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Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytotoxicity is linked to a type III secretion system (T3SS) that delivers effectors into the host cell. We show here that a negative cross-control exists between T3SS and flagellar assembly. We observed that, in a strain lacking flagella, T3SS gene expression, effector secretion, and cytotoxicity were increased. Conversely, we revealed that flagellar-gene expression and motility were decreased in a strain overproducing ExsA, the T3SS master regulator. Interestingly, a nonmotile strain lacking the flagellar filament (DeltafliC) presented a hyperefficient T3SS and a nonmotile strain assembling flagella (DeltamotAB) did not. More intriguingly, a strain lacking motCD genes is a flagellated strain with a slight defect in swimming. However, in this strain, T3SS gene expression was up-regulated. These results suggest that flagellar assembly and/or mobility antagonizes the T3SS and that a negative cross talk exists between these two systems. An illustration of this is the visualization by electron microscopy of T3SS needles in a nonmotile P. aeruginosa strain, needles which otherwise are not detected. The molecular basis of the cross talk is complex and remains to be elucidated, but proteins like MotCD might have a crucial role in signaling between the two processes. In addition, we found that the GacA response regulator negatively affects the T3SS. In a gacA mutant, the T3SS effector ExoS is hypersecreted. Strikingly, GacA was previously reported as a positive regulator for motility. Globally, our data document the idea that some virulence factors are coordinately but inversely regulated, depending on the bacterial colonization phase and infection types.  相似文献   

Quorum-sensing systems provide Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a sensitive regulatory mechanism that allows for the induction of several phenotypic genes in a cell density fashion. In this work, a mathematical model of the acylated homoserine lactones regulatory network system in P. aeruginosa has been developed. It is the first integrated model to consider both quorum-sensing systems. The model has allowed us to disentangle the complex behavior exhibited by the system as the concentration of extracellular OdDHL is increased. At either low or high levels of extracellular OdDHL, the bacterium remains in an uninduced or induced state, respectively. At moderate levels, the behavior is characterized by several states. Here, the bacteria can switch suddenly from an uninduced to an induced phenotype in response to small changes in the concentration of extracellular OdDHL. Additionally, we have been able to address the roles of RsaL and Vfr as regulators of the quorum-sensing system. An important result from this analysis suggests that RsaL will increase the concentration of extracellular OdDHL required to induce the system, and it is a key regulator of the inhibition of the quorum-sensing system under low cell densities. Most importantly, our results suggest that Vfr has strong regulatory effects on the system as an increased affinity between the LasR/OdDHL complex, and the lasR promoter leads to significant qualitative changes in induction patterns. We also show experimental data that demonstrate that Vfr is required for signal production in the early phase of growth, but that in the latter stages of growth, the vfr mutant is able to synthesize wild-type levels of signal.  相似文献   

A recent study suggests that the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa can actively monitor the host immune system. The P. aeruginosa outer membrane protein OprF was found to bind specifically to the cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and this interaction upregulated production of virulence factors through a cell-cell communication system known as quorum sensing (QS). Taken together with previous findings that P. aeruginosa QS can alter the host immune response (e.g. by activation of IFN-gamma), these data illustrate an exciting new element of bacteria-host interactions in which the P. aeruginosa quorum-sensing system both senses and modulates the host immune state.  相似文献   

Wassarman KM 《Cell》2002,109(2):141-144
Bacterial small, untranslated RNAs are important regulators that often act to transmit environmental signals when cells encounter suboptimal or stressful growth conditions. These RNAs help modulate changes in cellular metabolism to optimize utilization of available nutrients and improve the probability for survival.  相似文献   

Twitching motility is a form of surface translocation mediated by the extension, tethering, and retraction of type IV pili. Three independent Tn5-B21 mutations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with reduced twitching motility were identified in a new locus which encodes a predicted protein of unknown function annotated PA4959 in the P. aeruginosa genome sequence. Complementation of these mutants with the wild-type PA4959 gene, which we designated fimX, restored normal twitching motility. fimX mutants were found to express normal levels of pilin and remained sensitive to pilus-specific bacteriophages, but they exhibited very low levels of surface pili, suggesting that normal pilus function was impaired. The fimX gene product has a molecular weight of 76,000 and contains four predicted domains that are commonly found in signal transduction proteins: a putative response regulator (CheY-like) domain, a PAS-PAC domain (commonly involved in environmental sensing), and DUF1 (or GGDEF) and DUF2 (or EAL) domains, which are thought to be involved in cyclic di-GMP metabolism. Red fluorescent protein fusion experiments showed that FimX is located at one pole of the cell via sequences adjacent to its CheY-like domain. Twitching motility in fimX mutants was found to respond relatively normally to a range of environmental factors but could not be stimulated by tryptone and mucin. These data suggest that fimX is involved in the regulation of twitching motility in response to environmental cues.  相似文献   

New strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from clinical and environmental settings in order to characterize the virulence properties of this opportunistic pathogen. P. aeruginosa was frequently recovered from oil-contaminated samples but not from non-oil-contaminated soils. The virulence of five environmental and five clinical strains of P. aeruginosa was tested using two different models, Drosophila melanogaster and Lactuca sativa var. capitata L. There was no difference in the virulence between the two groups of isolates in either of the models. Since environmental P. aeruginosa strains are used for bioaugmentation in bioremediation programs, the results presented here should be taken into account in the future design of degradative consortia and/or in establishing containment measures.  相似文献   

