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Inselbergs support highly specialized vegetation with many endemic species. Here we studied by an integrated approach a rare and threatened species from Brazilian inselbergs. Pitcairnia encholirioides (Bromeliaceae) is included in the Red Book of Brazilian Flora, in the ‘Endangered’ category. Only one single population on unprotected private property was known at the beginning of our study. We studied several life-history traits including clonal growth, reproductive biology, seed germination and cryopreservation, and genetic diversity. Pitcairnia encholirioides has the phalanx type of clonal growth strategy. Its self-incompatible flowers are successfully pollinated by hummingbirds. However, less than 5% of clonal fragments produced flowers. Seeds can be wind-dispersed, but most of them are dispersed by gravity and fall close to the mother plant. The percentage and speed of germination were significantly affected by different temperatures, water potential, and red:far-red light ratios, although more than 80% of seeds germinated under optimal physiological conditions. The genetic diversity was very low (Hsp = 0.09) and the population was highly structured (ΦST = 0.51). The combination of dispersal mode and environmental conditions seems to be the main factor leading to the rarity of P. encholiroides. Low genetic diversity combined with small population size and low reproductive capacity suggest that the species is highly susceptible to environmental disturbance. Similarly to P. encholiroides, many species from Brazilian inselbergs are restricted to only a few localities. For more widely distributed species, a higher genetic diversity among populations has been consistently detected. The pattern of low gene flow of many species with small distributions highlight the importance of population-based conservation strategies for such taxa the areas of occurrence of which being naturally fragmented at inselberg sites. We discuss some strategies that may help in conservation of such species.  相似文献   

Formal listing of species for protection is a responsible action in conferring conservation priority, and must be undertaken as objectively as possible, and redundant entries that distract from priority need be removed. Diverse groups, such as invertebrates, pose problems for listing because criteria of rarity and threat are often confounded. Species de-listed as a result of recovery action are a special category, in which conservation investment has been made; the principle of recognising these as rehabilitated species with a formal duty of aftercare is discussed. Although the paper focuses on invertebrates in Australia, the principles have wider relevance in species-level conservation focus.  相似文献   

Risk‐ranking protocols are used widely to classify the conservation status of the world's species. Here we report on the first empirical assessment of their reliability by using a retrospective study of 18 pairs of bird and mammal species (one species extinct and the other extant) with eight different assessors. The performance of individual assessors varied substantially, but performance was improved by incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and consensus among the assessors. When this was done, the ranks from the protocols were consistent with the extinction outcome in 70–80% of pairs and there were mismatches in only 10–20% of cases. This performance was similar to the subjective judgements of the assessors after they had estimated the range and population parameters required by the protocols, and better than any single parameter. When used to inform subjective judgement, the protocols therefore offer a means of reducing unpredictable biases that may be associated with expert input and have the advantage of making the logic behind assessments explicit. We conclude that the protocols are useful for forecasting extinctions, although they are prone to some errors that have implications for conservation. Some level of error is to be expected, however, given the influence of chance on extinction. The performance of risk assessment protocols may be improved by providing training in the application of the protocols, incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and using consensus among multiple assessors, including some who are experts in the application of the protocols. Continued testing and refinement of the protocols may help to provide better absolute estimates of risk, particularly by re‐evaluating how the protocols accommodate missing data.  相似文献   

New genetic information on the taxonomic status of an endangered species may have strong implications for its continued protection and that of other listed taxa with questionable species status. While analyzing a more comprehensive project on the molecular phylogeny of North American Spiranthes (Orchidaceae), lack of genetic differentiation between endangered S. parksii, endemic only to Texas, and a common local congener, S. cernua, was discovered. To confirm these results in a comparative context, we focused parsimony analyses on a subset of data from local Spiranthes and the same congeners found elsewhere, expanded by additional local samples of the two focal species. Four DNA sequence segments (two chloroplast, one mitochondrial, one nuclear ribosomal) totaling 3191 base pairs were used separately and together to verify that S. parksii is nested within the same clade as S. cernua, and thus likely to be the same species. Our results concur with another recent investigation using AFLP and microsatellite data that also suggests S. parksii is not unique genetically. Therefore, based on empirical data and the phylogenetic species concept, endangered S. parksii is merely an aberrant local phenotype of and a synonym for S. cernua sensu lato. Our results should be considered during the current review of this orchid’s listing status, despite some recent policy changes on consideration of genetic data after listing.  相似文献   

