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Immunoreactive alpha-, beta-, gamma-endorphins and beta-lipotropin were detected in perfused calf thymus extracts at the following concentrations (fmol/mg) tissue, M +/- m): 1.32 +/- 0.08, 1.53 +/- 0.45, 0.0186 +/- 0.0022 and 0.741 +/- 0.157, respectively. It was demonstrated for all ligands tested that the synthetic peptide and increasing amounts of the extract cause a similar displacement of the corresponding 125I-peptide from its complex with specific antiserum. Using the immunoblotting technique with a highly specific antiserum to bovine beta-lipotropin, the extracts of calf thymus, rat thymocytes and bovine hypophysis were found to contain two polypeptides with Mr of 32 and 14 kD, whose mobility corresponds to that of proopiomelanocortin and beta-lipotropin.  相似文献   

Independent peptide fragments of pro-opiomelanocortin molecule, beta-endorphin and ACTH, have been detected immunohistochemically in the adrenal glands of rats and mice. Immunoreactive beta-endorphin and ACTH have been revealed in the adrenal medulla and reticular zone of the adrenal cortex. beta-endorphin and ACTH distribution patterns in adrenal sections were identical, which is indicative of the linked synthesis of these peptides in the adrenal gland. The data obtained suggest the existence of pituitary-independent mechanisms regulating corticosteroidogenesis in the adrenal gland, involving adrenal pro-opiomelanocortin fragments.  相似文献   

Monolayer cultures of bovine parathyroid cells or fresh gland slices were incubated with radioactive amino acids in order to study the formation and metabolism of parathormone (PTH). PTH, secretory protein I, and COOH-terminal fragments of PTH were all released into media within 30 min, most strongly in the first hour after synthesis. Peptides in tissue, cells, and media were separated using reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. In eluates of media, six radioactive peaks were prominent. The first four and the sixth were immunoreactive in a COOH-terminal specific PTH radioimmunoassay, but only the sixth was reactive in an NH2-terminal specific assay. Under conditions where recovery of PTH(1-34) was quantitative, gel filtration of media was used to show that no NH2-terminal fragments of PTH were secreted. Sequence analyses of secreted COOH-terminal peptides indicated that the NH2 termini of the first three peaks corresponded to residues 43, 37, and 34 of PTH. The fourth peak contained a mixture of two peptides with NH2 termini at residues 24 and 28 of PTH. The fifth could not be identified; the sixth was PTH. Cleavages at the 23-24 bond of PTH occurred within minutes of the formation of PTH itself, and the other peptides were formed more slowly. Mandatory cleavage of PTH at the 23-24 peptide bond would destroy the biological activity of the hormone on kidney and bone, a situation consistent with the possibility that intracellular PTH metabolism participates in secretory regulation. The results showed that different peptides were generated in parathyroid cells than were previously shown to be produced by cathepsin B or D. The results suggest that the proteolytic pathway which results in the secretion of PTH fragments is nonlysosomal in nature.  相似文献   

