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Left atrial (LA) enlargement is a predictor of worse outcome after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF). Widely used two-dimensional (2D)-echocardiography is inaccurate and underestimates real LA volume (LAV). We hypothesized that baseline clinical characteristics of patients can be used to adjust 2D-ECHO indices of LAV in order to minimize this disagreement.


The study enrolled 535 patients (59 ± 9 years; 67% males; 43% paroxysmal AF) who underwent catheter ablation for AF in three specialized centers. We investigated multivariately the relationship between 2D-echocardiographic indices of LA size, specifically LA diameter in M-mode in the parasternal long-axis view (LAD), LAV assessed by the prolate-ellipsoid method (LAVEllipsoid), LAV by the planimetric method (LAVPlanimetry), and LAV derived from 3D-electroanatomic mapping (LAVCARTO).


Cubed LAD of 106 ± 45 ml, LAVEllipsoid of 72 ± 24 ml and LAVPlanimetry of 88 ± 30 ml correlated only modestly (r = 0.60, 0.69, and 0.53, respectively) with LAVCARTO of 137 ± 46 ml, which was significantly underestimated with a bias (±1.96 standard deviation) of -31 (-111; +49) ml, -64 (-132; +2) ml, and -49 (-125; +27) ml, respectively; p < 0.0001 for their mutual difference. LA enlargement itself, age, gender, type of AF, and the presence of structural heart disease were independent confounders of measurement error of 2D-echocardiographic LAV.


Accuracy and precision of all 2D-echocardiographic LAV indices are poor. Their agreement with true LAV can be significantly improved by multivariate adjustment to clinical characteristics of patients.  相似文献   



The advent of electroanatomical mapping (EAM) systems for pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) has dramatically decreased radiation exposure. However, the need for some fluoroscopy remains for obtaining left atrial (LA) access. The aim was to test the feasibility of fluoroscopy-free PVI in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and a patent foramen ovale (PFO) guided solely by an EAM system.


Consecutive patients with AF undergoing PVI and documented PFO were studied. An EAM-guided approach without fluoroscopy and ultrasound was used. After completing the map of the right atrium, the superior vena cava and the coronary sinus, a catheter pull-down to the PFO was performed allowing LA access. The map of the LA and subsequent PVI was also performed without fluoroscopy.


30 patients [age 61±12 years, 73% male, ejection fraction 0.64 (0.53–0.65), LA size in parasternal long axis 38±7 mm] undergoing PVI were included. The time required for right atrial mapping including transseptal crossing was 9±4 minutes. Total procedure time was 127±37 minutes. Fluoroscopy-free PVI was feasible in 26/30 (87%) patients. In four patients, fluoroscopy was needed to access (n = 3) or to re-access (n = 1) the LA. In these four patients, total fluoroscopy time was 5±3 min and the DAP was 14.9±13.4 Gy*cm2. Single-procedure success rate was 80% (24/30) after a median follow-up of 12 months.


In patients with a documented PFO, completely fluoroscopy-free PVI is feasible in the vast majority of cases.  相似文献   

Maintenance of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) by fast rotors in the left atrium (LA) or at the pulmonary veins (PVs) is not fully understood. To gain insight into this dynamic and complex process, we studied the role of the heterogeneous distribution of transmembrane currents in the PVs and LA junction (PV-LAJ) in the localization of rotors in the PVs. We also investigated whether simple pacing protocols could be used to predict rotor drift in the PV-LAJ. Experimentally observed heterogeneities in IK1, IKs, IKr, Ito, and ICaL in the PV-LAJ were incorporated into two- and pseudo three-dimensional models of Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel-Kneller human atrial kinetics to simulate various conditions and investigate rotor drifting mechanisms. Spatial gradients in the currents resulted in shorter action potential duration, minimum diastolic potential that was less negative, and slower upstroke and conduction velocity for rotors in the PV region than in the LA. Rotors under such conditions drifted toward the PV and stabilized at the shortest action potential duration and less-excitable region, consistent with drift direction under intercellular coupling heterogeneities and regardless of the geometrical constraint in the PVs. Simulations with various IK1 gradient conditions and current-voltage relationships substantiated its major role in the rotor drift. In our 1:1 pacing protocol, we found that among various action potential properties, only the minimum diastolic potential gradient was a rate-independent predictor of rotor drift direction. Consistent with experimental and clinical AF studies, simulations in an electrophysiologically heterogeneous model of the PV-LAJ showed rotor attraction toward the PV. Our simulations suggest that IK1 heterogeneity is dominant compared to other currents in determining the drift direction through its impact on the excitability gradient. These results provide a believed novel framework for understanding the complex dynamics of rotors in AF.  相似文献   