Ecuador has the largest number of species by area worldwide, but also a low representation of species within its protected areas. Here, we applied systematic conservation planning to identify potential areas for conservation in continental Ecuador, with the aim of increasing the representation of terrestrial species diversity in the protected area network. We selected 809 terrestrial species (amphibians, birds, mammals, and plants), for which distributions were estimated via species distribution models (SDMs), using Maxent. For each species we established conservation goals based on conservation priorities, and estimated new potential protected areas using Marxan conservation planning software. For each selected area, we determined their conservation priority and feasibility of establishment, two important aspects in the decision-making processes. We found that according to our conservation goals, the current protected area network contains large conservation gaps. Potential areas for conservation almost double the surface area of currently protected areas. Most of the newly proposed areas are located in the Coast, a region with large conservation gaps and irreversible changes in land use. The most feasible areas for conservation were found in the Amazon and Andes regions, which encompass more undisturbed habitats, and already harbor most of the current reserves. Our study allows defining a viable strategy for preserving Ecuador''s biodiversity, by combining SDMs, GIS-based decision-support software, and priority and feasibility assessments of the selected areas. This approach is useful for complementing protected area networks in countries with great biodiversity, insufficient biological information, and limited resources for conservation.  相似文献   

中国不同地理区域鸟兽物种丰富度的相关性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生物类群之间物种丰富度的相关性研究是当前物种多样性研究中的热点问题之一,目前,中国尚无相关的研究报道。我们收集了中国三种区域类型:动物地理亚区、行政区和保护区的鸟兽名录,分析了行政区与保护区、动物地理区和经纬度带中鸟兽物种数比值及其相关性。 结果表明:不同区域、动物地理区和经纬度带中鸟兽物种数都显著相关。保护区尺度鸟兽物种 数的相关系数为0.818和动物地理区中的华北区为0.768,其他所有区域和地理区域的鸟兽物 种数的相关系数都高于0.850。因此,鸟兽物种数的相关关系在一定程度上具有预测价值。我们发现不同区域鸟兽物种数比值无显著性差异;但是,不同区域间鸟兽物种数 比值差异显著。该比值在中国呈中间低四周高的分布趋势,其中东北地区最高。我们还利用历史累积调查数据与非历史累积调查数据进行了鸟兽物种数比值及其相关性分析,发现利用累积数据计算的相关性低于非累积数据计算的相关性,但利用累积数据计算的鸟兽物 种数比值高于非累积数据计算的比值。最后,探讨了为什么鸟类与兽类的物种数目会相关。我们根据物种-面积公式,S=CAZ,导出了两个生物类群物种丰富度的相关关 系式。利用全国不同区域数据拟合,得到Z1/Z2=0.913,Z1/Z2接近于1。于是 ,C1/C2可视为近似等于Ram。本研究可推广到其他不同生物类群物种。物种数量的相关关系为快速评估区域的物种多样性提供了一条途径。  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity aims to encourage and enable countries to conserve biological diversity, to use its components sustainably and to share benefits equitably. Species richness and endemism are two key attributes of biodiversity that reflect the complexity and uniqueness of natural ecosystems. National data on vertebrates and higher plants indicate global concentrations of biodiversity and can assist in defining priorities for action. Projections indicate that species and ecosystems will be at maximum risk from human activities during the next few decades. Prompt action by the world community can minimise the eventual loss of species. Highest priorities should be to: (i) strengthen the management of ecosystems containing a large proportion of global biodiversity; (ii) help developing countries complete their biodiversity strategies and action plans, monitor their own biodiversity, and establish and maintain adequate national systems of conservation areas; (iii) support actions at the global level, providing benefit to all countries in managing their own biodiversity. Generally, resources will best be spent in safeguarding ecosystems and habitats that are viable and important for global biodiversity, and which are threatened by factors that can be controlled cost-effectively. Other important criteria are representativeness, complementarity and insurance.  相似文献   

