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A deterministic, dynamic model was developed, to enable predictions of phosphorus (P) digested, retained and excreted for different pig genotypes and under different dietary conditions. Before confidence can be placed on the predictions of the model, its evaluation was required. A sensitivity analysis of model predictions to ±20% changes in the model parameters was undertaken using a basal UK industry standard diet and a pig genotype characterized by British Society Animal Science as being of ‘intermediate growth’. Model outputs were most sensitive to the values of the efficiency of digestible P utilization for growth and the non-phytate P absorption coefficient from the small intestine into the bloodstream; all other model parameters influenced model outputs by <10%, with the majority of the parameters influencing outputs by <5%. Independent data sets of published experiments were used to evaluate model performance based on graphical comparisons and statistical analysis. The literature studies were selected on the basis of the following criteria: they were within the BW range of 20 to 120 kg, pigs grew in a thermo-neutral environment; and they provided information on P intake, retention and excretion. In general, the model predicted satisfactorily the quantitative pig responses, in terms of P digested, retained and excreted, to variation in dietary inorganic P supply, Ca and phytase supplementation. The model performed well with ‘conventional’, European feed ingredients and poorly with ‘less conventional’ ones, such as dried distillers grains with solubles and canola meal. Explanations for these inconsistencies in the predictions are offered in the paper and they are expected to lead to further model development and improvement. The latter would include the characterization of the origin of phytate in pig diets.  相似文献   

Optimizing phosphorus (P) utilization in pigs requires improving our capacity to predict the amount of P absorbed and retained, with the main modulating factors taken into account, as well as precisely determining the P requirements of the animals. Given the large amount of published data on P utilization in pigs, a meta-analysis was performed to quantify the impact of the different dietary P forms, calcium (Ca) and exogenous phytases on the digestive and metabolic utilization criteria for dietary P in growing pigs. Accordingly, the amount of phytate P (PP) leading to digestible P (g/kg) was estimated to be 21%, compared with 73% for non-phytate P (NPP) from plant ingredients and 80% for NPP from mineral and animal ingredients (P < 0.001). The increase in total digestible dietary P following the addition of microbial phytase (PhytM) from Aspergillus niger (P < 0.001) was curvilinear and about two times higher than the increase following the addition of plant phytase, which leads to a linear response (P < 0.001). The response of digestible P to PhytM also depends on the amount of substrate, PP (PhytM2 × PP, P < 0.001). The digestibility of dietary P decreased with dietary Ca concentration (P < 0.01) independently of phytase but increased with body weight (BW, P < 0.05). Although total digestible dietary P increased linearly with total NPP concentration (P < 0.001), retained P (g/kg), average daily gain (ADG, g/day) and average daily feed intake (ADFI, g/day) increased curvilinearly (P < 0.001). Interestingly, whereas dietary Ca negatively affected P digestibility, the effect of dietary Ca on retained P, ADG and ADFI depended on total dietary NPP (NPP × Ca, P < 0.01, P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively). Increasing dietary Ca reduced retained P, ADG and ADFI at low NPP levels, but at higher NPP concentrations it had no effect on ADG and ADFI despite a positive effect on retained P. Although the curvilinear effect of PhytM on digestible P increased with PP (P < 0.001), this effect was lessened by total NPP for ADG and ADFI (PhytM × NPP and PhytM2 × NPP, P < 0.05) and depended on both total NPP and Ca for retained P (PhytM2 × NPP × Ca, P < 0.01). This meta-analysis improves our understanding of P utilization, with major modulating factors taken into account. The information generated will be useful for the development of robust models to formulate environmentally friendly diets for growing pigs.  相似文献   

