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The adeno-associated virus (AAV) Rep78 and Rep68 proteins are required for site-specific integration of the AAV genome into the AAVS1 locus (19q13.3-qter) as well as for viral DNA replication. Rep78 and Rep68 bind to the GAGC motif on the inverted terminal repeat (ITR) and cut at the trs (terminal resolution site). A similar reaction is believed to occur in AAVS1 harboring an analogous GAGC motif and a trs homolog, followed by integration of the AAV genome. To elucidate the functional domains of Rep proteins at the amino acid level, we performed charged-to-alanine scanning mutagenesis of the N terminus (residues 1 to 240) of Rep78, where DNA binding and nicking domains are thought to exist. Mutants were analyzed for their abilities to bind the GAGC motif, nick at the trs homolog, and integrate an ITR-containing plasmid into AAVS1 by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, trs endonuclease assay, and PCR-based integration assay. We identified the residues responsible for DNA binding: R107A, K136A, and R138A mutations completely abolished the binding activity. The H90A or H92A mutant, carrying a mutation in a putative metal binding site, lost nicking activity while retaining binding activity. Mutations affecting DNA binding or trs nicking also impaired the site-specific integration, except for E66A and E239A. These results provide important information on the structure-function relationship of Rep proteins. We also describe an aberrant nicking of Rep78. We found that Rep78 cuts predominantly at the trs homolog not only between the T residues (GGT/TGG), but also between the G and T residues (GG/TTGG), which may be influenced by the sequence surrounding the GAGC motif.  相似文献   

We constructed insertion and deletion mutants with mutations within the adeno-associated virus (AAV) sequences of the infectious recombinant plasmid pSM620. Studies of these mutants revealed at least three AAV phenotypes. Mutants with mutations between 11 and 42 map units were partially or completely defective for rescue and replication of the AAV sequences from the recombinant plasmids (rep mutants). The mutants could be complemented by mutants with replication-positive phenotypes. The protein(s) that is affected in rep mutants has not been identified, but the existence of the rep mutants proves that at least one AAV-coded protein is required for viral DNA replication. Also, the fact that one of the rep mutant mutations maps within the AAV intron suggests that the intron sequences code for part of a functional AAV protein. Mutants with mutations between 63 and 91 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV duplex DNA but could not generate single-stranded virion DNA (cap mutants). The cap phenotype could be complemented by rep mutants and is probably due to a defect in the major AAV capsid protein, VP3. This suggests that a preformed capsid or precursor is required for the accumulation of single-stranded AAV progeny DNA. Mutants with mutations between 48 and 55 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV single-stranded and duplex DNA but produced substantially lower yields of infectious virus particles than wild-type AAV (lip mutants). The lip phenotype is probably due to a defect in the minor capsid protein, VPI, and suggests the existence of an additional (as yet undiscovered) AAV mRNA. Evidence is also presented for recombination between mutant AAV genomes during lytic growth.  相似文献   

Transfection of chicken embryo cells with pMC29, a plasmid vector containing the sequences for the acute transforming virus MC29, and a cloned transformation-defective helper virus, p delta Mst, resulted in morphological transformation, the synthesis of P110gag-myc (the product of the gag-myc oncogene), and the production of infectious virus. MC29 mutants bearing site-directed deletions within the gag-specific sequences or within the middle portion of the myc sequences efficiently induced transformation of chicken embryo cells in culture. However, variants containing deletions of sequences in the amino-terminal half or carboxy-terminal portion of the myc gene were defective for transformation. The gag-myc proteins encoded by these variants efficiently localized to the cell nucleus. Premature termination mutants were isolated which encoded gag-myc proteins lacking the carboxy-terminal 185 residues; these truncated proteins localized to both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Deletion of as few as 11 residues within the middle of the myc-specific sequences (residues Ile-239 to Glu-249) significantly reduced the efficiency of chicken hematopoietic cell transformation.  相似文献   

