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The stand structure and disturbance history in a sub-boreal coniferous forest dominated byPicea jezoensis, Picea glehnii andAbies sachalinensis were investigated in four study plots set up in Taisetsuzan National Park, Japan. The effect of stand characteristics on the growth and mortality rates of understory trees was examined. Although all the stands showed inverse J-shape d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) distributions, the age structure and disturbance history differed amongst the stands. The stands with wide d.b.h. distribution (i.e. large CV and skewness) were more uneven-aged than those with narrow d.b.h. distribution (i.e. small CV and skewness). The disturbance-return interval based on the model of Hett and Loucks was 31 to 65 years. The gap ratio in the canopy was also different among the stands. These suggest that the variations in stand structure represent different occurrences of natural disturbances. Furthermore, the structural features such as size structure, canopy gap ratio and density of canopy trees also affected the growth dynamics of understory trees (≥2 m in height and <10 cm in diameter at breast height). The growth and mortality rates of understory trees changed with the canopy gap ratio and canopy tree density. The understory trees of stands with wide canopy d.b.h. distribution had higher growth and canopy recruitment rates than those of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution, contributing to the maintenance of continuous stand stratification. The understory trees of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution showed lower growth and higher mortality rates than those of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution, leading to the formation of a single-canopy structure. It is suggested that natural disturbance governs the regeneration process in the future by affecting the growth and mortality patterns of understory trees through the stand structure (size and age structure, canopy tree density, canopy gap ratio).  相似文献   

Abstract. The growth dynamics and mode of competition between adult trees ≥ 4 cm in DBH (stem diameter at breast height 1.3 m) of eight abundant species occupying ca. 90 % of the total basal area were investigated in a 4-ha study plot (200 m × 200 m) of a cool-temperate, old-growth forest on Mount Daisen, southwestern Japan. In the study plot, 30 tree species with individuals ≥ 4.0 cm DBH co-occurred. A bimodal DBH distribution showing upper and lower-canopy layers was found for the most dominant and largest species, Fagus crenata (ca. 78 % of the total basal area), whilst other tree species showed unimodal DBH distributions corresponding mostly to the lower-canopy layer. We developed a model for individual growth incorporating both intra and interspecific competition and the degree of competitive asymmetry. Onesided interspecific competition was detected only from Fagus crenata (upper-canopy species) to Acer japonicum and Acanthopanax sciadophylloides (lower-canopy species) on the scale of the 4-ha study plot. Only Acanthopanax sciadophylloides showed symmetric intraspecific competition. However, a positive (non-competitive) interspecific relationship between adult trees prevailed over a competitive relationship; for example, individual DBH growth rate of Fagus crenata (especially lower-canopy trees) was correlated with the abundance of Acer mono. The positive relationship represented a group of species with similar habitat preference [soil type (mature or immature) caused by landslide disturbance and the presence/absence of Sasa dwarf bamboos in the understorey], where tree densities were not so high as to bring about competition. Competitive interactions between adult trees ≥ 4 cm in DBH occurred only locally between a few specific species and were suggested to be almost irrelevant to the variation in species coexistence on the 4-ha scale of cool-temperate forest. Rather, the coexistence of 30 tree species (species diversity) on this large scale was suggested to be governed by the regeneration pattern of each component species (habitat preference, seedling establishment, sapling competition) with respect to landslide disturbance.  相似文献   