Using in situ hybridization with a pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-mRNA probe and immunocytochemistry with antisera to POMC and to various POMC-derived peptides, it is shown that melanotrope cells in the pars intermedia of the hypophysis of the South African aquatic toad Xenopus laevis contain POMC, α-melanophore-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), γ-MSH, acetylated and non-acetylated endorphins and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). With the exception of γ-MSH, these peptides are also found in the corticotrope cells in the rostral pars distalis. In the Xenopus brain, neuronal cell bodies in the ventral hypothalamic nucleus express POMC, α-MSH, γ-MSH, non-acetylated endorphins and ACTH, neurones in the anterior preoptic area reveal POMC, α-MSH, γ-MSH and non-acetylated endorphin, neurones in the suprachiasmatic nucleus contain α-MSH, non-acetylated endorphin and ACTH and neurones in the posterior tubercle show α-MSH, non-acetylated endorphin and ACTH immunoreactivities. In the locus coeruleus POMC and ACTH coexist, whereas α-MSH and non-acetylated endorphin occur together in the nucleus accumbens, the striatum and the nucleus of the paraventricular organ. Finally, α-MSH alone is present in the olfactory bulb, the medial septum, the medial and lateral parts of the amygdala, the ventromedial and posterior thalamic nuclei, the optic tectum and the anteroventral tegmental nucleus, and non-acetylated endorphin alone appears in the epiphysis. It is suggested that neurones that form POMC-derived peptides may play a direct or indirect role in the control of POMC-producing hypophyseal cells and/or in the physiological processes these endocrine cells regulate. This idea is supported by the fact that the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the locus coeruleus, both involved in melanotrope cell control, show POMC and POMC-peptide expression. A possible involvement in melanotrope and/or corticotrope control of the anterior preoptic and ventral hypothalamic nuclei, which both express POMC and various POMC-derived peptides, deserves future attention.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative determination of peptide fragments of angiotensin I generated by rat lung dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase (angiotensin converting enzyme, EC is described. Enzymatically formed peptide fragments, after derivatization with fluorescamine, were separated and isolated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The recovered fluorescamine derivative of histidyl-leucine was then further identified by mass spectrometry. It is anticipated that this approach would be widely applicable to other enzyme systems.  相似文献   

Dermorphin (Tyr? D-Ala? Phe? Gly? Tyr? Pro? Ser? NH2), a potent natural peptide opioid, its synthetic L-Ala2 analog, and all the N fragments from the tripeptide (Tyr? D -Ala? Phe? NH2) to the parent hexapeptide amide were characterized for the first time by means of proton nmr spectroscopy at 11.74 T. Assignments of most protons of dermorphin were facilitated by the study of the N-terminal fragments. Comparison of spectroscopic parameters with relative pharmacological activity is proposed as a possible means of studying flexible agonists in solution.  相似文献   

One of the peptides previously discovered in amphibians is the octapeptide xenopsin. As immunohistochemistry has also indicated the presence of xenopsin immunoreactivity in man, we extracted in the present investigation xenopsin-immunoreactive material from human gastric mucosa and purified it to homogeneity with several high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) reverse phase and ion exchange chromatographic steps. The eluates were monitored with a radioimmunoassay for amphibian xenopsin. Determination of the amino acid sequence revealed a 25-amino acid peptide having 6 C-terminal amino acids in common with amphibian xenopsin. The sequence of this peptide, termed xenin 25, is M-L-T-K-F-E-T-K-S-A-R-V-K-G-L-S-F-H-P-K-R-P-W-I-L. The peptide was custom-synthesized. Mass spectrometry of the synthetic and the extracted peptide revealed identical molecular mass. Purification of 250 ml of human postprandial plasma with Sep-Pak C18 cartridges, reverse phase HPLC, and ion exchange chromatography demonstrated circulating xenin immunoreactivity at a retention time identical to xenin 25. The amount of xenin immunoreactivity at the position of xenin 25 on C18-HPLC increased significantly after a meal. A radioimmunoassay utilizing antibodies to xenin 25 and a 125I-labeled analogue of xenin 25 was used to measure immunoreactive xenin in the plasma of 10 volunteers. There was a significant rise of xenin immunoreactivity in the plasma after a meal. Intravenous infusion of the synthetic peptide in dogs stimulated exocrine pancreatic secretion beginning at a dose of 4 pmol/kg/min. The maximal effect was seen with 64 pmol/kg/min. We have detected, therefore, a new peptide, xenin 25, in human gastric mucosa; we have provided evidence for the presence of this peptide in the human circulation, and have shown a rise of plasma xenin concentrations after a meal. This peptide stimulates exocrine pancreatic secretion. Its physiologic role deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Peripheral serum cortisol levels were measured throughout gestation in 5 intact pregnant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and 3 hypophysectomized-fetectomized monkeys, leaving the placentas in situ and viable. These monkeys, as well as 4 other groups used to separately control for effects of pregnancy, hypophysectomy, or fetectomy, were unilaterally (left) adrenalectomized to permit comparisons of adrenal gland weights. Circulating cortisol levels of intact pregnant monkeys tended to rise slightly with advancing gestation. However, hypophysectomy at 70 to 73 days after fertilization caused a marked decline (p < 0.01) in serum cortisol concentrations to about 1/2 the preoperative level. These monkeys were fetectomized at 107 to 114 days without further reduction in circulating cortisol levels. In hypophysectomized-fetectomized monkeys, either surgical removal of the placentas near term or abortion was followed by a rapid decrease in peripheral cortisol to undetectable concentrations. Their cortisol levels were 5 to 12 times higher in left adrenal venous effluent than in peripheral circulation on the day of placental delivery. The presence of a viable placenta protected against the extensive adrenocortical involution seen in nonpregnant hypophysectomized monkeys (p < 0.01). Fetectomy, alone or in combination with hypophysectomy, did not alter left adrenal gland weights from those of intact pregnant monkeys. Thus, continued cortisol secretion and maintenance of adrenal weight in hypophysectomized-fetectomized monkeys, in the presence of a functional placenta, supports the existence of a placental adrenocorticotropin in this primate.  相似文献   