The optimization of dietary phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) supply requires a better understanding of the effect of dietary fiber content of co-products on the digestive utilization of minerals. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of dietary fiber content from 00-rapeseed meal (RSM) on P and Ca digestibility throughout the gastrointestinal tract in growing pigs fed diets without or with microbial phytase. In total, 48 castrated male pigs (initial BW=36.1±0.4 kg) were housed in metabolic crates for 29 days. After an 8-day adaptation period, pigs were allocated to one of the eight treatments. The impact of dietary fiber was modulated by adding whole RSM (wRSM), dehulled RSM (dRSM) or dRSM supplemented with 4.5% or 9.0% rapeseed hulls (dRSMh1 and dRSMh2). Diets contained 0 or 500 phytase unit of microbial phytase per kg. From day 14 to day 23, feces and urine were collected separately to determine apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) and apparent retention (AR) of P and Ca. At the end of the experiment, femurs and digestive contents were sampled. No effect of variables of interest was observed on growth performance. Microbial phytase increased ATTD and AR of P (P<0.001) but the P equivalency with the wRSM diet was lower than expected. Moreover, stomach inorganic P (iP) solubility was improved by microbial phytase (P<0.001). The ATTD of Ca was not affected by microbial phytase which increased AR of Ca and femur characteristics (P<0.05). Ileal recovery of P was not affected by microbial phytase but cecal recovery was considerably reduced by microbial phytase (P<0.001). The decrease in digesta pH between the distal ileum and cecum (7.6 v. 5.9) enhanced the solubility of iP and may have improved its absorption, as supported by the negative relationship between soluble iP and pH (R2=0.40, P<0.001 without microbial phytase and R2=0.24, P=0.026 with microbial phytase). The inclusion of hulls improved the solubility of iP (P<0.05). In conclusion, dehulling does not largely increase nutrient digestibility although dRSM seems to improve the efficacy of microbial phytase in releasing phosphate in the stomach. Moreover, dietary fiber may affect solubilization process in the cecum which potentiates the effect of microbial phytase on P digestibility.  相似文献   

The effect of a calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) depletion and repletion strategy was studied in four consecutive feeding phases of 28 days each. In all, 60 castrated male pigs (14±1.6 kg initial BW) received 60% (low (L) diet; depletion) or 100% (control (C) diet; repletion) of their Ca and digestible P requirements according to six feeding sequences (CCCC, CCCL, CLCC, CCLC, LCLC and LLLL; subsequent letters indicate the diet received in phases 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively). Pigs bone mineral content in whole-body (BMCb) and lumbar vertebrae L2 to L4 (BMCv) was measured in every feeding phase by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Growth performance was slightly (<10%) affected by depletion, however, dietary treatments did not affect overall growth. Compared with control pigs, depletion reduced BMCb (34%, 38%, 33% and 22%) and BMCv (46%, 54%, 38% and 26%) in phases 1 to 4, respectively. Depletion increased however digestible P retention efficiency from the second to the fourth phases allowing LLLL pigs to present no differences in BMCb and BMCv gain compared with CCCC pigs in phase 4. Growth performance in repleted compared with control pigs was lower in phase 2, was no different in phase 3 and was lower in CLCC pigs in phase 4. Repletion increased body P and Ca retention efficiency when compared with control pigs (respectively, 8% and 10% for LC v. CC, P<0.01; 8% and 10% for CLC v. CCC, P<0.10; 18% and 25% for CLCC, CCLC, LCLC v. CCCC, P<0.001). Moreover, BMCv gain was higher in CLC pigs (P<0.001) and gains of body P, Ca, BMCb and BMCv in phase 4 were also higher in repleted than in CCCC pigs (respectively, 14%, 20%, 20% and 52%; P⩽0.02). Repletion reduced body P, Ca, BMCb and BMCv masses in phase 2 but no differences were found in phase 4 compared with control pigs. Lumbar vertebrae L2 to L4 bone mineral content was more sensitive to depletion and repletion sequences than BMCb especially in the first phase probably due to a higher proportion of metabolically active trabecular bone in vertebrae than in the whole skeleton. Dietary Ca was, however, oversupply in L compared with C diets (3.1 v. 2.5 Ca:digestible P ratio, respectively) suggesting that P has probably driven the regulations. Phosphorus and Ca depletion and repletion increases dietary P utilization efficiency and can help to reduce dietary P supply, but the underlying mechanisms need elucidation before its practical application.  相似文献   

