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This study examined the effects of amenorrhea on mucosal immune function and susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) in elite female distance runners. Based on their menstrual cycles during the prior year, 21 elite, collegiate, female distance runners were designated as eumenorrheic runners (ERs; n = 8; 19.9 ± 0.8 years) or amenorrheic runners (ARs; n n = 13; 20.0 ± 0.3 years). Resting saliva and blood samples were collected in the morning. The secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) concentration was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The SIgA secretion rate was calculated. Serum 17β-estradiol concentrations and serum progesterone concentrations were measured using radioimmunoassay. Subjects reported the appearance of URTI symptoms (sore throat, headache, runny nose, coughing, or fever), if any, during the prior month. The serum estradiol concentration and salivary SIgA secretion rate were significantly lower for ARs than for ERs (p < 0.05). Serum progesterone concentration was not significantly different between groups. Higher frequencies of headache, runny nose, coughing, and fever were observed in ARs than in ERs. Results show that athletic amenorrhea with low estrogen might accelerate downregulation of mucosal immune function in athletes and enhance susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

The female distance runner is considered at high risk for secondary amenorrhea and reduced spinal bone mineral, and recent studies have suggested that these disturbances might be nutritionally or metabolically linked. The present study investigated 1) whether there is a physiological basis by which the amenorrheic runner might maintain weight at a lower than expected caloric intake, i.e., conservation of energy, and 2) the potential interactions of reduced energy intake, secondary amenorrhea, and reductions in bone density. Subjects included 13 elite female distance runners, 8 amenorrheic and 5 eumenorrheic, and 5 untrained female controls. Body composition by hydrostatic weighing, bone density and mineral content by dual-photon absorptiometry, and blood samples for hormonal analyses (once per week for 4 wk) were obtained, as were duplicate measures for resting metabolic rate, thermic effect of a meal, and the energy cost of specific (treadmill) and nonspecific (cycle ergometer) physical activity. Energy intake and energy expenditure were estimated by 3-day logs. Energy intakes did not differ (1,781, 1,690, and 1,763 kcal), nor did energy expenditures (2,480, 2,314, and 2,268 kcal), for the amenorrheic and eumenorrheic runner and control groups, respectively. The difference between reported energy intake and estimated energy expenditure of 500-700 kcal was likely due to underreporting or restricting intake, inasmuch as there was no evidence of energy conservation. A possible link was suggested between disordered eating, secondary amenorrhea, and bone mineral loss.  相似文献   

Exaggerated ANF response to exercise in middle-aged vs. young runners   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hormonal, electrolyte, and renal responses were measured before, during, and after a marathon (42.2 km) in 14 runners: 8 young (Y) (mean age 27.8 yr) and 6 middle aged (MA) (mean aged 46.7 yr). No differences between groups in prerun values for heart rate (HR), plasma osmolality (OSM), antidiuretic hormone (ADH), aldosterone (ALDO), atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), or plasma renin activity (PRA) were found. Renal and urinary measurements were also similar between groups before the marathon. After 10 km of running, both groups had significant increases in HR, ALDO, ANF, and PRA, while OSM, Na+, and ADH remained unchanged from prerun values. The increase in plasma ANF concentrations at this point was significantly greater in the MA subjects compared with the Y (mean increase 104.1 vs. 42.8 pg/ml, respectively; P less than 0.01). Immediate postmarathon values for OSM, ADH, and Na+ were significantly higher than initial values in both groups, while HR, PRA, and ALDO continued to increase above the elevated levels found at 10 km. ANF values immediately postmarathon remained higher than prerun concentrations but were significantly reduced from those obtained at 10 km. In contrast, HR continued to rise until the completion of the run. These data are consistent with recent reports of an exaggerated ANF response in older subjects in response to central blood volume expansion.  相似文献   

