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Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen commonly associated with hospital-acquired infections that are often resistant even to antibiotics. Heptosyltransferase (HEP) belongs to the family of glycosyltransferase-B (GT-B) and plays an important in the synthesis of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) essential for the formation of bacterial cell membrane. HEP-III participates in the transfer of heptose sugar to the outer surface of bacteria to synthesize LPS. LPS truncation increases the bacterial sensitivity to hydrophobic antibiotics and detergents, making the HEP as a novel drug target. In the present study, we report the 3D homology model of K. pneumoniae HEP-III and its structure validation. Active site was identified based on similarities with known structures using Dali server, and structure-based pharmacophore model was developed for the active site substrate ADP. The generated pharmacophore model was used as a 3D search query for virtual screening of the ASINEX database. The hit compounds were further filtered based on fit value, molecular docking, docking scores, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of HEP-III complexed with hit molecules, followed by binding free energy calculations using Molecular Mechanics-Poisson–Boltzmann Surface Area (MM-PBSA). The insights obtained in this work provide the rationale for design of novel inhibitors targeting K. pneumoniae HEP-III and the mechanistic aspects of their binding.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The mTOR (mammalian or mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin), a complex metabolic pathway that involves multiple steps and regulators, is a major human metabolic pathway responsible for cell growth control in response to multiple factors and that is dysregulated in various types of cancer. The classical inhibition of the mTOR pathway is performed by rapamycin and its analogs (rapalogs). Considering that rapamycin binds to an allosteric site and performs a crucial role in the inhibition of the mTOR complex without causing the deleterious side effects common to ATP-competitive inhibitors, we employ ligand-based drug design strategies, such as virtual screening methodology, computational determination of ADME/Tox properties of selected molecules, and molecular dynamics in order to select molecules with the potential to become non-ATP-competitive inhibitors of the mTOR enzymatic complex. Our findings suggest five novel potential mTOR inhibitors, with similar or better properties than the classic inhibitor complex, rapamycin.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have gained increased attention as targets for anticancer drug design and development. HDAC inhibitors have proven to be effective for reversing the malignant phenotype in HDAC-dependent cancer cases. However, lack of selectivity of the many HDAC inhibitors in clinical use and trials contributes to toxicities to healthy cells. It is believed that, the continued identification of isoform-selective inhibitors will eliminate these undesirable adverse effects – a task that remains a major challenge to HDAC inhibitor designs. Here, in an attempt to identify isoform-selective inhibitors, a large compound library containing 2,703,000 compounds retrieved from Otava database was screened against class I HDACs by exhaustive approach of structure-based virtual screening using rDOCK and Autodock Vina. A total of 41 compounds were found to show high-isoform selectivity and were further redocked into their respective targets using Autodock4. Thirty-six compounds showed remarkable isoform selectivity and passed drug-likeness and absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination and toxicity prediction tests using ADMET Predictor? and admetSAR. Furthermore, to study the stability of ligand binding modes, 10 ns-molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the free HDAC isoforms and their complexes with respective best-ranked ligands were performed using nanoscale MD software. The inhibitors remained bound to their respective targets over time of the simulation and the overall potential energy, root-mean-square deviation, root-mean-square fluctuation profiles suggested that the detected compounds may be potential isoform-selective HDAC inhibitors or serve as promising scaffolds for further optimization towards the design of selective inhibitors for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient method for synthesizing candidate histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors in 96-well plates, which are used directly in high-throughput screening. We selected building blocks having hydrazide, aldehyde and hydroxamic acid functionalities. The hydrazides were coupled with different aldehydes in DMSO. The resulting products have the previously identified ‘cap/linker/biasing element’ structure known to favor inhibition of HDACs. These compounds were assayed without further purification. HDAC8-selective inhibitors were discovered from this novel collection of compounds.  相似文献   

