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Numerous animals are known to harbour intracytoplasmic symbionts that gain transmission to a new host generation via female eggs and not male sperm. Bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are a typical example. They infect a large range of arthropod species and manipulate host reproduction in several ways. In terrestrial isopods (woodlice), Wolbachia are responsible for converting males into females (feminization (F)) in some species, or for infertility in certain host crosses in other species (cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI)). Wolbachia with the F phenotype impose a strong excess of females on their host populations, while Wolbachia expressing CI do not. Here, we test the possibility that male mating capacity (MC) is correlated with Wolbachia-induced phenotype. We show that males of isopod hosts harbouring F Wolbachia possess a strong MC (i.e. are able to mate with several females in a short time), while those of species harbouring CI Wolbachia possess a weaker MC. This pattern may be explained either by the selection of high MC following the increase in female-biased sex ratios, or because the F phenotype would lead to population extinction in species where MC is not sufficiently high. This last hypotheses is nevertheless more constrained by population structure.  相似文献   

Using the 2002 All-Russian population census data, the parameters of differential fertility as a component of natural selection (Crow??s indices) have been calculated for women of seven age cohorts of the seven most numerous ethnic groups of the Republic of Dagestan. It has been shown that in the population of Dagestan in the second half of the 20th century the intensities of two types of selection tended to decrease, viz., intragroup selection relaxed in each ethnic group due to considerable reduction of interfamily variance in fertility and intergroup selection relaxed due to reduction of interethnic differences in fertility. A reduction of the average number of offspring (k) was observed in all ethnic groups, suggesting the spread of birth regulation practices (abortion and contraception). Nevertheless, all Muslim groups (aboriginal Dagestan ethnic groups and Azerbaijanis) are still characterized by an extended pattern of reproduction (2.7 < k < 3.3); in Russians k = 2.1. Interethnic differentials in natural reproduction rates, along with migration processes, account for the dynamics of the ethnic composition and gene-pool structure of the population of the Republic of Dagestan.  相似文献   

Synthetic molecules of the glitazone family are currently used in the treatment of type II diabetes. Glitazones also improve secondary pathologies that are frequently associated with insulin resistance such as the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Glitazones bind to the peroxysome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), a nuclear receptor which is highly expressed in adipose tissue. PPARgamma also binds natural ligands such as long-chain fatty acids. Recently, several groups have shown that PPARgamma is also highly expressed in ovarian granulosa cells, and that glitazones are able to modulate in vitro granulosa cell proliferation and steroidogenesis in several species. These recent data raise new questions concerning the underlying mechanism of the effect of glitazones on PCOS. One might hypothesize, as for other < glucophage > molecules such as metformin, that it is the general improvement of glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity by glitazones which indirectly, and via an unknown mechanism, ameliorates ovarian functionality. The data discussed here suggest now an alternative possibility, that glitazones act directly at the ovarian level. Moreover, PPARgamma also seems to play a key role in the maturation of the placenta. In particular, inactivation of PPARgamma in mice is lethal, since the foetus is unable to develop because of alterations of placental maturation. In women, the activation of PPARgamma in placenta leads to an increase of placental hormone secretion. Overall, these results raise some questions about the role of natural ligands of PPARgamma such as long chain fatty acids on female fertility and the interactions between energy metabolism and reproduction in general.  相似文献   

Nuptial feeding by male bushcrickets: an indicator of male quality?   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Male bushcrickets transfer a spermatophore at mating that consistsof a sperm-containing ampulla and a product of the accessoryglands, the spermatophylax, that is consumed by the female duringinsemination. Male Requena verticalis produce functionally differentspermatophores depending on the availability of sexually receptivefemales. They will maintain high mating frequency by providinga gift sufficient to ensure sperm transfer, or will invest parentallyin females when their mating frequency is low. We examined therelationship between male quality and nuptial feeding underconditions where males invest in ejaculate protection or inparental investment. When investing in ejaculate protection,males reduced the quality of the spermatophylax meal by reducingboth the concentration of protein and the absolute amount ofprotein it contained. There was no relationship between malephenotype and gift size or quality. Moreover, we could findno evidence for the recently advanced hypothesis that femalescan exercise mate choice by interfering with insemination. However,when males were investing parentally, we found a positive associationbetween spermatophylax size and male size, but no relationshipbetween protein content and male size. Males with high levels offluctuating asymmetry invested more heavily in the nutritionalcontent of their spermatophylaxes than did symmetrical males.Thus, male quality does influence nuptial feeding, but in amanner predicted by a model of indirect fitness benefits frommate choice.  相似文献   

