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The main aim of this study was to assess whether a history of abuse, reported during pregnancy, was associated with an operative delivery. Secondly, we assessed if the association varied according to the type of abuse and if the reported abuse had been experienced as a child or an adult.


The Bidens study, a cohort study in six European countries (Belgium, Iceland, Denmark, Estonia, Norway, and Sweden) recruited 6724 pregnant women attending routine antenatal care. History of abuse was assessed through questionnaire and linked to obstetric information from hospital records. The main outcome measure was operative delivery as a dichotomous variable, and categorized as an elective caesarean section (CS), or an operative vaginal birth, or an emergency CS. Non-obstetrically indicated were CSs performed on request or for psychological reasons without another medical reason. Binary and multinomial regression analysis were used to assess the associations.


Among 3308 primiparous women, sexual abuse as an adult (≥18 years) increased the risk of an elective CS, Adjusted Odds Ratio 2.12 (1.28–3.49), and the likelihood for a non-obstetrically indicated CS, OR 3.74 (1.24–11.24). Women expressing current suffering from the reported adult sexual abuse had the highest risk for an elective CS, AOR 4.07 (1.46–11.3). Neither physical abuse (in adulthood or childhood <18 years), nor sexual abuse in childhood increased the risk of any operative delivery among primiparous women. Among 3416 multiparous women, neither sexual, nor emotional abuse was significantly associated with any kind of operative delivery, while physical abuse had an increased AOR for emergency CS of 1.51 (1.05–2.19).


Sexual abuse as an adult increases the risk of an elective CS among women with no prior birth experience, in particular for non-obstetrical reasons. Among multiparous women, a history of physical abuse increases the risk of an emergency CS.  相似文献   

This work introduces an interpretational key to quantify and understand how much of variations among lakes in fundamental ecosystem characteristics that may be related to lake morphometry, catchment area features, measurement uncertainties and other factors (mostly climate). The size and form of lakes regulate many general transport processes, such as sedimentation, internal loading and outflow, which in turn regulate many abiotic state variables, such as concentrations of phosphorus, colour, water chemical variables and water clarity, which regulate primary production, which regulate secondary production. This paper discusses relationships between key abiotic state variables, lake morphometry and catchment area characteristics using empirical/statistical analyses based on data from 95 lakes. It has been shown that of the studied variables Secchi depth depends most on morphometry (34%); 31% of the variations among the lakes in Secchi depth may be related to catchment area characteristics, 1% to uncertainties in empirical data and 34% to other (climatological) factors. The corresponding figures for alkalinity, which depends least on lake morphometry are, 0% related to morphometry, 34% to catchment conditions, 1% to empirical uncertainty and 58% to other causes. For all other studied variables, i.e., conductivity, hardness (CaMg), calcium, iron, colour, pH and phosphorus the corresponding figures vary between these values. The interpretational key helps to explain the mechanistic reasons for these statistical/empirical results.  相似文献   

Conservation of valuable populations must be based on a thorough understanding of their genetic variation, especially for species negatively affected by human activities. We investigated the population of larch from the nature reserve in the Gorce Mountains, which was established to preserve a unique stand of Larix decidua subsp. polonica, a remnant of one of the largest native complexes of this species. The chloroplast marker ll-TaqI was used to investigate whether the gene pool of the analysed population was contaminated with the alien larch species. We used eleven nuclear DNA microsatellite markers (nSSRs) to examine this population’s genetic diversity and verify the hypothesis about historical use of the larch from the reserve as a source of reproductive material for the Tatra Mountains. The link between the reserve population and the European larch’s ancestral groups was also verified. No contamination of the studied pool of individuals by alien species was found. The study showed high genetic variability in larch from the Gorce Mountains (HE = 0.689, HO = 0.671). The differentiation between the Gorce and Tatra National Park populations was FST = 0.038 (p < 0.001). Trees from the reserve and the national park formed two distinct genetic groups. We rejected the hypothesis that the nature reserve was the source of the regeneration material used in the Tatra Mountains. The study proved the uniqueness of the reserve population, and confirmed the appropriateness of the protection measures taken.  相似文献   



Malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea continue to kill millions of children in Africa despite the available and effective treatments. Correct diagnosis and prompt treatment with effective drugs at the first option consulted for child care is crucial for preventing severe disease and death from these illnesses. Using the 2010 Demographic and Health Survey data, the present study aims to assess care-seeking and management of suspected malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea at various health care facilities in Tanzania.