In order to identify potential natural inhibitors against the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP), HipHop models were generated using 20 known inhibitors from the Binding Database. Using evaluation indicators, the best hypothesis model, Hypo1, was selected and utilised to screen the Traditional Chinese Medicine Database, which resulted in a hit list of 58 drug-like compounds. A homology model of MTP was built by MODELLER and was minimised by CHARMm force field. It was then validated by Ramachandran plot and Verify-3D so as to obtain a stable structure, which was further used to refine the 58 hits using molecular docking studies. Then, five compounds with higher docking scores which satisfied the docking requirements were discovered. Among them, Ginkgetin and Dauricine were most likely to be candidates that exhibition inhibiting effect on MTP. The screening strategy in this study is relatively new to the discovery of MTP inhibitors in medicinal chemistry. Moreover, it is important to note that, lomitapide, an approved MTP inhibitor, fits well with Hypo1 as well as our homology model of MTP, which confirmed the rationality of our studies. The results indicated the applicability of molecular modeling for the discovery of potential natural MTP inhibitors from traditional Chinese herbs.  相似文献   

Compounds similar to lapatinib and gefitinib have been investigated as potential inhibitors of the intracellular receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) domain of the human epidermal receptor 2 (HER2), which is a promising molecular target to the drug design of new chemotherapies for breast, lung, ovarian and colorectal cancers. In this study, we have searched potential HER2 inhibitors used for treatment of other illnesses such as hepatitis, bacterial infections and sexual impotence screened in the DrugBank. The compounds selected were subjected to virtual screening docking in order to evaluate the main interactions between them and the RTK domain of HER2. The selected compounds were investigated by flexible docking, molecular dynamics studies and ΔG bind calculations. The results suggest that antrafenine, saprisartan, reserpine, irinotecan and udenafil are potential candidates to inhibit the RTK domain of HER2.  相似文献   


Pebrine is a microsporidian disease caused by Nosema bombycis in Bombyx mori (silk worm) which results in brown/black spots. The affected larvae either spin cocoons which are flimsy with low silk content or not spin a cocoon. It has been hypothesised that Serine Protease Inhibitor 106 (SPN106) is responsible for evasion of host immune system by inhibiting the melanization process in silkworms. Also, Spore Wall Protein 26 (SWP26) has been observed to bind with Ig- like protein Bombyx mori turtle-like protein (Bm-TLP) facilitating the attachment of the microsporidian to the host and contributing to infectivity. Till date, there is no crystal structure of the proteins SPN106, SWP26 and Bm-TLP available. In this study, we performed homology modeling of the three structures using Modeller v9.18 and the binding pockets were identified. Virtual screening was conducted using AutoDock Vina on a ligand library consisting of 28,870 lead-like molecules. The protein stability, compactness, fluctuations and protein-ligand interactions were investigated through Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations studies using Desmond Maestro 11.3 and a potential lead molecule was identified.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Sirtuins are NAD+-dependent lysine deacetylases member of the class III HDAC family. These are demonstrated to be therapeutic targets in parasitic diseases like schistosomiasis. Observations suggested that sirtuin enzyme is necessary for the functionality of fe/male reproductive system, due to which SmSirt2 is treated as a potential therapeutic target. There are no structural and molecular features of SmSirt2 have been reported yet. In this study, homology modeling has been used to determine the three-dimensional features of the SmSITRT2. Further, structure validation has been performed by energy minimization and Ramachandran plot. Validated structures are further subjected to molecular docking and virtual screening to find the best lead molecules for downstream analysis. Ten lead molecules were selected while comparing virtual screening of hSirt2 and SmSirt2 both. These leads are further compared with AKG2 which is known inhibitor of hSirt2 (?8.8 kcal/mol). Out of selected 10 leads, four of them (ZINC23995485 (?9.5 kcal/mol), ZINC53298162 (?9.4 kcal/mol), ZINC70927268 (?10.0 kcal/mol), ZINC89878705 (?11.2 kcal/mol)) have shown better interaction with SmSirt2, in which ZINC89878705 (?11.2 kcal/mol) shows a more compact packing as compared to AKG2 and rest of ligands. These molecules could be further subject to in vitro study and model of SmSirt2 has been proposed for further structure-based drug design projects concerning sirtuins from Schistosoma mansoni.  相似文献   