Nishimura  N.  Hara  T.  Miura  M.  Manabe  T.  Yamamoto  S. 《Plant Ecology》2003,164(2):235-248
The growth dynamics and mode of competition between adult trees 5.0cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) of nine abundant treespeciesoccupying ca. 85% of the total basal area were investigated in a 4ha study plot (200 m × 200 m) of awarm-temperate old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Tatera ForestReserve of Tsushima Island, southwestern Japan. In the plot, adult trees 5.0 cm DBH co-occurred with 35 woody plant species (except forwoody vine species). The most dominant and largest species,Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldiiexhibited a bimodal DBH distribution; it was found in both the upper and lowervertical layers. Other tree species had unimodal DBH distributionscorrespondingmostly to the lower vertical layer. We developed a model for individual growthincorporating both intra- and interspecific competition and degree ofcompetitive asymmetry. One-sided interspecific competition was detected in 17cases out of the 66 possible combinations on the scale of the 4 hastudy plot. The direction of interspecific competition was generally one-sidedfrom layer-I species to layer-II and III ones. The effects of two-sidedcompetition were detected only in layer-II and III species. OnlyDistylium racemosum exhibited one-sided intraspecificcompetition. We also found 11 cases of positive interspecific relationships.Generally, competitive relationships prevailed over positive relationshipsbetween adult trees in this warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest.Competition between adult trees 5.0 cm in DBH did not occurinthe same vertical layer, but occurred only between trees in different verticallayers. This suggests that competition between adult trees 5.0cm in DBH plays a key role in the variation in species coexistencebetween different vertical layers on the 4 ha scale of thewarm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests. Moreover, it was found bycomparing with three different forest types that interspecific competition ismore intense in warm-temperate forests than in cool-temperate or sub-borealforests. We conclude that, compared to cool-temperate or sub-boreal forests(which have little interspecific competition), warm-temperate forests supportmore complex interspecific relationships and species-specific habitatpreferences that result in higher species diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the cool temperate zone in Japan Fagus crenata (beech) is a highly dominating climax species, especially in the snow-rich regions at higher altitudes. The explanation for this dominance was studied with special reference to the tolerance of tree trunks to snow pressure. Traits of six tree species: trunk bend, trunk height decrease, trunk damage and basal sprouting rate were measured in Fagus forest in the Echigo Mountains, central Japan along a snow pressure gradient. The following general trends were recognized: (1) trunk bend and trunk height decrease; (2) snow pressure caused trunk injury; (3) when the trunk bend exceeded a critical angle, the number of sprouts increased remarkably. Although the tolerances were different among the six species, most of them were seriously damaged by snow pressure, and many trunks were reduced in size. On the other hand, many sprouts emerged from deformed trunks and contributed to the maintenance of the population under heavy snow pressure. F. crenata was the only species whose trunk form and maximum size were hardly influenced by snow pressure.  相似文献   

Abstract. The structure and composition of a cool-temperate old-growth beech (Fagus crenata) - dwarf bamboo (Sasa spp.) forest, partially affected by landslide disturbance, in the Daisen Forest Reserve of southwestern Japan, were investigated in relation to forest floor and canopy conditions. All stems ≥ 4 cm DBH were mapped on a 4-ha plot and analyses were made of population structure, spatial distribution and spatial association of major tree species. The dominant species, F. crenata, which had the maximum DBH among the species present, had the highest stem density. However, for other species, larger-sized species had lower stem density with few smaller stems or saplings, while smaller-sized species had higher stem density with many smaller stems or saplings. Canopy trees of F. crenata were distributed randomly in the plot, while its stems in the other layers and all other species were distributed patchily. Small patches represent gap-phase regeneration. Larger patches correlate with landslide disturbance, difference in soil age, or the presence/absence of Sasa. Cluster analysis for spatial associations among species and stems in the different layers revealed that the forest community consists of several groups. One main group was formed on sites not covered with Sasa. This group contained a successional subgroup (from Betula grossa to Acer mono and/or F. crenata) initiated by landslide disturbance and a subgroup of tree species that avoid Sasa. Another group was formed on sites with mature soils covered largely with Sasa. This contained associations of canopy trees of F. crenata and smaller-sized tree species such as Acanthopanax sciadophylloides and Acer japonicum. It is found that the community of this old-growth beech forest is largely organized by natural disturbance and heterogeneous conditions of the forest floor (difference in soil age and presence/absence of Sasa). The existence of these different factors and the different responses of species to them largely contribute to the maintenance of tree species diversity in this forest.; Keywords: Cluster analysis; Fagus crenata; Forest dynamics; Gap; Landslide; Spatial pattern.  相似文献   

