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Bird responses to shade coffee production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

H. G. Fowler 《Oecologia》1979,41(3):361-363
Summary An examination of Enterolobium contortisiliquum predispersal seed predation by beetles suggests that simple tests of the importance of seed density or seed distance from the parent tree must be interpretated with caution.  相似文献   

Native biodiversity is threatened by invasive species in many terrestrial and marine systems, and conservation managers have demonstrated successes by responding with eradication or control programs. Although invasive species are often the direct cause of threat to native species, ecosystems can react in unexpected ways to their removal or reduction. Here, we use theoretical models to predict boom‐bust dynamics, where the removal of predatory or competitive pressure from a native herbivore results in oscillatory population dynamics (boom‐bust), which can endanger the native species’ population in the short term. We simulate control activities, applied to multiple theoretical three‐species Lotka‐Volterra ecosystem models consisting of vegetation, a native herbivore, and an invasive predator. Based on these communities, we then develop a predictive tool that—based on relative parameter values—predicts whether control efforts directed at the invasive predator will lead to herbivore release followed by a crash. Further, by investigating the different functional responses, we show that model structure, as well as model parameters, are important determinants of conservation outcomes. Finally, control strategies that can mitigate these negative consequences are identified. Managers working in similar data‐poor ecosystems can use the predictive tool to assess the probability that their system will exhibit boom‐bust dynamics, without knowing exact community parameter values.  相似文献   

C. A. Nalepa  W. H. Piper 《Oecologia》1994,100(1-2):200-202
Multiflora rose seeds containing larvae of the phytophagous wasp Megastigmus aculeatus nigroflavus were fed to a caged mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos). Ninety percent of the seeds were recovered from the bird's feces, and there was no significant difference in subsequent emergence of the wasps from these seeds when compared to controls. This study indicates the dispersal of seed-feeding hymenoptera by avian frugivores may be a widespread and significant phenomenon.  相似文献   