Crossbred pigs (n=720; average age=28±3 days and weight=9.5±0.3 kg) were used in a 20-day trial in order to determine the influence of phosphorus (P) source and various doses of pharmacological zinc (Zn) on growth performance, plasma minerals and mineral digestibility. Pigs (five intact males and five females per pen) were randomly allotted to treatments in a 3×3 factorial arrangement with three sources of dietary P (4.5 g/kg digestible P, 4.5 g/kg digestible P plus 2500 phytase units (FTU)/kg, or 5.5 g/kg digestible P) and three dietary levels of supplemental Zn (0, 1750 or 3500 mg/kg) from ZnO (82% Zn) with eight pens per treatment. Diets were formulated to exceed all nutrient requirements, including calcium (Ca), P and Zn from day 0 to 20. Zn supplementation increased (quadratic P<0.05) average daily feed intake. There was a significant Zn level×P source interaction on average daily gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Pigs fed 4.5 g/kg digestible P without or with 2500 FTU/kg phytase gained more per day (quadratic P<0.05) and had better FCR (quadratic P<0.05) when they were fed 1750 mg/kg supplemental Zn. However, pigs fed 5.5 g/kg digestible P gained more per day (linear P<0.05) and were more efficient (linear P<0.05) when they were fed 3500 mg/kg supplemental Zn. Plasma Zn and Zn digestibility increased (linear P<0.05) as pharmacological Zn supplementation increased from 0 to 3500 mg/kg, irrespective of P source. However, Ca, P, sodium (Na), potassium (K) and copper (Cu) digestibility were reduced (P<0.05) as pharmacological Zn supplementation increased, and this was mitigated or exacerbated by the supplementation of 5.5 g/kg digestible P or phytase. In conclusion, increasing the dietary inclusion of pharmacological Zn may impact growth performance in young pigs through the interaction with minerals such as Ca, P, Na and K. Pharmacological Zn may reduce Na or K digestibility and indirectly reduce water secretion into the lumen, resulting in an increase in faecal dry matter as pharmacological Zn supplementation in the diet increased.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed from literature data to predict the volume and composition of pig's excreta (dry and organic matter, C, N, P, K, Cu and Zn contents), and the emission of greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) though respiration and from the intestinal tract, for each physiological stage (post-weaning and fattening pigs and lactating and gestating sows). The main sources of variation considered in the model are related to animal performances (feed efficiency, prolificacy, body weight gain, etc.), to water and nutrient intakes and to housing conditions (ambient temperature). Model predictions were validated by using 19 experimental studies, most of them performed in conditions close to those of commercial farms. Validation results showed that the model is precise and robust when predicting slurry volume (R2 = 0.96), slurry N (R2 = 0.91), P (R2 = 0.95) and to a lesser extent dry matter (R2 = 0.75) contents. Faeces and urine composition (minerals and macronutrients) can also be precisely assessed, provided the composition and the digestibility of the feed are well known. Sensitivity analysis showed strong differences in CH4 emission and excretion amounts and composition according to physiological status, animal performance, temperature and diet composition. The model is an efficient tool to calculate nutrient balances at the animal level in commercial conditions, and to simulate the effect of production alternatives, such as feeding strategy or animal performance, on excreta production and composition. This is illustrated by simulations of three feeding strategies, which demonstrates important opportunities to limit environmental risks through diet manipulations.  相似文献   

Three different carbohydrate sources (cellulose on wood basis, maize starch and apple pectin) in combination with a low phosphorus (P) basal diet were fed to eight pigs fitted with single ileum-T-cannulas in a balance trial. The effects on net disappearance of dry matter, N, P and Ca as well as phytate (IP6) degradation in the intestine were studied. A basal diet and three diets supplemented with 25% of one carbohydrate source were applied in three experimental periods following an incomplete Latin Square design. Animals were housed individually in balance crates. After 15 days of adaptation to the diets, five days of total excreta collection were followed by two days of spot sampling of ileal digesta. The results showed a significantly decreasing effect of cellulose on the precaecal, postileal and total tract digestibility of DM, N and P. Starch reduced precaecal IP6 degradation and P digestibility. The addition of pectin negatively affected the precaecal digestibility of DM, N and Ca as well as the total tract digestibility of P and Ca. Postileally, cellulose and pectin caused a net secretion while starch induced a net absorption of P.  相似文献   