Approximately 503 of the known species of birds are classified as ‘endangered’ or ‘critical’. Captive propagation programs have proven useful in maintaining genetic diversity and restoring wild populations of certain species, including the Peregrine falcon, California condor and Whooping crane. Artificial insemination (AI) has the potential of solving problems inherent to reproductive management of small, closed populations of endangered birds, including dealing with demographic instability, physical and behavioral disabilities, sexual incompatibility, lack of synchrony, and need to maintain gene diversity. In this review, we address the necessary methods and factors that allow AI to be applied effectively to manage rare bird populations. It is clear that semen availability and quality are the greatest limiting factors to implementing consistently successful AI for birds. Behavioral sensitivity to animal handling and the ability to minimize stress in individual birds also are keys to success. Multiple, deep vaginal inseminations can improve fertility, particularly when semen quality is marginal. Laparoscopic methods of semen transfer also have produced fertile eggs. All of these practices leading to successful AI remain dependent on having adequate basic knowledge on female reproductive status, copulatory behavior, endocrine profiles and duration of fertility, especially as related to oviposition. The overall greatest challenge and highest priority is defining these normative traits, which are highly species-specific.  相似文献   

The Amazon rainforest covers more than 60% of Bolivia’s lowlands, providing habitat for many endemic and threatened species. Bolivia has the highest rates of deforestation of the Amazon biome, which degrades and fragments species habitat. Anthropogenic habitat changes could be exacerbated by climate change, and therefore, developing relevant strategies for biodiversity protection under global change scenarios is a necessary step in conservation planning.In this research we used multi-species umbrella concept to evaluate the degree of habitat impacts due to climate and land cover change in Bolivia. We used species distribution modeling to map three focal species (Jaguar, Lowland Tapir and Lesser Anteater) and assessed current protected area network effectiveness under future climate and land cover change scenarios for 2050.The studied focal species will lose between 70% and 83% of their ranges under future climate and land-cover change scenarios, decreasing the level of protection to 10% of their original ranges. Existing protected area network should be reconsidered to maintain current and future biodiversity habitats.  相似文献   

三江源自然保护区森林-草甸交错带植物优先保护序列研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用系统分析方法和原理,在资料收集和实地调查的基础上,借助专家咨询系统构建了三江源自然保护区森林一草甸交错带植物受威胁等级、优先保护定量分级评价指标体系以及相应的定量评价标准.评价体系包括物种濒危系数、遗传损失系数和利用价值系数3个评价系统层和10个评价指标层.利用专家咨询法和层次分析法,定量确定各个系统层和指标层的权重.通过数学模型和计算机程序计算,分别度量了三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带植物物种受威胁状况和优先保护序列状况的濒危系数和优先保护系数;对照植物濒危等级和优先保护序列区域性评价标准,定量评价了植物物种濒危等级和优先保护等级.评价结果表明,三江源自然保护区森林.草甸交错带的种子植物有濒危种4种,脆弱种68种,敏感种179种,安全种695种;该地区种子植物一级保护物种8种,二级保护物种78种,三级保护物种164种。暂缓保护物种696种.最后,针对植物物种优先保护序列评价的指标体系与权重分配问题。物种濒危等级与优先保护序列之间的关系,物种濒危等级评价的空间尺度问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Aim The method used to generate hypotheses about species distributions, in addition to spatial scale, may affect the biodiversity patterns that are then observed. We compared the performance of range maps and MaxEnt species distribution models at different spatial resolutions by examining the degree of similarity between predicted species richness and composition against observed values from well‐surveyed cells (WSCs). Location Mexico. Methods We estimated amphibian richness distributions at five spatial resolutions (from 0.083° to 2°) by overlaying 370 individual range maps or MaxEnt predictions, comparing the similarity of the spatial patterns and correlating predicted values with the observed values for WSCs. Additionally, we looked at species composition and assessed commission and omission errors associated with each method. Results MaxEnt predictions reveal greater geographic differences in richness between species rich and species poor regions than the range maps did at the five resolutions assessed. Correlations between species richness values estimated by either of the two procedures and the observed values from the WSCs increased with decreasing resolution. The slopes of the regressions between the predicted and observed values indicate that MaxEnt overpredicts observed species richness at all of the resolutions used, while range maps underpredict them, except at the finest resolution. Prediction errors did not vary significantly between methods at any resolution and tended to decrease with decreasing resolution. The accuracy of both procedures was clearly different when commission and omission errors were examined separately. Main conclusions Despite the congruent increase in the geographic richness patterns obtained from both procedures as resolution decreases, the maps created with these methods cannot be used interchangeably because of notable differences in the species compositions they report.  相似文献   