BackgroundA close association exists between renal impairment (RI) and atrial fibrillation (AF) occurrence. Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) may contribute to the development of AF associated with RI. Renal denervation (RDN) decreases central sympathetic activity.ObjectiveThe main objective of the study was to explore the effects of RDN on AF occurrence and its possible mechanisms in beagles with RI.MethodsUnilateral RI was induced in beagles by embolization of small branches of the renal artery in the right kidney using gelatin sponge granules in Model (n = 6) and RDN group (n = 6). The Sham group (n = 6) underwent the same procedure, except for embolization. Then animals in RDN group underwent radiofrequency ablation of the renal sympathetic nerve. Cardiac electrophysiological parameters, blood pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and AF inducibility were investigated. The activity of the SNS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), inflammation and atrial interstitial fibrosis were measured.ResultsEmbolization of small branches of the renal artery in the right kidney led to ischemic RI. Heart rate, P wave duration and BP were increased by RI, which were prevented or attenuated by RDN. Atrial effective refractory period was shortened and AF inducibility was increased by RI, which were prevented by RDN. Antegrade Wenckebach point was shortened, atrial and ventricular rates during AF were increased by RI, which were attenuated or prevented by RDN. Levels of norepinephrine, renin and aldosterone in plasma, norepinephrine, angiotensin II, aldosterone, interleukin-6 and high sensitivity C-reactive protein in atrial tissue were elevated, and atrial interstitial fibrosis was enhanced by RI, which were attenuated by RDN.ConclusionsRDN significantly reduced AF inducibility, prevented the atrial electrophysiological changes in a model of RI by combined reduction of sympathetic drive and RAAS activity, and inhibition of inflammation activity and fibrotic pathway in atrial tissue.  相似文献   

房颤是临床上最常见的持续性心律失常.揭示房颤的发病机制和病理生理过程是其诊断、预防、治疗、药物研发及临床设备设计的关键,而实验和临床只能呈现细胞或亚细胞的局部特性及房颤病症的宏观结果.随着生物信息技术、统计分析技术等的发展,运用多物理尺度的虚拟生理心脏模型,来实现宏观结果与微观机制相统一的研究方法备受关注.本文综述了离子通道、心肌细胞、心脏组织及器官等多尺度的虚拟生理心脏模型研究进展,探讨了近年来基于虚拟生理心脏模型的房颤机制研究以及房颤的治疗手段,提示了房颤研究的挑战和未来的发展方向.  相似文献   



Our aim was to assess how atrial fibrillation (AF) induction, chronicity, and RR interval irregularity affect left atrial (LA) function and size in the setting of underlying heart failure (HF), and to determine whether AF effects can be mitigated by vagal nerve stimulation (VNS).


HF was induced by 4-weeks of rapid ventricular pacing in 24 dogs. Subsequently, AF was induced and maintained by atrial pacing at 600 bpm. Dogs were randomized into control (n = 9) and VNS (n = 15) groups. In the VNS group, atrioventricular node fat pad stimulation (310 μs, 20 Hz, 3–7 mA) was delivered continuously for 6 months. LA volume and LA strain data were calculated from bi-weekly echocardiograms.


RR intervals decreased with HF in both groups (p = 0.001), and decreased further during AF in control group (p = 0.014), with a non-significant increase in the VNS group during AF. LA size increased with HF (p<0.0001), with no additional increase during AF. LA strain decreased with HF (p = 0.025) and further decreased after induction of AF (p = 0.0001). LA strain decreased less (p = 0.001) in the VNS than in the control group. Beat-by-beat analysis showed a curvilinear increase of LA strain with longer preceding RR interval, (r = 0.45, p <0.0001) with LA strain 1.1% higher (p = 0.02) in the VNS-treated animals, independent of preceding RR interval duration. The curvilinear relationship between ratio of preceding and pre-preceding RR intervals, and subsequent LA strain was weaker, (r = 0.28, p = 0.001). However, VNS-treated animals again had higher LA strain (by 2.2%, p = 0.002) independently of the ratio of preceding and pre-preceding RR intervals.


