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Marine bacteria play a central role in the degradation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and acrylic acid, DMS being critical to cloud formation and thereby cooling effects on the climate. High concentrations of DMSP and DMS have been reported in scleractinian coral tissues although, to date, there have been no investigations into the influence of these organic sulfur compounds on coral-associated bacteria. Two coral species, Montipora aequituberculata and Acropora millepora, were sampled and their bacterial communities were characterized by both culture-dependent and molecular techniques. Four genera, Roseobacter, Spongiobacter, Vibrio, and Alteromonas, which were isolated on media with either DMSP or DMS as the sole carbon source, comprised the majority of clones retrieved from coral mucus and tissue 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Clones affiliated with Roseobacter sp. constituted 28% of the M. aequituberculata tissue libraries, while 59% of the clones from the A. millepora libraries were affiliated with sequences related to the Spongiobacter genus. Vibrio spp. were commonly isolated from DMS and acrylic acid enrichments and were also present in 16S rRNA gene libraries from coral mucus, suggesting that under “normal” environmental conditions, they are a natural component of coral-associated communities. Genes homologous to dddD, and dddL, previously implicated in DMSP degradation, were also characterized from isolated strains, confirming that bacteria associated with corals have the potential to metabolize this sulfur compound when present in coral tissues. Our results demonstrate that DMSP, DMS, and acrylic acid potentially act as nutrient sources for coral-associated bacteria and that these sulfur compounds are likely to play a role in structuring bacterial communities in corals, with important consequences for the health of both corals and coral reef ecosystems.Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is an organic sulfur compound implicated in the formation of clouds via its cleavage product dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and therefore has the potential to exert major cooling effects on climate (9, 38). The production of DMSP is mainly restricted to a few classes of marine macro- and microalgae (27, 68), with the main producers being phytoplankton species belonging to prymnesiophyte and dinoflagellate taxa (28, 62, 67). Recently, significant concentrations of DMSP and DMS have been recorded in association with animals that harbor symbiotic algae such as scleractinian corals and giant clams (7, 8, 68), raising questions about the role of coral reefs in sulfur cycling. The densities of symbiotic dinoflagellates (genus Symbiodinium, commonly known as zooxanthellae) in coral tissues are similar to those recorded for dinoflagellates in phytoplankton blooms (11, 68). Since dinoflagellates are among the most significant producers of DMSP and high intracellular concentrations of DMSP have been found in both cultured zooxanthellae (26) and scleractinian corals (6-8, 25), these observations suggest that endosymbiotic zooxanthellae have an integral role in sulfur cycling in oligotrophic reef waters.Most of the DMSP produced by planktonic dinoflagellates is exuded into the surrounding water, where it is degraded by bacteria via two possible pathways: the first one converts a large fraction (ca. 75%) of dissolved DMSP to methylmercaptopropionate, which is subsequently incorporated into the biomass of microbial cells (22, 27, 66). The second pathway transforms the remaining part of the dissolved DMSP to equimolar concentrations of DMS and acrylic acid (43, 66, 72). This metabolic pathway for DMSP degradation has been identified in the alphaproteobacterial species Sulfitobacter sp. and the enzyme involved (DMSP-dependent DMS lyase [DddL]) characterized (10). Another pathway for DMS formation (without production of acrylate) has been described for Marinomonas sp. and the gene responsible, dddD, identified. In addition, the protein DddR has been directly implicated in the regulation of the gene encoding DddD (66). The DMS produced by these enzymes are then released into the surrounding water (27). Prior to the 1980s, diffusion of supersaturated DMS from the oceans to the atmosphere was thought to be the major removal pathway of this compound from the oceans (35, 72). More recently, however, it has been estimated that between 50 and 80% of the DMS produced by DMSP-degrading bacteria is degraded directly by other types of bacteria (58, 59), although the populations and metabolic pathways involved in the degradation of DMS are still poorly understood.Coral-associated bacterial communities are known to be diverse and highly abundant (12, 30, 48, 49, 52). These dynamic communities exploit a number of habitats associated with corals, including mucus on coral surfaces (48), intracellular niches within coral tissues (3, 16, 45, 47, 52), spaces within coral skeletons (15, 51), and seawater surrounding corals (16, 61). Each of these habitats is believed to harbor different bacterial populations (4, 52). Despite high bacterial diversity, corals have been reported to harbor species-specific microbial communities for beneficial effects; however, their role in coral health is poorly understood (47-50). In coral reef environments, bacteria are dependent upon organic compounds produced by photoautotrophic organisms such as endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (48); therefore, photosynthates translocated to coral tissues and mucus may determine microbial communities closely associated with corals (48, 52). The high levels of DMSP and DMS produced by corals, coupled with the dependence of DMSP and DMS conversion on processes typically involving bacteria, suggest that corals are likely to harbor bacterial species involved in the cycling of these compounds. To investigate the potential of the organosulfur compound DMSP and its breakdown products, DMS and acrylic acid, to drive coral-associated microbial communities, we used these compounds as sole carbon sources to isolate bacteria from two coral species (Montipora aequituberculata and Acropora millepora) and then directly compared these microbial communities with coral-associated microbiota identified using culture-independent analyses. Genes implicated in the metabolism of DMSP were also characterized from isolated strains, confirming that bacteria associated with corals have the potential to metabolize organic sulfur compounds present in coral tissues.  相似文献   

