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The homology of the fifth metatarsal in turtles and in diapsid reptiles is reassessed in the light of new phylogenetic studies. The two nearest outgroups to turtles — pareiasaurs and procolophonoids — both lack a fifth distal tarsal but retain a normal fifth metatarsal. The fifth distal tarsal was therefore lost at the base of the clade that contains turtles. Thus, the hooked fifth metatarsal in turtles must consist entirely of a modified fifth metatarsal: it does not include contributions from the fifth distal tarsal, as commonly supposed. In diapsids, loss of the fifth distal tarsal appears to have occurred at the base of crown-clade diapsids, hooking of the fifth metatarsal subsequently occurring within lepidosauromorphs, and in archosauromorphs. If so, the hooked fifth metatarsal in archosauromorphs, and some lepidosauromorphs, consists entirely of a modified fifth metatarsal. In both turtles and diapsids, integration of the elements distal to the mesotarsal joint precedes evolution of the hooked fifth metatarsal, supporting the view that the latter element evolved to perform a lever function (analogous to the “heel bone” of mammals).  相似文献   

The leg muscle fibularis tertius (formerly peroneus tertius) is occasionally absent in humans, but it is rarely found in other primates. Phylogenetically and functionally it appears to be linked to efficient terrestrial bipedalism. An osseous indicator of the muscle would therefore be useful for interpreting the locomotor behavior of fossil hominids. To determine whether the presence of fibularis tertius can be detected osteologically, we isolated 58 human fifth metatarsals, noting which came from cadavers lacking the muscle. The bones were then ranked according to two characters that have been said to suggest presence of fibularis tertius in australopithecines: (1) sharpness of the dorsal shaft edge and (2) size and prominence of the dorsal tubercle. Presence of the muscle showed little association with the ranked characters, and the two criteria were uncorrelated. For example, one individual lacking a fibularis tertius exhibited nearly maximal expression of both features, whereas another possessing the muscle showed the weakest development of both. Only one of the 58 bones had a line comparable to that seen on SK 33380, a robust australopithecine fifth metatarsal from Member 3 of Swartkrans, South Africa. We conclude that fifth metatarsal morphology offers little reliable information about the presence of fibularis tertius or the timing of its appearance in the human career.  相似文献   

本文通过量化方法,对桃花园墓地明清时期101例女性足骨形变方式、程度、对称性等进行了系统分析。研究结果表明,双侧足骨形变总体上是对称的。缠足对跗骨的影响主要在于整体尺寸缩小和关节面改变。第1跖骨除整体尺寸缩小外,还存在诸多明显的骨体形态改变;第2、3跖骨头部和底部尺寸缩小,但形变不大。第3至第5近节趾骨骨体长度和高度的侧别差异明显,特别是第3近节趾骨双侧整体不对称。该群体至少在18岁时已经缠足,25岁以后足骨已发生形变,35岁之后形变较明显。部分个体足骨形变程度较轻,其生前可能仅束足纤直,未经裹弯。足骨形变程度与陪葬品多寡并无相关性,其形变差异很可能与身体疾病、劳作需要、缠足方法或缠足观念差异有关。  相似文献   

Therapeutic footwear is frequently prescribed in cases of rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes to relieve or redistribute high plantar pressures in the region of the metatarsal heads. Few guidelines exist as to how these interventions should be designed and what effect such interventions actually have on the plantar pressure distribution. Finite element analysis has the potential to assist in the design process by refining a given intervention or identifying an optimal intervention without having to actually build and test each condition. However, complete and detailed foot models based on medical image segmentation have proven time consuming to build and computationally expensive to solve, hindering their utility in practice. Therefore, the goal of the current work was to determine if a simplified patient-specific model could be used to assist in the design of foot orthoses to reduce the plantar pressure in the metatarsal head region. The approach is illustrated by a case study of a diabetic patient experiencing high pressures and pain over the fifth metatarsal head. The simple foot model was initially calibrated by adjusting the individual loads on the metatarsals to approximate measured peak plantar pressure distributions in the barefoot condition to within 3%. This loading was used in various shod conditions to identify an effective orthosis. Model results for metatarsal pads were considerably higher than measured values but predictions for uniform surfaces were generally within 16% of measured values. The approach enabled virtual prototyping of the orthoses, identifying the most favorable approach to redistribute the patient’s plantar pressures.  相似文献   

