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Several HindIII monomer units of a tandemly repeated nuclear DNA sequence ofBrassica campestris andBrassica juncea (Cruciferae) have been cloned and sequenced. The monomer units, of 177 bp length, are AT-rich and share 88% homology between themselves and more than 65% homology with similar repeats of otherCruciferae likeBrassica oleracea, Sinapis alba andRaphanus sativus. Thus unlike the rapid divergence of tandemly repeated satellite DNA in other organisms, this DNA element is highly conserved thus indicating its importance.  相似文献   

A 320 nucleotide repeated DNA sequence within the copia coding element of Drosophila melanogaster has been identified and characterized. This sequence has been localized by DNA-DNA hybridization and electron microscopic analysis of heteroduplexes to the approximate middle of the 5 kb copia coding region. The primary sequence of this repeated DNA has been determined. The sequence is composed of three related subunits, 35-37 nucleotides in length (A, B and C). This 105 nucleotide higher order repeat has apparently been duplicated twice to yield a complex repeated sequence, ABCA'B'C'A"B"C", which exhibits divergence among the individual subunits. This sequence is AT rich, as are the direct terminal repeats which flank the copia coding region, but does not contain any apparent homology with the terminal repeats. This repeated sequence contains three presumptive polyadenylation signals and two 25 nucleotide, imperfectly matched, inverted repeat sequences adjacent to two of the polyadenylation sequences.  相似文献   

A cloned repeated DNA sequence in human chromosome heteromorphisms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A sequence derived by ECoRI restriction of human satellite DNA III has been cloned in lambda gt WES. The cloned DNA was used as a template for in vitro synthesis of cRNA, which was hybridized in situ to preparations of human metaphase chromosomes with a range of heterochromatic polymorphisms. Most of the hybridization was found on chromosome 1, and the amount of hybridization was related to the size of the C-band on this chromosome. Hybridization to other chromosomes was not related to the C-band size, although hybridization of total satellite DNA is proportional to C-band size. Total satellite DNAs contain a mixture of sequences, some of which are predominantly located on only one pair of chromosomes. Hybridization in situ is able to discriminate between such chromosome-specific sequences and the bulk of satellite DNA. Further analysis of satellite DNAs may identify sequences specific for every chromosome pair.  相似文献   

Cloning of Taiwan water buffalo male-specific DNA sequence for sexing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Horng YM  Chen YT  Wu CP  Jea YS  Huang MC 《Theriogenology》2004,62(8):1536-1543
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting was carried out to investigate the sex-specific DNA sequence for sexing in Taiwan water buffalos. One hundred and forty random primers were used for RAPD-PCR (polymerase chain reaction). One of these primers, OPC-16, produced a 321 bp fragment found only in tested males. This male-specific fragment was isolated and constructed into plasmids for nucleotide sequencing, a novel male-specific sequence was obtained. Two primers (BuSexOPC16-F and -R) were designed according to the cloned male-specific sequence to amplify the male-specific fragment using PCR for sexing. Sex-specific bands in the gel were represented in the males but none were found in the females when the Taiwan water buffalo genomic DNA samples were amplified with these two primers using PCR. The same results were also obtained from Taiwan yellow, Holstein, Angus, and Hereford cattle samples. This showed that the sex of these five breeds could be easily and effectively determined using the PCR technique.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment located on the 3' side of the Coxiella burnetii htpAB operon was determined by Southern blotting to exist in approximately 19 copies in the Nine Mile I genome. The DNA sequences of this htpAB-associated repetitive element and two other independent copies were analyzed to determine the size and nature of the element. The three copies of the element were 1,450, 1,452, and 1,458 bp long, with less than 2% divergence among the three sequences. Several features characteristic of bacterial insertion sequences were discovered. These included a single significant open reading frame that would encode a 367-amino-acid polypeptide which was predicted to be highly basic, to have a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix motif, to have a leucine zipper motif, and to have homology to polypeptides found in several other bacterial insertion sequences. Identical 7-bp inverted repeats were found at the ends of all three copies of the element. However, duplications generated by many bacterial mobile elements in the recipient DNA during insertion events did not flank the inverted repeats of any of the three C. burnetii elements examined. A second pair of inverted repeats that flanked the open reading frame was also found in all three copies of the element. Most of the divergence among the three copies of the element occurred in the region between the two inverted repeat sequences in the 3' end of the element. Despite the sequence changes, all three copies of the element have retained significant dyad symmetry in this region.  相似文献   

Summary Three members of a family of highly repeated DNA sequences from Arabidopsis thaliana have been cloned and characterized. The repeat unit has an average length of 180 bp and is tandemly repeated in arrays longer than 50 kb. This family represents more than one percent of the Arabidopsis genome. Sequence comparisons with tandemly repeated DNA sequences from other Cruciferae species show several regions of homology and a similar length of the repeat unit. Homologies are also found to highly repeated sequences from other plant species. When the sequence CCGG occurs in the repeated DNA, the inner cytosine is generally methylated.  相似文献   

A 371 base pair segment (bordered by Hind III and Eco RI cutting sites) of wheat embryo nuclear DNA has been cloned and sequenced. It is AT-rich (68%), shares some sequence features with autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements, and occurs in approximately 7600 copies per haploid genome. When used as probe for blot hybridization to Hind III-digested wheat DNA, it gives an irregular series of hybridization bands. Essentially the same hybridization pattern was observed for rye DNA. It is concluded that this segment is distributed irregularly but, apparently, according to the same rule in both wheat and rye genomes.  相似文献   