The effects of mycorrhizal symbiosis on seedling emergence, flowering and densities of several grasses and forbs were assessed in native tallgrass prairie and in sown garden populations at the Konza Prairie in northeastern Kansas. Mycorrhizal activity was experimentally suppressed with the fungicide benomyl. Flowering and stem densities of the cool-season grass, Dichanthelium oligosanthes, sedges (Carex spp.), and the forb Aster ericoides were higher in non-mycorrhizal (benomyl-treated) than in mycorrhizal plots and the magnitude of these differences was significantly affected by burning. Mycorrhizae significantly enhanced flowering of the warmseason grasses Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans in burned prairie, but not in unburned sites. These patterns suggest that mycorrhizal effects on the dynamics of cool-season graminoid and forb populations are likely to be mediated indirectly through effects of the symbiosis on the competitive dominance of their neighbors. Seedling emergence rates of the cool-season C3 grasses Elymus canadensis and Koeleria cristata were significantly reduced in the benomyl-treated plots, whereas benomyl treatment had no significant effect on seedling emergence of the warm-season C4 grasses A. gerardii and Panicum virgatum. The forbs showed variable responses. Seedling emergence of Liatris aspera was greater under mycorrhizal conditions, but that of Dalea purpurea was unaffected by mycorrhizal treatment. These results show that effects of mycorrhizal symbiosis on the population dynamics of co-occurring prairie plants vary significantly both among species and among different life history stages within species. The results also indicate that mycorrhizas and fire interact to influence competitive interactions and demographic patterns of tallgrass prairie plant populations.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The effects of predaceous stoneflies and endoparasilism by mermithid nematodes on the locomotory behaviour of individual mayflies were studied in the laboratory. The effects of predator- and parasite-induced changes in activity on predator encounter, attack and capture rates were also examined.
2. In response to predator presence non-parasitized mayflies decreased activity, while parasitized mayflies increased activity, in comparison to a control group. As a result, the faster-moving parasitized individuals encountered stonefly predators much more frequently. The frequency of attacks per encounter did not change.
3. In view of this and other studies, two predator-avoidance strategies based on mayfly locomotory and defensive capabilities are proposed: (a) Mayflies that are able effectively to flee a predator's attack and those able to employ a behavioural defence may decrease their mean velocity when a predator is detected, thereby reducing the likelihood of an encounter while allowing foraging to continue; (b) Slower-moving or otherwise defenceless mayflies may immediately move away from the area in which a predator is perceived in order to avoid an encounter.
4. In the absence of a predator, parasitized mayflies demonstrated greatly increased activity. This probably reflects increased foraging in response to the nutritional deficit imposed by the endoparasite. A decrease in upstream movement by parasitized mayflies may also indicate a parasite-imposed energy stress.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of one genotype to express different phenotypes in response to changing environmental conditions, is one of the most common phenomena characterizing the living world and is not only relevant for the ecology but also for the evolution of species. Daphnia, the water flea, is a textbook example for predator‐induced phenotypic plastic defences; however, the analysis of molecular mechanisms underlying these inducible defences is still in its early stages. We exposed Daphnia magna to chemical cues of the predator Triops cancriformis to identify key processes underlying plastic defensive trait formation. To get a more comprehensive idea of this phenomenon, we studied four genotypes with five biological replicates each, originating from habitats characterized by different predator composition, ranging from predator‐free habitats to habitats containing T. cancriformis. We analysed the morphologies as well as proteomes of predator‐exposed and control animals. Three genotypes showed morphological changes when the predator was present. Using a high‐throughput proteomics approach, we found 294 proteins which were significantly altered in their abundance after predator exposure in a general or genotype‐dependent manner. Proteins connected to genotype‐dependent responses were related to the cuticle, protein synthesis and calcium binding, whereas the yolk protein vitellogenin increased in abundance in all genotypes, indicating their involvement in a more general response. Furthermore, genotype‐dependent responses at the proteome level were most distinct for the only genotype that shares its habitat with Triops. Altogether, our study provides new insights concerning genotype‐dependent and general molecular processes involved in predator‐induced phenotypic plasticity in D. magna.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cues released by predators and injured prey often induce shifts in prey behavior that allow prey to evade predators, but also affect prey resource use. I investigated the effects of chemical and mechanical signals produced by injured snails (Physella gyrina) and predatory crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on microdistributions of P. gyrina. In an initial experiment, I observed snail responses to the presence of a caged crayfish predator, to injured conspecifics, or to both. There were significant effects of time and the treatment × time interaction on the proportion of snails moving above the water line, with greater proportions of snails above the water line at night than during the day and with weak snail crawl‐out behavior being elicited by caged crayfish at night, but not during the day. In a second experiment, I examined snail microdistributions when exposed to crayfish confined to a small cage within each aquarium, crayfish confined to half of each aquarium, and crayfish ranging freely throughout each aquarium. Snails responded most strongly to free‐ranging crayfish by moving above the water line, but also demonstrated significant, but reduced, crawl‐out responses to crayfish confined to half of each aquarium; however, snails did not respond behaviorally to crayfish confined to small cages. In both experiments, there were marginally significant effects of unfed caged crayfish on the proportions of snail populations hiding under benthic shelters, with this response being the strongest at the start of the experiments but weak overall (with only 4–5% of P. gyrina responding in each experiment). These results indicate that cues (e.g., chemical or mechanical) produced by predators altered prey microdistributions, but that the exact prey responses (e.g., moving above the water line or into horizontal or benthic refugia) depended on the intensity and nature of cues.  相似文献   

Some ladybeetles are specialist predators of aphids, coccids or other prey, although they often eat a variety of species from their focal prey taxon. In addition, the diet is often supplemented with alternative prey. How larvae of the aphidophagous Coccinella septempunctata L. utilize a non‐aphid alternative prey (fruit‐fly larvae Drosophila melonogaster Meigen) is compared with adequate (i.e. high‐quality) aphid prey provided alone (monotypic diet) or in mixed diets. The alternative prey are presented either nutrient‐enriched (i.e. raised on dog food supplemented medium) or not (raised on pure medium). Ladybird performance (survival, growth and development) is poor on the pure fly larvae diets, and also reduced when given mixed diets compared with the pure aphid diet. Nutrient enrichment of the fly larvae has no positive effects. The physiological background for the differences in food value, as indicated by performance in life‐history parameters, is a strong pre‐ingestive effect (i.e. reduced consumption of fly larvae compared with aphids) and a post‐ingestive effect (i.e. reduced utilization of assimilated larval fly tissue), whereas the assimilation efficiency of the consumed fly larvae is as high as that of aphids. The results show a physiological trade‐off resulting from prey specialization that reduces the possibility of utilizing alternative prey when the availability of aphids is scarce. Connected with this is a high robustness against variation in prey nutrient diversity and composition; the ladybird shows little positive response to dietary mixing (i.e. neither mixing of adequate aphids, nor of aphids and alternative prey) or to nutrient enrichment of prey. This contrasts with the results from generalist predators (spiders), where similar treatments lead to strong effects on life‐history parameters.  相似文献   