The gH-gL complex of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is essential for virion infectivity and virus-induced cell fusion, but functional domains of the gH molecule remain to be defined. We have addressed this question by mutagenesis. A set of linker insertion mutants in HSV-1 gH was generated and tested in transient assays for their ability to complement a gH-negative virus. Insertions at three sites in the C-terminal third of the external domain affected the ability of gH to function in cell-cell fusion and virus entry, while insertions at six sites in the N-terminal half of the external domain induced conformational changes in gH such that it was not recognized by monoclonal antibody LP11, although expression at the cell surface was unchanged. A recombinant virus in which a potential integrin-binding motif, RGD, in gH was changed to the triplet RGE entered cells as efficiently as the wild type, indicating that HSV-1 entry is not mediated by means of the gH-RGD motif binding to cell surface integrins. Furthermore, mutagenesis of the glycosylation site which is positionally conserved in all herpesvirus gH sequences in close proximity to the transmembrane domain generated a recombinant virus that grew in vitro with wild-type single-step kinetics.  相似文献   

Davis MD  Wu J  Owens RA 《Journal of virology》2000,74(6):2936-2942
The endonuclease activity of the Rep68 and Rep78 proteins (Rep68/78) of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) cuts at the terminal resolution site (trs) within the hairpin structure formed by the AAV inverted terminal repeats. Recent studies suggest that a DNA unwinding function of Rep68/78 may be required for endonuclease activity. We demonstrate that several mutant proteins which are endonuclease negative on a fully duplex hairpin substrate are endonuclease positive on a partially single-stranded hairpin substrate. Truncation analysis revealed that the endonuclease function is contained within the first 200 amino acids of Rep68/78. This endonucleolytic cleavage is believed to involve the covalent attachment of Rep68/78 to the trs via a phosphate-tyrosine linkage. A previous report (S. L. Walker, R. S. Wonderling, and R. A. Owens, J. Virol. 71:2722-2730, 1997) suggested that tyrosine 152 was part of the active site. We individually mutated each tyrosine within the first 200 amino acids of the Rep68 moiety of a maltose binding protein-Rep68/78 fusion protein to phenylalanine. Only mutation of tyrosine 156 resulted in a protein incapable of covalent attachment to a partially single-stranded hairpin substrate, suggesting that tyrosine 156 is part of the endonuclease active site.  相似文献   

Summary Bacteriophage fd gene 2 protein was specifically labeled with radioactive amino acids and was isolated from membranous cell structures as an apparently homogenous protein. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that the protein was initiated at two distinct AUG codons close to the ribosome binding site. The two resulting translation products were found to begin with a deformylated methionine residue. Initiation at the first signal was used for 90% of the chains and at the second signal for 10% of the sequenced molecules. The use of one or the other chain start may influence functions of gene 2 protein.  相似文献   

Using immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization techniques, we studied the intracellular localization of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) Rep proteins, VP proteins, and DNA during the course of an AAV-2/adenovirus type 2 coinfection. In an early stage, the Rep proteins showed a punctate distribution pattern over the nuclei of infected cells, reminiscent of replication foci. At this stage, no capsid proteins were detectable. At later stages, the Rep proteins were distributed more homogeneously over the nuclear interior and finally became redistributed into clusters slightly enriched at the nuclear periphery. During an intermediate stage, they also appeared at an interior part of the nucleolus for a short period, whereas most of the time the nucleoli were Rep negative. AAV-2 DNA colocalized with the Rep proteins. All three capsid proteins were strongly enriched in the nucleolus in a transient stage of infection, when the Rep proteins homogeneously filled the nucleoplasm. Thereafter, they became distributed over the whole nucleus and colocalized in nucleoplasmic clusters with the Rep proteins and AAV-2 DNA. While VP1 and VP2 strongly accumulated in the nucleus, VP3 was almost equally distributed between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Capsids, visualized by a conformation-specific antibody, were first detectable in the nucleoli and then spread over the whole nucleoplasm. This suggests that nucleolar components are involved in initiation of capsid assembly whereas DNA packaging occurs in the nucleoplasm. Expression of a transfected full-length AAV-2 genome followed by adenovirus infection showed all stages of an AAV-2/adenovirus coinfection, whereas after expression of the cap gene alone, capsids were restricted to the nucleoli and did not follow the nuclear redistribution observed in the presence of the whole AAV-2 genome. Coexpression of Rep proteins released the restriction of capsids to the nucleolus, suggesting that the Rep proteins are involved in nuclear redistribution of AAV capsids during viral infection. Capsid formation was dependent on the concentration of expressed capsid protein.  相似文献   

