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To characterize the inhibitory effect of a static magnetic field, action potentials (AP) were elicited by intracellular application of 1 ms depolarizing current pulses of constant amplitude to the somata of adult mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons in monolayer dissociated cell culture. During the control period, <5% of stimuli failed to elicit AP. During exposure to an ?11 mT static magnetic field at the cell position produced by an array of four permanent center-charged neodymium magnets of alternating polarity (MAG-4A), 66% of stimuli failed to elicit AP. The number of failures was maximal after about 200-250 s in the field and returned gradually to baseline over 400–600 s. A direct or indirect effect on the conformation of AP generating sodium channels could account for these results because (I) failure was preceded often by reduction of maximal rate of rise, an indirect measure of sodium current; (2) recovery was significantly prolonged in more than one-half of neurons that were not stimulated during exposure to the MAG-4A field; and (3) resting membrane potential, input resistance, and chronaxie were unaffected by the field. The effect was diminished or prevented by moving the MAG-4A array along the X or Z axis away from the neuron under study and by increasing the distance between magnets in the XY plane. Reduction of AP firing during exposure to the ?0.1 mT field produced by a MAG-4A array of micromagnets was about the same as that produced by a MAG-4A array of the large magnets above. The ?28 mT field produced at cell position by two magnets of alternating polarity and the ?88 mT field produced by a single magnet had no significant effect on AP firing. These findings suggest that field strength alone cannot account for AP blockade. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study describes the effects of a static magnetic field (SMF) on cell growth and DNA integrity of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Fast halo assay was used to investigate nuclear damage; quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR), standard PCR, and real‐time PCR were used to evaluate mitochondrial DNA integrity, content, and gene expression. HUVECs were continually exposed to a 300 mT SMF for 4, 24, 48, and 72 h. Compared to control samples (unexposed cultures) the SMF‐exposed cells did not show a statistically significant change in their viability. Conversely, the static field was shown to be significant after 4 h of exposure, inducing damage on both the nuclear and mitochondrial levels, reducing mitochondrial content and increasing reactive oxygen species. Twenty‐four hours of exposure increased mitochondrial DNA content as well as expression of one of the main genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis. No significant differences between exposed and sham cultures were found after 48 and 72 h of exposure. The results suggest that a 300 mT SMF does not cause permanent DNA damage in HUVECs and stimulates a transient mitochondrial biogenesis. Bioelectromagnetics 31:630–639, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mossakowski D  Dormann W 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):273-286
The evaluation of ecological field data can be done by an increasing number of quantitative methods. The application of these methods often is often blind against two kinds of problems: (i) the data often do not meet the requirements of a method, e.g., as an ultra-metric structure of the data in the case of hierarchical cluster analysis. In such cases, the result will be misleading because the presentation of results is ultra-metric independent on the structure of the data. (ii) Most of the animals are able to move actively or may drift passively by wind, etc. Therefore, species occurring by accident like vagrants have to be eliminated from the assemblage of animals at a particular site before a quantitative method is applied. In addition, the result of a quantitative analysis has to be checked for its ecological plausibility. This is a qualitative step, which can only be done by taking into account the known data on biology and ecology of the species.Some pitfalls of an exclusive application of quantitative methods will be demonstrated in this paper using a data set of salt marsh Carabidae.  相似文献   

Quarry exploitation and restoration practices are expected to have overarching and contrasting impacts on animal communities. Although many studies describe these impacts, they generally overlook the effects on population dynamics and individual movements. We assessed the impacts of quarry exploitation and restoration activity on population dynamics, individual movement, and habitat use of a sand‐dwelling specialist beetle (Scarites cyclops). The study was performed on three plots: one adjacent to the margin of quarry exploitation, another subjected to restoration practices, and a control plot with no disturbance. A capture‐mark‐recapture approach was undertaken to estimate population parameters, movement, and habitat use. In the exploitation plot S. cyclops exhibited lower probability of recapture and lower apparent survival, as well as many movements fleeing away from quarry limits. Habitat suitability modeling showed that the exploitation plot provided better habitat conditions for the species than the restoration plot. It exhibited higher bare ground cover with scattered clumps of vegetation and higher proportions of fine sand (<0.4 mm). In the restoration plot, S. cyclops population showed a lower abundance, with a higher rate of recaptures, and a more limited dispersal ability of the individuals. There is an apparent early stage of colonization by S. cyclops in the restoration plot, but movements may already be hampered by unsuitable habitat restoration (higher herbaceous cover and different soil texture). We suggest preserving suitable habitat patches in the vicinity of the impacted areas and providing dispersal routes. Beyond vegetation, soil texture must be considered to allow local animal communities to establish in restored areas.  相似文献   

