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The trophic interactions between 15 native and two introduced fish species, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, collected in a major fishery area at Lake Titicaca were explored by integrating traditional ecological knowledge and stable‐isotope analyses (SIA). SIA suggested the existence of six trophic groups in this fish community based on δ13C and δ15N signatures. This was supported by ecological evidence illustrating marked spatial segregation between groups, but a similar trophic level for most of the native groups. Based on Bayesian ellipse analyses, niche overlap appeared to occur between small O. bonariensis (<90 mm) and benthopelagic native species (31·6%), and between the native pelagic killifish Orestias ispi and large O. bonariensis (39%) or O. mykiss (19·7%). In addition, Bayesian mixing models suggested that O. ispi and epipelagic species are likely to be the main prey items for the two introduced fish species. This study reveals a trophic link between native and introduced fish species, and demonstrates the utility of combining both SIA and traditional ecological knowledge to understand trophic relationships between fish species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

Britton JR  Pegg J  Williams CF 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26365
The infection consequences of the introduced cestode fish parasite Bothriocephalus acheilognathi were studied in a cohort of wild, young-of-the-year common carp Cyprinus carpio that lacked co-evolution with the parasite. Within the cohort, parasite prevalence was 42% and parasite burdens were up to 12% body weight. Pathological changes within the intestinal tract of parasitized carp included distension of the gut wall, epithelial compression and degeneration, pressure necrosis and varied inflammatory changes. These were most pronounced in regions containing the largest proportion of mature proglottids. Although the body lengths of parasitized and non-parasitized fish were not significantly different, parasitized fish were of lower body condition and reduced weight compared to non-parasitized conspecifics. Stable isotope analysis (δ(15)N and δ(13)C) revealed trophic impacts associated with infection, particularly for δ(15)N where values for parasitized fish were significantly reduced as their parasite burden increased. In a controlled aquarium environment where the fish were fed ad libitum on an identical food source, there was no significant difference in values of δ(15)N and δ(13)C between parasitized and non-parasitized fish. The growth consequences remained, however, with parasitized fish growing significantly slower than non-parasitized fish, with their feeding rate (items s(-1)) also significantly lower. Thus, infection by an introduced parasite had multiple pathological, ecological and trophic impacts on a host with no experience of the parasite.  相似文献   

The presence of extra‐local invaders, such as the southern California mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) on Santa Catalina Island, may contribute to more selective and insidious effects within the unique ecosystems that have evolved in their absence. Studies at the species level may detect effects not noticed in broader, community level vegetation monitoring or help tease apart differences in the level of effect among the various ecological components of an invaded system. In this initial study, we measured the impacts of herbivory by mule deer, a species native to analogous habitats on the adjacent mainland, on size and seed production success for Crocanthemum greenei (island rush‐rose), a federally listed sub‐shrub that is not present on mainland California. We found deer exclusion resulted in an overall increase in stem measurement of 18.8 cm. Exclosure populations exhibited complete seed production success, whereas control populations showed significantly reduced success and exhibited complete failure within 58% of populations. These results show that the introduced mule deer on Santa Catalina Island are negatively affecting a federally threatened plant species. This strongly implies that the current deer management strategy is insufficient, if one of its goals is biodiversity and endemic species conservation.  相似文献   