Theoretically, temporal variation of reproduction promotes species coexistence of sessile and polycarpic organisms when the reproduction is synchronized within species but independent among species. Monopoly of vacant sites and high relative population growth rate of minor species in the absence of propagules of other species is the essence of this mechanism. The mechanism is expected to work in forests, but persistent populations of seedlings may affect the promotion of coexistence. Using a tree-based simulation model of forest dynamics, it was demonstrated that the number of coexisting tree species was sensitively affected by the seedling establishment rate. The coexistence was not enhanced by temporal variation of reproduction when seedling establishment rate was low. This is because the reproducing minor species fail to monopolize vacant sites and allow the establishment of seedlings of other species in later years. High mortality of established seedlings under shade also suppressed coexistence. This is likely to be the result of a reduced storage effect of the population of seedlings. A forest structure and dynamics pattern that appears when tree species coexistence is promoted by fluctuating reproduction was searched for, and the number of coexisting species was varied by manipulating the seedling establishment rate. No distinct difference other than the species number itself was found between species-rich and species-poor forests. For example, the seedling population size varied, reflecting the temporal variation of reproduction, irrespective of the seedling establishment rate. Further strategy development is needed to validate the proposed mechanisms of species coexistence.  相似文献   

Stephen Ellner 《Plant Ecology》1987,69(1-3):199-208
Environmental fluctuations can in theory allow the coexistence ofecologically similar species by time-sharing a niche, as envisioned by Hutchinson. The evolution of this situation is studied in a competition model, using as an example the evolution of seed germination strategies. Coexistence occurs via the evolution of low-risk and high-risk strategies for dealing with the variability by different species. Coexistence is promoted by intermediate levels of variability or disturbance, and by a trade-off between seed yield and seed survivorship. These results may be applicable also to other low vs. high risk life history options in unpredictably varying environments, such as: stress resistance vs. potentially rapid growth, high adult survivorship vs. high reproductive output. The model's predictions differ from those obtained without consideration of life history evolution in response to environmental variability, and are consistent with some recent studies of plant strategies in intermittently stressed communities.I thank A. Shmida for many discussions on this topic, D. Cohen and I. Noy-Meir for comments after a seminar presentation of this paper, and H. de Kroon, H. During, and E. Van der Maarel for decreasing my ignorance of the empirical literature.Research conducted while the author was recipient of a Sir Charles Clore Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.  相似文献   

在亚高山岷江冷杉林中选取面积≤50m2,50~150m2,>150m2的林窗,每种类型内均包含3种小径竹盖度(≤20%、20%~50%、>50%),共调查林窗9个,并调查包含这3种小径竹盖度的三块林下对照样地,研究了该类森林林窗更新与小径竹生长的关系。结果表明:(1)无论林窗大小,林窗内的更新幼苗数量都比林下的多,林窗更新是岷江冷杉群落更新的主要途径;(2)所选林窗均为发育早期,林窗对更新树种的种类组成和数量的影响主要表现在幼苗上。糙皮桦幼树及幼苗数量随林窗面积的增加而急速增加,它的更新更需要较大的林窗;(3)不同小径竹盖度下幼苗的密度呈现显著性变化,小径竹的生长明显抑制了森林幼苗的更新及填充的进程;(4)华西箭竹的分散程度随林窗面积的增大而降低,而平均高度和基径则有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

In a temperate riparian forest, the effects of substrate types, canopy gaps and conspecific seedfall density were investigated on the seed-to-seedling process for the five dominant species (Aesculus turbinata, Fagus crenata, Acer mono, Pterocarya rhoifolia and Cercidiphyllum japonicum). Densities of seedfall and subsequent seedling recruits were measured in the stand over a period of 6 years. A model assuming that local density of seedling recruits is proportional to seedfall density in the preceding year significantly explained a spatial variation in seedling recruits for all species. Several environmental factors were then added. Substrate composition had a positive effect on P. rhoifolia and C. japonicum. P. rhoifolia was favored by gravel substrate, which also explained the adult distribution of this species in this forest. C. japonicum appeared to be facilitated by a mineral-soil substrate. However, the distributions of this substrate and adults of C. japonicum did not follow each other closely. A. mono was negatively affected by gaps, and F. crenata was negatively affected by conspecific seedfall density. In contrast, A. turbinata was not significantly affected by any of the environmental factors tested. The microenvironmental heterogeneity in this forest explained species coexistence to a limited extent in the context of seed-to-seedling processes. Performances at later stages of the life-cycle and/or catastrophic disturbances (e.g. landslides) might have a stronger influence on species coexistence in this forest.  相似文献   

