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Selenium deficiency is responsible for Zenker type muscle degeneration in calves, lambs, and foals in the prenatal and postnatal stages of development. Investigations have shown that the selenium GSH Px, and vitamin E content of the maternal and fetal parts of the placenta in cattle are different. Similarly, low concentrations of selenium are present in milk from cows and sheep. In addition to an inadquate supply of selenium and vitamin E as a contributory cause of fetal nutritive muscular dystrophy (FNMD), it is assumed that a placental transport block and/or impaired selenium metabolism in the placenta are also responsible. Postnatal nutritive muscular dystrophy, however, is attributed to either acute selenium and vitamin E deficiency in basic feed or impaired plant absorption of selenium as a result of antagonistic elements, such as sulphur.  相似文献   

Selenium deficiency is responsible for Zenker type muscle degeneration in calves, lambs, and foals in the prenatal and postnatal stages of development. Investigations have shown that the selenium GSH Px, and vitamin E content of the maternal and fetal parts of the placenta in cattle are different. Similarly, low concentrations of selenium are present in milk from cows and sheep. In addition to an inadequate supply of selenium and vitamin E as a contributory cause of fetal nutritive muscular dystrophy (FNMD), it is assumed that a placental transport block and/or impaired selenium metabolism in the placenta are also responsible. Postnatal nutritive muscular dystrophy, however, is attributed to either acute selenium and vitamin E deficiency in basic feed or impaired plant absorption of selenium as a result of antagonistic elements, such as sulphur.  相似文献   

Diflubenzuron is the common name of the most potent insecticide belonging to benzoylphenyl urea group. This study describes the effects of orally administered diflubenzuron on ovarian development and structure in mealworms (Tenebrio molitor). Diflubenzuron was found to disturb growth and development of oocytes. It caused a decrease in both the number of oocytes per paired ovaries, the thickness of the follicular epithelium and the length of the basal follicles during the sexual maturation. However, it had no significant effect on the fine structure of follicular cells and basal oocytes examined in vitellogenic phase. These findings suggest that the reduction in fecundity, observed in several insect species by numerous others, is probably due to interference of diflubenzuron with the vitellogenesis via biochemical processes.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is believed to play a role in the regulation of brain growth. The identity of cells responsible for its synthesis in the immature brain, however, has not been established. To identify potential sites of IGF-1 synthesis, in situ hybridization has been utilized to localize IGF-1 mRNA in the murine brain during the first postnatal month. Although IGF-1 mRNA was detected in all regions of the neonatal brain, there was considerable regional variation in the level of expression. Neurons were the principle sites IGF-1 mRNA expression and expression was typically restricted to one or two neuronal cell types within each region. In the cerebellar cortex, for example, only Purkinje cells hybridized to the IGF-1 probe. In contrast to gray matter, IGF-1 labeled cells were rarely found in presumptive white matter tracts of the forebrain. The hybridization signal was most prominent in regions where neurogenesis persisted after birth, including the cerebellum, olfactory bulb, and hippocampal complex. The timing of IGF-1 mRNA expression appeared to be temporally related to local neuronal proliferation. The number of labeled cells and intensity of hybridization signal was greatest during the first 2 postnatal weeks, a period of rapid neuronal proliferation in these regions. At the end of the first month, when neurogenesis had essentially ceased, IGF-1 signal strength had declined to background levels. The temporal and spatial pattern IGF-1 mRNA expression in the immature CNS was consistent with a role for locally produced IGF-1 in the regulation of brain development.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is the biological process by which follicular cells are eliminated in atretic follicles. The aim of the present study was to examine the in vitro effect of a GnRH-a (leuprolide acetate, LA) and its interactions with FSH, dibutyryl cAMP, and growth factors (IGF-I, EGF, and FGF) on follicular apoptosis in early antral ovarian follicles obtained from prepubertal DES- treated rats. Follicles cultured 24 hr in the absence of hormones showed spontaneous onset of apoptotic DNA fragmentation. The presence of FSH suppressed the spontaneous onset of apoptotic DNA fragmentation (75-85%). Quantitative estimation of DNA cleavage from ovarian follicles revealed no significant changes in DNA fragmentation after in vitro LA treatment (1-100 ng/ml). However, coincubation with LA interfered partially with the effects of FSH on apoptosis suppression. This apoptosis suppression was also obtained by treatment with dibutyryl cAMP (80%), and was partially prevented by the presence of LA in the cultures. Follicles were cultured 24 hr with FGF, EGF, or IGF-I, and these factors suppressed DNA fragmentation (70, 60, and 70% respectively), while the presence of LA (100 ng/ml) in the culture medium prevented this effect. In conclusion, we show that the rescue from apoptotic DNA fragmentation produced in early antral follicles by FSH, cAMP, and growth factors, is prevented by coincubation with LA. This GnRH analog would thus interfere in the pathway of FSH, cAMP and/or growth factors by an as yet unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

