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Hippophae rhamnoides is an outcrossing pioneer plant species with a severely fragmented distribution. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker variation was analysed in 10 populations of ssp. rhamnoides and in one population of ssp. mongolica to estimate the amount and distribution of genetic variability. No less than 89.7% of the scorable markers were polymorphic, but few of these were fixed and populations consequently differed mainly by frequency variation of individual markers. Within-population gene diversity was somewhat low for an outcrossing plant species: 0.192 or 0.159 for ssp. rhamnoides , depending on whether it was based on all 156 polymorphic RAPDs or on only those 63 RAPDs that fulfilled the 3/ N criterion. Analysis of molecular variance applied to the ssp. rhamnoides showed only 15% between-population variability, indicating a relatively restricted population differentiation as expected in outcrossing species and shown in several other AMOVA studies. The tendency for island populations to be somewhat more differentiated, and to have less within-population diversity than mainland populations, may indicate an effect of population fragmentation. Genetic distance estimates among populations, obtained with and without pruning of RAPD loci on the basis of the 3/ N criterion, were generally in very good agreement. Cluster analyses and principal coordinate analyses showed populations of ssp. rhamnoides to be rather close, but quite isolated from the single ssp. mongolica population. Genetic and geographical distances between the ssp. rhamnoides populations were not associated, indicating that large-scale geographical and ecotypic differentiation was not reflected in the RAPD profiles.  相似文献   

Taxus cuspidata var. nana is a cultivated variety of Taxus cuspidata and contains taxol, a valuable secondary metabolite of medical importance, both in their stems and leaves. In this paper, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess the genomic diversity of individual plants within T. cuspidata population. Seventy-four randomly selected plants were analyzed by 29 selected primers among which 25 primers produced polymorphic banding patterns. The coefficient of similarity among the plants ranged from 0.30 to 1.00 with a mean of 0.605. Our results showed that a surprisingly high level of genomic diversity existed within T. cuspidata, and RAPD markers were effective in revealing the diversity. Cluster analysis divided the plants into two groups. This data, when taken together with earlier findings showing variation in taxol content within a natural population of T. cuspidata, suggests a tantalizing possibility for selecting genomically homogeneous T. cuspidata plant lines with elevated and stable taxol content. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2006, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 771–776. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The disribution ranges of Drosophila azteca and D. athabasca overlap in northen California and southern Oregon. Seven populations, four of which are located in this area, were studied. Large random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation was found within species; nevertheless, more than half the primers used in the study yielded greater diofference between than within species. A nested analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the variance between populations within species was significantly greater than zero for 55% of the oligonucleotides used, which provided evidence for an underlying geographical structure of these populations. Specimens of D. azteca and D. athabasca from Salem (OR), where both species were collected together, presented the highest similarity encountered between species.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among 45 Indian mustard (Brassica Juncea L.) genotypes comprising 37 germplasm collections, five advance breeding lines and three improved cultivars was investigated at the DNA level using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Fifteen primers used generated a total of 92 RAPD fragments, of which 81 (88%) were polymorphic. Of these, 13 were unique to accession 'Pak85559'. Each primer produced four to nine amplified products with an average of 6.13 bands per primer. Based on pairwise comparisons of RAPD amplification products, Nei and Li's similarity coefficients were calculated to evaluate the relationships among the accessions. Pairwise similarity indices were higher among the oilseed accessions and cultivars showing narrow ranges of 0.77-0.99. An unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages cluster analysis based on these genetic similarities placed most of the collections and oilseed cultivars close to each other, showing a low level of polymorphism between the accessions used. However, the clusters formed by oilseed collections and cultivars were comparatively distinct from that of advanced breeding lines. Genetically, all of the accessions were classified into a few major groups and a number of individual accessions. Advanced breeding lines were relatively divergent from the rest of the accessions and formed independent clusters. Clustering of the accessions did not show any pattern of association between the RAPD markers and the collection sites. A low level of genetic variability of oilseed mustard was attributed to the selection for similar traits and horticultural uses. Perhaps close parentage of these accessions further contributed towards their little diversity. The study demonstrated that RAPD is a simple and fast technique to compare the genetic relationship and pattern of variation among the gene pool of this crop.  相似文献   

RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) polymorphism was studied in 23 malting and non-malting spring barley cultivars included in the official list of Polish cultivated varieties. Twenty-four 10-mer primers were tested in each cultivar, giving altogether 149 amplification products, 45% of which were polymorphic. The number of polymorphic bands revealed by one primer ranged from 1 to 6, with an average of 2.8. Genetic distance for all pairs of compared varieties was estimated and a dendrogram was constructed using unweighted pair group method of arithmetic means. The genetic distance between cultivars ranged from 0.11 for cvs. Apex and Bryl to 0.62 for cvs. Orthega and Madonna. Of the seven malting cultivars only two (Brenda and Stratus) formed one group at D = 0.25. The genetic distance between cvs. Brenda and Scarlett, especially recommended for brewery, was equal to 0.34. The detected polymorphism appeared to be sufficient for assessing genetic distances between cultivars, but on the basis of this polymorphism groups of malting and non-malting cultivars were not clearly distinguished.  相似文献   

Sexing birds using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to sex birds from small tissue (usually blood) samples. Arbitrarily chosen 10-mer PCR primers were screened with DNA from known-sex individuals for the production of a bright female-specific band. Suitable primers were found for seven bird species after screening about 30 primers (range 2–63), and no primer was found for three other species after screening about 50 primers for each species. Investigations into the reliability of RAPD markers for sexing great tits Parus major and oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus show that: (i) when PCR reaction conditions for great tit DNA are varied, either the presence of the female-specific band correctly predicts the individual's sex or no DNA amplification occurs; (ii) the female-specific band in great tits can be sequenced, and subsequently amplified using specific PCR primers; (iii) null alleles of the female-specific fragment occur at an estimated frequency of 0% ( n = 241 females) in great tits and 0.6% ( n > 290 females) in oystercatchers; (iv) the female-specific fragment in great tits occurs in individuals from a wide geographical range encompassing two subspecies; and (v) the relative intensity of bands in great tit RAPD banding profiles is consistent across individual birds and scorers. The RAPD primers that we have identified are generally species specific, and the consequent time cost of screening for primers is the chief disadvantage of using RAPD markers to sex birds. However, with large sample sizes this disadvantage is outweighed by the relative technical simplicity and low cost of the technique.  相似文献   

Overviews on patterns of genetic variation within and among plant populations show that widespread, outcrossing species should have a high proportion of the total genetic variation within populations and a low proportion among populations, which results in little population differentiation. However, in Alpine areas, large–scale distribution barriers as well as small-scale habitat heterogeneity could lead to geographical and temporal isolation, respectively. We investigated the genetic variation of Saxifraga oppositifolia from 10 populations of the Alps in southeastern Switzerland using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Based on the banding patterns of four RAPD primers, 84 polymorphic markers identified all 189 sampled individuals as being genetically different. The genetic variation was mainly found within populations (95%), whereas less than 5% was found among populations and among regions. Analyses of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) suggested that population differentiation was highly significant. However, grouping populations differently into regions did not appear to result in a clear correspondence of genetic and geographical relatedness. Genetic variation did not significantly differ between populations of two elevational levels. This coincides with results of former pollination experiments that revealed a breeding system of S. oppositifolia which remains the same irrespective of the elevation. We assume that the high outcrossing rate, rare clonal reproduction, and some long-distance dispersal even among topographically separated populations are the crucial determinants for the pattern of genetic variation found in the investigated area.  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay utilizes the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and short primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence to amplify DNA. In this study, the RAPD assay was used to identify and map polymorphic markers in the AgResearch International Mapping Flock (IMF) sheep pedigrees. Sires and dams of eight of the full-sib IMF pedigrees were screened with 131 different 10-mer oligonucleotide primers. An average of 85 RAPD polymorphisms was identified between each parental pair, and 53 markers were contributed to the AgResearch IMF collaboration. Forty-five of the RAPD markers were mapped in the AgResearch IMF genetic linkage map, and at least one marker was located on 17 of the 26 autosomes and both sex chromosomes. Three lines of evidence were used to check for the homology of scored polymorphisms in different pedigrees, pedigree evaluation, segregation analysis, and Southern blot analysis. These results demonstrate that the RAPD assay is a powerful approach for identifying polymorphisms that can be used as markers for constructing a sheep genetic linkage map. Received: 5 October 1995 / Accepted: 16 April 1996  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(3):227-233
The genetic relatedness among Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) occurring on different host plants prevailing in South India was studied using PCR-RAPD. Genomic DNA was isolated individually from five larvae collected from each of 10 different host plants (except in okra). PCR-RAPD analysis was carried out using a set of 20 random primers which had produced repeatable banding patterns from a original set of 60 primers. A set of 155 amplicon levels were available for analysis, of which 154 were polymorphic. An average of 7.75 bands per primer was recorded. Similarity coefficients based on the frequency of band sharing among host strains varied from 0.25 in cotton and sunflower to 0.72 in groundnut. Clustering analysis on the basis of the PCR-RAPD-generating band sharing indicated that most of the individuals occurring on niger, safflower, green gram, abutilon and lagasca clustered together, indicating greater genetic similarity among themselves, than those occurring on other crops. Furthermore, the pattern of genetic variation in the individuals collected from niger, safflower, green gram, groundnut, abutilon and lagasca was seem to be largely host-dependent.  相似文献   