The existence of vestigial structures is one of the main lines of evidence for macroevolution. Here I introduce a phylogenetic bracketing approach to the identification of vestigial structures and apply it to Dinosauria. According to this approach, a structure is considered vestigial if, in comparison with its homolog in at least three successive outgroups, it is reduced to one-third or less its size relative to adjacent structures and if at least distally it has lost the specialized morphology present in the three outgroups. This approach identifies fingers IV and V as vestigial in dinosaurs in general, II–V in sauropods, III in Tyrannosauridae and Caudipteryx , II and III in Shuvuuia and I and III in modern birds. The entire forelimb distal to the elbow is vestigial in Abelisauridae. Vestigial parts of the pelvic girdle and hindlimb include the pubic shaft in Iguanodontia and Ceratopsia, the entire pubis in Ankylosauria, the first metatarsal in derived Iguanodontia, the first metatarsal shaft in Theropoda and the fifth toe in dinosaurs in general. Derived Centrosaurinae and some Chasmosaurus exhibit vestigial supraorbital horns. Some centrosaurines have a vestigial nasal horn. The antorbital cavity is vestigial in Thyreophora, Iguanodontia and Ceratopsidae. I recommend that this information be exploited to increase public awareness of the evidence for macroevolution.  相似文献   

Olduvai Hominid 8 (OH 8), an articulating set of fossil hominin tarsal and metatarsal bones, is critical to interpretations of the evolution of hominin pedal morphology and bipedal locomotion. It has been suggested that OH 8 may represent the foot of a subadult and may be associated with the OH 7 mandible, the type specimen of Homo habilis. This assertion is based on the presence of what may be unfused distal metatarsal epiphyses. Accurately assessing the skeletal maturity of the OH 8 foot is important for interpretations of the functional morphology and locomotor behavior of Plio-Pleistocene hominins. In this study, we compare metatarsal fusion patterns and internal bone morphology of the lateral metatarsals among subadult hominines (85 modern humans, 48 Pan, and 25 Gorilla) to assess the likelihood that OH 8 belonged to either an adult or subadult hominin. Our results suggest that if OH 8 is indeed from a subadult, then it displays a metatarsal developmental pattern that is unobserved in our comparative sample. In OH 8, the fully fused base of the first metatarsal and the presence of trabecular bone at the distal ends of the second and third metatarsal shafts make it highly improbable that it belonged to a subadult, let alone a subadult that matches the developmental age of the OH 7 mandible. In total, the results of this study suggest that the OH 8 foot most likely belonged to an adult hominin.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new way to use metatarsals to identify locomotor behavior of fossil hominins. Metatarsal head articular dimensions and diaphyseal strength in a sample of chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and humans (n = 76) are used to explore the relationships of these parameters with different locomotor modes. Results show that ratios between metatarsal head articular proportions and diaphyseal strength of the hallucal and fifth metatarsal discriminate among extant great apes and humans based on their different locomotor modes. In particular, the hallucal and fifth metatarsal characteristics of humans are functionally related to the different ranges of motion and load patterns during stance phase in the forefoot of humans in bipedal locomotion. This method may be applicable to isolated fossil hominin metatarsals to provide new information relevant to debates regarding the evolution of human bipedal locomotion. The second to fourth metatarsals are not useful in distinguishing among hominoids. Further studies should concentrate on measuring other important qualitative and quantitative differences in the shape of the metatarsal head of hominoids that are not reflected in simple geometric reconstructions of the articulation, and gathering more forefoot kinematic data on great apes to better understand differences in range of motion and loading patterns of the metatarsals. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:198–207, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

