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光敏色素分子特性及其信号转导机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合生物物理、分子遗传学和细胞生物学的方法已证实,光敏色素信号转导是一个空间分布的、非线形信号传递链。尤其是最近又发现了不同种类的光敏色素分子及其它们在Pr、Pfr光转换中产生的中间体,不仅说明了光敏色素信号转导链是一个多维的信号网络,而且这也暗示着光转换中产生的中间体也直接参与了早期的信号转导。在此,综述了光敏色素分子光转换及其早期信号转导的若干新进展,讨论光敏色素原初光反应及其信号转导的机制。  相似文献   

Solid tumour growth is dependent on the development of an adequate blood supply. For years, sprouting angiogenesis has been considered an exclusive mechanism of tumour vascularization. However, over the last years, several other mechanisms have been identified, including vessel-co-option, intussusception, recruitment of endothelial precursor cells (EPCs) and even mechanisms that do not involve endothelial cells, a process called vasculogenic mimicry (VM). The latter describes a mechanism by which highly aggressive tumour cells can form vessel-like structures themselves, by virtue of their high plasticity. VM has been observed in several tumour types and its occurrence is strongly associated with a poor prognosis. This review will focus on signalling molecules and cascades involved in VM. In addition, we will discuss the presence of VM in relation to ongoing cancer research. Finally, we describe the clinical significance of VM regarding anti-angiogenesis treatment modalities.  相似文献   

Renal fibrosis is the common pathological hallmark of progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) with diverse aetiologies. Recent researches have highlighted the critical role of hypoxia during the development of renal fibrosis as a final common pathway in end‐stage kidney disease (ESKD), which joints the scientist's attention recently to exploit the molecular mechanism underlying hypoxia‐induced renal fibrogenesis. The scaring formation is a multilayered cellular response and involves the regulation of multiple hypoxia‐inducible signalling pathways and complex interactive networks. Therefore, this review will focus on the signalling pathways involved in hypoxia‐induced pathogenesis of interstitial fibrosis, including pathways mediated by HIF, TGF‐β, Notch, PKC/ERK, PI3K/Akt, NF‐κB, Ang II/ROS and microRNAs. Roles of molecules such as IL‐6, IL‐18, KIM‐1 and ADO are also reviewed. A comprehensive understanding of the roles that these hypoxia‐responsive signalling pathways and molecules play in the context of renal fibrosis will provide a foundation towards revealing the underlying mechanisms of progression of CKD and identifying novel therapeutic targets. In the future, promising new effective therapy against hypoxic effects may be successfully translated into the clinic to alleviate renal fibrosis and inhibit the progression of CKD.  相似文献   

The GM-CSF, IL-3 and IL-5 family of cytokines, also known as the βc family due to their receptors sharing the signalling subunit βc, regulates multiple biological processes such as native and adaptive immunity, inflammation, normal and malignant hemopoieis, and autoimmunity. Australian scientists played a major role in the discovery and biological characterisation of the βc cytokines and their recent work is revealing unique features of cytokine receptor assembly and signalling. Furthermore, specific antibodies have been generated to modulate their function. Characterisation of the structural and dynamic requirements for the activation of the βc receptor family and the molecular definition of downstream signalling pathways are providing new insights into cytokine receptor signalling as well as new therapeutic opportunities.  相似文献   