Initiation factor 4E is a 24-kilodalton polypeptide that binds specifically to the 5' cap structure of eukaryotic mRNAs. Sequence analysis of cDNA clones of initiation factor 4E from several species revealed a high tryptophan content (8 residues). Strikingly, all tryptophans are conserved evolutionarily in number and position between yeast and mammals. Here we show, using site-directed mutagenesis, that two of the tryptophans (those referred to as numbers 1 and 8) are absolutely required for the cap binding activity of an Escherichia coli expressed initiation factor 4E.  相似文献   

The three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3 of the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) are encoded by overlapping sequences of the same open reading frame. Separate expression of these proteins by recombinant baculoviruses in insect cells was achieved by mutation of the internal translation initiation codons. Coexpression of VP1 and VP2, VP2 and VP3, and all three capsid proteins and the expression of VP2 alone in Sf9 cells resulted in the production of viruslike particles resembling empty capsids generated during infection of HeLa cells with AAV-2 and adenovirus. These results suggest a requirement for VP2 in the formation of empty capsids. Individual expression of the AAV capsid proteins in HeLa cells showed that VP1 and VP2 accumulate in the cell nucleus and VP3 is distributed between nucleus and cytoplasm. Coexpression of VP3 with the other structural proteins also led to nuclear localization of VP3, indicating that the formation of a complex with VP1 or VP2 is required for accumulation of VP3 in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The structural proteins of Sindbis virus are translated as a polyprotein precursor that is cleaved upon translation. The capsid protein is postulated to be a serine protease that releases itself from the N terminus of the nascent polyprotein by autoproteolysis. We have tested the importance in autoproteolysis of His-141, Asp-147, and Ser-215, previously postulated to form the catalytic triad of the protease, and of Asp-163. Several site-specific mutations were constructed at each of these positions, and the release of the capsid protein during translation in a cell-free system was examined. Because proteolysis occurs in cis during translation, the kinetics of release cannot be determined in this system, but the extent of proteolysis can be ascertained. Ser-215 appears to be the catalytic serine of the proteinase. Cys or Thr could substitute inefficiently for Ser-215, but substitution with Ala or Ile led to complete loss of activity. His-141 was also important for proteolysis. Substitution with Ala or Pro led to total loss of activity. Surprisingly, substitution with Arg resulted in complete proteolysis in vitro. Changes at the two Asp residues resulted in complete proteolysis of the substrate in vitro. All mutations that resulted in at least partial cleavage in vitro were incorporated into a full-length clone of Sindbis virus and an attempt was made to recover mutant virus. All changes tested were lethal for the virus except Asp-163 to Asn. Thus, production of infectious virus is either a more sensitive measure of the catalytic rate than the extent of in vitro cleavage, or these residues have necessary functions in addition to their possible role in proteolysis.  相似文献   

A fully active recombinant human ceruloplasmin was obtained, and it was mutated to produce a ceruloplasmin stable to proteolysis. The stable ceruloplasmin was further mutated to perturb the environment of copper at the type 1 copper sites in two different domains. The wild type and the mutated ceruloplasmin were produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris and characterized. The mutations R481A, R701A, and K887A were at the proteolytic sites, did not alter the enzymatic activity, and were all necessary to protect ceruloplasmin from degradation. The mutation L329M was at the tricoordinate type 1 site of the domain 2 and was ineffective to induce modifications of the spectroscopic and catalytic properties of ceruloplasmin, supporting the hypothesis that this site is reduced and locked in a rigid frame. In contrast the mutation C1021S at the type 1 site of domain 6 substantially altered the molecular properties of the protein, leaving a small fraction endowed with oxidase activity. This result, while indicating the importance of this site in stabilizing the overall protein structure, suggests that another type 1 site is competent for dioxygen reduction. During the expression of ceruloplasmin, the yeast maintained a high level of Fet3 that was released from membranes of yeast not harboring the ceruloplasmin gene. This indicates that expression of ceruloplasmin induces a state of iron deficiency in yeast because the ferric iron produced in the medium by its ferroxidase activity is not available for the uptake.  相似文献   