A tertiary structure model of the Abl-SH3 domain is predicted by using homology modeling techniques coupled to molecular dynamics simulations. Two template proteins were used, Fyn-SH3 and Spc-SH3. The refined model was extensively checked for errors using criteria based on stereochemistry, packing, solvation free-energy, accessible surface areas, and contact analyses. The different checking methods do not totally agree, as each one evaluates a different characteristic of protein structures. Several zones of the protein are more susceptible to incorporating errors. These include residues 13, 15, 35, 39, 45, 46, 50, and 60. An interesting finding is that the measurement of the Cα chirality correlated well with the rest of the criteria, suggesting that this parameter might be a good indicator of correct local conformation. Deviations of more than 4 degrees may be indicative of poor local structure. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several human diseases are associated with aberrant epigenetic pathways mediated by histone deacetylases (HDACs), especially HDAC6, a class IIb HDACs, which has emerged as an attractive target for neurodegenerative and autoimmune disease therapeutics. In a previous study, we developed the novel HDAC6-selective inhibitor 9a ((E)-N-hydroxy-4-(2-styrylthiazol-4-yl)butanamide) and showed that it has anti-sepsis activity in vivo. In this study, we conducted structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies to optimize the activity and selectivity of HDAC6, synthesizing its derivatives with various aliphatic linker sizes and cap structures. We identified 6u ((E)-N-hydroxy-3-(2-(4-fluorostyryl)thiazol-4-yl)propanamide), which has nanomolar inhibition activity and a 126-fold selectivity for HDAC6 over HDAC1. Through the docking analyses of 6u against HDAC subtypes, we revealed the importance of the optimal aliphatic linker size, as well as the electronic substituent effect and rigidity of the aryl cap group. Thus, we suggest a new rationale for the design of HDAC6-selective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are significant enzymes involved in tumor genesis and development. Herein, we report a series of novel N-hydroxyfurylacryl-amide-based HDAC inhibitors, which are marked by introducing branched hydrophobic groups as the capping group. The inhibitory activity of the synthesized compounds against HDACs and several tumor cell lines are firstly determined. Fifteen compounds with promising activities are selected for further evaluation of target selectivity profile against recombinant human HDAC1, HDAC4 and HDAC6. Compounds 10a, 10b, 10d and 16a exhibit outstanding selectivity against HDAC6. Analysis of HDAC4 X-ray structure and HDAC1, HDAC6 homology model indicates that these enzyme differ significantly in the rim near the surface of the active site. Although TSA has been known as a pan-HDAC inhibitor, it exhibits outstanding selectivity for HDAC6 over HDAC4. For further physicochemical properties study, six compounds are chosen for determination of their physicochemical properties including log D7.4 and aqueous solubility. The results suggest that compounds with a smaller framework and with hydrophilicgroups are likely to have better aqueous solubility.  相似文献   

[目的]研究米曲霉木糖醇脱氢酶基因的结构与功能.[方法]克隆测序来源于米曲霉的木糖醇脱氢酶(XDH)基因,利用Swiss-MODEL和Modeller对XDH进行三级结构模建,通过PROCHECK和Prosa2003对得到的4个目标模型进行评价,从中得到一个最佳模型.在同源建模的基础上,通过分子对接软件MolsoftICM-Pro,对辅因子进行对接,预测了XDH与NAD+、Zn2+作用的相关残基.寻找底物木糖醇与XDH结合的可能活性口袋,用Molsoft模拟XDH与木糖醇的对接,预测了酶与底物作用的关键氨基酸残基.[结果]结构分析显示,米曲霉XDH含有醇脱氢酶家族锌指纹结构和典型醇脱氢酶Rossmann折叠的辅酶结合域,属于Medium-chain脱氢酶(MDR)家族.通过对接研究,预测了XDH与NAD+之间形成氢键的氨基酸有Asp206、Arg211、Ser255、Ser301和Arg303,这些氨基酸位于结合域,与Zn2+形成氢键的氨基酸有His72和Glu73,位于催化域,与天然底物木糖醇形成氢键的氨基酸有Ile46、Ile349、Lys350和Thr351,位于催化域.[结论]所得信息对XDH分子定向改造、拓展米曲霉工业应用范围有重要意义.  相似文献   