Genetic-demographic parameters of natural reproduction in the most numerous ethnic groups of Moscow and St. Petersburg were assessed on the basis of the 2002 All-Russia Population Census data and other sources. The intensity of intragroup selection due to individual differences in fertility in the cohorts of women born in the 1930s–1950s decreased in all ethnic groups studied. It was concluded that, in both megacities, the relaxation of the selection component due to differential fertility almost stopped: the values of the Crow’s index If stabilized at 0.3 < If < 0.4, which was associated with relative stabilization of the interfamily variance of fertility. The temporal dynamics of the intensity of intergroup selection due to interethnic differences in fertility rates was more complex. It was only recently that this type of selection came into action, since even at the beginning of the 20th century fertility rates in various ethno-territorial and ethno-confessional groups of the population of the Russian Empire were similar (5–6 offspring per marriage). In the subsequent decades, interethnic differentiation in progeny size increased because the reproductive behavior of different population groups underwent “modernization” with uneven speed. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the intensity of intergroup selection decreased in women birth cohorts of the 1930s–1950s, while it was an order of magnitude lower than the intragroup selection. Currently, the average number of offspring varies among ethnic groups in a narrow range from 1.3 to 1.6. It can be expected that interethnic differences in fertility rates in these megacities will increase again owing to growing numbers of migrants from regions with traditionally high birth rates, resulting in differential natural growth of ethnic groups and the corresponding dynamics of the gene pool of the population.  相似文献   

Is there an optimal number of helpers in Alpine marmot family groups?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The consequence of helping behavior on breeders fitness is stillcontroversial. We used multivariate analyses to investigatefor the effects of male and female subordinates on breeders'components of fitness in the Alpine marmot, Marmota marmota.We found that male and female subordinates, respectively, increasedand decreased juvenile survival during winter. Thus, we giveevidence that male subordinates should be considered as helpers,and that helpers provided breeders with immediate reproductivesuccess gains, whereas subordinates females were costly. Helpershad no positive effects on female body condition, on persistence(future survival) of dominants, and on future reproduction (occurrenceand size of a litter). Helpers thus did not provide breederswith delayed fitness benefits, and therfore, the load-lighteninghypothesis was not supported. On the contrary, helpers had delayedfitness cost for dominant males and, consequently, for dominantfemales. Immediate benefits counterbalanced by delayed costssuggested an optimal number of helpers in the family group bothfrom male and female perspectives. An optimality model wellpredicted the observed mean number of helpers in Alpine marmotfamily groups. Optimal numbers of helpers were slightly differentfor males and females, suggesting a potential conflict of interestbetween dominants. We finally discuss the possible mechanismsof helping that may explain the observed pattern in the Alpinemarmot.  相似文献   

Male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) often cooperate with their neighbours in defending nests against predators. Some studies have suggested that this is an example of by-product mutualism, whereas others have suggested the possibility of reciprocal altruism. No study has addressed the possibility of kin-selected cooperation in nest defence in this species. Reciprocal altruism, kin selection and by-product mutualism are not mutually exclusive alternatives, but few studies of territorial neighbours have tested for multiple mechanisms simultaneously. We test for these three possibilities in a population of red-winged blackbirds. We used simulated defections to test for reciprocal altruism. We used analysis of microsatellite loci to test for kin selection between adult male neighbours. We also used microsatellite loci to test for by-product mutualism resulting from nest defence of offspring sired on neighbouring territories. We found that male red-winged blackbirds cooperate in nest defence primarily as a form of reciprocal altruism. Experimental males reduced their level of nest defence relative to controls following simulated defection by a neighbour. In contrast to some earlier studies, we found no evidence for by-product mutualism: males did not defend nests where they had sired extra-pair offspring. We also found no evidence for kin selection: males were no more cooperative with more closely related neighbours. Considered alongside the results from other studies, our study suggests that mechanisms stabilizing cooperation in red-winged blackbirds may vary among populations.  相似文献   