Synopsis The breadth, correspondence and overlap of the diets of the small and large size classes of the three native species (Galaxias occidentalis, Bostockia porosa and Edelia vittata) and two introduced species (Gambusia holbrooki and Perca fluviatilis) of fishes found in the shallows of the main channel and in the tributary creeks of a south-western Australian river have been compared in each season. Classification and ordination were used to examine the overall interrelationships of the diets across species, size groups, seasons and the location where the fish were caught (channel or creek). The smaller fish had a narrower dietary breadth than larger fish in the spring and summer, presumably reflecting the size limit imposed on prey size by their possession of a relatively small mouth in these seasons. Intraspecific dietary overlap between large and small size classes was usually high in G. occidentalis, but generally low in G. holbrooki and P. fluviatilis, and also in B. porosa and E. vittata when the difference between the lengths of the two size groups was greatest. Dietary overlap was least in autumn when the main prey taxa were most abundant. During winter, the diets of the three native species in the tributaries converged, probably reflecting a relatively low faunal diversity in these highly seasonal water bodies. The only relatively consistent interspecific overlap in diet was between B. porosa and E. vittata. Classification and ordination of the dietary samples separated G. occidentalis (which fed extensively on terrestrial organisms from the water surface) from the smaller P. fluviatilis (that concentrated on copepods in the plankton) and from B. porosa and E. vittata (which ingested primarily benthic organisms). Furthermore, B. porosa tended to ingest larger prey taxa than E. vittata. The diet of Gambusia holbrooki is sometimes dominated by terrestrial insects and at other times by benthic organisms, demonstrating that this species is an opportunistic carnivore. It is concluded that food partitioning by the three native and two introduced fish species in the Collie River is likely to be one of the principal factors facilitating the coexistence of substantial populations of these species in this system.  相似文献   

Among the many negative impacts of invasive species, hybridization with indigenous species has increasingly become recognized as a major issue. However, relatively few studies have characterized the phenotypic outcomes of hybridization following biological invasions. Here we investigate the genetic and morphological consequences of stocking invasive tilapia species in two water bodies in central Tanzania. We sampled individuals from the Mindu Reservoir on the Ruvu river system, and at Kidatu on the Great Ruaha–Rufiji river system. We screened individuals at 16 microsatellite loci, and quantified morphology using geometric morphometrics and linear measurements. In both the Mindu and Kidatu systems, we identified evidence of hybridization between indigenous Wami tilapia (Oreochromis urolepis) and the introduced Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) or blue-spotted tilapia (Oreochromis leucostictus). At both sites, purebred individuals could largely be separated using geometric morphometric variables, with hybrids occupying a broad morphospace among the parental species. Our data demonstrate that the gene pools and phenotypic identity of the indigenous O. urolepis have been severely impacted by the stocking of the invasive species. Given the lack of evidence for clear commercial benefits from stocking invasive tilapia species in waters already populated by indigenous congenerics, we suggest further spread of introduced species should be undertaken with considerable caution.  相似文献   

Aim The highly endemic fishes of the arid Southwest USA have been heavily impacted by human activities resulting in one of the most threatened fish faunas in the world. The aim of this study was to examine the patterns and drivers of taxonomic and functional beta diversity of freshwater fish in the Lower Colorado River Basin across the 20th century. Location Lower Colorado River Basin (LCRB). Methods The taxonomic and functional similarities of watersheds were quantified to identify patterns of biotic homogenization or differentiation over the period 1900–1999. Path analysis was used to identify the relative influence of dam density, urban land use, precipitation regimes and non‐native species richness on observed changes in fish faunal composition. Results The fish fauna of the LCRB has become increasingly homogenized, both taxonomically (1.1% based on βsim index) and functionally (6.2% based on Bray–Curtis index), over the 20th century. The rate of homogenization varied substantially; range declines of native species initially caused taxonomic differentiation (?7.9% in the 1960s), followed by marginal homogenization (observed in the 1990s) in response to an influx of non‐native species introductions. By contrast, functional homogenization of the basin was evident considerably earlier (in the 1950s) because of the widespread introduction of non‐native species sharing similar suites of biological traits. Path analysis revealed that both taxonomic and functional homogenization were positively related to the direct and indirect (facilitation by dams and urbanization) effects of non‐native species richness. Main conclusions Our study simultaneously examines rates of change in multiple dimensions of the homogenization process. For the endemic fish fauna of the LCRB, we found that the processes of taxonomic and functional homogenization are highly dynamic over time, varying both in terms of the magnitude and rate of change over the 20th century.  相似文献   