Previous work has suggested that men (M) are more sensitive to cold stress than women. There have also been observations that suggest that amenorrheic women (AW) are less thermally responsive than eumenorrheic women (EW). We investigated the hypothesis that M, EW, and AW would have different responses to cold stress. The subjects (6/group) were tested four times: twice at rest for 60 min (5 and 22 degrees C) and twice in a progressive exercise test (5 and 22 degrees C). At rest at 22 degrees C AW had a lower O2 uptake (VO2) than M and lower rectal (Tre) and finger temperatures than EW. At rest at 5 degrees C both AW and EW had lower skin temperature (Tsk) than M, but there were no group differences in peripheral Tsk sites. M increased VO2 after 10 min and EW after 20 min of cold stress; however, AW did not increase metabolism until 60 min. In the two exercise tests Tre increased in proportion to relative work load; in the 5 degrees C test there was little evidence that exercise increased Tsk sites above rest levels. Few of the metabolic or thermal differences could be accounted for by body fatness, body surface area (BSA), or BSA/kg. The data support the hypothesis that M, EW, and AW have different responses to cold stress.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses to exercise in the heat, especially sweating pattern, differ between children and adults. To determine whether such differences may be related to hormonal responses and to assess the possible association between this response and physical maturation, three groups of circumpubertal boys cycled at 50% of maximal O2 uptake (three 20-min bouts with 10 min of rest between bouts) in 42 degrees C at 20% relative humidity. On the basis of Tanner staging, 11 were prepubertal (PP), 12 midpubertal (MP), and 7 late pubertal (LP). Water ingestion was encouraged to minimize dehydration. Venous blood was sampled before and immediately after the session. Changes in heart rate, rectal temperature, and percent decrease in plasma volume did not differ among groups. There was no change in plasma osmolality in any of the groups. Resting testosterone concentrations were higher with increased level of physical maturity (PP = 0.4 +/- 0.1, MP = 8.2 +/- 1.9, LP = 13.8 +/- 1.2 nmol/l; P less than 0.05). In all groups, both aldosterone (ALD) and prolactin (PRL) markedly increased after exercise in the heat (ALD: PP = 161 +/- 40 vs. 1,289 +/- 263, MP = 173 +/- 47 vs. 1,245 +/- 153, LP = 250 +/- 76 vs. 1,681 +/- 400 pmol/l; PRL: PP = 8.1 +/- 1.2 vs. 24.9 +/- 4.2, MP = 8.8 +/- 1.0 vs. 22.0 +/- 8.9, LP = 8.4 +/- 0.8 vs. 39.0 +/- 3.6 micrograms/l; P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ventilatory response to exercise below ventilatory threshold (VTh) increases with aging, whereas above VTh the ventilatory response declines only slightly. We wondered whether this same ventilatory response would be observed in older runners. We also wondered whether their ventilatory response to exercise while breathing He-O(2) or inspired CO(2) would be different. To investigate, we studied 12 seniors (63 +/- 4 yr; 10 men, 2 women) who exercised regularly (5 +/- 1 days/wk, 29 +/- 11 mi/wk, 16 +/- 6 yr). Each subject performed graded cycle ergometry to exhaustion on 3 separate days, breathing either room air, 3% inspired CO(2), or a heliox mixture (79% He and 21% O(2)). The ventilatory response to exercise below VTh was 0.35 +/- 0.06 l x min(-1) x W(-1) and above VTh was 0.66 +/- 0.10 l x min(-1) x W(-1). He-O(2) breathing increased (P < 0.05) the ventilatory response to exercise both below (0.40 +/- 0.12 l x min(-1) x W(-1)) and above VTh (0.81 +/- 0.10 l x min(-1) x W(-1)). Inspired CO(2) increased (P < 0.001) the ventilatory response to exercise only below VTh (0.44 +/- 0.10 l x min(-1) x W(-1)). The ventilatory responses to exercise with room air, He-O(2), and CO(2) breathing of these fit runners were similar to those observed earlier in older sedentary individuals. These data suggest that the ventilatory response to exercise of these senior runners is adequate to support their greater exercise capacity and that exercise training does not alter the ventilatory response to exercise with He-O(2) or inspired CO(2) breathing.  相似文献   