Summary Seven asteroid species common to the northern California coast were studied for their defensive responses to the predator Solaster dawsoni. The presence or absence of an escape response was used to predict whether or not these species were susceptible to predation from Solaster. Strong escape responses were displayed by Patiria miniata, Henricia leviuscula, Leptasterias hexactis, Pycnopodia helianthoides, and small Pisaster ochraceus. Subsequent capture and consumption of Patiria, Henricia, Leptasterias and small P. ochraceus were observed. Solaster attacked all Pisaster spp. tested, but Pisaster brevispinus and larger P. ochraceus protected themselves from predation by utilizing their pedicellariae against Solaster whenever contact occurred. Dermasterias imbricata appeared to be immune to predation by Solaster. Contact between these two asteroids failed to elicit a defensive response in the former or an attack by the latter asteroid.  相似文献   

Increased predator activity along habitat edges (the edge effect) is often documented in the temperate zone, but earlier studies have rarely been able to explicitly test the suggested mechanisms underlining this phenomenon. In this study, we measured the distribution of mammalian predators by scent stations and their main prey (rodents) in four types of landscape elements corresponding to an edge gradient between two habitat types; grassland and forest. We found a contrasting pattern in carnivore activities between years. Whereas carnivores did not exhibit a significant occurrence along the forest–grassland edge in the first year with low prey abundance, they were more likely to be detected along habitat edges in the subsequent year with high prey abundance. Our results do not suggest that the increased activity of carnivores at habitat edges arises as a consequence of predator overflow from higher quality habitat through the edge into lower quality habitat, but showed that most predator species focus their activity specifically to the edge structure. On the other hand, our data do not provide straightforward support for the hypothesis that predator edge preferences are caused by a spatial gradient in carnivores’ main prey—rodents.  相似文献   

Models of defence against multiple enemies predict that specialized responses to each enemy should evolve only under restrictive conditions. Nevertheless, tadpoles of Rana temporaria can differentiate among several predator species. Small tadpoles used a refuge when Notonecta backswimmers were in the pond, but showed a weaker hiding response to adult Triturus alpestris newts and no response to aeshnid dragonfly larvae (Aeshna and Anax). All predators caused a decline in feeding and swimming activity. Large tadpoles reserved the strongest behavioural response for dragonflies, while Triturus caused no response. The shift during development suggests that tadpoles distinguished among predators, rather than exhibiting a graded dosage response to a single cue associated with predation. Information on habitat distributions of predators suggests that they are regularly encountered, which would facilitate evolution of adaptive behavioural responses. Morphological responses to all predators were similar, perhaps because similar morphologies defend against all four predators. The evolutionary maintenance of specialized responses to multiple predators may be possible because adaptive responses do not conflict and the predators themselves do not interact strongly.  相似文献   