Plant hormones interact at many different levels to form a network of signaling pathways connected by antagonistic and synergistic interactions. Ethylene and jasmonic acid both act to regulate the plant's responsiveness to a common set of biotic stimuli. In addition ethylene has been shown to negatively regulate the plant's response to the rhizobial bacterial signal, Nod factor. This regulation occurs at an early step in the Nod factor signal transduction pathway, at or above Nod factor-induced calcium spiking. Here we show that jasmonic acid also inhibits the plant's responses to rhizobial bacteria, with direct effects on Nod factor-induced calcium spiking. However, unlike ethylene, jasmonic acid not only inhibits spiking but also suppresses the frequency of calcium oscillations when applied at lower concentrations. This effect of jasmonic acid is amplified in the ethylene-insensitive mutant skl, indicating an antagonistic interaction between these two hormones for regulation of Nod factor signaling. The rapidity of the effects of ethylene and jasmonic acid on Nod factor signaling suggests direct crosstalk between these three signal transduction pathways. This work provides a model by which crosstalk between signaling pathways can rapidly integrate environmental, developmental and biotic stimuli to coordinate diverse plant responses.  相似文献   

Cell-surface signalling systems are widespread in Gram-negative bacteria. In these systems gene expression occurs following binding of a ligand, commonly a siderophore, to a receptor protein in the outer membrane. The receptor interacts with a sigma regulator protein that extends from the periplasm into the cytoplasm to control the activity of a cognate sigma factor. The mechanisms of signal transduction in cell-surface signalling systems have not been determined. Here we investigate signal transduction in the pyoverdine, ferrichrome and desferrioxamine siderophore systems of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When pyoverdine is present the sigma regulator FpvR undergoes complete proteolysis resulting in activation of two sigma factors PvdS and FpvI and expression of genes for pyoverdine synthesis and uptake. When pyoverdine is absent subfragments of FpvR inhibit PvdS and FpvI. Similarly, subfragments of the sigma regulators FoxR and FiuR are formed in the absence of desferrioxamine and ferrichrome. These are much less abundant when the siderophores are present and downstream gene expression takes place. In all three systems RseP (MucP/YaeL) is required for complete proteolysis of the sigma regulator and sigma factor activity. These findings indicate that regulated proteolysis is a general mechanism for signal transduction in cell-surface signalling.  相似文献   

A culture medium for the isolation and primary identification of P. aeruginosa has been developed. The medium contains L-arginine and ions of K, Na, Mg, C and P; it has also an overlay of plain agar with 0.6% of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride added. The comparison of arginine medium with other media proposed for the isolation of P. aeruginosa from various objects in the environment has demonstrated the advantage of this highly selective medium permitting the primary identification of up to 95% of characteristic colonies.  相似文献   

The plasmids FP2 and R68.45 were shown to function as chromosome-mobilizing plasmids in a series of interspecific crosses between the phytopathogen Pseudomonas glycinea and the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. At least four of seven loci tested were transferred from P. glycinea donors to P. aeruginosa auxotrophic recipients. Transductional analysis indicates that a leu+ locus of the P. glycinea chromosome transferred is stably integrated into the P. aeruginosa chromosome.  相似文献   

U Fiedler  V Weiss 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(15):3696-3705
During signal transduction, response regulators of two-component systems are phosphorylated in a conserved receiver module. Phosphorylation induces activation of the non-conserved output domain. We fused various domains of the response regulators NtrC, PhoB or CheB to the DNA binding domain of lambda repressor. Analysis of these hybrid proteins shows that the receiver modules of NtrC and PhoB are potential dimerization domains. In the unphosphorylated proteins, the ability of the receiver modules to dimerize is masked due to inhibition by their output domains. Inhibition can be relieved in two ways: phosphorylation of the receiver module or deletion of the output domain. In contrast, the receiver module of CheB lacks this ability for dimerization. We propose a model which groups response regulators into two classes. Common to both classes is the interaction between receiver and output domain in the unphosphorylated protein. In class I (e.g. NtrC and PhoB), this interaction leads to the inhibition of the receiver module. Phosphorylation relieves inhibition, thereby inducing activation via dimerization of the receiver modules. In class II (e.g. CheB), the interaction between receiver and output domain results in inhibition of the output domain. Phosphorylation relieves inhibition, thereby activating the output domain.  相似文献   

Kemal Kazan 《Annals of botany》2013,112(9):1655-1665

In seed plant ovules, the diploid maternal sporophytic generation embeds and sustains the haploid generation (the female gametophyte); thus, two independent generations coexist in a single organ. Many independent studies on Arabidopsis ovule mutants suggest that embryo sac development requires highly synchronized morphogenesis of the maternal sporophyte surrounding the gametophyte, since megagametogenesis is severely perturbed in most of the known sporophytic ovule development mutants. Which are the messenger molecules involved in the haploid–diploid dialogue? And furthermore, is this one way communication or is a feedback cross talk? In this review, we discuss genetic and molecular evidences supporting the presence of a cross talk between the two generations, starting from the first studies regarding ovule development and ending to the recently sporophytic identified genes whose expression is strictly controlled by the haploid gametophytic generation. We will mainly focus on Arabidopsis studies since it is the species more widely studied for this aspect. Furthermore, possible candidate molecules involved in the diploid–haploid generations dialogue will be presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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