The influence of gender, exercise, and thermal stress on caffeine pharmacokinetics is unclear. We hypothesized that these factors would not have an effect on the metabolism of caffeine. Eight women participated in four 8-h trials and six men participated in two 8-h trials after the ingestion of 6 mg/kg caffeine. The women performed two resting trials (1 in the follicular phase and 1 in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle) and two exercise trials (90 min of cycling exercise at 65% of maximal O(2) uptake, 1 h after caffeine ingestion) in the follicular phase (1 without and 1 with an additional thermal stress). The men performed one exercise and one resting trial. Menstrual cycle, gender, and exercise, with or without an additional thermal stress, had no effect on the pharmacokinetic measurements or urine caffeine. There was a trend for higher plasma caffeine and lower plasma paraxanthine concentrations in the women. These results confirm that gender, exercise, and thermal stress have no effect on caffeine pharmacokinetics in men and women.  相似文献   

The oxytocin and prolactin responses to suckling were measured in 10 women in early (n = 5) and established lactation (n = 5). Oxytocin was released in a pulsatile manner during suckling in all women, but the response was not related to milk volume, prolactin response, or parity of the mother. In all 10 women plasma oxytocin concentrations increased three to 10 minutes before suckling began. In five women this occurred in response to the baby crying, in three it coincided with the baby becoming restless in expectation of the feed, while in two it corresponded with the mother preparing for the feed. There was no prolactin response to stimuli other than stimulation of the nipple associated with suckling. These results clearly indicate that the milk ejection reflex, with release of oxytocin, occurs in most women before the tactile stimulus of suckling. A second release of oxytocin follows in response to the suckling stimulus itself. Thus it is important that care is taken to protect breast feeding mothers from stress not only during suckling but also immediately before nursing, when conditioned releases of oxytocin will occur.  相似文献   

Amenorrhea is common in young athletes and is associated with low fat mass. However, hormonal factors that link decreased fat mass with altered gonadotropin pulsatility and amenorrhea are unclear. Low levels of leptin (an adipokine) and increased ghrelin (an orexigenic hormone that increases as fat mass decreases) impact gonadotropin pulsatility. Studies have not examined luteinizing hormone (LH) secretory dynamics in relation to leptin or ghrelin secretory dynamics in adolescent and young adult athletes. We hypothesized that 1) young amenorrheic athletes (AA) would have lower LH and leptin and higher ghrelin secretion than eumenorrheic athletes (EA) and nonathletes and 2) higher ghrelin and lower leptin would be associated with lower LH secretion. This was a cross-sectional study. We examined ghrelin and leptin secretory patterns (over 8 h, from 11 PM to 7 AM) in relation to LH secretory patterns in AA, EA, and nonathletes aged 14-21 yr. Ghrelin and leptin were assessed every 20 min and LH every 10 min. Groups did not differ for age, bone age, or BMI. However, fat mass was lower in AA than in EA and nonathletes. AA had lower LH and higher ghrelin pulsatile secretion and AUC than nonathletes and lower leptin pulsatile secretion and AUC than EA and nonathletes. Percent body fat was associated positively with LH and leptin secretion and inversely with ghrelin. In a regression model, ghrelin and leptin secretory parameters were associated independently with LH secretory parameters. We conclude that higher ghrelin and lower leptin secretion in AA related to lower fat mass may contribute to altered LH pulsatility and amenorrhea.  相似文献   

