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Ion-Bond Forms of the Gramicidin a Transmembrane Channel   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Water structure in the Gramicidin A transmembrane channel   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The interaction energy and the structure of water molecules either inside the Gramicidin A transmembrane channel or at its two extremities is examined with the use of iso-energy maps and Monte Carlo simulations. The shape of the channel as experienced by water is analyzed in detail. Variations in the hydration structure due to the presence of a sodium ion placed at several positions along the channel are simulated, analyzed and discussed. Preliminary data on Li+ and K+ interacting with Gramicidin A and the system of water molecules are reported. The Gramicidin A atomic coordinates have been taken from Urry's recent papers (Urry, D.W. (1971) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 68, 672-676 and Urry, D.W., Trapane, T.L. and Prasad, K.U. (1982) Int. J. Quant. Chem. Quant. Biol. Symp. 9, 31-40).  相似文献   

The interaction energy and the structure of water molecules either inside the Gramicidin A transmembrane channel or at its two extremities is examined with the use of iso-energy maps and Monte Carlo simulations. The shape of the channel as experienced by water is analyzed in detail. Variations in the hydration structure due to the presence of a Na+ ion placed at several positions along the channel are simulated, analyzed and discussed. Preliminary data on Li+ and K+ interacting with Gramicidin A and the system of water molecules are reported. The Gramicidin A atomic coordinates have been taken from Urry's recent papers.  相似文献   


The effect of water present at the mouth and inside the channel of Gramicidin A on the energy profile calculated for a caesium ion is determined. The total optimal interaction energy computed for the system GA-Cs+-(22 waters) leads to an energy profile characterized by a deep minimum at 11Å followed by an entrance energy barrier of 7 Kcal/mol expanding until 9 Å from the center. After this point, a second minimum less deep than the previous one is observed, itself followed by a central barrier. The shape of the profile at the entrance is governed by the balance between the progressive desolvation process of the ion and the increase of favorable hydrogen bond interactions implying both the water molecules and GA. The comparison of this energy profile with that obtained in vacuo shows that the presence of water molecules does not modify the pathway of the ion which, owing to its size, is constrained essentially to remain on the channel axis. The comparison Na+ versus Cs+ indicates that although the phenomena involved are globally the same, differences between the two profiles appear due firstly to the difference in the affinity of the two ions for water and secondly to their respective size. This last difference implies that the number of water molecules present in the interior of the channel during the cation progression is reduced roughly by one in the case of caesium.

The desolvation barrier computed for Cs+ is half the corresponding value for Na+, a result in agreement with the observed selectivity.  相似文献   

The high resolution crystal structures of isatin hydrolase from Labrenzia aggregata in the apo and the product state are described. These are the first structures of a functionally characterized metal-dependent hydrolase of this fold. Isatin hydrolase converts isatin to isatinate and belongs to a novel family of metalloenzymes that include the bacterial kynurenine formamidase. The product state, mimicked by bound thioisatinate, reveals a water molecule that bridges the thioisatinate to a proton wire in an adjacent water channel and thus allows the proton released by the reaction to escape only when the product is formed. The functional proton wire present in isatin hydrolase isoform b represents a unique catalytic feature common to all hydrolases is here trapped and visualized for the first time. The local molecular environment required to coordinate thioisatinate allows stronger and more confident identification of orthologous genes encoding isatin hydrolases within the prokaryotic kingdom. The isatin hydrolase orthologues found in human gut bacteria raise the question as to whether the indole-3-acetic acid degradation pathway is present in human gut flora.  相似文献   

Multiple transmembrane (TM) segments line the pore of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl(-) channel; however, the relative alignment of these TMs and their relative movements during channel gating are unknown. To gain three-dimensional structural information on the outer pore, we have used patch clamp recording to study the proximity of pairs of cysteine side chains introduced into TMs 6 and 11, using both disulfide cross-linking and Cd(2+) coordination. Following channel activation, disulfide bonds could apparently be formed between three cysteine pairs (of 15 studied): R334C/T1122C, R334C/G1127C, and T338C/S1118C. To examine the state dependence of cross-linking, we combined these cysteine mutations with a nucleotide-binding domain mutation (E1371Q) that stabilizes the channel open state. Investigation of the effects of the E1371Q mutation on disulfide bond formation and Cd(2+) coordination suggests that although R334C/T1122C and T338C/S1118C are closer together in the channel open state, R334C/G1127C are close together and can form disulfide bonds only when the channel is closed. These results provide important new information on the three-dimensional structure of the outer mouth of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator channel pore: TMs 6 and 11 are close enough together to form disulfide bonds in both open and closed channels. Moreover, the altered relative locations of residues in open and in closed channels that we infer allow us to propose that channel opening and closing may be associated with a relative translational movement of TMs 6 and 11, with TM6 moving "down" (toward the cytoplasm) during channel opening.  相似文献   