A comparison of the models of Vitti et al. (2000, J. Anim. Sci. 78, 2706-2712) and Fernández (1995c, Livest. Prod. Sci. 41, 255-261) was carried out using two data sets on growing pigs as input. The two models compared were based on similar basic principles, although their aims and calculations differed. The Vitti model employs the rate:state formalism and describes phosphorus (P) flow between four pools representing P content in gut, blood, bone and soft tissue in growing goats. The Fernández model describes flow and fractional recirculation between P pools in gut, blood and bone in growing pigs. The results from both models showed similar trends for P absorption from gut to blood and net retention in bone with increasing P intake, with the exception of the 65 kg results from Date Set 2 calculated using the Fernández model. Endogenous loss from blood back to gut increased faster with increasing P intake in the Fernández than in the Vitti model for Data Set 1. However, for Data Set 2, endogenous loss increased with increasing P intake using the Vitti model, but decreased when calculated using the Fernández model. Incorporation of P into bone was not influenced by intake in the Fernández model, while in the Vitti model there was an increasing trend. The Fernández model produced a pattern of decreasing resorption in bone with increasing P intake, with one of the data sets, which was not observed when using the Vitti model. The pigs maintained their P homeostasis in blood by regulation of P excretion in urine.  相似文献   

A random regression model for daily feed intake and a conventional multiple trait animal model for the four traits average daily gain on test (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), carcass lean content and meat quality index were combined to analyse data from 1 449 castrated male Large White pigs performance tested in two French central testing stations in 1997. Group housed pigs fed ad libitum with electronic feed dispensers were tested from 35 to 100 kg live body weight. A quadratic polynomial in days on test was used as a regression function for weekly means of daily feed intake and to escribe its residual variance. The same fixed (batch) and random (additive genetic, pen and individual permanent environmental) effects were used for regression coefficients of feed intake and single measured traits. Variance components were estimated by means of a Bayesian analysis using Gibbs sampling. Four Gibbs chains were run for 550 000 rounds each, from which 50 000 rounds were discarded from the burn-in period. Estimates of posterior means of covariance matrices were calculated from the remaining two million samples. Low heritabilities of linear and quadratic regression coefficients and their unfavourable genetic correlations with other performance traits reveal that altering the shape of the feed intake curve by direct or indirect selection is difficult.  相似文献   

The behaviour of growing pigs housed on two different commercial farms was studied to analyse daily rhythms related to behaviour. During the hot summer in Castilla La Mancha (Spain), 25 pigs were used, 10 from the first farm and 15 from the second one, so as to be able to work with the same stocking density (0.75 m2/pig). Their behaviours were recorded for 16 days in two separate periods with a video camera and subsequently observed for studying one photogram every 10 minutes (2035 observations for each farm), in which six predominant behaviours were assessed. The existence of a periodic pattern in most of the behaviours was verified with a mathematical model, demonstrating substantial differences between the models obtained for each farm.  相似文献   