Species identifications of the Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus from four other Japanese lampreys, Lethenteron japonicum, L. kessleri, and two undescribed Lethenteron species (L. sp. N and L. sp. S), were carried out on the basis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Of 65 RAPD loci, seven loci possessing species-specific fragments were obtained for E. tridentatus. Based on these RAPD loci, four larval individuals of E. tridentatus from the Naka River (eastern Honshu Island, Japan) were recognized in 2001 and 2002. The existence of larval individuals of E. tridentatus, as well as spawning adults previously reported from the same river, indicated the possibility of residence in that species.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to identify genetic relationships in three species of Typhonium and to evaluate the genetic variance within populations of Typhonium trilobatum, Typhonium roxburghii and Typhonium flagelliforme by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. A total of 193 distinct DNA fragments ranging from 0.2 to 3.2 kb, were amplified using 22 selected random decamer primers. The cluster analysis indicated that the three species of Typhonium formed two clusters: the first one consisted of T. trilobatum and T. roxburghii, the second one was represented by T. flagelliforme. A maximum similarity of 63 % was observed in T. trilobatum and T. roxburghii. T. flagelliforme shared up to 43 % similarity with T. trilobatum and T. roxburghii. The closest genetic distance was obtained within populations of different Typhonium species.  相似文献   

RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) molecular markers were used to investigate relationships between a sample of Bambusa species from South Eastern China that have been placed in Bambusa or in several segregate genera, Dendrocalamopsis, Leleba, Lingnania, Neosinocalamus and Sinocalamus by different authors. On the resultant neighbor-joining tree, a thorny core Bambusa cluster was distinguished, as was a Lingnania group, and a cluster of Dendrocalamus species with more capitate inflorescences. However, Leleba was found to be a polyphyletic group in the present study.  相似文献   

RFLP-based genetic map of rye, developed previously using a cross of lines DS2×RXL10 (F2 generation), was extended with 69 RAPD and 12 isozyme markers. The actual map contains 282 markers dispersed on all seven chromosomes and spans a distance of 1,140 cM. The efficiency of mapping RAPD markers was close to ten loci per 100-screened arbitrary primers. A strong selection of polymorphic, intensive and reproducible fragments was necessary to reveal individual marker loci that could be assigned to rye chromosomes. Newly mapped markers cover a substantial part of the rye genome and constitute a valuable tool suitable for map saturation, marker-aided selection and phenetic studies. A specific nomenclature for the RAPD loci mapped on individual rye chromosomes, which could be helpful in managing of accumulating data, is proposed. Received: 8 May 2000 / Accepted: 17 October 2000  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were utilized for the identification of Lilium species and inter-specific hybrids. The optimum annealing temperature of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the RAPD assay in Lilium was 54 °C, which is relatively higher than the temperature used for other genera reported by previous researchers. Among 76 primers used to amplify genomic DNA by PCR, 18 primers (24%) generated polymorphic DNA fragments in Lilium species and hybrids. Cultivars were also identified by RAPD markers. Some amplified fragments were unique to species of each section and to hybrids derived from these species; that is, they were the section-specific DNA markers. Sections, Sinomartagon, Leucolirion b, Leucolirion a and Archelirion could be identified by 6 section-specific markers amplified with five primers. Seven inter-section hybrids showed the section-specific bands of both parental sections, indicating that these markers would be useful for identifying the parental sections of inter-section hybrids.  相似文献   