Computations on the energy profiles for Na+ in the gramicidin A (GA) channel have been extended by introducing the effect, previously neglected, of the amino acid side chains of GA, fixed in their most stable conformations. The calculations have been performed in two approximations: 1) with the ethanolamine tail fixed in its most stable conformation, 2) with the tail allowed to optimize its conformation upon the progression of the ion. In both approximations the overall shape of the energy profile is very similar to that obtained in the absence of the side chains. One observes, however, a general lowering of the profile upon the adjunction of the side chains. The analysis of the factors responsible for this energy lowering indicates that it is due essentially to the electrostatic and polarisation components of the interaction which interplay differently, however, in the different parts of the channel. A particular role is attributed in this respect to the tryptophan residues of GA. The role of the 4 tryptophans present, Trp 15, 13, 11 and 9, is individualized by stripping of one of them at a time. The strongest effect on the energy deepening is due to Trp 13 and is particularly prominent in the entrance zone at 14.5Å from the center of the channel. The result indicates the possibility of investigating theoretically the effect on the energy profiles of the substitution of the “natural” side chain by others.  相似文献   

Phospholamban, a 52-residue membrane protein, associates to form a pentameric complex of five long α-helices traversing the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane of cardiac muscle cells. The transmembrane domain of the protein is largely hydrophobic, with only three cysteine residues having polar side chains, yet it functions as a Ca2+-selective ion channel. In this report, infrared spectroscopy is used to probe the conformation of the three cysteine side chains and to establish whether the free S-H groups form intrahelical hydrogen bonds in the pentameric complex. Vibrational spectra of a transmembrane peptide were obtained which corresponded to the transmembrane domain of wild-type phospholamban and three peptides each containing a cysteine ⇒ alanine substitution. The observed S-H frequencies argue that each of the sulfhydryl groups is hydrogen-bonded to an i-4 backbone carbonyl oxygen. Electrostatic calculations on a model of phospholamban based on molecular dynamics and mutagenesis studies, show that the sulfhydryl groups may significantly contribute to the electrostatic potential field of the protein. Received: 22 July 1996/Revised: 10 October 1996  相似文献   

The ubiquitous major intrinsic protein (MIP) family includes several transmembrane channel proteins known to exhibit specificity for water and/or neutral solutes. We have identified 84 fully or partially sequenced members of this family, have multiply aligned over 50 representative, divergent, fully sequenced members, have used the resultant multiple alignment to derive current MIP family-specific signature sequences, and have constructed a phylogenetic tree. The tree reveals novel features relevant to the evolutionary history of this protein family. These features plus an evaluation of functional studies lead to the postulates: (i) that all current MIP family proteins derived from two divergent bacterial paralogues, one a glycerol facilitator, the other an aquaporin, and (ii) that most or all current members of the family have retained these or closely related physiological functions. Received: 19 April 1996/Revised: 3 June 1996  相似文献   

Examination of directly frozen rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of retinal pigment epithelial cells by freeze-fracture and freeze-substitution revealed distinct paired transmembrane proteins associated with membrane ribosomes. Ribosomal subunits on intact ER membrane are directly visualized for the first time, providing a global view of the structure of the ribosome and the corresponding structures on the ER membrane. The ribosomal intersubunit cleft appears to be continuous with a cleft between paired transmembrane proteins that extends into the lumen of the ER. This continuous cleft may be the path taken by nascent polypeptides.  相似文献   

Heat derived gramicidin A'/L-alpha-lysophosphatidylcholine complexes were separated on a sucrose gradient to form two fractions: Fraction A which had an approximately constant Gramicidin A' to phospholipid ratio of 8 to 10 lipid molecules per Gramicidin A' molecule and Fraction B which had a larger but variable ratio. Fluorescence and circular dichroism studies confirmed Fraction A to be a lipid-incorporated channel state. Electron microscopic studies, using uranyl acetate negative staining, showed fraction A to be a membranous state with the formation of bilayer vesicles, that is, the interaction of peptide and phospholipid micelles causes the lipid to reorganize into a bilayer structure. Freeze-fracture replicas of the channel incorporated state demonstrated the presence of a supramolecular organization of particles exhibiting a tendency to form rows with a 50-60 A periodicity along the row and with 70-80 A distance between rows. An idealized working model for the incorporated state is presented.  相似文献   

Studies on voltage-gated K channels such as Shaker have shown that positive charges in the voltage-sensor (S4) can form salt bridges with negative charges in the surrounding transmembrane segments in a state-dependent manner, and different charge pairings can stabilize the channels in closed or open states. The goal of this study is to identify such charge interactions in the hERG channel. This knowledge can provide constraints on the spatial relationship among transmembrane segments in the channel’s voltage-sensing domain, which are necessary for modeling its structure. We first study the effects of reversing S4’s positive charges on channel activation. Reversing positive charges at the outer (K525D) and inner (K538D) ends of S4 markedly accelerates hERG activation, whereas reversing the 4 positive charges in between either has no effect or slows activation. We then use the ‘mutant cycle analysis’ to test whether D456 (outer end of S2) and D411 (inner end of S1) can pair with K525 and K538, respectively. Other positive charges predicted to be able, or unable, to interact with D456 or D411 are also included in the analysis. The results are consistent with predictions based on the distribution of these charged residues, and confirm that there is functional coupling between D456 and K525 and between D411 and K538.  相似文献   

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