Dynamics of muscle fibre growth during postnatal mouse development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  


Postnatal growth in mouse is rapid, with total skeletal muscle mass increasing several-fold in the first few weeks. Muscle growth can be achieved by either an increase in muscle fibre number or an increase in the size of individual myofibres, or a combination of both. Where myofibre hypertrophy during growth requires the addition of new myonuclei, these are supplied by muscle satellite cells, the resident stem cells of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The regulation of ovarian steroidogenesis in vitro by coho salmon FSH and LH was investigated in intact coho salmon follicles and isolated follicular layers at various stages of oocyte maturation, from late vitellogenesis until the completion of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). In granulosa layers from all stages, LH, but not FSH, stimulated 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17, 20beta-P) production. In theca-interstitial layers from all stages, FSH and LH stimulated steroid production, LH being more potent than FSH. The basal steroid output of intact follicles was significantly lower than that of isolated follicular layers, and their response to FSH and LH also differed. First, the intact follicles produced 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone in response to FSH during the central germinal vesicle stage while theca-interstitial layers did not. Second, estradiol-17beta production was not inhibited by LH during final oocyte maturation in intact follicles, as observed for granulosa layers. Our results indicate that LH is the determining factor regulating the production of the maturation-inducing steroid, 17,20beta-P, and the induction of GVBD in the salmonid ovary. In summary, we have provided evidence for maturation-associated changes in the effects of FSH and LH in the salmonid ovary, which further supports the hypothesis that FSH and LH have distinct functions in the teleost ovary.  相似文献   

Pituitary growth hormone (GH) is present in early pregnancy in the fetal circulation. The concentrations are higher than ever found during life, due to an unrestrained, basal secretion. GH receptors develop around midpregnancy, when they are present in low concentrations, and there is a rapid increase during the first months of life. The function of fetal GH - characterized by a nearly complete GH resistance - is largely unclear: there is only a small effect on longitudinal growth, and the regulation of growth factors is independent of GH. Possibly, metabolic effects of GH on fat and glucose metabolism and body composition are of greater importance. During the first months of life, the rapid fetal (GH-independent, nutrition-dependent) growth decelerates, a process that is partly compensated by the onset of GH-dependent longitudinal growth.  相似文献   

63 non-obese healthy subjects aged 18 to 95 years were investigated for age-dependence of GHRH-stimulated GH-secretion. In addition, priming of GH-secretion with three oral doses of propranolol (3 x 80 mg, the last dose 2 hours prior to the second GHRH-bolus) was carried out in 15 subjects below 40 years and 13 subjects older than 70 years. We found that mean maximal incremental GH-levels were inversely correlated with chronological age (r = -0.44, P = 0.001) of the probands. Propranolol premedication caused a significant rise of both basal and peak GHRH-induced relative increases in all subjects tested, whereas GHRH-induced relative increases of GH remained unchanged. In a well selected group of non-obese healthy subjects stimulated GH-secretion is found to undergo an aging process that is supposed to be of pituitary and suprapituitary origin. Priming GH-secretion with a beta-Blocker is possible both in young and very old healthy subjects and is likely to affect the basal GH secretory tone and not GHRH-stimulated GH-secretion.  相似文献   