An accurate, reliable, and quick (less than an hour) method for determining the sex of bovine embryos was developed using a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), with a probe designed from a bovine Y chromosome specific DNA (BC1.2). First, to improve a protocol of FISH and evaluate an accuracy of the method, lymphocyte nuclei prepared from three bulls, two cows, and one freemartin were tested. We found that 5 min was enough for hybridization. The washing solution adequate for posthybridization was 0.5× SSC at 72°C for 5 min. The whole procedure for FISH can be accomplished in less than an hour. A male-specific signal was detected, on average, as 97, 0.5, and 83%, respectively, of lymphocytes in males, females, and a freemartin. Using the rapid FISH protocol developed, 28 embryos were divided. According to the presence of the digoxigenin signal, 16 embryos (57.1%) were predicted as male, and 12 embryos (42.9%), predicted as female. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:390–394, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using a recombinant DNA probe, we have demonstrated the presence of residual 3.4-kilobase (kb) repeat sequences in a family with a Yq- chromosome. The heterochromatin of this Y variant was not readily detectable with conventional chromosome-banding techniques. These data suggest that the breakpoint of the deletion occurs at the heterochromatin region proximal to the euchromatin/heterochromatin junction.  相似文献   

The skin tension lines of the domestic pig have been mapped. With a 6mm punch biopsy, local relative skin forces can be determined. The influence of various factors (such as age, fat deposition, gascial attachments, and previous scarring) on the direction of the skin tension lines is discussed.  相似文献   

M Guttenbach  U Müller  M Schmid 《Genomics》1992,13(2):363-367
Evolutionary conservation of the human-derived moderately repeated Y-specific DNA sequence Y-190 (DYZ5) was investigated in the chimpanzee, orangutan, and gorilla. Southern blot analysis showed the presence of the sequence in the Y chromosome of all great apes. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and in situ hybridization revealed that the repeat is organized in one major block and confined to a small region of the Y chromosome of the three species. DYZ5 was assigned to the proximal short arm of the Y chromosome of the chimpanzee and orangutan and to the long arm of the Y chromosome of the gorilla. In light of its evolutionary conservation, DYZ5 may have an as yet undetermined structural function in the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

ZHUJM  NWELLISON 《Cell research》1996,6(1):39-46
A karyotype of Trifolium repens constructed from mitotic cells revealed 13 pairs of metacentric and 3 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes including a pair of satellites located at the end of the short arm of chromosome 16.C-bands were identified around the centromeric regions of 8 pairs of chromosomes.A 350 bp tandemly repeated DNAsequence from T.repens labelled with digoxygenin hybridized to the proximal centromeric regions of 12 chromosome pairs.Some correlation between the distribution of the repeat sequence and the distribution of C-banding was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome B gene (1140 bp) and control region (707 bp) were used to determine the phylogenetic relationships among 51 pig samples representing ancient and current varieties of Iberian pigs (26), Spanish wild boars (seven) and other domestic pigs (18) of cosmopolitan (Duroc, Large White, Landrace, Pietrain and Meishan) and local (Spotted Black Jabugo, Basque and Mangalitza) breeds. A neighbour-joining tree constructed from pairwise distances provide evidence of the European origin of both Iberian pigs and Spanish wild boars. The introgression of Asian mtDNA haplotypes in the genetic pool of the Iberian breed seems unlikely. Four estimates of sequence divergence between European and Asian clades were calculated from the two main domains of the D-loop region and the synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions in the cytochrome B gene. The time since the divergence of pig ancestors was estimated at about 600,000 years before present.  相似文献   

Cleavage of Vicia faba nuclear DNA with the restriction endonuclease BamHI yielded discrete size classes of 250, 850, 900, 990, 1 150, 1 500 and 1 750 bp of highly repetitive DNA. Each of these sequence families comprised about 3% of the total genomic DNA. Some sequence members from each sequence family were cloned in pBR322 and their primary structures determined. Computer analyses of nucleotide sequences suggested the existence of about 60 bp sequence periodicity within the repeating unit of the 990 bp sequence family, though the extent of homology among the surmised shorter subrepeat units was very low. With other BamHI sequence families, however, the data did not show any clear internal sequence periodicity. The repeat units of the 850 bp and 1 750 bp sequence families contained nucleotide sequences homologous to the 250 bp family sequence. No sequence relationship between or among other sequence families was observed. There was 13–25% sequence variation among 6 cloned members of the 250 bp family and probably also among those of other BamHI repeat families. DNA sequences homologous to these V. faba BamHI repeat families were detected in Pisum sativum DNA by Southern blot hybridization. Furthermore, very weak cross-hybridization was observed with plant DNAs from Phaseolus vulgaris, Triticum aestivum, Cucumis sativus and Trillium kamtschaticum.  相似文献   

We have identified a family of interspersed repeated sequences present in about 40,000 copies in the genomes of Vicia sativa and its near relative Vicia faba. The element vif is at least 6 kb in length, and members of the repeat family display a degree of heterogeneity in restriction pattern. Homologous elements in V. faba are much more heterogeneous than their V. sativa counterparts; however, analysis of five different V. faba lines revealed substantially the same patterns, suggesting that this family was reamplified prior to the divergence of the lines studied.  相似文献   

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