长鳍吻鮈(Rhinogobio ventralis)为长江上游特有种, 由于过度捕捞和大坝建设, 其种群生存受到极大威胁。为了解三峡工程蓄水后、金沙江一期工程蓄水前该物种的种群动态, 作者利用2007-2009年长江上游江津和宜宾江段调查获取的体长频率数据, 评估了其生长和死亡参数、种群数量及资源利用情况。结果表明, 长江上游长鳍吻鮈渔获群体体长范围为52-250 mm, 体重范围为2.7-307.2 g, 平均体长为150.8 ± 40.7 mm, 平均体重为72.3 ± 49.7 g。江津江段长鳍吻鮈平均体长(168.6 ± 29.5 mm)显著大于宜宾江段(125.6 ± 41.2 mm)。长鳍吻鮈体长-体重关系为: W = 6.06 × 10-6L3.20 (R2 = 0.98, P < 0.01, n = 436)。由体长频率法拟合出渐近体长(L)为338 mm, 生长系数(k)为0.24/yr。由Pauly公式、Gunderson和Dygert公式、Jensen公式等3种方法估算出其平均自然死亡系数为0.43。由长度转渔获物曲线估算出江津和宜宾江段长鳍吻鮈的总死亡系数分别为2.26和2.09。江津和宜宾江段长鳍吻鮈资源开发率分别为0.81和0.79, 已超过由Beverton-Holt动态综合模型估算出的最大开发率0.57和0.62。由体长实际种群分析估算出2007、2008和2009年江津江段长鳍吻鮈种群数量分别为68,247、67,432和176,266尾, 平均为103,982尾; 宜宾江段种群数量分别为22,953尾、46,340尾和34,021尾, 平均为34,438尾, 表明江津江段种群数量高于宜宾江段。长鳍吻鮈资源已被过度开发, 建议加强种群动态监测, 延长禁渔期及开展栖息地修复等措施保护这一特有物种。  相似文献   

Birds free from nest predators for long periods may either lose the ability to recognize and respond to predators or retain antipredator responses if they are not too costly. How these alternate scenarios play out has rarely been investigated in an avian community whose members have different evolutionary histories. We presented models of two nest predators (rat and snake) and a negative control (tree branch) to birds on Hawai?i Island. Endemic Hawaiian birds evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators until rats were introduced approximately 1,000 years ago. Introduced birds evolved with diverse predator communities including mammals and snakes, but since their introduction onto the island approximately one century ago have been free from snake predation. We found that (a) endemic and introduced birds had higher agitation scores toward the rat model compared with the branch, and (b) none of the endemic birds reacted to the snake model, while one introduced bird, the Red‐billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), reacted as strongly to the snake as to the rat. Overall, endemic and introduced birds differ in their response to predators, but some endemic birds have the capacity to recognize and respond to introduced rats, and one introduced bird species retained recognition of snake predators from which they had been free for nearly a century, while another apparently lost that ability. Our results indicate that the retention or loss of predator recognition by introduced and endemic island birds is variable, shaped by each species' unique history, ecology, and the potential interplay of genetic drift, and that endemic Hawaiian birds could be especially vulnerable to introduced snake predators.  相似文献   

The weight–length relationships (WLRs) for six endemic fish species of Greece are presented here. All WLRs were highly significant (P < 0.001), and reported for the first time for five of the six species. Moreover, for three of the species studied, new maximum body lengths are provided.  相似文献   

We assessed the relationships among native and introduced fish species richness and a set of explanatory variables, including area, altitude, reservoir age, temperature, human influence index and fish abundance. We expected to find different relationships based on species origin (i.e., native or introduced). Based on compiled data from Brazilian reservoirs, we modeled the variation in the number of native and introduced fish species by generalized linear mixed models with different spatial autocorrelation structures. Reservoirs located in warmer regions and with higher fish abundance showed higher species richness of both native and introduced fish. Reservoir age tended to be negatively correlated with native species richness. Our results suggest that reservoir communities in warmer regions may be more resistant to local extinctions caused by impoundments, but they are more susceptible to species introductions. Our results also highlight that an extinction debt can be expected for native species because older reservoirs showed lower native species richness.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the importance of local and regional influences on the patterns of species richness in natural and man‐made lakes and to infer the impacts of human‐mediated introductions on these patterns. Location France. Methods Species occurrence data were gathered for 25 natural and 51 man‐made lakes. Analysis is based on regression models of local richness against their related regional richness and lake environmental variables. Results Local native richness was mostly controlled by the regional richness. Conversely, local total richness was mainly explained by local variables. These statements apply to both natural and man‐made lakes. Lacustrine systems displayed weak resistance to invaders. Main conclusions Species introductions have apparently contributed to saturate fish communities in these systems even if no clear negative effect on the survival of native species (i.e. species extinction) is detectable so far.  相似文献   