We analyzed data for 8176 children born within a 5 years period preceding the survey.The information was collected by interviewing 5519 women aged 15–49 years in 10,300 households selected from 475 sample points throughout Tanzania.


The most common first option for child care was PHC facilities (54.8%), followed by private pharmacies (23.4%). These were more commonly utilized in rural compared to urban areas: 61.2% versus 34.5% for PHC facilities, and 26.5% versus 17.7% for pharmacies. Women in urban areas and those with higher level of education more commonly utilized higher level hospitals and private facilities as their first option for child care. Only one in four children with fever had received a blood test during the illness with lowest proportion being reported among children solely attended at PHC facilities. Use of abandoned antimalarial drugs for the treatment of suspected malaria was also observed in public health facilities and antibiotics use for diarrhoea treatment was high (49.0%).


PHC facilities and pharmacies most commonly provided sub-optimal care. These facilities were more commonly utilized as the first option for child care in rural areas and among the poor and non-educated families. These are groups with the highest child mortality, which calls for interventions’ targeting improvement of care at these facilities to further reduce child mortality from treatable illnesses in Tanzania.  相似文献   

Summary Anther culture, when applied to hexaploid triticale×wheat hybrids, offers the opportunity to re-assort wheat D genome and rye R genome chromosomes into homozygous doubled haploid lines in a single generation. The characterisation of such lines is the first step in their utilisation in wheat improvement. Two lines, M24 and M25 from the cross of Beagle×Kedong 58, and one line, M27, from the cross Beagle×Jinghua No. 1 have been characterised using different methods including conventional cytology and chromosome banding, and by using marker systems for storage protein composition (glutenins and gliadins), isozymes (-amylase, aminopeptidase, glutamate oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT)) and RFLP markers. The results from all approaches were consistent in proving that M24 is a whole chromosome 6R/6D substitution line, while M25 and M27 are whole chromosome 1R/1D substitution lines. The relative advantages and disadvantages of each method of identification are also discussed.  相似文献   

As initial steps to define how the 26S proteasome degrades ubiquitinated proteins in plants, we have characterized many of the subunits that comprise the proteolytic complex from Arabidopsis thaliana. A set of 23 Arabidopsis genes encoding the full complement of core particle (CP) subunits and a collection encoding 12 out of 18 known eukaryotic regulatory particle (RP) subunits, including six AAA-ATPase subunits, were identified. Several of these 26S proteasome genes could complement yeast strains missing the corresponding orthologs. Using this ability of plant subunits to functionally replace yeast counterparts, a parallel structure/function analysis was performed with the RP subunit RPN10/MCB1, a putative receptor for ubiquitin conjugates. RPN10 is not essential for yeast viability but is required for amino acid analog tolerance and degradation of proteins via the ubiquitin-fusion degradation pathway, a subpathway within the ubiquitin system. Surprisingly, we found that the C-terminal motif required for conjugate recognition by RPN10 is not essential for in vivo functions. Instead, a domain near the N-terminus is required. We have begun to exploit the moss Physcomitrella patens as a model to characterize the plant 26S proteasome using reverse genetics. By homologous recombination, we have successfully disrupted the RPN10 gene. Unlike yeast rpn10 strains which grow normally, Physcomitrella rpn10 strains are developmentally arrested, being unable to initiate gametophorogenesis. Further analysis of these mutants revealed that RPN10 is likely required for a developmental program triggered by plant hormones.  相似文献   