A floristic survey has been carried out in a peri-urban forest, the Sonian Forest in Brussels, to identify indicator plant species in the herbaceous layer, which could be used as an aid within the framework of a more sustainable management of the forest. Three hundred and seventy two (372) taxa have been identified, 33 of which are non-native (i.e. non-indigenous species regarding the study area, whether invasive or not). Criteria of habitat quality that have been chosen are the species richness, the commonness of the habitat, based on constitutive species, and its invasibility (vulnerability for invasion). On the basis of a comparison of the value of these criteria when each considered (potential indicator) species is present or not, 17 species have been recognised as reliable indicators of at least one of these three criteria. In particular, vegetation types containing either Anthriscus sylvestris, Galeopsis tetrahit or Senecio ovatus were found to be more susceptible to invasion than other habitats. The way to how the predictability of invasions might be effectively used as a management tool is discussed. Furthermore, we found a positive significant correlation (Bonferroni corrected probabilities) between the species richness and luminosity factor (derived from Ellenberg's indices), and the proportion of grassland and wetland species. The species richness was significantly negatively correlated with the proportion of woodland species. An increase in commonness was significantly correlated with a decrease in the proportion of geophytes. The usefulness of these results as an ecological basis for forest management is discussed.  相似文献   

Successful conservation plans are not solely achieved by acquiring optimally designed reserves. Ongoing monitoring and management of the biodiversity in those reserves is an equally important, but often neglected or poorly executed, part of the conservation process. In this paper we address one of the first and most important steps in designing a monitoring program – deciding what to monitor. We present a strategy for prioritizing species for monitoring and management in multispecies conservation plans. We use existing assessments of threatened status, and the degree and spatial and temporal extent of known threats to link the prioritization of species to the overarching goals and objectives of the conservation plan. We consider both broad and localized spatial scales to capture the regional conservation context and the practicalities of local management and monitoring constraints. Spatial scales that are commensurate with available data are selected. We demonstrate the utility of this strategy through application to a set of 85 plants and animals in an established multispecies conservation plan in San Diego County, California, USA. We use the prioritization to identify the most prominent risk factors and the habitats associated with the most threats to species. The protocol highlighted priorities that had not previously been identified and were not necessarily intuitive without systematic application of the criteria; many high‐priority species have received no monitoring attention to date, and lower‐priority species have. We recommend that in the absence of clear focal species, monitoring threats in highly impacted habitats may be a way to circumvent the need to monitor all the targeted species.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is threatened by the loss and fragmentation of habitats. The role of hedgerows in maintaining biodiversity is well established, but few studies have addressed the importance for biodiversity of the intrinsic characteristics of hedgerows and the quality of hedgerow networks along a spatial scale. We examined three quality indices providing information at different territorial levels: density in the landscape, structural diversity and wood production. We performed an acoustic survey in a grassland to estimate the species abundance and community composition of bats (9 taxa) and bush crickets (11 species). Using an approach based on species and traits, we assessed how hedgerow quality influenced the activity of these taxa at different spatial scales (from 50 to 1000 m) and focused on three types of traits: bush cricket mobility ability, bat foraging strategy and habitat specialization. In general, our results showed the importance of hedgerow quality for bats and bush crickets, but the strength of the association between taxa and hedgerows varied substantially among the species and the spatial scales. Although it depends on the taxa, the production, density and structural diversity of hedgerows each had an overall positive effect. Our results suggested that these effects were generally more important at large scales. The scale effect of the production index is the best predictor of activity for bat and bush cricket taxa and traits. Our results showed the importance of hedgerow quality for the ecology of bat and bush cricket communities and could be used to improve conservation management.  相似文献   