微生物在碳的海洋生物地球化学循环中的作用   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
微生物在碳的海洋生物地球化学循环中的作用郑天凌,王海黎,洪华生(厦门大学环境科学研究中心361005)RoleofMicroorganismsinBiogeochemicalCyclingofCarboninOceans.¥ZhengTianling...  相似文献   

林冠附生物在森林生态系统养分循环中的作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
刘文耀 《生态学杂志》2000,19(2):30-35,49
1 引 言林冠是森林生态系统中重要的组成部分。由于认识上、技术上和其它方面的原因 ,过去一直都把林冠当作“黑箱”来研究。近 2 0年来 ,随着对林冠生物多样性、林冠附生物在生态系统功能过程影响认识和研究技术上的提高 ,对林冠附生物的研究已逐步从个体水平转移到系统水平上。林冠现在被认为是一个适宜于许多动植物种类生存的场所 ,其物种数量比原先所想象的更为丰富。通过对林冠的研究 ,促进了对天然林生态系统中养分循环的了解 ,以及林冠干扰或破坏对自然和人类活动的影响。其中林冠附生物质在森林生态系统养分循环过程中的作用和影…  相似文献   

It has previously been asserted that baleen whales compete with fisheries by consuming potentially harvestable marine resources. The regularly applied “surplus‐yield model” suggests that whale prey becomes available to fisheries if whales are removed, and has been presented as a justification for whaling. However, recent findings indicate that whales enhance ecosystem productivity by defecating iron that stimulates primary productivity in iron‐limited waters. While juvenile whales and whales that are pregnant or lactating retain iron for growth and milk production, nonbreeding adult whales defecate most of the iron they consume. Here, we modify the surplus‐yield model to incorporate iron defecation. After modeling a simplistic trajectory of blue whale recovery to historical abundances, the traditional surplus‐yield model predicts that 1011 kg of carbon yr?1 would become unavailable to fisheries. However, this ignores the nutrient recycling role of whales. Our model suggests the population of blue whales would defecate 3 × 106 kg of iron yr?1, which would stimulate primary production equivalent to that required to support prey consumption by the blue whale population. Thus, modifying the surplus‐yield model to include iron defecation indicates that blue whales do not render marine resources unavailable to fisheries. By defecating iron‐rich feces, blue whales promote Southern Ocean productivity, rather than reducing fishery yields.  相似文献   