A series of experiments have been carried out to determine whether follicles secrete factors able to affect the growth and development of other, like-sized follicles. Late preantral mouse ovarian follicles were either cocultured or cultured in media conditioned by previously cultured follicles. In particular, the experiments examined whether follicles do secrete such factors, whether the level of FSH in the culture media can affect that process, and what the nature of such secretory factor(s) might be. First, pairs of follicles were cocultured across a polycarbonate membrane containing pores. This showed that communication between the follicles resulted in the stimulation of growth and that the stimulation was due, at least in part, to the production of secretory factor(s). In subsequent experiments, follicles were cultured in media that had been preconditioned by previously cultured follicles. The concentration of FSH in the cultures determined the effect of the conditioned media: conditioned media was stimulatory to follicle growth when levels of FSH remained high throughout the culture, but inhibitory when FSH levels were dropped midway through the cultures. Heat inactivation removed this inhibitory effect, showing that the factor was likely to be a protein; addition of follistatin to the conditioned media did not alter its effect, indicating that the factor was unlikely to be activin. We have shown through a series of culture experiments that mouse follicles secrete factor(s) that can affect the development of other like-sized follicles when cultured from the late preantral to Graafian stages. Furthermore, we have shown that the effect (or production) of such factors is dependent on the FSH environment of the follicles.  相似文献   

The facial region of the developing rat is surrounded by seven highly innervated hair follicle groups, of which the lateral tactile hairs have an invariant position between the palpebral fissures and the developing external ears. In this study, we tested the ability of triiodothyronine (T3) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) to alter the direction of lateral tactile hair growth in neonatal rats. To quantitate this effect, we measured the angular displacement of the lateral hairs from the sagittal plane in photomicrographs of 36 six-day-old littermate Sprague-Dawley rats treated on postnatal days 0-5 with saline, T3 (100 ng/g body weight), or EGF 500 ng/g body weight. Midline angular displacements were as follows: control, 45.8 degrees +/- 1.7; T3, 40.9 degrees +/- 1.7; EGF, 59.8 degrees = 2.1; mean +/- SEM, P less than .05 versus controls for T3 and EGF. In addition, the timing of specific topological events of craniofacial development, ie, incisor eruption, ear canal opening, and eyelid unfusion, was compared for the various treatment groups. Thus, at the dosages tested, 1) both hormones accelerate incisor eruption (T3 greater than EGF), 2) EGF is a much more potent accelerator of palpebral morphogenesis than T3, 3) EGF retards while T3 accelerates external ear development, and 4) both hormones elicit a comparable degree of somatic growth retardation. These data provide quantitative evidence in the neonatal rat of differences as well as similarities between two powerful craniofacial morphogens.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test effects of prenatal and postnatal fraternity size (size of litter in which an individual develops prenatally or is reared postnatally) on ovarian development in mice. Fraternity size treatments were created by standardizing sizes of prenatal and postnatal fraternities in which mice were gestated and reared. Prenatal fraternity size was standardized by surgery on Day 9 of gestation to 6, 10, and 14 fetuses. Postnatal fraternity size was standardized by randomly assigning pups to litters of 5, 10, or 15 pups within 24 h of birth. Female pups were killed at either 3 or 20 wk of age and right ovaries were prepared for histology. Follicles were classified by size and morphology, and numbers of follicles in each class were tabulated. Interaction of postnatal fraternity size and age was observed for number of antral follicles (p less than 0.05). Mice reared in small postnatal fraternities had more antral follicles at weaning (3 wk) and fewer antral follicles at maturity (20 wk of age) than mice reared in large postnatal fraternities. No effect of either prenatal or postnatal fraternity size on other follicle populations was observed (p greater than 0.20). Numbers of Type 2 (primordial), Type 3a, and Type 3b follicles changed with age (p less than 0.01); numbers of primordial follicles declined with age, but numbers of Type 3a and 3b follicles increased. A hypothesis of a negative association between postnatal fraternity size and number of antral follicles at 3 wk of age was supported, but a hypothesis of a positive association between fraternity size and number of primordial follicles was not supported.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of periodic cooling during the establishment of a functional pituitary-thyroid axis at days 11-14 of incubation and at other developmental stages, on the subsequent thyroid hormone response to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). In the first and second experiment chick embryos were cooled for 6 hr/day to 30 degrees C from day 11 till 14 and from day 15 till 18 respectively, whereas control groups were incubated throughout at 37.8 degrees C. In both experiments the thyroxine (T4) response upon TRH in 19 day-old embryos was higher in the previously cold treated embryos, according to the percentages of increase. However, the higher T4 response in the cold treated animals disappeared in 1 or 7 day-old chicks hatched from the 2nd experiment, but remained present in chicks of the same ages in the 1st experiment. In a third experiment the T4 response to TRH injection immediately and 3 and 8 days after a temperature treatment (25 degrees C or 12 degrees C) for one week on four weeks old broiler chickens was found to be similar in both temperature groups. In all experiments there was a concomitant triiodothyronine (T3) increase after TRH injection, but differences between experimental groups were observed at days 15 and 19 of incubation and immediately after the postnatal temperature treatment. As an overall conclusion the results indicate that cold treatment only during the establishment of the hypothalamo-hypophysial control of thyroid function can have a long lasting effect by enhancing the T4 response to TRH injection.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2009,81(1-3):28-32
Pneumonia is responsible for important economical losses in the sheep industry in Spain and many other sheep-rearing countries, being the main cause of lamb death, and of losses due to condemnations in abattoirs and of drug costs. This respiratory syndrome is a complex disease involving the relationship between host and environment. The present study analyses the influence of environmental factors on the development of pneumonia in lambs. Statistically significant correlations were found between pneumonia as a cause of lamb death and climatic factors such as rainfall, humidity and intensity and direction of wind. The type of farm building was also an important factor to take into account in order to improve the prevention of pneumonia in lambs. Moreover, the age of the lambs was seen to be a significant item in the study of pneumonia. Respiratory pathology increased from 23 days of age. This fact permits the implementation of measures from birth to 23 days with a view to reducing pneumonia and its negative influence on lamb production. The paper discusses the practical implications of these findings for sheep production.  相似文献   