本文对山东枣庄市916人足放射片进行了足籽骨的观察与测量。发现每足有1-7个籽骨,其中二个者占77.8%,三个者占16.9%;籽骨位于跖骨头下方者占94.5%,位于趾间关节下方者占5.5%;各跖骨头籽骨出现率:Ⅰ占99.9%、Ⅱ占 2.2%、Ⅲ占0.3%、Ⅳ占0.5%、Ⅴ占6.4%;(足母)趾趾间关节籽骨占12.6%;二分及三分籽骨出现率占3.9%,明显低于欧美人。此外,本文认为籽骨是在先天籽骨原基基础上,加以后天运动的影响而形成。  相似文献   

The caves at Klasies River contain abundant archaeological evidence relating to human evolution in the late Pleistocene of southern Africa. Along with Middle Stone Age artifacts, animal bones, and other food waste, there are hominin cranial fragments, mandibles with teeth, and a few postcranial remains. Three foot bones can now be added to this inventory. An adult first metatarsal is similar in size and discrete anatomical features to those from Holocene burials in the Cape Province. A complete and well-preserved second metatarsal is especially long and heavy at midshaft in comparison to all Holocene and more recent South African homologues. A large fifth metatarsal is highly distinctive in its morphology. In overall size, these pedal elements resemble specimens from late Pleistocene sites in western Asia, but there are some differences in proportions. The fossils support earlier suggestions concerning a relatively high level of sexual dimorphism in the African Middle Stone Age population. Squatting facets on the two lateral metatarsals appear to indicate a high frequency of kneeling among members of this group. The new postcranial material also underlines the fact that the morphology of particular skeletal elements of some of the 100,000-year-old Klasies River individuals falls outside the range of modern variation.  相似文献   

In pig production, piglets are tail docked at birth in order to prevent tail biting later in life. In order to examine the effects of tail docking and docking length on the formation of neuromas, we used 65 pigs and the following four treatments: intact tails (n=18); leaving 75% (n=17); leaving 50% (n=19); or leaving 25% (n=11) of the tail length on the pigs. The piglets were docked between day 2 and 4 after birth using a gas-heated apparatus, and were kept under conventional conditions until slaughter at 22 weeks of age, where tails were removed and examined macroscopically and histologically. The tail lengths and diameters differed at slaughter (lengths: 30.6±0.6; 24.9±0.4; 19.8±0.6; 8.7±0.6 cm; P<0.001; tail diameter: 0.5±0.03; 0.8±0.02; 1.0±0.03; 1.4±0.04 cm; P<0.001, respectively). Docking resulted in a higher proportion of tails with neuromas (64 v. 0%; P<0.001), number of neuromas per tail (1.0±0.2 v. 0; P<0.001) and size of neuromas (1023±592 v. 0 μm; P<0.001). The results show that tail docking piglets using hot-iron cautery causes formation of neuromas in the outermost part of the tail tip. The presence of neuromas might lead to altered nociceptive thresholds, which need to be confirmed in future studies.  相似文献   

In a study conducted in four family practice units in Toronto, Canada, 2001 subjects reported on snoring and medical conditions in members of their households. For spouses the prevalence of snoring increased with age up to the seventh decade, with a higher prevalence of nearly 85% in husbands. For 11 medical problems an association existed between snoring, its frequency, and the presence of the condition. This association continued when the data were corrected for sex, age, and marital state. For hypertension both men and women who snored between the fifth and 10th decades had a twofold increase over non-snorers. The prevalence of heart disease and other conditions, except for diabetes and asthma, also increased in snorers in this age group. When corrected for smoking and obesity the association between snoring, hypertension, and heart disease persisted. These findings extend those of Lugaresi et al, and if they could be confirmed snoring as a risk factor for conditions other than sleep apnoea and sleep disorders might be considered. Methods of alleviating the acoustic annoyance of snoring may also provide direct medical benefits.  相似文献   



Elevated aldosterone is associated with increased mortality in the general population. In patients on dialysis, however, the association is reversed. This paradox may be explained by volume overload, which is associated with lower aldosterone and higher mortality.