The walnut twig beetle, Pityophthorus juglandis Blackman (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), vectors a phytopathogenic fungus, Geosmithia morbida Kolařík et al. (Hypocreales), which causes thousand cankers disease (TCD) in walnut (Juglans sp.) and wingnut (Pterocarya sp., both Juglandaceae) trees. We investigated an early point in disease inception in two walnut species – Juglans californica S. Wats. and Juglans major (Torr. ex Sitsgr.) Heller – native to riparian forests of the western USA by comparing P. juglandis flight and landing responses to small-diameter branch sections. Twenty unbaited branch sections (10 each of J. californica and J. major) were presented in a completely randomized design to populations of P. juglandis at the USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) Juglans collection located at Wolfskill Experimental Orchards (Winters, CA, USA) and at the California State University, Chico, Agricultural Teaching and Research Center (ATRC, Chico, CA). These assays were carried out within a 4- to 6-year period when weekly flight surveys with aggregation pheromone-baited multiple funnel traps revealed that Pjuglandis flight activity–abundance was higher at the NCGR than at the ATRC. For the landing rate assays, adhesive-coated acetate sheets were wrapped around the branch sections and exchanged weekly. Three assays were completed at the NCGR (assays 1–3), whereas one assay was completed at the ATRC (assay 4). Landing rates on these traps were compared between J. californica and J. major. Two additional assays (5 and 6) were completed at the NCGR to compare responses to branch sections of J. californica and to similarly sized cardboard tubes (negative control). All six assays were completed over a 4-year span during the 4- to 6-year weekly flight survey period. Pooled landing rates of male and female P. juglandis (assays 1–4) demonstrated a preference by both sexes for J. californica over J. major. In assay 5 there was no preference by males or females for J. californica over the negative control, perhaps due to the low flight activity–abundance of P. juglandis during the assay. When repeated at a time of higher flight activity–abundance (assay 6), male and female landing rates on J. californica exceeded those on the negative control. Females of the invasive fruit-tree pinhole borer (an ambrosia beetle), Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg), and an invasive bark beetle, Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood (both Coleoptera: Scolytidae), showed relatively higher flight responses than either sex of P. juglandis during most assays, suggesting higher population densities of these two other invasive species at the two orchards or a greater sensitivity to host volatiles. Xyleborinus saxeseni and H. eruditus preferred to land on J. major over J. californica and on J. californica over the negative control. Similarly, an invasive longhorned beetle, Nathrius brevipennis (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), showed a significant preference for J. major over Jcalifornica, but not for J. californica over the negative control. More male N. brevipennis were trapped than females at both study sites [sex ratio ranged from 5:1 (assay 6) to 39:1 (assay 4)], and flight occurred only in the spring and early summer months. Another ambrosia beetle trapped at the NCGR and ATRC, Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff, represented the first records of this species from western North America. In summary, flight responses recorded in some of our assays for P. juglandis and several other subcortical insects on Juglans indicate that host preference by these insects may be determined by long-range olfactory cues that do not involve pheromones.  相似文献   

Recent research demonstrated that exposure of mice to both inhomogeneous (3–477 mT) and homogeneous (145 mT) static magnetic fields (SMF) generated an analgesic effect toward visceral pain elicited by the intraperitoneal injection of 0.6% acetic acid. In the present work, we investigated behavioral responses such as writhing, entry avoidance, and site preference with the help of a specially designed cage that partially protruded into either the homogeneous (ho) or inhomogeneous (inh) SMF. Aversive effects, cognitive recognition of analgesia, and social behavior governed mice in their free locomotion between SMF and sham sides. The inhibition of pain response (I) for the 0–5, 6–20, and 21–30 min periods following the challenge was calculated by the formula I = 100 (1 ? x/y) in %, where x and y represent the number of writhings in the SMF and sham sides, respectively. In accordance with previous measurements, an analgesic effect was induced in exposed mice (Iho = 64%, P < 0.0002 and Iinh = 62%, P < 0.002). No significant difference was found in the site preference (SMFho, inh vs. sham) indicating that SMF is neither aversive nor favorable. Comparison of writhings observed in the sham versus SMF side of the cage revealed that SMF exposure resulted in significantly fewer writhings than sham (Iho = 64%, P < 0.004 and Iinh = 81%, P < 0.03). Deeper statistical analysis clarified that the lateral SMF gradient between SMF and sham sides could be responsible for most of the analgesic effect (Iho = 91%, P < 0.02 and Iinh = 54%, P < 0.02). Bioelectromagnetics 34:385–396, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