1. We investigated ant communities in all main vegetation zones of the model island of Santa Cruz in the Galápagos archipelago (155 collection points, spread over 21 sites; 28 ant species collected), and evaluated the distribution, coexistence, and effect of environmental factors in a community composed of endemic, probably endemic, and introduced ants of the New World and exotic origin. 2. Introduced species were the most frequent, occurring in 98% of the samples, yet endemic and probably endemic species still occurred in 54% of the samples, and constituted one of three most common species. The present study revealed that the habitat type along with altitude and the tree cover are the primary factors shaping ant community composition. Little evidence was found for a competitively structured assemblage of ant species. 3. The present study confirmed the predominance of two dominant invasive species, Solenopsis geminata Fabricius and Wasmannia auropunctata Roger, whose abundances are negatively correlated. The abundance of S. geminata is positively correlated with the overall species richness, and with the proportion of other introduced species. The presence of both invasive ants is associated with a low evenness of ant communities. 4. The present study (i) stresses the dominance of introduced species and the relative resistance of endemic species, (ii) highlights the on‐going processes of species introductions and (iii) points out the need for adequate monitoring and conservation of the pristine and threatened environments that constitute the Galápagos Islands.  相似文献   

This study presents the first references available for length–weight relationships (LWRs) of ten endemic fish species: Oxynoemacheilus eregliensis (Banarescu & Nalbant, 1978), Seminemacheilus lendlii (Hankó, 1925), Cobitis turcica Hankó, 1925, Capoeta antalyensis (Battalgil, 1943), Capoeta caelestis Schöter, Özulug & Freyhof, 2009, Capoeta pestai (Pietschmann, 1933), Gobio gymnostethus Ladiges 1960, Gobio hettitorum Ladiges, 1960, Pseudophoxinus antalyae Bogutskaya, 1992 and Scardinius elmaliensis Bogutskaya, 1997 from the inland water systems of Turkey.  相似文献   

Aim To test whether ingestion by endemic frugivores differentially affects the seed germination time, germination percentage and seedling survival of endemic, native and exotic fleshy fruited plant species, and to identify the principal processes and attributes driving such effects. Location Round Island, Mauritius. Methods We conducted a germination and seedling survival experiment for 3 months to test whether ingestion (gut passage and deposition in faeces) by the endemic Telfair’s skink (Leiolopisma telfairii) had a differential effect on the germination time, germination percentage and seedling survival of two endemic, four native and two exotic fleshy fruited plant species. To assess the importance of factors involved in the ingestion process, we used a factorial design with gut passage (gut‐passed vs. not gut‐passed), depulping (whole fruit vs. manually depulped seed) and the presence of faecal material (faeces vs. without faeces). In addition, the roles of species‐specific traits, seed size and deposition density (average number of seeds per faeces) were examined. Results Exotic species had a higher germination percentage than indigenous (native and endemic) species when not ingested. Following skink ingestion, there was no longer a difference, as ingestion enhanced germination percentage most in endemic species. The exotic species still germinated faster overall than the indigenous species, despite ingestion accelerating the germination time of endemics. However, ingestion strongly reduced seedling survival of the exotic species, while having no negative effect on the survival of indigenous seedlings. Overall, ingested indigenous seeds were more likely to germinate and the seedlings more likely to survive than ingested exotic seeds and seedlings. Seed size, deposition density and the removal of fruit pulp by either manual depulping or gut passage were important predictors of germination time, germination percentage and seedling survival. Main conclusions These endemic frugivores can enhance the competitiveness of endemic compared with exotic fleshy fruited plants at the critical germination and seedling establishment stage. Consequently, conservation and restoration of mutualistic endemic plant–animal interactions may be vital to mitigating the degradation of habitats invaded by exotic plants, which is of particular relevance for island ecosystems in which large numbers of endemics are threatened by exotic invaders.  相似文献   

