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Adriamycin is an anthracycline anticancer drug used widely for solid tumors in spite of its adverse side effects. The solution structure of 2:1 adriamycin-d-(CGATCG)(2) complex has been studied by restrained molecular dynamics simulations. The restraint data set consists of several intramolecular and intermolecular nuclear Overhauser enhancement cross-peaks obtained from two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. The drug is found to intercalate between CG and GC base pairs at two d-CpG sites. The drug-DNA complex is stabilized via specific hydrogen bonding and van der Waal's interactions involving 4OCH(3), O5, 6OH, and NH(3)(+) moiety of daunosamine sugar, and rings A protons. The O-glycosidic bond C7-O7-C1'-C2' lies in the range 138 degrees -160 degrees during the course of simulations. The O6-H6...O5 hydrogen bond is stable while O11-H11...O12 hydrogen bond is not favored. The intercalating base pairs are buckled and minor groove is wider in the complex. The phosphate on one strand at intercalation site C1pG2 is in B(I) conformation and the phosphates directly lying on opposite strand is in B(II) conformation. The phosphorus on adjacent site G2pA3 is in B(II) conformation and hence a distinct pattern of B(I) and B(II) conformations is induced and stabilized. The role of various functional groups by which the molecular action is mediated has been discussed and correlated to the available biochemical evidence.  相似文献   

FhuD is a periplasmic binding protein (PBP) that, under iron-limiting conditions, transports various hydroxamate-type siderophores from the outer membrane receptor (FhuA) to the inner membrane ATP-binding cassette transporter (FhuBC). Unlike many other PBPs, FhuD possesses two independently folded domains that are connected by an α-helix rather than two or three central β-strands. Crystal structures of FhuD with and without bound gallichrome have provided some insight into the mechanism of siderophore binding as well as suggested a potential mechanism for FhuD binding to FhuB. Since the α-helix connecting the two domains imposes greater rigidity on the structure relative to the β-strands in other ‘classical’ PBPs, these structures reveal no large conformational change upon binding a hydroxamate-type siderophore. Therefore, it is difficult to explain how the inner membrane transporter FhuB can distinguish between ferrichrome-bound and ferrichrome-free FhuD. In the current study, we have employed a 30 ns molecular dynamics simulation of FhuD with its bound siderophore removed to explore the dynamic behavior of FhuD in the substrate-free state. The MD simulation suggests that FhuD is somewhat dynamic with a C-terminal domain closure of 6° upon release of its siderophore. This relatively large motion suggests differences that would allow FhuB to distinguish between ferrichrome-bound and ferrichrome-free FhuD.  相似文献   

We integrate molecular dynamics simulation methods with a newly developed supersecondary structure prediction method and compute the structure of a protein molecule, crambin. The computed structure is similar to the crystal structure with an rms error of 3.94 Å.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone receptors regulate important physiological functions such as reproduction, metabolism, immunity, and electrolyte balance. Mutations within steroid receptors result in endocrine disorders and can often drive cancer formation and progression. Despite the conserved three-dimensional structure shared among members of the steroid receptor family and their overlapping DNA binding preference, activation of individual steroid receptors drive unique effects on gene expression. Here, we present the first structure of the human mineralocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain, in complex with a canonical DNA response element. The overall structure is similar to the glucocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain, but small changes in the mode of DNA binding and lever arm conformation may begin to explain the differential effects on gene regulation by the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors. In addition, we explore the structural effects of mineralocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain mutations found in type I pseudohypoaldosteronism and multiple types of cancer.  相似文献   

一种水蛭素类融合蛋白与凝血酶作用的动力学模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过将凝血酶抑制剂水蛭素的C端20肽片段嫁接到血小板结合蛋白AnnexinⅤ上,可以期望获得既具有抗凝血活性,同时又具有导向性的新型工程蛋白质分子.利用计算机辅助分子设计手段模拟了该融合蛋白的分子结构,并对该融合蛋白对凝血酶的抑制作用进行了分子动力学模拟,得到了支持上述想法的结果.  相似文献   