In the underlying presence of pacing-induced HF, AF decreased LA strain, with little impact on LA size. LA strain depends on the preceding RR interval duration.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a complex cardiac arrhythmia with high morbidity and mortality.1,2 It is the most common sustained cardiac rhythm disturbance seen in clinical practice and its prevalence is expected to increase in the coming years.3 Increased intra-atrial pressure and dilatation have been long recognized to lead to AF,1,4 which highlights the relevance of using animal models and stretch to study AF dynamics. Understanding the mechanisms underlying AF requires visualization of the cardiac electrical waves with high spatial and temporal resolution. While high-temporal resolution can be achieved by conventional electrical mapping traditionally used in human electrophysiological studies, the small number of intra-atrial electrodes that can be used simultaneously limits the spatial resolution and precludes any detailed tracking of the electrical waves during the arrhythmia. The introduction of optical mapping in the early 90''s enabled wide-field characterization of fibrillatory activity together with sub-millimeter spatial resolution in animal models5,6 and led to the identification of rapidly spinning electrical wave patterns (rotors) as the sources of the fibrillatory activity that may occur in the ventricles or the atria.7-9 Using combined time- and frequency-domain analyses of optical mapping it is possible to demonstrate discrete sites of high frequency periodic activity during AF, along with frequency gradients between left and right atrium. The region with fastest rotors activates at the highest frequency and drives the overall arrhythmia.10,11 The waves emanating from such rotor interact with either functional or anatomic obstacles in their path, resulting in the phenomenon of fibrillatory conduction.12 Mapping the endocardial surface of the posterior left atrium (PLA) allows the tracking of AF wave dynamics in the region with the highest rotor frequency. Importantly, the PLA is the region where intracavitary catheter-based ablative procedures are most successful terminating AF in patients,13 which underscores the relevance of studying AF dynamics from the interior of the left atrium. Here we describe a sheep model of acute stretch-induced AF, which resembles some of the characteristics of human paroxysmal AF. Epicardial mapping on the left atrium is complemented with endocardial mapping of the PLA using a dual-channel rigid borescope c-mounted to a CCD camera, which represents the most direct approach to visualize the patterns of activation in the most relevant region for AF maintenance. Download video file.(54M, mov)  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia with considerable morbidity and mortality. Limitations in studying both the mechanisms and therapy of atrial fibrillation arise due to the paucity of models that yield sufficiently high-quality data, are not costly, and in which atrial fibrillation is sustained long enough to make the necessary observations. The canine model we present is based on the hypothesis that atrial fibrillation requires heterogeneity of repolarization, that distribution of vagal fibers is heterogeneous in the atria, and that atrial fibrillation will persist after reflex stimulation of vagal efferents by increased systemic arterial pressure. Dogs were anesthetized with morphine–chloralose because this combination maintains nearly intact autonomic control. Systemic arterial pressure was elevated approximately 75 mm Hg during infusion of phenylephrine (2 μg/kg · min−1). The right atrium was paced for 20 min at 40 Hz. Atrial fibrillation was sustained after cessation of atrial pacing in dogs receiving phenylephrine, but terminated within seconds in normotensive animals. In conclusion, atrial fibrillation can be maintained for at least 40 min after cessation of rapid atrial pacing in dogs with phenylephrine-induced hypertension.Atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia that affects more than 2 million persons in the United States.1 This condition is characterized by chaotic asynchronous activation and contraction of hundreds of regions of the atria, resulting in both absence of active atrial transport of blood and a rapid ventricular response. With chronic atrial fibrillation, patients can develop thromboembolism and stroke;22 and 15% of strokes in the United States occur in patients with atrial fibrillation.1 Despite prodigious efforts to understand the mechanism of this condition and to prevent and remediate it, atrial fibrillation leads to enormous morbidity and mortality.3 One factor hindering studies of atrial fibrillation is the absence of a model in which fibrillation can be sustained for more than several seconds, although the arrhythmia can be sustained nearly permanently after weeks of rapid atrial pacing in animals with either heart failure or physical injury to the left atrium.8Rapid atrial pacing decreases the atrial effective refractory period, slows atrial conduction, and increases electrophysiologic heterogeneity.10,11,20 Recently, phenylephrine was shown to increase the difference between left and right atrial and intraatrial refractory periods, thus creating heterogeneity of atrial refractoriness.16 We therefore postulated that rapid atrial pacing together with phenylephrine infusion would induce relatively sustained atrial fibrillation for at least 40 min in dogs—a duration likely to be sufficient for testing of agents with potential to convert atrial fibrillation. This report describes a simple canine model using rapid atrial pacing in which atrial fibrillation was sustained for at least 40 min.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a morbid and heritable arrhythmia. Over 35 genes have been reported to underlie AF, most of which were described in small candidate gene association studies. Replication remains lacking for most, and therefore the contribution of coding variation to AF susceptibility remains poorly understood. We examined whole exome sequencing data in a large community-based sample of 1,734 individuals with and 9,423 without AF from the Framingham Heart Study, Cardiovascular Health Study, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, and NHLBI-GO Exome Sequencing Project and meta-analyzed the results. We also examined whether genetic variation was enriched in suspected AF genes (N = 37) in AF cases versus controls. The mean age ranged from 59 to 73 years; 8,656 (78%) were of European ancestry. None of the 99,404 common variants evaluated was significantly associated after adjusting for multiple testing. Among the most significantly associated variants was a common (allele frequency = 86%) missense variant in SYNPO2L (rs3812629, p.Pro707Leu, [odds ratio 1.27, 95% confidence interval 1.13–1.43, P = 6.6x10-5]) which lies at a known AF susceptibility locus and is in linkage disequilibrium with a top marker from prior analyses at the locus. We did not observe significant associations between rare variants and AF in gene-based tests. Individuals with AF did not display any statistically significant enrichment for common or rare coding variation in previously implicated AF genes. In conclusion, we did not observe associations between coding genetic variants and AF, suggesting that large-effect coding variation is not the predominant mechanism underlying AF. A coding variant in SYNPO2L requires further evaluation to determine whether it is causally related to AF. Efforts to identify biologically meaningful coding variation underlying AF may require large sample sizes or populations enriched for large genetic effects.  相似文献   