We evaluated the relationship between aldosterone and outcomes in a prospective cohort of 328 hemodialysis patients stratified by the presence or absence of volume overload (defined as extracellular water/total body water >48%, as measured with bioimpedance). Baseline plasma aldosterone was measured before dialysis and categorized as low (<140 pg/mL), middle (140 to 280 pg/mL) and high (>280 pg/mL).


Overall, 36% (n = 119) of the hemodialysis patients had evidence of volume overload. Baseline aldosterone was significantly lower in the presence of volume overload than in its absence. During a median follow-up of 54 months, 83 deaths and 70 cardiovascular events occurred. Cox multivariate analysis showed that by using the low aldosterone as the reference, high aldosterone was inversely associated with decreased hazard ratios for mortality (0.49; 95% confidence interval, 0.25–0.76) and first cardiovascular event (0.70; 95% confidence interval, 0.33−0.78) in the presence of volume overload. In contrast, high aldosterone was associated with an increased risk for mortality (1.97; 95% confidence interval, 1.69–3.75) and first cardiovascular event (2.01; 95% confidence interval, 1.28−4.15) in the absence of volume overload.


The inverse association of aldosterone with adverse outcomes in hemodialysis patients is due to the confounding effect of volume overload. These findings support treatment of hyperaldosteronemia in hemodialysis patients who have achieved strict volume control.  相似文献   

The present study represents the first comprehensive contribution to the knowledge of the skeletal development of a pleurodiran turtle, Phrynops hilarii (Pleurodira, Chelidae). The most remarkable features found are: (1) absence of ascending process on pterygoquadrate cartilage; (2) presence of ossification centres for the epiotics; (3) as in other pleurodirans, dorsal ribs IX and X are ‘sacralized’; (4) contact between ilium and carapace occurs later in ontogenetic development; (5) suture between ischia, pubes and plastron occurs in posthatching specimens; (6) contrary to previous interpretations, the phalangeal formula of the pes of Philarii is 2 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 5; (7) the hooked bone represents the fifth metatarsal.  相似文献   

The development of metatarsals in Allactaga tetradactyla, Jaculus jaculus jaculus and J. orientalis was studied and their taxonomic significance was elucidated. The five metatarsals, as a rule, are developed and ossified in the three species, but variation in the fate of the first and fifth metatarsals was found. Ossification begins in the median part of the metatarsals; however, it appears in the distal part of the digits’ phalanges, beginning with the third phalanx. The first metatarsal appears just distal to the entocuneiform and develops as a small, separate bone located either in close contact with the distal end of the entocuneiform in A. tetradactyla or completely fused with it, forming a compound bone, in both of J. j. jaculus and J. orientalis. The second, third and fourth metatarsals differentiate distal to the mesocuneiform, ectocuneiform and cuboid, respectively, and fuse with one another into a single long cannon bone in all species. Nevertheless, the fifth metatarsal differentiates ventro‐lateral to the head of the fourth metatarsal and ossifies ventral to the head process of the developing cannon bone. The fifth metatarsal either extends to articulate with the phalanges of the fourth digit in A. tetradactyla or persists as a separate, small bone in both of J. j. jaculus and J. orientalis. On this basis, it is concluded that J. jaculus and J. orientalis are both distinct congeneric species and are somewhat more distant from A. tetradactyla.  相似文献   

Fluid overload is one of the major presentations in patients with late stage chronic kidney disease (CKD). Diabetes is the leading cause of renal failure, and progression of diabetic nephropathy has been associated with changes in extracellular fluid volume. The aim of the study was to assess the association of fluid overload and diabetes in commencing dialysis and rapid renal function decline (the slope of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than -3 ml/min per 1.73 m2/y) in 472 patients with stages 4-5 CKD. Fluid status was determined by bioimpedance spectroscopy method, Body Composition Monitor. The study population was further classified into four groups according to the median of relative hydration status (△HS =fluid overload/extracellular water) and the presence or absence of diabetes. The median level of relative hydration status was 7%. Among all patients, 207(43.9 %) were diabetic. 71 (15.0%) subjects had commencing dialysis, and 187 (39.6%) subjects presented rapid renal function decline during a median 17.3-month follow-up. Patients with fluid overload had a significantly increased risk for commencing dialysis and renal function decline independent of the presence or absence of diabetes. No significantly increased risk for renal progression was found between diabetes and non-diabetes in late CKD without fluid overload. In conclusion, fluid overload has a higher predictive value of an elevated risk for renal progression than diabetes in late CKD.  相似文献   