The debate on the relative benefits of conventional and organic farming systems has in recent time gained significant interest. So far, global agricultural development has focused on increased productivity rather than on a holistic natural resource management for food security. Thus, developing more sustainable farming practices on a large scale is of utmost importance. However, information concerning the performance of farming systems under organic and conventional management in tropical and subtropical regions is scarce. This study presents agronomic and economic data from the conversion phase (2007–2010) of a farming systems comparison trial on a Vertisol soil in Madhya Pradesh, central India. A cotton-soybean-wheat crop rotation under biodynamic, organic and conventional (with and without Bt cotton) management was investigated. We observed a significant yield gap between organic and conventional farming systems in the 1st crop cycle (cycle 1: 2007–2008) for cotton (−29%) and wheat (−27%), whereas in the 2nd crop cycle (cycle 2: 2009–2010) cotton and wheat yields were similar in all farming systems due to lower yields in the conventional systems. In contrast, organic soybean (a nitrogen fixing leguminous plant) yields were marginally lower than conventional yields (−1% in cycle 1, −11% in cycle 2). Averaged across all crops, conventional farming systems achieved significantly higher gross margins in cycle 1 (+29%), whereas in cycle 2 gross margins in organic farming systems were significantly higher (+25%) due to lower variable production costs but similar yields. Soybean gross margin was significantly higher in the organic system (+11%) across the four harvest years compared to the conventional systems. Our results suggest that organic soybean production is a viable option for smallholder farmers under the prevailing semi-arid conditions in India. Future research needs to elucidate the long-term productivity and profitability, particularly of cotton and wheat, and the ecological impact of the different farming systems.  相似文献   

β2-microglobulin, the light chain component of the major histocompatibility complex I, is involved in the development of DRA, an amyloid deposition disease occurring in man. Specifically, the β2-microglobulin component, dissociated form the complex heavy chain, gives rise to amyloidogenic deposits in the joints of patients exposed to long dialysis periods. β2-microglobulin three-dimensional structure is based on an antiparallel β?barrel fold, with immunoglobulin domain topology, displaying structural flexibility in the crystal and NMR structures so fare determined. The structural bases of amyloidogenic potential in β2-microglobulin can be related to local unfolding, to the tendency to aggregate laterally through non-compensated β-strands, and partly also to its trend towards N-terminal proteolytic degradation. Such trends emerge quite clearly from inspection of a limited number of crystal structures of β2-microglobulin as an isolated chain, separated form the major histocompatibility complex I heavy chain.  相似文献   

Marine mammals accumulate mercury in their tissues at high concentration and detoxify by forming mercury selenide (HgSe, tiemannite) mainly in the liver. We investigated the possibility of formation of HgSe in various tissues (liver, kidney, lung, spleen, pancreas, muscle and brain) other than the liver of the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). We applied a combination method of micro-X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) imaging and micro-X-ray diffraction (μ-XRD) using a synchrotron radiation X-ray microbeam to analyze the tissue samples directly with minimal sample preparation. By this method, many accumulation points for Hg and Se on a micron scale were found in thin sections of the spleen and liver tissue and consequently, the XRF spectra and the XRD pattern of the hot spots confirmed the presence of tiemannite, HgSe. On the other hand, the insoluble fractions after enzyme digestion of the nuclear and mitochondrial fractions of all tissues were subjected to X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analysis. XAFS analysis confirmed the presence of HgSe in all the tissues examined (liver, kidney, lung, spleen, pancreas, muscle and brain) of the striped dolphin. The presence of HgSe in all the tissues examined suggests that Se would be involved in the detoxification process of Hg in various tissues other than the liver. This contribution seems to be large especially in the liver and spleen but relatively small in the kidney, pancreas and brain, because the proportion of insoluble fraction containing HgSe was lower in these tissues (25 to 46%). This is the first report on the presence of tiemannite HgSe in various tissues of marine mammals.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to characterize specific mRNAs and the expression pattern for isoforms of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in the human brain. We cloned and sequenced the CaMKII and subunit cDNAs, and used them to study the CaMKII expression in human brain. Four distinct isoforms of CAMKII were isolated. Two of them were characterized as CaMKII and subunits. The other two showed similar nucleotide sequences, but one had a 33-bp insertion relative to the subunit, and the other had a 75-bp deletion relative to the subunit. These alterations are located within the variable regions. These two isoforms were characterized as CaMKII B and e. Northern blot analysis showed that a 4.4-kb messenger RNA for the isoform and a 3.9-kb messenger RNA for the isoform were expressed in both human fetal and adult brain to different degrees. The results indicate that CaMKII expression is developmentally regulated. The CaMKII isoform expression was confirmed in human fetal and adult brain using RT-PCR with specific primers, which flanked the CaMKII variable regions. The CaMKII , B, , and e isoforms were characterized in both human fetal and adult brain.  相似文献   



The prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide. The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of self-reported diabetes in Brazilian adults and to describe its population correlates as well as the clinical characteristics of the reported cases.


We analyzed basic and supplementary data of 54.144 subjects participating in VIGITEL 2011 (Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases), a telephone survey based on a probabilistic sample of subjects ≥18 years old residing in Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District. Estimates reported are weighted so as to represent the surveyed population.


The prevalence of self-reported diabetes was 6.3% (95% CI 5.9–6.7), increasing markedly with age and nutritional status, and decreasing with level of education. Prevalence was higher among those self-declaring their race/color as black. Most cases (90%) reported the diagnosis being made at 35 years or older. The vast majority (99.8%) of self-reported cases informed having previously performed at least one glucose test, and 76% of those not reporting diabetes also informed having previously performed glucose testing. Most cases (92.6%) reported following some form of diabetes treatment, 79% taking medication.


The estimated prevalence of known diabetes found, 6.3%, is consistent with estimates given by international summaries. The additional data collected in VIGITEL 2011 regarding previous glucose testing and current treatment support the use of telephone-based information to monitor the prevalence of known diabetes in Brazilian capitals.  相似文献   



To evaluate different treatment modalities, sequences, and prognostic factors in patients with brain metastases from stomach cancer.


Brain metastases from gastric cancer are rare and late manifestation of the disease, occurring in less than 1% of gastric cancer patients. The prognosis is poor and median overall survival is 1.3–2.4 months. The standard treatment scheme has not yet been described. Most studies present small sample sizes. The choice of treatment scheme is individually based on performance status, number, location and size of metastases, the status of primary tumor and the presence of other metastases.

Materials and methods

Sixteen patients diagnosed with brain metastases from gastric cancer in Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch.Patients, mostly men (69%) aged 51–75 years, (median 68.5 years). Thirteen (81.25%) had treatment of primary tumor before diagnosis of brain metastases. Primary metastatic gastric cancer was diagnosed in 6 patients (37.5%), in 3 cases (18.75%) brain was the site of those metastases. Treatment schemes were individually based.


We identified prognostic factors influencing OS: performance status, number of brain metastases, type of treatment. Median OS was 2.8 months. Median time to brain metastases was 12.3 months and it was shorter in patients with pretreatment metastases to other organs. Patients treated with combined treatment had median survival of 12.3 months.


Aggressive treatment schemes are needed to improve the outcome. Prognostic factors such as performance status, number of metastases, dissemination to other organs are helpful in considering the best treatment options.  相似文献   