We have identified the disulfide cross-links in bull protamine by titrating intact bull sperm with dithiothreitol (DTT) and following the modification of each cysteine residue with tritiated iodoacetate. The derivatization of each cysteine was monitored by a combination of HPLC, peptide mapping, and protein sequencing. Analyses of total free sulfhydryls show that all seven of the bull protamine cysteines are cross-linked as disulfides in mature sperm. The first disulfide is reduced at a DTT:protamine cysteine (DTT:Cys) ratio of 0.3 and the last at a ratio of 2.0. Intra- and intermolecular disulfides were identified by correlating the reduction of specific disulfides with the dissociation of protamine from DNA in partially reduced sperm and sperm treated with N,N'-ethylenedimaleimide, a bifunctional disulfide cross-linking agent. Three intermolecular and two intramolecular disulfides were identified. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the amino- and carboxy-terminal ends of the bull protamine molecule are folded inward toward the center of the molecule and are locked in place, each by a single intramolecular disulfide bridge. Three intermolecular disulfides cross-link neighboring protamine molecules around the DNA helix in such a manner that the protamines cannot be dissociated from DNA without first reducing the interprotamine disulfides.  相似文献   

The use of an antiserum raised against the joining peptide sequence -23 to -14 of bovine pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) enabled the detection of related immunoreactive sequences of peptides in bovine, porcine, mouse and guinea-pig pituitaries, as well as in mouse brain and cerebral cortex, guinea-pig cerebral cortex, and bovine hypothalamus. Gel chromatography of pituitary extracts (Sephadex G-75 and Bio-Gel P-4) indicated the presence of several immunoreactive joining peptide fragments ranging in the molecular weight range (Mr) of 1,500 to 2,300. Furthermore, high molecular weight (Mr greater than 22,500) immunoreactive-precursor from bovine anterior pituitary was readily digested with trypsin into an immunoreactive fragment of approximately Mr 1,500. Analyses of these immunoreactive peptides by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) led to their resolution into six distinct peptides. The only apparent correspondence in the elution profiles of immunoreactive peptide profiles between different mammalian species was the identification of a similar fragment (Mr 2,000) from bovine and guinea-pig pituitaries. Thus, we conclude that immunoreactivity to the joining peptide region of POMC from various mammalian species exhibits a degree of heterogeneity in its composition. The relatively low levels of immunoreactivity in comparison to that of ACTH also suggest that the joining peptide domain may be further processed. The hormonal status of the joining peptide region remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of bacterial meningitis and pneumonia but usually colonizes the human nasopharynx harmlessly. As this niche is simultaneously populated by other bacterial species, we looked for a role and pathway of communication between pneumococci and other species. This paper shows that two proteins of non-encapsulated S. pneumoniae, AliB-like ORF 1 and ORF 2, bind specifically to peptides matching other species resulting in changes in the pneumococci. AliB-like ORF 1 binds specifically peptide SETTFGRDFN, matching 50S ribosomal subunit protein L4 of Enterobacteriaceae, and facilitates upregulation of competence for genetic transformation. AliB-like ORF 2 binds specifically peptides containing sequence FPPQS, matching proteins of Prevotella species common in healthy human nasopharyngeal microbiota. We found that AliB-like ORF 2 mediates the early phase of nasopharyngeal colonization in vivo. The ability of S. pneumoniae to bind and respond to peptides of other bacterial species occupying the same host niche may play a key role in adaptation to its environment and in interspecies communication. These findings reveal a completely new concept of pneumococcal interspecies communication which may have implications for communication between other bacterial species and for future interventional therapeutics.  相似文献   

