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为探讨横断山区大绒鼠适应食物匮乏的适应对策,将成年雄性大绒鼠随机分为自由取食组和饲喂正常摄食量的80% 限食组。测定了自由取食组和限食组雄性大绒鼠的体重、静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热以及体脂含量、血清瘦素含量、肝脏鲜重、褐色脂肪组织重量和消化道形态。结果显示:限食使雄性大绒鼠的体重、体脂含量、静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热、褐色脂肪组织重量和大肠、小肠长度显著降低,使盲肠内容物重量显著增加。血清瘦素含量与体重、体脂含量呈极显著正相关。在限食条件下,大绒鼠主要通过降低体重、基础代谢和产热的能量支出以及动用体内脂肪以应对食物资源短缺的环境条件,瘦素可能参与了能量代谢和体重的适应性调节。  相似文献   

为阐明大绒鼠幼仔的生长发育和代谢产热特征,本实验测定了1-49 日龄大绒鼠幼仔的体重、体温、静止代谢率(RMR)和非颤抖性产热(NST)。依据逻辑斯蒂曲线的拐点(24 d),大绒鼠的体重生长可划分为加速生长相和减速生长相,幼仔的体温在19 日龄前逐渐升高,22 日龄时接近成体水平;RMR 和NST分别在28日龄、19日龄前随日龄逐渐增加,RMR 在28日龄时接近成体水平,BAT 产热活性在7 日龄内被激活。结果表明,大绒鼠胎后发育及产热能力符合晚成性动物的一般特征,即具有短的妊娠期,较少的胎仔数,较长的哺乳期,这些特征对适应横断山特殊多变的环境条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了解横断山地区大绒鼠对光照和温度两个因子的适应性特征,将大绒鼠分为4组,分别于5±1℃,6L:18D:5±1℃,18L:6D;30±1℃,6L:18D和30±1℃,18L:6D 4个条件下驯化28 d.分别测定了对照组(0 d)和驯化28 d后,每一个体的体重、体温和产热能力;并测定驯化28 d后4组大绒鼠个体的肝脏和褐色脂肪组织的产热活性变化.结果显示,在低温诱导下大绒鼠体重下降,体温降低,静止代谢率升高,非颤抖性产热能力增加,肝脏和褐色脂肪组织的产热活性也出现相应提升;在高温下出现与低温时相反的现象;但光照周期对大绒鼠的体重、体温、产热能力及肝脏和褐色脂肪组织的产热活性均没有显著影响.推测由于横断山的低纬度、高海拔特征可能导致大绒鼠在季节适应过程中对温度的敏感程度高于光照.  相似文献   

赵志军 《兽类学报》2012,32(4):297-305
为阐明动物应对食物短缺的能量学对策与其自身的代谢水平的关系,测定了不同限食程度下黑线仓鼠的体重、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热。结果发现,限食使基础代谢率、非颤抖性产热、褐色脂肪组织细胞色素c氧化酶活性降低。90% 限食驯化4 周后,存活率为80% ,60% 限食驯化4 周后,存活率为30% 。低温驯化使黑线仓鼠基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热显著增加,使80% 限食动物的体重和存活率显著降低。高基础代谢率组的摄食量比低基础代谢率组多23.8% ,80% 限食后两组体重降低的幅度和存活率差异不显著。结果表明:高水平的代谢率使黑线仓鼠对食物资源短缺的敏感性增加;支持“代谢率转换假说”,符合“具有储食习性的动物对食物短缺的生理耐受性较低” 的预测。  相似文献   

大绒鼠的分带核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用G带、C带和银染核仁组织者(Ag-NORs)等技术,对大绒鼠(Eothe nomys miletus miletus)的核型进行观察分析。结果表明:2n=56,常染色体和性染色体皆为单臂染色体。X染色体的长度接近于No.1染色体,Y染色体的长度相当于14号染色体。G分带可鉴别每对染色体的特征,C-带核型中全部着丝点C带均显示不同程度的阳性。Y染色体整条呈阳性。Ag-NORs有5对,分别分布于1、2、6、14和27号染色体的着丝粒附近。通过核型分析,对大绒鼠的分类地位进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