We have performed an 4-ns MD simulation of calmodulin complexed with a target peptide in explicit water, under realistic conditions of constant temperature and pressure, in the presence of a physiological concentration of counterions and using Ewald summation to avoid truncation of long-range electrostatic forces. During the simulation the system tended to perform small fluctuations around a structure similar to, but somewhat looser than the starting crystal structure. The calmodulin-peptide complex was quite rigid and did not exhibit any large amplitude domain motions such as previously seen in apo- and calcium-bound calmodulin. We analyzed the calmodulin-peptide interactions by calculating buried surface areas, CHARMM interaction energies and continuum model interaction free energies. In the trajectory, the protein surface area buried by contact with the peptide is 1373 Å2, approximately evenly divided between the calmodulin N-terminal, C-terminal and central linker regions. A majority of this buried surface, 803 ·A2, comes from nonpolar residues, in contrast to the protein as a whole, for which the surface is made up of mostly polar and charged groups. Our continuum calculations indicate that the largest favorable contribution to pep- tide binding comes from burial of molecular surface upon complex formation. Electrostatic contributions are favorable but smaller in the trajectory structures, and actually unfavorable for binding in the crystal structure. Since nonpolar groups make up most of buried surface of the protein, our calculations suggest that the hydrophobic effect is the main driving force for binding the helical peptide to calmodulin, consistent with thermodynamic analysis of experimental data. Besides the burial of nonpolar surface area, secondary contributions to peptide binding come from burial of polar surface and electrostatic interactions. In the nonpolar interactions a crucial role is played by the nine methionines of calmodulin. In the electrostatic interactions the negatively charged protein residues and positively charged peptide residues play a dominant role.  相似文献   

Some probabilistic results on simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in DNA sequences are derived and used to quantify the nonrandomness of SSRs as an index of nonrandomness. The applicability of the index of nonrandomness is illustrated using several examples from the literature on selected human diseased genes.  相似文献   


The application of Molecular-Dynamics simulation in protein-crystallographic structure refinement has become common practice. In this paper, structure optimizations are described where the driving force is derived only from the crystallographic data and not from any physical potential energy function. Under this extreme condition ab initio structure refinement and the application of structure-factor time averaging was investigated using a small 9 atom test system. Success in ab initio refinement, where the starting atomic positions are randomly distributed, depends on the resolution of the crystallographic data used in the optimization. The presence of high resolution data introduces false minima in the X-ray energy profile, enhancing the search problem significantly. On the same system, we also tested the method of time-averaged crystallographically restrained Molecular Dynamics, again in the absence of a physical force field. In this method, the diffraction data is modelled by an ensemble of structures instead of one single structure. In comparison to conventional single-structure refinement, more reflections were required to determine a correct atomic distribution. A time-averaging simulation at 0.2 nm resolution (40 reflections) yielded an incorrect distribution, although a low R-factor was obtained. Simulations at 0.1 nm resolution (248 reflections) gave both low R-factors, 3 to 4%, and correct atomic distributions. The scale factor between the observed and time-averaged calculated structure factor amplitudes appeared to be unstable, when optimized during a time-averaging simulation. Tests of time-averaged restrained simulations with noise added to the observed structure-factor amplitudes, indicated that noise is modelled when no information in the form of constraints or restraints is available to distinguish it from real data.  相似文献   