Two experiments, a performance experiment and a mineral balance study, were conducted on grower-finisher pigs (42 to 101 kg live weight) to investigate the effects of Peniophora lycii phytase enzyme and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OHD3) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, nutrient retention and excretion, and bone and blood parameters. The two experiments were designed as a 2 × 2 factorial (two levels of phytase and two levels of 25-OHD3). The four diets were T1, low-phosphorous diet; T2, T1 + phytase; T3, T1 + 25-OHD3 and T4, T1 + phytase + 25-OHD3 diet. In all, 25 μg of 25-OHD3 was used to replace 1000 IU of vitamin D3 in diets T3 and T4. Diets were pelleted (70°C) and formulated to contain similar concentrations of energy (13.8 MJ DE/kg), lysine (9.5 g/kg) and digestible phosphorus (P; 1.8 g/kg). Neither the inclusion of phytase nor 25-OHD3 in the diet had any effect on pig performance. There was an interaction between phytase and 25-OHD3 on calcium (Ca) and P retention (P < 0.01) and on the apparent digestibility of ash (P < 0.01), P (P < 0.001) and Ca (P < 0.001). Pigs offered phytase diets only, had a higher retention of Ca and P and digestibility of ash (P < 0.01), P (P < 0.001) and Ca (P < 0.01) compared with pigs offered unsupplemented diets. However, when the combination of phytase and 25-OHD3 were offered, no effects were detected compared with 25-OHD3 diets only. Pigs fed phytase diets had higher bone ash (P < 0.01), bone P (P < 0.01) and bone Ca (P < 0.05) concentrations compared with pigs offered non-phytase diets. In conclusion, pigs offered phytase diets had a significantly increased bone ash, Ca and P than pigs offered unsupplemented phytase diets. However, there was no advantage to offering a combination of phytase and 25-OHD3 on either bone strength or mineral status compared to offering these feed additives separately.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in the nutritional modelling of growth. Most models typically predict (or analyse) the response of a single animal. However, the response to nutrients of a single, representative animal is likely to be different from the response of the herd. To address the variation in response between animals, a stochastic approach towards nutritional modelling is required. In the present study, an analysis method is presented to describe growth and feed intake curves of individual pigs within a population of 192 pigs. This method was developed to allow end-users of InraPorc (a nutritional model predicting and analysing growth in pigs) to easily characterise their animals based on observed data and then use the model to test different scenarios. First, growth and intake data were curve-fitted to characterise individual pigs in terms of BW (Gompertz function of age) and feed intake (power function of BW) by a set of five parameters, having a biological or technico-economical meaning. This information was then used to create a population of virtual pigs in InraPorc, having the same feed intake and growth characteristics as those observed in the population. After determination of the mean lysine (Lys) requirement curve of the population, simulations were carried out for each virtual pig using different feeding strategies (i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 10 diets) and Lys supply (ranging from 70% to 130% of the mean requirement of the population). Because of the phenotypic variation between pigs and the common feeding strategies that were applied to the population, the Lys requirement of each individual pig was not always met. The percentage of pigs for which the Lys requirement was met increased concomitantly with increasing Lys supply, but decreased with increasing number of diets used. Simulated daily gain increased and feed conversion ratio decreased with increasing Lys supply (P < 0.001) according to a curvilinear-plateau relationship. Simulated performance was close to maximum when the Lys supply was 110% of the mean population requirement and did not depend on the number of diets used. At this level of Lys supply, the coefficient of variation of simulated daily gain was minimal and close to 10%, which appears to be a phenotypic characteristic of this population. At lower Lys supplies, simulated performance decreased and variability of daily gain increased with an increasing number of diets (P < 0.001). Knowledge of nutrient requirements becomes more critical when a greater number of diets are used. This study shows the limitations of using a deterministic model to estimate the nutrient requirements of a population of pigs. A stochastic approach can be used provided that relationships between the most relevant model parameters are known.  相似文献   