  • 1 DISRUPT Micro‐Flake Verbenone Bark Beetle Anti‐Aggregant flakes (Hercon Environmental, Inc., Emigsville, Pennsylvania) were applied in two large‐scale tests to assess their efficacy for protecting whitebark pine Pinus albicaulis Engelm. from attack by mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) (MPB). At two locations, five plots of equivalent size and stand structure served as untreated controls. All plots had early‐ to mid‐outbreak beetle populations (i.e. 7.1–29.2 attacked trees/ha). Verbenone was applied at 370 g/ha in both studies. Intercept traps baited with MPB aggregation pheromone were placed near the corners of each plot after the treatment in order to monitor beetle flight within the plots. Trap catches were collected at 7‐ to 14‐day intervals, and assessments were made at the end of the season of stand structure, stand composition and MPB attack rate for the current and previous years.
  • 2 Applications of verbenone flakes significantly reduced the numbers of beetles trapped in treated plots compared with controls at both sites by approximately 50% at the first collection date.
  • 3 The applications also significantly reduced the proportion of trees attacked in both Wyoming and Washington using the proportion of trees attacked the previous year as a covariate in the model for analysis of current year attack rates; in both sites, the reduction was ≥ 50%.
  • 4 The flake formulation of verbenone appears to have promise for area‐wide treatment by aerial application when aiming to control the mountain pine beetle in whitebark pine forests.

This study deals with the morphofunctional influence of 72 h exposure to a 6 mT static magnetic field (SMF) during differentiation induced by 50 ng/ml 12‐O‐tetradecanoyl‐13‐phorbol acetate (TPA) in human leukaemia U937 cells. The cell morphology of U937 cells was investigated by optic and electron microscopy. Specific antibodies and/or molecules were used to label CD11c, CD14, phosphatidylserine, F‐actin and to investigate the distribution and activity of lysosomes, mitochondria and SER. [Ca2+]i was evaluated with a spectrophotometer. The degree of differentiation in SMF‐exposed cells was lower than that of non‐exposed cells, the difference being exposure time‐dependent. SMF‐exposed cells showed cell shape and F‐actin modification, inhibition of cell attachment, appearance of membrane roughness and large blebs and impaired expression of specific macrophagic markers on the cell surface. The intracellular localization of SER and lysosomes was only partially affected by exposure. A significant localization of mitochondria with an intact membrane potential at the cell periphery in non‐exposed, TPA‐stimulated cells was observed; conversely, in the presence of SMF, mitochondria were mainly localised near the nucleus. In no case did SMF exposure affect cell viability. The sharp intracellular increase of [Ca2+]i could be one of the causes of the above‐described changes. Bioelectromagnetics 30:352–364, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

B. Tenuzzo 《Tissue & cell》2009,41(3):169-179
An increasing number of evidence indicates that static magnetic fields (SMFs) are capable of altering apoptosis, mainly through modulation of Ca2+ influx. Here we present data that suggest apoptotic-related gene expression as an alternative pathway, through which exposure to 6 milliTesla (mT) SMF can interfere with apoptosis. Exposure to 6 mT SMF affects the apoptotic rate (spontaneous and drug-induced) and [Ca2+]i in isolated human lymphocytes; the aged cells are more susceptible to exposure than fresh ones. The exposure to 6 mT exerted a protective effect on chemical or physical-induced apoptosis, irrespective of the age of the cells.The investigation of the gene expression of bcl-2, bax, p53 and hsp70 in freshly isolated and in culture-aged human lymphocytes indicates that these genes are modulated by SMF exposure in the experimental conditions used, in a gene-, age- and time-dependent manner. The exposure of isolated lymphocytes to SMF for up to 24 h modulated increased bax and p53 and decreased hsp70, and bcl-2. The amount of increment and/or decrement of the proteins varied for each gene examined and was independent of the apoptotic inducers. Finally, the same stress applied to freshly isolated or aged lymphocytes resulted in different modulation of bcl-2, bax and hsp70.  相似文献   