We report Molecular Dynamics calculations of radial density profiles and self-diffusion coefficients of Lennard-Jones fluids in a cylindrical pore of radius 2σ, for a wide range of temperatures and densities. At n p σ3 = 0.825 the self-diffusion coefficient parallel to the pore walls D *. follows a monotonic (nearly linear) increase with kT/ε and is very similar to that of the bulk self-diffusion coefficient D b *. At n p σ3 = 0.4 and kT/ε ≤ 1.0 the curve of D * vs. kT/ε shows a distinct inflection in the region 0.7 ≤ kT/ε ≤ 0.9 and values of D * are much less than D b * decreasing to near solid state values at very low temperatures. At the highest temperature studied, kT/ε = 2.98, D * is almost inversely proportional to density and in a fairly close agreement with that of D b *. At KT/ε = 0.49, D * is much smaller than D b *. The motion of adsorbate particles normal to the walls is also discussed.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of [D -Pen2,D -Pen5] enkephalin (DPDPE), a highly potent δ-selective opioid agonist, was examined by means of NMR, molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics methods. The structural information in the solvent water was obtained employing one- and two-dimensional methods of 1H and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Based on the distance geometry technique using the ROE data as input, 400 conformers were obtained and considered in the structure analysis. Alternatively, about 2000 conformers were stochastically generated and related to the NMR data after energy minimization. The structure analysis provides one conformer in agreement with all NMR data, which belongs to the lowest energy conformation group. This structure may serve as a reference conformer for DPDPE analogues synthesized with the aim of activity increase.  相似文献   


The molecular simulation technique of stochastic dynamics (SD) is tested by application to the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CPA). Two stochastic dynamics simulations are performed, one (SDCCl4 ) with atomic friction coefficients proportional to the viscosity of the nonpolar solvent CCl4, and one (SDH2O) with atomic friction coefficients corresponding to an aqueous solution. The atomic friction coefficients are also taken proportional to an approximate expression for the atomic accessible surface area. The properties of both stochastic dynamics simulations are compared to those of two full molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of cyclosporin A, one in a box with 591 CCl4 molecules, and one in a box with 632 H2O molecules.

The properties of cyclosporin A as found in the molecular dynamics simulation in CCl4 are well reproduced by the SDCCl4 simulation. This indicates that the neglect of a mean force reresenting the average solvent effects on the solute is justified in the case of nonpolar solvents. For polar solvents, like water, this mean force may not be neglected. The SDH2O simulation of cyclosporin A clearly fails to reproduce the amount of hydrogen bonding found in the molecular dynamics stimulation of cyclosporin A in water.

A comparison with a molecular dynamics simulation of cyclosporin A in vacuo shows that both the SDCCl4 and the SDH2O simulation come closer to the properties of the molecular dynamics simulations in CCl4 and in H2O than a molecular dynamics simulation in vacuo.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic DNA replication protein Mcm10 associates with chromatin in early S-phase and is required for assembly and function of the replication fork protein machinery. Xenopus laevis (X) Mcm10 binds DNA via a highly conserved internal domain (ID) and a C-terminal domain (CTD) that is unique to higher eukaryotes. Although the structural basis of the interactions of the ID with DNA and polymerase α is known, little information is available for the CTD. We have identified the minimal DNA binding region of the XMcm10-CTD and determined its three-dimensional structure by solution NMR. The CTD contains a globular domain composed of two zinc binding motifs. NMR chemical shift perturbation and mutational analysis show that ssDNA binds only to the N-terminal (CCCH-type) zinc motif, whose structure is unique to Mcm10. The second (CCCC-type) zinc motif is not involved in DNA binding. However, it is structurally similar to the CCCC zinc ribbon in the N-terminal oligomerization domain of eukaryotic and archaeal MCM helicases. NMR analysis of a construct spanning both the ID and CTD reveals that the two DNA binding domains are structurally independent in solution, supporting a modular architecture for vertebrate Mcm10. Our results provide insight in the action of Mcm10 in the replisome and support a model in which it serves as a central scaffold through coupling of interactions with partner proteins and the DNA.  相似文献   