Recent studies suggest that cancer increases risk of atrial fibrillation. Whether atrial fibrillation is a marker for underlying occult cancer is unknown.


We conducted a cohort study (1980–2011) of all Danish patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation. To examine cancer risk, we computed absolute risk at 3 months and standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) by comparing observed cancer incidence among patients newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation with that expected based on national cancer incidence during the period.


Median follow-up time was 3.4 years among 269 742 atrial fibrillation patients. Within 3 months of follow-up, 6656 cancers occurred (absolute risk, 2.5%; 95% confidence intervals [CI], 2.4%–2.5%) versus 1302 expected, yielding a SIR of 5.11; 95% CI, 4.99–5.24. Associations were particularly strong for cancers of the lung, kidney, colon, ovary, and for non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma. The SIR within 3 months of follow-up was 7.02; 95% CI, 6.76–7.28 for metastatic and 3.53; 95% CI, 3.38–3.68 for localized cancer. Beyond 3 months of follow-up, overall cancer risk was modestly increased (SIR, 1.13; 95% CI, 1.12–1.15).


Patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation had a markedly increased relative risk of a cancer diagnosis within the next three months, however, corresponding absolute risk was small.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用腋下小切口开胸术建立犬慢性心房颤动模型的可行性。方法取健康比格犬14只,随机分为实验组(7只)与对照组(7只)。应用左侧腋下小切口微创技术开胸植入起搏器,实验组犬以400次/分连续起搏8周诱导心房颤动,对照组不起搏。术后观察犬的一般情况,定期监测心电图,记录犬的肢体导联心电图变化,观察心房颤动的发生情况。结果14只犬均顺利完成实验。应用左侧腋下小切口微创技术开胸,手术时间缩短,术后并发症减少。实验组7只犬经连续起搏8周,均出现典型的心房颤动心电图改变。结论应用腋下小切口微创技术开胸制作犬慢性房颤模型是安全可行的,犬术后无手术死亡及严重并发症,恢复快。说明与常规切口开胸手术相比创伤明显减小,值得在犬慢性房颤模型建立中推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨紫草对房颤模型大鼠的心房颤动的发生及发展的作用及相关机制。方法:大鼠通过尾静脉连续给乙酰胆碱-氯化钙(Ach-CaCl_2)造模。第6天开始,紫草组予紫草汤药灌胃,胺碘酮组予胺碘酮溶液灌胃,空白组和模型组予生理盐水灌胃。于第14天进行心电图检查并记录房颤的诱发时间及持续时间,之后,超声心电图检查以记录左房面积(LA area)、射血分数(EF%)、左室舒张末径(LVDD)、左室收缩末径(LVDS),以评估紫草对模型大鼠的心脏重构和功能的影响。结果:1.紫草降低心房颤动大鼠的心房颤动诱发率并缩短了心房颤动的持续时间;2.紫草使心房颤动大鼠的心房重构改善,表现为左房面积和左室内径的减小,但对EF值无明显影响。  相似文献   



Chronic kidney disease and occurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF) are closely related. No studies have examined whether renal impairment (RI) without severe renal dysfunction is associated with the occurrence of AF.


Unilateral RI with mild renal insufficiency was induced in beagles by embolization of small branches of the renal artery in the left kidney for 2 weeks using gelatin sponge granules in the model group (n = 5). The sham group (n = 5) underwent the same procedure, except for embolization. Parameters associated with RI and renal function were tested, cardiac electrophysiological parameters, blood pressure, left ventricular pressure, and AF vulnerability were investigated. The activity of the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, inflammation, and oxidative stress were measured. Histological studies associated with atrial interstitial fibrosis were performed.


