirms earlier studies suggesting that large T induces DNA synthesis and mitosis in transformed cells. Inhibition of replication in tsA transformants at the restrictive temperature, however, is not complete. Some residual cell division does occur but is in large part offset by cell detachment and death. This failure to revert completely to the parental 3T3 phenotype, as indicated by residual cell cycling at the restrictive temperature, was also observed in cells transformed by tsA/dl double mutants which, in addition to producing a ts large T, make no small t protein. Small t, therefore, does not appear to be responsible for the residual cell cycling and plays no demonstrable role in the induction of DNA synthesis or cell division in stably transformed BALB/c 3T3 cells. Comparison of cell cycling in tsA and tsA/dl transformants, normal 3T3 cells, and a transformation revertant suggests that the failure of tsA transformants to revert completely may be due to leakiness of the tsA mutation as well as to a permanent cellular alteration induced during viral transformation. Finally, analysis of cells transformed by tsA/dl double mutants indicates that small t is not required for full expression of growth properties characteristic of transformed cells.  相似文献   

Pleiotropic G proteins are essential for the action of hormones and neurotransmitters and are activated by stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR), which initiates heterotrimer dissociation of the G protein, exchange of GDP for GTP on its Galpha subunit and activation of effector proteins. Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins regulate this cascade and can be recruited to the membrane upon GPCR activation. Direct functional interaction between RGS and GPCR has been hypothesized. We show that recruitment of GAIP (RGS19) by the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R), a GPCR, required the scaffold protein GIPC (GAIP-interacting protein, C terminus) and that all three were coexpressed in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. Dynamic translocation of GAIP to the plasma membrane and coassembly in a protein complex in which GIPC was a required component was dictated by D2R activation and physical interactions. In addition, two different D2R-mediated responses were regulated by the GTPase activity of GAIP at the level of the G protein coupling in a GIPC-dependent manner. Since GIPC exclusively interacted with GAIP and selectively with subsets of GPCR, this mechanism may serve to sort GPCR signaling in cells that usually express a large repertoire of GPCRs, G proteins, and RGS.  相似文献   

The G protein specificity of multiple signaling pathways of the dopamine-D2S (short form) receptor was investigated in GH4ZR7 lactotroph cells. Activation of the dopamine-D2S receptor inhibited forskolin-induced cAMP production, reduced BayK8644- activated calcium influx, and blocked TRH-mediated p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation. These actions were blocked by pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PTX), indicating mediation by G(i/o) proteins. D2S stimulation also decreased TRH-induced MAPK/ERK kinase phosphorylation. TRH induced c-Raf but not B-Raf activation, and the D2S receptor inhibited both TRH-induced c-Raf and basal B-Raf kinase activity. After PTX treatment, D2S receptor signaling was rescued in cells stably transfected with individual PTX-insensitive Galpha mutants. Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase was partly rescued by Galpha(i)2 or Galpha(i)3, but Galpha(o) alone completely reconstituted D2S-mediated inhibition of BayK8644-induced L-type calcium channel activation. Galpha(o) and Galpha(i)3 were the main components involved in D2S-mediated p42/44 MAPK inhibition. In cells transfected with the carboxyl-terminal domain of G protein receptor kinase to inhibit Gbetagamma signaling, only D2S-mediated inhibition of calcium influx was blocked, but not inhibition of adenylyl cyclase or MAPK. These results indicate that the dopamine-D2S receptor couples to distinct G(i/o) proteins, depending on the pathway addressed, and suggest a novel Galpha(i)3/Galpha(o)-dependent inhibition of MAPK mediated by c-Raf and B-Raf-dependent inhibition of MAPK/ERK kinase.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) secretion is regulated by indirect negative feedback mechanisms. To address whether GH has direct actions on pituitary cells, lipid signaling in GH(4)ZR(7) somatomammotroph cells was examined. GH (EC(50) = 5 nm) stimulated diacylglycerol (DAG) and ceramide formation in parallel by over 10-fold within 15 min and persisting for >3 h. GH-induced DAG/ceramide formation was blocked by pertussis toxin (PTX) implicating G(i)/G(o) proteins and was potentiated 1.5-fold by activation of G(i)/G(o)-coupled dopamine-D2S receptors, which had no effect alone. Following PTX pretreatment, only PTX-resistant Galpha(i)3, not Galpha(o) or Galpha(i)2, rescued GH-induced DAG/ceramide signaling. GH-induced DAG/ceramide formation was also blocked in cells expressing Gbetagamma blocker GRK-ct. In GH(4)ZR(7) cells, GH induced phosphorylation of JAK2 and STAT5, which was blocked by PTX and mimicked by ceramide analogue C2-ceramide or sphingomyelinase treatment to increase endogenous ceramide. We conclude that in GH(4) pituitary cells, GH induces formation of DAG/ceramide via a novel Galpha(i)3/Gbetagamma-dependent pathway. This novel pathway suggests a mechanism for autocrine feedback regulation by GH of pituitary function.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are targets of more than 30% of marketed drugs. Investigation on the GPCRs may shed light on upcoming drug design studies. In the present study, we performed a combination of receptor- and ligand-based analysis targeting the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). The signaling pathway of D2R activation and the construction of universal pharmacophore models for D2R ligands were also studied. The key amino acids, which contributed to the regular activation of the D2R, were in detail investigated by means of normal mode analysis (NMA). A derived cross-correlation matrix provided us an understanding of the degree of pair residue correlations. Although negative correlations were not observed in the case of the inactive D2R state, a high degree of correlation appeared between the residues in the active state. NMA results showed that the cytoplasmic side of the TM5 plays a significant role in promoting of residue–residue correlations in the active state of D2R. Tracing motions of the amino acids Arg219, Arg220, Val223, Asn224, Lys226, and Ser228 in the position of the TM5 are found to be critical in signal transduction. Complementing the receptor-based modeling, ligand-based modeling was also performed using known D2R ligands. The top-scored pharmacophore models were found as 5-sited (AADPR.671, AADRR.1398, AAPRR.3900, and ADHRR.2864) hypotheses from PHASE modeling from a pool consisting of more than 100 initial candidates. The constructed models using 38 D2R ligands (in the training set) were validated with 15 additional test set compounds. The resulting model correctly predicted the pIC50 values of an additional test set compounds as true unknowns.  相似文献   

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