Productive infection by adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) requires coinfection with a helper virus, e.g., adenovirus or herpesviruses. In the case of adenovirus coinfection, the replication machinery of the host cell performs AAV DNA replication. In contrast, it has been proposed that the herpesvirus replication machinery might replicate AAV DNA. To investigate this question, we have attempted to reconstitute AAV DNA replication in vitro using purified herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) replication proteins. We show that the HSV-1 UL5, UL8, UL29, UL30, UL42, and UL52 gene products along with the AAV Rep68 protein are sufficient to initiate replication on duplex DNA containing the AAV origins of replication, resulting in products several hundred nucleotides in length. Initiation can occur also on templates containing only a Rep binding site and a terminal resolution site. We further demonstrate that initiation of DNA synthesis can take place with a subset of these factors: Rep68 and the UL29, UL30, and UL42 gene products. Since the HSV polymerase and its accessory factor (the products of the UL30 and UL42 genes) are unable to efficiently perform synthesis by strand displacement, it is likely that in addition to creating a hairpin primer, the AAV Rep protein also acts as a helicase for DNA synthesis. The single-strand DNA binding protein (the UL29 gene product) presumably prevents reannealing of complementary strands. These results suggest that AAV can use the HSV replication apparatus to replicate its DNA. In addition, they may provide a first step for the development of a fully reconstituted AAV replication assay.  相似文献   

Latent infection of KB cells with adeno-associated virus type 2.   总被引:10,自引:23,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a prevalent human virus whose replication requires factors provided by a coinfecting helper virus. AAV can establish latent infections in vitro by integration of the AAV genome into cellular DNA. To study the process of integration as well as the rescue of AAV replication in latently infected cells after superinfection with a helper virus, we established a panel of independently derived latently infected cell clones. KB cells were infected with a high multiplicity of AAV in the absence of helper virus, cloned, and passaged to dilute out input AAV genomes. AAV DNA replication and protein synthesis were rescued from more than 10% of the KB cell clones after superinfection with adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) or herpes simplex virus types 1 or 2. In the absence of helper virus, there was no detectable expression of AAV-specific RNA or proteins in the latently infected cell clones. Ad5 superinfection also resulted in the production of infectious AAV in most cases. All mutant adenoviruses tested that were able to help AAV DNA replication in a coinfection were also able to rescue AAV from the latently infected cells, although one mutant, Ad5hr6, was less efficient at AAV rescue. Analysis of high-molecular-weight cellular DNA indicated that AAV sequences were integrated into the cell genome. The restriction enzyme digestion patterns of the cellular DNA were consistent with colinear integration of the AAV genome, with the viral termini present at the cell-virus junction. In addition, many of the cell lines appeared to contain head-to-tail concatemers of the AAV genome. The understanding of the integration of AAV DNA is increasingly important since AAV-based vectors have many advantages for gene transduction in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Beta-oxidation of acyl-CoAs in mammalian peroxisomes can occur via either multifunctional enzyme type 1 (MFE-1) or type 2 (MFE-2), both of which catalyze the hydration of trans-2-enoyl-CoA and the dehydrogenation of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA, but with opposite chiral specificity. Amino acid sequence alignment of the 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 domain in human MFE-2 with other MFE-2s reveals conserved protic residues: Tyr-347, Glu-366, Asp-370, His-406, Glu-408, Tyr-410, Asp-490, Tyr-505, Asp-510, His-515, Asp-517, and His-532. To investigate their potential roles in catalysis, each residue was replaced by alanine in site-directed mutagenesis, and the resulting constructs were tested for complementation in a yeast. After additional screening, the wild type and noncomplementing E366A and D510A variants were expressed and characterized. The purified proteins have similar secondary structural elements, with the same subunit composition. The E366A variant had a k(cat)/K(m) value 100 times lower than that of the wild type MFE-2 at pH 5, whereas the D510A variant was inactive. Asp-510 was imbedded in a novel hydratase 2 motif found in the hydratase 2 proteins. The data show that the hydratase 2 reaction catalyzed by MFE-2 requires two protic residues, Glu-366 and Asp-510, suggesting that their catalytic role may be equivalent to that of the two catalytic residues of hydratase 1.  相似文献   