Embolization of small branches of the renal artery in the left kidney led to ischemic RI with mild renal insufficiency. The following changes occurred after embolization. Heart rate and P wave duration were increased. Blood pressure and left ventricular systolic pressure were elevated. The atrial effective refractory period and antegrade Wenckebach point were shortened. Episodes and duration of AF, as well as atrial and ventricular rate during AF were increased in the model group. Plasma levels of norepinephrine, renin, and aldosterone were increased, angiotensin II and aldosterone levels in atrial tissue were elevated, and atrial interstitial fibrosis was enhanced after 2 weeks of embolization in the model group.


We successfully established a model of RI with mild renal insufficiency in a large animal. We found that RI with mild renal insufficiency was associated with AF in this model.  相似文献   

目前,发生率最高的心率失常被认为是心房纤颤,且该病的发生率随着年龄的增长而上升。伴随着我国人口年龄结构的变化,心房纤颤在我国的发病率逐渐增加。了解该病的发生和发展的机制十分迫切。已经证明,心房重构是该病的重要发生机制。随着研究的加深,研究人员对心房重构与该病的病理学机制有了更加深刻的了解。现就心房纤颤和重构在发病中的机制进行回顾。  相似文献   



It is suggested that an elevated left atrial pressure (LAP) promotes ectopic beats emanating in the pulmonary veins (PVs) and that LAP might be a marker for structural remodeling. This study aimed to identify if the quantification of LAP correlates with structural changes of the LA and may therefore be associated with outcomes following pulmonary vein isolation (PVI).


We analysed data from 120 patients, referred to PVI due to drug-refractory atrial fibrillation (AF) (age 63±8; 57% men). The maximum (mLAP) and mean LAP (meLAP) were measured after transseptal puncture.

Results and Conclusions

Within a mean follow-up of 303±95 days, 60% of the patients maintained in sinus rhythm after the initial procedure and 78% after repeated PVI. Performing univariate Cox-regression analysis, type of AF, LA-volume (LAV), mLAP and the meLAP were significant predictors of recurrence after PVI (p=0.03; p=0.001; p=0.01). In multivariate analysis mLAP>18mmHg, LAV>100 ml and the presence of persistent AF were significant predictors (p=0.001; p=0.019; p=0.017). The mLAP >18 mmHg was associated with a hazard ratio of 3.8. Analyzing receiver-operator characteristics, the area under the curve for mLAP was 0.75 (p<0.01). mLAP >18 mmHg predicts recurrence with a sensitivity of 77 % and specificity of 60 %. There was a linear correlation between the LAV from MDCT and mLAP (p = 0.01, R2 = 0.61). The mLAP measured invasively displays a significant predictor for AF recurrence after PVI. There is a good correlation between LAP and LAV and both factors may be useful to quantify LA remodeling.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, but our knowledge of the arrhythmogenic substrate is incomplete. Alternans, the beat-to-beat alternation in the shape of cardiac electrical signals, typically occurs at fast heart rates and leads to arrhythmia. However, atrial alternans have been observed at slower pacing rates in AF patients than in controls, suggesting that increased vulnerability to arrhythmia in AF patients may be due to the proarrythmic influence of alternans at these slower rates. As such, alternans may present a useful therapeutic target for the treatment and prevention of AF, but the mechanism underlying alternans occurrence in AF patients at heart rates near rest is unknown. The goal of this study was to determine how cellular changes that occur in human AF affect the appearance of alternans at heart rates near rest. To achieve this, we developed a computational model of human atrial tissue incorporating electrophysiological remodeling associated with chronic AF (cAF) and performed parameter sensitivity analysis of ionic model parameters to determine which cellular changes led to alternans. Of the 20 parameters tested, only decreasing the ryanodine receptor (RyR) inactivation rate constant (kiCa) produced action potential duration (APD) alternans seen clinically at slower pacing rates. Using single-cell clamps of voltage, fluxes, and state variables, we determined that alternans onset was Ca2+-driven rather than voltage-driven and occurred as a result of decreased RyR inactivation which led to increased steepness of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release slope. Iterated map analysis revealed that because SR Ca2+ uptake efficiency was much higher in control atrial cells than in cAF cells, drastic reductions in kiCa were required to produce alternans at comparable pacing rates in control atrial cells. These findings suggest that RyR kinetics may play a critical role in altered Ca2+ homeostasis which drives proarrhythmic APD alternans in patients with AF.  相似文献   

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