Daily feed intake data of 1 279 French Landrace (FL, 1 039 boars and 240 castrates) and 2 417 Large White (LW, 2 032 boars and 385 castrates) growing pigs were recorded with electronic feed dispensers in three French central testing stations from 1992–1994. Male (35 to 95 kg live body weight) or castrated (100 kg live body weight) group housed, ad libitum fed pigs were performance tested. A quadratic polynomial in days on test with fixed regressions for sex and batch, random regressions for additive genetic, pen, litter and individual permanent environmental effects was used, with two different models for the residual variance: constant in model 1 and modelled with a quadratic polynomial depending on the day on test dm as follows in model 2: . Variance components were estimated from weekly means of daily feed intake by means of a Bayesian analysis using Gibbs sampling. Posterior means of (co)variances were calculated using 800 000 samples from four chains (200 000 each). Heritability estimates of regression coefficients were 0.30 (FL model 1), 0.21 (FL model 2), 0.14 (LW1) and 0.14 (LW2) for the intercept, 0.04 (FL1), 0.04 (FL2), 0.11 (LW1) and 0.06 (LW2) for the linear, 0.03 (FL1), 0.04 (FL2) 0.11 (LW1) and 0.06 (LW2) for the quadratic term. Heritability estimates for weekly means of daily feed intake were the lowest in week 4 (FL1: 0.11, FL2: 0.11) and week 1 (LW1: 0.09, LW2: 0.10), and the highest in week 11 (FL1: 0.25, FL2: 0.24) and week 8 (LW1: 0.19, LW2: 0.18), respectively. Genetic eigenfunctions revealed that altering the shape of the feed intake curve by selection is difficult.  相似文献   

In this study, random regression models were used to estimate covariance functions between feed intake and BW in boars from the two breeds: the Norwegian Landrace and the Norwegian Duroc. In total, 1476 animals of the Norwegian Landrace breed and 1300 animals of the Norwegian Duroc breed had registrations on daily feed intake and growth from 54 to 180 days of age. Random regressions on the Legendre polynomials of age were used to describe genetic and permanent environmental curves in BW (up to the second order) and feed intake (up to the first order) for both the breeds. Heritabilities on BW increased over time for the Landrace (0.18 to 0.24), but were approximately constant for the Duroc (0.33 to 0.35). Average heritabilities for feed intake were approximately the same in both the breeds (0.09 to 0.11), and the estimates decreased over time, most pronounced in Duroc. On the basis of the current data, daily feed intake was seemingly controlled by the same genetic factors throughout the test period for Duroc; however, for Landrace, genetic correlations between test days decreased with increasing distance in time. For BW, the genetic correlations between test days were in general high, and did not go below 0.8 for any of the two breeds in this study. For both feed intake and BW, permanent environmental correlations between start and end of the test were reduced with increasing difference in days, most pronounced in Duroc. This study indicates that weight of the animal at the end of the test was more closely genetically correlated to feed intake of earlier periods compared with later periods of growth for both the breeds. This may be explained by the fact that BW is the cumulative growth of an individual, which is likely to be heavily affected by the feed intake during the most intense growth period.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to predict pig manure evolution (mass, dry and organic matter, N, P, K, Cu and Zn contents) and related gaseous emissions (methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3)) from pig excreta up to manure stored before spreading. This model forms part of a more comprehensive model including the prediction of pig excretion. The model simulates contrasted management systems, including different options for housing (slatted floor or deep litter), outside storage of manure and treatment (anaerobic digestion, biological N removal processes, slurry composting (SC) with straw and solid manure composting). Farmer practices and climatic conditions, which have significant effects on gaseous emissions within each option, have also been identified. The quantification of their effects was based on expert judgement from literature and local experiments, relations from mechanistic models or simple emission factors, depending on existing knowledge. The model helps to identify relative advantages and weaknesses for each system. For example, deep-litter with standard management practices is associated with high-greenhouse gas (GHG) production (+125% compared to slatted floor) and SC on straw is associated with high NH3 emission (+15% compared to slatted floor). Another important result from model building and first simulations is that farmer practices and the climate induce an intra-system (for a given infrastructure) variability of NH3 and GHG emissions nearly as high as inter-system variability. For example, in deep-litter housing systems, NH3 and N2O emissions from animal housing may vary between 6% and 53%, and between 1% and 19% of total N excreted, respectively. Thus, the model could be useful to identify and quantify improvement margins on farms, more precisely or more easily than current methodologies.  相似文献   