Pneumonia is responsible for important economical losses in the sheep industry in Spain and many other sheep-rearing countries, being the main cause of lamb death, and of losses due to condemnations in abattoirs and of drug costs. This respiratory syndrome is a complex disease involving the relationship between host and environment. The present study analyses the influence of environmental factors on the development of pneumonia in lambs. Statistically significant correlations were found between pneumonia as a cause of lamb death and climatic factors such as rainfall, humidity and intensity and direction of wind. The type of farm building was also an important factor to take into account in order to improve the prevention of pneumonia in lambs. Moreover, the age of the lambs was seen to be a significant item in the study of pneumonia. Respiratory pathology increased from 23 days of age. This fact permits the implementation of measures from birth to 23 days with a view to reducing pneumonia and its negative influence on lamb production. The paper discusses the practical implications of these findings for sheep production.  相似文献   

During development, elimination of excess cells through programmed cell death (PCD) is essential for the establishment and maintenance of the nervous system. In many brain regions, development and major histogenesis continue beyond postnatal stages, and therefore, signs of neurogenesis and PCD are frequently observed in these postnatal brain regions. Furthermore, some brain regions maintain neurogenic potential throughout life, and continuous genesis and PCD play critical roles in sculpting these adult neural circuits. Although similar regulatory mechanisms that control PCD during development appear to also control PCD in the adult brain, adult-generated neurons must integrate into mature neural circuits for their survival. This novel requirement appears to result in unique features of PCD in the adult brain. In this article, we summarize recent findings related to PCD in the early postnatal and adult brain in rodents.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) in controlling postnatal growth, we performed a comparative analysis of dwarfing phenotypes manifested in mouse mutants lacking GH receptor, IGF1, or both. This genetic study has provided conclusive evidence demonstrating that GH and IGF1 promote postnatal growth by both independent and common functions, as the growth retardation of double Ghr/Igf1 nullizygotes is more severe than that observed with either class of single mutant. In fact, the body weight of these double-mutant mice is only approximately 17% of normal and, in absolute magnitude ( approximately 5 g), only twice that of the smallest known mammal. Thus, the growth control pathway in which the components of the GH/IGF1 signaling systems participate constitutes the major determinant of body size. To complement this conclusion mainly based on extensive growth curve analyses, we also present details concerning the involvement of the GH/IGF1 axis in linear growth derived by a developmental study of long bone ossification in the mutants.  相似文献   

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