Summary One of the first Azorean endemic vascular taxa chosen for the development ofin vitro multiplication techniques wasHypericum foliosum Aiton, due to its colonizing ability (Sj?gren, 1984), a loss of seed germination capacity after only 1 yr of storage (Maciel, 1994), and the populations' generally low number of individuals. The following culture media were tested usingHypericum foliosum's single node cuttings: Murashige and Skoog (1962), Roest and Bockelmman (1973), Lloyd and McCown (1980), C?rte and Mendon?a (1985), and Cellárová et al. (1992). Further experiments were performed on CM medium supplemented with four different growth regulators: α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), N6-benzyladenine (BA), γ, γ-(dimethylallyl) aminopurine (2iP), and kinetin (KIN). The acclimatization stage was carried out in Jiffy 7? pots and in a 2∶1 or 1∶1 peat/perlite mixture. We found that micropropagation ofHypericum foliosum is possible on CM medium and that the best results with growth regulators were achieved with the following supplements: 0.1 mg/l (0.4 μM) BA and 0.5 mg/l (2.6 μM) NAA+1.0 mg/l (4.4 μM) BA (in the initiation stage), and 0.1 mg/l (0.4 μM) BA (in the elongation stage). As for culture multiplication, 0.1 mg/l (0.4 μM) BA (in the initiation stage) and 0.5 mg/l (2.6 μM) NAA+1.0 mg/l (4.4 μM) BA (both in the initiation and elongation stages), proved to be the most efficient concentrations. The acclimatization stage was successfully performed in Jiffy 7? pellets.  相似文献   

Synopsis The longitudinal distribution ofSalmo trutta andGalaxias olidus, a small salmoniform fish, was mapped over four summers (1985–1988) in the upper reaches of the Lerderderg River, an intermittent stream in central Victoria. Over the four successive summers of the study, the distribution ofS. trutta expanded upstream. Coincident with the expansion ofS. trutta was a contraction in the distribution ofG. olidus upstream. In the summer of 1988, an extended dry spell resulted in high levels ofS. trutta mortality at the upstream limits of their distribution. This suggested that the upstream distribution ofS. trutta could ultimately be constrained by an inability to tolerate prolonged periods of low stream flow and high temperatures that tended to occur in the headwaters of the stream. A study of summer mortality was conducted over three successive summers (1989–1991) at three reaches along the river. The two downstream reaches contained onlyS. trutta, the upstream reach contained bothS. trutta andG. olidus. Salmo trutta mortality was consistently higher at the most upstream reach compared with lower reaches. High levels ofS. trutta mortality at the two downstream reaches were only observed in 1991, a particularly dry year. In contrast,G. olidus survived in scattered small pools throughout the upper reaches of the stream. The results of the study suggest a shifting pattern ofS. trutta andG. olidus distribution determined by the duration of low stream flow periods and summer high temperatures.  相似文献   

Reports of infection with certain chronic persistent microbes (herpesviruses or Chlamydiae) in human autoimmune diseases are consistent with the hypothesis that these microbes are reactivated in the setting of immunodeficiency and often target the site of autoimmune inflammation. New experimental animal models demonstrate the principle. A herpesvirus or Chlamydia species can be used to infect mice with induced transient autoimmune diseases. This results in increased disease severity and even relapse. The evidence suggests that the organisms are specifically imported to the inflammatory sites and cause further tissue destruction, especially when the host is immunosuppressed. We review the evidence for the amplification of autoimmune inflammatory disease by microbial infection, which may be a general mechanism applicable to many human diseases. We suggest that patients with autoimmune disorders receiving immunosuppressing drugs should benefit from preventive antiviral therapy.  相似文献   

This article documents several cases of widespread species, which usually mimic other widespread species throughout the Indo‐Pacific, using endemic Marquesan species as a model and displaying endemic mimicry patterns. This discovery adds a new line of evidence to the uniqueness of the Marquesas Islands, which not only host a high number of endemic reef‐fish species, but also endemic mimicry patterns.  相似文献   

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