The effect of UV-B on the photosynthetic apparatus of coniferous trees: Picea abies (L.) Karst., Picea pungens (Engelm.), Pinus sylvestris (L.), Pinus cembra (L.) and Abies alba (Mill.) was investigated. Three and four-year-old plantlets coming from different latitudes, longitudes and altitudes were used. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse. Two doses of ultraviolet-B irradiation were applied: control=0, low dose=11.32 and high dose=22.64 kJ·m−2·d−1 UV-BBE (biologically effective irradiance of UV-B). Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange, chlorophyll and flavonoids content were carried out. Response of forest trees to an increased UV-B radiation depends on species, location of place of pantalets collecting and UV-B dose. Pinus cembra, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris from high altitude (1000 m a.s.l.) were less sensitive to UV-B than these from plain location. The altitude determined adaptation of forest coniferous trees to an enhanced UV-B radiation much more than the latitudinal gradient. Permanent discoloration was observed only on the young needles of the fir plantlets that were grown in light limiting conditions. Photosynthetic parameters were affected by the UV-B radiation. Both maximal and the steady state fluorescence of chlorophyll were reduced as a consequence of elevated UV-B in case of some species. The chlorophyll content was enhanced, increased or was not affected according to species and to locations. The flavonoids content in the needles increased with chlorophyll content at both UV-B treatments. An opposite trend was found in the control. The increased content of screening pigments in the needles of all the tested coniferous trees was detected. Picea abies and Picea pungens photosynthesis response curves to the light and to the intercellular CO2 concentration did not change significantly under increased UV-B because of higher concentration in screening pigments in leaves. The increased concentration of flavonoids in forest litter may lead to changes in the biogeochemical cycle in the forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

The leaf litter decomposition of 12 tree species was examined for three years in a subtropical forest in Japan to follow the pattern of changes in organic chemical constituents and nitrogen (N) and the relationship between these components. The remaining mass of the leaf litter reached 7–53% of the original mass at the end of the field incubation, and the decomposition constants (k) ranged from 0.37 to 2.39 year?1. The decomposition constant was significantly negatively correlated with the initial content of acid-unhydrolyzable residue (AUR) for all 12 tree species. A net increase of AUR that lasted for the first 3 to 6 months was noted for leaf litter of four tree species. The absolute amount of total N increased initially and then decreased thereafter in leaf litter of five tree species, whereas total N mass decreased throughout the study period in leaf litter of the other species. Contents of AUR and total N in leaf litter generally increased linearly with the accumulated mass loss of litter during decomposition, resulting in positive slopes of linear regressions. Lignocellulose index and AUR to N ratio of the litter showed convergent trends for 12 tree species as the decomposition progressed. When compared with datasets for an Asian climatic gradient, the decomposition rates in the subtropical forest was intermediate between the rates in tropical and temperate forests, and AUR and N contents in decomposing litter were consistently lower than those in temperate forests, indicating faster loss of AUR and N.  相似文献   

Crown exposure to light (CE) and tree allometry were investigated for 11 species in a snowy cool-temperate secondary forest dominated by Fagus crenata and Betula ermanii in Japan. The 11 species differentiated horizontal and vertical light gradients for regeneration. CE was highly variable across species in small trees, but variation in CE decreased with increasing height. The 11 species were classified into three patterns of height-dependent change in CE in comparison to community-level trends, and rank reversal of CE with increasing height was not apparent. Allometric relationships between trunk diameter (D) and height (H) and between D and trunk length (L) differed little between trees of high and low CE within species. In contrast, slopes of the allometric relationships between D and H differed across species; species with larger maximum height (H max) were taller at a given D, as was noted in previous studies of warm-temperate and tropical forest trees. Differences in trunk angle among the species of different H max were the main factor generating the differences in allometric relationships between D and H in this forest. Trunk angle increased with increasing height in the species of large H max but decreased in those of small H max. Hence, allometric relationships between D and L were not related to H max. Since the species of small H max grow laterally and are easily covered in snow during winter while those of large H max grow vertically above snow cover, differences in trunk angle may reflect species mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Epiphytic lichen biota on Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris in Estonia was studied. Twenty-one spruce and 21 pine sample plots were located in old forests with long forest continuity, and 12 spruce and 12 pine sample plots in young first-generation forests (<100 years). Altogether 103 lichen species were recorded on the 330 sampled trees. Lichen species richness per plot was significantly higher in old forests in case of both tree species; 31 lichen species, including red-listed and protected species, were found only in old forests. Tree age had a positive effect on lichen species richness on tree stem in old and young spruce forests and in young pine forests. Tree age also had an effect on the presence of several species. Both tree age and forest continuity affected lichen species composition. Arthonia leucopellaea, Chrysothrix spp. and Lecanactis abietina were found in at least every third old spruce or pine forest and in no young forests, and can be regarded as good indicators of old coniferous forests with long continuity in Estonia.  相似文献   