BackgroundExtensins are plant cell wall hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins known to be involved in cell wall reinforcement in higher plants, and in defence against pathogen attacks. The ability of extensins to form intra- and intermolecular cross-links is directly related to their role in cell wall reinforcement. Formation of such cross-links requires appropriate glycosylation and structural conformation of the glycoprotein.ScopeAlthough the role of cell wall components in plant defence has drawn increasing interest over recent years, relatively little focus has been dedicated to extensins. Nevertheless, new insights were recently provided regarding the structure and the role of extensins and their glycosylation in plant–microbe interactions, stimulating an interesting debate from fellow cell wall community experts. We have previously revealed a distinct distribution of extensin epitopes in Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type roots and in mutants impaired in extensin arabinosylation, in response to elicitation with flagellin 22. That study was recently debated in a Commentary by Tan and Mort (Tan L, Mort A. 2020. Extensins at the front line of plant defence. A commentary on: ‘Extensin arabinosylation is involved in root response to elicitors and limits oomycete colonization’. Annals of Botany 125: vii–viii) and several points regarding our results were discussed. As a response, we herein clarify the points raised by Tan and Mort, and update the possible epitope structure recognized by the anti-extensin monoclonal antibodies. We also provide additional data showing differential distribution of LM1 extensin epitopes in roots between a mutant defective in PEROXIDASES 33 and 34 and the wild type, similarly to previous observations from the rra2 mutant defective in extensin arabinosylation. We propose these two peroxidases as potential candidates to specifically catalyse the cross-linking of extensins within the cell wall.ConclusionsExtensins play a major role within the cell wall to ensure root protection. The cross-linking of extensins, which requires correct glycosylation and specific peroxidases, is most likely to result in modulation of cell wall architecture that allows enhanced protection of root cells against invading pathogens. Study of the relationship between extensin glycosylation and their cross-linking is a very promising approach to further understand how the cell wall influences root immunity.  相似文献   

The banded mongoose, Mungos mungo, is a social species that forms multimale and multifemale family groups. Earlier studies suggest these family groups are relatively egalitarian with small differences in reproductive opportunities among individuals of different rank. In contrast, previous studies of other social mongooses have focused on species with more despotic control of reproduction (meerkats, Suricata suricatta, dwarf mongooses, Helogale parvula). In these species, the distribution of reproductive opportunities amongst individuals of different rank has met the predictions of reproductive skew theory: dominant individuals accrue greater reproductive benefits than subordinates, with subordinates breeding less often than dominants. In this paper we test how well two predictions of reproductive skew theory explain variance in measures of reproductive effort, and its correlates, in a wild population of banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. We measure dominance rank in males and females, and we investigate whether individuals of higher social rank accrue greater benefits than subordinates in terms of survival and reproduction. Banded mongoose dominance hierarchies showed linearity, but low reproductive skew. Rank was not significantly correlated with age. Furthermore, there were only small effects of dominance rank on nutritional levels, and no effects on reproduction and survival, suggesting that banded mongoose societies are indeed relatively egalitarian. No evidence of reproductive suppression was found and other forms of reproductive control were not observed. However, we do not exclude the possibility of increased reproductive competition in circumstances of higher ecological constraints. These findings show that reproductive skew theory is equally useful in explaining variation in reproduction in societies with low reproductive skew, as it is in explaining the allocation of reproductive effort in despotic social systems. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Optimal defence theory (ODT) attempts to explain variation in plant secondary compounds between different species, different growth conditions and different parts of individual plants. The theory is widely applied to vascular plants and more recently also to seaweeds. Surprisingly, ODT has gained little attention as potential explanation on the distribution of lichen secondary metabolites. In the present study, we analysed intrathalline variation in total phenol content and phenol spectra between reproductive and somatic structures of three foliose lichens, Xanthoria parietina , Vulpicida pinastri and Hypogymnia physodes . The results showed that the concentration of phenolic compounds is higher in sorediate than in non-sorediate lobe ends of V. pinastri and H. physodes as well as in apothecia of X. parietina compared to other parts of the thallus. These results were in accordance with ODT predicting higher allocation of phenols in structures that are most important for the fitness of an individual genet or ramet. This pattern was parallel in all species regardless whether the compounds originate from either acetate-mevalonate or shikimic acid pathways. Moreover, both sexual ( X. parietina apothecia) and asexual (soralia of V. pinastri and H. physodes ) reproductive structures were higher in phenols compared to somatic tissue.  相似文献   