动物行为和生理活动的适应性调节是应对食物资源变化的主要策略。为探讨禁食和重喂食对大绒鼠体重、产热和血清瘦素的影响,测定了禁食和重喂食条件下大绒鼠的体重、体脂重量、静止代谢率、身体组成、血清瘦素含量以及禁食后重喂食期间的摄食量。结果显示:禁食导致大绒鼠体重、体脂重量和静止代谢率显著下降,重喂食后体重和静止代谢率能够恢复到对照组水平,而体脂重量却不能恢复。禁食12 h 后血清瘦素含量快速下降,重喂食后未能恢复到对照水平。此外,大绒鼠在禁食后重喂食期间摄食量没有补偿性增加,血清瘦素含量与体脂重量呈正相关关系。这些结果很可能反映出大绒鼠能调节自身生理状况以适应短期的能量缺乏,主要通过降低体重、血清瘦素含量和代谢活性器官重量以减少能量消耗。禁食后重喂食时大绒鼠没有摄食过量。血清瘦素的下降早于体重和体脂的下降。  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物通过产热能力的调整来应对环境的胁迫。为探究外源瘦素对不同地区大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)适应性产热的影响,选取云南昆明和大理地区捕获的大绒鼠各14只,置于25℃±1℃,光周期为12L∶12D的环境中,每日腹腔注射瘦素,持续28 d。以LT502电子天平每两天测定大绒鼠的体重,采用食物平衡法每两天测定大绒鼠摄食量,以便携式呼吸代谢测量系统每7天测定静止代谢率(RMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)。第28天处死动物后,采用酶联免疫吸附法测定线粒体蛋白含量、线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶(COX)活性、解偶联蛋白1(UCP1)含量、血清三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)、甲状腺素(T4)、瘦素水平以及促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)和促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)水平。结果表明,注射瘦素后昆明和大理地区大绒鼠的体重和摄食量显著降低,RMR和NST增强,肝脏中线粒体蛋白含量和COX活性,褐色脂肪组织(BAT)中COX活性和UCP1含量,及血清T3、T4、T3/T4比值、TRH和CRH浓度均增加。瘦素水平与体重、摄食量呈负相关,血清T3水平与NST和UCP1含量呈正相关。此外,注射前昆...  相似文献   

对仓山和洱海国家自然保护区4种年龄的森林以及周边的农田、果园、荒山灌丛和非保护区6种年龄的森林中齐氏姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)和大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)的种群数量进行了调查,研究了森林中2种小兽与栖境因子的关系以及人类活动对其种群数量的影响。结果表明,齐氏姬鼠和大绒鼠的生态位宽度分别为0.706和0.641,生态位重叠度为0.831。聚类分析显示:农田中2种小兽的种群数量最高;在非保护区森林、灌丛和果园,齐氏姬鼠和大绒鼠的数量显著低于农田,而高于保护区森林。人类干扰活动对森林底层植物有显著影响,能显著降低灌木的覆盖度、物种多度(除了6~10年生的森林)和密度,而增加草本植物的覆盖度和密度。回归结果表明,2种小兽的数量与森林草本植物的覆盖度呈正相关,而与灌木的密度呈负相关。  相似文献   

The Yunnan red‐backed vole Eothenomys miletus (Rodentia: Cricetidae) is an endemic rodent species and reservoir host of zoonoses in southwest China. Based on a large host sample (2463 voles collected from 39 localities between 2001 and 2013), a general analysis of four categories of ectoparasite (fleas, sucking lice, chigger mites and gamasid mites) on E. miletus across its entire range of distribution was made. This analysis identified a total of 71 895 ectoparasites belonging to 320 species (30 species of flea, 9 of sucking louse, 106 of gamasid mite and 175 of chigger mite) with a high prevalence (87%), mean abundance (29.19) and mean intensity (33.69). Of the 18 vector species of zoonoses found on E. miletus, the flea Ctenophthalmus quadratus (Siphonaptera: Hystrichopsyllidae) and chigger mite Leptotrombidium scutellare (Trombidiformes: Trombiculidae) were the dominant species; these are the main vectors of zoonoses in China. All of the dominant parasite species showed an aggregated distribution pattern. Male voles harboured more species of parasite than females. Chigger mites represented the most abundant species group on voles and their prevalence was positively correlated with mean abundance (r = 0.73; P < 0.05). As a single rodent species, E. miletus has a high potential to harbour abundant ectoparasites with high species diversity and high rates of infestation. The sex of the vole affects ectoparasite infestation.  相似文献   