Plant hydraulic architecture has been studied extensively, yet we know little about how hydraulic properties relate to species' life history strategies, such as drought and shade tolerance. The prevailing theories seem contradictory. We measured the sapwood (K(s) ) and leaf (K(l) ) hydraulic conductivities of 40 coexisting tree species in a Bolivian dry forest, and examined associations with functional stem and leaf traits and indices of species' drought (dry-season leaf water potential) and shade (juvenile crown exposure) tolerance. Hydraulic properties varied across species and between life-history groups (pioneers vs shade-tolerant, and deciduous vs evergreen species). In addition to the expected negative correlation of K(l) with drought tolerance, we found a strong, negative correlation between K(l) and species' shade tolerance. Across species, K(s) and K(l) were negatively correlated with wood density and positively with maximum vessel length. Consequently, drought and shade tolerance scaled similarly with hydraulic properties, wood density and leaf dry matter content. We found that deciduous species also had traits conferring efficient water transport relative to evergreen species. Hydraulic properties varied across species, corresponding to the classical trade-off between hydraulic efficiency and safety, which for these dry forest trees resulted in coordinated drought and shade tolerance across species rather than the frequently hypothesized trade-off.  相似文献   

The essence of the contradiction between traditional ecological complexity-stability hypothesis and recent theoretical results is clarified. The distinction between resilience and resistance is stressed. The possibilities of field verification of May's model are discussed. No satisfactory method for estimation of connectance and mean interaction strength in plant communities has been found. Relation between these parameters and stability in real communities remains an open question. The relation between connectance and stability (resilience) in purely competitive model communities is more complicated than May's rule predicts. The certain value of connectance having been achieved, stability increases with increasing connectance. We assessed the positive relation between species diversity and resistance, and negative relation between species diversity and resilience in plant communities during old-field succession in xeric habitat. But there is no causal relationship between species diversity and both kinds of stability. Resistance and resilience of the plant communities studied were determined primarily by life history strategies of constituent species. The results are interpreted in terms of Grimes' life history strategies and imply the validity of Gleasonian, population-centered explanation of community phenomena.The nomenclature of plants follows F. Ehrendorfer, 1973, Liste der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas, 2. Aufl. G. Fischer, Stuttgart.Acknowledgements. We thank Pavel Kindlmann for helpful discussion. We are also grateful to reviewers for suggesting ways to improve this paper.  相似文献   

S. Yamamoto 《Plant Ecology》1996,127(2):203-213
Gap regeneration of major tree species was examined, based on the pattern of gap phase replacement, in primary old-growth stands of warm-temperate, cool-temperate and subalpine forests, Japan. Using principal component analysis, the gap-regeneration behavior of major tree species could be divided into three guilds and that of Fagus crenata (monodominant species of cool-temperate forests). The criteria used for this division were total abundance of canopy trees and regenerations and relative abundance of regenerations to canopy trees. The gap-regeneration behavior of species in the first guild was that canopy trees regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited before gap formation; they had higher total abundance and more abundant regenerations relative to their canopy trees. The gap-regeneration behavior of F. crenata was same as species in the first guild, but F. crenata had less abundant regenerations relative to its canopy trees. Species in the second guild had lower total abundance and less abundant regenerations to their canopy trees. The guild contained species whose canopy trees regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited after gap formation or regenerate following largescale disturbance. The third guild consisted of species with lower total aboundance and more abundant regenerations relative to their canopy trees. The gap-regeneration behavior of some species in this guild was that trees regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited before gap formation, and grow, mature, and die without reaching the canopy layer, while the gap-regeneration behavior of other species was same as that of species in the first guild or F. crenata. Major tree species of subalpine forests were not present in the third guild.  相似文献   

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