Severe hyperthermia, for example, classical heatstroke or exertional heatstroke from heatwaves or exercise respectively, or from drug ingestion or other non-infective pyrogens, is associated with a high mortality and morbidity, which may be chronic or permanent. Abolition of lipopolysaccharide, from gram-negative intestinal bacteria translocating into the systemic circulation via an intestinal wall rendered permeable from the hyperthermia, reduces the adverse effects, suggesting that antibiotics against the intestinal bacteria may have a similar effect. A systematic review searching Embase, MEDLINE and PubMed from the earliest date available until 2019 was conducted, according to PRISMA guidelines. Two papers were found which fit the criteria. In one, non-absorbable oral antibiotics were administered prior to the onset of heat stress, which reduced the cardiovascular dysfunction and rise in endotoxaemia, but animals succumbed at a lower temperature. In the second, non-absorbable oral antibiotics, in combination with a laxative and enema, given prior to the onset of heat stress, improved mortality; antibiotics administered after the heat stress did not, but the antibiotics used may have limited action against intestinal bacteria. Only two papers were found; both suggest an improvement in organ dysfunction or mortality after an episode of heat stress. No papers were found that investigate the sole use of antibiotics effective against intestinal bacteria given after the onset of heat stress, although biological plausibility suggest they warrant further research.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating genetic variance components is important for studying evolution in the wild. Empirical work on domesticated and wild outbred populations suggests that dominance genetic variance represents a substantial part of genetic variance, and theoretical work predicts that ignoring dominance can inflate estimates of additive genetic variance. Whether this issue is pervasive in natural systems is unknown, because we lack estimates of dominance variance in wild populations obtained in situ. Here, we estimate dominance and additive genetic variance, maternal variance, and other sources of nongenetic variance in eight traits measured in over 9000 wild nestlings linked through a genetically resolved pedigree. We find that dominance variance, when estimable, does not statistically differ from zero and represents a modest amount (2-36%) of genetic variance. Simulations show that (1) inferences of all variance components for an average trait are unbiased; (2) the power to detect dominance variance is low; (3) ignoring dominance can mildly inflate additive genetic variance and heritability estimates but such inflation becomes substantial when maternal effects are also ignored. These findings hence suggest that dominance is a small source of phenotypic variance in the wild and highlight the importance of proper model construction for accurately estimating evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

DNA obtained from museum specimens provides a historical perspective on levels of genetic diversity. Archived samples are irreplaceable so it is desirable that only parts of the specimens are used, which constrains the amount of DNA obtained from small taxa. However, at present there are no quantitative data on yields of DNA from such samples. In this paper we determine the amount of DNA that may be extracted from the legs of museum-archived specimens of the damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier) and the suitability of this DNA for PCR-amplification of nuclear genetic loci (microsatellites). We find that (i) the yield of DNA correlates with the genotyping success rate and (ii) the amount of DNA obtained from the legs decreases with time since sample collection until 1954, before which no DNA could be detected (although DNA may be present in very low quantities). This cut-off point for successful DNA extraction corresponds with the date until reliable genotypes could be obtained by routine PCR. Thus, air-dried insect legs more than 50 years old appear to have limited usefulness for studies that seek to amplify many nuclear loci without the use of other techniques that may be used to increase the possible low-quantities of template DNA present.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify habitat preferences of red-listedepiphytic and epixylic bryophyte, lichenized and non-lichenized fungi speciesinwoodland key habitats (WKHS) (areas less than 10 ha, where foreststructures indicate occurrence of red-listed species) in southern Sweden. Therelative importance of different groups of environmental factors was assessedwith partial canonical correspondence analysis techniques and across-validationapproach using data from 7196 selected WKHs. Different woody substrates (oldtrees, logs and snags) made up the most important variable group for occurrenceof red-listed species (30% unique explainable variation). Species associatedwith Fagus sylvatica and Picea abieshabitats, but also species associated with Quercus spp.andPopulus tremula habitats showed distinct habitatpreferences. The second most important variable group (16% unique explainablevariation) was geographical location. A west–east gradient was identified, andspecies concentrated to Baltic islands in the east were separated from otherspecies. This gradient, and an identified south–north gradient, probablyreflect differences in temperatures and rainfall between different regions.Among the remaining variable groups, historical land-use, ground conditions andforest stand composition were of similar importance (5–7% uniqueexplainable variation). Traditional management regimes resulting in semi-openforest habitats (leaf harvesting, forest grazing and selective cutting) wereassociated with the occurrence of many species, probably due to differences inmicroclimate between sites of different openness. Furthermore, a groundmoisturegradient extending from species associated with dry sites (mainly lichenizedfungi) to species associated with wet sites (mainly bryophytes), and a nutrientgradient from species associated with nutrient-poor sites to species occurringat nutrient-rich sites, were identified. Thus, conservation measures are neededin a broad spectrum of habitats with different substrates. Also sites withsimilar substrates, but situated in different regions (and climates), or withdifferent ground moisture and nutrient conditions are needed to cover the fullspectrum of habitat conditions suitable for different red-listed bryophytes andfungi.  相似文献   