大绒鼠Eothenomys miletus和高山姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri为横断山地区小型哺乳动物的代表.分别测定大绒鼠和高山姬鼠冷驯化组(7 d、14 d、21 d、28 d)与对照组(0 d)中肝脏线粒体蛋白含量、呼吸状态Ⅲ和状态Ⅳ、呼吸磷氧比的变化以及较大绒鼠和高山姬鼠的相应项,探讨大绒鼠和高山姬鼠对不同冷环境的适应情况以及肝脏产热的机理.结果 表明:在冷驯化条件下,大绒鼠和高山姬鼠的产热显著增加,无论是大绒鼠还是高山姬鼠实验组比对照组肝脏线粒体蛋白含量、呼吸状态Ⅲ和状态Ⅳ、呼吸磷氧比有着显著的提高,在两者的比较中,在同等冷驯化条件下高山姬鼠增加的程度高于大绒鼠.  相似文献   

为阐明动物应对食物短缺的能量学对策,将成年大绒鼠按自由取食量的90%、80%和70%限食4周。测定了不同限食程度下大绒鼠的存活率、体重、体脂含量、血清瘦素浓度、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热。结果发现,90%限食驯化4周后,动物没有死亡,80%限食驯化4周后,存活率为90%,而70%限食驯化4周后,存活率仅为60%。限食使大绒鼠体重、体脂含量、血清瘦素浓度、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热降低。血清瘦素浓度与体重、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热呈显著正相关。结果表明,在限食条件下,大绒鼠主要通过降低体重、基础代谢率和产热的能量支出以及动用体内脂肪以应对食物资源短缺的环境条件,符合"代谢率转换"假说。瘦素作为饥饿信号可能参与了限食条件下大绒鼠能量代谢和体重的适应性调节。  相似文献   

Mass and gross composition of white and brown adipose tissues and of skeletal muscle were determined for C. gapperi and for M. pennsylvanicus from monthly samples of a 1-year period. Amounts of brown fat increased throughout autumn to a maximum in late winter and then declined to a minimum in the spring. Gross composition remained relatively constant throughout the year. Changes in white fat showed a trend similar to changes in brown fat. Relatively low mean values for muscle mass during summer were due to a change in the age structure of the vole population.  相似文献   

为探讨横断山区小型哺乳动物体温调节和产热特征的日节律,对横断山区固有种大绒鼠(Eothenomys mile-tus)在24h中4个时间段(05:00—07:00、11:00—13:00、17:00—19:00、23:00—01:00)的体温、基础代谢率、非颤抖性产热进行了测定。结果显示大绒鼠的体温、基础代谢率、非颤抖性产热在24h内具有节律性波动,且变化趋势基本同步;各生理参数的最高值和最低值都分别出现在05:00—07:00和11:00—13:00时间段。结果表明,横断山区大绒鼠的基础代谢率、非颤抖性产热在其体温调节的日节律中起到了重要作用,同时,大绒鼠其夜间体温调节、产热特征显著高于白天,以适应横断山日温差大、食物资源丰富的特征。  相似文献   

Summary The weight-specific oxygen consumption ( ) of prairie voles caught in winter is 24% higher at 27.5° C and 29% higher at 7.5° C than that of summer animals, thus affording a higher weight-specific thermogenesis in winter than in summer which may allow tolerance to lower thermal exposures. Coincident with the increase in weight-specific rates of oxygen consumption is a decrease in body weight. When total energetic cost to maintain an animal per unit time is calculated, the cost at 27.5° C is the same for both summer and winter animals. Further, the cost to maintain an animal at 7.5° C is less in winter than in summer. Arguments are presented suggesting that prairie voles compensate for increased weight-specific thermogenesis in winter by lowering body weight. The responses to thermal acclimation are quite different in summer and winter animals, thus implying different sorts of metabolic organization. Acclimation to 5° C effects a 26% increase in at 27.5° C of winter voles, and acclimation to 30° C does not change . In contrast, at 27.5° C of summer animals is unaffected by 5° C acclimation, and depressed 20% by 30° C acclimation. Thus, the animals are capable of considerable physiological adjustment to varying thermal conditions in different seasons.  相似文献   