Although proteins are a fundamental unit in biology, the mechanism by which proteins fold into their native state is not well understood. In this work, we explore the assembly of secondary structure units via geometric constraint-based simulations and the effect of refinement of assembled structures using reservoir replica exchange molecular dynamics. Our approach uses two crucial features of these methods: i), geometric simulations speed up the search for nativelike topologies as there are no energy barriers to overcome; and ii), molecular dynamics identifies the low free energy structures and further refines these structures toward the actual native conformation. We use eight α-, β-, and α/β-proteins to test our method. The geometric simulations of our test set result in an average RMSD from native of 3.7 Å and this further reduces to 2.7 Å after refinement. We also explore the question of robustness of assembly for inaccurate (shifted and shortened) secondary structure. We find that the RMSD from native is highly dependent on the accuracy of secondary structure input, and even slightly shifting the location of secondary structure along the amino acid sequence can lead to a rapid decrease in RMSD to native due to incorrect packing.  相似文献   


The SL1 stem-loop located in the encapsidation domain is responsible for initiating the dimerisation of HIV-1 genomic RNA by means of a loop-loop interaction known as Kissing Complex (KC). The SL1 secondary structure has been predicted as a 35 nucleotides [K. G. Murti, M. Bondurant, and A. Tereba. J Virol 37, 411–419 (1981)] stem-loop composed of a 4 base pairs (bp) terminal duplex, a 4 nt asymmetrical internal loop, a 7 bp internal duplex, and a 9 nt apical loop. Several high resolution structures of the monomer and of KC of a 23 nt sequence containing only the internal duplex and the apical loop of SL1 are available in the literature. No experimental high resolution structure of the complete native SL1 sequence has been reported so far, either for the monomer or for KC. The asymmetrical internal loop has been described from NMR studies of different monomeric hairpin sequences, leading to divergent results, which suggests its high flexibility. In this work, we built a SL135 KC model which was submitted to a 31 ns molecular dynamics simulation (MD).

Our results allows to describe the internal dynamics of SL135 KC and the differences of behavior of the different parts of the dimer. Thus, we could show the stability of the interactions between the two apical loops and of the terminal duplexes, the destabilization of the internal duplexes and the high flexibility of the asymmetrical internal loops.  相似文献   


A new ab initio molecular dynamics method based on the full-potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave (LAPW) basis set has been implemented. The LAPW basis set has been successfully employed for systems containing localized electrons such as first row atoms and transition metals. In our implementation of the LAPW-MD scheme, iterative residual minimization algorithm is used to solve the electronic states problem. The atoms are moved according to forces derived from the Hellman–Feynman theorem and incomplete basis set correction terms. The performance of the program is further enhanced by parallelization. We will discuss technical details of the program implementation and present results obtained from this code to the equilibrium structures and vibrational properties of simple diatomic molecules.  相似文献   


The anomalous diffusion regime appearing in the self-diffusion of small molecules in bulk amorphous polymers has been extensively studied by molecular dynamics simulations. A rather long simulation of duration ~ 10 ?8 s is performed on a polyethylene-like simple polymer model containing either oxygen molecules or helium atoms as a diffusant. Dynamic properties evaluated for these diffusants are the mean-square displacement, the van Hove self correlation function, and the self part of the density autocorrelation. It is first confirmed that the anomalous diffusion regime appears in a few hundred picoseconds for oxygen molecule, while the Einstein relation adopted beyond this regime results in the self-diffusion coefficient of the order of ~ 10?5 cm2/s. This anomaly is still observed for helium that diffuses much faster than oxygen. In the anomalous diffusion regime, it is found that the correlation functions for the two diffusants show characteristic features and become essentially the same as time is scaled appropriately. These features allow the estimation of the two characteristic spatial scales which are probably dominated by the microstructure of the polymer matrix, namely, the cage size and the distance between adjacent cages. The time dependence of the mean-square displacements of the two diffusants can be well interpreted by these characteristic spatial scales as time is scaled with the self-diffusion coefficients. It is shown that the anomalous diffusion regime arises from the inhomogeneous microstructure of the polymer matrix.  相似文献   

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