The objectives of this meta-analysis were to determine to which extent phosphorus (P) digestibility and digestible P concentration in pig diets were increased by phytase supplementation and to quantify factors that potentially influence effects of phytase supplementation. A data set with a total of 547 data lines was compiled from 88 experiments published in 74 peer-reviewed papers between 2007 and April 2019. An exponential model was determined as more suitable to describe the response of P digestibility to phytase supplementation than a polynomial model. Phytase supplementation increased P digestibility by 25.6 percentage points (standard error (SE) = 1.54) to a plateau at 64.9% (SE = 1.82). The digestible P concentration was increased by phytase supplementation in the order of 1.01 g/kg (SE = 0.102) to a plateau at 2.62 g/kg (SE = 0.122). Goodness-of-fit criteria were R2 = 0.780 and root mean square error = 7.55% for P digestibility, and R2 = 0.691 and root mean square error = 0.48 g/kg for digestible P concentration. Consideration of further factors such as mineral P supplementation (yes or no), ad libitum vs. restrictive feeding, mixed diets vs. single feed ingredients, sex and age of pigs did not increase the accuracy of prediction in this data set. Some of these traits exhibited responses, but they likely are artefacts generated through the imbalanced structure of the data set. Effects of dietary total P, phytate (InsP6), InsP6-P to total P ratio, and Ca on the effect of supplemented phytase were not quantifiable. The present meta-analysis showed that responses to phytase supplementation can be well predicted although variation in P digestibility and digestible P concentration in the data set was high. Overall, predicted effects of phytase on P digestibility well corresponded to predictions made 25 years ago.  相似文献   

There is a global imperative to reduce phosphorous (P) excretion from pig systems. In this study, a previously validated deterministic model was modified to be stochastic, in order to investigate the consequences of different management strategies on P excretion by a group of growing pigs. The model predicts P digestion, retention and excretion from feed composition and growth parameters that describe a specified pig phenotype. Stochasticity was achieved by introducing random variation in the latter. The strategies investigated were: (1) changing feed composition frequently in order to match more closely pig digestible P (digP) requirements to feed composition (phase feeding) and (2) grouping pigs into light and heavy groups and feeding each group according to the requirements of their group average BW (sorting). Phase feeding reduced P excretion as the number of feeding phases increased. The effect was most pronounced as feeding phases increased from 1 to 2, with a 7.5% decrease achieved; the increase in phases from 2 to 3 was associated with a further 2.0% reduction. Similarly, the effect was more pronounced when the feed targeted the population requirements for digP at the average BW of the first third, rather than the average requirements at the mid-point BW of each feeding sequence plan. Increasing the number of feeding phases increased the percentage of pigs that met their digP requirements during the early stages of growth and reduced the percentage of pigs that were supplied <85% of their digP requirements at any stage of their growth; the latter may have welfare implications. Sorting of pigs reduced P excretion to a lesser extent; the reduction was greater as the percentage of pigs in the light group increased from 10% to 30% (from 1.5% to 3.0% reduction, respectively). This resulted from an increase in the P excreted by the light group, accompanied by a decrease in the P excreted by the remaining pigs. Sorting increased the percentage of light pigs that met their dig P requirements, but only slightly decreased the percentage of heavy pigs that met these requirements at any point of their growth. Exactly the converse was the case as far as the percentage of pigs that were supplied <85% of their digP requirements were concerned. The developed model is flexible and can be used to investigate the effectiveness of other management strategies in reducing P excretion from groups of pigs, including precision livestock feeding.  相似文献   

A transgenic approach was used to alter soybean seed phytate content by expressing a soybean phytase gene (GmPhy) during seed development to degrade accumulating phytic acid (IP6). An expression vector containing the soybean phytase cDNA controlled by the seed-specific -conglycinin promoter (-subunit) was used to transform embryogenic soybean cultures. Plants from four independent transgenic lines were analyzed for transgene integration and seed IP6 levels. The reduction in IP6 levels in transgenic seeds compared to control Jack soybeans ranged from 12.6 to 24.8 as determined by HPLC. A low copy transformant was propagated to the T4 generation and examined in more detail for phytase expression and enzyme activity during seed development. Expression of phytase mRNA and phytase activity increased during seed development, consistent with the use of an embryo-specific promoter. Ectopic phytase expression during seed development offers potential as an effective strategy for reducing phytate content in soybean seed.  相似文献   

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