Runck AM  Cook JA 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(5):1445-1456
Dynamic climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene dramatically changed the distributions of high latitude species. Molecular investigations of a variety of organisms show that processes of postglacial colonization of boreal regions were more complex than initially thought. Phylogeographical and coalescent analyses were conducted on partial sequences of the cytochrome b gene (600 bp) from 64 individuals of Clethrionomys gapperi from North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Idaho, Washington, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, and Alaska to test hypotheses relating to Pleistocene refugia and postglacial colonization routes. Three divergent clades (east, west, central) were identified with highest net divergence (dA = 5.2%) between the eastern and western clades. Populations from the recently deglaciated higher latitudes of Canada and Alaska are closely related to lower latitude populations of the central clade (dA = 1.2%) suggesting recent expansion from this midwestern region. No representatives from the east or west clade were found at latitudes higher than 50 degrees N, indicating that postglacial colonization occurred through a midcontinental route. The high latitude population from the Northwest Territories exhibited demographic patterns and genetic diversity consistent with a stable noncolonizing population. This population is found near the Mackenzie range, where the two continental ice sheets were believed to have coalesced. Molecular variation observed in this population may be the result of leading edge population diversifying in the continental corridor or may reflect the signal of a high latitude refugial population.  相似文献   

Food resources play an important role in the regulation of animals’ physiology and behavior. We investigated the effect of short-term food restriction on metabolic thermogenesis of Chinese bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis) by measuring changes in body mass, body fat, basic metabolic rate(BMR), and organ mass of wild-caught Chinese bulbuls from Wenzhou, China. Short-term food restriction induced a significant decrease in body mass and body fat but body mass returned to normal levels soon after food was no longer restricted. Food restriction caused a significant reduction in BMR after 7 days(P<0.05), which returned to normal levels after food restriction ceased. Log total BMR was positively correlated with log body mass(r2=0.126, P<0.05). The dry masses of livers and the digestive tract were higher in birds that had been subject to temporary food restriction than in control birds and those subject to continual food restriction(P<0.001 and P<0.05, respectively). There was also significant differences in the dry mass of the lungs(P<0.05), heart(P<0.01), and spleen(P<0.05) in birds subject to short-term food restriction compared to control birds and those subject to continual food restriction. BMR was positively correlated with body and organ(heart, kidney and stomach) mass. These results suggest that the Chinese bulbul adjusts to restricted food availability by utilizing its energy reserves, lowering its BMR and changing the weight of various internal organs so as to balance total energy requirements. These may all be survival strategies that allow birds to cope with unpredictable variation in food abundance.  相似文献   

为了阐明温度和增加胎仔数对大绒鼠Eothenomys miletus哺乳期能量代谢的影响,本研究测定了在不同温度条件下增加胎仔数(比正常胎仔数多),大绒鼠的摄食量、胎仔数、胎仔质量、静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热和乳腺质量。结果表明:不同胎仔数对大绒鼠的摄食量、胎仔质量和产热能力没有影响。低温增加了母体的摄食量和产热能力,断奶时低温组的胎仔质量显著低于常温组。低温组和常温组大绒鼠的乳腺质量差异无统计学意义。研究结果说明低温可以增加大绒鼠摄食量,但是对乳腺质量没有影响,表明大绒鼠哺乳期的持续能量摄入上限可能受到乳腺分泌乳汁的限制,支持外周限制假说。  相似文献   

1. The reduction of nutritional energy intake (joules) often reduces the incidence of both spontaneous and induced cancers in humans and experimental animals in an approximately dose-dependent manner. 2. To achieve the best preventive effect, the reduction of dietary intake should begin well before the carcinogen insult, should be intense enough (lowering the intake of joules by at least approx. 25-30%) and should last a long time, preferably even life-long. 3. This preventive effect depends upon the strain, sex and age of animals, the kind of carcinogenic insult and also the susceptibility of the target tissue. 4. The mechanism by which the dietary restriction may exert its protective action may involve changes in the hormonal equilibria, influences upon the immuno-surveillance, changes of activities of enzymes involved in carcinogen metabolism and other factors. 5. Since over-eating and the resulting obesity constitutes a pronounced risk factor for the incidence of cancer and other diseases, lowering the nutritional energy intake represents today the simplest, cheapest and most effective way to prevent cancer in the general population.  相似文献   

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