Human serum paraoxonase1 (HuPON1) belongs to the family of A-esterases (EC. It is associated with HDL particle and prevents atherosclerosis by cleaving lipid hydroperoxides and other proatherogenic molecules of oxidized low density lipoproteins (LDL). Since the precise structure of HuPON1 is not yet available, the structure-function relationship between HuPON1 and activators/inhibitors is still unknown. Therefore, a theoretical model of HuPON1 was generated using homology modelling and precise molecular interactions of an activator aspirin and an inhibitor cefazolin with PON1 were studied using Autodock software. The ligand binding residues were found to be similar to the predicted active site residues. Both cefazolin and aspirin were found to dock in the vicinity of the predicted active sites of PON1; cefazolin bound at residues N166, S193 and Y71, while aspirin at residues N309, I310 and L311. Binding region in the PON1 by prediction (3D2GO server) and docking studies provide useful insight into mechanism of substrate and inhibitor binding to the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

With consumers growing increasingly aware of environmental issues, industries find enzymes as a reasonable alternative over physical conditions and chemical catalysts. Amylases are important hydrolase enzymes, which have been widely used in variety of industrial process such as pharmaceutical, food, and fermentation industries. Among amylases α-Amylase is in maximum demand due to its wide range of applications. The homology modeling study on Schwanniomyces occidentalis amylase (AMY1, UniProt identifier number: P19269) was performed by Modeller using Aspergillus oryzae (6TAA) as the template. The resulting structure was analyzed for validity and subjected to 14 ns of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation trough GROMACS. The validity of obtained model may represent that utilized OPLS force field is suitable for calcium-containing enzymes. DSSP secondary structure and contact map analysis represent the conservation of domain A TIM barrel feature together with calcium ion coordination sphere. Investigating the covariance matrix followed by principle component analyses for the first five eigenvectors of both trajectories indicate a little more flexibility for AMY1 structure. The electrostatic calculation for the final structures shows similar isoelectric point and superimposed buffering zone in the 5–8 pH range.  相似文献   

Claudin-4 (CLDN4) is a vital member of tight-junction proteins that is often overexpressed in cancer and other malignancies. The three-dimensional structure of human CLDN4 was constructed based on homology modeling approach. A total of 265 242 molecules from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) database has been utilized as a dataset for this study. In the present work, structure-based virtual screening is performed with the NCI database using Glide. By molecular docking, 10 candidate molecules with high scoring functions, which binds to the active site of CLDN4 were identified. Subsequently, molecular dynamics simulations of membrane protein were used for optimization of the top-three lead compounds (NCI110039, NCI344682, and NCI661251) with CLDN4 in a dynamic system. The lead molecule from NCI database NCI11039 (purpurogallin carboxylic acid) was synthesized and cytotoxic properties were evaluated with A549, MCF7 cell lines. Our docking and dynamics simulations predicted that ARG31, ASN142, ASP146, and ARG158 as critically important residues involved in the CLDN4 activity. Finally, three lead candidates from the NCI database were identified as potent CLDN4 inhibitors. Cytotoxicity assays had proved that purpurogallin carboxylic acid had an inhibitory effect towards breast (MCF7) and lung (A549) cancer cell lines. Computational insights and in vitro (cytotoxicity) studies reported in this study are expected to be helpful for the development of novel anticancer agents.  相似文献   