RAPD analysis was applied to onion (Allium cepa) and otherAllium species in order to assess the degree of polymorphism within the genus and to investigate if this approach was suitable for genetic studies of onion. Seven cultivars ofA. cepa, including shallot, and single cultivars of Japanese bunching onion (A. fistulosum), chive (A. schoenoprasum), leek (A. ampeloprasum), and a wild relative of onion (A. roylei), were evaluated for variability using a set of 20 random 10-mer primers. Seven out of the twenty primers revealed scorable polymorphisms between cultivars ofA. cepa and these will be further evaluated for use in genetic mapping. Wide variations in banding profiles between species were observed with nearly every primer tested. These were assessed for use in systematic studies within the genus. Ninety-one band positions were scored (+/-) for all the cultivars studied. Genetic distances between each of the cultivars were calculated and cluster analysis was used to generate a dendrogram showing phylogenetic relationships between them. The resulting analysis was in broad agreement with previous classifications of the species studied, confirming the validity of the method. However, amongst the species studied, it placedA. roylei as the closest relative ofA. cepa, questioning the current classification of the former species in the section Rhizideum.  相似文献   

The degree of genetic divergence was estimated in seven wheat genotypes, six exotic genotypes and one local variety, through random amplified polymorphic DNA methodology. A total of 112 DNA fragments were generated by the 15 random primers, with an average of about 7.4 bands per primer. Among the 112, 50 fragments showed polymorphism among the seven wheat genotypes. Nei and Li's similarity matrix ranged from 86.2 to 93.0%, which indicated a narrow genetic base among the genotypes. The maximum similarity, 93.0%, was observed between 12WLRG/1-12 and WL-43. The local variety, Chenab-70, showed the lowest similarity with the exotic types. We conclude that random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of wheat genotypes; these results will be helpful in our wheat breeding program.  相似文献   

A total of 141 short primers, of arbitrary nucleotide sequence, were used singly in poly-merase chain reactions to amplify DNA fingerprints in pools of DNA representing three Zebu cattle breeds. Two primers, which discriminated between the breed-specific DNA pools were used further to amplify individual pool components in order to establish band frequencies of the amplified fingerprints. One of the primers (ILO 1127) amplified a RAPD fingerprint in 61%of TSZ animals but less than 6% in the other breeds, while another primer (ILO 1065) revealed a DNA sequence common to 89% of the Boran animals and less than 30% in the other two breeds. Bandsharing and mean average percentage difference calculated within and between the three breeds using RAPD fingerprint data showed a higher degree of homogeneity within than across the breeds and indicated measurable divergence between the three breeds. It is concluded that RAPD polymorphisms are useful as genetic markers for cattle breed differentiation.  相似文献   

采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记分析了15个丁香品种的DNA扩增产物。研究选用了16个随机引物,共扩增出96条带,其中55条带为可重复性条带,有价值条带大小多在517bp至1636bp之间。这些标记足以区分这些丁香品种。欧丁香(Syringavulgaris)与S.×hyacinthiflora间的相似系数为61.5%,欧丁香与S.×prestoniae间的相似系数为47.2%,S.×hyacinthiflora与S.×prestoniae间的相似系数为43.6%。结果表明,欧丁香与S.×hyacinthiflora亲缘关系最近。应用RAPD资料分析讨论了一些品种的起源。RAPD技术为丁香品种分类鉴定提供了可靠方法。  相似文献   

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