Krill larvae in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during FIBEX 1981   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary During the First International BIOMASS Experiment krill larvae were sampled by several research vessels. The present paper compiles data gathered by of Polish, German and Argentinian expeditions undertaken during 19 January–19 March 1981 in the Scotia Sea, Drake Passage and Bransfield Strait regions. In the 1980/81 season the most intense spawing occurred at the end of December and in the beginning of January. In the eastern part of the region development of krill larvae was much more advanced than further to the west. The highest numbers of larvae were observed in the central part of the survey area, in the open ocean and on the shelf slope zones. In the Bransfield Strait larvae were most abundant in the north and north-east. These larvae appeard to have drifted to the north and north-east and occurred outside the region of the main concentrations of adult krill. As such, larval distribution reflected a meandering current at a reference level of 500 db, which was flowing in a general south-west to north-easterly direction. The Weddell Scotia Confluence did not form a border either to the occurrence of krill larvae or of adults.  相似文献   

Development in foraging behaviour and dietary intake of many vertebrates are age-structured. Differences in feeding ecology may correlate with ontogenetic shifts in dispersal patterns, and therefore affect foraging habitat and resource utilization. Such life-history traits have important implications in interpreting tropho-dynamic linkages. Stable isotope ratios in the whiskers of sub-yearling southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina; n = 12) were used, in conjunction with satellite telemetry and environmental data, to examine their foraging habitat and diet during their first foraging migration. The trophic position of seals from Macquarie Island (54°30′S, 158°57′E) was estimated using stable carbon (δ1 3C) and nitrogen (δ15N) ratios along the length of the whisker, which provided a temporal record of prey intake. Satellite-relayed data loggers provided details on seal movement patterns, which were related to isotopic concentrations along the whisker. Animals fed in waters south of the Polar Front (>60°S) or within Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) Statistical Subareas 88.1 and 88.2, as indicated by both their depleted δ1 3C (<−20‰) values, and tracking data. They predominantly exploited varying proportions of mesopelagic fish and squid, and crustaceans, such as euphausiids, which have not been reported as a prey item for this species. Comparison of isotopic data between sub-yearlings, and 1, 2 and 3 yr olds indicated that sub-yearlings, limited by their size, dive capabilities and prey capture skills to feeding higher in the water column, fed at a lower trophic level than older seals. This is consistent with the consumption of euphausiids and most probably, Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), which constitute an abundant, easily accessible source of prey in water masses used by this age class of seals. Isotopic assessment and concurrent tracking of seals are successfully used here to identify ontogenetic shifts in broad-scale foraging habitat use and diet preferences in a highly migratory predator.  相似文献   

Antarctic krill is a cold water species, an increasingly important fishery resource and a major prey item for many fish, birds and mammals in the Southern Ocean. The fishery and the summer foraging sites of many of these predators are concentrated between 0° and 90°W. Parts of this quadrant have experienced recent localised sea surface warming of up to 0.2°C per decade, and projections suggest that further widespread warming of 0.27° to 1.08°C will occur by the late 21st century. We assessed the potential influence of this projected warming on Antarctic krill habitat with a statistical model that links growth to temperature and chlorophyll concentration. The results divide the quadrant into two zones: a band around the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in which habitat quality is particularly vulnerable to warming, and a southern area which is relatively insensitive. Our analysis suggests that the direct effects of warming could reduce the area of growth habitat by up to 20%. The reduction in growth habitat within the range of predators, such as Antarctic fur seals, that forage from breeding sites on South Georgia could be up to 55%, and the habitat’s ability to support Antarctic krill biomass production within this range could be reduced by up to 68%. Sensitivity analysis suggests that the effects of a 50% change in summer chlorophyll concentration could be more significant than the direct effects of warming. A reduction in primary production could lead to further habitat degradation but, even if chlorophyll increased by 50%, projected warming would still cause some degradation of the habitat accessible to predators. While there is considerable uncertainty in these projections, they suggest that future climate change could have a significant negative effect on Antarctic krill growth habitat and, consequently, on Southern Ocean biodiversity and ecosystem services.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松人工林生态系统营养元素生物地球化学循环特征   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
生态系统营养元素的生物地球化学循环是生态系统重要功能过程之一。营养元素循环和动态平衡过程直接影响生产力水平,并直接关系到生态系统的连续与稳定。因此,营养循环  相似文献   