We present a generalized beam theory in which deformation and load are determined simultaneously, in order to analyze statically indeterminant problems involving long bones. We regard a long bone as a beam curved in three dimensions for which the cross-sectional properties vary continuously along its length. The theory is used to determine the force, moment, deflection and twist along the fifth metatarsal when it is subjected to both a pointwise and a distributed load.  相似文献   

M R Simon 《Acta anatomica》1978,102(2):176-183
The Hueter-Volkmann law of epiphyseal pressures describes an inverse relationship between static compressive forces parallel to the axis of epiphyseal growth and the rate of growth of that cartilage. Studies of histological sections of the epiphyseal plate of the fourth metatarsals of (a) control, (b) bipedal and (c) bipedal rats with amputation of the fifth metatarsal show that dynamic compressive forces can stimulate epiphyseal cartilage growth. Within certain parameters, both the relief and increase of dynamic compression accelerate epiphyseal growth. It is the amount and kind of loading that are important factors to accelerate epiphyseal growth.  相似文献   

Changes in the plantar soft tissue shear properties may contribute to ulceration in diabetic patients, however, little is known about these shear parameters. This study examines the elastic and viscoelastic shear behavior of both diabetic and non-diabetic plantar tissue. Previously compression tested plantar tissue specimens (n=54) at six relevant plantar locations (hallux, first, third, and fifth metatarsal heads, lateral midfoot, and calcaneus) from four cadaveric diabetic feet and five non-diabetic feet were utilized. Per in vivo data (i.e., combined deformation patterns of compression followed by shear), an initial static compressive strain (36-38%) was applied to the tissue followed by target shear strains of 50% and 85% of initial thickness. Triangle waves were used to quantify elastic parameters at both strain levels and a stress relaxation test (0.25 s ramp and 300 s hold) was used to quantify the viscoelastic parameters at the upper strain level. Several differences were found between test groups including a 52-62% increase in peak shear stress, a 63% increase in toe shear modulus, a 47% increase in final shear modulus, and a 67% increase in middle slope magnitude (sharper drop in relaxation) in the diabetic tissue. Beyond a 54% greater peak compressive stress in the third metatarsal compared to the lateral midfoot, there were no differences in shear properties between plantar locations. Notably, this study demonstrates that plantar soft tissue with diabetes is stiffer than healthy tissue, thereby compromising its ability to dissipate shear stresses borne by the foot that may increase ulceration risk.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Abattoir detected pathologies are of crucial importance to both pig production and food safety. Usually, more than one pathology coexist in a pig herd although it often remains unknown how these different pathologies interrelate to each other. Identification of the associations between different pathologies may facilitate an improved understanding of their underlying biological linkage, and support the veterinarians in encouraging control strategies aimed at reducing the prevalence of not just one, but two or more conditions simultaneously. RESULTS: Multi-dimensional machine learning methodology was used to identify associations between ten typical pathologies in 6485 batches of slaughtered finishing pigs, assisting the comprehension of their biological association. Pathologies potentially associated with septicaemia (e.g. pericarditis, peritonitis) appear interrelated, suggesting on-going bacterial challenges by pathogens such as Haemophilus parasuis and Streptococcus suis. Furthermore, hepatic scarring appears interrelated with both milk spot livers (Ascaris suum) and bacteria-related pathologies, suggesting a potential multi-pathogen nature for this pathology. CONCLUSIONS: The application of novel multi-dimensional machine learning methodology provided new insights into how typical pig pathologies are potentially interrelated at batch level. The methodology presented is a powerful exploratory tool to generate hypotheses, applicable to a wide range of studies in veterinary research.  相似文献   

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