Sphingolipid ceramide has emerged as a lipid messenger of cell functions including differentiation and apoptosis. Diverse kinds of stresses (ultraviolet, irradiation, heat shock and hypoxia) and biological factors (TNF-, IFN-γ and Fas antibody) require ceramide generation to execute apoptosis. The review summarises the diversity and complexity of up- and downstream of ceramide signalling in apoptosis and clinical implications of ceramide-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein Ib-V–IX is one of the major adhesive receptors expressed on the surface of circulating platelets. It is composed of four different polypeptides—GPIb, GPIbβ, GPIX, and GPV—and represents a multifunctional receptor able to interact with a number of ligands, including the adhesive protein von Willebrand factor, the coagulation factors thrombin, factors XI and XII, and the membrane glycoproteins P-selectin and Mac-1. Interaction of GPIb-V–IX with the subendothelial von Willebrand factor is essential for primary haemostasis, as it initiates platelet adhesion to the subendothelial matrix at the sites of vascular injury even under high flow conditions. Upon interaction with von Willebrand factor, GPIb-V–IX initiates transmembrane signalling events for platelet activation, which eventually result in integrin IIbβ3 stimulation and platelet aggregation. The investigation of the biochemical mechanisms for platelet activation by GPIb-V–IX has attracted increasing attention during the last years. This review will describe and discuss recent findings that have provided new insights into the events underlying GPIb-V–IX transmembrane signalling. In particular, it will summarise basic concepts on the structure of this receptor, extracellular ligands, and intracellular interactors potentially involved in transmembrane signalling. The recently suggested role of membrane Fc receptors in GPIb-V–IX-initiated platelet activation will also be discussed, along with the involvement of lipid metabolising enzymes, tyrosine kinases, and the cytoskeleton in the crosstalk between GPIb-V–IX and integrin IIbβ3.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics has developed by comparison of distantly related genomes, for which the link between the reported evolutionary changes and species development/physiology/ecology is not obvious. It is argued that the mouse (genus Mus) is an optimal model for microevolutionary genomics in vertebrates. This is because the mouse genome sequence, physical and genetic map have been completed, because mouse genetics, morpho-anatomy, pathology, behavior and ecology are well-studied, and because the Mus genus is a diverse, well- documented taxon, allowing comparative studies at the level of individual, population, subspecies, and species. The potential of the interaction between mouse genome and mouse biodiversity is illustrated by recent studies of speciation in the house mouse Mus musculus, and studies about the evolution of isochores, the peculiar pattern of GC-content variation across mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

The comparison of DNA and protein sequences of extant species might be informative for reconstructing the chronology of evolutionary events on Earth. A phylogenetic tree inferred from molecular data directly depicts the evolutionary affinities of species and indirectly allows estimating the age of their origin and diversification. Molecular dating is achieved by assuming the molecular clock hypothesis, i.e., that the rate of change of nucleotide and amino acid sequences is on average constant over geological time. If paleontological calibrations are available, then absolute divergence times of species can be estimated. However, three major difficulties potentially hamper molecular dating : (1) a limited sample of genes and organisms, (2) a limited number of fossil references, and (3) pervasive variations of molecular evolutionary rates among genomes and species. To circumvent these problems, different solutions have been recently proposed. Larger data sets are built with more genes and more species sampled through the mining of an increasing number of genomes. Moreover, independent key fossils are identified to calibrate molecular clocks, and the uncertainty on their age is integrated in subsequent analyses. Finally, models of molecular rate variations are constructed, and incorporated in the so-called relaxed molecular clock approaches. As an illustration of these improvements, we mention that the debated age of the animal (bilaterian metazoans) diversification may have occurred between 642-761 million years ago (Mya), roughly 100 Ma before the Cambrian explosion. Among mammals, the initial diversification of major placental groups may have taken place around 100 Mya, well before the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary marking the extinction of dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The rat genome project and the resources that it has generated are transforming the translation of rat biology to human medicine. The rat genome was sequenced to a high quality "draft," the structure and location of the genes were predicted, and a global assessment was published (Gibbs RA et al., Nature 428: 493-521, 2004). Since that time, researchers have made use of the genome sequence and annotations and related resources. We take this opportunity to review the currently available rat genome resources and to discuss the progress and future plans for the rat genome.  相似文献   