The rate of mutation for nucleotide substitution is generally higher among males than among females, likely owing to the larger number of DNA replications in spermatogenesis than in oogenesis. For insertion and deletion (indel) mutations, data from a few human genetic disease loci indicate that the two sexes may mutate at similar rates, possibly because such mutations arise in connection with meiotic crossing over. To address origin- and sex-specific rates of indel mutation we have conducted the first large-scale molecular evolutionary analysis of indels in noncoding DNA sequences from sex chromosomes. The rates are similar on the X and Y chromosomes of primates but about twice as high on the avian Z chromosome as on the W chromosome. The fact that indels are not uncommon on the nonrecombining Y and W chromosomes excludes meiotic crossing over as the main cause of indel mutation. On the other hand, the similar rates on X and Y indicate that the number of DNA replications (higher for Y than for X) is also not the main factor. Our observations are therefore consistent with a role of both DNA replication and recombination in the generation of short insertion and deletion mutations. A significant excess of deletion compared to insertion events is observed on the avian W chromosome, consistent with gradual DNA loss on a nonrecombining chromosome.  相似文献   

The Dahomey Gap, a strip of forest-savanna mosaic that interrupts the lowland rainforests of West Africa, is supposed to have acted as a natural barrier to the distribution of forest-dwelling mammals. However, few thorough mammal surveys have been conducted in this region. This study intended to gather distributional data and help clarify the distribution limits of diurnal primates occurring within this 'Gap'. Southern Togo and Bénin were surveyed between June and November 2003. The surveys consisted of interviews with hunters and guards from parks and reserves, and walking surveys of forests. As a result, seven diurnal primate species are listed for Togo and Bénin.  相似文献   

Donchin A 《Bioethics》2011,25(2):92-101
This paper interprets the British legislative process that initiated the first comprehensive national regulation of embryo research and fertility services and examines subsequent efforts to restrain the assisted reproduction industry. After describing and evaluating British regulatory measures, I consider successive failures to control the assisted reproduction industry in the US. I discuss disparities between UK and US regulatory initiatives and their bearing on regulation in other countries. Then I turn to the political and social structures in which the assisted reproduction industry is embedded. I argue that regulatory bodies are seldom neutral arbiters. They tend to respond most readily to special interests and neglect strategies that could more effectively meet the health needs of the people they represent. Neither national nor international bodies have aggressively pursued policies to harness the industry, reduce infertility rates, or meet the needs of people whose fertility is threatened by substandard healthcare and environmental neglect. In conclusion, I consider recent initiatives by activist groups to mount an alternative response to the industry's current practices and build a transnational reproductive justice movement.  相似文献   


Two populations of the conspicuous, semi-sessile medusae of the rhizostome genus Cassiopea, both morphologically similar to Cassiopea andromeda from the Red Sea and Indopacific, were recently studied on Oahu (Hawai'i), one from a sheltered saltwater pond (the Hilton Lagoon) next to Ala Wai Harbor, Honolulu, and the second from the canals of a fish farm near Kahuku on NE Oahu. Gonad differentiation, checked in 1998, and again in 1999 and 2000, was unexpectedly different in medusae from these two locations. Contrary to all earlier reports and personal observations of strict gonochorism in C. andromeda, the majority of the Hilton Lagoon medusae collected in 1998 were hermaphroditic with female and male parts intermingling in the gonads. This is an exceptional case in scyphozoans. However, this hermaphroditic condition, which was observed again in 1999, was not stable over time. All six medusae taken from the same lagoon in 2000 were distinctly gonochoristic; four were males, and two were females brooding egg masses on the oral disk. Planula larvae hatching in the laboratory were successfully reared to the scyphopolyp stage. By contrast, medusae sampled from the population were all males in 1998, 1999, and 2000. Polyps were found abundantly on dark, deteriorating leaves of the Red Mangrove, occasionally on other plant remnants, and on discarded plastic materials in the canals. The polyps propagated asexually both by strobilation of ephyrae and by production of motile, larva-like buds that settled to form additional polyps. We speculate on a clonal origin of this male population. Asexually formed propagules were induced to form polyps by exposure to either the peptide Z-GPGGPA or biogenic substrata as has been shown before in other Cassiopea species. The serine/threonine protein phosphatase inhibitor cantharidin stimulated bud development too, but interfered strongly with pattern formation, polarity, and the sequence and timing of morphogenetic events. It did not induce typical bud-to-polyp metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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