Formation of a ternary initiation complex containing Met-tRNAf, GTP and eukaryotic initiation factor 2, is the first step in sequential assembly of the initiation complex. The concentration of GTP required for half maximal formation of the ternary complex is 2.5 with 10(-6) M. GDP is a potent competitive inhibitor of ternary complex formation with Ki = 3.4 with 10(-7) M. The nucleotide binding site on eukaryotic initiation factor 2 demonstrates relative specificity for GDP with KD(GDP) = 3.0 with 10(-8) M; 100-fold higher concentrations of GTP than GDP are required for displacement of either [(3)H]GDP or [(3)h]gtp from the necleotide binding site. An ATP-dependent stimulation of ternary complex formation observed in partially purified initiation factor preparations is due to nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC which serves to remove inhibitory levels of GDP by phosphorylation with ATP. Since GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP during protein synthesis, this provides a mechanism by which the ATP:ADP ratio may regulate the rate of initiation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

I Climent  B M Sj?berg  C Y Huang 《Biochemistry》1992,31(20):4801-4807
Ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli consists of two dissociable, nonidentical homodimeric proteins called R1 and R2. The role of the C-terminal region of R2 in forming the R1R2 active complex has been studied. A heterodimeric R2 form with a full-length polypeptide chain and a truncated one missing the last 30 carboxyl-terminal residues was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analysis of the binding of this protein to R1, compared with full-length or truncated homodimer, revealed that the C-terminal end of R2 accounts for all of its interactions with R1. The intrinsic dissociation constant of the heterodimeric R2 form, with only one contact to R1, 13 microM, is of the same magnitude as that obtained previously [Climent, I., Sj?berg, B.-M., & Huang, C. Y. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 5164-5171] for synthetic C-terminal peptides, 15-18 microM. We have also mutagenized the only two invariant residues localized at the C-terminal region of R2, glutamic acid-350 and tyrosine-356, to alanine. The binding of these mutant proteins to R1 remains tight, but their catalytic activity is severely affected. While E350A protein exhibits a low (240 times less active than the wild-type) but definitive activity, Y356A is completely inactive. A catalytic rather than structural role for these residues is discussed.  相似文献   

The production of preferred lipopolysaccharide O antigen chain lengths is important for the survival of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria in different environments, yet how Wzz proteins regulate these lengths is not well understood. The Wzz2 proteins from two different serotype O11 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are responsible for the expression of different very long chain lengths despite high sequence homology. Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to determine whether a specific amino acid was responsible for this difference in chain length; the residue present in position 321 within the second predicted coiled-coil region was able to determine which chain length was produced. A panel of site-directed mutants introducing different amino acids at this position implicated that the charge of the amino acid affected chain length, with positively charged residues associated with shorter chain lengths. Expression data also suggested this site was important for overall stability of the protein because mutants predicted to disrupt proper folding of the α helix led to lower protein levels. Cross-linking studies found that Wzz2 proteins producing shorter chain lengths had more stable higher-order oligomers. Mapping residue 321 onto the solved Escherichia coli Wzz FepE crystal structure predicted it to be located within α helix 8, which participates in intermonomeric interactions. These data further support the observation that Wzz oligomerization is necessary for chain length regulating activity but also provide evidence that differences in complex stability or changes in the conformation of the oligomer can lead to shifts in the length of the O antigen side chain.  相似文献   

为了确认49位谷氨酰胺磷脂酶A2(Glutamine 49 phospholipase A2, Gln49-PLA2)酶活性缺失与氨基酸序列的相关性,对Gln49-PLA2编码基因第49位氨基酸进行PCR定点突变,利用pET32a+质粒载体在大肠杆菌中表达Gln49-磷脂酶A2的突变体--天冬氨酸磷脂酶A2(Aspartic acid 49 phospholipase A2, Asp49-PLA2--Q49D-PLA2)。将表达的包涵体蛋白变性,采用固定化金属离子亲和层析进行柱上复性、纯化获得突变体融合蛋白(fusion Q49D-PLA2--fQ49D-PLA2);突变体融合蛋白经蛋白水解酶Factor Xa酶切后,采用Hitrap SP阳离子交换层析和Superdex 75凝胶层析进一步纯化,得到突变体蛋白Q49D-PLA2,得率为1.3%,比酶活为72U/mg。从而证实Gln49-PLA2酶活性缺失的关键原因是49位氨基酸为谷氨酰胺。  相似文献   

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