Streptococcal infections are common in human and antibiotics are frequently prescribed in clinical practice. However, infections caused by drug-resistant strains are particularly difficult to treat using common antibiotics. Hence, there is an urgent need for new antibiotics. Quorum sensing is a regulatory mechanism involving cell communication that is thought to play an important role in various bacterial infections, including those caused by Streptococcus. The ATP-binding cassette transporter ComA of Streptococcus is essential for quorum-sensing signal production. The inhibition of the ComA peptidase domain (ComA PEP) suppresses the quorum-sensing pathway and resulting changes in phenotype and/or behavior. Using virtual screening and molecular dynamics simulations, two promising candidate compounds, ZINC32918029 and ZINC6751571, were found. These compounds had similar binding modes and interactions to the experimentally determined reference inhibitor 6CH. However, a significantly stronger negative binding energy was achieved (?113.501?±?15.312?KJ/mol and ?103.153?±?11.912?KJ/mol for ZINC32918029 and ZINC6751571, respectively). Molecular dynamics simulations also revealed that ZINC32918029 and ZINC6751571 had a strong affinity for ComA PEP. These results indicate that ZINC32918029 and ZINC6751571 are promising candidate inhibitors of the Streptococcus quorum-sensing pathway.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) are a promising class of anticancer agents. To examine whether a slight change in the recognition domain could alter their inhibitory activity, we synthesized a series of cyclo(?l ‐Am7(S2Py)‐Aib‐l ‐Phe(n‐Me)‐d ‐Pro)derivatives and evaluated their HDAC inhibitory and anticancer activities. The peptides exhibited potent HDAC inhibitory activity and inhibited three human cancer cell lines with IC50 in the micromolar range. Docking and molecular dynamics simulation were conducted to explore the interaction mechanisms of class I and II HDACs with these inhibitors. It revealed that the zinc ion in the active site coordinated five atoms of HDACs and the sulfur atom of the inhibitor. The metal binding domains of these compounds interacted with HDAC2, and the surface recognition domains of these compounds interacted with HDAC4 through hydrogen bonding. The hydrophobic interactions also provided favorable contributions to stabilize the complexes. The results obtained from this study would be helpful for us to design some novel cyclic tetrapeptides that may act as potent HDACIs. Copyright © 2012 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phosphoglycerate mutase catalyzes the interconversion between 2-phosphoglycerate and 3-phosphoglycerate in the glycolytic and gluconeogenic pathways. They exist in two unrelated forms, that is either cofactor (2,3-diphosphoglycerate) dependent or cofactor-independent. These two enzymes have no similarity in amino acid sequence, tertiary structure, and in catalytic mechanism. Wuchereria bancrofti (WB) contains the cofactor-independent form, whereas other organisms can possess the dependent form or both. Since, independent phosphoglycerate mutase (iPGM) is an essential gene for the survival of nematodes, and it has no sequence or structural similarity to the cofactor-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase found in mammals, it represents an attractive drug target for the filarial nematodes. In this current study, a putative cofactor-iPGM gene was identified in the protein sequence of the WB. In the absence of crystal structure, a three-dimensional structure was determined using the homology modeling approximation, and the most stable protein conformation was identified through the molecular dynamics simulation studies, using GROMACS 4.5. Further, the functional or characteristic residues were identified through the sequence analysis, potential inhibitors were short-listed and validated, and potential inhibitors were ranked using the cheminformatics and molecular dynamics simulations studies, Prime MM-GBSA approach, respectively.  相似文献   

Literature shows that various molecular cascades are activated by stress, UV rays and pollutants leading to wrinkle formation of the skin. These cascades start from five types of receptors (EGFR, PDGFR, PAFR, IL1R, TNFRB) and terminate with the production of matrix metalloproteinase's, which degrades collagen leading to wrinkle formation. Signaling pathway leading to wrinkle formation showed that c-jun is involved in these cascades. Therefore, c-jun is the preferential choice for inhibition to reduce the intensity of collagen degradation. Hence, the 3D structure of c-jun was modeled using segment based homology modeling by MODELLER 9v5. Evaluation of the constructed model was done by PROCHECK, WHAT CHECK and through RMSD/RMSF calculations. Ligands for the inhibitory sites were designed using LIGANDSCOUT. The interaction study of ligand and receptor was performed by AUTODOCK. A library of analogues was constructed for three known inhibitory sites. The receptor-analogue study was performed using the software MOLEGRO Virtual Docker. The analogues constructed from the designed novel reference ligands showed good binding with the receptor binding sites. It should be noted that these predicted data should be validated using suitable assays for further consideration.  相似文献   

In this paper, former studies on the interactions of the natural substrate and potential inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum serine hydroxymethyltransferase (PfSHMT) were used to design five new potential selective inhibitors to this enzyme. Results of the docking energies calculations of these structures inside the active sites of PfSHMT and human SHMT were used to select a more suitable structure as a potential selective inhibitor to PfSHMT. Further molecular dynamics studies of this molecule and 5-formyl-6-hydrofolic acid (natural substrate) docked inside these enzymes' active sites revealed important features for additional refinements of this structure and also additional residues in the PfSHMT active site to be considered further for designing selective inhibitors.  相似文献   

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