苇田养分生物循环的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  

农业生态系统养分循环研究概况   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
营养物质循环作为农业生态系统的主要过程及基本功能,是系统生产力及持久性的决定因素,也对生物圈化学环境有重大影响。早在本世纪初,人们就从植物营养生理的角度开始了营养物质循环平衡的研究[1]。1955年Alison将系统和整体的观点引入生态系统物质循环的...  相似文献   

The role that neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria play in the Arctic tundra is unknown. This study surveyed chemosynthetic iron-oxidizing communities at the North Slope of Alaska near Toolik Field Station (TFS) at Toolik Lake (lat 68.63, long −149.60). Microbial iron mats were common in submerged habitats with stationary or slowly flowing water, and their greatest areal extent is in coating plant stems and sediments in wet sedge meadows. Some Fe-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) produce easily recognized sheath or stalk morphotypes that were present and dominant in all the mats we observed. The cool water temperatures (9 to 11°C) and reduced pH (5.0 to 6.6) at all sites kinetically favor microbial iron oxidation. A microbial survey of five sites based on 16S rRNA genes found a predominance of Proteobacteria, with Betaproteobacteria and members of the family Comamonadaceae being the most prevalent operational taxonomic units (OTUs). In relative abundance, clades of lithotrophic FeOB composed 5 to 10% of the communities. OTUs related to cyanobacteria and chloroplasts accounted for 3 to 25% of the communities. Oxygen profiles showed evidence for oxygenic photosynthesis at the surface of some mats, indicating the coexistence of photosynthetic and FeOB populations. The relative abundance of OTUs belonging to putative Fe-reducing bacteria (FeRB) averaged around 11% in the sampled iron mats. Mats incubated anaerobically with 10 mM acetate rapidly initiated Fe reduction, indicating that active iron cycling is likely. The prevalence of iron mats on the tundra might impact the carbon cycle through lithoautotrophic chemosynthesis, anaerobic respiration of organic carbon coupled to iron reduction, and the suppression of methanogenesis, and it potentially influences phosphorus dynamics through the adsorption of phosphorus to iron oxides.  相似文献   

Semi-arid and arid ecosystems dominated by shrubs (“dry shrublands”) are an important component of the global C cycle, but impacts of climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2 on biogeochemical cycling in these ecosystems have not been synthetically assessed. This study synthesizes data from manipulative studies and from studies contrasting ecosystem processes in different vegetation microsites (that is, shrub or herbaceous canopy versus intercanopy microsites), to assess how changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 affect biogeochemical cycles by altering plant and microbial physiology and ecosystem structure. Further, we explore how ecosystem structure impacts on biogeochemical cycles differ across a climate gradient. We found that: (1) our ability to project ecological responses to changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 is limited by a dearth of manipulative studies, and by a lack of measurements in those studies that can explain biogeochemical changes, (2) changes in ecosystem structure will impact biogeochemical cycling, with decreasing pools and fluxes of C and N if vegetation canopy microsites were to decline, and (3) differences in biogeochemical cycling between microsites are predictable with a simple aridity index (MAP/MAT), where the relative difference in pools and fluxes of C and N between vegetation canopy and intercanopy microsites is positively correlated with aridity. We conclude that if climate change alters ecosystem structure, it will strongly impact biogeochemical cycles, with increasing aridity leading to greater heterogeneity in biogeochemical cycling among microsites. Additional long-term manipulative experiments situated across dry shrublands are required to better predict climate change impacts on biogeochemical cycling in deserts.  相似文献   