In a previous article we developed an in vitro 23 kHz magnetic field (MF) exposure system that generated an MF of 532 µTrms. Using this system, the biological effects of 23 kHz MFs on cell functions have been reported. To further clarify the biological effect of intermediate‐frequency (IF) MFs and investigate the dose–response relationship in cell lines, an exposure system that generates stronger MFs is required. To meet this requirement, we developed a 6.25 mTrms MF exposure system for in vitro study. This level is 1000 times the reference level for the general public in the ICNIRP guidelines. This system provides an MF of 6.25 mTrms at 23 kHz with a uniformity within ±5%. To verify that in vitro experimental conditions are maintained, we examined the temperature, environmental MF, and MF leakage for a sham exposure system. In addition, we examined the harmonics, coil shape, and heat generated in the medium by the high‐strength MF. As a result, it was confirmed that this system can be used to evaluate the biological effects of IF MFs. This article presents the design and successful construction of the in vitro exposure system. Bioelectromagnetics 31:156–163, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure to extremely low frequency electric fields (ELF EFs) on plasma lipid peroxide levels and antioxidant activity (AOA) in Sprague-Dawley rats were studied. The test was based on comparisons among rats treated with a combination of the oxidizing agent, 2,2'-azobis(2-aminopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) and 50 Hz EF of 17.5 kV/m intensity for 15 min per day for 7 days, AAPH alone, EF alone or no treatment. EF significantly decreased the plasma peroxide level in rats treated with AAPH, similar to treatment by ascorbic acid or the superoxide dismutase. Ascorbic acid increased AOA; however, EF and superoxide dismutase did not change AOA compared with sham exposure in stressed rats. No influence on the lipid peroxide level and AOA in unstressed rats was observed with EF exposure alone. Although the administration of AAPH decreased AOA, this decrease did not change when EF was added. These data indicate that the ELF EF used in this study influenced the lipid peroxide level in an oxidatively stressed rat.  相似文献   

We investigated memory impairment in newly hatched chicks following in ovo exposure to a 50‐Hz magnetic field (MF) of 2 mT (60 min/day) on embryonic days 12–18. Isolated and paired chicks were used to test the effect of stress during training, and memory retention was tested at 10, 30, and 120 min, following exposure to a bitter‐tasting bead (100% methylanthranilate). Results showed that memory was intact at 10 min in both isolated and paired chicks with or without MF exposure. However, while isolated chicks had good memory retention levels at 30 and 120 min, those exposed to MF did not. The results suggest a potential disruption of memory formation following in ovo exposure to MF, with this effect only evident in the more stressed, isolated chicks. Bioelectromagnetics 31:150–155, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two active fractions were found during the isolation of contact sex pheromone of female elytra of the white‐spotted longicorn beetle, Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomson) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), in addition to fraction of hydrocarbons that had previously been identified. One fraction was essential to evoke a series of precopulatory behaviors of males toward a glass dummy when coated together with the hydrocarbon blend. The other fraction enhanced this activity when added to the mixture. From the latter synergistic fraction, we isolated five novel compounds and identified them as 10‐heptacosanone, (Z)‐18‐heptacosen‐10‐one, (18Z,21Z)‐heptacosa‐18,21‐dien‐10‐one, (18Z,21Z,24Z)‐heptacosa‐18,21,24‐trien‐10‐one, and 12‐heptacosanone by GC‐MS and NMR analyses. A blend of four of these synthetic ketones, without 12‐heptacosanone, in the ratio and concentration found in female elytra extract (250 : 400 : 1000 : 180 ng FE?1) showed greater synergistic effect than the natural fraction containing the ketones. This effect was canceled out by further addition of 12‐heptacosanone (100 ng FE?1), which was still comparable to the effect of the natural ketone fraction.  相似文献   