The enzymes that hydrolyse peptide bonds, called peptidases or proteases, are very important to mankind and are also very numerous. The many scientists working on these enzymes are rapidly acquiring new data, and they need good methods to store it and retrieve it. The storage and retrieval require effective systems of classification and nomenclature, and it is the design and implementation of these that we mean by 'managing' peptidases. Ten years ago Rawlings and Barrett proposed the first comprehensive system for the classification of peptidases, which included a set of simple names for the families. In the present article we describe how the system has developed since then. The peptidase classification has now been adopted for use by many other databases, and provides the structure around which the MEROPS protease database (http://merops.sanger.ac.uk) is built.  相似文献   

Liberles DA 《Genome biology》2001,2(11):reports4026.1-reports40265
A report on the 18th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), Aarhus, Denmark, 20-25 August, 2001.  相似文献   

Bacterial strain typing in the genomic era   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacterial strain typing, or identifying bacteria at the strain level, is particularly important for diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiological surveillance of bacterial infections. This is especially the case for bacteria exhibiting high levels of antibiotic resistance or virulence, and those involved in nosocomial or pandemic infections. Strain typing also has applications in studying bacterial population dynamics. Over the last two decades, molecular methods have progressively replaced phenotypic assays to type bacterial strains. In this article, we review the current bacterial genotyping methods and classify them into three main categories: (1) DNA banding pattern-based methods, which classify bacteria according to the size of fragments generated by amplification and/or enzymatic digestion of genomic DNA, (2) DNA sequencing-based methods, which study the polymorphism of DNA sequences, and (3) DNA hybridization-based methods using nucleotidic probes. We described and compared the applications of genotyping methods to the study of bacterial strain diversity. We also discussed the selection of appropriate genotyping methods and the challenges of bacterial strain typing, described the current trends of genotyping methods, and investigated the progresses allowed by the availability of genomic sequences.  相似文献   

The neutral theory in the genomic era   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A number of tests have been developed to detect positive selection at the molecular level. These tests are based on DNA polymorphism within and divergence between species. Applications of these tests have revealed a large collection of genes that have evolved under positive selection and some general insights into adaptive evolution. Recently, these tests have been applied on a genomic scale and have provided estimates of the frequency of adaptive substitutions and a critical test of the neutral theory.  相似文献   

Hugenholtz P 《Genome biology》2002,3(2):reviews0003.1-reviews00038
Our understanding of prokaryote biology from study of pure cultures and genome sequencing has been limited by a pronounced sampling bias towards four bacterial phyla - Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes - out of 35 bacterial and 18 archaeal phylum-level lineages. This bias is beginning to be rectified by the use of phylogenetically directed isolation strategies and by directly accessing microbial genomes from environmental samples.  相似文献   

Reconstructing human origins in the genomic era   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Analyses of recently acquired genomic sequence data are leading to important insights into the early evolution of anatomically modern humans, as well as into the more recent demographic processes that accompanied the global radiation of Homo sapiens. Some of the new results contradict early, but still influential, conclusions that were based on analyses of gene trees from mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome sequences. In this review, we discuss the different genetic and statistical methods that are available for studying human population history, and identify the most plausible models of human evolution that can accommodate the contrasting patterns observed at different loci throughout the genome.  相似文献   

The bacterial species definition, despite its eminent practical significance for identification, diagnosis, quarantine and diversity surveys, remains a very difficult issue to advance. Genomics now offers novel insights into intra-species diversity and the potential for emergence of a more soundly based system. Although we share the excitement, we argue that it is premature for a universal change to the definition because current knowledge is based on too few phylogenetic groups and too few samples of natural populations. Our analysis of five important bacterial groups suggests, however, that more stringent standards for species may be justifiable when a solid understanding of gene content and ecological distinctiveness becomes available. Our analysis also reveals what is actually encompassed in a species according to the current standards, in terms of whole-genome sequence and gene-content diversity, and shows that this does not correspond to coherent clusters for the environmental Burkholderia and Shewanella genera examined. In contrast, the obligatory pathogens, which have a very restricted ecological niche, do exhibit clusters. Therefore, the idea of biologically meaningful clusters of diversity that applies to most eukaryotes may not be universally applicable in the microbial world, or if such clusters exist, they may be found at different levels of distinction.  相似文献   

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