Realistic functional responses are required for accurate model predictions at the community level. However, controversy remains regarding which types of dependencies need to be included in functional response models. Several studies have shown an effect of very high predator densities on per capita predation rates, but it is unclear whether this predator dependence is also important at low predator densities. We fit integrated functional response models to predation data from 4-h experiments where we had varied both predator and prey densities. Using an information theoretic approach we show that the best-fit model includes moderate predator dependence, which was equally strong even at low predator densities. The best fits of Beddington–DeAngelis and Arditi–Akçakaya functional responses were closely followed by the fit of the Arditi–Ginzburg model. A Holling type III functional response did not describe the data well. In addition, independent behavioral observations revealed high encounter rates between predators. We quantified the number of encounters between predators and the time the focal predator spent interacting with other individuals per encounter. This time “wasted” on conspecifics reduced the total time available for foraging and may therefore account for lower predation rates at higher predator densities. Our findings imply that ecological theory needs to take realistic levels of predator dependence into account.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The hypothesis that size-selective predation and species-specific prey behaviours facilitate the coexistence between larvae of invasive Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and U.S.A.-native Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Say) was tested experimentally with the predator Corethrella appendiculata (Grabham).
2. Larval behaviours associated with a higher risk of predation were identified, and prey behavioural responses were tested in either the physical presence of predators or in water containing predation cues. Larvae that thrashed on container bottoms had a higher risk of being captured by fourth instar C. appendiculata than did larvae resting on the water surface. Ochlerotatus triseriatus , but not A. albopictus , adopted low-risk behaviours in response to water-borne cues to predation. Both prey species reduced risky behaviours in the physical presence of the predator, but O. triseriatus showed a stronger response.
3. The vulnerability of 2nd and 3rd instar prey to predation was compared, and behavioural responses were correlated with prey vulnerability. Second instars of both species were more vulnerable to predation by C. appendiculata than were 3rd instars, and the 3rd instar A. albopictus was more vulnerable than O. triseriatus of the same stage. All instars of O. triseriatus showed a similar reduction of risky behaviours in response to the presence of C. appendiculata despite 4th instar prey being relatively invulnerable to size-selective predation.
4. Weaker predator avoidance, coupled with superior competitive ability, of invasive A. albopictus is likely to contribute to its coexistence with O. triseriatus in containers of the south-eastern U.S.A., where C. appendiculata can be abundant.  相似文献   

New insights into community-level responses at the urban fringe, and the mechanisms underlying them, are needed. In our study, we investigated the compositional distinctiveness and variability of a breeding bird community at both sides of established edges between suburban residential areas and woodland reserves in Canberra, Australia. Our goals were to determine if: (1) community-level responses were direct (differed with distance from the edge, independent of vegetation) or indirect (differed in response to edge-related changes in vegetation), and (2) if guild-level responses provided the mechanism underpinning community-level responses. We found that suburbs and reserves supported significantly distinct bird communities. The suburban bird community, characterised by urban-adapted native and exotic species, had a weak direct edge response, with decreasing compositional variability with distance from the edge. In comparison, the reserve bird community, characterised by woodland-dependent species, was related to local tree and shrub cover. This was not an indirect response, however, as tree and shrub cover was not related to edge distance. We found that the relative richness of nesting, foraging and body size guilds also displayed similar edge responses, indicating that they underpinned the observed community-level responses. Our study illustrates how community-level responses provide valuable insights into how communities respond to differences in resources between two contrasting habitats. Further, the effects of the suburban matrix penetrate into reserves for greater distances than previously thought. Suburbs and adjacent reserves, however, provided important habitat resources for many native species and the conservation of these areas should not be discounted from continued management strategies.  相似文献   

Effects of predator confusion on functional responses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of experiments have addressed how increases in nitrogen availability increase the productivity and decrease the diversity of plant communities. We lack, however, a rigorous mechanistic understanding of how changes in abundance of particular species combine to produce changes in community productivity and diversity. Single experiments cannot provide insight into this issue because each species occurs only once per experiment, and each experiment is conducted in only one location; thus, it is impossible from single experiments to determine whether responses of particular species are consistent across environments or dependent on the particular environmental context in which the experiment was conducted. To address this issue, we assembled a dataset of 20 herbaceous species that were each represented in at least 6 different fertilization experiments and tested whether responses were general across experiments. Of the 20 species, one consistently increased in relative abundance and five consistently decreased across replicate experiments. A partially-overlapping group of 8 species displayed responses to nitrogen that varied predictably among experiments as a function of geographic location, neighboring species, or a handful of other community characteristics (ANPP, precipitation, species richness, relative abundance of focal species in control plots, and community composition). Thus, despite modest replication and a limited number of predictor variables, we were able to identify consistent patterns in response of 10 out of 20 species across multiple experiments. We conclude that the responses of individual species to nitrogen addition are often predictable, but that in most cases these responses are functions of the abiotic or biotic environment. Thus, a rigorous understanding of how plant species respond to nitrogen addition will have to consider not only the traits of individual plant species, but also aspects of the communities in which those plants live.  相似文献   

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