Chicken atrial natriuretic peptide (chANP) and its secretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary An immunohistochemical study using antiserum raised against synthetic chicken natriuretic polypeptide was used to investigate the distribution of this peptide in the chicken heart. Immunoreactive cells, both in the atrial and ventricular walls, were identified by electron microscopy, and electron-dense granules in the atrial and ventricular cardiocytes were revealed to be storage sites of the peptide. The electron-dense material, thought to be the peptide, was found in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and it is suggested that a secretory pathway of the peptide through the latter to extracellular space, may be present, in addition to an exocytotic one.  相似文献   

The reproductive development of bull calves born in spring and autumn was compared. Mean serum LH concentrations in calves born in spring increased from week 4 to week 18 after birth and decreased by week 24. In bull calves born in autumn, mean LH concentrations increased from week 4 to week 8 after birth and remained steady until week 44. LH pulse amplitude was lower in bull calves born in autumn than in calves born in spring until week 24 of age (P < 0.05). There was a negative correlation between LH pulse frequency at week 12 after birth and age at puberty in bull calves, irrespective of season of birth, and LH pulse frequency at week 18 also tended to correlate negatively with age at puberty. Mean serum FSH concentrations, age at puberty, bodyweight, scrotal circumference, testes, prostate and vesicular gland dimensions, and ultrasonographic grey scale (pixel units) were not significantly different between bull calves born in autumn and spring. However, age and body-weight at puberty were more variable for bull calves born in autumn (P < 0.05). In a second study, bull calves born in spring received either a melatonin or sham implant immediately after birth and at weeks 6 and 11 after birth. Implants were removed at week 20. Mean LH concentrations, LH pulse frequency and amplitude, mean FSH concentrations and age at puberty did not differ between the two groups. No significant differences between groups in the growth and pixel units of the reproductive tract were observed by ultrasonography. In conclusion, although there were differences in the pattern of LH secretion in the prepubertal period between bull calves born in autumn and spring, the postnatal changes in gonadotrophin secretion were not disrupted by melatonin treatment in bull calves born in spring. Reproductive tract development did not differ between calves born in spring and autumn but age at puberty was more variable in bull calves born in autumn. LH pulse frequency during the early prepubertal period may be a vital factor in determining the age of bull calves at puberty.  相似文献   

A protein which showed high affinity for calcium ions was isolated from bull seminal vesicle secretion and seminal plasma. Its calcium-binding activity depended on the ionic strength and pH of the medium. The dissociation constant was 7-7 X 10(-7) M and there were 14 binding sites per protein molecule. The molecular weight of calcium-binding protein from bull seminal vesicle secretion, estimated by the gel filtration method, was 110,000. The protein may be involved in the regulation of the calcium ion level in seminal plasma.  相似文献   