Coastal marine systems are currently subject to a variety of anthropogenic and climate-change-induced pressures. An important challenge is to predict how marine sediment communities and benthic biogeochemical cycling will be affected by these ongoing changes. To this end, it is of paramount importance to first better understand the natural variability in coastal benthic biogeochemical cycling and how this is influenced by local environmental conditions and faunal biodiversity. Here, we studied sedimentary biogeochemical cycling at ten coastal stations in the Southern North Sea on a monthly basis from February to October 2011. We explored the spatio-temporal variability in oxygen consumption, dissolved inorganic nitrogen and alkalinity fluxes, and estimated rates of nitrification and denitrification from a mass budget. In a next step, we statistically modeled their relation with environmental variables and structural and functional macrobenthic community characteristics. Our results show that the cohesive, muddy sediments were poor in functional macrobenthic diversity and displayed intermediate oxygen consumption rates, but the highest ammonium effluxes. These muddy sites also showed an elevated alkalinity release from the sediment, which can be explained by the elevated rate of anaerobic processes taking place. Fine sandy sediments were rich in functional macrobenthic diversity and had the maximum oxygen consumption and estimated denitrification rates. Permeable sediments were also poor in macrobenthic functional diversity and showed the lowest oxygen consumption rates and only small fluxes of ammonium and alkalinity. Macrobenthic functional biodiversity as estimated from bioturbation potential appeared a better variable than macrobenthic density in explaining oxygen consumption, ammonium and alkalinity fluxes, and estimated denitrification. However, this importance of functional biodiversity was manifested particularly in fine sandy sediments, to a lesser account in permeable sediments, but not in muddy sediments. The strong relationship between macrobenthic functional biodiversity and biogeochemical cycling in fine sandy sediments implies that a future loss of macrobenthic functional diversity will have important repercussions for benthic ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

This article uses two case studies to assess the role of research in policy formation and fishery management. One study focuses on measures to limit the mortality of dolphins taken when tuna are harvested in the eastern tropical Pacific. The other studies measures taken to limit harvests of Southern Bluefin Tuna. Both of these fisheries involve fugitive resources and transboundary resources spreading across both national exclusive economic zones and the high seas. Both fisheries were initially based on open access, but public policy has led to greater exclusive use through individual transferable quotas for Southern Bluefin Tuna and dolphin mortality limits. A number of policy conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Iron (Fe) plays a key role in elemental cycling at terrestrial–aquatic interfaces by stabilizing carbon (C), phosphorus (P), and nutrient cations through physicochemical...  相似文献   

Macrophytes influence the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of lowland streams, so may be critically important in stream management. We investigated the role of macrophytes in regulating metabolism and nutrient cycling in three lowland, agricultural streams. We measured stream metabolism over the growing season and following experimental macrophyte removal, and used short-term nutrient additions of phosphate (P) and ammonium to assess macrophyte influences on nutrient uptake. Primary production was closely correlated with macrophyte cover across all streams and dates, and decreased greatly with macrophyte removal, whereas ecosystem respiration was not correlated with macrophyte cover and was not altered by macrophyte removal. Phosphate uptake velocity was negatively related to primary production, suggesting that macrophyte activity actually slowed P uptake. Ammonium uptake was not correlated with macrophyte cover or metabolism metrics. Stream nitrate concentrations typically exceeded concentrations of incoming groundwater, suggesting little net nitrate retention in these macrophyte-dominated streams. Phosphorous demand by macrophytes was 10-fold lower than observed uptake rates, indicating that macrophyte P demand was much lower than that of other stream biota. Nitrogen demand by macrophytes was nearly equal to ammonium uptake and was not sufficient to affect the high nitrate flux. These results indicate that macrophytes drive ecosystem metabolism but have limited influence on water column nutrient concentrations because macrophyte demand is much lower than the supply available from the water column. Thus macrophytes in our streams had a large impact on stream trophic state, but offered little potential to influence nutrient removal via management.  相似文献   

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