This study was designed to verify if the decrease in blood prolactin (PRL) induced by selective face cooling during exercise could be part of a response to specific body thermal stress. Five healthy trained male cyclists presenting a significant plasma PRL elevation to exercise were, on three occasions and at weekly interval, submitted to a submaximal exercise (approx. 65% VO2max) on ergocycle with and without selective face cooling. In absence of face cooling a first trial served to establish reference values for workload, heart rate and plasma PRL levels, the latter increasing markedly (450% of resting values) in these conditions. On a second trial but with workload maintained at reference values (222 +/- 9 W), a significant bradycardia was observed with face cooling; furthermore, plasma PRL response to exercise was significantly reduced (to 31% of original response). On a third trial with face cooling, workload had to be significantly augmented (242 +/- 10 W) to maintain heart rate at reference level (78% HRmax); in addition, plasma PRL response to exercise was almost unchanged compared to the reference-value level. The absence of a significant face cooling-induced decrease in sympathetic tonus, as evaluated through peripheral plasma catecholamines response, does not indicate a role for the autonomic nervous system in the face cooling-induced reduction of both heart rate and PRL responses during exercise. Assay of circulating peripheral beta-endorphins could indicate that the face cooling-induced PRL blunted response does not necessarily involve an opioid mediation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The adrenaline release from the adrenal medulla increases during exercise, but at a given absolute work intensity the magnitude of this response is less pronounced in endurance trained vs sedentary individuals most likely due to a lower sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla. However, when trained and untrained subjects are compared at identical relative work loads as well as in response to numerous non-exercise stimuli, endurance trained athletes have a higher epinephrine secretion capacity compared to sedentary individuals. This indicates a development of a so-called “sports adrenal medulla” as a result of a long term adaption of an endocrine gland to physical training. Such an adaptation is parallel to adaptations taking place in other tissues like skeletal muscle and the heart, and can be advantageous in relation to both exercise performance in the competing athlete and cause a biological rejuvenation in relation to aging. Accepted: 4 September 1997  相似文献   

The effect of progressive rehydration with either water or a carbohydrate solution on the plasma growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) response to exercise was examined together with plasma somatostatin. Five subjects underwent four 3-h experimental sessions at 36 degrees C in which 25-min exercise periods alternated with 5-min rest periods. The sessions were conducted without fluid replacement (DH) or under rehydration with either water or isosmotic carbohydrate solutions AISO (acid) or NISO (neutral). The fluid was given every 10 min after the 1st h of exercise. Plasma GH increased significantly (p less than 0.01) under DH after 2 and 3 h of exercise; this increase was prevented by rehydration with water, AISO and NISO. Plasma glucose was significantly higher following AISO and NISO rehydration compared with DH. This possibly influenced the GH response, but there was no difference between plasma glucose levels under DH and water rehydration at any time. The solutions tended to attenuate the increase in heart rate, rectal temperature and plasma cortisol, suggesting that the lack of GH response under rehydration conditions is a result of decreasing physiological stress levels. The GH response could not be explained by plasma somatostatin, which tended to decline in all sessions. Plasma PRL did not increase in any of the sessions, confirming that exercise without rehydration is a more potent stimulator of GH than of PRL. It is concluded that progressive rehydration with water is sufficient to prevent the exercise-induced increase in plasma GH.  相似文献   

Hormones such as prolactin and leptin have recently been recognized as potent platelet aggregation co-activators, and have therefore been postulated as an additional risk factor for both arterial and venous thrombosis. Clinical situations exist that are known to be associated with higher leptin and/or prolactin levels (obesity, pregnancy, prolactinomas and anti-psychotic therapy respectively) and increased venous thrombosis or atherosclerosis risk. Therefore, we compared the impact of both hormones on platelet activation in vitro and in vivo. First, we investigated platelet aggregation and P-selectin expression after stimulation with 1,000 mU/l prolactin or 100 ng/ml leptin in five healthy volunteers in vitro. Prolactin revealed significant higher levels of P-selectin expression and platelet aggregation than leptin in all subjects. We also compared the correlation of prolactin and leptin values with the P-selection expression on platelets. Previously, we detected a significant correlation between prolactin values and ADP-stimulated P-selectin expression on platelets in pregnant women, patients with pituitary tumours, and patients on anti-psychotic therapy. In contrast, leptin did not correlate with P-selectin expression in all subject groups investigated. However, leptin correlated with body mass index in the subjects investigated. Our data indicate that prolactin has a stronger effect on platelet activation as leptin in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, our data suggest that the stronger effect of prolactin on ADP-stimulated platelet aggregation, compared to leptin, depends on higher stimulation of CD62p expression by prolactin.  相似文献   

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