Five new species (Gastrochilus yei, Gastrochilus minimus, Luisia simaoensis, Taeniophyllum xizangense, Tuberolabium subulatum) and two newly recorded species (Cleisostoma tricornutum, Luisia inconspicua) of Vandeae (Orchidaceae) from China are described and illustrated. Gastrochilus yei is similar to G. affinis and G. nepalensis, but differs from them by having an epichile not lobed, the apex of the hypochile not bilobed, and a tine on the apex of the leaf. Gastrochilus minimus is similar to G. acinacifolius, but can be distinguished from the latter by having a flabellate epichile that is densely hirsute on the adaxial surface and an inconspicuous central cushion; in addition, the hypochile of G. minimus has a keel that extends to the apex of the epichile. Taeniophyllum xizangense is similar to T. stella and T. radiatum, but it is distinguished from them by having much bigger flowers, inflorescences densely covered with short-bristly hairs, papillae on the external surface of sepals, and bigger triangular-ovate viscidium. Luisia simaoensis is similar to L. magniflora and L. ramosii, but can be easily distinguished from them by having lateral sepals longer than dorsal sepals and petals, lip with irregular and waved margins, and lip with bilobed apex. Luisia inconspicua is moved from Gastrochilus to Luisia based on phylogenetic analyses of plastid matK sequence data. Tuberolabium subulatum is similar to T. carnosum, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by having an inflorescence much shorter than the leaves, yellow sepals and petals, and many small papillae outside the lip lobes.  相似文献   

施氮对几种草地植物生物量及其分配的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
祁瑜  黄永梅  王艳  赵杰  张景慧 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5121-5129
为了研究施氮对不同草地植物生物量及其分配的影响,以及温带草地生态系统碳交换过程对氮素的响应,在内蒙古太仆寺旗农田-草地生态系统野外站,以4种草地植物:紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)、高丹草(Sorghum bicolor L.) 、羊草(Leymus chinensis T.)和小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylia L.)为材料,进行了3种氮素水平 的盆栽控制实验。研究结果表明:施氮显著促进了4种植物地上生物量的积累,紫花苜蓿在中氮水平地上生物量最大,较对照增加了24.8%,高丹草、羊草、小叶锦鸡儿在高氮水平地上生物量最大,分别较对照增加了45.6%、39.3%和72.2%。4种植物在中氮水平地下生物量最大,而细根(直径≤2mm)生物量随施氮量的增加显著减少。羊草根茎生物量及其分配比例随施氮量的增加而增大。施氮显著降低了4种植物的根冠比,紫花苜蓿的根冠比在中氮水平时最小,为1.62,高丹草、羊草、小叶锦鸡儿的根冠比在高氮水平时最小,分别为0.57、1.02和0.41。随施氮量的增加,植物地下部分特别是细根的分配比例显著降低,地上部分分配比例显著增加。不同植物对施氮水平的响应不同,相比豆科植物,施氮显著促进禾本科植物生物量积累,并使其生物量分配格局发生显著改变。  相似文献   

Characterising geographic patterns of biodiversity generated by intrinsic distributions of organisms is essential for designing effective biodiversity conservation plans on both the project and sub-national to national scales. Species composition is generally similar within the same types of ecosystems located close to one another, but similarity also depends on the focal organism(s) as well as the scale of the analysis. To facilitate decision-making for environmental compensation projects such as “biodiversity offsets”, we examined whether Japanese ecoregions based on vegetation are correlated with the distribution of cerambycid beetles, using existing cerambycid data collected from Hokkaido to the Nansei Islands in both natural and plantation forests over 1 year in each area. At the national level, the species compositions of beetles were quite distinct in Hokkaido and the Nansei Islands but less so in other areas. The overall pattern of the observed sampling data fit that obtained by previously accumulated local inventories. At the area level (including plantation forests under different management regimes/successional stages and in some cases naturally regenerated mature to old growth forests), no consistent beetle composition patterns were observed, although compositions in natural forests and closed canopy/thinned/old growth plantation forests were sometimes distinct. Therefore, we conclude that when ecoregions are considered during decision-making for “no net-loss or net-gain” biodiversity conservation measures, it is important to examine multiple organisms on various scales using scientific approaches from several perspectives.  相似文献   

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