The allium leafminer, Acrolepiopsis sapporensis Matsumura (Lepidoptera: Acrolepiidae), is a pest of Allium species (Liliaceae) in Asia and Hawaii, USA. We identified candidate sex pheromone components in pheromone gland extracts of female moths and field tested the response of male moths to blends with different components and ratios. Gas chromatographic comparison of abdominal tip extracts from both sexes showed three female‐specific components: (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal (Z11‐16:Ald), (Z)‐11‐hexadecenyl acetate (Z11‐16:OAc), and (Z)‐11‐hexadecen‐1‐ol (Z11‐16:OH). These compounds were identified by mass spectral analysis of natural pheromone components and dimethyldisulfide adducts, and retention index comparisons with synthetic standards. The average ratio of three components, Z11‐16:Ald, Z11‐16:OAc, and Z11‐16:OH, in female extract was 33:100:14. Field trapping experiments indicated that all three components were essential for maximal attraction of male moths. Traps baited with a ternary blend mimicking the blend found in the pheromone gland extracts caught significantly more males than traps baited with caged live females. Increasing doses of the pheromone blend in the lures from 0.01 to 1.0 mg increased catches of male A. sapporensis.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a critical developmental stage during which substantial remodeling occurs in brain areas involved in emotional and learning processes. Although a robust literature on the biological effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF‐MFs) has been documented, data on the effects of ELF‐MF exposure during this period on cognitive functions remain scarce. In this study, early adolescent male mice were exposed from postnatal day (P) 23–35 to a 50 Hz MF at 2 mT for 60 min/day. On P36–45, the potential effects of the MF exposure on spatial memory performance were examined using the Y‐maze and Morris water maze tasks. The results showed that the MF exposure did not affect Y‐maze performance but improved spatial learning acquisition and memory retention in the water maze task under the present experimental conditions. Bioelectromagnetics 34:275–284, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of irradiance, temperature, thermal‐ and chilling‐light sensitivities on the photosynthesis of a temperate alga, Sargassum macrocarpum (Fucales) were determined by a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)‐chlorophyll fluorometer and dissolved oxygen sensors. Oxygenic photosynthesis–irradiance curves at 8, 20, and 28°C revealed that the maximum net photosynthetic rates (NP max) and saturation irradiance were highest at 28°C, and lowest at 8°C. Gross photosynthesis and dark respiration determined over a range of temperatures (8–36°C) at 300 μmol photons m?2 s?1 revealed that the maximum gross photosynthetic rate (GPmax) occurred at 27.8°C, which is consistent with the highest seawater temperature in the southern distributional limit of this species in Japan. Additionally, the maximum quantum yields of photosystem II (F v/F m) during the 72‐h temperature exposures were stable at 8–28°C, but suddenly dropped to zero at higher temperatures, indicative of PSII deactivation. Continuous exposure (12 h) to irradiance of 200 (low) and 1000 (high) μmol photons m?2 s?1 at 8, 20, and 28°C revealed greater declines in their effective quantum yields (Φ PSII) under high irradiance. While Φ PSII under low irradiance were very similar with the initial F v/F m under 20 and 28°C, values rapidly decreased with exposure duration at 8°C. At this temperature, F v/F m did not recover to initial values even after 12 h of dark acclimation. Final F v/F m of alga at 28°C under high irradiance treatment also did not recover, suggesting its sensitivity to photoinhibition at both low and high temperatures. These photosynthetic characteristics reflect both the adaptation of the species to the general environmental conditions, and its ability to acclimate to seasonal changes in seawater temperature within their geographical range of distribution.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death‐1 (PD‐1) is a newly characterized negative regulator of immune responses. The interaction of PD‐1 with its ligands (PD‐L1 and PD‐L2) inhibits T‐cell proliferation and cytokine production in young mice. Increased PD‐1 expression has been described during chronic infections, inducing chronic activation of the immune system to control it. As aging is associated with chronic immune activation, PD‐1 may contribute to age‐associated T‐cell dysfunction. Our data showed the following results in aged mice: (i) the number of PD‐1‐expressing T cells and the level of expression of PD‐Ls was increased on dendritic cell subsets and T cells; (ii) PD‐1+ T cells were exhausted effector memory T cells, as shown by their lower level of CD127, CD25 and CD28, as well as their limited proliferative and cytokine‐producing capacity; (iii) the expression of PD‐1 was up‐regulated after T‐cell receptor‐mediated activation of CD8+ T cells, but not of CD4+ T cells; (iv) blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 pathway moderately improved the cytokine production of T cells from old mice but did not restore their proliferation; and (v) blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 pathway did not restore function of PD‐1+ T cells; its effect appeared to be exclusively mediated by increased functionality of the PD‐1? T cells. Our data thus suggest that blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 is not likely to be efficient at restoring exhausted T‐cell responses in aged hosts, although improving the responses of PD‐1? T cells may prove to be a helpful strategy in enhancing primary responses.  相似文献   

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