Current environmental change predictions forecast intensified drought conditions. It is becoming increasingly evident that plant communities are sensitive to drought and that soil-inhabiting microbial communities vary along precipitation gradients. However, the drought sensitivity of microbial communities in general and that of soil fungi in particular remains unclear, even though understanding their responses to adverse environmental conditions is vital for better understanding of ecosystem service provisioning. We sampled soils at two sites with established experiments that imposed extreme, chronic drought to assess fungal community responses. We analyzed fungal communities using both culture-dependent and -independent tools and MiSeq-sequenced communities from colony forming units (CFU-PCR) on a drought simulating medium and from environmental DNA (ePCR), to compare the conclusions derived from these two methods. Our data from the two approaches consistently indicate that the composition of fungal communities is not affected by the drought treatment, whereas – based on the CFU-PCR but not ePCR data – their richness and diversity increased under drought conditions at the more mesic of the two sites. Further, based on the direct comparisons of CFU-PCR and ePCR, we estimate that more than 10% of the fungal community and more than 20% of the ascomycetes were culturable. We conclude that although recent research indicates that plant and bacterial communities respond to drought, fungal community responses are more variable, particularly in experiments that impose chronic drought under field conditions.  相似文献   

《Biotechnology advances》2017,35(4):419-442
This review discusses opportunities and bottlenecks for cell factory development of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), with an emphasis on lactobacilli and pediococci, their metabolism and genetic tools. In order to enable economically feasible bio-based production of chemicals and fuels in a biorefinery, the choice of product, substrate and production organism is important. Currently, the most frequently used production hosts include Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but promising examples are available of alternative hosts such as LAB. Particularly lactobacilli and pediococci can offer benefits such as thermotolerance, an extended substrate range and increased tolerance to stresses such as low pH or high alcohol concentrations. This review will evaluate the properties and metabolism of these organisms, and provide an overview of their current biotechnological applications and metabolic engineering. We substantiate the review by including experimental results from screening various lactobacilli and pediococci for transformability, growth temperature range and ability to grow under biotechnologically relevant stress conditions. Since availability of efficient genetic engineering tools is a crucial prerequisite for industrial strain development, genetic tool development is extensively discussed. A range of genetic tools exist for Lactococcus lactis, but for other species of LAB like lactobacilli and pediococci such tools are less well developed. Whereas lactobacilli and pediococci have a long history of use in food and beverage fermentation, their use as platform organisms for production purposes is rather new. By harnessing their properties such as thermotolerance and stress resistance, and by using emerging high-throughput genetic tools, these organisms are very promising as versatile cell factories for biorefinery applications.  相似文献   

Ganoderma lucidum is a saprotrophic white-rot fungus which contains a rich set of cellulolytic enzymes. Here, we screened an array of potential 1,4-β-endoglucanases from G. lucidum based on the gene annotation library and found that one candidate gene, GlCel5A, exhibits CMC-hydrolyzing activity. The recombinant GlCel5A protein expressed in Pichia pastoris is able to hydrolyze CMC and β-glucan but not xylan and mannan. The enzyme exhibits optimal activity at 60 °C and pH 3–4, and retained 50% activity at 80 and 90 °C for at least 15 and 10 min. The crystal structure of GlCel5A and its complex with cellobiose, solved at 2.7 and 2.86 Å resolution, shows a classical (β/α)8 TIM-barrel fold as seen in other members of glycoside hydrolase family 5. The complex structure contains a cellobiose molecule in the +1 and +2 subsites, and reveals the interactions with the positive sites of the enzyme. Collectively, the present work provides the first comprehensive characterization of an endoglucanase from G. lucidum that possesses properties for industrial applications, and strongly encourages further studying in the cellulolytic enzyme system of G. lucidum.  相似文献   

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