Multi-histidinic peptides have been investigated for Cu(II) and Ni(II) binding. We present spectroscopic evidence that, at low pH and from sub-stoichiometric to stoichiometric amounts of metals, macrochelate and multi-histidinic Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes form; but, from neutral pH and above, both copper and nickel bind to individual histidine residues. NMR, EPR, UV–Visible (UV–Vis) and UV–Visible CD spectroscopy were used to understand about the variety of complexes obtained at low pHs, where amide deprotonation and coordination is unfavoured. A structural transition between two coordination geometries, as the pH is raised, was observed. Metal binds to Nδ of histidine imidazole when main-chain coordination is involved and coordinates via Nε under mildly acidic conditions and sub-stoichiometric amounts of metals. From EPR results a distortion from planarity has been evidenced for the Cu(II) multi-histidinic macrochelate systems, which may be relevant to biological activity. The behaviour of our peptides was comparable to the pH dependent effect on Cu(II) coordination observed in octapeptide repeat domain in prion proteins and in amyloid precursor peptides involved in Alzheimer’s disease. Changes in pH and levels of metal affect coordination mode and can have implications for the affinity, folding and redox properties of proteins and peptide fragments.  相似文献   

We have employed HPLC on reversed phase columns to analyse the major basic proteins from bull seminal vesicle secretion. The identification of proteins was achieved by comparison with authentic protein samples from bull seminal plasma as well as immunological characterisation using antisera directed against the latter proteins. The major basic proteins from bull seminal plasma: bull seminal proteinase inhibitor II (BUSI II), the seminal ribonuclease BS1, the protein P6 as well as the antimicrobial protein were also identified as the main constituents of the fraction of basic proteins derived from seminal vesicle secretion. FPLC using Mono S HR columns was also found to resolve the mixture of basic proteins and proved to be especially useful with respect to the isolation of the antimicrobial protein from basic proteins of seminal vesicle secretion. The identity of the antimicrobial protein from bull seminal plasma with the respective protein from seminal vesicle secretion was confirmed by amino-acid analysis and comparison of tryptic peptide patterns by HPLC. The antimicrobial protein was isolated from seminal vesicle secretion with a yield of 3 mg/ml of secretion.  相似文献   

Summary The effective purification of protected peptide fragments of medium polarity using glass columns packed with RP-8 and RP-18 materials of 40–63 m and eluted with mixtures of acetonitrile and water under isocratic conditions is described. Starting the purification from protected fragments of 80–97% purity, eight out of ten of the peptides were obtained in >99% purity and 53–86% purification yield.  相似文献   

Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) is glycosylated and proteolytically cleaved to produce a number of smaller peptide hormones including adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and endorphin in mammalian pituitary and the mouse pituitary cell line AtT-20/D16v. When glycosylation of POMC is inhibited in AtT-20 cells with the drug tunicamycin, a 26,000-dalton protein appears in place of the glycosylated 29,000- and 32,000-dalton forms of POMC. The 26,000-dalton form found in tunicamycin-treated cells has the same [35S]methionine tryptic peptides as 29,000- and 32,000-dalton POMC, indicating that the decrease in apparent mass is most likely due to loss of carbohydrate and not to changes in the peptide backbone. The 4,500-dalton form of alpha(1-39)ACTH and the 3,000- and 11,000-dalton forms of endorphin are all present in tunicamycin-treated cells. The glycosylated form of alpha(1-39)ACTH, however, is missing and the glycosylated ACTH intermediates are replaced by unglycosylated ACTH intermediates. Pulse-chase studies demonstrate that the 26,000-dalton unglycosylated POMC is the precursor of the smaller ACTH and endorphin molecules in tunicamycin-treated cells. Furthermore, all of the forms of ACTH and endorphin found in tunicamycin-treated cells are secreted. Thus, it appears that glycosylation is not an essential step for correct cleavage or secretion of POMC or its products.  相似文献   

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